You'll want to pick this up for top-end healing at the end game. This will absolutely destroy a parse dummy and any content. Coordinate with your group on using them for pushing into fights, repositioning, or even retreating. Restoration Staff heavy attacks return also a lot of resources. Front bar Restoration Staff:Healing Springs, Radiating Regeneration, Living Trellis, Natures Embrace, Deceptive Predator, Aggressive Horn, Back bar 1h/Shield:Energy Orb, Overflowing Altar, Blue Betty, Ice Fortress, Green Lotus, Healing Thicket. There are 3 variations of recipes but all are the same in the stats they give so your choice of which one you use. Log in. Many have tried and wondered can you play using double bow? It's purely a survival skill line. BLUE (Warfare) are important for resistance, heals, and damage. The warden is the only class that has minor toughness in the game so keeping a heal up every 20 seconds+ is of course important! 8/14/2019 No changes for scalebreaker while healing them! 04.03.2021 Updated the Build for the FLAMES OF AMBITION DLC, Blackwood Chapter. 20.05.2020 Updated the Build for the GREYMOOR CHAPTER. one of the strongest defensive sets in the game even post-nerf in update 37. we also use the Atronach Mundus Stone which gives Magicka Recovery, two Magicka Recovery Glyphs and we also run the Clockwork Citrus Filet (or Witchmothers Potent Brew) which also increases our Magicka Recovery. Green (Craft) are literally quality of life! USE THEM! Try not to spam them but save them for the right moment. 11/2/2020 no changes for markarth Budding Seeds. It provides amazing support, excellent mobility and great survivability. No duplication and/or usage of any of the content on this website or the Youtube channel "Xynode Gaming" is permitted without written consent given to any party by the creator EXCEPT for Zenimax online studios and Bethesda. Cyrodiil Bar. You can, of course, switch to survival instincts instead if you dont want the Peace of Mind bonus but that is up to you. #6 Lastly your Ultimate is just as important, either is great for offense and defense. If no one has to slot a resist buff because you have it covered 100% of the time, your entire group can now change their setup to have +1 extra skill (if they were using major ward and major resolve before) in place of it. The Blossom build is created for Trials & Dungeons. Clockwork Citrus Filet (Witchmothers Brew Drink). Everything is exactly where you need it (note there are some alterations discussed in the video). Olorimes also giving the major courage buff goes up to a MASSIVE 42-second bonus. 5/22/2019 Changed front bar ult to life giver, changed gloves to medium for more max stats The Atronach for better Magicka Recovery or the Apprentice for stronger heals. great mitigation set on at all times thats very easy to obtain. 29.10.2020 Updated the Build for the MARKARTH DLC, Greymoor Chapter. If you would like to learn more about Champion Points and how they work, you can read my ESO Champion Points Guide. (Cornflower, Ladys Smock, Water Hyacinth). I use titanic cleave as well with brawler and it makes for great mob clear while still making you tanky. And these were further altered in the Blackwood Chapter, giving us a lower base for capping out some of the essentials and also adding some more slotables! Why? 8/22/2022 no changes for lost depths Aggressive war horn (from PvP assault tree) - the #1 ultimate a healer can use. Sturdy with good heals and a few offensive abilities. Why? 09.03.2023 Updated the Build for the SCRIBES OF FATE DLC, Necrom Chapter. To achieve this we are using a combination of Restoration Staff and Warden skills. If you are a new player, you can take a look at my Warden Beginner Guide. Welcome to, I hope you enjoy your time here on the site! TWAB: Economy Changes and Season of the Deep Preview, TWAB: Season of the Deep Trailer and New Dungeon, All Lightfall Exotic Weapons & How to Get Them, How to Complete Destiny 2 From Zero Quest Guide, The Revision Zero how to get and unlock the weapon, Strand Warlock: Abilities, Aspects & Fragments, Strand Hunter: Abilities, Aspects & Fragments, Strand Titan: Abilities, Aspects & Fragments, All Destiny 2Lightfall Editions Explained, Final Warning how to get and unlock the weapon, Winterbite how to get and unlock the weapon, Deterministic Chaos how to get and unlock the weapon, How to Get the Quicksilver Storm Exotic Catalyst, Cyrtarachnes Facade how to get and unlock the Armor, Abeyant Leap how to get and unlock the Armor, Amazing BG3 Trailer During The World Premiere. Now that is NOT the case as SUCH! Alternatively you can also use Tri Stat Buff food if you need the extra stamina resources, good buff foods are Bewitched Sugar Skulls or Longfin Pasty with Melon Sauce. The sets listed below are all viable, in case you want to mix things up a bit. How to PvP in ESO Guide and Tips All Classes, How to Save the Game in Star Wars Jedi Survivor, Puzzle: How to Jump and Climb Marked Walls, How to Change Lightsaber and Kyber Crystal Color Customization Options, How to Change Cals Appearance Customization Options, 10 Things You Should Know about Jedi: Survivor, What Difficulty Settings Should You Choose, Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Collectors Edition, Best ESO Builds: Update 38 Necrom Chapter, Best Destiny 2 Builds: Season 21 Season of the Deep. PvP Campaigns, what to choose, CP or no-CP? Impressum - (12 people major ward and resolve). #Eso #Wrathstone #WardenhealerSHAREfactory!