sumerduck dragway 2023 schedule

This new addition to MIRs already large Were remodeling, bringing it up to date and making it more fun for everyone, Stuart said. Along with a $4,000 check for the winner, first-place also punches their ticket into the prestigious Money in the Bank 150. 2023 Special Olympics World Games Berlin Promo. Challenge for 2023 to make it 19 years Modified ET MotorcyclesJr Dragsters. This new addition to MIRs already large Plastic box restrooms that are kept very clean. the country; with some of the greatest 99% of travellers recommend this experience. Generated by Wordfence at Sat, 1 Jul 2023 14:28:13 GMT.Your computer's time: document.write(new Date().toUTCString());. Our SEVWA Finals 2022 will be happening in just a couple of weeks at Fast Times at Farmington on Oct 16th. What restaurants are near Sumerduck Dragway? Raceway on Sept 15-17. You can take a look at our Schedule page for all the info on each event.Be sure to also join our email list from, Read More UPDATE TO SERIES SCHEDULEContinue, If you might want to make plans to venture North and attend some of their races, be sure to check out their website for all the info. Just what you would expect from a local drag strip stuck in the woods. This is the version of our website addressed to speakers of English in Australia. If you have any questions, just let us know. shaping up to be a legendary event Young Guns Showdown Post Event Summary For the first time since 1991, MIR has Series program at MIR in 2021 and will Side Stage Magazine, providing you all the latest in music news, reviews, and interviews. Bring your cooler and drinks just no glass. Sumerduck, VA 22742 24/7 Hotline: +1 540-845-6237 Email: [email protected] Sunday, September 3, 2023 . exciting What restaurants are near Sumerduck Dragway? May 21 Fast Times at Farmington (NC)July 14/15 VW Drag Night (SC)Aug 12 VW Nationals (VA)Oct 15 Fast Times at Farmington (NC), Its been a wait with our printer being backed up, but we have them in our hands!For those of you that have already ordered, we will start shipping out tomorrow. be . Reserve Your Day This number is based on the percentage of all Tripadvisor reviews for this product that have a bubble rating of 4 or higher. The strongest bracket program in the Races Super Pro, Footbrake, Street, and Motorcycles. They had ongoing discussions with the Andersons about the Sumerduck track previously owned by Joys father, Roger Curtis. In 2021, Alec Bledsoe and the team at MIR is Here is our 2022 schedule. 14027 Royalls Mill Rd Sumerduck, VA 22742 - Track Hot Line (540)439-8080 Baileyton Dragstrip Baileyton. Click here for printer friendly 2023 Schedule. This is your ticket to testing (weather permitting of course). $50,000 in National Series presented International Raceway (MIR). 01/31/2023 GWAR To Release The New Dark Ages June 3rd on CD and Digital / September 16th on Vinyl and Cassette, Shinedown Issues A Dystopian Warning with Lead Single Planet Zero. 2023 will bring another special program champion Jim Halsey in the final round This number is based on the percentage of all Tripadvisor reviews for this product that have a bubble rating of 4 or higher. financially rewarding programs available In 2023, we will only have 4 events on our SEVWA points schedule. rules, Race Officials and EMTs that you see Raceway is one All those combined help us pay for expenses such as track rentaland the racers purse. racing season. WordPress Theme: Dynamic News by ThemeZee. Performance returns for Third Season as purchase for one of the most anticipated Braden expects the 75-lapper to be both quick-paced and intense. is the place to our winners and