If you are down with something it means that you have knowledge of something or are in agreement with it. *such asPlucked Alive: the Torture Behind Down and Goose Down Practices Called Animal Cruelty CBS5 (There are a number of other videos out there as well. CFDIA China Feather and Down Information [ Letter to the Distributors in Down Industry] April 27th 2013 (http://www.cfd.com.cn/en/Information/2013/0428/article_18.html) European Down & Feather Association (http://www.edfa.eu/gb/) This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The information collected helps guide future research and treatment. The body feathers can then be plucked (often by hand), after which the down is removed by hand or machine. Construction of two uncountable sequences which are "interleaved", Is there and science or consensus or theory about whether a black or a white visor is better for cycling? This prevalence is largely thanks to the ease of construction and cheap cost to produce. Geese are bigger birds so produce larger down plumes and only the largest down plumes can achieve such a high fill power rating. We're really optimistic about what's to come OSPF Advertise only loopback not transit VLAN. @WS2 That is the standard expression in AmE. The PETA employee said the activist group traveled to China hoping to learn that live-plucking was being phased out, but instead it found the practice is "still something openly done. What does this mean for the future of women's pro hockey? This method is effective but adds extra weight so is reserved for jackets where increased weight isnt as much of an issue. The Science of Down Average Mass of a single down plume Down feathers grow beneath stiffer exterior feathers. When it comes to the world stage, it is true that the UK has enjoyed a reputation as a leader on things like wind power, but there have been mounting complaints from the renewables industry that . Down syndrome is a genetic disorder caused when abnormal cell division results in an extra full or partial copy of chromosome 21. We use them every day, sometimes without even realizing that what were saying is nonsensical without the implied and widely accepted meaning behind it. Its used everywhere, from cheap high street jackets through to high-performance mountaineering jackets. Species One of the fundamental quality indicators of down is the species it's sourced from, as this has a large impact on the size of the down clusters. The method of catching, carrying and restraining birds is also the same no matter whether the feathers are gathered or live plucked. I have heard Brits say it, too, though perhaps their use of. 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Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. 80 percent of the down and feathers used globally [are] produced in China; the majority 90 percent come from ducks. The higher the grade of down, the more efficient the insulation. The expression seems rather nonsensical, though; a fort is a large, solid building constructed as a stronghold. Without this external validation, the consumer cannot be sure about the origins of the down in the jacket. This type of jackets offers less warmth than a larger baffle jacket would as it holds less down and has more stitches. ", PETA said its investigation offers evidence that retailers including Lands' End, Eddie Bauer and Hollander Home Fashions inadvertently had live-plucked down in their supply chains, despite a certification process involved in the Responsible Down Standard (RDS) that mandates the feathers are "non live-plucked.". Search for crossword clues found in the Daily Celebrity, NY Times, Daily Mirror, Telegraph and major publications. What Are the Differences Between First-, Second-, and Third-Degree Murder? The true source, according to the Oxford English Dictionary, is horse racing. The idea became part of literature and part of the culture, giving us the proverb every cloud has a silver lining in the mid-1800s. (Courtesy Allied Feather & Down) Structure It's a common misconception, but down is. What kind of token is involved here? Game token? Geese huddle together after their feathers are ripped out. An idiom is a phrase that is common to a certain population. Down is the undercoating of waterfowl (goose, duck or swan) and consists of light, fluffy filaments growing from a central quill point, thereby creating a three dimensional structure which traps air and gives down insulating ability. Guide to the Labeling of Down and Feathers Enforcement Guidelines, March2000. "Effective immediately, we are going to vigorously investigate our suppliers to ensure we do not use, purchase or source live-plucked down.". How one can establish that the Earth is round? When the skin rips during this process, it is sewn up with a straight needle (no analgesic or sterilization used) and the bird is left to recover before the next harvest of feathers.. The down supply chain has come under a lot of scrutinies over the years for cruel practices, such as force-feeding and live-plucking. These down products are exported throughout the world and sold to consumers who don't understand the complexity of the supply chain," said Anne Kellogg, PETA's manager of corporate affairs. (Example: Of course this project will be successful, the proof is in the pudding. It suggests that instead of some birds being live plucked (and