stratham rec department

Forget the email address associated with your Click-it account? Last updated: Friday, March 31, 2023 See Account Related FAQ's below. All program registrations will be online only., Last updated: Monday, June 26, 2023 The Town of Strathmore strives to provide the community with a variety of outdoor facilities to meet every interest, sport and recreational need. It appears you are trying to access this site using an outdated browser. Presented By: Stratham Recreation Department, 10 Bunker Hill Avenue, Stratham, NH Race Questions Contact Lisa Rohr: Rohr.RunRaceSki@Gmail.Com SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 16th, 2013 9:00am START TIME 5K ~ Kids FUN RUN START 8:30am Walkers & Run/Jog Strollers are Welcome (for safety, please start at the back of the pack) Questions? Strathcona County's program registration system, Recreation Online(, replaced Click-it in 2020. Mountain bike camp is the place for you! If you aren't, call 780-467-2211 to have this adjusted. News; Programs. Recreation facilities, including wellness and aquatic centres. Step 5: To book additional family members, select the "continue shopping" button, and follow Steps 3 to 5. Online registrations must be done with a credit card. Flow Adventuresis owned and organized by Don Mills and Sean McGrimley, who are both local physical education teachers who have strong backgrounds in mountain biking. STRATHAM The Recreation Department offers many programs and classes this fall and winter: Stratham Soccer Association along with NH Soccer will hold a recreation level coaching course for. Strachan Campground. If you plan to register a family member or dependent, ensure that you are listed as the "Owner" of your Family/Group in Recreation Online. Do not use the browser back button to add items to your cart. Strathmore Civic Centre Town of Stratham 10 Bunker Hill Avenue, Stratham, NH 03885 (603) 772-4741Town Employee Information Website Disclaimer Government Websites by CivicPlus , Discretionary Easements & Conservation Easements, Notice of Land Use Board Fees under RSA 673:16, III, Request for Qualifications / Custom In-Cast Concrete Skatepark, Drinking Water Info for Private Well Owners, New Hampshire School Administrative Unit 16 (SAU 16), Park Areas, Facilities and Building Naming and Dedication Policy,, Motor Vehicle Fees for the purpose of Filing your Federal Taxes, Online Payments: Taxes, Motor Vehicles, Dogs, Animal Control Ordinance for Stratham Public Cemeteries, 2014 Community Revitalization Tax Relief Incentive RSA 79-E, 2014 Community Revitalization Tax Relief Incentive RSA 79E, NH RSA 53-E Aggregation of Electric Customers by Municipalities and Counties, Presentation on Community Power Part I 5/25/23, Presentation on Community Power Part I 6/22/23, Presentation on Community Power Part II 5/25/23, Presentation on Community Power Part II 6/22/23, Public Utilities Chapter Puc 2200 Municipal and County Aggregation Rules, Stratham Community Power Electric Aggregation Plan Draft 1.1 June 13 2023, Stratham Takes Steps Toward Community Power, Elizabeth Durfee Hengen Award by the NH Preservation Alliance, Properties listed on State and National Registers, Town of Stratham receives 2017 Preservation Achievement Award, Townwide Inventory of Historical Resources, History of Buildings, Institutions, and Places, Introduction to an Open Space Plan - YouTube Video, Pedestrian and Cyclist Advocacy Committee, Safe Routes to School Community Input Forum, Stratham Safe Routes to School Action Plan, Recreation Commission By-Laws, Adopted Dec. 2020, Recreation Commission Revolving Fund Policy, Route 33 Heritage District Advisory Committee, Information & Updates from the Town of Stratham about Covid-19, Public Hearing Notices & Special Meetings, Stratham Fire Department / Stratham Fair Trust Fund Information, Voting, Elections, Town Meeting Questions, Resource Page for Residents Seeking Information about Town Center DES Notification, Recreation Commission Minutes 6/13/23 DRAFT, Recreation Commission Minutes 3/21/23 DRAFT. . Do NOT include personal information. For help with accounts or password resets, phone any recreation facility or 780-467-2211. Call toll free: 310-0000. You can connect with an inmate at this centre through a videoconferencing visit. To have the Owner of your Family/Group changed or to edit a family member's information, call 780-467-2211 or any recreation facility. stratham rec. Permanent link to How do I set up my Recreation