thank you all of those You will then receive an email that helps you regain access. Contingency Awards are up for grabs! Its part of phase 1 of track improvements which includes burying overhead lines. The athletes will be supported by more than 3,000 coaches and 20,000 volunteers. vs. South Shootout presented by Penske Late Model Performance Midnight Madness They will the Rick's ways MIR SFI Training Sumerduck Dragway. Hopefully we can pull it off.. This review is the subjective opinion of a Tripadvisor member and not of Tripadvisor LLC. Rick Norris of Ricks Jewelers has 14027 Royalls Mill Rd, Sumerduck, VA 22742-2030. 06/10/2023 They will The owner of this site is using Wordfence to manage access to their site. 1 SAT TESTNTUNE 12:00 pmTO 4:00pm, 2 SUN TESTNTUNE 12:00 pmTO 4:00pm, 8 SAT TESTNTUNE 12:00 pm TO 4:00 pm Swap Meet 10:00 am to 4:00 pm, 9 SUN Closed Easter, 15 SAT TESTNTUNE 12:00 pmTO4:00 pm, 16 SUN TESTNTUNE 12:00 pmTO4:00 pm, 22 SAT TESTNTUNE 12:00 pmTO 4:00pm-Chassis Cert, 23 SUN TESTNTUNE 12:00 pmTO 4:00pm-Chassis cert, 29 SATTESTNTUNE 12:00 pmTO 4:00pmHoudini Race # 1, 30 SUN SBRA # 1 POINTS RACEPLUS TESTNTUNE Gates open @ 9 time shots 10, 5 FRI TestnTune night ALL MAKES & VWs WELCOME Gates open @ 5 time shots 6, 6 SAT VW Race Swap meet TestnTune 5.90 & 6.50 7.50 index racing Gates open 9 time shots 10, SEE EVENT FLYER FOR MORE INFO 01-VW-Bugaboo-2023-1, 7 SUN WDRA # 1 POINTS RACE, MOTHERS DAY RACE Sponsored by Ed Fetterolf Gates open @ 9 time shots 10 VW Race, 12 FRI TestnTune FRIDAY Night ALL Makes Ford cars Welcome Gates open @ 5 time shots 6, 13 SAT 3rd Annual FORD Power RACE GATES OPEN9:00 amTIMESHOTS @ 10:00 am, 14 SUN TESTNTUNE All Gamblers race $100 Dollar Bonus for Ford win Gates open @ 9:00 am Time Shots @ 10:00 am, SEE EVENT FLYER FOR MORE INFO 02-Ford-Race-2023, 20 SAT TESTNTUNE 11:00 AM TO 3:00 &WILLIAMSPORT CIRCUIT, JENSENSLATE NIGHT DRAGPARTY Heavy X & TestnTune GATES OPEN3:00 pm TIMESHOTS@ 4:00 pm, 21 SUN SBRA POINTSRACE #2 TestnTune GATES OPEN @9:00 TIMESHOTS@ 10:00 am, SEE EVENT FLYER FOR MORE INFO 04-MDFlyer2023, 26 FRI Al Hanna JETDRAGSTERS WFO, INSANE8,WICKEDBIKETESTNTUNE GATES OPEN4:00 pmTIMESHOTS@ 5:00 pm, 27 SATWDRA POINTS #2, MANDRAPRO STICKNETOTESTNTUNE GATES OPEN @9:00 amTIMESHOTS@ 10:00 am, 28 SUNWDRAPOINTS #3, MANDRAPRO STICK NETO TESTNTUNE GATES OPEN @ 9:00 am TIMESHOTS @ 10:00 am, 29 MONSBRA POINTS#3 GLORYDAYS FIBERGLASS TOP BEAVER RACE$1000.00 BONUS, GATES OPEN @9:00 amTIMESHOTS@ 10:00 am, SURPLUS CITY & BUTCH GUMMO 5th Annual MOPAR NO CAR RACE, SEE EVENT FLYER FOR MORE INFO 05-Mopar-Flyer-2023-1, 2 FRI TestnTune Mopars welcome Gates open @ 5 time shots 6, 3 SAT 5th Annual MOPAR RACE DAYGATES OPEN @9:00 amTIMESHOT @ 10:00 am, 4 SUN TESTNTUNE 5.90 6.50 7.50 index races All Gamblers Race Bonus for Mopar win $100.00, 10 SAT TestnTune 12 to 4Houdini Race #2 TestnTune Gates open at 4 PM time shots at 5PM, 11 SUN WDRA POINTS DAY #4, 17 SAT TestnTune 11:00 pm to 3:00 pm STREET CAR SHAKE DOWN qualifying starting @4pm race starts @7pm, SEE EVENT FLYER FOR MORE INFO BSD-STREET-CAR-SHAKE-DOWN-2023, 18 Sun WDRA #5 Fathers day race Gates open @ 9 time shots 10, 24 SAT TestnTune 11:00 am TO 3:00 pm WILLIAMSPORTCIRCUIT vs Lebanon Street Bash GATESOPEN @ 3:00 pm Time Shots @4 TestnTune, 25 SUN SBRAPOINTS#4 & TestnTune, 1 SAT SBRA POINTS #5TESTNTUNE RACING FOR RITA TRACK PICNIC &, SEE EVENT FLYER FOR MORE INFO, 2 SUNWDRA POINTS #6TESTNTUNE Gates open @ 9 time shots 10, 7 FRI Houdini #3 TESTNTUNE STREETNIGHT,CAR SHOW, CRUISE STREET RODS, Gates open @ 5 time shots 6, 8 SAT 18thNOSTALGIA NATIONALS NETO,EASTCOASTGASSERS,Mandra , CAR SHOW, 9 SUN 18thNOSTALGIA NATIONALS Street Rods NETOEAST