If after answering these questions the situation looks bleak, just be a touch more careful with your initial ask. // dataLayer push to trigger the GA event These steps will aid you in presenting a more durable case for your flexibility ask. Evaluate the logistics of your office space to adapt to guidance from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for fostering social distancing and a healthy environment. Identify the teams and employees who have made the most use of flexible work. Your submission has been received! All Rights Reserved. if (results == null) Is it OK to ask about flexible hours in an interview? return ""; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// "I'm able to work better for my team, too, because I don't have to worry about adjusting to a new city or a long commute.". jQuery('button[name="submit"]').after(jQuery('Loading')); Aside from the obvious, what physical changes should I consider making to the worksite so it's as safe as possible? If the employer is still hesitant about giving you a hybrid/flexible schedule, offer to do an initial trial period. 28 February 2022. Considering switching to a job which is four days a week, or perhaps adopting the 4-day week for your company? I can request that Google delist the web addresses of the videos in its search results andthough the legal basis for any demand would be shakyhave my attorneys ask online platforms to take . Neither members nor non-members may reproduce such samples in any other way (e.g., to republish in a book or use for a commercial purpose) without SHRMs permission. best time to negotiate flexible work hours, agree that youd like to start in a regular office environment. utag.link({ jQuery('input[name="utmTerm"]').val(gup('utm_term').replace(/\+/g, ' ')); Talk about how you organized tasks and ensured deadlines were met. You may show your employer that you can successfully manage a flexible or hybrid work schedule if you give it your all and perform whats expected of you. When Jacquelynn Wolff received an offer for her dream job in March, her joy was quickly replaced by fear as her employer, a top consumer brand, asked her to relocate from Boston to New York hundreds of miles away from her family and friends. switch (confirmContactType) { Flexible Work Hours. these are all important points to bring up, in my experience, explains Wong. It might feel presumptuous, but thats important knowledge for the employer to have. A comprehensive guide, Breaking down barriers: flexible work doesnt equal less value. Asking about flexible work hours may seem like it could be better. It is within these conversations that you can bring up the feasibility and effectiveness of flexible work laying the groundwork to negotiate where and when you work. Oops! Always be honest about your availability. "Back up your accomplishments with data, so an employer can clearly see that you have a track record of being productive while working remotely," she said. . If a flexible work arrangement is one of those things on your nice to have eventually lists, it might be wise to consider a non-flexible work schedule when getting started. This option increases productivity, reduces absenteeism, and boosts job satisfaction. if (typeof utag != "undefined") { So be ready to weigh the pros and cons from multiple perspectives. 1) Understand your organizations policies (if they exist). Make sure that you repeat your points during discussions. If a hiring manager offers you the job, he added, it's a clear sign they really want you, so you should have better luck asking for what you want. If they had a few concerns, offer to try the arrangement on a trial basis with monthly performance reviews so you have a chance to prove that your productivity wont suffer as a result. For a variety of reasons, some employers arent willing or able to offer flexible work arrangements on a case-by-case basis. scrollTop: jQuery("#submitMessage").offset().top - (jQuery("#submitMessage").outerHeight() / 2) For instance, if the company is increasing its business, you must discuss adjusting to the new change. The days and hours available interview question is a way for employers to understand your work availability and schedule flexibility. Demonstrate how you set up meetings and facilitate communication among team members. This article is part of our Ask an Expert seriesa column dedicated to helping you tackle your biggest career concerns. As Louis E. Boone and David L. Kurtzfound out in their Contemporary Business 2010 update, Flexitime is an accommodation, not an entitlement.. What advice do you have for starting that conversation? 