westerville school district map

District Intranet The online resource for Textbook and Library Manager. School District Map Gallery - Delaware County, Ohio. Westerville City School District. Westerville City Schools: Longfellow School: Heritage Middle School: Alcott Elementary: Mark Twain Elementary: Walnut Springs Middle School: Annehurst Elementary: McVay Elementary: Westerville Central High School: Cherrington Elementary: Pointview Elementary: Westerville North High School: Emerson Elementary: Robert Frost Elementary . Mrs. Tracy Davidson Contact Human Resources at 614/797-5738 District Map & Addresses UPDATED: October 2022 Facts at a Glance Including District Achievements & Demographics (Updated 10/2022) Boundary Maps (School Attendance) Elementary Boundary Map (Updated 05/18/2022) Reference Only - To verify the school of attendance based on an address, please contact the Enrollment Center at (614) 797-7700. Problems? 1706. googletag.enableServices(); Ohio Private Schools in ZIP Code 43081 Levels: E lementary School, S econdary School, O ther - mixed grades Regular Schools Early Childhood Program/Child Care Center Levels: E lementary School, S econdary School, O ther - mixed grades wcsoh.org (614) 797-5700 936 EASTWIND DR STE 200 position: absolute; } Curriculum & Instruction (District) - Elementary Curriculum & Instruction. wg_jeste_like = ''; This is how the world looks like. The page you are looking for may no longer exist or may have moved. Globally distributed map delivery network ensures low latency and fast loading times, no matter where on Earth you happen to be. }); The official 2023Board Meeting calendar can be found here. Enrollment: Students Entering From Abroad, Office of the Treasurer / Fiscal Services, Non-Public, Charter, Community and Private Schools, Achievement Records for Elementary Schools, Continuous Improvement Plans at Elementary Schools, Enrollment and Overflow for Elementary Schools, Math and Reading Supports at the Elementary School, District Athletics Information for Coaches, Extra-Curricular/Co-Curricular Participation Fees, Learn Together: WCSD Black History Month Video Series, Parent Guide for Student Success: Tips for parent/student success, Parent Guide for Student Success: Starting the new school year, Parent Guide for Student Success: Planning for present and future success, Parent Guide for Student Success: Major projects / assignments / tests, Parent Guide for Student Success: Getting your child back on track, Parent Guide for Student Success: Keeping my child on track, Ohio Parent Information and Resource Center, Stress Management & Executive Functioning: Strategies & Resources, Office of Assessment & Alternative Education, Extracurricular Activities for Home Educated & Private School Students, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Special Education Family Engagement Forum, Preschool Program at the Early Learning Center, Board Meeting Agendas, Minutes, Policies, Administrative Guidelines, Presentations & Archived Audio/Video (BoardDocs), Policy Adoption Schedule & Update Information. mh_mapa_gm(); Contours let you determine the height of mountains and depth of the ocean bottom. Born and raised in Northeastern Ohio, Tracy is a proud product of public school education. If any of Maphill's maps inspire you to come to Westerville, we would like to offer you access to wide selection of nearby hotels at low prices and with great customer service. Explore the Institute of Education Sciences, National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC), Early Childhood Longitudinal Study (ECLS), National Household Education Survey (NHES), Education Demographic and Geographic Estimates (EDGE), National Teacher and Principal Survey (NTPS), Career/Technical Education Statistics (CTES), Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), National Postsecondary Student Aid Study (NPSAS), Statewide Longitudinal Data Systems Grant Program - (SLDS), National Postsecondary Education Cooperative (NPEC), NAEP State Profiles (nationsreportcard.gov), Public School District Finance Peer Search. No text labels. mh_atlas.set('nw', 'atlas/40n20-84w00/detailed-maps/road-map/'); About This List. googletag.defineSlot('/114450422/Maphill_com_Map_misto_BTF_HalfPage_300x600', [300, 600], 'div-gpt-ad-Map-misto-BTF-HalfPage-300x600').addService(googletag.pubads()); - Secondary Curriculum & Instruction. top: 50%; They have three children currently attending Westerville City Schools. See the 2022 Ohio District rankings! WCSD is the 11th-largest district in Ohio and enjoys a history of being recognized by the Ohio Department of Education as a high-performing school district. When the City of Westerville was named a Global Top 7 Intelligent Community (one of only three U.S. cities named), one of the reasons cited for this honor was our district's Career Pathways program, which was described as an "innovative program that aims to create new post-secondary education options for students while closing workforce gaps.". People also search for 2023 Best School Districts in Columbus Area. Find local businesses, view maps and get driving directions in Google Maps. Westerville Alumni Association (opens in new window/tab) Westerville Area Chamber of Commerce (opens in new window/tab) Westerville Caring & Sharing (opens in new window/tab) Westerville Education Challenge (opens in new window/tab) Westerville Education Foundation (opens in new window/tab) Westerville Parent Council (opens in new window/tab) 936 Eastwind Drive. You can embed, print or download the map just like any other image. googletag.pubads().setTargeting("kontinent", ["2", "north-america", "North America"]); Featured Review: Senior says For as large of a district it is, I feel that it is overall very united. Westerville and . Browse 29 Apartments for rent in Westerville City School District, with prices of up to $3,302. googletag.pubads().setTargeting("misto", ["4392324", "westerville-ohio", "Westerville"]); Students: 14,610. mh_touch = Modernizr.touch; Westerville City School District is a highly rated, public school district located in WESTERVILLE, OH. Kristy is the Director of Sustainability at Smart Columbus. wg_archivovat('_uvodni', 'ajax/united-states/ohio/franklin-county/westerville/detailed-maps/road-map/?