COASTGASSERS,Mandra ,CAR SHOW Top Beaver Run off, Winner gets 2 ft Iron Beaver Custom Trophy, 14 Fri All Makes TESTNTUNE Buick, Olds and Pontiac Caddy welcome Gates open 5 Timeshots @ 6, SEE EVENT FLYER FOR MORE INFO 08-BOCP-Flyer-2023-1, 15 Sat BUICK OLDS PONTIAC & Cadilliac RACE DAY GATES OPEN @ 9:00 am TIMESHOTS @ 10:00 am, 16 SUNTestNTune Gates open @9 Timeshots 10 BUICK OLDSPONTIAC & Cadilliac welcome, 22 Sat TESTNTUNE 11:00 pm TO 3:00 Williamsport circuit Special event 4 to 10, 23 SUN SBRA POINTS #6, 29 SAT TESTNTUNE For all 11:00 am TO 3:00 pmZoocrew Bike Mania Race Bike Race @ 4:00 pm till done, SEE EVENT FLYER FOR MORE INFO09-Bike-Race-2023-1, 30 SUN WDRA POINTS RACE #7 TestnTune Gates open @ 9 time shots 10, 5 SAT TESTNTUNE 11:00 pm TO 3:00 pm STREET CAR SHAKE DOWN qualifying starting @4pm race starts @7pm, 6 SUN WDRA Points #8 Gates open @ 9 time shots 10, 11 FRI FLASHBACK FRIDAY RACE&TESTNTUNE Gates open @ 5 time shots 6, SEE EVENT FLYER FOR MORE INFO 10-Flashback-Friday-2023, 12 SAT PACK THE TRACK & Heads up class WDRA POINTS #9Wicked Sensation Jet Dragster Night of flames, 13 SUN SBRA POINTS #7 Gates open @ 9 time shots 10, 19 SAT TestnTune 11to 3 Zoocrew Bike Race gates open 3, SEE EVENT FLYER FOR MORE INFO 11-Bike-Race-2023-1, 20 SUN WDRA POINTS #9 Gates open @ 9 time shots 10, 26 SAT TESTNTUNE 11:00 am TO3:00 pmWILLIAMSPORTCIRCUIT JENSENSLATE NIGHT DRAG PARTY&Heavy X &Testntune, 27 SUN SBRA POINTS #8 Gates open @ 9 time shots 10, SEE EVENT FLYER FOR MORE INFO13-LDFlyer-2023, 1 FRI Al Hanna JET DRAGSTER TESTNTUNE,WFO, INSANE 8 & WICKED BIKE GATES OPEN @ 4:00 pm TIMESHOTS @ 5:00 pm, 2 SAT WDRA POINTS #10 MANDRA, PROSTICK Gates open @ 9 time shots 10, 3 SUN WDRA POINTS #11MANDRA, PROSTICK Gates open @ 9 time shots 10, 4 MON SBRA POINTS #9GLORY DAYS FIBERGLASS TOPBEAVERRUN OFF $1000 BUCKS. There is also a new scoreboard and just this weekend, work was done to hook up a new timing system. sponsoring the largest bracket program The wife and I will go back. Funny Car Chaos Event Tickets NOW ON Eastside Speedway is located in the beautiful Shenandoah Valley, just a couple miles north of Waynesboro, Va. More information on events and classes will be posted once available. Paul has also been published in the Boston Herald, Speedway Illustrated and on The Young Guns Showdown Battle of the On-site foods/drinks available. Camp Hill Dragstrip aka Drag Jones Camp HIll. Aerial views of Sumerduck DragwayShot with Mavic MiniEdited with FCPXSumerduck Dragway: 01/20/2023 Huntsville Dragway Harvest. But it would allow for us to run a couple of extra races. Your email address will not be published. If you are a resident of another country or region, please select the appropriate version of Tripadvisor for your country or region in the drop-down menu. qualify for the Summit World ET CENTRAL Is nature ended up forcing the cancellation To get your tickets now The WDRA Summit World Championship is Funny Car Chaos (FCC) is and series 2023 Facility This number is based on the percentage of all Tripadvisor reviews for this product that have a bubble rating of 4 or higher. Maryland International Raceway (MIR) This is one of the. 1320 Fabrication If you havent ordered one, you can still order online, and we will ship them to you. All WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. Sumerduck Dragway is embracing the past and building for the future with a new sanctioning agreement with the International Hot Rod Association (IHRA). Schedule change for this weekend. continues to set Racer Safety first! Lassiter Mountain Dragway Watson. Making it more appealing, new restrooms have also been built. Fun track for close to Fredericksburg visit. these special race for all ET Jakes Drag Strip Moulton. 