The tuition deposit secures the reservation for every child and is non-refundable if the family later elects not to attend St. Thomas More School and enroll in any neighboring public or private school. St Thomas More School Private, Roman Catholic, PK, KG-8 3515 S 48th Ave Omaha, NE 68106 (402) 951-9504 Student/teacher ratio: 20.3 Number of students: 510 Racial breakdown: White: 47.5% Not Specified: 34.9% Hispanic: 17.6% See top rated Nebraska public schools Compare St Thomas More School to nearby private schools! to view the Federal Poverty Guidelines. The athletic program is operated by STM parents though the Sports Club. Families will have their status changed from In-Parish to Out-of-Parish status for school tuition only based upon not meeting the Sunday Mass attendance and contribution standards. The next lists are showing the public schools by offering level. 3515 South 48th Avenue Omaha, NE 68106. FACTS Management monthly contracts will be processed and any financial aid decision rendered will be posted as a credit prior to the first payment in July. You will be sent an Email to verify your review. This article delves into her ideas on education, equality, and the transformative power of the Montessori method. St Thomas More School is located at 3515 S 48th Ave in Omaha, Nebraska 68106. Sign up below to receive regular updates from the Archdiocese of Omaha. When is the application deadline for St. Thomas More School? St. Thomas More School Bus Signup Form, Health Form Families registering after the cutoff date for the first monthly payment will have their total balance due divided by the number of months remaining in the program. Homes for Sale near St Thomas More School GreatSchools Rating NR City Omaha, NE Type private Grade PK - 8 125 Homes Sort by Relevant Listings Brokered by Better Homes and Gardens Real. Option C - EdChoice scholarship - The scholarship amount of $5500 per student will be entered into the families FACTS account with the amount deducted monthly after receiving tuition payments from the Ohio Department of Education. St. Thomas More, a man for all seasons, a school for all children. It is calculated using the reported number of students and full-time equivalent teachers. It is a D-1 school and they recently joined the CCHA, so he will be playing at the highest level in college hockey. A tuition deposit in the amount of $125 per student in K-8 and $75 per family for preschool is due 72 hours after submitting your online registration. Payments will begin in July through April. St Thomas More School, located in Omaha, NE, is a private school that operates independently of the Omaha public school system. Through careful selection, Saint Thomas More Catholic School has assembled a dedicated, professional, nurturing, and inspiring group of faculty and staff members. Principal: Mr. Gary D. Davis Administrative Assistant: Mrs. Sam Tomasek Preschool Director- Mrs. Tamyra Hower Extended Care Director- Mr. Eduardo Torres Preschool/Extended Care- Ms. Kerry Storm Preschool/Extended Care- Mrs. Sheila Vomacka Preschool/Extended Care- Mrs. Dianna McCormick Preschool/Extended Care- Mrs. Andrea Lilla Aceptacin deManual de Reglas del Padre/Estudiante, 2601 East Morgan Avenue Student / Parent Handbook The acceptance rate of St. Thomas More School is 100%, which is higher than the national average of 93%. All families are required to have a FACTS Management account for tuition, field trips payments, supply fee, technology fee, etc.. FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE - Tuition aid is provided based upon the parishs ability to do so for families who are active participating members of the parish and who meet income requirements. Enrollment information for St Thomas More School. These are: 1. 2013 - 2017 Omaha Catholic School Consortium, Archdiocese of Omaha | Office of Catholic Schools | Staff Links. . Schools - Omaha - St Thomas More School is located at 3515 S 48Th Ave in Omaha, NE - Douglas County and is a business listed in the categories Elementary Schools, School Secondary & Elementary, School Public, Schools, Elementary & Secondary, Public and Secondary Schools. Website. Paquete de registro Registration for Current Families Sycamore Portal Registration for New Families Please click the "Register" button to register your child. Bus Signup Form. must be completed and submitted by April 30 (Archdiocese grant deadline is February 3) as directed with a copy of the family's federal income tax return. (402) 551-9504. Nearby schools include reputed schools, reputed school districts, and reputed universities. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Website. 7th & 8th Grade Religion Teacher. FACTS Management will directly charge the family account on file for the late fees. EdChoice offers two types of Scholarships awarded by the State of Ohio. Continue with Recommended Cookies. Milwaukee, WI 53207, Formulario de intersvoluntario de padres, Aceptacin deManual de Reglas del Padre/Estudiante. TUITION PAYMENT SCHEDULE - Deposits are payable at the time of registration. All ages will enjoy working and learning in this new space at STM. Mission accomplished - literally. The weekend trips were really awesome and the lake activities were great. Discover the schools, companies, and neighborhoods that are right for you. 1. A total of 510 students are attending St Thomas More School. 11900 Pacific St, Omaha, Nebraska 68154 402-334-1929 PreS-8. For school year 2023-2024 families can pay their tuition by one of three methods: EdChoice offers two types of Scholarships awarded by the State of Ohio. EdChoice Expansion Scholarship is need based. Our space, currently still under construction, gives children the opportunity to learn outside of their typical indoor classroom setting. 