/de-de/tid=CUSA00572_00 -, How to get the Vigos Protecting Amulet in Diablo IV, How to get the best loot in Diablo IV Beta, Pet Sorcerer Heavy Attack Build [Summoner], Magicka Dragonknight Beginner Build 160CP, Stamina Dragonknight Beginner Build 160CP, How to unlock Alliance War Skill Lines and the Vigor Skill, Full Antiquities List with Locations of Leads, Dwarven Ebon Wolf Mount Item Location List, Important Info (Food, Mundus, Race, Potions, Passives, Attributes),,,,,,, Diablo 4 Nightmare Dungeon Tier List for XP Farming EXP Grind D4, Powerful Diablo 4 Necromancer Build High Damage Necro Setup, All Altar of Lilith Locations [160] in Diablo 4 D4 Lilith Statue Map, Mythic Sets Item Location list for ESO! Close ranged to take advantage of a HIGH resist monster set! trademarks of ZeniMax Media Inc. in the US and/or other countries. Transmutation: Gives a massive amount of critical resistance by healing someone with a HoT, which helps prevent sudden influxes of damage from being put on yourself and others. Green Lotus (Morph of Lotus Flower) - Provides passive omnidirectional healing through light attacking. Introduction 11.08.2019 Updated Build for the SCALEBREAKER DLC, Elsweyr Chapter, Magicka Warden Healer Build PvE. 6/4/2021 cp updated This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. If you want another take on a build you can also watch VanaEvrs Warden Build video. Privacy Policy - Buff yourself with Blue Betty and Ice Fortress. But in general, focus on the following: Try to keep Combat Prayer uptime near 100% to keep the Minor Berserk buff up. If you are looking for a Solo PVE Build for Arenas like the Maelstrom Arena and Vateshran Hollows, take a look at my Magicka Warden Solo Build. Use Shimmering Shield when receiving incoming damage from projectiles and Ultimate regeneration is needed. The ESO Warden PvP Healer Build are a well-rounded class in The Elder Scrolls Online, their skills and passives make them one of the strongest healers for any content. 6/5/2023- changed transmutation alternative set. WHY? Functional cookies are cookies that are essential for the website to work. How to Survive Cold and Freezing Temperatures, How to Unlock and Enter Dark Arts Battle Arena, Merlins Trials & How to Increase Inventory Slots. #3 Use Budding Seeds when fights are grouped up and stationary. Itll save the person with the lowest HP in the AoE at each tick, so it can save multiple people from certain death over its duration. 2/24/2020 No changes for harrowstorm So where most healers will have to of course have to keep uptime checks on their buffs (As you will too) YOURS last longer, which means casting them less often and spending more time actually healing! Everything before was a passive bonus with huge diminished returns, awkward calculations, and was messy to all players for the most part. The Warfare CP perks increase your damage and mitigation and are the most important, the Fitness tree has some miscellaneous sustain and defensive perks and the Craft tree has crafting and non-combat bonuses. Any Race with Magicka bonuses can work well though. massive 1pc bonuses give you huge stat pools. Battlemage is a Magicka Warden Healer PVP Build in ESO, designed for Battlegrounds and open World PVP! You can find more about the playable races in my ESO Race Guide! High Elf, Khajiit, Dark Elf, and Breton are also good choices. nor parent company ZeniMax Media, in any way, shape, or form. These here are listed in no particular order: Spell Power Cure, Transformative Hope, Perfected Transformative Hope,Vestments of Olorime, Perfected Vestments of Olorime, The Worms Raiment, Healing Mage, Hollowfang Thirst, Zens Redress, Sanctuary, Kagrenacs Hope, Jorvulds Guidance, Torugs Pact, Martial Knowledge, Hircines Veneer, Ebon Armory, Winters Respite, Roaring Opportunist, Perfected Roaring Opportunist,Perfected Stone-Talkers Oath, Stone-Talkers Oath,Hitis Heart, Scorions Feast, Force Overflow,Timeless Blessing, Perfected Timeless Blessing, Pillagers Profit, Perfected Pillagers Profit, Grand Rejuvenation, Perfected Grand Rejuvenation, Symphony of Blades, Sentinel of Rkugamz, Nightflame, Earthgore, Chokethorn, Troll