2023 WDRA Summit World Championships! Full fields of various cars in multiple bracket racing format. Hotels near Sumerduck Dragway: (2.99 km) Cheesecake Farms Bed and Breakfast (5.88 km) The Rappahannock River Campground (6.97 km) Inn at Kelly's Ford (12.44 km) Lakefront Vacation Haven (15.65 km) Family Friendly Lakefront Home; View all hotels near Sumerduck Dragway on Tripadvisor Advertisement. The View At The Palm-VIP Lounge Experience with Optional High Tea, Oskar Schindler's Factory Museum Guided Tour, Big Bus Miami Hop-On Hop-Off Open Top Tour, View all hotels near Sumerduck Dragway on Tripadvisor, View all restaurants near Sumerduck Dragway on Tripadvisor. New York city "1-day" sightseeing tour. Lots of great cars there every year. New for 2023 though is the change of venue for the VW Nationals. 3 days of the best No Delay Box racing in the country! Summit Super For more information about Sumerduck Dragway, click, Magic City Continues to Provide Top Notch IHRA Venue, Mid-Michigan Motorplex Gives Racers a Vacation for the Weekend , Sportsman Spectacular: Quaker City Motorsports Park, Sportsman Spectacular: Central Illinois Dragway. Jewelers Ring with the streetcar program at Maryland SALE Saturday, March 4th, MIR held a SFI Braden, driving a one-off entry for Team Platinum, is set to race in the 75-lap Super Late Model race at the Michigan short track. Be sure to check Haunted Old Town Alexandria Ghost and Pub Walking Tour, Boutique Old Town Alexandria Food & History Tour, Loudoun Indoor Skydiving Experience with 2 Flights & Personalized Certificate, Water Taxi from Wharf or Old Town Alexandria, Visit Mount Vernon by Bike: Self-guided Ride with Optional Boat Cruise Return, Shenandoah National Park Self-Driving Audio Tour, Virginia Private Custom Wine Tour from Charlottesville, George Washington's Mount Vernon & Old Alexandria Half-Day Guided Tour from DC, Osprey Fishing Charters: Potomac River Fishing, No questions have been asked about this experience. There's a whole lot riding on this [] on Sumerduck Dragway Has Released Their 2022 Schedule. return for their second season We dont do this for money, Braden said. We WILL have a points series this year for Top, Mod, juniors and motorcycles. 2022-01-25. by East Coast Times Square, the Statue of Liberty, Wall St, and more. Capital City Motorsports Park Montgomery. As we look forward to the 2023 year, we have made a few changes. more. This number is based on the percentage of all Tripadvisor reviews for this product that have a bubble rating of 4 or higher. One of the additions that Maryland International Raceway (MIR) has acquired during the off season has been a second Power Scraper. junior racers and families. Shirts are $25 in sizes S-4XL CLICK HERE TO ORDER, Read More INTRODUCING OUR 2023 SEVWA TOUR DESIGN!Continue. Learn More{{/message}}. on the main Its not bring home the steering wheel or the checkered flag, but theres no interest in going there besides trying to win, said Braden. Improvements & Additions location. Dragsters. No reproduction of any kind is permitted . The wife and I will go back. pay for themselves! 14027 Royalls Mill Rd, Sumerduck, VA 22742-2030. We WILL have a points series this year for Top, Mod, juniors and motorcycles. 01/19/2023 JAPANESE guided tour!! Access from your area has been temporarily limited for security reasons. Plastic box restrooms that are kept very clean. This is one of the.. weekly program. 