stc law enforcement academy

Participants will learn modern self defense concepts and principals for all levels of resistance that can be used if attacked in the line of duty. The Supreme Court has ruled that warrantless police conduct may comply with the Fourth Amendment so long as it is reasonable under the circumstances. The data presented is a snapshot of California's law enforcement and public safety agency statistics and demographics in relation to age, ethnicity, gender, training accomplishments and employment. This course introduces students to the basic understanding of communication technologies. Email. This course introduces the student to the teaching-learning process, phases of the teaching-learning process, factors affecting learning, needs assessment, task analysis, developing learning objectives, preparing a lesson plan, and methods of instruction. Youll learn fromthem our award-winning teaching methods during this course that allows you to become a better instructor. Part 3 (Communication) November 14 8:00am-5:00pm Cost: $225.00. This 16 hour course will present communication techniques and strategies for communicators that build upon skills already learned and in the negotiator toolbox. Contact us to create the training for you. Schedule: April 29, 1pm - 5pmApril 30 8am - 5pm. The FBI LEEDA Reflective Leadership Institute course represents the next level of leadership education for law enforcement professionals This dynamic course focuses on learning to lead an inclusive culture within our law enforcement agencies The goals of this 4 and one half day program include creating a fair, unbiased, and inclusive police culture for the agency and community effectively guide law enforcement agencies to realize the practical and moral value of cultural awareness and cultural intelligence incorporate best practices for successfully navigating the complexities of our contemporary cultural with integrity assemble concrete pathways for fair and unbiased leadership development of all employees in theagency and, help create leaders with cultural wisdom and integrity as models fortheir internal communities and the public that they serve. RADAR is an important and effective means of accurately establishing vehicle speed. The course instructors are veteran sexual assault investigators who offer proven methods and are passionate about conducting aggressive investigations that lead to positive outcomes. Register at: Participants enrolling in this course must complete the following course prior to attendance: Please send proof of course completion via email toilepse@teex.tamu.eduat least two weeks prior to class start date. Federal, State, territory, tribal or local agency/organization/ jurisdiction reserve the right to make the final decision as to who should complete this course. Lieutenant . Seating and space for this training is limited. This course examines the most common pathway the police use to increase citizen perceptions of legitimacy. This course is composed to assist the newly appointed Detective (or Patrol Officer conducting investigations) in becoming familiar with the many aspects of a Criminal Investigation. RADAR is an important and effective means of accurately establishing vehicle speed. No rifle sharing. Participants will leave with increased understanding, tools to conduct more in-depth investigations, resources to better manage victims, and tactics to obtain information from suspects.This training is recommended for officers new to law enforcement, veteran investigators, and police supervisors. Practical exercises will include a variety of buildings and vehicles. STC in partnership with the Caruth Police Institute is offering this course to patrol officers, senior corporals, detectives, and federal agents. Entering the police academy fulfills a lifelong dream of a career in law enforcement, according to Longoria, who is part of the first group of 24 cadets to utilize the new Regional Center, a master plan that consists of 534,385 square feet of buildings, structures, and driving track to be completed in three phases over the next decade. Earn TCOLE credit hours. Date: Apr 1 - 5, 2024. Body Worn Camera is a recording device that is capable of recording, or transmitting to be recorded remotely, video or audio, and is worn on the person of a peace officer, which includes being attached to the officers clothing or worn as glasses. The student will acquire instructor level knowledge of Defense Technology products, both technically and tactically, along with the skills necessary to conduct in-service training. Every class includes a challenging in front of the class interview of several students which drives home the issues discussed in lecture. This course is arranged to achieve the maximum student orientationto the fundamental duties and responsibilities of a narcoticsinvestigator. Course Description:Duty to Intervene is a course designed to equip and train officers with the awareness and adeptness to intercede when reasonable objectiveness dictates that excessive force is being used by surrounding officers during an arrest or detention. There are three key opinion influencers; participants will learn how each can positively or negatively affect public opinion. This training is provided by personnel from the National Threat Assessment Center (NTAC), a component of the U.S. Secret Service. Emphasis is placed on how to overcome communication challenges and the skills you need to become a leader. Law Enforcement Training; Criminal Investigations Training; Instructor Development Training; Leadership Institute; Mindfulness, Resiliency & Stress Management; . Practical Kinesic Interview & Interrogation is a training program that teaches multi-phase behavioral analysis and tactical interrogation methods using advanced kinesic interview and interrogation theories. Currently appointed as a peace officer, county jailer or justice of the peace; At least two years experience as a peace officer, county jailer, or justice of the peace; If not currently a commissioned peace officer or county jailer, an applicant must meet the current enrollment standards; If an applicant is a commissioned peace officer or county jailer, an applicant must not ever have had a license or certificate issued by the commission suspended or revoked; If an applicant is a