However, they are non-luminous and quite small, and getting a good sight picture in a hurry is not easy, especially in low light.In addition to an internal, key-locking safety that renders the pistol inoperable, the Taurus PT-111 Millennium G2 has a left-side thumb safety. to get you to the very crisp 6 lb. So I found one more thing to complain about. it also has a fantastic SA/DA trigger. They are all fine with a jacket in fall winter and early spring. All the surfaces are coated and carbon wipes off easily with a bit of your cleaner of choice. Please read our full disclaimerhere. You easily forget you are carrying a pistol holding 12+1 rounds of 9 mm. Even one of the Glock models is well known for it. Since then, Ive had 100% reliability as well. I know Im late to the party, but for future readers of these comments, I thought Id point out that the front sight is in fact replaceable. It looks like it would work. But to somehow ease your worries, the PT111 G2 has never had the same problems as the other Taurus pistols. In this video I show you the fix for the second problem I had with this Taurus PT111 Millennium G2 9mm.A few comments.-When I was talking about self-defense loads, I am NOT talking about ammo labeled +pThe original recoil spring was not ground flat on one end which caused it to deform and work its way off the flange it sits on. I found that if I placed the joint of my finger on the trigger it would cause the gun jerk when fired. The snag-free G2 has white-dot sights and a . i wont carry a CCW weapon that does not have second strike capability. Maybe I got lucky, but whats wrong with that? His will feed Hornady critical defense all day. 29 minutes ago. My father presented me a pair of PT92s for my 40th birthday and they have never had any problems. Location, location, location. Theyre called Magazines (or Mags for short). Id even go as far as saying its an AMAZING gun for the price. It has proved uber reliable. The G2's have an adjustable rear sight. So NO issues and fine compact gun. JavaScript is disabled. Beyond that, the result starts to go downhill. I called taurususa, girl on other end says manual should be correct. I was wrong.The way to truly appreciate what theTaurus PT-111 Millennium G2 represents is to take price and provenance completely off the table, to examine the gun in a vacuum where MSRP isnt a factor. Youll hear the spring compress and the remainder slide in like butter. Granted, Im comparing a $200 gun to $500-600 full-size guns with cold forged barrels, so its not quite apples to apples. I live in an extremely low crime area and it will probably spend most of the time in my trucks console, with the safety on. It is the grip frame, though, that is most unexpected. And you want to know why this doesn't work properly? The only issue l have is that the trigger gets a bit sticky without a regular cleaning of the striker components and its track. Other than that, the only misfire was the first round. I had a model 92, great gun. Oh, it could be longer if you carry in an inside-the-waistband (IWB) holster and wear a jacket or untucked shirt, but not everyone does. Taurus is a top quality forearm. If you get the chance, try this gun. All said, I still carry my Glock 19. Let me say I love my XDm and the caliber. A nice inclusion is a loaded-chamber indicator that pops up from behind the barrel hood at the top of the slide. I have a pt845 and love it. break with just a tiny bit of reset that kind of pops back on you. However, be careful with aggressive cleaning agents, as the sights are just painted. rail and take down pin. Taurus sells their 12 round mags for $36. Love the pistol loved the price but every time i turn around i have to send it in for repair always something wrong with it could not depend on it so i bought a glock no problems with it in over 2 years not even a hicup i guess you get what you pay for.Ps the three times my pt 111 g2 in for repair it has taken over 3 and half months to repair,i will never purchase another pistol from them. It's likely to get stuck when you line the slide up with the rail. The original PT111 has a sandpaper-like feel, and the G2c has a grittier stipple that is very noticeable. I have owned many Taurus pistols over the years (still own almost all of them) and I have been a fan boy from day 1. I'm taking my new 9mm G2 to the range Thursday for the first time. Took out the firing pin and super cleaned it. The recall gun "they're" talking about may be the G2 version, but Taurus needs a 2nd generation customer service policy too. Sucked. In the price range were Kel-Tek guns at this particular store and Kel-Tek is on my no buy list (I should say Ive never owned or shot Kel-Tek, just initial impressions on them keeps me from owning.) They dont seem to come up high enough to get to the ramp on the back of the barrel. My Academy has them in stock so will get at least a third mag. All Rights Reserved Additionally, I always share a shooting lane with a partner, so, the Non Shooting partner can keep replenishing the spent mags, while the active shooter continues to fire away. I have found over time as many have that Taurus has ups and downs when building hand guns. The first thing I would do is take a good look at the rear sight and make sure everything is tight, where it's supposed to be, and not moving around. Lubed NOW with Ballistol. Rattle quite a bit a. before