You should have no problem landing; what goes up must come downeventually. You also need to learn about the most common opponents, and at the same time check the effectiveness of the weapons of the surveyed vehicles. Use the torpedo sight (set as the Q key by default). It drives more like a car than it does a tank and has a hard time to flip. New prizes await their future owners. You can turn on automatic damage repair (press and hold the 7 key by default). Amongst them 14 new ships for the French Navy! Each level of Battle Pass will earn you a prize, be it a player icon, a loading screen, a title, decals, decorations, or new premium vehicles! 20112023 Gaijin Games Kft. Gaijin Entertainment used its experience with its previous combat flight simulator games, such as IL-2 Sturmovik: Birds of Prey, Apache: Air Assault, and Birds of Steel, in the development. [54], On several occasions, users on the War Thunder forum have shared restricted and/or classified documents during discussions about the accuracy of the vehicles depicted. : Visit the Record Tables. This section may also include the vehicle's dev blog entry (if applicable) and the in-game encyclopedia description (under === In-game description ===, also if applicable). New location, tactical air-to-surface missiles and a pilot HUD along with new graphical effects, gunfire sounds for aircraft, and much more! You can turn on automatic repair for breaches and flood prevention (press and hold the 8 key by default). When it is imperative to use complex technical concepts, disclose them in the text using the Annotation template or in a footnote; Do not completely copy text from third-party sources. If you don't know how it works yet, it is highly recommended that you read it right now. War Thunder unites tens of millions of players around the world in a friendly and energetic community, passionate about the game, history and military equipment of different countries. Note how vulnerable the structure is and how secure the pilot is, whether the fuel tanks are armoured, etc. But at the moment, War Thunder Wiki also contains articles on weapons, game mechanics, and historical articles. HEAT shells are good for long-range operations. Aircraft can fly with critical damage, even without half of a wing. More than 50 new and updated vehicles with the long awaited American M1A2 SEP with the TUSK modification, SPAA R-1 missile and the iconic Fus Japanese battleship! Describe the history of the creation and combat usage of the aircraft in more detail than in the introduction. This update brings a wealth of new vehicles and improvements to War Thunder, including such legendary aircraft as the MiG-27M and the Swedish Viggen! You have a full collection? For 2015, a new game mode called "Unrealistic Battles" featured inflatable rubber tanks firing potatoes and carrots. By logging into the game and completing tasks and challenges you earn points that unlock Battle Pass levels, and each level earns you a reward! In the control menu, you can assign keys to manually control direction and range of fire. Announced in 2011, it was first released in November 2012 as an open beta with a worldwide release in January 2013; it had its official release on 21 December 2016. Knowledge Is Power: Enter the Encyclopedia. The main principles of creating a new article: The visual editor is the WYSIWYG page editor contained in the VisualEditor extension for MediaWiki. icon next to the shop button in the hangar) and taking a cursory glance through, it kinda sorta really isn't helpful at all. If the bridge of the ship is damaged and your helmsman and commander are gone, you lose the ability to control the ship until you replace them with other members of the crew. The 2019 event, named "Earth Thunder", took place in a fictional American city named "Green Hills" and had players use. All trademarks, logos and brand names are the property of their respective owners. The addition of missing important and relevant sections in already existing articles and/or multiple minor additions and corrections in already existing articles to help improve their content and relevance to the player base. [75], At release, War Thunder was well-received with generally positive reviews. All trademarks, logos and brand names are the property of their respective owners. Examples are the recreation of historical battles by restricting available vehicles (e.g., Battle of Britain). Open new stages and get unique premium combat vehicles, as well as tons of prizes: decals, 3D decorations, profile icons and a unique loading screen and title! The long awaited F-14A Tomcat, an Israeli helicopter tech tree, the first Chinese helicopter and a new type of bomb - with napalm! Try Dynamic Campaign! destruction. [27] Players can control aircraft, ground vehicles, and warships from the United States, Germany, Russia, Britain, France, and Japan, as well as nations with smaller militaries or less prominence in conflicts, such as Italy, China, Sweden and Israel. The pages for these articles are not automatically created, so if you decide to write one of these articles, then first you have to create the corresponding page yourself. 