GUITAR. We all have heard about Harry Houdini and his great magical escape feats but did you know he was an avid mythbuster and skeptic? It'sweird. Visit, C'mon, let's head down to the trivia vault filled with facts about security, protection, and secrets! 5 reasons why Jane de Leon is perfect for the role of Darna. ALSO: Bizarre headlines (TURTLE BURGER! Learn more about your ad choices. ALSO: Mr. 4x4? How can the most expensive dirt in the world be worth 9 BILLION dollars? Of course, Karen's got her baby edition of Nightmare Animals, and Dana has prepared her first ever themed Music Round! Learn more about your ad choices. ALSO: "Whose Ride is it Anyways" quiz, and "One Letter Off" word puzzle and new listener challenge. Our resident game designer Dana breaks it down for us and explains how to define and design "fun" and Karen's got an air travel challenge for all the avid and savvy fliersout there. And what actually makes instant noodles instant? Colin ponders about hummingbirds and what animal can actually poop out an avocado pit, and Dana gets our green juice flowing with a garden quiz. Remember Tickle Me Elmo, Razor scooters, and the Talk Boy? Visit, Replenish your smarts with some brainor-ade in this all-quiz show! Visit, TEN YEARS since our first episode! From a speedy blue hedgehog to a prospector named after a bread, we plunge into the wacky and ridiculous world of mascots. ALSO: Solution to our Music Puzzle Challenge ALSO: DO DOGS REALLY DREAM?, Puzzle Music Round YES - and what better way to come back than with a brand new episode turgid with brain-filling trivia that's all about you, the FANS! Can you recognize these literary works by their bonkers updated plot summaries? Chris, our cool but rude Raphael, throws abbreviation puzzles at us, and challenge us to an alliterative "Movie Moniker" game. Colin's got a green flag quiz, and find out which country's flag is the most nightmarish to reproduce. The words flashed in front of my eyes on my phone. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit, Oh boy. We get folked up by imbibing a lot of trivia nuggets about stories, rituals, and music passeddown from generation to generation! Visit, Prepare to get your funnybone/ulner nerve tickled! And excuse you, it wasn't Karen who fartlek a deuce in the 5-hole, it was somebody in her sports jargon quiz! "KETCHUP!" Gggrraahhh! Get buzzed with some liquid energy with Karen's weird Starbucks facts. Visit, Come one, come all! What movie was initially called $3000? Learn more about your ad choices. And we are darn sure there are people out there who share our unusual obsession. Get down with some of your GJB favorites: YA BURNT! Also: plant character quiz, "Whose Ride is it Anyways?," LSD baseball, and a special Encyclopedia Brown tribute. on fall. And where did the measurement of feet and miles come from? Visit, Doctor, these patients need 100CC of trivia STAT! Buy low and sell high in Colin's corporate partnership quiz with some mind-melting trivia behind famous companies. Chris drenches us withthe colorful and pungent origins of the fruitcake,who knew this poop-looking brick had such a wonderful stamp in history? Learn the right first aid steps of how to remove a bug stuck inside your ear. ANYWAYS.) When it's half time and your team is low on the scoreboard, then you know it's time for a good ol' motivational coach speech backed by some inspirational music; see if you can identify these iconic sport movies by their classic locker room speech. For advertising inquiries, please contact! Believe it or not, amazing facts about the king of amazing facts, Robert Ripley. And when life gives you toads, you make "toad sausages." We're celebrating this milestonebycelebratingYOU. Find out what thosecherries and BARs on slot machines really mean, and Dana's dips into a grab bag of trivia bites about this sparkly town. spy work Julia Child did for the US government, andtest your espionage movie and show IQ. And what is the most efficient remedy to cool of a scorched tongue? (Get it? ALSO: a quiz about the master of creep - Stephen King, and a sssssssssspecial dedication. Learn more about your ad choices. Celebrate April Fools' Day with us by learning some of the redonkulous triviabehind pranks and hoaxes. We're pumping the trivia jam this week with intriguing facts about volume and sound. Elliot schools us on how to best prepare, work, and earn your win. Learn another nightmare animal that practically boils up the competition. ALSO: US hiking facts, Tanked NONE MORE BLACK! And why do smells