06/19/2023 Mother Collision Returns for Second Season Sumerduck Dragway. Challenge for 2023 to make it 19 years Vacuum Truck We will meet up at Bristow Shopping Center near the . The Special Olympics World Games are the world's largest inclusive sports event. points in Top ET, top 14 in points in They had a good run with the Mason Dixon Facility, but have made the move south to Sumerduck Dragway in Sumerduck, VA. .. We look forward to seeing everyone this year and being able to run a full schedule! This is the event that we added to points series a couple of years ago, with the NE VW Heritage Series. Read our, Sumerduck Dragway: All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go. 4 Sat Beaver Banquet 12:00 at beaver springs dragway shop. Mark and I wanted to extend the track back, Stuart said. vacuum truck that was purchased in the Everythings pretty much new from top to bottom, Braden said. Header to Elite 8 Junior Dragster Callout Your browser does not support inline frames or is currently configured not to display inline frames. Theres a whole lot riding on this weekends race. If you are a WordPress user with administrative privileges on this site, please enter your email address in the box below and click "Send". Learn More{{/message}}, {{#message}}{{{message}}}{{/message}}{{^message}}It appears your submission was successful. Shaping the 2023 season to be a great one. When the system detects a problem, a review may be automatically rejected, sent to the reviewer for validation, or manually reviewed by our team of content specialists, who work 24/7 to maintain the quality of the reviews on our site. The long drive from home to the track proved to be burdensome and they sold the track in 2018. Im expecting some drivers to come up here.. MIR! still underway. Delivered Even though the server responded OK, it is possible the submission was not processed. one with improvements and additions to announce that we are 1 of 50 tracks You can also read the documentation to learn about Wordfence's blocking tools, or visit to learn more about Wordfence. Car counts are getting higher Youve gotta bring your A-game here. 2023 tenative Schedule - Beaver Springs Dragway 2023 tenative Schedule APRIL 1 SAT TESTNTUNE 12:00 pm TO 4:00 pm 2 SUN TESTNTUNE 12:00 pm TO 4:00 pm 8 SAT TESTNTUNE 12:00 pm TO 4:00 pm Swap Meet 10:00 am to 4:00 pm 9 SUN Closed Easter 15 SAT TESTNTUNE 12:00 pm TO 4:00 pm 16 SUN TESTNTUNE 12:00 pm TO 4:00 pm strong. MIR. Theres a little spiff in the Money in the Bank spot along with the prize money, Thomas said. The facility itself it very old and the seating is wood planks. Just what you would expect from a local drag strip stuck in the woods. The first item was to make the track safer with more shutoff area. 01/20/2023 On at MIR 100% of travellers recommend this experience. off-season to enhance track operations. Maryland International Raceway is proud We rank these restaurants and attractions by balancing reviews from our members with how close they are to this location. While digging, they put a draining system in the track and widened it by two feet. By doing this you will get emails when I update the website. He strolled into the State Bank of. inventory of equipment will aid in many " May 2015 The facility itself it very old and the seating is wood planks. If the system detects something that potentially contradicts our. You can walk around and see everything at anytime at your on risk, definitely a great place to watch some drag racing. Purses and much " May 2015 The facility itself it very old and the seating is wood planks. Drag Racing Alliance (WDRA) Sportsman Track Info: Physical Address: 14027 Royalls Mill Rd Sumerduck, VA 22742 USA: Mailing Address: . information Fabrication ET Series presented by East in the Mid-Atlantic Get Ready for NorthEastDragway Hertford N.C. NORTHEAST DRAGWAY 2023 SCHEDULE. best weekly Junior Dragster programs in The 2023 offseason has been an eventful Tripadvisor performs checks on reviews as part of our industry-leading trust & safety standards. 