SukkurAyub Bridge named after Field Marshal Mohammad Ayub Khan (President of Pakistan), is a railway bridge over the Indus river between Rohri and Sukkur in Sindh province, Pakistan. The consulting engineer was David B. Steinman. 9 min walk Neumarkt is a street and a historical area in the Rathaus quarter of the city of Zrich in Switzerland. Ayub Bridge, can be truly declared as one of the prides of Sukkur. 63 min walk Outdoor activities, Picnic site. The bridge is about 806 feet long, 247 feet high and cost Rs21.6 million. 6 min walk The Swiss National Museum part of the Muse Suisse Group, itself affiliated with the Federal Office of Culture, is located in the city of Zurich, Switzerland's largest city, next to the Hauptbahnhof. A marvel of 19th-century engineering, the "longest 'rigid' girder bridge in the world" at that time, it was begun in 1887 and inaugurated in 1889. Nearby attractions include: Lansdowne Bridge Rohri, Sukkur Barrage, Lab-e-Mehran, Inter Park Inn. 1889 March 25: Inauguration of Lansdowne Bridge. I am very impressed .nice hat laby mehran .Please visit this site and enjoy your friends. The train used to run in the center of the bridge and pedestrians and cyclists used the wooden walkways at both sides. Ayub Bridge, named after Field Marshal Mohammad Ayub Khan, is a railway bridge over the Indus river between Rohri and Sukkur in Sindh province, Pakistan. He was appointed Chief Engineer of the East Indian Railway from 1890, before joining Rendels firm as a partner in 1894. Brayson of Karachi, showing North Western Railway steamers (Y30244A/66-67), which operated between Sukkur and Rohri before the construction of the bridge. He also served as President of the Egyptian Railway Board and on the Council of the Institute of Civil Engineers. Ayub Bridge, can be truly declared as one of the prides of Sukkur. The bridge was formally opened by Lord Reay, the Governor of Bombay, who deputised for the Viceroy, Lord Lansdowne, after whom the bridge was named. Geography. If you are a resident of another country or region, please select the appropriate version of Tripadvisor for your country or region in the drop-down menu. excellent, We went as a group and it was on bucket list, best time is to enjoy sunset and get a boat ride to enjoy all aspects of this heritage place and be mesmerised, its a wonder for any photographer and it has history of its on, maximum time needed to be spent is 20 to 30 minutes, access is through Bander road and must visit place in sukkur, Motorcycle Tour of sindh (01-17 December 2018), During my motorcycle trip of Sindh (01-17 Dec 2018) I visited the historic Landsdowne bridge and made a video crossing it. 7 min walk The Platzspitz park is a park in Zurich, located next to the Swiss National Museum. The Ayub arch became the world's third longest railway arch span and the first bridge in the world to have "the railway desk slung on coiled wire rope suspenders. It has served the city for 50 years by providing a strong link for rail traffic between Sukkur and Rohri. 8 min walk The Hedwig Fountain or Lindenhof Fountain is a fountain in the Lindenhof hill in Zrich, Switzerland, which was built in 1912. The construction of Ayub Bridge started on November 26, 1959 and its foundation stone was laid on December 9, 1960 by the then minister of railways and communication, Khan FM Khan, Khan of Shewa. Reay unlocked an ornamental padlock, designed by J. L. Kipling, Principal of the Mayo School of Art (and father of the famous writer Rudyard Kipling), releasing the iron gates which restricted access to the bridge. Please see our website for more details. The foundation stone of this steel arch bridge was laid on 9 December 1960 and inaugurated by President Muhammad Ayub Khan on 6 May 1962. It is very likely that the few unsigned images are also by Woodcroft. 1939: Bridge strengthening was carried out to increase the load it could carry. The foundation stone of this steel arch bridge was laid on 9 December 1960 and inaugurated by President Muhammad Ayub Khan on 6 May 1962. In monetary terms, the total cost was roughly 2.7 million rupees. 1924: Permissible speed of trains on the bridge was reduced by 8 kmph (5 mph), after deformation and temperature stress was discovered. 7 min walk Predigerkirche is one of the four main churches of the old town of Zrich, Switzerland, besides Fraumnster, Grossmnster and St. Peter. Visit Zrich region page or discover the top tourist attractions in Switzerland. It was designed by Sir Alexander Meadows Rendel; the girder work, weighing a . | For help, check out the ArchiveSearch LibGuide The bridge was inaugurated on March 25, 1889. 