You may think that you can assist another road user by stepping in if they are the target of an aggressive driver, but it is likely you will only put yourself and the person you are trying to help in more danger. They made us feel very comfortable. Aggressive drivers often lose their patience easily on the road. Call us or fill out the form below to tell us about your potential case and a personal injury lawyer will get back to you as quickly as possible. if you encounter an aggressive driver. If you are confronted by an aggressive driver, you should: Answers Make eye contact with the driver. Unsafe speed, improper turning, failure to yield the right of way, and obey traffic signals were the most frequent causes, which led the Department of Transportation (DOT) to estimate that two-thirds of traffic fatalities may be caused by aggressive driving. The most enraged state? Copyright OSHA Safety Manuals | All Rights Reserved, Care For Your Half-Mask Air-Purifying Respirator, Cold Weather Hazards Of Propane Fueled Vehicles, IIPP Injury and Illness Prevention Program. Its completely normal for drivers to experience anger behind the wheel, but we must not let our emotions lead to destructive choices, said Jake Nelson, director of traffic safety advocacy and research. Feeling stressed during these situations is rather normal, but real issues happen when these feelings escalate into rage and aggressiveness on the road. RELATED: Sophisticated Tactics Uncover a Truckers Negligence: J.T.s Story. The information you will need to give the dispatcher is a description of the vehicle, license plate number, the location of the incident, what aggressive behavior is being exhibited and if possible, a description of the driver. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)definesaggressive drivingasanymoving traffic offenses that endanger other persons or property. All forms of aggressive driving are dangerous and should not be taken lightly. Adjust your attitude. Santander, Santander Consumer, the Flame Logo, RoadLoans and Drive are trademarks of Banco Santander, S.A. or its subsidiaries in the UnitedStates or other countries. Remember these safety rules: DO NOT drive home or to your place of work. For your convenience, we have included certain links to third party websites in our site. If you notice an unfamiliar car parked in front of your home, school, or workplace; or if you receive a strange friend request on social media, a private investigator might be tracking your [], You were stopped at a red light, minding your own business. Anger management classes or counseling can help you deal with the stress in your life and in your car that may be contributing to your behavior. Thanks to the entire team at KBG.". They may be running late for work and run into heavy traffic congestion or drivers who travel at a lower speed. False The tachometer gauge will show the number of miles a vehicle has driven since manufacture date. Did you get it right? 7 things to know if youre buying a car in 2023, 14 Car dashboard symbols and meanings demystified, Finding the truth about the worst American cities for drivers and the best, Purposefully tailgating 51 percent, 104 million drivers, Yelling at another driver 47 percent, 95 million, Honking to show annoyance or anger 45 percent, 91 million, Making angry gestures 33 percent, 67 million, Trying to block another vehicle from changing lanes 24 percent, 49 million, Cutting off another vehicle on purpose 12 percent, 24 million, Getting out of a vehicle to confront another driver 4 percent, 7.6 million, Bumping or ramming another vehicle on purpose 3 percent, 5.7 million. Then cool down and continue your trip.. Among U.S. cities, few will be surprised that Los Angeles and New York City ranked as the most enraged. Getting blamed for [], One of the first questions many people have an injury is, How long do I have to make a personal injury claim? While thats an extremely important piece of information to know, it can also be misleadingand in some ways, the wrong question to ask. When a drivers aggression develops into a rage, there is very little you can do or say to calm them down. Most aggressive driving is carried out by men aged 18 to 26. When you encounter an aggressive driver on a highway giving you rude gestures, you should not escalate the situation with aggressive behavior but do this instead _________________. The foundation offered the principles after finding in a recent survey that Americans believe aggressive driving is a major concern and a real threat to the safety of all road users and that nine out of 10 respondents think aggressive drivers are at least somewhat of a threat to their personal safety. A sense of anonymity encourages some people to engage in rude, dangerous, and reckless behaviors. It isn't easy to share the road with an aggressive driver, but there are steps you can take to protect yourself. In this blog post, well take a closer look at how aggressive driving is defined, when you might have a legal case if youre in a car accident with an aggressive driver, and how you can protect yourself (and your case) to ensure you get the compensation you deserve. Got me the maximum allowed for my accident and made the process very easy. Driving behavior is not inherently private though, although