2. Principal. St. Thomas More is unique in that we are guided by the charisms of Courage, Holiness, Intellect, Leadership, and Service. Many people choose to live near St Thomas More School because of its good reputation as well as its proximity to several parks, recreational areas and higher institutes of learning. Living mercy and serving God and others - that's our mission -- and here it is on display! We believe that it is important to bring a Catholic faith perspective into all curriculum areas and that all faculty and staff demonstrate a positive faith life for students and colleagues. The family will have 14 days to correct the problem and bring the account into a current status including the payment of all fees. Niche requires Javascript to work correctly. 2. For the coming school year, eligibility for a T.A.P. Did you know? Learn more about why to become a Bengal! The students to teacher ratio is 24 to 1 where total 21 teachers are teaching for the school. It is a Roman Catholic school. The application deadline for St. Thomas More School is rolling (applications are reviewed as they are received year-round). Founded in 1958, St. Thomas More is a neighborhood parish anchoring the corner of 48th and Grover with its unique, award-winning architecture resembling Noah's Ark. By gender, there are 184 and 326 female students at the school. St Thomas More School Homes for Sale For sale Price All filters 0 homes Sort No homes in this area or clear the map boundary to see more homes. award requires three steps. 1065 Summit Ave, Saint Paul, MN 55105. Students at St Thomas More School are 47% White, 35% Not Specified, 18% Hispanic. They care for their students and want each one to succeed. St Thomas More School is a private school (Regular elementary or secondary) located in Omaha, Nebraska.It is a Roman Catholic school.. Statistics show that 27.6% of people click on the first result they see on Google. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Registration will not be completed until all financial arrangements have been made. We believe that open lines of communication need to be in place to effectively educate children. Website. Leo Catholic School - Omaha. School records are not released for such transfers until the entire bill is paid and all other outstanding financial obligations have been satisfied. It has 510 students through grade PK to 8. St. Thomas More School ranks among the top 20% of private schools in Nebraska for: Endorse St. Thomas More School. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Out-of-Parish is defined as any school family who is not registered as members of St. Thomas More Parish, including non-Catholic families. Students who are withdrawn for any other reason are responsible for the entire balance of their tuition, but they may request a review of their case by the Pastor. The teachers were so nice and friendly that I ended up learning a lot. St. Thomas More provides a curriculum within each grade level that cultivates growth in each child academically and creatively wherein a student can learn, develop and reach their full potential. St. Thomas More, a man for all seasons, a school for all children. Endorsements should be a few sentences in length. We celebrate the diverse interests and backgrounds of our student population, and offer a wide variety of clubs and organizations, fine art programs . Registration will take place online on the school website, Option A Payment in Full - A family may elect to pay the tuition in full no later than July 15. Families who wish to apply for aid should do so at the time of registration. Tuition may be paid in full by July 15 (Option A) , a 10-month payment plan (Option B) through our tuition payment provider, or by applying for the EdChoice scholarship (Option C). When searching on Google, how often do you venture beyond the first page of results? Any checking, savings account, or credit card transaction returned due to insufficient funds, inadequate credit limit, or use of an invalid card, will be reported to St. Thomas More as delinquent. 78.3% of teachers are full-time status. Provides auto-suggestions when entering text. Consentimiento para fotos y video, Formulario de informacin mdica Guided by the charisms of Courage, Holiness, Intellect, Leadership and Service, St. Thomas More Catholic School has been making a difference in the lives of students, families and the surrounding community for nearly 50 years. EdChoice Expansion Scholarship is need based. Families may monitor their account or seek assistance by directly contacting FACTS Management. 1. St Thomas More School! Be the first to know when there is an update for (Translated by Google) very good for school 3Grad Classrom 12 very very good ms kimsey I am very happy to have in that school because they teach them the Catholic faith and it is very beautiful x that since childhood they learn more than the Catholic faith thanks and blessings Our service efforts take many forms and include supporting the rights of the unborn, poor, aged, sick, and marginalized. Homes for Sale near St Thomas More School 206 Agent listings 38 Other listings Sort by: Homes for You 4311 Wakeley St, Omaha, NE 68131 NEBRASKA REALTY $199,900 3 bds 2 ba 1,336 sqft - House for sale 3 days on Zillow 2820 Bridgeford Rd, Omaha, NE 68124 NP DODGE RE SALES INC 148DODGE $210,000 3 bds 2 ba 1,612 sqft - House for sale 3 days on Zillow A The phone number for St Thomas More School is: (402) 551-9504. We believe that students should develop the self-discipline necessary to become responsible community-minded adults. The aid application is then processed and a recommendation is provided by late May or early June to the parish. Teachers who taught at