conjure up memories? Voices that shatter glass! We explore the history and validity behind classic and historical execution and torture methods: guillotine, iron maiden, Catherine wheel, walk the plank, and Chinese water torture. Do you know what *your* demonym is? Learn more about your ad choices. Good Job, Brain is part of theAirwave Mediapodcast network. Learn more about your ad choices. Are you a world traveller? Visit, We're making stops around the world in this episode dedicated to foreign countries! Learn more about your ad choices. Instead of onequiz sandwich, we're going triple-decker stylewith oodles of quizzes to jam into your earholes and straight up into your squishy brain. Here to celebrate, we're giving everyone a quick preview of our future Name That Tune segment on the show. Karen invites everyone to explore American regional dialects with a vocab test, and Chris came up with questions about strange airline facts while on an airplane. Colin dips into wordplay for his "Word in a Word" quiz. Colin tests us to see if we know our acronyms, and takes us hopping around the nation with a city name quiz. We trapped Laura E. Hall (author of Planning Your Escape, puzzle maker, and escape room designer) into a bonus interview with Chris! The term "Gatekeeper" refers to someone who has the ability to withhold access to something from other people. Or Not Lifetime Movie?" Visit, Watch out, brains because it's going to get dangerous up in here. When indie cool becomes popular: Colin surprises all of us with a quiz about the top grossing independent movies of all time, and we are still shocked. We try our luck in Who Wants to Be a Millionaire, and gush over other TV game shows. Learn more about your ad choices. Chris is back from the desert and has a first-hand report on the legendary video game mystery of the famed Atari digsite! Learn more about your ad choices. Also: a VERY special 80's version Pop Quiz, Hot Shot!, how to memorize the Bill of Rights, and we announce the winner of our Singing Robot naming contest. We're starting the celebration off with Colin's mystery themed music round, and jump into another mentally sweaty round of "Lifetime Movie? A real grab bag of quizzes this week: from the germiest places in your house to foreign currency. Learn more about your ad choices. So many quizzes in all shapes and sizes! Where does the word "honeymoon" come from? Asked March 25, 2017. Karen's riding along with Road Pig, visiting a few cartography mistakes. A podcast listener wrote an "Um, Actually" jingle for Good Job, Brain!. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit, Lets melt our brains with a trivia-filled celebration all about TV! And it's the return of "First in Line" where we try to identify movies solely by their first few words. Or ATLANTIC RIM? Learn more about your ad choices. Infiltrate and retrieve the precious cargo in Chris' hidden word quiz, and we live in a mad, mad world of Spy vs. Spy - so are you on team White Spy or Black Spy? A memorable scream, and more! Find out about the weird origin of FedEx (hint: it involved some Las Vegas craziness). Learn more about your ad choices. ABC has decided not to renew According to Jim for a ninth season, and the series has been on the bubble for two years. A bit of etymology from "The Long and Short of It" aka Colin's clipped word quiz. Be theatrical! Learn more about your ad choices. Find out how Hugh Jackman is (kind of) connected to the US postal rules regarding mailing live scorpions. Visit, We dish about classic fairytales along with their more scandalous and gruesome folklore origins. and those who miss E.L.V.I.S.' Visit, Fun-Size Mini Show: Music Location Puzzle, What did the fast tomato say to the slow tomato? Learn more about your ad choices. ( Michael Woods ) Dana Altman walks away from then-University of Arkansas Chancellor John White following a news conference Wednesday, April 3, 2007, in Fayetteville. Learn more about your ad choices. Learn more about your ad choices. Learn what it was really like for family households back in the history times (hint: VERY AWKWARD), TV family sitcoms, animal family names, and a very familial Music Round. Find out how and why these magic phrases came to be. Good Job, Brain is part of theAirwave Mediapodcast network. Dana finds out what exactly is photographic memory and now we all want to be memory athletes for the Olympics of memorization. Visit, It's elementary, my dear Watson! Chris has our eyes peeled looking for license plate facts, and Karen treks through