why do athletes get paid so much

However, its also important for workers to stand out in a good way so they will be harder to replace. If a wealthy heiress spends her inheritance entirely on lavish evenings of debauchery, then a newspapers society columnist is perfectly entitled to bemoan that she is not putting her fortune to a better use. Citizen science can help. It is the preferences of consumers that drive the formation of prices all the way backwards along the production chain. The recognition that, in the market, the consumer is the ultimate boss does not rely on any idealized model of him as a perfectly rational, fully informed, utility-maximizing supercomputer, whose choices are beyond reproach and are incapable of being improved on through reasoned consideration. Theres often the cost of parking, youve got to buy popcorn or a hot dog (or at more modern stadiums, some fancy BBQ or a fusion short-rib taco). Only a fraction of what Cam Newton, quarterback of the Carolina Panthers, makes. Other than all being very popular, they are some of the most successful athletes that are currently active to this day. Athletes should get high salaries because they donate a lot of money to charity and hospitals, athletes work their entire lives to get into pro leagues and only some players get really high salaries., Pro athletes, entertainers we root for them, we love them. First and in economics lingo, from the demand side there are large numbers of fans in the country and world who like pro sports and are willing to pay to access it. The other thing fans do, and this is the catalyst for the second big force driving player salaries, is they watch their favorite team on television. Some people question if an athlete should get high salaries. Then, defensive players Aaron Donald and Khalil Mack signed new deals for six years and $134 million dollars and six years and $141 million dollars respectively. In my mind, absolutely not. Anytime in economics there is high demand and low supply, the price which here is the average players earnings is high. To understand me, you need to know I was born and raised in Cincinnati. However, asserting that in a free market the consumers are sovereign in no way implies that every decision they make about spending their money is perfect and immune to moral or prudential criticism. I study longevity. Reviews: 95% of readers found this page helpful, Address: Apt. Why Do Entertainers Make More Than Everyone Else? An advice column for people who live with people who live for sports. A very small percentage of athletes will ever be paid much to play, but those who are get a cut of the revenue their sport generates. But, to people that are born without any passion in sports; well being an athlete can be one of their most difficult tasks in their lives. Investguiding is a website that writes about many topics of interest to you, it's a blog that shares knowledge and insights useful to everyone in many fields. Do elite athletes really deserve their enormous income? Drip Network Price Prediction, will DRIPs price hit $185.87? Of course, producers must not ignore physical reality in their business decisions: it will clearly require far more time and energy to manufacture skillets from iron mined on Mars than from the same metal mined on earth. Taking that down one level, the owners of sports teams are willing to pay players as much as they do because owning a sports team is so lucrative. In any other job, if you don't perform to your expectations, you're fired. Witness the recent MLB trade deadline. And while it is not immoral if I buy apples for $10 a bag despite their being available for $5 just down the street, a friend may sensibly and helpfully point out that I am needlessly wasting my money. The first, and primary one is fans; people love watching and rooting for sports teams and they are willing to pay a lot of money to do it. Not to mention having as strict a diet they have on top of everything else. Americans enjoy watching sports so much that it has become a major entertainment business. Does a fielder get an error in baseball if nothing bad happens? Ive never understood why Celebrities and Athletes get paid so much more than anyone else. Still think, I am personally a collegiate athlete and knows what an athlete goes through. I certainly would not complain about such a shift in peoples priorities. 237 When a ballplayer lands an eye-popping contract, some fans and critics lament it with a question that's been asked for generations: Why are professional athletes paid so much? The Sixers guard sat before the media throng, trade rumors swirling around him, the background noise growing louder, as Philadelphia fans griped about another professional athlete who's paid millions and acts like a diva. They also get paid way more than surgeons, who save lives. Moreover, in my mind, if these athletes want to continue to be rewarded with the fame and fortune that is unfairly bestowed upon them, they must prove to the world that they are going to be positive role models for future athletes, and those who admire them. (Video) Should Athletes be Paid High Salaries. Similarly, the owners of baseball teams who receive municipal subsidies to build fancy, new stadiums can pay their players more than they could without that government largess. CNN Sometimes, it's tough for the average person to comprehend how much money some professional athletes make. That such efforts at persuasion will sometimes fail is an inescapable consequence of treating others as free agents rather than as ones vassals whose lives can be directed as one wills. In today's society, one should be paid according to the job's economic importance and their value to society. Why do athletes get paid so much? Sports involves at least two competitive opponents that compete against each other for entertainment purposes. Sports broadcasts on television are reliably the highest rated programs. NC State University Campus The average pay of a professional athlete is 4 million dollars. Raleigh, NC 27695-7601. Other countries do not pay their athletes nearly as much as America does. I think that footballers are paid too much and dont deserve it as there are other people in the world that have no money and are just ignored. This does not include the actual game day where they give it their all for everyone to see on national television. There are also orphanages who barely make enough money to keep the kids safe. Hence, there are two main reasons why pro sports players are paid so much. Las Vegas Raiders Do Professional Athletes Get Paid Too Much Money? It just doesnt make sense and most importantly it isnt, What would our lives be like if we got a trophies for doing what we are required to do? So, it is economy of scale. Taking that down one level, the owners of sports teams are willing to pay players as much as they do because owning a sports team is so lucrative. on LinkedIn. 1 overall pick in the '07 draft. Finally, what really puzzles me, is how athletes get upset when athletes say that millions of dollars won't be able to support him and his family, and that they need more. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. (Not just the four of them, of course, but them in concert with all other sports fans.). Tiger. A paradigmatic case is cigarettes: smokers are persuaded to buy them because tobacco companies have made them seem glamorous or sources of great pleasure, but in reality they ruin the health of smokers, who will come to regret their habit. Advertisement. He is on a six-year $68 million contract, with $31 million guaranteed. Cincinnati had the first professional baseball team in 1869, which means this year the Cincinnati Reds (originally Red Stockings) are celebrating their 150th birthday. But his voyage was the most important, The hero of the Anthropocene has 8 billion faces one of them is yours, Teen friendship has suffered a seismic shift over the past 20 years with depressing results, How language and social status change the developing brain. Professional athletesare making too much money in a society where salaries and wages are traditionally based on the value of one's work. By Christian Red. This should really matter to everyone in the U.S and around the world because the people who get millions of dollars only do. How is it that one man can make 14 million dollars simply putting a round ball through a hoop? Relative to the revenue they generate they're on average likely underpaid, if you can believe it. Athletes train every single day of their lives just to perform. Teaching is one of the most economically important occupations because our future economy relies on the education of its youth, yet teachers are paid astronomically less than the average professional athlete is. Apr 11, 2019 3 min read Are Professional Athletes Paid Too Much? However, unless consumers value Martian skillets more than the terrestrial variety, expending all that effort to procure otherworldly metal will not result in a higher price being paid for it. Has it ever bothered anyone else how much money these people make each year? What's not to love? New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Others disagree with this policy saying rewarding youth athletes like this can give off the wrong message. and our Media companies pay the leagues and teams billions of dollars for the rights to show the games on television and other video devices. While I am certainly interested in seeing the elite of college basketball play in March, another sport gets an equal amount if not more of my attention. Some dont even donate to people who have nothing at all. Dreams are often limited by this reality. (Rodriguez currently makes roughly $25 million per season.) Many of you may not like the conclusion Ive given but understand the explanation. Copyright 2007-2023 & BIG THINK, BIG THINK PLUS, SMARTER FASTER trademarks owned by Freethink Media, Inc. All rights reserved. Please do not edit the piece, ensure that you attribute the author and mention that this article was originally published on FEE.org, In the Market, the Consumer Is the Ultimate Boss. Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you. But I have to admit something. So yeah, athletes can have very high medical bills. Because fans support them. Professional athletes should not be paid the ridiculously high amount they are because of the way they tend to spend it, the money they can, Although most people think athletes should make as much money as they do, others think they shouldn't make so much. In order for these players to gain respect, they need to have a more significant impact on the community. The reason they are paid these amounts of money can be explained with simple economic principles such as supply and demand, and inflation through time. It is important to note than nothing argued here suggests that every salary we see today is the result of consumers voluntary choices. However, some may argue that while teachers only provide service to a single classroom, superstar athletes are entertaining fans all around the world, enticing people with a feeling of relaxation and excitement. My wifes puzzlement is partly stimulated from the fact she worked over thirty years as an elementary school teacher, where the paychecks are significantly lower. But are. These infamous players must grow up, and prove to America that they can be positive role models for kids on and off the field. For workers today, a foreign language skill or an ability to work with large data sets are skills which can provide this edge.. The money flows from consumers through their cable companies to sports leagues to team owners to players. You Decide: Are Professional Sports Players Overpaid? When asking people whether they think athletes are paid way too much money, most agree with me. Yes it may, but only for the individuals that are born skilled enough to a certain sports. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except for material where copyright is reserved by a party other than FEE. Olympic athletes do not get paid by just attending the Olympic Games. Play Why do footballers get . Show More. Gene Callahan Economics Free Market Sports Inequality I was sitting in a sports bar recently when the bartender and three of the patrons near me began discussing the salary of New York Yankee third-baseman Alex Rodriguez. We even allow many of these people to get away with things that many people with less money and fame wouldnt be able to get away with. For more information, please see our Their selfish and stupid they waste money on drugs and alcohol, stupid things that can kill them and make them lose everything. These people dont deserve this type of money because most of them are irresponsible and cocky. It is the very fans who often grumble about the ridiculous wages paid to top athletes who in effect set their salaries. Players shouldnt get paid millions of dollars like professional athletes, because why would players go on to try and play professionally. What puzzles me even more, is how after holding out for weeks, and sometimes months, the owners give in and pay them what they don't deserve. They may get leeway when it comes to their salaries, but the law should be overpowered by any amount of talent. And besides, if the owners can pay ballplayers that much, how much are they making? (His second defense of Rodriguezs income level is, of course, open to the objection that the owners are even more overpaid than are players.). In a world of splintered viewing, sports are seemingly the one force that can still bring a mass audience to the screen. Athletes get paid even when they don't do their jobs. Secondly everything in life should be earned, sometimes your best is not good enough, and that should drive you to want to do better. Furthermore, police officers, firefighters, and doctors save lives while risking their own for a fraction of what sports stars make. Entertainers and Athletes paid too much? But can all workers benefit by understanding why those big bucks are paid, and by applying that understanding to their own careers? Teaching is one of the most economically important occupations . They are all really strong, they get to play sports all the time and they get a lot of money. Tickets for a game, are just the start of the money spent on a day at the ballpark or field. In this grouping of athletes, one of them earns the most money, and is one of the highest paid athletes in the United States. Here are three major stories from this struggle. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. That sport is major league baseball because March means spring training. Why does the UK have 4 national football (soccer) teams? This is a big deal in the country, but especially so in North Carolina where we have so many great teams. Convert USD/RUB - Wise, [Investing for Beginners] Introduction to HK stocks Banks vs Securities Firms Fee Comparison, The Dangers of Nicotine Pouches - Renaissance Recovery, Do professional athletes get paid too much? Whats more, the costs producers face in their operations are not determined by nonhuman factors such as energy expenditures, chemical transformations, or the abundance or scarcity of various raw materials; rather they are the consequence of the producers evaluation of alternative ways in which they might earn their livings by meeting consumer demand.

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