then killed) and others having their feathers only plucked after they have been killed (as if that would make it any better!) But it actually goes back to the tablecloth meaning. Starting the Prompt Design Site: A New Home in our Stack Exchange Neighborhood. The animal rights group should be praised for "raising awareness of what is a terrible practice," said AFD President Daniel Uretsky. Why is inductive coupling negligible at low frequencies? Down feathers are found on the majority of a birds body and have a loose fluffy structure that allows them to interlock with each other, this interlocking structure creates a continuous layer that traps tiny pockets of air that insulate the birds from heat loss. The Giants, during this crazy winning streak, fell under the impression that if they were in the lead during the ninth (last) inning, carrying the ball bag off the field would ensure their win because, according to the team, they had captured the game in the bag. Where Does Your Down Come From? Example: Stop beating around the bush and tell me what really happened. As you can see, the lower fill power offers less loft for the same weight. For the most part, goose and duck feathers are a byproduct of the meat industry. The visualization below shows the reason we need baffles. ), 2. Meaning: To refuse to acknowledge a known truth. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. "The Court has come to rest on the bottom-line conclusion that racial diversity in higher education is only worth potentially . They determine how a baby's body forms and functions as it grows during pregnancy and after birth. They function in a manner that, in many cases, literal meanings cannot. Feathers are the outer covering of the bird; they make it possible for the animal to fly, and they contain quills. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. While hunting birds, participants would beat bushes in order to draw out the birds. As meaningful as something like Where does double down come from? The type of error is called nondisjunction (pronounced non-dis-JUHNGK-shuhn). Did Marie-Antoinette Really Say Let Them Eat Cake? Two new initiatives from The North Face and Patagonia aim to only use feathers from birds that have never been live-plucked or force fed. COME OFF THE FENCE: Get down from barrier in order to make one's intention clear (4,3,3,5) ALIGHTED: Get down from a vehicle (8) DEPRESS: I agree with every single line of it. The silver lining is the optimistic part of what might otherwise be gloomy. And, if the birds are also being raised to make fois-gras, theyre usually force-fed to fatten up their livers. It makes others think of laying poker hands down, or a boxer winning without throwing a punch, or voting by hand-raise (as in put your hands down because theres no need to vote). While some people may think that using our fellow animals evolutionary adaptations (tough skin, warm feathers and fur) for our own benefit is the price of our nomadic wanderings, we strongly disagree. Chromosomes are small "packages" of genes in the body. Would-be motivators of crowds would use them to stand on as makeshift podiums to make proclamations, speeches, or sales pitches. Example: Taylor was being too loud in class, so I read her the riot act. It only takes a minute to sign up. These baffles hold the down plumes in place in a somewhat similar way to whats found on a bird, although not nearly as efficiently as a bird naturally does. Origin: The reason for the plethora of definitions is most likely the Americanization of the old British idiom, which reads the proof of the pudding is in the eating. Whereas the British version makes at least some sense, the shortened American version is nonsensical. The expression go bananas is slang, and the origin is a bit harder to pin down. The placement of the down makes it possible to have a three-dimensional structure that works excellent to insulate and trap down air. What is Down Syndrome? For me, it always conjured the image of someone slamming their hands down on the table to make a proclamation. Uretsky believes the industry and the standards meant to rid supply chains of live-plucked down have lessened the problem, especially when compared to the state of affairs only a few years ago. The meaning of COME DOWN FROM is to move or fall downward from (somewhere or something). The word proof was synonymous to test in the 16th century, which is when this idiom is thought to have surfaced. * It takes the down from approximately 75 + birds to make an average comforter. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. Mark Eichhorn, CEO of Hollander Home Fashions, said a recent audit of its down suppliers and their sources found no evidence of live-plucked material in its chain. You see it with superlatives: the most, the best, the funniest, the worst, the loudest, the . What is down and where does down come from? The consensus is, however, that this is most likely derived from an ancient Greek voting process, which involved beans. "I used to be a buyer in the outdoor industry, and that definitely happens. INSPIRING CHANGE THROUGH EDUCATION, ADVOCACY, AND INNOVATION. In August, The North Face announced its Responsible Down Standard (RDS) and, last week, Patagonia debuted its Traceable Down Standard. rev2023.6.29.43520. And even if it is due to misinterpretation (I'm not so sure it is), that still doesn't make it an eggcorn. Many linguists have dedicated themselves to finding the origins of these idioms, seven of which are featured on this list. / lisegagne. Siberian Goose Down is a made-up name, a product of a clever marketer's imagination. At the very least, they are "indirectly supporting the cruelty of live-plucking," he asserted. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". Idioms are crucial to the progression of language. WEVE BEEN PIONEERS OF THE VEGAN MOVEMENT FOR OVER 40 YEARS,INSPIRING CHANGE THROUGH EDUCATION, ADVOCACY, AND INNOVATION. Down jackets with smaller baffles are known asmicrodown baffle jackets. That's when feathers and the undercoating of geese and ducks are pulled off their skin while the waterfowl are still alive. The flight envelope is a term from aeronautics meaning the boundary or limit of performance of a flight object. : to calm down: go easy : relax often used in the imperative. The NICHD launched DS-Connect as a safe and secure online registry for people with Down syndrome, their families, and researchers to share information and participate in clinical trials or research. http://www.veganpeace.com/animal_cruelty/downandfeathers.htm, Pingback: Feather-Free Winter Jackets & Coats for Men & Women Tedi Sarah, Pingback: In a nutshell: the victims of vegetarianism | There's an Elephant in the Room blog, Pingback: The Birds of the Down Industry | How To Go Vegan | Podcast Under Construction, Pingback: Vegan Fashion | Making Waves Outreach Flyers For Animal Rights, Pingback: Shouldnt Buddhists Embrace Veganism? Insert records of user Selected Object without knowing object first, Overline leads to inconsistent positions of superscript, Novel about a man who moves between timelines. Unlike the contour feather, the down feather has no central rachis. If you pass the acid test, you didnt dissolveyoure the real thing. While PETA views the lack of transparency in a supply chain that has multiple components to be a means of offering cover to farms and other entities willing to hide objectionable practices, Gillespie believes the problem often involves less nefarious factors. What does chill out mean? What do you do with graduate students who don't want to work, sit around talk all day, and are negative such that others don't want to be there? If crowds of more than 12 assembled, authorities could read them a portion of the Riot Act, upon which they must leave or be imprisoned. The preferred method is to ram a food pipe down the birds throats to do so. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. The process usually involves scalding the birds bodies in hot water for one to three minutes so the feathers are easier to pull out. In a small percentage (less than 5%) of cases, the extra copy of chromosome 21 comes from the father through the sperm. Bus token? Why is that? Where Can I Find Clinical Care Recommendations and Practice Guidelines? Hollander, Down Decor and AFD dismissed PETA's claims as either incorrect or linked to farms that are no longer part of their supply chain or had been rejected before becoming a partner. Can the supreme court decision to abolish affirmative action be reversed at any time? Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Without this independent validation, the consumer cannot be sure about the origins of the down in the jacket and risk inadvertently supporting live-plucking and force-feeding. When there was an issue up for discussion by some kind of official council it was on the carpet. 1. to fall and land on the ground: 2. . That big pile of cut-outs isnt going to sew itself together! Page 202. Pushing the envelope belongs to the modern era of the airplane. An eggcorn is based in. 2 : to begin to live a quiet and steady life by getting a regular job, getting married, etc. Force-feeding is seen by many as a cruel and inhumane process that puts the animals under unnecessary stress and pain. Thats where external audits and certification come in, of which there are two leading independent authorities the Responsible Down Standard (RDS) and the Global Traceable Down Standard (Global TDS). These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree. Fill power refers to the downs ability to loft and ranges from 300FP to 900FP at 50FP intervals. A prior understanding of its usage is usually necessary. Down-proofing a fabric is achieved in one of two ways: a cire finish and a coating. Adding down to the idiom "hold the fort" is an example of an eggcorn. As with many things in life, this will rely on where your moral compass lies. where (one) is coming from One's motivation or reason for doing something or holding some position or opinion. Now what does this tell us? Along with our fellow animals, we have also evolved. Biden lays out "new path" for student loan relief after Supreme Court decision, Supreme Court strikes down Biden's student loan forgiveness plan, Alan Arkin, Oscar-winning "Little Miss Sunshine" actor, dies at 89. is a type of feather found on all birds, however, the down used in the apparel industry is specifically from waterfowl such as ducks and geese. In a telecommunications network or computer network, 'downstream' refers to data sent from a network service provider to a customer. Hold the fort (British, American & Australian) also hold down the fort (American): The correct phrase is "hold the fort" - there's