1-vs-1 situation: In a 1-vs-1 turn fight, the J35A is one of the best in the game. [22] Vehicles range from pre-World War I (ships only)[23] to modern day,[24] with an emphasis on World War II,[25][26] the Vietnam War, and the Cold War. Breaches take on water faster while the ship is moving. In this case, all edits should be relevant and useful, and when making additions or corrections to existing articles, you should always adhere to the style of the text, preferable third person. The T55E1 uses the 76 mm M7 as its main and only armament. You can repair your airplane and replenish your ammo in friendly airfields and aircraft carriers. The player obtained the manuals through the, A user leaked classified documents of the, A user posted an image of a Chinese DTC10-125, A forum member posted parts of the armor layout of the, Two days after the previous leak, thirteen documents pertaining to the. Including new maps, visual effects, and various new vehicles - and let's not forget our new game nation: Israel! The game is based around combined arms battles on air, land, and sea with vehicles from the Great War to today. Dear reader! In 2020, Gaijin changed the name of the game to "Space Thunder", featuring space battles. I wonder if, like the single missions, historical campaigns, and non-HD 3D models in the game, the encyclopedia is some kind of leftover asset from Gaijin's pre-War Thunder games like IL2 Birds of Prey or Birds of Steel, or just a menu that hasn't been touched since the early days of War Thunder? All trademarks, logos and brand names are the property of their respective owners. We encourage the players to collaborate on the Wiki. Open new stages and get unique combat vehicles, as well as tons of prizes: decals, 3D decorations, profile icons and a unique loading screen and title! When you start editing with the code editor, a toolbar and a wiki text entry box appear on the page: The items on the code editor panel are very simple and straightforward, and they can often coincide with the items on the visual editor toolbar, but there are some differences: In this window, you can enter the name of the internal page on the wiki where the link will be referred to, or the URL address of the external page (you must change the type of link in the switch from "To a wiki page" to "To an external web page"), as well as the text that will be shown to users instead of the link address. If there is already a template on the page that marks its basic topic, you should work with it. In 23 April 2019, the long-awaited economy update has gone live! Removed achievements (remain visible for players who completed them). navigation search Hints are helpful/not-so-helpful hints that appear in War Thunder loading screens. A successful landing! Copying distributed text-based materials is allowed, but discouraged and using them on the WT Wiki without prior processing is still not recommended. War Thunder CDK (Content Development Kit) is a tool kit for creating different user content available to any player. The article about the Soviet 76 mm tank gun F-34 would be called "F-34 (76 mm)" (F-34 is the name of the gun itself, and 76 mm is its calibre). Read more in the article. Your speed outclasses other vehicles and you can use it to get to a flanking position or a sniping point before anyone else. Learn the War Thunder basics from this video. When you start editing the page using the visual editor, a toolbar will appear at the top of the screen: If you did not select the text in advance, the choice of the formatting style will apply to the text that you will begin to enter immediately after the selection. The French fleet has arrived in War Thunder, The latest Update brings the first Indian tank to the game, new missile flight physics and more, War Thunder Mobile open beta testing has started on Android devices, Console grade military online action is now available on mobile, The War Thunder modern military vehicles soundtrack is now available on streaming platforms. We are pleased to introduce a new mechanic to the game - "Collections"! These hints often drop tips, historical trivias, or humour. The "Computer Code" item (a set of curly brackets: The last item is called "Clear Styling", removes all formatting from the selected text, including links. Usage of illustrations in the form of game screenshots, and at opportunities - archival photos, fan art, as well as video reviews or historical newsreels, is welcomed. It contains a lot of useful information. Vehicles are divided into three main categories: aviation, ground, and fleet, while game modes are divided between arcade, realistic, and simulator. Aim below the waterline if you want to pierce your enemys hull and cause flooding. If the rudder is damaged, you can still control the ship with the help of the engines, but it will be much slower. In 2021, Gaijin held 2 events, "Tailspin" and "Warfare 2077". On large ships, you will lose all the shells in your ammo magazine if they catch fire. The optimal distance for launching torpedoes is about one kilometer from the target. As of November 1, 2022, War Thunder had over 70 million registered players on all platforms combined, out of which 160,000 play concurrently.