going to range, took gun apart, cleaned , lubed. I adjusted to max height and it still shot low with 115 gr. Available with either a Wharncliffe or drop point blade. The Taurus G2s 9mm features a short accessory rail. I usually ask someone to help when I need to clean. Ive had a 1st gen PT 145 for 10 years. I ran Winchester 124 grain Nato (not Luger) ammo through it and encountered some hard primers. Im actually the only one of my friends & family that has had all my Taurus handguns run perfectly. And dont forget the trigger. I am sure that Taurus PT111 G2 is the best choice for you. Second strike or not, the trigger break is very crisp and contributed to the guns good accuracy. Love my Taurii. It was a wonderful gun. I like the multiple strike capability as well, why not have that option? If it is not opening enough, your bullets will be nose up way too much. on a hard flat surface such as a table giving me the full benefit of both hands made it quite a bit easier. So far, several hundred rounds and no problems. It may even be one of the most successful handguns of Taurus. Las Vegas 89119, Email: [emailprotected] Watch on Taurus also changed the slide finish from a reflective shiny coating to a matte black finish. In my mind, Taurus guns have always been associated with The Judge and generally larger, cheaper handguns. Considering this pistols ammunition capacity, its magazine may be one of the narrowest youll ever handle. I use it as my home defense gun. Its slim and has rounded edges; however, it lacks sculpted finger grooves. However, it has a manual safety thats hard to (de)actuate in a hurry. And, despite being one of the lighter pistols in the class, the grip provided good control and the smooth contours were easy on the hand. I like the safety. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote. Dont forget that Glock copied the design from H&K who originated the polymer, striker-fired pistol. You going to rack the slide for a new round then??? I would send it in to Taurus. Continue with Recommended Cookies, November 1, 2021 I dont see how its even an issue. So, I added 2 more, and the shipping was the same $8.50 for all 3. Upon cocking the pistol, you might experience distinct resistance during the trigger take-up or the initial movement. Since the repair the gun has fed flawlessly through hundreds of rounds and I have total confidence to carry it daily. flappy birds ipad ebay uk I have the XDm in .45. excelent gun. It takes some getting used to, but just a little. My EDC is a .40 Cal Springfield 3.8 Springfield XDm and Ive been looking for a single stack that is easier to carry for summer, so I picked this Taurus up. Powerful spring. I love how people accuse taurus of being a copy cat when all other gun manufacturers do the same. Some double, some triple strike (factory ammo). is the website. After some searching I found that the Advantage Tactical triangular sites for the PT709 slim fit this pistol perfectly and have a set on order as we speak. Also, its combat accurate (though just barely). which is perfectly acceptable for any compact handgun in my book. Great piece at a great price. Not yet, though. The only real ding I have is on the guns manual safety. Always exercise due diligence before purchasing any product or service. Are you saying it wont load a round when you rack the slide? Put some loc-tite on it and tight it down straight if your was not quite tight enough and got pushed off-center a bit. What you have is an ideal size for concealed carry yet still comes with a great 12-round magazine. After taking the solid grip route, the remaining 12 rounds punched out the target center. There go should be Their. You can cut new locking ports on the berretta mags and then they will but not lock back on last shot. Ive only shot one of them but it reliably ate everything I fed it from 115 grain ball to 147 grain HPs. Includes Riser. I use my G-2 as my carry weapon. My wife and I are both disabled and in a recent we live in the 5th worse place to live in Mi. For that reason, I would be hesitant to have it has my personal carry weapon. As for the sights, theyre low-profile and wont be an obstacle. Beware aggressive cleaners as these are just painted. Before I knew this procedure, I was using my Glock Speed loader on the PT 111. This gun looks and feels great. His has digested every brand of ammo he has tried. Yep, its street price can be less than half the MSRP of competing pistols. If this is the case, what ammo are you shooting when the hang-ups occur? Very reliable and easy to clean. Now I have a 9mm version for a ridiculously low $200. It really works well for follow up shots. RELATED: Taurus Raging Hunter .357 Magnum Review. As I am heading south I will have to find a smaller carry gun. There was a problem filtering reviews right now. These weapons are CRAP!!! I also have the PT 740 have shot 500+ rounds and no problems. While the trigger guard seems small, its more of a case of it not being oversize to accommodate a gloved hand. I recently purchased a brand spanking new Taurus PT111 Millenium G2. The thing that clenched it for me though was the price and availability of ammo for the 9mm versus the 45ACP. One might think this was an M&P or xD at first glance.). It became my EDC. I purchased a G2 PT111 to carry about 3 years ago, but my Keltec 32 is so dang comfortable, I've not switched over. We would like to