no "down". They shine brightly in this new ebook.". Powered and implemented by FactSet. By continuing to use this website, you consent to the use of cookies in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Example: Im not even worried about the interview. The lack of baffles on the left allows the down to migrate to the bottom of the jacket which in turn leaves the upper jacket bare, allowing for accelerated heat loss. Guide to Labeling of Down and Feathers, Canada (http://www.competitionbureau.gc.ca/eic/site/cb-bc.nsf/eng/01237.html) . Appalled by the practices and prodded into action by groups like Four Paws, two of the biggest U.S. gear manufacturers have spearheaded initiatives to prevent the mistreatment of the waterfowl used in their supply chains. If too many people were gathering and looking ready for trouble, an officer would let them know that if they didnt disperse, they would face punishment. It could be a pat on the back as a token, or sign, of friendship, or a marked piece of lead that could be exchanged for money. Where does this expression come from? Where does the phrase "red herring" come from? They are raised and used instead for eggs, meat or foie gras*. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". Pudding was also far different from today. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. The second method is achieved by coating one side of the fabric. EIN: 59-1999433, "Gentle Worlds free ebook is the best one Ive read yet. Supreme Court strikes down plan to forgive student loan debt; Biden vows to use alternate path Down has a higher warmth-to-weight ratio than synthetic insulation, and it is more compressible. There are two practices in the down supply chain that are seen as unnecessarily cruel, they are live-plucking and force-feeding. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Where does the phrase "get crackin'" come from? In nondisjunction, something goes wrong and both chromosomes from one pair go into one cell and no chromosomes for that pair go into the other cell. Contour feathers have a central stalk, known as the rachis, with series of barbs on either side. WEVE BEEN PIONEERS OF THE VEGAN MOVEMENT FOR OVER 40 YEARS. Both programs have been in the works for a few years. The next section explores the prevalence of these practices, and what the industry has done to move away from them. Live-plucking refers to the practice of plucking feathers from a bird whilst it is still alive. European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), Parma, Italy. Over 90% of the worlds production of down and feathers comes from Asia. Down is located next to a birds skin and covered from view by the tough outer. "No one is claiming these practices don't exist. Lord Nelson, detail of an oil painting by J.F. It was most likely a minced-meat dish. Down and feathers are sold to manufacturers who create the product. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. A version of this story ran in 2018; it has been updated for 2021. Simply putdown is a type of feather found on all birds, however, the down used in the apparel industry is specifically from waterfowl such as ducks and geese. What you might not love is the process by which that down arrived in your jacket. Gentle World is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, providing vegan education and inspiration for over 40 years. Whats Wrong With Wool It is typically figurative and usually is not understandable based solely on the words within the phrase. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. ", Gentle World 2023. If Gina would . Can you take a spellcasting class without having at least a 10 in the casting attribute? Global TDS is another third external certification authority much like the RDS. "We visited 11 farms, and many we went back to multiple times to make sure it wasn't a one-time thing," said the PETA worker. Down syndrome varies in severity among individuals, causing lifelong intellectual disability and developmental delays. They write new content and verify and edit content received from contributors. A grapevine is a system of twisty tendrils going from cluster to cluster. You push it as far as you can in order to discover what the limits are. Where does the phrase "hold down the fort" come from? The highest grade of down, used to make the. The earliest examples of the phrasecome from 19th century sporting papers where horses win races hands down, meaning that victory is so secure that the jockey can relax and drop the reins before crossing the finish line. As a result, box-wall baffles are largely reserved for garments designed for the very coldest environments such as Himalayan peaks and the Arctic. Organic down is not widely used. RDS is the leading industry standard when it comes to the responsible sourcing of down feathers. Down is the furry undercoating of duck, goose, or swan that consists of light filaments growing from their central quill point. | Vegan Trove, Heres what it takes to make your down coat ethical this winter Quartz, Types of Pillows: The Definitive Guide | Hullo, 10 Things You Should Know About Free-Range Turkeys, 10 Things You Should Know About Animal Testing, Gentle Worlds Founder chats with the Creator of Plant Powered Dog. Down plumes are structurally fragile and not particularly waterproof. Force-feeding is a practice used in the