Online account if I have never registered before or did not have an active Click-it account? Installing a dugout, as well as paint and ground work, are also planned for this fall, as part of Timberland Earth Day Project. If you have registered for a program, owned a Millennium Card or have made a recreation facility booking since September 2018 and know the email address that was used, use Recreation Online to reset your password or phone any recreation facility to update your email address. The Town Clerk/Tax Collectors Office will be closed on Election Day. If so, register here and you'll receive our email blasts to include information about youth sports, youth programs, adult programs, yearly trips, community events and senior programs. For the second time, they are inviting the public to hear from state candidates, ask questions and become better informed before the elections on Nov. 4. Permanent link to Do I have a Recreation Online account? They organize programs to members in Strathmore to improve quality of life by empowering individuals to remain physically active and involved. After the June 1st date, NO REFUNDS will be issued. Contact us. Centre capacity: 1,952. If you have any questions regarding the camp, please reach out to Don Mills ( and Sean McGrimley ( Hickey said he hopes that a tax exempt status would make the Recreation Department more efficient financially, as well as ease the tax burden of fixing many areas in Stratham used by the public. We will be climbing and descending hillsand yes, the pump track! All riders must have their own working mountain bike, proper fitting helmet, water and any snack they may want during their session. Page 1 of 2 STRATHAM RECREATION DEPARTMENT ACCIDENT/INJURY REPORT FORM **Please be specific, write legibly and use the back of this form if you need additional space** You will receive an email with more details. Permanent link to Why are the age ranges different in the Recreation Guide and Recreation Online? *Camp is open to students who arecurrently enrolled in Kindergarten through 5th gradePLEASE REGISTER YOUR CHILD BASED ON GRADE IN FALL OF 2023! Each has had the opportunity to ride bikes around the US and abroad in places like Italy and New Zealand. Operations is responsible for the management of all outdoor facilities. The Strathmore Curling Rink is operated by the Strathmore Curling Club and houses 4 sheets of ice, viewing area, a licensed lounge, and is home to the Strathmore Elks Club. To activate, go to the Login page and select Reset my password. Pavilions are FULL DAY rentals; partial day rentals are not permitted. Information: (403) 845-8349 Rocky District Office., 2023Registration Fee is $145per camper per week, All the information you need for our summer camp at SMS can be found in the FAMILY HANDBOOK. Programs will run on Wednesday afternoons beginning on Jan. 4 through Feb. 8. Daily challenges will include amusement park rides, vehicles, animals, and much more! This camp is intended to prepare campers for the intermediate level camps and develop some of the basic skills necessary for riding more single track terrain. The age ranges published in the Recreation Guide and in the title of the courseare correct. "It all just disappeared," said Hickey, saying that the ice rink is now closed and waiting to be repaired. Little 76ers is a nature based camp with a focus on outdoor sensory and open ended nature based play!Our name pays tribute to an important local senior group "The 76ERS"Activities may includeNature based paintingBarefoot gamesFairy house makingBug collectingNatural instrument makingStory walkSnacksProgram will take place at the Stratham Municipal Building grounds as well as Smyk Park8:30-9:00= Check in and morning meeting9:00-10:00= Outdoor sensory play/nature walks10:00-10:30=Morning Snack10:30-11:00= Music/Story/Lesson11:00-12:00= Activity Time12:00-12:30= Free Play and Pickup. Coach Bus transportation is provided from CMS and EHS to and from Pats Peak. All 2 Adult 40 Summer Camps 5 Youth Sports Forms ; Facilities. Try resetting your password. "Checkout" when you are ready to pay for items in your shopping cart using your credit card. Inmates serving sentences longer than 2 years serve their sentences in Correctional Service of Canada facilities. All riders must be willing and capable to ride their bike for three hours. Learn how to be prepared in the event of an emergency. Hickey said he hopes a solid group forms in the next few weeks that would meet