The University contributes towards the cost of several benefit plans. Some on-campus health services are subsidized by the Services & Activities Fee, which all matriculated UW Seattle students pay. This program is administered by the Department of Employee Trust Funds (ETF) and offers different plan designs. Deductibleis the amount you owe for healthcareservices your health insurance or plan coversbefore your health insurance begins to pay. marriage, birth, adoption, etc. Learn more about UW Health and the Affordable Care Act. The 2023-2024 SHIP benefit information and premiums will be available soon. Accident Insurance provides a cash benefit if you experience an injury or die as a result of a covered accident. One requirement is there must be two separate bills, one from the medical group for the doctors professional fees and the other from the hospital for all other costs. You can also contact us through MyChart. Each UW System institution has staff available to assist you with benefits-related questions. Retirement 1 reviews. The only way to know for sure if your plan is contracted is to call the customer service number on the back of your insurance card to complete the Know Your Benefits worksheet. Our Benefits UW Health's Total Rewards Package competitively compensates our employees in order to recruit, retain, recognize and reward highly talented individuals. You might have private insurance through an employer, parent, or spouse. Benefits Benefits Insurance Health insurance Health insurance Health and dental plan options Learn about the Uniform Medical Plan, Kaiser Permanente options, and dental plans. Use the links and FAQ below to learn how to affordable access to on- and off-campus care, and how to obtain and use health insurance. Employee -Paid LTD insurance at 60% coverage with a 90-day waiting period. What should I do if my insurance doesn't cover the cost of coming to Hall Health/UW Medicine? | Accessibility Additional services, such as lab tests, immunizations, imaging, x-rays, and medication, are billed to insurance. You are eligible for the full employer . You will be responsible for any costs not covered by your insurance plan. How do uninsured students get health insurance? This includes: Domestic students can get help with insurance by contacting Public Health Seattle & King Countys health insurance navigators at 800.756.5437 or by emailing, International students can reach the ISHIP Counselor at, Graduate students with GAIP can reach UW HR at, Many services featured on this website are funded by the UW Services and Activities Fee. 2023 Board of Regents - University of Wisconsin System. You do not need to submit the worksheet or any other documentation to UW. Learn about the different health plans available to benefits-eligible UW employees. UW Health is committed to providing financial counseling assistance to help our patients and families develop a plan to ease financial hardships and stress due to planned and unplanned medical bills. Out-of-state private plans purchased on a state or federal exchanges, which only provide emergency coverage in Washington State, facilities for routine, urgent, or specialty care, or call the provider for further information, Tricare Prime (mental health) While Hall Health can see students with Tricare Prime for medical care in some circumstances (see above), most Tricare Prime plans only provide partial coverage for mental health care with UW Medicine providers. If the family member is based internationally and is not filing taxes in the US, the student should report their own personal income instead. Benefits is part of the HR Benefits, Analytics & Information team. Domestic students who need information about how to obtain insurance should see How do uninsured students get health insurance? below. If you have a bankruptcy case number or would like help setting up a payment arrangement, please contact Customer Service: UW Health can provide a price estimate of what a procedure or treatment will cost, based on total charges for the same services, and how much you may be responsible for paying based on your insurance coverage. The UW System offers two supplemental insurance plans that are designed to help protect you and your family in the event of accidental death or injury from an accident. Comprehensive health insurance is offered to all employees. Note to out-of-state families: Plans obtained through the state exchange will only provide comprehensive coverage in Washington state. All plan designs include pharmacy benefits (no additional cost) and may be elected with or without Uniform Dental (minimal additional cost). If you lose a family member (e.g. For more information about your rights and protections against medical bills, please see this disclosure notice that explains surprise billing (sometimes called "balance billing") in more detail: Your rights and protections against surprise medical bills (pdf), Sus derechos y protecciones frente a las facturas mdicas sorpresivas (pdf). Each Prime member is assigned a Primary Care Manager, who provides all routine care and facilitates referrals to specialists as needed. The inpatient total charge amount and reimbursement rates for many procedures is made up of many individual charge items from the CDM. Our benefits package goes beyond the traditional thought of benefits to help you balance your work and life needs. If you decide not to obtain comprehensive coverage in WA and retain coverage in your home state, be sure you have a plan for what you will do if you need care while in Seattle. Out-of-pocket costs, copayment, co-insurance or deductible are due prior to outpatient services. Its related to reproductive issues, sexually-transmitted diseases, substance-use disorder or mental health services. Beyond prior authorization, some services may not be a covered benefit under your plan all together. Changes made during this period will be effective January 1, 2023. Your doctor will decide which procedures, tests, and other consultations you may need. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. Donations to UW Health are managed by the University of Wisconsin Foundation, a publicly supported charitable organization under 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. 401 Schmitz Hall. Which insurance plans are contracted with Hall Health/UW Medicine? While many of these programs are administered by the Washington State Public Employees Benefit Board, the UW Benefits team helps new employees understand their options at Welcome Day and provides those preparing to retire resources and guidance. Open 24/7. Vision Insurance provides coverage for materials (contacts and/or glasses). The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". If you do not enroll in the State Group Health Insurance program during your initial 30-day enrollment period, you may enroll during the Annual Benefits Enrollment (ABE) period or if you have a qualifying life event (click Life Events in the left-hand menu for more information). You have 30 days from the date of employment or the date of obtaining a benefits-eligible job to enroll in the State Group Health Insurance program. Compare health plans Find a doctor, download Certificates of Coverage, learn about premiums and deductibles and consumer-directed health plans Eligibility for insurance The UW Your rights and protections against surprise medical bills, Sus derechos y protecciones frente a las facturas mdicas sorpresivas, Wisconsin Collaborative for Healthcare Quality's website, Health Transformation Collaborative website, Norma de Asistencia Financiera - Illinois, Financial Assistance Plain Language Summary, Resumen de la Norma de Asistencia Financiera, Financial Assistance Policy: Appendix A - Amount Generally Billed, Apndice A - Cantidad Facturada Generalmente, Financial Assistance Policy: Appendix B - Categories of Service, Apndice B - Categorias de Servicio de Asistencia Financiera, Financial Assistance Policy: Appendix C - Contact Information, Financial Assistance Policy: Appendix D - Adjustment Levels, Apndice D - Niveles de ajuste de Asistencia Financiera, Financial Assistance Policy: Appendix E -Eligible Providers/Facilities Other Than UW Health, Apndice E - Otros Proveedores e Instalaciones Elegibles Ademas de UW Health, Pliza de Facturacin y Cobro del Paciente, Language Access: Notice of Nondiscrimination. Outside of Washington state, private insurance and Medicaid plans through WA Health Plan Finder will only cover emergency care. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Employees enrolling in the HDHP or Access HDHP are required to enroll in the Health Savings Account (HSA). One visit with a medical provider for an injury or illness per quarter OR for a pre-travel consultation. When you get emergency care or get treated by an out-of-network provider at an in-network hospital or ambulatory surgical center, you are protected from surprise billing or balance billing. As a UW System employee, you will receive an excellent total rewards package. University Staff Recognition Award Winner, Poet, Scholar, Teaching Artist, and Outreach Specialist, Assistant Dean for Diversity and Inclusion, Individual and Family Group Life Insurance, Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance, University Insurance Association Life Insurance, UW 403(b) Supplemental Retirement Program (SRP), Summer Prepay Deductions: Summer Employment/Family Status Changes, Well Wisconsin UW System Employee Participation and Identified Health Risks. 2. There are two main kinds of health insurance that are relevant to students: Most UW students have in-state or out-of-state private insurance. We support healthy lifestyles for its employees through programs to help manage stress, eliminate tobacco use and increase physical activity. See the full value of your wages and benefits combined using the Total Compensation Estimator. You can pay your bill online using MyChart. Your health insurance likely has certain services that it does not cover (examples may include acupuncture, fertility care, etc.). UW Health is committed to providing remarkable care and service to our patients and families. The University of Wisconsin (UW) System offers a comprehensive benefits package to meet the diverse needs of our community. You are responsible for knowing if your insurance does not cover certain types of services. Prescription coverage Included with health insurance, these plans significantly reduce employee out-of-pocket prescription costs. | Privacy Optional plans are available to financially protect employees and their families when catastrophic events occur. Click each plan (in the left-hand menu) or use the Comparison of Health & Pharmacy Benefits (available in the Forms & Resources section