it does involve a unique blend of both private and public behavior. The possibility of losing control of a vehicle sky-rockets when a person is driving aggressively. No amount of safe driving classes could prevent an accident should an aggressive driver lose control of their vehicle. Retaliate by tailgating them. Ridesharing, transportation, and car facts, articles, and news. What Is the Three Second Rule for Driving? Every day, you will be sharing the road with stressed out and frustrated drivers, many of which are capable of succumbing to road rage if things dont go their way. Slowly count to 10. Published on Apr 14, 2022 at 2:16 pm in Car Accidents. Anonymity. Can You Sue for Road Rage? Our attorneys here at 'MAGGIO Law are highly skilled in the area of car accident personal injury law. Aggressive driving is defined as a willful behind-the-wheel action that puts other people at risk with little to no regard for safety. In 2018 alone, nearly 8,600 speeding drivers caused fatal car accidents nationwide. Viewing does not constitute an attorney-client relationship. In driving, as with baseball, themain goalis to get home safe. Every year, the California Highway Patrol (CHP) reports approximately 500,000 collisions with 200,000 injuries and 4,000 fatalities as a result. If a driver starts following you, dont stop or leave your vehicle. Weaving in and out of traffic. Far too many drivers are losing themselves in the heat of the moment and lashing out in ways that could turn deadly.. read road signs and shift your eyes around. 3. Road rage can include shouting, threatening, using obscene gestures or excessive use of the horn. Put yourself in the other drivers shoes. Few things make people feel quite so bold as anonymity. Like move let me go!, LOL in those moments you wish your car was built like a bumper car. RELATED: Do I Have a Personal Injury Case? How Our Lawyers Evaluate Claims. Technology, the radio and even other passengers can all take your attention off the road. His honesty and knowledge were spot on. Extreme cases of aggressive driving can even escalate to road rage. Most new motorists believe that they will not act aggressively on the road and yet many drivers end up doing it anyway. Tips for Cooling an Encounter with an Aggressive Driver: Note the list of . Posts with #roadrage climb during the week to a peak on Friday, then ease on the weekend. Any purposeful, dangerous action fueled by frustration, impatience, anger or stress qualifies as aggressive driving. If you find music, podcasts or the radio soothing rather than distracting, listen to them when you begin to feel frustrated. Forget the idea of winning on the road. What to Do If You've Been in a Car Crash Involving an Aggressive Driver, An Experienced Car Accident Attorney Can Help You Protect Your Legal Rights, Crosley Law: Holding Reckless Drivers Accountable and Getting You the Compensation You Deserve, Driving on theshoulder orside of the road. There are also situations in which the car may still be drivable, but a tow truck is necessary anyway. Why not just treat yourself better and be the smarter person!. Almost all of us have seen aggressive driving by other drivers, or even road rage, at one point or another. Fax:416-621-1558, 330 West Street, Unit 6 Dont make it worse by driving aggressively. It takes everyones effort and cooperation to keep traffic flowing safely and smoothly. A 2018 study bythe U.S. Department of Transportation and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration revealed the top fivemost common forms of aggressive driving behaviors for drivers and motorcyclists involved in fatal crashes: Its typical for aggressive drivers to be charged with the reckless driving statute, but if the behavior gets worse, there are several other safety citations and criminal charges that may be applicable. It takes everyone's effort and cooperation to keep traffic flowing safely and smoothly. While we are in the business of financing, If youre like us, youre a big fan of best-of lists. Most people associated aggressive driving with actions liketailgating, blocking lane changes, cutting off cars, making rude gestures, etc. It is very easy to misinterpret someones intentions when you are angry even a friendly smile or wave can be taken the wrong way. However, some drivers treat things like highway maintenance, rush hour, or other issues that slow down traffic as personal affronts to themselves. The increasing number of vehicles our roads, day-to-day stresses, tiredness and the growing prevalence of disrespectful behavior have all created an environment in which aggressive driving is rife. On top of dealing with things like medical bills, car damages, and lost income from not being able to work, you might also struggle to get back behind the wheel. But excitement sometimes has a darker side. Get Legal Help if in an Accident If you were in a car accident caused by an aggressive or reckless driver, contact Gacovino, Lake & Associates at 800-246-4878 to discuss your case and your legal options. And if youre into automobiles like we are, a fascinating new study just released on the best-selling used cars in America. The above evaluations and/or recommendations are for general guidance only and should not be relied upon for legal compliance purposes. But if you suffered life-changing injuries, you deserve to know exactly what happened, which driver (or drivers) were responsible, and which liability insurance will pay for your medical bills and other damages. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. If you think you have an anger management problem, ask for help. How Much Is My Traumatic Brain Injury Case Worth? A sampling of more recent #roadrage posts on Instagram a social media channel dedicated to photos, videos, graphics and hashtag-heavy text provided the following commentary: Our own unscientific survey of Twitter, which seemed to involve a higher proportion of actual #roadrage tweets than posts on Instagram, yielded the following observations: While its difficult to imagine a road rager pulling over to comment on Instagram or Twitter . Avoiding them all together is your best bet to keep yourself and loved ones safe on the road. When you encounter an aggressive driver: The safest action to take when faced with aggression or road rage is to give the driver in question as much space as possible. The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety reports that nearly 80% of drivers expressed significant anger, aggression, or road rage behind the wheel at least once in the previous year. These are the three principles AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety says you should follow to help ensure you avoid being the victim of an aggressive driver or be viewed as one. Aggressive Driving takes many forms, but the most common are speeding, tailgating and racing to beat red lights. Youre going through your daily commute to work. As a safe driver, you know this means keeping to the posted speed limit, yielding to other drivers rights-of-way, and maintaining a safe following distance. You must pay attention and act defensively, to protect yourself against the threat such drivers pose. Tensions can rise on the road, leading to speeding, tailgating, lane-weaving and cutting off other drivers. After a car wreck, you may feel like your every move is being scrutinized. Are Drunk Drivers Really More Likely to Survive a Crash. You may think you can explain yourself or reason with your aggressor but this is rarely the case. When angry, a person can do things they may later regret, says AAA. In other words, theyre supposed to compensate you for what youve lost and make the situation right. Typically, insurance only covers crashes caused by driver negligence. Dont allow negligent individuals to get away with their wrongdoingcontact us with your case right away. In the survey, many drivers admitted to behaving aggressively or exhibiting road rage, having let their anger and frustration get the best of them at least once in the past year, [and] engaging in behaviors such as yelling, honking, gesturing at, or purposefully tailgating another driver.. Privacy Policy and Even if they do first, do not look at them or respond to their shouting, even if it was to get them to calm down. A surprising 522 people were injured or killed in road rage shootings across The research looked at almost 10 million one-to-five-year-old, If getting a brand new or preowned vehicle is part of your plans for 2023, there are some things to keep in mind. Before you come to a complete halt, slow down. Imagine, how easy it would be to live a successful, productive and efficient life without emotions getting in the way. When to expect your title after paying off an auto loan, Heres how long a car should be financed new or used, Use auto finance calculators before you buy your next car. Slow down or exit the roadway if necessary, but do not pull off to the side of the road or try to "reason" with an angry . False When you complete a driver education course, you are guaranteed to pass the license examination. Allowing yourself to become flustered or upset could lead to a deadly mistake. If you are confronted, stay in your vehicle and lock your doors. Slow down and be kind to your fellow motorists . Dont take other drivers actions personally and dont think that you can teach them a lesson. However, its important to understand that criminal charges are completely separate from a personal injury case. The contentprovided here isfor informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice on any subject. And when it happens, the situation often leads to a traumatic accident. If you encounter an angry or aggressive driver on the road, don't engage them. Previous studies have found that over half of fatal collisions involve at least one driver who engaged in somepotentially aggressive action. Stay alert: Pay attention to the aggressive driver's actions and be prepared to take evasive maneuvers if necessary. The answer is: A. Steer away from antagonizing the driver and make an effort to suggest pulling over and taking a moment to breath and calm down. While these vans are a convenient way to transport groups of people, larger vehicles require a greater degree of driving skill to operate safelyparticularly when fully loaded with passengers []. In the best-case scenario, an aggressive driver will pass you by unharmed, and you can go on about your day as normal. Since aggressive drivers usually speed well above the speed limit and swerve aggressively between lanes, getting in an accident