on a regular basis to discuss working toward the nonprofit status. Phone:-403-934-2996Email:strathmorecurls@gmail.comAddress:180 Brent Blvd. Phone:403-934-2676Address:85 Lakeside Boulevard. Click here to fill out an Application for Appointment. Does each person need an activity time slot (July 2020)? If you plan to bring your off-highway vehicle, please note that offloading or use within the campground is prohibited. At this time, you can not use a credit on your account or gift card to register online. As a result, parts of the site may not function properly for you. The Strathmore Family Centre the destination for ice sports in the winter including hockey, ringette, and figure skating. Geo: 53.646088, -113.538199. Are you interested in reserving a pavilion at Stratham Hill Park or renting a fat bike? desk. Tick "Family" and provide a description (like your last name) then select "Create". Working together to reduce false fire alarms, Commercial and industrial spill reporting, Criminal records, security clearance and fingerprinting, RV and trailer parking in Strathcona County, Creating a safe community for children and youth, Crime prevention through environmental design, Business opportunities with Strathcona County, Usernames created with your email address, Passwords that can be changed and updatedby you. Our facility safety and use guidelines page offers information on avoiding being a victim of theft, what to do in an emergencyand water quality / rink guidelines. All Players will receive a SYFFL Camp T shirt. Beginner:Beginner flow camps are designed for riders who have little or no single-track experience. Limited scholarship opportunities are available. POWERED BY Click here to fill out an Application for Appointment. Stratham Fire Department. Stratham Parks and Recreation is a proud supporter of #areuin? STRATHAM - The Wiggin Memorial Library will host candidates for the New Hampshire Senate and House of Representatives at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 29. If you experience technical issues. STRATHAM The Recreation Department's 2008 summer brochure is available at the Recreation Office. Upcoming Stratham Parks and Recreation Department activities. The area around Strachan Campground is popular for off-highway vehicles, and there are many trails and informal staging areas outside the campground. In-person visits are not possible at the Edmonton Remand Centre. Remember your username (email address) and password (created by you). Working together to reduce false fire alarms, Commercial and industrial spill reporting, Criminal records, security clearance and fingerprinting, RV and trailer parking in Strathcona County, Creating a safe community for children and youth, Crime prevention through environmental design, Business opportunities with Strathcona County. If this does not pertain to you, you will need to Create an Account. Permanent link to How do I reset my Recreation Online password? Town of Stratham 10 Bunker Hill Avenue, Stratham, NH 03885 (603) 772-4741Town Employee Information Website Disclaimer Government Websites by CivicPlus , Discretionary Easements & Conservation Easements, Notice of Land Use Board Fees under RSA 673:16, III, Request for Qualifications / Custom In-Cast Concrete Skatepark, Drinking Water Info for Private Well Owners, New Hampshire School Administrative Unit 16 (SAU 16), Park Areas, Facilities and Building Naming and Dedication Policy,, Motor Vehicle Fees for the purpose of Filing your Federal Taxes, Online Payments: Taxes, Motor Vehicles, Dogs, Animal Control Ordinance for Stratham Public Cemeteries, 2014 Community Revitalization Tax Relief Incentive RSA 79-E, 2014 Community Revitalization Tax Relief Incentive RSA 79E, NH RSA 53-E Aggregation of Electric Customers by Municipalities and Counties, Presentation on Community Power Part I 5/25/23, Presentation on Community Power Part I 6/22/23, Presentation on Community Power Part II 5/25/23, Presentation on Community Power Part II 6/22/23, Public Utilities Chapter Puc 2200 Municipal and County Aggregation Rules, Stratham Community Power Electric Aggregation Plan Draft 1.1 June 13 2023, Stratham Takes Steps Toward Community Power, Elizabeth Durfee Hengen Award by the NH Preservation Alliance, Properties listed on State and National Registers, Town of Stratham receives 2017 Preservation Achievement Award, Townwide Inventory of Historical Resources, History of Buildings, Institutions, and Places, Introduction to an Open Space Plan - YouTube Video, Pedestrian and Cyclist Advocacy Committee, Safe Routes to School Community Input Forum, Stratham Safe Routes to School Action Plan, Recreation Commission By-Laws, Adopted Dec. 2020, Recreation Commission Revolving Fund Policy, Route 33 Heritage District Advisory Committee, Information & Updates from the Town of Stratham about Covid-19, Public Hearing Notices & Special Meetings, Stratham Fire Department / Stratham Fair Trust Fund Information, Voting, Elections, Town Meeting Questions. Your California Privacy Rights / Privacy Policy. A registration kiosk is available at the Stratham Recreation Department (Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.) for those needing Internet access. In order to register your family members or dependents for programs, ensure that you are listed as the "Owner" of your Family/Group on your Recreation Online account. Step 4: From here, you can choose the desireddate and time. We recommend updating your browser to its most recent version at your earliest convenience. Looking to ride mountain bikes with friends this summer and learn some new skills on the trails?!? Let's find out! STRATHAM - The Town Clerk/Tax Collector's office will be closedThursday, Oct. 16 for the staff to attend the New Hampshire Town Clerks Conference. Call 780-467-2211 to change who is the Owner of your Family/Group, Registered in a recreation or culture program with Strathcona County after September 2018. Permanent link to How do I register my dependent into a program? All 4 Athletic Field 6 Bike Rental 1 Firehouse 2 Municipal Center 3 Pavilion 2 Public Park Calendar; Contact; Help; Log In; Welcome to . 10 Bunker Hill Avenue . All 2012 pricing and registration instructions are included in the 2012 packets. Second units, where permitted, are payable on-site by cash or cheque. The recently purchased ice re-surfacing unit for the Stratham Hill Park ice rink came through much community support. 780-464-8111 Careers. This means that they can confidently ride a bike and will be comfortable riding on a dirt road, through grassy fields and want to get better on the trails. Lethbridge, Alberta T1J 3Z3, Visiting hours: 4:45 pm to 6:30 pm (Wednesday); 12:30 pm to 2:15 pm (weekends and holidays), Visiting hours: 11 am to 4 pm (weekends and holidays), Mailing address Phone: 403-361-2121 Email: Address: 1150 Edgeview Rd NW. Your username is your email address and your password will be created by you. View a breakdown of the new pricing. Registration for the following camps via our partners websites, Discretionary Easements & Conservation Easements, Notice of Land Use Board Fees under RSA 673:16, III, Request for Qualifications / Custom In-Cast Concrete Skatepark, Drinking Water Info for Private Well Owners, New Hampshire School Administrative Unit 16 (SAU 16), Park Areas, Facilities and Building Naming and Dedication Policy,, Motor Vehicle Fees for the purpose of Filing your Federal Taxes, Online Payments: Taxes, Motor Vehicles, Dogs, Animal Control Ordinance for Stratham Public Cemeteries, 2014 Community Revitalization Tax Relief Incentive RSA 79-E, 2014 Community Revitalization Tax Relief Incentive RSA 79E, NH RSA 53-E Aggregation of Electric Customers by Municipalities and Counties, Presentation on Community Power Part I 5/25/23, Presentation on Community Power Part I 6/22/23, Presentation on Community Power Part II 5/25/23, Presentation on Community Power Part II 6/22/23, Public Utilities Chapter Puc 2200 Municipal and County Aggregation Rules, Stratham Community Power Electric Aggregation Plan Draft 1.1 June 13 2023, Stratham Takes Steps Toward Community Power, Elizabeth Durfee Hengen Award by the NH Preservation Alliance, Properties listed on State and National Registers, Town of Stratham receives 2017 Preservation Achievement Award, Townwide Inventory of Historical Resources, History of Buildings, Institutions, and Places, Introduction to an Open Space Plan - YouTube Video, Pedestrian and Cyclist Advocacy Committee, Safe Routes to School Community Input Forum, Stratham Safe Routes to School Action Plan, Recreation Commission By-Laws, Adopted Dec. 2020, Recreation Commission Revolving Fund Policy, Route 33 Heritage District Advisory Committee, Information & Updates from the Town of Stratham about Covid-19, Public Hearing Notices & Special Meetings, Stratham Fire Department / Stratham Fair Trust Fund Information, Voting, Elections, Town Meeting Questions.

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