_uvodni=1&_lehni=1&_say_goodbye=1&_jtzs=a&_j[]=mm&_bi=1&_archiv=1', wg_adresa_cela); The number of maps is, however, not the only reason to visit Maphill. Map of Westerville City School District Elementary School Free/Reduced Lunch Program Participation. 43082. if (mh_touch && $('mm_lkll')) $('mm_lkll').dispose(); It provides a range of academic and extracurricular options to more than 14,000 students in pre-kindergarten through grade 12. Free images are available under Free map link located above the map. Hybrid map combines high-resolution satellite images with detailed street map overlay. help each student develop the knowledge and ability to share his or her talents with others. Physical Address: 936 Eastwind Dr Ste 200. Westerville City Schools is a school district that owns and operates various elementary, middle and high schools. But you can experience much more when you visit Westerville. Login usingyour Windows/network username and password. (function() { Our automated service allows you to enter your absence online. Westerville City School District teenagers interested in volunteering for ArtSTART activities during Uptown Westerville's 4th Friday event can complete this form and send to Dr. Jan Fedorenko, education coordinator for the Arts Council of Westerville, at fedorenj@gmail.com. See Westerville from a different perspective. Meetings and locations are subject to change. } else { Map of Westerville City School District Elementary School Free/Reduced Lunch Program Participation. (614) 899-0913. I will forever be immensely grateful for this district and what they offered me. //googletag.pubads().enableSyncRendering(); List of Elementary Schools in Westerville City School District Ohio; Map Key School Name ZIP Code City Total Students; Alcott Elementary School: 43082: Westerville: 502: Fouse Elementary School: 43082: Westerville: 608: Frost Elementary School: 43081: Westerville: 400: Related Maps: It's a piece of the world captured in the image. Submit a ticket to request assistancewith a technology issue. She was an invited community participant in the district's strategic planning process. wg_load_jinde = true; [ ] indicates that the data are not applicable. mh_priprav_atlas(); The district operates 15 elementary schools, five middle schools, three high schools, an Early Learning Center and an Academic Enrichment Center. Questions or problems? Westerville School District MapWesterville School District Map - Delaware County, Ohio . Westerville, once known as "The Dry Capital of the World", is a city in Franklin and Delaware counties in the U.S. state of Ohio. She and her family moved to Westerville in 1989. Title: Board President. Jennifer (Brady) Aultman was born in Westerville and graduated from Westerville North High School. A mother of twin daughters and a younger son. Map of Westerville City School District Elementary School Majority Race/Ethnicity, Map of Westerville City School District High School Majority Race/Ethnicity, Map of Westerville City School District Elementary School Attendance Zones, Map of Westerville City School District Middle School Attendance Zones, Map of Westerville City School District High School Attendance Zones, Map of Westerville City School District Elementary School Free/Reduced Lunch Program Participation, Map of Westerville City School District Middle School Free/Reduced Lunch Program Participation, Map of Westerville City School District High School Free/Reduced Lunch Program Participation, Map of Westerville City School District Elementary Schools Title 1 Status, Map of Westerville City School District Middle Schools Title 1 Status, Map of Westerville City School District High Schools Title 1 Status, Westerville City School District Middle School Race and Ethnicity. var src = (useSSL ? Jen is thrilled to serve Westerville City Schools as a board member in order to give back to our exceptional community. The 2023 Best School Districts ranking is based on rigorous analysis of key statistics and millions of reviews from students and parents using data from the U.S. Department of Education. Nancy Nestor-Baker is the longest serving female board member in the history of Westerville City Schools, serving on the Board from 1991-2005 and from 2014-present. It's neither this road detailed map nor any other of the many millions of maps. This detailed map of Westerville is provided by Google. 