6. Another option is to rearrange workstations to further distance employees. Maximise the value of your new flexible employee by following these simple tips, extracted from Ten2Two client discussions and feedback: 1. Ultimately, your company's decision hinges on job duties, business needs and workplace culture. } CommunicationOptIn = 'candidate'; Knowing what you want out of your next career move is empowering. This way, you have concrete facts to support you in case you ever come up against a manager who has a less flexible approach to flexible working. If set flexible working hours are a must-have for you, make your case. jQuery('input[name="clientID"]').val('ID' + clientId); Describe a time where you showed flexibility. Provide an outline of your schedule for analyzing the plans success and propose a trial period. You got this! Nine out of ten millennials would like a flexible working week and almost four out of five remote workers with inflexible schedules want to quit! The answer is simple: provide proof. The strategies are varied 02:14 Companies want workers back in office. Tips for asking for a flexible work schedule, how to make a request, what to say, who to ask, and email examples to ask to work remotely. } else if (jQuery('#newsCandidate').is(':checked')) { I can even start tomorrow. For example, if the interviewer asks you what youre looking for going forward in this role, you can include flexible working in your answer. Come up with at least two other work schedules to submit to your company. If youre seeking flexibility, explain why and what you plan to do with the extra time. When you ask for it, show your employer that you are committed to the job. Anonymous. If there is improvement in your performance and your boss is satisfied, then approach him with the option. One way to avoid this is my approaching the conversation from a place of genuine curiosity using the following prompts: Can you tell me a bit about the company culture?, How are your teams structured and how frequently do they meet?, Work-life balance is something Im seeing in my career going forward, can you tell me a bit about how this company approaches that?, Related: 10 ways to impress a potential employer in less than five minutes. When you negotiate your tasks or role with your boss, think about thescopeof your tasks and responsibilities, as well as thelogisticsof how you will interact and coordinate with other members of your team, and how you and your teamsrole performance and objectiveswill bemonitored and evaluated. }; 16/01/2017 18:04. Turns out a lot of managers believe this too! Personal Sick Days. Beware the Morning Bias. if (validInput !== inputs.length) { Bendingis a negotiation strategy when you ask for flexibility as an exception to the rule. 'event_label': jQuery('#eventLabel').val(), You simply ask your manager. return unescape(results[1]); Would you rather avoid the traffic and travel during non-rush hours? 3 ways to detect if it is, during and after the interview, Sign up now: Get smarter about your money and career with our weekly newsletter, Get Make It newsletters delivered to your inbox, Learn more about the world of CNBC Make It, 2023 CNBC LLC. var CommunicationOptIn; Learn how to develop the optimal hybrid workplace strategy and find the right balance that puts your employees first. Before you even think about bringing up the topic during the hiring process, the first thing you will want to do is consider whether you even want a hybrid work schedule. "Say you had a great conversation with them and sum up the terms you agreed to in a few bullet points," he said. }; This way, you can learn the ropes of the position without committing to anything too permanent. url = window.location.href; Even after following these steps, sometimes a hard no is simply a hard no. It starts with understanding the challenges and opportunities. Diane adds to the balance of work and play at MindSpring. $("span.current-site").html("SHRM MENA "); If youve made it to the second or third interview round, and youre sure the company is open to flexible working, then now is the time to tailor your request and talk specifics. // Salary Guide form "thank you" pages The international search and rescue efforts kicked into high gear in the past few days. Expert tips and tricks for negotiating flexible working hours Asking For Flexible Working At Interview What is Flexible Working? Have a look at their website. Solutions to enhance workplace safety can range in scale from simple, practical adjustments to an elaborate redesign of the workplace. To save my time, I want to know if I can ask work hour questions during an interview so that I will know if I can accept the . Updated June 9, 2023 When interviewing for a job, it's important that you review the types of work schedules the employer offers. In the age of Covid-19, Lauren McGoodwin, the CEO and founder of Career Contessa,has often seen new hires get caught in a treacherous gray zone where a job ends up being completely different from what was discussed in an interview. It's smart to start the email on a positive note so as not to come off as too aggressive or trigger your future boss, Detert said. THE CERTIFICATION NAMES ARE THE TRADEMARKS OF THEIR RESPECTIVE OWNERS. Find your work-life balance with flexible hours! Were going to guess you stumbled across this blog for a few reasons. Similarly, maintaining adequate levels of hand soap and paper towels in break rooms and restrooms will help to prevent the spread of germs. It is important that organisations adapt to new ways of working to enable and support staff to work from home where necessary. The world has changed a lot in the past few years and you should find that most organisations are enjoying the benefits that hybrid work brings to employers as well as employees. window.location.href = confirmUrlCL; By focusing on the specific requirements of each role, you will present yourself in the best possible light. Ask after. "Get as detailed as you can get, write it all down after you agree on where and how you'll be working, and send it in an email to your manager asking them to confirm the terms," McGoodwin advised. Workers aren't so sure 03:42 People are. The flexible hours you get can give you time to devote to your child, and you could work when your child goes to bed. A less-than-ideal timetable may be the result if you dont take this precaution. When you negotiate flexibility, you need to also negotiate what work you will do, how your work fits into the bigger picture, and how it will be evaluated. Your company's employee assistance program may provide guidance on child care issues. // grab url params data: jQuery('#formBody').serialize(), 'tealium_event': jQuery('#eventTracker').val(), Alternately, you may set up your calendar such that you work four 10-hour days and get the fifth day free, in addition to the weekend. This helps them get a better idea of how you would integrate into the department's working schedule and if you can be relied upon for unexpected situations. Flexible working hours are becoming more common in the workplace. They are designing many plans to keep their employees motivated and retain their satisfaction level. For instance, you may inquire about working nine days (each day lasting nine hours) and get the tenth day off as a form of negotiated work-life balance. function subForm() { Need assistance with a specific HR issue? If youve established that the company offers flexible working, it is best to set your expectations before the employer extends an offer, says Robert Half recruiter Kelvin Wong. 'CommunicationOptIn': CommunicationOptIn, Moreover, 87% of respondents said they want the flexibility to continue some form of remote work. jQuery.ajax({ } else { You can explain your performance boost if you work in the morning or a peaceful environment. For all tasks that can be managed remotely, speak with your team members to identify what technology and tools will enable better remote collaboration. Help teams decide, plan, and share which locations they will work from each week, Have the best possible day in the office, choose your location based on who and what you want to work on, Hybrid working means different work happens in different places, simply plan your work by location, Manage whos attending the office and the amount of available space to maximise office space investment, Seamlessly integrate with your existing software, Provide visibility of whos planning to work where and on what topics giving purpose to attending the office, Help teams manage their hybrid workstyles with simple workflows to communicate where they plan to work, Enhance your flexible working by providing the solutions to help them manage their flexible work, Book space in the office as part of their hybrid work style plan whilst balancing office capacity across the week, Support your workforce to access flexible working by providing the solutions to help them manage their flexible work, Let people book space in the office as part of their hybrid workstyle plan whilst balancing office capacity across the week, Bonus Content: Our Hybrid Strategy Playbook. One is the flexible work plan. Once the first stage of the interview is over, the employer will usually ask you if you have any questions regarding the company or role. If youre working with a recruiter, ask them what they know of the company. For example, you might make a case to bundle certain tasks and deliverables in a way that allows you to complete them away from the office, or you might take up some new responsibilities and give away others to shape your role to suit your flexible work schedule. Before requesting a different schedule or location, it's important to understand your potential employer's views and policies on working from home. Speak with trusted mentors and other team members to understand how flexibility may be linked to other employment issues such as compensation and benefits, performance evaluation, promotion, training, issues with compliance, law, etc. Consider how workers utilize the workspace and the areas they frequent. }; Requesting special role privileges, including a remote work setup, right out of the gate can make you look selfish, said Jim Detert, a professor at the University of Virginia's Darden School of Business. Luckily, thanks to the shifting priorities of the workforce, flexible working is a must. Its a topic that needs preparation and planning if you want to negotiate the best terms for you. Jobless Claims Fall for First Time Since May. In this case, consider partnering with a quality recruiter to make the process a breeze. You dont have to share these during the interview, but its important to have your answers mapped out in your mind beforehand, so you know where youre willing to compromise (if needed). It depends a lot on the region you live in. And if you dont, our expert resume writers can always help spruce up your application so that the next time will be a success. If you are well prepared and understand how flexibility will impact your role