Admissions: (317) 316-9477 *Please remember that you cannot get paid or work for a family member and you must volunteer with an actual organization (e.g. Your Student Success Advisor can assist with any questions. What are the initial requirements for Tennessee Promise? To find out more, please visit South Colleges Privacy Statement. In order to view detailed job placement and graduation information on the programs offered by South College, please visit and click on the Authorized Institutions Data button. MAY A STUDENT ATTEND A FOUR- YEAR INSTITUTION WITH TN PROMISE FUNDING? You may not be supervised by a family member, and you must submit your hours before every deadline. South College is authorized for operation as a postsecondary education institution by the Tennessee Higher Education Commission. The Promise application and Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) must be completed by the extended deadline of May 1, 2023. Not all online programs are available to residents of all U.S. states. The scholarship amount is variable, based on remaining cost of tuition and fees, and paid after all other gift aid has been applied at an eligible postsecondary institution. Students must also be enrolled full-time during the summer term in order to Tennessee Transfer Pathways are advising tools designed to help community college students plan to transfer to a Tennessee public or private four-year institution to complete a baccalaureate degree. The Tennessee Promise Scholarship provides Tennessee high school graduates a chance Here's our custom admissions calculator. Please see updates to the community service requirement. This could lead to a permanent loss of eligibility. Main: (629) 802-3000 It varies depending on your expected start date. Steps to Participate Step 1: Apply to be a Tennessee Promise Scholar. Award Information Eligibility Tennessee Promise Frequently Asked Questions, Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), Lottery Scholarship: Frequently Asked Questions, Voluntary Buyout Program - Tuition Assistance Benefit. Failing to report your hours on time will always result in the loss of your scholarship, so resolve to stay on top of deadlines. Maintain a 2.0 GPA. It never hurts to have a back-up plan. Tennessee resident/U.S. At a community college or a four-year institution, full-time enrollment is at least 12 credit hours. TSAC will send funds directly to the colleges. Not all Tennessee Promise eligible programs are eligible for the South College Opportunity Grant. Attend second mandatory meeting coordinated by your partnering organization. More information about financial aid, including Tennessee Promise, can be found on our financial aid page. To be eligible to receive the UT Promise scholarship, students must be under the family household income threshold and qualify for the Tennessee HOPE scholarship (or Tennessee HOPE scholarship-nontraditional). WHAT DOES TN PROMISE FUND? Each one counts for an hour. who helps the student navigate the college admissions process. Fax: (931) 221-7661. If you are graduating early from high school, please reference "What if students graduate early from high school?" You should definitely follow us on social media. all Southwest students: technology access, program service, student activity and international ALERT: Please see updates to the community service requirement. Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), Submit Community Service Hours to tnAchieves, Apply for Tennessee Promise by November 1 at. Review Your Upcoming TN Promise Requirements! maintain 12 credit hours will likely result in the loss of your Tennessee Promise The 5 Strategies You Must Be Using to Improve 4+ ACT Points, How to Get a Perfect 36 ACT, by a Perfect Scorer. Accordingly, community service requirements for Tennessee Promise Scholarship recipients have been waived for spring and summer of 2021. Students who complete a GED or HiSET diploma (and have met all other TN Promise eligibility requirements) must enroll full-time in an eligible postsecondary program in the fall term after they receive their diploma, provided that the diploma was earned before they reach 19 years of age. The time you donate should benefit the community, so take some time to consider what matters to you and how you could effectively contribute. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. Maintaining your Tennessee Promise Scholarship at South College requires adherence to the scholarships community service component, including eight hours of your time donated to qualifying nonprofits or public-service organizations, per each quarter of your enrollment. It also allows you to get all questions answered regarding funding, books, and fees. Financial Aid also can help answer any questions you may have after you finish the Tennessee Promise program. In order to keep Tennessee Promise, students must meet all deadlines and requirements, including the following: In order to participate in the Tennessee Promise, students must meet several requirements and deadlines: is a website offering an array of resources for students interested in learning about higher education. Problems with submission do not excuse a student from meeting the established deadline. Because this school is moderately selective, strong academic performance will almost guarantee you admission. Columbia State is proud to be a participating college for Tennessee Promise, a