some rocky road in a pop culture lightning round. Dana treats us to some dangerously tasting traditional candy from Sweden while we try to guess the flavor. ALSO: Tech company animal mascot quiz, "UmActually" ), and the prowess of the Easter hare. Of course, a pretty intense Harry Potter food quiz (along with a "Fake? Our favorite unsuccessful marketing campaigns, advertisement urban legends, ridiculous informercials, company mascot/spokesperson quiz, our own shameless plugs, the ultra-useful mnemonic for identifying the Rice Krispies Elves, and the mysterious anatomy of the Starbucks lady creature. Sharing our own stories and tips from our own pub quiz experience, and lamenting our topic weaknesses. Let's soar all over the world in Karen's memorial monument quiz. ALSO: the "fastest" train, PRESENTS!, featured listener websites And strap on your seat belts because we debut a new music segment, "SLOW DOWN, LADY!" Chris had colors on his mind, and also a very intriguing (and maybe infuriating?) We get a visit from our favorite bardy bard and the funky bunch, William Fakespeare. Learn more about your ad choices. Take a twisty cruise with Karen, and meet the master squisher of the household, Victor Mills. It's the ultima Visit, Tsk tsk tsk. ALSO: GJB listener John wrote us an "Um, Actually" theme song! Visit, Two episodes in one week? For advertising inquiries, please contact! Learn more about your ad choices. Learn more about your ad choices. Speaking of bone games, check out Colin's game, Bare Bones! Learn more about your ad choices. ALSO: UK's most upbeat song, Bugs Bunny's accessories Visit, The library is open for an epic mega-nerd sesh as we jam out to trivia and quizzes about books. Visit, Hope you have a lot of toast handy because it's a jam-packed episode! Answered 24 March 2017 - Product Assembler (Former employee) - Oakville, ON. And every tried an Escape Room - we give you our best tips. And where did the phrase "freshman fifteen" come from? Visit, Come one, come all! Do you listen to the show in the car? Visit, Just a few months shy from the scent of sunblock and chlorine, the taste of pink lemonade, the sound of radio jams, and the spectacle of the blockbuster. [3] It was named one of The Guardian's "Top 10 US podcasts for road trip listening" in 2013. Visit, Get hype for type and go gooey for Dewey because this week, it's all about books, writing, and reading! Visit, Chris discovers the magical and mystical properties of the number nine, and Karen finds mathematical shapes in videogames, snacks, and Las Vegas. Visit, We're a lot giddier than usual this week as we explore the trivia of things on the side. And if you're not a caffeine person, Karen can pour you a glass of a-peeling facts about how the once ignored orange ended up on your breakfast table. Douse yourself in eccentric facts about liquor, spirits, and libations. A whole episode abouttrivia and sizzling facts about shopping?! What's your internal age? And of course, we got a themed music round for all our pop culture buffs. Fun-Size Mini Show: Music Puzzle Challenge! ), the trivia-heavy story of Fleetwood Mac, and "Painter? And congrats to Chris and Regina, may their life together be prosperous and brainy! We're celebrating heroes that comes in all shapes and sizes: from the underdogs of the fast food world to life-changing inventors. 2 yellow pencil (WHY IS IT NUMBER TWO? Learn more about your ad choices. Find out why the next time you drink wine,you should really make a toast to Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde creator, Robert Louis Stevenson. Tyler blows our minds with CRYPTIC crosswords. podcast, contributing editor for WIRED, collects videogames and is the author of Power-Up: How Japanese Video Games Gave the World an Extra Life. For advertising inquiries, please contact! BOYS. Crunchy facts about crime-solving bugs, deceptively cute snails, and the guinea worm. Chris belly flops into failed rock albums, and Karen's got an easy music round but witha very difficult theme. Visit, Alright you Quiztina Aguileras and Equizabeth Taylors, it's time for another all quiz episode! Colin finds out what exactly did occur and spur, sir, during that fateful duel between Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr. And music round is back with some light rock. Also: horror bird statue, and the thrilling conclusion to our puzzle adventure with Carmin San Mateo. We share asmattering of banned baby names we found from around the world. And let's tour the animal kingdom for some unusual and