1 album(s) (1 album with 59 images + 1 plan + 2 loose prints), 1 item(s) (1 album with 59 images + 1 plan + 2 loose prints), 2 photographic print(s) (1 album with 59 images + 1 plan + 2 loose prints). Cambridge University Library. Before this, Lansdowne Bridge was the railway link between Sukkur and Rohri. Ayub Bridge, named after Field Marshal Mohammad Ayub Khan, is a railway bridge over the Indus river between Rohri and Sukkur in Sindh province, Pakistan. The consulting engineer was DB Steinman of New York the man who reconstructed the famous Brooklyn Bridge in New York. This item level description was entered by MJC. 19 reviews #1 of 13 things to do in Sukkur Points of Interest & Landmarks Bridges Open now 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM Write a review What people are saying " Traveling " Dec 2019 I am traveling from Larkana to Lahore via Sukkur & it's a safe journey. When completed in 1889, the Lansdowne Bridge became the longest 'rigid' girder bridge span in the world. It has served the city for 50 years by providing a strong link for rail traffic between Sukkur and Rohri. SukkurAyub Bridge named after Field Marshal Mohammad Ayub Khan (President of Pakistan), is a railway bridge over the Indus river between Rohri and Sukkur in . The bridge is about 806 feet long, 247 feet high and cost Rs21.6 million. 1882: A scheme of a bridge with 250ft(76M) spans supported on masonry piers was proposed. Where to next? Sadly six workers died during construction: four from falls and two from tools falling upon them. The Indus Valley State Railway had reached Sukkur in 1878 and the steam ferry that transported eight wagons at a time across the Indus between Rohri and Sukkur was found to be cumbersome and time-consuming. The longest cantilever bridge ever built, it had to support the load of heavy steam locomotives. " Sukkur Barrage " Feb 2019 In arc bridges, construction work has to start simultaneously from both sides of the river. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. These abutments have to bear weight of the arc. Its structure was imported from London, making it a unique sight to behold for history and engineering enthusiasts. The engineer would climb up the arcs through a ladder every day to physically check the strength of hundreds of rivets used in the bridge. Unleash the traveler in you discover the cheapest flight deals, find the perfect hotel or hostel nearby, and search for the best car rental prices. It was named after Lord Lansdowne, the Viceroy at that time. 8 min walk Jelmoli is a department store in Zrich, Switzerland. Very few people had cars or motorcycles at that time and therefore motor boats were the only way of communication. Some people used to cross the River Indus by Lansdowne Bridge on bicycle. Hecquet (Y30244A/63), and by A.D. Hecquet, who acted as Overseer. 3 min walk The Polybahn, also known as the UBS Polybahn, is a funicular railway in the city of Zrich, Switzerland. Select More options to see additional information, including details about managing your privacy settings. It also reflects the passion and sincerity of the people at the helm of affairs of Railways at that time to bring about tangible improvements in the country's transportation systems.When the great steel Ayub arch was constructed (19601962), railway traffic was shifted from Lansdowne Bridge to it. English Add a one-line explanation of what this file represents Summary[edit] DescriptionA drawing of Railway Bridge over Indus - Sukkur (Published in The Engineer).jpg English: A drawing of Railway Bridge over Indus - Sukkur (Published in The Engineer) Date 1 January 1891 Source, Coordinates It is the site of the Roman and Carolingian era Kaiserpfalz around which the city has historically grown. 1885: The Indus channel between Sukkur and Bukkur island got bridged. The Lansdowne Bridge Rohri is a former railway bridge over the Indus River in Sindh, Pakistan. An incredible feet of engneering in the British Raj. The Lansdowne Bridge Rohri is a former railway bridge over the Indus River in Sindh, Pakistan. There are rail and trunk-road connections with Quetta, Multn, and . 2741'37.787" N 6853'17.495" E. Enter your mobile phone number to receive a direct link to download the app: Or just search for \"Sygic Travel\" in App Store or Google Play. Learn more about how you can collaborate with us. Track outages and protect against spam, fraud, and abuse, Measure audience engagement and site statistics to understand how our services are used and enhance the quality of those services, Deliver and measure the effectiveness of ads, Show personalized content, depending on your settings, Show personalized ads, depending on your settings. The construction phase of Ayub Bridge was interesting as first of all four huge cemented abutments, two on each side of the river banks, were made. Description: THE LANSDOWNE BRIDGE OVER THE INDUS- The beautiful cantilever railway bridge over the Indus at Sukkur is a testimony to the skill of our Indian engineers, and an important link in the line of our frontier communications. Construction started in 1887 with the arrival of the steelwork and when it was completed in 1889 was the largest cantilever bridge in the world, the bridge came to be known as the 'Lansdowne Bridge'[4]. It is associated with the famous folk song "Ho Jamalao" If you are in Sukkur then you must visit the place with excellent ambience and the deception that ayub bridge and Landsdowne bridge are one .A good time to visit could be on Sunset specially for professional photographers. Ayub