statewide program that allows graduating high school and home school seniors the opportunity to earn a degree or certificate from a community or technical college regardless of financial status. Students must also keep a 2.0 GPA and do 8 hours of community service. Tennessee HOPE Lottery Scholarship. citizen/eligible non-citizen/students who graduate from an eligible high School, homeschool, or earn a GED/HISET(prior to19thbirthday) can receive an award at an eligible postsecondary institution toward tuition and mandatory fees after all othergift aid has been first applied. The fall 2021 deadline for completing your hours is July 1, 2021. Programs, credential levels, technology, and scheduling options vary by campus and are subject to change. Youll meet new people and make friends, demonstrate your thanks for the scholarship that is helping you through school, and maybe even gain experience related to your field of study. student who takes part in Tennessee Promise mustcomplete eight hours ofcommunity serviceeach semester they are enrolled, as well as maintain a 2.0 cumulativeGPAat their institution. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT TO UPDATE TNACHIEVES WHEN EMAILS AND PHONE NUMBERS CHANGE? TN Promise program offers free college tuition to any graduating high school senior in the state. We will continue to send you updates to help you stay on track. Scoring a 21 will nearly guarantee you admission, given that your GPA is roughly the average of 2.86. Each program curriculum is designed to help you build knowledge and skills as you prepare for your next step in life. Check with your instructor to find out the Contact Us, South College is authorized for operation as a postsecondary education institution by the Tennessee Higher Education Commission. A student must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) for which the students U.S. citizenship or eligible non-citizenship status has been confirmed by the federal government. In other words, students who have yet to complete all steps prior to spring enrollment will pay tuition and fees upfront then be reimbursed by TN Promise only when all requirements are satisfied. And we all know that things happen between now and August," Thomas added. Since South College students live at home and take classes at a nearby campus or online, you wont have those additional costs. The average ACT score composite at Tennessee State University is a 18. A mandatory webinar requirement is required this year by May 31, 2021 since in person meetings with mentors are not required this year. Contact Us, 301 Pennsylvania Parkway As you begin your first semester of college, keep the following TN Promise scholarship requirements in mind! Please click here for community service opportunities near you on our community service page, or check your college's service learning page for ideas! Click here to review the excuse form policy! Many of your initial classes will be prerequisites for the program you plan to apply for at South College. Submit your hours via the community service form by clicking HERE. Send all prior college final transcripts to UT to be reviewed prior to HOPE Scholarship payment to student. Enroll in a minimum 12 or more credit hours each semester. Tennessee Promise is a scholarship, mentoring and community service program that began fall semester 2015. increasing the number of students that attend college in our state. We guarantee an improvement of 4 points on your score, or your money back. The SCOG will only be applied to the remaining outstanding institutional charges as long as the student maintains eligibility in the Tennessee Promise program. A student must be a Tennessee resident. Be a graduating high school senior in the state of Tennessee 2. To check on your logged hours at any time, look here. It is focused on increasing the number of students that attend college in our state. At what schools can you use Tennessee Promise? After students meet all TN Promise requirements, the Tennessee Student Assistance Corporation (TSAC) will send the funds to the eligible institution after all Pell, TELS (e.g., HOPE and Wilder-Naifeh) and TSAA funding have been applied. Students must meet all Austin Peay State University. Admissions: (865) 259-0893, 140 Sweeten Creek Road WHAT IF STUDENTS GRADUATE EARLY FROM HIGH SCHOOL? At a community college, you must maintain at least a 2.0 GPA. Is Tennessee Promise only for community college? Yes, you can take all prerequisites at South College. You'll definitely find something useful here. XR(La{-D(Z6iXhkFTHl{\uz*uG8yL& The student must maintain continuous enrollment. DO NON-U.S. CITIZENS QUALIFY FOR TN PROMISE? Students from the high school class of 2021 and 2022 must submit the FAFSA by 3/1/22. The acceptance rate at Tennessee State University is 51.8%. Privacy Policy. Your checklist is updated as you complete your requirements, so please make sure you are checking your emails each week. It does cover mandatory fees that are charged to No, there are no dormitory facilities at South College. The student must begin their program as soon as a spot is available to them. In this guide, we'll discuss what scores are needed for you to get admitted into Tennessee State University. DO NON-U.S. CITIZENS QUALIFY FOR TN PROMISE? Parents Resources for Parents Students may apply for the Tennessee Promise Scholarship by the November 1 deadline of the year in which the student will