pass along this sure-fire report to keeping your firearms. So go ahead and check out the Taurus PT111 G2, your budget sub-compact pistol. I just purchased the Taurus PT111 G2 spent the afternoon at the range and shot about 50 rounds with no problem. . But what there is to quibble about mostly comes down to personal preference. The new pistols will replace the WWII-era Browning Hi Power in Canadian service. Besides my G2 i own a 85 ultra light revolver and a 738 .380 made by Taurus. It eats anything, WWB, hand loads, remington, hornady critical defense. Double strike is a boon for practicing with crap ammo. OK for target shooting or qualification courses but this is not a long distance shooter, it is for close combat and survival. Too slow, and the bullet will hang up on the ramp. He liked the direction the company was taking. I bought a pt111 pro used and Ive fired a few hundred rounds thru it. So if youre a southpaw, you may want to think twice before buying this gun. If my math is correct, this would equal a 1.5% failure rate by the handgun itself on the first trigger pull. Tyler, whats the height and width on this pistol? Problem is, extra mags are $35, which is funny since the gun with two mags is $200 (is the rest of the gun only worth $130?). The reviews havent discouraged me, neither has the pistol itself in my hands. Everything Id heard had led me to believe it was a double-stack pistol with considerable ammunition capacity. Youll hear the follower spring relax, and the remaining rounds slide in like butter. In the price range were Kel-Tek guns at this particular store and Kel-Tek is on my no buy list (I should say Ive never owned or shot Kel-Tek, just initial impressions on them keeps me from owning.) 4.0 out of 5 stars Great - a little larger than I thought. Clear the gun, pull the tabs down, squeeze the trigger and pull the slide forward. While that sounds disappointing for some users, others will feel that capacity is enough for self-defense. I also have a S&W MP9C. enough to stand out. The Taurus PT-111 Millennium G2 pistol is beset by accurate but unfair qualifiers. From a form perspective, this is a very concealable gun capable of holding a decent amount of 9 mm. I just got one last week and love it. This shoots low and left after adjusting the sights several times out at the range. Anyways I just took it out with 50 Rounds of Winchester 9mm Luger FMJ and 50 rds of Winchester Luger hollow points. I have both 12 and 17 rd Mags for the S&W so I slipped the 17 rd mag into the G2 and it fit pretty good, a little wobbly but not much. I had zero failures. Im not a Taurus fanboy per say, although I own 7 of them (I own a lot of handguns and have a Taurus section, Ruger section, Glock section, ect). I bet the author will change his mind quick if he survives an encounter where his non-dominant hand/arm is unavailable due to injury or being used to fend off an attacker and he only has is dominant hand to use which is on the pistol. Rather, they are belt guns of minimal size, but considerable firepower. I have shot around 50 rounds through it and to me it is very accurate for its size, and the purchase of the gun is awesome, when you grab it it feels perfect in your hand. I loved the way if fit my hands, which are not large, and I really liked its trigger pull. For the price it cannot be beat. Good luck to you all of you that cary this pistol and plce your lifes on the m. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. I tried all three of my fullsize guns in .45, .40 and 9 mm today. But, waittheres more. I did a few thousand rounds of dry firing with a laser cartridge (using the re-strike feature) and I think it damaged the firing pin, Taurus took about two months but they fixed it at no charge. I DID contact Taurus, and they told me the highest capacity mags for PT Millenniums are the standard factory 12 round ones. Top 9 Ruger Precision Rifles: Best Choices For You! Thatll be trouble for both southpaws and those who worry about their right being disabled in a fight. HydraShocks. Anyways I just took it out with 50 Rounds of Winchester 9mm Luger FMJ and 50 rds of Winchester Luger hollow points. That being said, I was a little nervous buying such a cheap handgun, however Taurus has been around long enough that I felt comfortable with the buy. i really like the idea of their smaller poly guns, especially if theyre just as good. Good to know it will fire cheaper steel ammo. Rapid fire is slick (this was done with Hornaday Critical Defense rounds) and groupings were tighter than I imagined they would be. I will be filing this down as the damn thing bit me as i was practicing some FTF/FTE slide re-racks. I just purchased the Taurus PT111 G2 spent the afternoon at the range and shot about 50 rounds with no problem. I got it straight from the factory as my job works with Taurus so we get employee discounts and I got this just under $200. All you have to do is pull the trigger once again with a heavier stroke. To say second strike is not a feature is rediculous. Only one other gun was a better deal for me in fact. Its OK at a maximum of 7 to 10 yards; beyond that, hits become iffy. While that will turn off some customers, others will no doubt feel that since most self-defense shootings take place at bad-breath distance, just how much accuracy do you really need? That being said, this is my first gun review and my first 