productivity and that of your team, you are likely to succeed in these negotiations. var confirmContactType; Please note that all such forms and policies should be reviewed by your legal counsel for compliance with applicable law, and should be modified to suit your organizations culture, industry, and practices. Hiring managers ask about shift work during job interviews to gauge how open you are about working unconventional hours. Remember, the goal of this conversation is to find a flexible working schedule that is amenable to both you and your future employer. jQuery('input[name="utmCampaign"]').val(gup('utm_campaign').replace(/\+/g, ' ')); If you are applying for a large company, highlight how your previous experience has prepared you for the challenges associated with working in different departments. 'nonInteraction': jQuery('#nonInteraction').val(), During the interview, you just want to get a feel for their views on flexible working so you can see if youre a good fit for the company. This way you could leverage flexible working as part of your negotiations to get the best possible benefits! Finally, if you have experience managing others, talk about how you helped employees become more productive. Build specialized knowledge and expand your influence by earning a SHRM Specialty Credential. In fact, 20 percent of employers are planning to permanently adopt remote work for many of their employees. Divide the tasks into face to face and remote. Ask HR: How Can Job Seekers Get Ready for Fewer Job Openings? If youve already been offered the role, then obviously the company wants you, making it easier to get what you want when it comes to flexible working. You might think, Im fine with X, but not Y. If thats the case, consider how much flexibility youre willing to offer and whether or not youd rather see the company move away from that particular item. Read 2023 Robert Half All Rights Reserved. If you have been successful in completing projects on your own time, give examples that illustrate how well you completed each project. } // ajax request window.location.href = confirmUrl; Flexibility has become a key part of modern life. Learn how SHRM Certification can accelerate your career growth by earning a SHRM-CP or SHRM-SCP. }); jQuery('#formBody button[name="submit"].submit-btn:disabled').addClass("invisible-text"); In fact, according to a recent survey, nearly half (48%) of employers now offer some form of flexi-time. setTimeout(function () { And further, Slackers and clock-watchers wont benefit from the doubt. Flexible work schedules are not the norm. Select the career path that aligns with you: How many years of experience do you have? The bottom line: Don't hesitate to start this conversation around flexible work options. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// What you desire can help you choose what youre willing to give up and what youre not. } 'user_type': user_type, Make no mistake: Ensuring a safe workplace is a team effort, so continue to engage your workforce to find out how your modifications are performing. and 'How do you view hybrid work?' So, youre right in thinking that you will need to plan for this request to ensure that this new role fits your post-pandemic life. Please purchase a SHRM membership before saving bookmarks. A reader writes: . $('.container-footer').first().hide(); According to a recent survey by Morning Consult, 1-in-3 American workers would not want to work for an employer that requires them to work on site full-time. Send us your CV or search jobs. Managers would feel more comfortable if there was an option for ending the arrangement. Whatever you do, dont try to wing the conversation of flexible working. If the employer offers you the job, that's the time to negotiate flexibility, pay etc. Some people feel comfortable working in the morning, and many love to work late at night. Please explain why you think you are uniquely qualified for this position? Flexible working allows you to work on your schedule, divvying up your time as you see fit to best suit your productivity. These could include questions about company culture or work-life balance. var confirmUrlCL = jQuery('input[name="confirmUrlCL"]').val(); Review your firms current policies around flexible work arrangements. }, 500); Applying for a job can be stressful, making the interview process even more difficult. type: 'post', If, at any point, your employer and you arent seeing eye to eye on your flexible arrangement and compromising is not an option, be honest and communicate this during the interview process. by Alison Green on September 2, 2013. ", Check out: Does a job seem too good to be true? CommunicationOptIn = 'client'; When you're hiring for a flexible job, the same old interview questions just aren't enough. *Disclaimer: While written out for example purposes, this conversation is one you should always have in person. But how do you show employers that you are ready to work remotely? And how should you go about asking for it? They must show their commitment, dedication, and responsibility toward their work. You can also involve your co-workers in the proposal, hoping they can benefit from it.
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