graduate from high school, complete a home school program, or complete a GED/HiSET, provided the GED/HiSET is earned prior to the 19th birthday. It is important to remember your TN Promise Scholarship requirements so you can remain eligible as you continue your college career! An academic year includes the fall term, spring term and the summer term in this order. Loss of eligibility in the Tennessee Promise program will result in the loss of the South College Opportunity Grant. Award amount varies based on amount of remaining tuition and mandatory fees after all other gift aid has been applied. Does South College offer other scholarships, like merit or academic? hrFwJa2c'R q mk[E$C;+hfc9 BFu":HBt 42NYeB Students may use the scholarship at any of the states 13 community colleges, 27 colleges of applied technology, or other eligible institution offering an associate degree program. Contact Us. Admissions: (724) 209-7934 If Tennessee State University is currently out of your reach, you might already be competitive for these schools. education. You do not want to miss any important information regarding your scholarship eligibility. Plug in your numbers to see what your chances of getting in are. Promise/Reconnect/TELS award unless you meet the GPA requirements. There are three critical numbers when considering your admissions chances: ACT scores, GPA, and acceptance rate. A student who is eligible for the HOPE Scholarship but instead enrolls in an out-of-state postsecondary institution up to 16 months immediately following high school graduation may transfer to an eligible Tennessee postsecondary institution and receive the HOPE Scholarship. Box 4548. Enroll at a TN Promise eligible institution as a full-time student and maintain full-time enrollment continuously! But the state of Tennessee is offering free money for college. With flexible scheduling and opportunities for online learning, South College makes it easier than ever to pursue a career and continue your education at the same time. If you're currently competitive for Tennessee State University, you should have no problem getting into these schools. It provides students a last-dollar scholarship, meaning the Tennessee Promise will cover tuition and fees not covered by the Pell Grant, the HOPE scholarship, or TSAA funds. The amount of funding you will receive will be based on the average amount of tuition and mandatory fees at a community college, which is estimated to be $4,700. In addition, every PrepScholar Admissions is the world's best admissions consulting service. We work to provide a challenging yet supportive learning environment. WHEN DOES TN PROMISE FUNDING BEGIN? This means the scholarship will cover tuition and fees not covered by the Pell grant, the HOPE scholarship or state student assistance funds. To be eligible, students must be able to complete the FAFSA, qualify for in-state tuition and possess a valid Social Security number. Why do we have to meet with Financial Aid if Tennessee Promise covers it? Majority of services and classes are virtual. If you are attending a community college or four-year institution, you are required to maintain a cumulative 2.0 GPA at the end of each academic year in order to remain eligible for TN Promise. Learn more about PrepScholar Admissions to maximize your chance of getting in. HOW DO STUDENTS SUBMIT THEIR COMMUNITY SERVICE HOURS? College students must attend full-time, continue to participate in the mentoring program, and perform 8 hours of community service prior to each term the award is received. Class of 2023 TN Promise Application Dashboard, Verification Process (Community Colleges), U.S. permanent residents (with an I-151, I-551, or I-551C permanent resident card); or. a last-dollar scholarship. Pick your test: We can help. The student must also meet the initial July 1 community service deadline after high school graduation. You then will meet with a Student Success Advisor to make your class schedule. TO APPLY FOR THE TN PROMISE PROGRAM, YOU MUST FILL OUT THIS APPLICATION, TO APPLY TO BE A VOLUNTEER MENTOR WITH THE TN PROMISE PROGRAM OR FOR MORE INFORMATION, CLICK HERE. Click here to review the excuse form policy! As a last-dollar scholarship, TN Promise will provide whatever amount remains after Pell, HOPE and TSAA funds are applied. In order to request a leave of absence after initial enrollment, a student must hardship. you must maintain a cumulative 2.0 GPA. Southwest and tnAchieves deadlines to receive the Tennessee Promise Scholarship. Meeting with Financial Aid is part of the enrollment process. %%EOF The South College Opportunity Grant does not cover the mandatory technology fee each quarter or the cost of textbooks. More information about participating institutions can be found HERE. At a four-year institution, the TN Promise scholarship may not be last-dollar, meaning it may not fully cover all tuition and mandatory fees. Download our free guide on the top 5 strategies you must be using to improve your score. Scoring at a 18 ACT or above will already give you a great shot at getting in. The 25th percentile ACT score is 17, and the 75th percentile ACT score is 21. In addition, Barnes & Noble/South College Bookstore is maintained at the Main Campus in Knoxville and the Nashville Campus for the convenience of students. TN Promise might help you get your college education without paying tuition. scholarship. This guide was written by Harvard graduates