[21]. OS: Most modern 64bit Linux distributions. How might one hope for a well-trained ally? You can turn on automatic fire extinguishing (press and hold the 6 key by default). You can read more about it in Encyclopedia. To edit the text using the visual editor, you must click the "Edit" button in the upper right corner of the page or the right side of the title of any section, or the "Create" button if you decide to create a page from scratch. [50][51] At Gamescom 2018, the planned addition of helicopters into the game was announced, and by late 2018, helicopters were fully implemented. Use the Target Camera. All trademarks, logos and brand names are the property of their respective owners. Intense PvP experiences in full-scale combat missions at various difficulty settings for all play styles and degrees of experience. This page was last edited on 20 May 2023, at 15:44. Make sure to visit the Encyclopedia regularly. Don't forget to raise your landing gear after take-off. Battle Pass, Season III "Strength Athletics" is now live! The 76 mm M7 cannon is a high velocity anti tank gun, and can punch through the armour of most tanks all the way up to 6.7. way to support, I receive 95% of the donation):Find MYSH on facebook: on Twitter: videos by footage island (youtube)outro music by CDK / analog by nature from\"Thief in the night\" by Kevin MacLeod ( Decoration: Put a sticker on your aircraft. Events in War Thunder provide custom missions, usually based on one of the three main game modes, but with alternative settings regarding allowed vehicles, mission specifics, etc. [49], In 2017, Italy was added as a playable faction. Soviet robots with atomic heart are heading to War Thunder battlefields. The 10th season of Battle Pass, named Royal Guard, begins in War Thunder very soon! A bad pilot cant even handle a steering column. Announced in 2011, it was first released in November 2012 as an open beta with a worldwide release in January 2013; it had its official release on 21 December 2016. All rights reserved. For softer targets it would be best to use HE or HEAT shells. Bit of a ramble here, but after seeing the ingame hint, "Make sure to visit the Encyclopedia often. Traditionally, the developers prepare unconventional events for April Fools' Day. Two new locations, fortifications mechanics, new weapons for aircraft and much more awaits you in La Royale update! In Disguise: Play a match in a vehicle with a non-standard camouflage pattern. The update also opens the Chinese tech tree to all players. The single T55E1 GMC prototype was completed in early 1943 and underwent testing at the desert proving grounds of Fort Irwin in California. Fleet also earned new cruisers and destroyers for use! This news was published on the old version of the website. Here you can easily find friends and like-minded people to join online battles and take part in the versatile life of the community. Tailspin was a game mode that took place on a map called "Cape Somerset Bay" that had a cartoon art style. The game encyclopedia is better to get an idea of basics, the wiki is more for specific details of certain vehicles. A well-trained ally doesnt make obvious mistakes in battle. The ammo rack is your biggest weak spot, however if you only load 10 or 12 shells, your side racks are empty and your centre rack is mostly empty. If the engine room is flooded, the engines and transmission there will be knocked out. Don't forget to lead your target when firing. You will take part in all of the major combat battles, fighting with real players all over the world. Here you can learn about the game mechanics and how to use the vehicles in virtual battles. Bit of a ramble here, but after seeing the ingame hint, "Make sure to visit the Encyclopedia often. Amongst the 43 new as well as updated vehicle models, one can't help but mention the real behemoth - the Char2, the agile AH-6M "Little Bird" helicopter or the first French light cruiser; Duguay-Trouin! The battle rating (BR) determines which opponents you can meet while driving this vehicle. Switch between available positions with the Switch Camera button. The War Thunder Wiki team thanks you for participating in the project, as well as what you most likely went to this page for - the desire to add, edit and create new articles in our encyclopedia. Today we'd like to talk about. The M62 APCBC shell has enough explosive filler to take down most tanks in one well aimed shot. Write articles from a third-person perspective in a scientific style; Use competent language, be sure to re-read and check the text for errors; Rely only on the actual characteristics of the equipment; it is not necessary to describe the subjective impressions of any machine; Do not insert a lot of dry technical information and abbreviations, the reader may get confused by the text, oversaturated with insignificant details, and as a result it becomes difficult to perceive such an article. A player does not have to activate an achievement to start it. A good pilot can fly anything that flies - and, with some difficulty, even things never meant to fly. The manuals included classified information about the tank's fire control system and engine. Reddit, Inc. 2023. [42], In August 2020, the game had a tank biathlon-style event featuring select Russian and Chinese tanks performing tasks on a tank range map, with the objective to finish in 1st place after navigating obstacles and destroying targets. There may be some problems with news display in specific browser versions. Battle