surprising(ly dark) animal pairings. A bit of Disney from Chris who tests our live action Disney film knowledge spanning over 50 years. We dig deep into the marvel and the twists behind the birth of NYC subway, we find out what's exactly underneath Disney World, and what's up with these weirdo mysterious gobin caves in Bavaria. ALSO: Carmin San Mateo, Lobetrotter A listener mailbag featuring a real xenograft encounter, and take our music quiz listener challenge! Answer: Gatekeeper. Visit, Chris said it best: nothing that man can think up in science-fiction stories is crazier, creepier, and more disgusting than nature. Take our quiz about the magical products all around us. For advertising inquiries, please contact! Find out what's fact and what's fiction behind common medical procedures shown in TV and movies. Visit Test your bone superlatives knowledge, and learn some saucy facts about the most famous "pizza bone." YES. Visit, An all-quiz episode! Also: Clam the clam. Make trivia a part of your complete breakfast! We buzz aboutthe Lincoln shopping secret, 99-cent pricing, how supermarkets trick you into buying more, and where did thoseWACKY WAVING INFLATABLE ARM FLAILING TUBE MAN things you see infront of retail lots come from?! Good Job, Brain is part of theAirwave Mediapodcast network. DUH. And Chris gives us the ultimate Kid's Movies quiz with a surprising twist. Be positive! Let it shine, let it shine, let it destroy? (Turns out it's both when it comes to Scandinavian candy.) Dana is a very attractive woman who struggles . Learn more about your ad choices. And we all know that the butler did it, but who was the first butler to actually do it? Good Job, Brain is part of theAirwave Mediapodcast network. Learn more about your ad choices. Learn more about your ad choices. We need 100cc of trivia facts STAT!!! Learn more about your ad choices. We finally learn why football is called "soccer," the hotly contested origin of tennis, and what sport is awesomely known as "flutterguts." Chris tells us how to prevent a computer crash, and American hustle of the humble bubble wrap. The candyman sure can in Chris' "It's Kinda Sweet" weird candy trivia tribute, dedicated to Dana! How do we even begin to describe this episode? Visit, We want you to share your brilliant ideas and creations with the GJB universe! We got a double dose of TV quizzes involving beloved shows that started out as midseason replacements, and shows that famously recasted actors. ALSO: The Oscars thank-you ticker Also: movie body count trivia Learn more about your ad choices. Mother Nature is a very odd gal. Or Cheese?" Join in on our elephant parade of pachyderm myths and the story behind Jumbo. Learn more about your ad choices. And are Grandma's Hummel figurines really worth something? Learn more about your ad choices. Find out all the "tricks" to fire-walking, and don't forget to get some delicious hot anagrams. Learn more about your ad choices. This week we found weird trivia stories about our weirdest and most mysterious thinkin' organ. about famous (and possibly purloined) prized possessions. And Karen's writing gift tags in "From Country with Love," a quiz about country-to-country gifting traditions. Countefeits! The Good Job, Brain! Find out in this big advertising episode! We're actually in Las Vegas this week - so be prepared for a jackpot of shiny facts about gambling, hotels, games, Hoover Dam, and more. Did you know many teen movies out there are actually based on classic literature? Visit, What kind of quirky quaint quizzical quandaries do we have in store for you this week? Well, unlessyou're a nocturnal mole-person. We celebrate trivia and facts about collecting and collectors: our resident Star Wars droid afficionado Colin quizzes us on eBay abbreviations, and our resident video game hoarder Chris regales us with the mysterious tale of Atari's real-life treasureof gold and jewels. Some of the outrageously funny things that the Disneyland custodial crew has ever seen. Good Job, Brain! Learn more about your ad choices. Learn more about your ad choices. Then come on down for a round of "Last in Line!" And Chris noticed a very common trend with the Grammy's and he even hands out an award in his posthumous Grammy's quiz. : Trivia, Quizzes and More Fun From the Popular Pub Quiz Podcast. And what makes a movie a "blockbuster"? Colin shares a harrowing tale about the manhole cover that might have flown into outer space. Visit, We can have a whole debate about the most disliked Halloween candy, but Chris goes the extra