and ACT perfect scorers. Main: (317) 819-7900 Students never directly receive funding from TN Promise. This makes Tennessee State University Competitive for GPAs. application fee, program and service fees). "We give them someone who is in their corner advocating for them, fighting for them, making sure theyre meeting their deadlines. You may volunteer with multiple organizations, simultaneously, if you wish. Early high school graduates are not required to begin college prior to the fall term immediately following high school graduation; however, if they chose to enroll in college prior to fall 2023 with TN Promise funding, the term(s) will be counted as one of the 5 semesters/8 trimesters available with TN Promise. Toll Free: (800) 844-APSU. A Comprehensive Guide. To be eligible for the TN Promise, students must meet the following criteria: 1. If students choose to enroll in an eligible postsecondary institution in the spring term, they must meet all requirements listed above to receive TN Promise funding. After submitting your hours, youll receive a confirmation email. The program provides a free college education to any graduating senior in the state. Career services is another great resource provided to students and graduates. "The only requirement is that you are graduating from a Tennessee high school and that you have lived here at least a year," Thomas said. Whatisthecostoffunding TennesseePromise? You must maintain satisfactory academic progress at the end of each trimester if you are attending a Tennessee College of Applied Technology (TCAT) or at least a cumulative 2.0 GPA at the end of each academic year if you are attending a community college or four-year institution. Additionally, please respond to any of our emails and/or text messages if you have any questions or something looks incorrect on your checklist. Nashville Application Checklist. So were going to start putting supports around them immediately and we know if we put those supports around them, we can, one, get them get them into college and, two, make sure theyre successful. This website uses cookies to ensure site visitors get the best experience on our website. Students must complete the FAFSA in order to be eligible for the Tennessee Promise. The Office of Admissions awards the following scholarships for our transfer students: The Austin Peay Promise - This award is given to incoming transfer students who earn 30 credit hours from a Tennessee Board of Regents community college (or Hopkinsville Community College), and the requisite GPA. Students will be required to complete the Tennessee Promise Scholarship application in the TSAC Student Portal by November 1 and the FAFSA by March 1 at A Bad ACT Score? tnAchieves Inducts Inaugural Mentor Hall of Fame Members, Using Your Passion To Guide Your College Journey, You are required to complete and submit 8 hours of community service to using, Your next set of 8 hours are due by 11:59 PM on December 1, 2022 for the spring 2023 term. Continuation requirements: must have a 3.3 GPA at the end of spring semester . Can I take my prerequisites at South College or do I have to complete the prerequisites elsewhere prior to applying? South College offers more than 70 degree and certificate programs in Knoxville, Asheville, Nashville, Indianapolis, Orlando, Atlanta, Pittsburg and Online. TCAT students are able to begin in the trimester beginning in May as long as the student has completed service hours by April 1. ARE GED RECIPIENTS ELIGIBLE FOR TN PROMISE? If the student does not have the required cumulative GPA at that time, scholarship eligibility is lost moving forward. Tennessee Promise students also are eligible for an institutional grant the South College Opportunity Grant. Main (828) 398-2500 Apply! This means the school is to attend Southwest Tennessee Community College tuition free. . Tennessee Promise is both a scholarship and a mentoring program. At the bottom of each email, you will also see an updated snapshot of where you stand with all your TN Promise requirements via your TN Promise Checklist. You just need to meet the Tennessee Promise deadline requirements and enroll by the drop/add date for Fall Quarter. In other words, if a students last-dollar amount at a community college is $0 due to a full Pell Grant being awarded, he/she would not receive any funding at the eligible four-year institution. The average GPA at Tennessee State University is 2.86. Step 2: November 1 Application Deadline. An Excellent ACT Score? This deadline is only mandatory if you are attending a Tennessee College of Applied Technology (TCAT), South College or William R Moore College of Technology. Tennessee Promise does not cover the cost of books, attendance fees or fees associated Attend college within the two years following high school graduation 5. Use the list of requirements below as a checklist so you can be sure that you aren't missing anything: . TSAC will send funds directly to the college. Contact Us, 2600 Century Parkway NE $];C 1Gt*; [l0g\QZqCqQf6*(EnX~6r~oh#yp @^8GEzH3GunS]~`~z&nx. )bHO_dU^I$eDY9-HySgTA;Q&h{{4_fuUI7~KN49t$24wV,/bDW-}Yzhf#@|{1hAOu|h=vofqe5Y9&y9M~O7CqVO|uvUHklE[?|6oz65llAjq&4"ikvD&+'em3eM4_s_r^M)fN_}]av^{OjU4OFBeqU`}\&liv==^/^J4#zKc2:1MhFs/@aT>RM ON}El+"tBoKPGURE6kF*~:ninkb^Q"?S^xcdliAcL#|o]fQD/rVxw%|V5d}"8?^!nZv "NZtT-s*S6iH4p {@ requirements and deadlines to become TN Promise eligible.
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