9mm. They used to come so gunked up you had to clean them before the first shot. My wifes LC9 has one FTF with her 50, no double strike with that one. I have shot around 50 rounds through it and to me it is very accurate for its size, and the purchase of the gun is awesome, when you grab it it feels perfect in your hand. Second Media Corp., 111 Peter Street, Suite 600, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2H1, Canada. I ordered it Sunday, and their UPS tracking info says theyll be delivered tomorrow (Wednesday). So now, you might have doubts about buying another Taurus gun, which we completely understand. You must have gotten a lemon and you may need to practice more often. More gun reviews on TTAG should have it! Visit Our Site and Get Your Favorite Actors or Actresses Outfits now at the best prices. The PT111 Millenium G2 is extremely thin in the grip, and makes for an easy gun to carry concealed. Reloaded with same ammo, first shot, bang, second-click, next went bang, next two misfired, so I unloaded it, into the range bag, enjoyed other firearms, and the G2 is now at Taurus for repairs. At $200 each I plan to purchase a few more of the PT 111, for wife, daughter and son. Or g2 111, I have a taurus 709 slim and love it! (My brother owns the same pistol and was nice enough to let me borrow his 2 spare magazines for a week.) Its ok on the slide, but I have to admit when having to take apart to clean I cannot pull back and get the slide locked open because I have trouble holding the slide back long enough to get it locked. The G2 breaks down to frame, barrel, recoil spring, and slide. You might try shooting with just the pad part of your finger. When I got the cash, I bought one and acquired two additional mags. That would be like going to ford and being pissed off that they didnt have the piston rings for your 94 Taurus wagon. The thin profile of the G2 makes concealed carry extremely comfortable. Theres also a loaded chamber indicator, which I also think you dont need unless you have bad gun safety habits. I have a Millennium Pro PT-140. Most people clean only or lube/oil only when both should be done. Over 5000 issued in my county of residence, where self-defense is good cause., i wanna know if pak blanks will fit my gun I had a Taurus millennium G2, Do you mean how pretty much all polymer guns are derivatives of glock? Like I saidIm happy with her. Since the Titanium guns are getting scarce and the prices are climbing, Im thinking of retiring the 24/7 and replacing it with something that fits in the same holster. I purchased the PT 1111 Millenium G2 on 11/30/2015. This POS is worthless and unsafe in my opinion. For elevation, you will either need to shim the rear sight (not sure if this is possible) or shave/replace the front sight lower. I am sure that Taurus PT111 G2 is the best choice for you. There was an ammo shortage ?? When I get it back, shell get one more try at the range, and then maybe retirement! The G2 also features a second strike capability which some folks seem to count as a feature. Than pull the slide. Trigger (double-action/single-action, 6lb trigger pull). Just finished my pistol course and am looking. Based on the pictures of the magazines I think there is a chance the larger mags work. Did you try both magazines? I've shot thousands of rounds (IDPA competition) through the PT24/7, with only an occasional misfire or misfeed. I have not had any problems with it since I replaced the recoil spring with a newer version that is ground flat on both ends so it stays on the flange it sits on. Got a replacement from Taurus within a week of my call. Dual, nested recoil springs mean that short-barreled semi-automatics now shoot reliably. See if the extractor is opening enough for the cartridge to slide easily up under the claw. And apart from the pistol itself, youll also get two 12-round magazines and a lifetime repair policy. Im just getting into shooting so I was wondering if anyone else might have both and actually tried to use the S&W mag in the G2. Get the Shield 9mm. Nice sights. Did you have to send it back? I wouldn't trade my G2 for any gun out there. I can honestly say , I love this little pistol. That wont be good enough for a lot of people. I bought my daughter a PT111 that came that way. However, this thing will not sight in as a carry gun. Im now using the G2 as my primary carry weapon. You can easily break down a Taurus PT111 G2 by doing the following: This will remove the recoil spring, barrel, frame, and slide. have a key lock built into them? It's what I like honestly. In fact the front sight on this Taurus PT111 G2 is slightly off center and points to the left. According to Taurus forums, switching to 124 gr ammo (or higher) should help with that. The replacement was OK but still an occasional FTF so I sold it at a loss and chalked up a lesson, any hint of Taurus trouble dump it because their service facility in Miami sucks. Im thinking about option 2, as it seems like a quick, easy, inexpensive and effective solution for upgrading the front sight. Has the gun ever had any problems? I have had a few since. The only jam came from manually racking too slow. It will be used for CC in summer and at this point, I trust that if it doesnt shoot on the first pull, it will on the second or third. My PT111 G2 is on the way from GrabAGun.
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