with one usually causes extreme damage and injuries. To tackle the threat posed by aggressive driving we must understand its causes. Aggressive drivers are more likely to speed, make unsafe lane changes, ignore the right of way, and violate traffic signals. Although they are capped in Texas, punitive damages can be awarded up to either $200,000, or a value equal to double your economic damages plus your non-economic damageswhichever is higher. Polite behavior makes driving safer. While dealing with an aggressive driver can be frustrating, its important to stay relaxed and avoid eye contact, do not act disapproving and ignore any rude gestures. Your safety is ultimately your responsibility and should be your primary concern. November 01, 2013 Imagine you are on your commute to work when you encounter a driver who is swerving, tailgating, bumping cars and endangering your life and the lives of your fellow motorists. Holding a drivers license is both a privilege and a responsibility. Now, youre living with severe back pain and your doctors are suggesting surgery. Failing to obey stop signs or traffic lights, Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs - 10.1%. The amount of times I had to [gesture at people] today while driving was absurd, said a third. In a car accident case, broadly speaking, there are three potential categories of damages that an injured person can be awarded: Economic damages refer to expenses that have a defined price tag, like medical bills, lost wages, property damage, cost of necessary household services, skilled nursing care, etc. Certainly, road rage incidents would qualify as a violation. Think about how many times on a day-to-day basis your emotions affect the choices you make and the way you go about things. For example, the quiz, Are you an aggressive driver, asks, do you ever get angry at other drivers? Try to race the driver. The trend really took off at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, but it certainly shows no sign of slowing down anytime soon. When cut off? NHTSA points to the stressors of modern-day life as a factor here, especially for mothers. Even if you drive as safely as possible, there is no way to account for the reckless behavior of other drivers onthe road. Im cussing in one of these pics, said a poster who managed to upload 15 images from his car. Below, we detail some of the most common forms of aggressive driving, the laws that apply, and what you should do if you should encounter an aggressive driver on the roadways. Despite its dangers, aggressive driving is extremely common among U.S. drivers. Make sure they know you disapprove of their behavior. Human emotions are powerful forces which can easily disrupt an ideal mental state if left unchecked. Try not to become worked up or angry yourself, as this will only add fuel to the fire. Whether youre a letter carrier, a child playing in the park, or a neighbor taking your own dog for a walk, being injured in a canine attack is a traumatizing event. It's easy to become distracted while driving. Do not attempt to intervene personally, if you believe an aggressive driver is about to cause a collision. And dont get us started on how exciting it is to get behind the wheel of a new vehicle. The angrier they get, the higher the chances of them losing control over their car and causing serious harm to others. When someone feels like their behavior is mostly private and not subject to others direct judgment, they may act differently than they would in other situations. Terms in this set (15) this is not considered aggressive driving. Always follow the law and be considerate when driving. Most car accident cases, including those involving aggressive driving or road range, are based on negligence. Change your approach to driving [and] if you insist on playing a game, see how nice you can be to other drivers., Urge to punish It is rarely helpful to other drivers, yourself and least of all your passengers, for you to assume the responsibility of punishing other motorists. Everything in the known universe is subject to natural forces like inertia, gravity, friction and energy. The difference between driving and sports, however, is thatdisplays of aggressionon the roadcan get youhurtor even killed. Brantford, ON N3R 7V5, 16 Norfolk Street South Apparently, in the Aloha state, the locals arent enamored of out-of-state drivers trying to navigate unfamiliar roads. If you encounter an aggressive driver, you should take steps to keep them behind you. One exception: If the other driver is still acting angry or aggressively, and you feel that you may be in danger of an altercation, dont get out of the car. And AAA wasnt the only organization that found evidence of a road rage epidemic. When this is not possible, remain in your vehicle and contact the police. Do you know what to do? You need someone who knows how to deal with insurance companies and present crucial evidence to support your case. Pulling over to engage with the aggressor or the victim is likely to worsen the situation and could lead to further property damage, injury or loss of life. I would recommend them any time and personally use them again if ever needed. Instead of being angry at another driver making the same mistakes, give them the benefit of the doubt. Auto