below) for additional information. Life happens! Health insurance can be purchased through the Health Insurance Marketplace. Each person has a different set of priorities and needs regarding health care. In addition, find information on benefit eligibility, enrollment deadlines, payroll schedules and important forms to complete. Let us help! UW Health proactively provides some estimates prior to services. Any amount that is billed but not paid by your insurance company, is your responsibility. Employee Benefits Employee Benefits By understanding your options, you can make the most of your benefits. Getting a referral from your Primary Care Manager (PCM). A copay is usually a fixed amount, rather thana percentage. Will my insurance company pay the facility fee? This list is subject to change and does not guarantee that your insurance will cover the cost of all services with Hall Health/UW Medicine. Most employees will be able to enroll electronically through the MyUW portal. If you have a UW Health MyChart account, you can set up payment plans and save credit card information for future payments. Mail: Send a copy of your insurance card (front and back) to Patient Business Services, 7974 UW Health Court, Middleton, WI 53562. Health Insurances | Human Resources Health Insurances Please see the UW System and Wisconsin Department of Employee Trust Funds (ETF) webpages below for information about the health, dental, and vision insurance options, and pharmacy benefits, available to employees. It does not store any personal data. If you are undocumented or a DACA recipient, there may be a few plans that do not have immigration requirements associated with them available outside of the marketplace. During quarters in which matriculated students are enrolled, prepaid services include: You are eligible for these services only during quarters in which you are enrolled at UW. Some insurance plans require you to obtain a referral from your primary care physician prior to seeing a UW Health physician or other provider. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Does the managed care organizations network include the clinics and providers that you want to be able to see? Health insurance is essential for students because it protects you from paying the full cost of health care. You contact them to request a consultation with a counselor and they call you back the same day. These plans include monthly premiums, deductibles and coinsurance. Within 30 days from date of employment or the date of obtaining a benefits-eligible job. It takes 2-5 business days for a routine request to be processed. Domestic students are not required to have health insurance by the university. You can elect to not be considered for Medicaid or government assistance, in which case you will only be eligible for full-fee private insurance ($300-600/month). These plans include monthly premiums, deductibles and coinsurance. Learn about the Uniform Medical Plan, Kaiser Permanente options, and dental plans. Watch a retirement workshop remotely, or watch the pre-recorded on-demand webinar whenever youd like. Contact Hall Health to select a provider who is accepting new patients first, then contact your PCM to request a referral. While all are part of UW Health, each is required to follow billing regulatory requirements based on the type of facility where you receive your care. Out-of-state families should note that none of the insurance options available in Washington State will provide coverage for routine care outside of Washington. In-networkrefers to select groups of doctors,hospitals and other healthcare professionals whoare contracted with your insurance to provide afull range of covered healthcare services. If you are not covered under your spouse or parents insurance, and do not have other health insurance coverage, answer no.. You can also refer to the billing practices brochure that is given to all new patients or contact our billing office with questions. Does UW Health provide care for patients without insurance? Learn about out-of-pocket costs, like deductibles, copays and coinsurance. Local Washington state address (residence hall okay). Contact Elevate Patient Financial Solutions by calling (608) 265-1705. Annual Benefits Enrollment is the only time you can make changes to certain benefits without having an eligible life event (for example, marriage, birth, or divorce) or qualifying employment change during the year. ), Lymphedema and Venous Edema Clinic (1 S. Park St.), Pain Management Clinic (1102 S. Park St.), Science Dr Medical Center (formerly Research Park Clinic) (621 Science Dr.), University Ave Rehabilitation Clinic (6630 University Ave.), Union Corners Clinic Physical Therapy (2402 Winnebago St.), University Station Clinic (2880 University Ave.), UW Carbone Cancer Center (600 Highland Ave.), Yahara Clinic Orthopedic Physical Therapy (1050 East Broadway). EAP offers 24/7 confidential support when employees have legal, financial, child care or other concerns. 2023 University of Washington | Seattle, WA. You are financially responsible for services not covered under your health insurance benefits. If paying for insurance is not an option, you will want to identify affordable providers that you can visit in certain situations: How can I protect my health information as a dependent?
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