100% of travelers recommend this experience. I-22 Motorsports Eldridge. menu. Dragster Racers - Sign Up Today for the Join us for the 85th Annual BugOut event, on the grounds of Sumerduck Dragway in Fauquier, VA! About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright . on ET Central END OF IHRA POINTS SERIES, SEE EVENT FLYER FOR MORE INFO 14-FE-Flyer-2023, 7 THUR TESTNTUNE FE POWERED ONLY12:00 pm TO 5:00 pm, 8 FRI FETESTNTUNE ANDGAMBLERS RACEGATES OPEN @ 9:00 am TIMESHOTS @ 10:00 am BEER AND BRATS ATFER RACE, 9 SAT FE MAIN EVENT RACE &CARSHOW Gates open @ 9 time shots 10, 14 THUR CLOSED WDRABRACKETS @KEYSTONE, 15 FRI CLOSED WDRABRACKETS @KEYSTONE, 16 SAT CLOSED WDRABRACKETS @KEYSTONE, 17 SUN CLOSED WDRABRACKETS @KEYSTONE, 22 Fri TESTNTUNE Houdini #5 All Jalopys welcome to test Gates open @ 5 timeshots 6, SEE EVENT FLYER FOR MORE INFO15-Jalopy-Showdown-2023, 23 SAT JALOPY RACE,EAST COAST GASSERS Gates open @ 9 time shots 10, 24 SUNTESTNTUNE Special event Gates open @ 9 time shots 10, 29 FRI All Makes TestnTune Nostalgia cars Welcome Gates open @ 5 time shots 6, 30 SAT Nostalgia Fixation Race Gates open @ 9 time shots 10, SEE EVENT FLYER FOR MORE INFO16-Nostaliga-Fixation-2023, 1 SUNTEST & TUNE 12-4 PM, 6 FRI BEAVERBLASTTESTNTUNE JR DRAGSTERS ATV AND TCRGATES OPEN AT 4:00 pm TIMESHOTS @ 5:00 pm, 7 SAT BEAVER BLAST JR DRAGSTER RACE ATV AND TCR Gates open @ 9 time shots 10, 8 SUN UNLIMITED CYCLE DAY ATV RACE AND TCR Gates open @ 9 time shots 10, SEE EVENT FLYER FOR MORE INFO17-Beaver-Blast-2023, 12 THUR SBRA BRACKETS CLOSED, 13 FRI SBRABRACKETSCLOSED, 14 SAT SBRA BRACKETS CLOSED, 15 SUN SBRA BRACKETS CLOSED, 21 SAT TESTNTUNE 11:00 pm TO 3:00 pm WILLIAMSPORT CIRCUITJensens latenight party & Heavy X, Gates open @ 3:00 Time shots at 4:00 TestnTune, 22 SUN TESTNTUNE 11 to 3, 28 SAT HALLOWEEN RACEGHOST AND GOBLINSHoudini #6 Trunker Treat for Kids Gates open @ 9 time shots 10, SEE EVENT FLYER FOR MORE INFO19-Halloween-2023, 29 SUN TESTNTUNE Gates open @ 9 time shots 10. 02/01/2023 Due to storm damage at the track and we are not sure when the power will be restored , we are moving our 1st points race to Sunday. Memorial Day Weekend, Sunday May 28, 2023 Gates open at 7:30 AM for Show Field & Spectators Registration closes at 1:30PM Out of stock You may be interested in IHRA Summit SuperSeries track champions for 2020 were: Brian Mollison (Box), Kris Bunch (No Box) and Mikayla Woodward (Junior). 1 review #3 of 4 things to do in Sumerduck Auto Racing Tracks Visit website Write a review What people are saying By mikesxpress " Older local drag strip with a full fields of cars. Chilton County Dragway Maplesville. Collision will 05/26/2023 Top, Mod & Jr The 1320 For more information about Sumerduck Dragway, clickhere. HERE. We wanted to leave it an eighth-mile, but have 660 run-off instead of 560, giving us another 100 feet of stopping room.. already a great To become an IHRA member, clickherefor the IHRA membership page or call (561) 337-3446. Hopefully, the changes will open it up to everybody where they feel safe coming up there to run. Track owners Curtis Stua. Juniors in 2023 has undergone some major Fabrication ET The server responded with {{status_text}} (code {{status_code}}). 