Pass is the seasonal event during which you will earn progress points and use them to open new levels. See the tons of new and unique prizes and rewards now available! The Advanced button opens the extended toolbar: The table below shows the main wiki markup tools for text formatting: Not the main question, but rather important for every novice editor: Will I get anything for contributing to the War Thunder Wiki?. The ground tree of the Swedish tech tree have been unleashed onto War Thunder! All trademarks, logos and brand names are the property of their respective owners. A loop can help you get onto your opponent's tail. Please visit the, War Thunder goes dark in Update 1.91 "Night Vision" on 11 Sep 2019! Research points, purchase costs, repair costs, and shell costs have been changed! Check it! Best Developer, Best Game, Best Technology, Best Sound Design (2013). If you select the necessary text before clicking the "Link" button, this selected text will fill both fields in the default dialog box to expedite the process. Due to these factors, it is recommended that you exercise strong trigger discipline to conserve ammo and only fire on slow enemies at closer ranges (<750 m). War Thunder offers: In the control menu, you can assign a key to fire a trial shot from a primary weapon. The event was teased on August 17 with a YouTube video posted to the game's official YouTube Channel, as well as on the official website. Collections combine thematic decals and decorations, for example those related to one event. Here you can learn about the game mechanics and how to use the vehicles in virtual battles. The Italians now have their own ground forces tech tree! So, at the beginning of 1943, the T55E1 appeared - a more densely assembled and improved version of a promising self-propelled gun. : Watch the credits to the end. If the historical reference turns out to be too long, take it to a separate article, taking a link to the article about the vehicle and adding a block "/History" (example: and add a link to it here using the main template. In any other cases, rules applicable to the War Thunder game and website are also applicable to the War Thunder Wiki. When installed to the game folder, the CDK enables editing or creation of new unique missions and locations, and also helps in the creation of game models. The minimum supported resolution for the game is 720p. While they do very high damage upon hitting, shell velocity is low, ammo capacity is low (only 100 rounds per gun), and it completely lacks tracer bullets. The Landkreuzer P. 1000 Ratte, come and play it now! You can select targets for primary weapons (X+1 by default). You can choose from over 2000 vehicles and an extensive variety of combat situations many of which are exclusive to War Thunder. Players took control of new planes belonging to the "Republic of Air Pirates" faction. You can check out all available planes in the Research. A selection of over 40 new and updated models of aircraft, ground vehicles, and naval vessels. Join now and take part in major battles on land, in the air, and at sea, fighting with millions of players from all over the world in an ever-evolving environment. To edit pages using the code editor, you must click the "Edit source" button in the upper right-hand corner of the page, or the right side of the title of any section, or "Create source" if you decide to create a page from scratch. The beginning of the Closed Beta Test for the French Naval forces, new and updated graphical effects for flares, afterburners, rockets, and missiles along with new hit marks on ground vehicles. The "Comment" icon (exclamation mark) allows you to insert a comment invisible to readers, which can only be seen in edit mode. Two albums featuring the new War Thunder soundtrack are now available on all popular streaming platforms. For hundreds of years, hussars were part of the cavalry, but technical progress in the 20th century forced them to ditch horses for tanks which means they have a place in War Thunder! The T55E1 role in combat was assumed as fire support of advancing infantry, while being able to operate on any type of surface. 20112023 Gaijin Games Kft. However, as the armour is paper thin, APHE shells tend not to detonate inside your tank. 9 Gaijin.Net achievements 10 PS4 trophies General Get to Know Us! This page was last edited on 27 July 2022, at 21:23. In brief, we can describe the collection of information for an article on the vehicle as follows: you must play this vehicle yourself, understand all the main combat characteristics of this machine, and identify its positive and negative qualities directly in combat. To create a new article you need: Then you just need to click the button "Create" (or "Create source" if you prefer to work with wiki markup directly), then click the "Save page" button at the bottom - then the page is created. Let's welcome the "Sky Guardians" update! A spinoff game called War Thunder Mobile (also known as War Thunder Edge[12]) was released in May 2023 for Android, with an iOS version planned to release in the near-future. Each opened level brings you a valuable reward, from Silver Lions and boosters to exclusive season prizes: decorators, profile icons and premium vehicles.
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