commissioned peace officer or county jailer, an applicant must have met the continuing education requirements for the previous training cycle; Successful completion of a training course in emergency first aid and lifesaving techniques (Red Cross or equivalent); and. It further entails the duty to intervene is woven into the El Paso Police Departments culture by practical discussion and policy review. The training explores each component of the intelligence cycle, from targetidentification and selection, data collection, evaluation, collation, analysis, to proper documentation and dissemination. and administering the NHTSA Standardized Field Sobriety Tests Walk and Turn (WAT), One Leg Stand (OLS) and Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus (HGN). The DefenseTechnology Training Academy trains only sworn law enforcement officers, correctionalpersonnel, state-licensed security personnel (OC only), or active military personnel. Participants enrolling in this course must complete the following courses prior to attendance: Performance Requirements: You will be required to shoot 2 courses of fire on the first day with a minimum of 90% (2 attempts). Students will learn the ins and outs of constitutional carry and discuss objectives such as: This course provide the officer an understanding of child abuse & neglect, family violence, sexual assault, and sex offender characteristics and those key changes within the different Texas Codes that may impact on their performance in these critical areas. Pre-Requisite: A link will be sent to each student to complete a confidential, online assessment prior to the training date. Why we negotiate even in barricade situations. This course provides an ethics based approach to leadership and management principles in drug law enforcement and includes leadership skills development as well as the day-to-day management of a drug unit or task force. co-conspirators, and expanding the breadth and scope of criminal investigations. This seminar is interactive, and attendees participate in capstone scenarios designed as an application of learning FBI LEEDAs Managing and Conducting Internal Affairs Investigations certification course has been recognized by the majority of state POSTs for mandatory retraining credit ( Consult your POST for additional information. Date: May 19 - 23, 2025, Date: Jan 20 - 24, 2025, The FBI LEEDA Supervisor Leadership Institute (SLI) is a foundational 4 and one half day course that helps prepare the next generation of police leaders for their critical first steps in police leadership Supervisors and managers at higher levels will benefit from the topics covered in this course, appreciating how first line supervisors are critical to the success of the organization To lead others, we must first know ourselves and SLI takes us on that part of the leadership journey Among the modules covered in this course, students will find out how the DISC factors, Dominance, Influence, Steadiness and Compliance, can predict your behavior towards others in day to day interactions The students will thoroughly examine the concepts of credibility, accountability and motivation, while becoming familiar with aspects of liability and discipline that are vital to leadership at all levels of the organization, In partnership with the Weslaco Fire Department, the South Texas College Regional Center for Public Safety Excellence will host a training to familiarize fire instructors, and potential instructors, on the use of the fire vent trailer simulator. Truckers Against Trafficking (TAT) provides a 4-hour, in-depth law enforcement training on human trafficking and societal attitudes that contribute to a misunderstanding of prostitution, along with a victim-centered approach and case studies of inspection and interdiction stops that turned into human trafficking. The course explains on content that officer/s who witness their colleagues violating the Use of Force policy must take action and professionally restore safety. Course DescriptionThe MCTC Fentanyl and Other Synthetic Opiates course will increase the students ability and skills tocorrectly - and successfully through safety protocols - identify, detect and seize synthetic opiates. Link to Register: TO ALL FIRE DEPARTMENT AGENCY PERSONNEL/FIRST RESPONDERS. This training is recommended for officers new to law enforcement, veteran investigators, and police supervisors. The program will include discussions and hands-on flight time on where and how to implement indoor drone operations both safely and efficiently while reducing the chances of injury. Comprehensive training taking the student far beyond the normal basic LE Report Writing Course, Review the components of effective police report writing, Learn the importance of analytical writing - saying much more with far fewer words and less redundancy, Emphasize the value of continuing education in the police career field by referencing updated laws and policies, Study examples of both effective and ineffective testimony from a former Judges perspective, Demonstrate the benefits and consequences associated with police report writing in a litigious society, Learn to avoid committing crimes pertaining to writing reports and affidavits and how to write them so they withstand judicial scrutiny, Audio/video electronic surveillance equipment and techniques, Psychological effects of undercover operations, Identifying potential threats and students who may be exhibiting concerning behaviors, Investigating and gathering information on the background and behaviors of concerning students, Assessing whether students pose a threat of violence or other harmful behavior, Developing risk management strategies and interventions, Hear From Some Of The Most Accomplished Law Enforcement Practitioners In The Profession, Earn TCOLE Continuing Education Credit Hours, To save the lives of law enforcement professionals through candid discussion on the fundamentals of force, available force options, discussion on real-world force applications, and possible consequences, Reinforcement of the need for continued training on the laws regardingproper use of force, effective decision making under stressfulconditions, and proper use of the tools of force in a highly litigious operational theater.

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