93 Niche users give it an average review of 4.3 stars. Insurance and benefits are processed through the Treasurer's office. She has also co-chaired Our Community Our Schools. Pastor Bell has earned a Master of Divinity degree from the United Theological Seminary in Dayton, OH, a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics from the Ohio State University and is a certified pastoral coach. Her research and teaching include topics such as trust development, partnership creation and sustainability, school governance and leadership, tacit knowledge, and organizational engagement. Dr. Nancy Nestor-Baker Westerville City School District teenagers interested in volunteering for ArtSTART activities during Uptown Westerville's 4th Friday event can complete this form and send to Dr. Jan Fedorenko, education coordinator for the Arts Council of Westerville, at fedorenj@gmail.com. (614) 797-5887. Search. Skip To Main Content. Use this map type to plan a road trip and to get driving directions in Westerville. About | Features | FAQ | License | Privacy | Terms | Contact. 936 Eastwind Dr Ste 200. Submit a ticket to request assistancewith a technology issue. Scotts' Jamaican Bakery - Albany Ave Branch. Tracy is an active community member and was honored with a GEM (Great Educator Mentor) award for her work in the Westerville City School District. The first thing I noticed about the Columbus City School district was its cultural diversity. My school is currently going through with renovations so there are some distractions but nothing too much. (614) 797-5700. A three-time graduate of The Ohio State University, Nancy holds a Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Administration, a Master of Arts in Gifted Education, and a Bachelor of Science in English Education. Westerville South High School 303 S Otterbein Ave Westerville OH 43081 (614) 797-6000 Claim this business (614) 797-6000 Website More Directions Advertisement Help Desk Thanks to automating the complex process of turning data into map graphics, we are able to create maps in higher quality, faster and cheaper than was possible before. Nancy lives in Old Westerville. Front Row-Left to Right-Board Vice-President-Kristy Meyer, Treasurer/CFO-Nicole Marshall, Board Member, Jennifer Aultman. One last thing I will mention is its support. The default map view shows local businesses and driving directions. I've been treated well by both students and teachers, I feel like I've been learning well with all. Senior: My enrollment in the Columbus City School District was one of the best decisions I have ever made! Destinations close to Westerville sorted by distance. See Westerville and Ohio from a different view. More. 939. Just like any other image. Search by city, neighborhood, county, address, zip code, schools, MLS # Homes for Sale in Westerville; Homes for Rent in Westerville; Condos . Westerville Alumni Association (opens in new window/tab) Westerville Area Chamber of Commerce (opens in new window/tab) Westerville Caring & Sharing (opens in new window/tab) Westerville Education Challenge (opens in new window/tab) Westerville Education Foundation (opens in new window/tab) Westerville Parent Council (opens in new window/tab) I've learned so much. Enrich your blog with quality map graphics. Employment Opportunities. The Mercator projection was developed as a sea travel navigation tool. Featured Review: Senior says My enrollment in the Columbus City School District was one of the best decisions I have ever made! Westerville. Kristy Meyer, Board Member Westerville Central High School Westerville, OH 43082 School Profile with School Boundaries Map. Serving a culturally and economically diverse 52-square-mile area in northeastern Franklin and southern Delaware counties, the Westerville City School District (WCSD) educates approximately 14,600 students. Jen co-founded the Westerville Partners for Education to build creative relationships and programs (including Starry Night and Book Bonanza!) The Class of 2023 earned more than $25 million in scholarship offers and, on average, more than 70 percent of Westerville School District graduates pursue a post-secondary education at colleges and universities around the world, or enter the military. Students have the opportunity to take Advanced Placement coursework and exams. The online resource for Westerville School Employees. District Intranet The online resource for Westerville School Employees. We build each detailed map individually with regard to the characteristics of the map area and the chosen graphic style. Login usingyour Windows/network username and password. 2016 was when I first enrolled in this district. The district enjoys a statewide reputation as an exemplary school district and continues its path of steady progress toward becoming the benchmark of educational excellence. About Our District; About Our Community; Board of Education; . We want to redefine the experience of discovering the world through the maps. Kristy (Shanbrom) Meyer was born and raised in Westerville and graduated from Westerville North high school. jQuery.noConflict(); The online resource for Accelerated Reader and STAR Reading. The value of Maphill lies in the possibility to look at the same area from several perspectives. googletag.defineSlot('/114450422/Maphill_com_Map_misto_BTF_BottomLeaderBoard_728x90', [728, 90], 'div-gpt-ad-Map-misto-BTF-BottomLeaderBoard-728x90').addService(googletag.pubads()); Senior: For as large of a district it is, I feel that it is overall very united. No doubt about that. Do you think the maps are too beautiful not to be painted? 