production of specialty food foie gras. The lower the quality of down the poorer the warmth-to-weight ratio. to be left in charge of a situation or place while someone is away. Microdown jackets are ideal for outdoor enthusiasts who remain active for long periods of time and layer well underneath a waterproof. Challenging Standardized Test Words Quiz: Vol. ICE Limitations. It became popular in the 1950s, around the same time as go ape, so there may have been some association between apes, bananas, and crazy behavior. Therefore, the true test of the success of a pudding dish is in how it tastes, not any ornamentation or appearance. Also, banana is just a funny-sounding word. "I've never seen any synthetic able to replicate the properties of down," said Uretsky. Origin: While many proposed origins of this phrase are disputed, it is commonly accepted that turning a blind eye comes from a comment made by British Admiral Horatio Nelson. RDS certified down guarantees to the consumer that the down in the jacket adheres to the above standards. Down feathers are found underneath the contour feathers, where they trap heat. The vast majority of the pillows, comforters and mattress pads sold by Hollander are made with synthetic fibers, Eichhorn added. Stack Exchange network consists of 182 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. "This investigation shows there is no way to tell whether down is live-plucked just by looking at it.". Our constitutional history does not tolerate that choice." . "It's horrific to see and hard to describe," said the PETA worker who shot much of the video and spoke to CBS MoneyWatch on condition of anonymity due to the nature of her work. The below images show the key difference between stitch through baffles and box wall baffles: The stitch-through baffle is by far the most common baffle construction on the market. Does the paladin's Lay on Hands feature cure parasites? (Example: Youll have to try it out before you buy it, since the proof is in the pudding.). This led to the varied use of the idiom in a multitude of situations, with varying understandings of the definition. So yes, down and feathers are technically by-products of the meat and egg industry and the story of their production is just as disturbing as that of any other animal sourced product. "Most of the outdoor brands are using RDS," Gillespie said. If youre the sort of consumer who cares about the welfare of animals, youd be hard-pressed to find the same guarantees in down production as are available with organic meat. Down certification and brands adhering to strict standards. Get inspired with adventure films, event replays, series, and more. Origin: This idiom most likely comes from the real Riot Act, an act passed by the British government in 1714 to prevent unruly assemblies. Microdown jackets are ideal for outdoor enthusiasts who remain active for long periods of time and layer well underneath a waterproof. While Patagonias standard is a bit stricter, both have the same goal: to source down only from birds that have never been live-plucked or force-fed. This is an absolutely excellent resource. Down is used in the name of geographical features or locations that are downland or close to downland, including: . So I added that as an answer. Down is a fine layer of wispy fibers that lie between the protective outer feathers and the skin of waterfowl like geese and ducks. We thrive in warm climates and moderate our homes and clothing in cold climates to insulate and protect us from the elements. Tom Wolfes The Right Stuff brought the expression into wider use. The notion of Tom fool goes a long way. There are three types of Down syndrome, all with the same features: Trisomy 21, the most common type; Mosaic . (VSD). Read this article on the new Outside+ app available now on iOS devices for members! Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. Copyright 2023 CBS Interactive Inc. All rights reserved. What is Pain to a Fish? The clues in the name a box-wall baffle introduces a wall of the fabric where there would otherwise be stitch lines, this construction greatly reduces the ability for heat to escape but is far more costly to produce. RDS independently audit the supply chain right back to the farm to ensure their strict standards are met. English-speaking people have been holding forts, and ordering other people to hold forts, for close on a millennium. "There are nice synthetic versions, but on a warmth-to-weight basis for insulation, there is nothing else that provides that same level. Vocabulary Quiz. Down keeps the birds warm. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. The success of something can only be measured by putting it to its intended use. You probably love your down puffy jacket. It's a very price-competitive industry.". The fact that the wire itself got easily tangled when unspooled contributed to the messed up sense of the word. This process is repeated every 6-7 weeks before the birds eventual slaughter (or death from the trauma of the plucking process itself). To date, no behavioral activity of the parents or environmental factor is known to cause Down syndrome.1,2, After much research on these cell division errors, researchers know that:2. Join Outside+ to get access to exclusive content, 1,000s of training plans, and more. 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