Bridge is a living example of a magnificent structure built with the joint efforts of engineers of Dorman Long and Company and the Pakistan Railways. Part of the Cambridge University Library Repository. It was a frightening sight not only for us but also for others watching, with the mighty Indus flowing beneath.Ayub Bridge is a living example of a magnificent structure built with the joint efforts of engineers of Dorman Long and Company and the Pakistan Railways. It links the two cities of Sukkur and Rohri located on either side on river Sindh. During the British colonial era, the North Western Railway had been extended to Sukkur by 1879, but relied upon a steam ferry to cross the river between Rohri and Sukkur, which was limited, slow and unwieldy. Personalized content and ads can also include more relevant results, recommendations, and tailored ads based on past activity from this browser, like previous Google searches. Before the bridges, the transport between Sukkur and Rohri was by boats and steamers. Best to visit during winters with family and friends. 93 min walk Ghulam Muhammad Mahar Medical College or GMMMC in short is the sixth public sector Medical college under the Government of Sindh where 100 meritorious students of tagged districts, including Sukkur, Khairpur and Ghotki are getting education every year. Background. 1887 May: Bed plates for the Bukkur side of the Lansdowne bridge Cantilever arrived by the end of month. If you choose to Reject all, we will not use cookies for these additional purposes. Redesigns of the CentralBahnhofbrcke area occurred in 1950/51. SUKKUR: Bridge at railway crossing sought. The rationale behind construction of this arc bridge over the Indus is rocks in the river bed which do not allow the pillars to withstand the constant flow and pressure of water for a long time. The bridge was inaugurated on March 25, 1889. It is a suspension bridge, (pillar less, weighing 30,300 tons). Accessed July 01, 2023. The consulting engineer was David B. Ayub Arc Railway Bridge,Sukkur ,Sindh,Pakistan Ayub Bridge (Sindhi: ; Urdu: ), named after Field Marshal Mohammad Ayub Khan (President of. It introduced features such as no-haggle pricing and a mail order catalog. In arc bridges, construction work has to start simultaneously from both sides of the river.Therefore, two half arches supporting the deck with cables were built which were joined as one, to the amusement of the people witnessing the activity. Originally known as the Sukkur Bridge and renamed the Lansdowne Bridge on inaugeration in 1889, this was a railway bridge over the River Indus in upper Sind which connected the towns of Sukkur and Rohri. The Lansdowne Bridge over the Indus at Sukkur was one of the great engineering feats in the 19th century. The introduction of barrage-controlled irrigation system resulted in more timely water supplies for the existing cultivated areas of Sindh province of Pakistan. This article about a railroad station in Sindh is a stub. After articling with a British railway engineer, Robertson had joined the Indian Public Works Department in 1868, working on the construction of the North Western State Railway (and the Sukkur Ferry). Travel at your own pace to discover new places and enjoy your journey. He was created a Companion of the Indian Empire in recognition of the arduous task of completing the bridge. This review is the subjective opinion of a Tripadvisor member and not of Tripadvisor LLC. Select at least two countries or territories to compare and see how they differ from each other. Cambridge University Library. The bridge is an excellent and intact example of a pin-connected Pennsylvania through truss built by one of Montana's most prolific early twentieth-century bridge-builders, O. E . 296,669,475 stock photos, 360 panoramic images, vectors and videos, Share Alamy images with your team and customers. The bridge construction was then started under the supervision of. The Indus was bridged at Attock in 1887, enabling trains to run from the Khyber Pass in the West to Calcutta, but an additional bridge crossing the river between Rohri and Sukkur was considered essential to link Lahore with the major port of Karachi on the Arabian Sea. A crossing was considered essential to link Lahore with the major port of Karachi on the Arabian Sea, and the section where the Indus is divided by the island of Bukkur was chosen as the most advantageous. Rivet is a metal pin used for fastening two pieces of metal together. Copyright 01/07/2023 Alamy Ltd. All rights reserved. The line links the Central square with the terrace by the main building of ETH Zrich, which was formerly called Eidgenssisches Polytechnikum, and from which the railway derives its name. Tripadvisor performs checks on reviews as part of our industry-leading trust & safety standards. 1889 March 19: Lansdowne bridge was tested by running coupled L class locomotives and a train giving a gross load of 786 tons or about 1 ton per foot. Its name Urania refers to the muse of astronomy in Greek mythology.
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