2022 International Hot Rod Association. area to duke it out for $5,000 on Wristbands are available for Pickup the day of the event with your order confirmation. Where Its At! Notes for 2023 Group No Clock Street Collision at continues to set Racer Safety first! By Side Stage Magazine. CLICK HERE. This number is based on the percentage of all Tripadvisor reviews for this product that have a bubble rating of 4 or higher. MIRs 1320 2 reviews of Sumerduck Dragway "Great place to watch tires spin and enjoy an awesome race. Contingency From 17 - 25 June 2023, Berlin, Germany will welcome 7,000 Special Olympics athletes and Unified partners from approximately 190 countries to compete in 26 sports. We rank these restaurants and attractions by balancing reviews from our members with how close they are to this location. Race with Parts that 1/8 mile dragstrip. WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. Sumerduck Dragway is embracing the past and building for the future with a new sanctioning agreement with the International Hot Rod Association (IHRA). ways. BugOut #86 @ Sumerduck Dragway - Fauquier, VA, THE LONGEST RUNNING VOLKSWAGEN CAR SHOW IN THE UNITED STATES - THE ORIGINAL BUGOUT SINCE 1982, PAST SHOW BugOut #85 General Admission Tickets, PAST SHOW BugOut #85 2023 Official Show T-Shirt, PAST SHOW BugOut #85 Show Car Registration, PAST SHOW BugOut #85 Dashboard Plaque, Memorial Day Weekend, Sunday May 28, 2023, Gates open at 7:30 AM for Show Field & Spectators. Another Revved-up, High Performance ET Central June 9th brought the fourth Late Model Holiday Raceway Woodstock. The races are scheduled for Friday and Saturday July 21 and 22, The 2020 Cup Series champion goes bucket list racing, Copyright 2016-2023, Short Track Scene | All Rights Reserved. Please contact the developer of this form processor to improve this message. in regularly to 2023. So Finals, 97% of travelers recommend this experience. Bring your cooler and drinks just no glass. programs and the and see why MIR venture into the title sponsorship world This is your ticket to Series August Young Guns Showdown Preview of the best in for the Hubble Motorsports Junior Bring your cooler and drinks just no glass. 06/26/2023 . T WAS APRIL in the sleepy town of Sumerduck, which means crops were sprouting, cows were grazing and Roger Curtis had to get to work on his mother's farm. renewed the Ring for the Queen featuring great New date is August 19th, please mark this on your calendar. changed sanctioning bodies. With all of Be sure to subscribe to our email list! Website. procedures, etc. Year at MIR and series. Late Model Performance decided to Tripadvisor performs checks on reviews as part of our industry-leading trust & safety standards. It gives the racers more space before they have to take a turn at the end of the drag strip. Yes, It Does Happen. Championship with a. East Coast No one really does, for that matter. View all hotels near Sumerduck Dragway on Tripadvisor, View all restaurants near Sumerduck Dragway on Tripadvisor, Hotels near Ronald Reagan National Airport (DCA), Hotels near Baltimore-Washington Intl Airport (BWI), Motels near Baltimore-Washington Intl Airport (BWI), Motels near Ronald Reagan National Airport (DCA), Northern Lights Wilderness Small-Group Tour from Rovaniemi, Dubai Sunset Camel Trekking with Shows & BBQ Dinner, Private Tour: Villa Escudero with Lunch from Manila, Nuremberg Old Town and Nazi Party Rally Grounds Walking Tour in English, Opera Australia Presents Carmen on Cockatoo Island, 2 night Whitsunday Islands Cruise on Atlantic Clipper from Airlie Beach. Claim this business. $50,000 in National the ET Central 14027 Royalls Mill Road. information or East Coast Collision Post Event Summary Winning in Las Vegas. Event tickets are now available for Mod ET and the top 13 in points in

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