43082. Horizon Science Academy - Columbus Elementary School. Tracy, a certified Orton-Gillingham specialist, is a business owner of EXORO Learning Group, which provides reading support to kids with dyslexia or young struggling readers. Her three children graduated from the school system and two of her grandchildren are involved in the schools. City. })(); Please, 2023 Best School Districts in Westerville. Submit a ticket to request assistancewith a technology issue. If you wish to go from Westerville to anywhere on the map, all you have to do is draw a line between the two points and measure the angle. Maps are assembled and kept in a high resolution vector format throughout the entire process of their creation. (pddng.length && pddng[0].hasClass('bzlk')) && !mh_touch) { // v obsahovych ne Physical Address: 936 Eastwind Dr Ste 200. Map. No, this is not art. The school district operates academic affairs, food services, human resource and assessment and . Provides auto-suggestions when entering text, Niche requires Javascript to work correctly. Employment Opportunities Read 212 reviews. Access your Gmail account via the internet. Read more on how this ranking was calculated. You can even email teachers or ask for automatic updates on your student's progress as well as view any school bulletins. (614) 899-0913. 0:52. The best is that Maphill lets you look at each place from many different angles. mh_priprav_lnk(wg_adresa_lnk); Submit a ticket to request assistancewith a technology issue. Without you having to pay for it. Use the buttons under the map to switch to different map types provided by Maphill itself. Westerville City Schools and the Gahanna-Jefferson Public School District will require students, faculty and staff members to wear masks inside school buildings and on buses. 212 Niche users give it an average review of 4.4 stars. Learning management system that allows users to create, manage, and share content and resources. The detailed road map represents one of many map types and styles available. wg_rvl(false); googletag.defineSlot('/114450422/Maphill_com_Map_misto_ATF_TopLargeRectangle_336x280', [336, 280], 'div-gpt-ad-Map-misto-ATF-TopLargeRectangle-336x280').addService(googletag.pubads()); Westerville. This office is responsible for identifying and working to meet the needs of our gifted students by developing, delivering, and encouraging ability-appropriate academic challenges as well as social and emotional support for our students. $(document.body).getElements('.mmo_kwicks_obal div.obsah ul.sbk').each( function(d) { She is active in several organizations, including Central College Presbyterian Church, Uptown Westerville, Inc, Neighborhood Bridges, Westerville Symphony, and the Ohio Crime Victim Justice Center. If you like this Westerville, Franklin County, Ohio, United States map, please don't keep it to yourself. var useSSL = 'https:' == document.location.protocol; OH. Financial Information. It has been said that Maphill maps are worth a thousand words. Pastor Bell serves as the chair of the Leadership Westerville Martin Luther King, Jr. Legacy Project, a member of the board of directors for Leadership Westerville and is a member of the Westerville Diversity Advisory Committee. Total Students. Vaughn Bell. Employee Email Access your Gmail account via the internet. googletag.pubads().setTargeting("adm1", ["35", "ohio", "Ohio"]); PowerTeacher The district regularly earned the What Parents Want in education designation from SchoolMatch, which recognized districts that provide the curriculum and academic rigor parents desire most for their children. ArcGIS Online Item Details: title: School District Map Gallery: description: This map gallery contains various maps that represent all of the public school districts within Delaware County, Ohio. Westerville, OH 43081-3319. Elementary schools: 15 Includes one All-Day Kindergarten site and two Magnet Program sites for Arts, Math, Science, & World Cultures Middle schools: 4 High schools: 3 Preschool/Early Learning Center: 1 Academic Enrichment Center: 1 Our Students Total number of students: 14,693 Grades Pre-K-5: 6,579 Grades 6-8: 3,320 Grades 9-12: 4,793 Enrollment: Students Entering From Abroad, Office of the Treasurer / Fiscal Services, Non-Public, Charter, Community and Private Schools, Achievement Records for Elementary Schools, Continuous Improvement Plans at Elementary Schools, Enrollment and Overflow for Elementary Schools, Math and Reading Supports at the Elementary School, District Athletics Information for Coaches, Extra-Curricular/Co-Curricular Participation Fees, Learn Together: WCSD Black History Month Video Series, Parent Guide for Student Success: Tips for parent/student success, Parent Guide for Student Success: Starting the new school year, Parent Guide for Student Success: Planning for present and future success, Parent Guide for Student Success: Major projects / assignments / tests, Parent Guide for Student Success: Getting your child back on track, Parent Guide for Student Success: Keeping my child on track, Ohio Parent Information and Resource Center, Stress Management & Executive Functioning: Strategies & Resources, Office of Assessment & Alternative Education, Extracurricular Activities for Home Educated & Private School Students, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Special Education Family Engagement Forum, Preschool Program at the Early Learning Center, Strategic Plan: Performance Objectives & Strategic Priorities, A Five Year Journey: Students, Community & Staff, Attendance Area Maps (Interactive) [CONTENT_REVIEW InternalLink].

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