King, Encratiss Behemoth, Spaulder of Ruin, Pearls of Ehlnofey. Does Starfield Have Companions and Romances? Above all this is something to consider when using the warden healer, YOUR JOB is to keep those buffs UP! You can find a full list of all Mundus Stones on the Mundus Stone Overview Page. This is not utilized enough and people assume you must double bar all sets. Introduction Log in, ESO: Arcanist Class Guide and Best Builds. #1 April 2021 Arbit I'm a stamina necro and also use a 2 handed build for solo content. A full Written Guide is also available. This particular set is a tricky one. A flexible Warden Healer Build for Dungeons and Trials. Warden healers are currently a staple, and for good reason! Here we will focus on a Warden PvP healer build that offers a ton of healing, survivability, and unique buffs for group play. WHY? Analytics cookies help us understand how our visitors interact with the website. For more information on Champion Points, please visit the Champion Points Overview Page on We are using a frost staff with a frost glyph on the back bar to keep procing. Best Destiny 2 Builds Season of the Deep. The only real downside of the class is the tough resource sustain. 11/1/2021 gear updated for deadlands Name: Hollowfang Thirst Type: Dungeon DLC Requirement: Scalebreaker Style: Moongrave Fane Location: Moongrave Fane Buffs Minor Vitality Champion Points that buff this armor set Blessed Fighting Finesse (only while slotted) Focused Mending (only while slotted) Precision You alone have just altered the tide of play by supplying something everyone needs. Champion Points I keep reading about how the healer needs the lightning for off balance but I dont know the reason why the healer needs to do that. great cost reduction after casting combat pray. It is part of the Imperial City DLC pack. 3/14/2022- skills updated This build is specifically for healing on a warden in PvP. Warden Solo / Tank PVE Build - Vector Burn Games Vector provides a very solid over of the Warden class kit along with this strong solo set up that can breeze through dungeons. It utilizes low cost ultimate skills in order to provide quick healing support to those who are in battle. All rights reserved. The trick to this build overall is to fully understand what YOU need to do as YOUR role in the group. June 5, 2023 ESO Builds Templar PvP Templar Healer PvP Build ESO - Heals and Dreams Build Written By: Dottz Gaming - PC NA Role: Healer Patch: Necrom Table of Contents Introduction Setup Gear Attributes Skills Vampire vs. Werewolf vs. Mortal Champion Points Other Important Info (Food, Mundus, Race, Potions, Passives) Contact Info Update Log gives a burst heal, mini negate and cleanse. You need to slot these even if they are not max level. Lord Warden Imperial City PrisonJorvulds Guidance Scalecaller PeakVestment of Olorime CloudrestMasters Restoration Staff Veteran Dragonstar Arena, Monster set Options if you dont have/need Lord Warden, Troll King Blessed CrucibleNightflame Elden Hollow II, Natures Bounty Warden Tank/DPS Hybrid PVE Build Written guide updated for The Scribes Of Fate DLC: Q1 2023 This is the new PVE tank build for the Warden class. Advertise - 20.10.2019 Updated the Build for the DRAGONHOLD DLC. Location: Vvardenfell Shacklebreaker is an armor set in the Elder Scrolls Online that can be obtained in Vvardenfell. Most important is that you get the sets complete to benefit from the bonus of each set. WHY? Enter your email address to subscribe to this website and receive notifications of new posts by email. Shaming people for using Non-Alcast/off-meta builds is way too common in PUGS and completely inappropriate. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window). Abilities Attributes and Heroes Customisation. Arzyel is a passionate Gamer and fan of the Elder Scrolls Series! Wardens Going into the Scalebreaker Patch, Warden will lead the way in terms of Stamina healing. PvP Campaigns guide, and what to choose, CP or no-CP? If you want, you could grab Vampire Stage 3 for Undeath, but keep in mind it will hit your sustain. One Bar Warden Healer. Heavy attack to keep up magicka/major mending. I walk you through everything you have to know and present you the best. Restoration staff bar: (main healing bar. To achieve this we are using a combination of Restoration Staff and Warden skills. Make sure to bookmark the link as I will keep updating the build for each new Update of ESO. It utilizes low cost ultimate skills in order to provide quick healing support to those who are in battle. Network N Privacy Policy Below you will find the best Champion Points setup for the Build. Several important info for the Warden Healer PVP Build. Unlike DPS, your rotation as a healer is very flexible and largely determined by how much healing you will need to have going out. Update Log All Classes & Subclasses: What to Choose? How Long the Campaign and How Many Hours to Finish the Game? Warden. What is Max Level and How to Level up Quickly? And one more major thing to note you have GLYPHS on your weapons! How cool is that? Shacklebreaker: Helps give us strong resource pools as well as sustain them. Welcome to, I hope you enjoy your time here on the site! a ZeniMax Media company. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. And this is considering slotables too so there is no harm in actually deliberately specing for a couple of damage resistance slotables instead even at THIS stage. 09.05.2022 Updated the Build for the HIGH ISLE CHAPTER. The Atronach Mundus Stone ( Increased Magicka Recovery). Disclaimer. Perfected Grand Rejuvenation. 27.05.2021 Updated the Build for the BLACKWOOD CHAPTER. So having the healer IN the bunch is a much more efficient way to utilize this awesome resist buff. I have seen SO many people fire this buff into the wall because they double bar it and it lands where buffs for themselves are placed or just didnt realize the skills they use to make it proc. The new system underlines NO diminished returns, no majorly confusing passives, and the ability to buy EVERY single passive available for tanking, DPS, and healing on the SAME character with enough points to spare for buying slotables. Spell-Crit Potions (Demonstrated in the video). Below you can find two videos showcasing the Warden Healer in the Rockgrove Trial. How to Transfer Your Horse to Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom? How to Transfer Your Horse to Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom? Of course, over time, additions will be and have already been made to the system but the main BASE of it is the same. Collectors & Deluxe Editions: Which Should You Buy? How to PvP in ESO Guide and Tips All Classes, How to Save the Game in Star Wars Jedi Survivor, Puzzle: How to Jump and Climb Marked Walls, How to Change Lightsaber and Kyber Crystal Color Customization Options, How to Change Cals Appearance Customization Options, 10 Things You Should Know about Jedi: Survivor, What Difficulty Settings Should You Choose, Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Collectors Edition, Best ESO Builds: Update 38 Necrom Chapter, Best Destiny 2 Builds: Season 21 Season of the Deep, Restoration Staff = more flexibility with bar slots BUT you need blocking mitigation typically. Keep up light attacks and heavy attacks just like a DPS would! Longer duration on all major and minor buffs making for FAR better sustain and more room for actual heals rather than buffs not lasting long enough and having to overcast constantly. False. Every single minor or major buff we supply is increased by a whopping 40% duration time! It utilizes low cost ultimate skills in order to provide quick healing support to those who are in battle. What do other players think of this armor set? Sword and Board offers no healing benefit to the group. 300, 600, 900 champion points are not really important as checkpoints anymore for optimization. It utilizes low cost ultimate skills in order to provide quick healing support to those who are in battle. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. All 64 Attribute points go into Magicka. Buffed: In combat, buff food, Raid Target Dummy buffs, Spell Power Potion, Spell Power Cure, Powerful Assault, Enchanted Growth, Blue Betty active. Damage mitigation is very important when in combat, especially if you are being targeted. Radiating Regeneration. The Elder Scrolls, ESO, Bethesda, Bethesda Softworks and related logos are registered They have quite a few tools to make Stamina healing viable. Reddit, Inc. 2023. This Guide is currently focused on small/large scale Cyrodiil PvP. Preset used for this allocation:, Preset used for this allocation:, Preset used for this allocation:, Preset used for this allocation:, Preset used for this allocation:, Preset used for this allocation: Unlock the prerequisite passives to unlock access to your slotables if there are anyfill them up, and then just grab the remaining passives as you go. ESO-Hub is neither directly nor indirectly related to Bethesda Softworks, ZeniMax Online Studios, 5x Spell Power Cure, 5x Powerful Assault, 2x Sentinel of Rkguamz, 1x Perfected Grand Rejuvenation on a Breton with Clockwork Citrus Filet buff food. We are using the Ritual Mundus stone for as much healing done as possible alongside the. Perks: Hovering over each perk will give you insights on what it does. There are many situations on large boss where the tank utilizes this set (Lord Warden) but because the boss is so big it just DOESNT reach them. No matter what, THESE are the most important parts of the Champion Points 2.0 system.
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