insurance companies are often eager to get car accident victims to sign a release of all claims. The auto finance calculators in the Learning Center at Santander Consumer USAs website can help you learn just how much car you can afford. Some aggressive drivers may behave the way they do because they are having a bad day. Aggressive driving often results from overractions to poor maneuvers on the road. The desire to help other people can be a powerful thing in such circumstances, but remember, there are professionals whose job it is to deal with this kind of situation. Please note that Santander Consumer USA does not endorse any services or products provided by such third parties, and is not responsible for the content, links, privacy, or security policies included within their websites. Other large cities Chicago, San Diego, San Francisco, Houston, Austin and Atlanta are in the top 10, but anger also can be found in small cities, such as Mount Pleasant, NC, which ranked No. When there is a serious risk of injury or death and you cannot pull over, you may contact the police while driving. Driving is a stressful activity, as it requires you to remain alert, alternate between multiple tasks and avoid dangerous situations. When you report aggressive driving, you help prevent needless accidents and injuries. It is important to note that even if you accidentally cut off another person in traffic or forgot to use your blinker, it does not justify another drivers aggressive or reckless behavior. Although depositions are not given before a judge, the things that you say will be considered [], Traffic safety experts and auto manufacturers have known for decades that large passenger vans are especially likely to be involved in certain kinds of serious crashes. In the event that you do not have access to a cell phone, you can let others know that you are in need of assistance by yelling or sounding your horn. This may prompt the aggressive driver to discontinue their pursuit. Any unsafe driving behavior, whether it is performed deliberately or negligently without concern for the safety of others, can be considered aggressive driving. His personality, caring nature and professionalism was exemplary. Punitive damages can also significantly increase the amount of money that an injured person can recover. Victims are often [], A serious collision can cause more than just physical injuries. Next, well give you a chance to find out whether youre a road rager and how to avoid getting into road rage situations. The most alarming findings suggest that approximately eight million U.S. drivers engaged in extreme examples of road rage, including purposefully ramming another vehicle or getting out of the car to confront another driver, wrote Michael Green of AAA. And if you didnt do as well or just want to learn more read on, and well describe the ways AAA recommends to avoid getting into road rage situations. When Im in a hurry thats when everyone is driving slow. Regardless of whether the state presses charges, you should absolutely file a claim if you are hurt in an accident. ALFA ROMEO and FIAT are registered trademarks of FCA Group Marketing S.p.A., used with permission. If you witnessed the incident or the events prior to the crash, you should contact law enforcement and wait for them to arrive to provide a statement. [Read More], KBG is a very creditable business. If you were hurt in a crash, contact Smitiuch Injury Law and schedule your free legal consultation. Simcoe, ON N3Y 2V9. You may see them barreling down major roads, weaving through traffic or blowing through red lights. The other driver violated that duty of care. Remain calm and relaxed, even if an aggressive driver does something that inconveniences you or threatens your safety. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) compiled several reasons why drivers act aggressively behind the wheel. As the target of an aggressive driver, you might not even be aware of whatever perceived slight kicked off this behavior. And there may be times, days and months when youre especially likely to encounter it, according to a survey of Instagram social media posts using the hashtag #roadrage. They are very cordial and polite. This is because speeding is one of the top aggressive driving behaviors you will encounter when operating your vehicle throughout Texas. Punitive damages are different. The same study found that about 7.5 million drivers had gotten out of their vehicles to confront another driver and nearly six million had bumped or rammed another vehicle on purpose. Receiving a moderate or high score means that you have aggressive tendencies on the road and might need to take measures to reduce that aggression, says AAA. You can only control how you react, and getting angry will not help the situation. Remember that traffic jams, red lights and the behavior of other drivers are beyond your control. Cutting in front of another driver and then slowing down. According to the insurance centers survey report, #RoadRage Instagram posts reveal Americas biggest frustrations behind the wheel: Mapping geotagged #RoadRage posts reveals the states whose residents are most prone to becoming enraged while they drive, said the insurance center.
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