mile of hate-researching his sugar nemesis: Necco Wafers. That Sounds Familiar!" while Chris makes us throw the gauntlet down in a first-ever GJBhead-to-head challenge between SPORTS and DISNEY. For advertising inquiries, please contact! "Um, Actually" Listener-submitted corrections of facts from previous episodes. And Chris explains how and just why the English breakfast ties into our marine-relatedtopic. Get your cheese hat ready for Colin's sports fandom quiz, and things get real with a GJB fan favorite topic: the octopus. Learn more about your ad choices. (Please share your crappy childhood costumes in the comments on our site.) Ok.) Hear Dana ROAR about the legendary "Big 5." Most trivia nuts can name the number one tallest building or number one nation with the most Olympic medals but who's sitting at number two? And boy, really test your musician ID skills because themed music round is back, now with 100% more green felt! See if you can name the baby versions of top cartoon shows, and how many movies about shrinking people can you think of? This week we celebrate the old, out-dated, and obsolete things in the past. Get inside Colin's head and see if you can identify some of his favorite instrumental TV theme songs. Visit, Grab something to drink because this trivia snack mix is making me thirsty! Maybe go on a stress-reducing camping expedition where you can sleep AND poop under the stars. Bonus Episode: Escape Rooms with Laura E. Hall! It's a milestone for us, so why not celebrate the famous achievements of others in Karen's award speeches quiz? Karen dives into shopping trends and has a quiz about top selling items. Find out how frozen orange juicemade a huge (and controversial) splash with a Disney character, and how Montreal broke ground in mascot history. And a bit of gawker pop culture from Dana who finds out which one of us is a reality show expert. Learn more about your ad choices. After 150 episodes, we're revisiting our topic from episode one! Learn more about your ad choices. And of course, we made sure that our non-attendee friends and listeners can get in on the action, sowe're releasing half of our live show as this week's episode. Learn more about your ad choices. We dive into famous everyday items that were developed for the military, and how pigeons used to reign the battle-strewn skies. ALSO: Oldest dogs Learn more about your ad choices. We celebrate our half-birthday milestone by talking about our favorite world landmarks: Eiffel Tower, Great Wall of China, Giza Pyramids, and Chris reveals his Statue of Liberty obsession. Folk mnemonics, the origin of the Swiss Army Knife, and the very dramatic and weird life of a deer tick. We explore the world of manners and etiquette this week. ALSO: fantastic old-timey words, "First in Line" quiz. Hall! Good Job, Brain! Let us rock your socks off with trivia and tales about our glorious feet: what does the "pink" in "pinky toe" mean? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit, We want your brainsto be smarter and stronger! And Colin introduces us to the most amazingly irrational hobby as we record on Pi Day. Ever had a pet goldfish? OF. Visit, ALRIGHT ALRIGHT I'LL TALK! Find out the real way todeal with animal encounters. Altman quit as the head. Or Lasers?" Good Job, Brain is part of theAirwave Mediapodcast network. Dana tries to stump us with Snapple lid factoids, and Chris hosts the game "Coke or Pepsi?" ALSO: "What's in a Name?" Nappy? Who's Ben Cooper and why should you thank him for your crappy childhood costume? Learn more about your ad choices. Learn more about your ad choices. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit, Colin tests us on big-time embarrassing goofs in the world of music, politics, and sports! Visit, BRR! So naturally, it's a nutty grab bag of some jaw-dropping trivia. From cucumber facials to nightcaps, wind down the night with Karen's personal rituals quiz. And Dana schools us on her favorite thing: wordplay. Expectations are high for actresses taking on the role of Darna. Play "People, Place, or Thing?" Munch on these trivia treats: Tim Burton quiz, eye-opening statistics on the most popular costumes throughout the year, what might actually happen in case of a zombie attack, and the origin and history of the quintessential "spooky" sounds. Use code GJB for $15 off weekend pass. Play games with all of us and with the community online? Visit, We did The Man Show, and it's the girls' turn this time! Chris confesses his love for his girlfriend, Judge Judy, and shares the story of how she became TV's highest paid star, and how exactly do courtroom shows work. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit, Our most sensational, inspirational, celebrational, Muppetational all-quiz show! Visit, Yeeeaaaahhhhh! Let's all celebrate the number 10. Did you know before Super Mario and Zelda, Nintendo had a Vegas connection? Visit, Hey Smart Cookies - LET'S GET READY TO CCRRUUMMMBLLLEEEE. Goof-BALL? Visit, Cha-ching! Colin schools EVERYONE on a misused vocabulary quiz, and Chris shares how we've been doing things wrong in the kitchen. ALSO: Handsome Dan, Red Rover sucks For advertising inquiries, please contact! ALSO ALSO: There's a hidden bird in this episode description :) And E.L.V.I.S. It's a minisode this week and boy, do we have a challenge for your ear holes! We gab about juicy trivia and silly histories behind some of our favorite and least favorite parts of the morning ritual: Saturday morning cartoons, extremely hyper morning drink quiz, the dreaded hangover, the morning commute, the worst/best invention of the world - the snooze button, and play a round of "ENERGY DRINK?Or SHOW ON THE DISCOVERY CHANNEL?" Snack cracker tubes filled with semi slimy pizza-flavored cheese? Colin regales us with the history behind iconic novelty gags like the Whoopee Cushion, Joy Buzzer, and the Snake Nut Can. Visit, Gold underwear, chopsticks, and rabbit's foot. Karen gives the gang some financial know-how with a punny stock symbol quiz. And Karen prepared an international music round, and a wacky celebrity inventor quiz. ALSO: Marvel challenge quiz, walls that repel urine We dive into the crayon box and explore some of the more quizzical Crayola color names. Visit, Can you believe were hitting our 50th All Quiz episode?! 5 answers. We're prescribing some extra-strength weird facts this episode so make sure to relax and breathe normally. Mind-blowing facts about transportation. Learn more about your ad choices. But let's rotate that frown 180 degrees, and let's have one last brainy blast. Dana's got a quiz onUS presidents and their personal quirks have dottedthe history of the White House with bunch of weird bans. Because Dana has a whole quiz on THAT. We here are nuts about trivia and pub quiz! BATMAN! Ever heard of TRANSMORPHERS? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit, Orange you glad we're back for more in 2014? These important life questions are answered in Dana's HOW MANY challenge that will stump most. And we have announcements and exciting news galore. Visit, Lace up your shoes and strap on that shiny leotard because it's time to sweat. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit, Ah, the outdoors! Visit, We crack open the trivia-filled world of EGGS! Trivia! Visit, Bada bing! We celebrate the things that come in smaller packages around us. Learn more about your ad choices. Sprint across the finish line with Colin's music segment "Cut to the Chase!" Learn more about your ad choices. The show went on hiatus in 2018 and returned on April 26, 2021, for a 10 episode Season 2. Sunscreen for one arm? Do . In order to rise, you must fall first, and Karen's got a quiz all about famous (and cringe-worthy) rejection letters. Still there unfortunately. Then see how high you can score on Dana's Mother Goose challenge. Learn more about your ad choices. Learn more about your ad choices. ALSO: International House of Pancakes quiz. You want animals? And find out how a company took 40 years to finally become an overnight success, blessing all of us with fruity burps. Put your paws up for some barking mad trivia about our furry companions: the amazing death-defying righting reflex of cats and "high-rise syndrome," we sift through the colorful history of cat litter, the many faces of Cerberus, and a purr-fect quiz. Visit, Quizzes and trivia about banned and prohibited things in the US and around the world! all in one end-of-year episode. ALSO: Aussies rule! Learn more about your ad choices. The weird world of rabbit runners who get paid to run fast, and drop out of a race. Movie buffs rejoice in Colin's film pairs quiz, and who is Philip and why are people putting pants on him? Learn more about your ad choices. Answered December 9, 2017 - Quality Coordinator (Former Employee) - Hopkinsville, KY. Uncover facts behind the fictional golden city of El Dorado, the secrets behind Al Capone's "hotel," the real inspiration behind pirate treasure maps, and what would YOUput in a time capsule representing 2014?
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