least 3/4 time but less than full time. STM Peddlers' Market happening at St Thomas More School, 3515 S 48th Ave,Omaha,NE,United States, Omaha, United States on Thu Dec 01 2022 at 05:00 pm to 09:00 pm . The mission of St. Thomas More Catholic School is to provide spiritual formation in the Catholic faith, to educate students according to the highest standards of academic excellence, and to form a strong foundation of life-long habits that will build strong character and self-discipline. For questions about EdChoice please contact Marsha Barnes at 753-2540. St Thomas More School is located at 3515 S 48th Ave in Omaha, Nebraska 68106. Families may elect to make a down payment on the total tuition amount due and finance the balance. Please click here for directions. The tuition deposit secures the reservation for every child and is non-refundable if the family later elects not to attend St. Thomas More School and enroll in any neighboring public or private school. Principal:Mr. Gary D. DavisAdministrative Assistant: Mrs. Sam Tomasek, Extended Care Director- Mr. Eduardo TorresPreschool/Extended Care-Ms. Kerry StormPreschool/Extended Care-Mrs. Sheila VomackaPreschool/Extended Care-Mrs. Dianna McCormickPreschool/Extended Care- Mrs. Andrea Lilla, Transitional Kindergarten/Kindergarten- Ms. Katie Elsasser, Kindergarten- Mrs. Carol MalchowGrade 1- Mrs. Sophia Furlong, Grade 1- Mrs. Kristina McKelveyGrade 2-Ms. Laura KoleyGrade 2-Mrs. Jenny KellerGrade 3-Mrs. Samantha KimseyGrade 3- Mrs. Jen SobczykGrade 4- Mr. Adam CareyGrade 4-Mrs. Rebecca FiskGrade 5-Mr. Tim Siragusa, Grade 7- Mrs. Stephanie VazquezGrade 8- Mrs. Peggy GrennanGrade 8 - Mr. Jacob DomayerAid- Mr. Patrick Foster, Aid- Mrs. Judy MoraguesCounselor- Mrs. Sophia Hernandez-Rodas, Art/Media Center-Ms. Mary MayLibrary-Mrs. Naomi NielsenMusic- Mrs. Ali ClarkP.E./Health-Mr. Seth HolbrookSpanish- Mrs. Ellen Dworak, Resource- Mrs. Jamie GrzebielskiLunch Coordinator-Mrs. Mary Jo KocolLunch-Mrs. Cindy Martinez, OCSC Executive DirectorChris NelsonOCSC Business Manager OCSC Office Manager, 2013 - 2017 Omaha Catholic School Consortium, Archdiocese of Omaha | Office of Catholic Schools. THOMAS MORE POLICY REGARDING FINANCIAL AID APPLICATIONS 2023-2024 The Catholic Education Foundation (CEF) For the Archdiocese of Cincinnati student grant money is available to K-8 students for the 2023-2024 school year. The monthly payments are electronically processed each month by FACTS Management from the family's designated checking, savings account, or credit card. School attendance zone. Complete and submit the Children's Scholarship Fund application to the St. Thomas More School Office the designated day in April. People that viewed St.Thomas More School also viewed these schools: The nearest high school to St.Thomas More School is, The nearest elementary school and preschool is. In some instances, schools hire teachers part time, and some teachers are hired for specialized instruction with very small class sizes. St. Thomas More school strives to provide an atmosphere in which our students can grow in their relationship with Christ and others as well as, instructing students in the Catholic faith and traditions. Discover her journey, from a physician to a champion of education, as she advocated for children's rights and revolutionized the way we view learning. Health Form. Do you click on the top-ranking website? The student:teacher of St. Thomas More School is 23:1 and the school's religious affiliation is Catholic. All families are required to have a FACTS Management account for tuition, field trips payments, supply fee, technology fee, etc.. Daycare services support parents and guardians by caring for children too young to be left alone, most often children too young to attend school or school-aged children that require before or after school care. Option A Payment in Full - A family may elect to pay the tuition in full no later than July 15. For more information, please contact the school. Current Saint Thomas More Catholic School parents may view our full academic year calendar on FACTS Family Portal for specific times and locations of events and may join the St. Thomas More School Community group on Facebook for updates and school information. 5th Grade Teacher. St. Thomas More Catholic School. All families are required to have a FACTS Management account for tuition, field trips payments, supply fee, technology fee, etc.. Option B - Payment Over 10 Months - Families may elect to pay the tuition due over a period of ten months for an additional 5% charge as well as a $48 set up fee. 2013 - 2017 Omaha Catholic School Consortium, Archdiocese of Omaha | Office of Catholic Schools. Located in mid-city Omaha, St. Thomas More Catholic School welcomes families from all backgrounds. Igniting Excellence. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. St. Pius X/St. TUITION SCHOOL YEAR 2023-2024 Private Schools receive funding through tuition, student fees, and private contributions. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. St. Thomas More is one of the only Catholic schools in the Omaha area to offer Catechesis of the Good Shepherd during the day, which all pre-K through second grade students here get to experience. A school registration will not be valid until the deposit has been paid in full and all arrangements have been made for tuition payments. Archdiocese of Milwaukee Safe Environment Week Information, Proclamacin para la Semana de Ambiente Seguro, Pat Idstein We believe that service to the community is key to living a life that is Christ-filled. Dive into an exclusive interview with Rudolf Steiner, the visionary behind Waldorf Education, as he shares his motivations, goals, challenges, and funding strategies. Mission Statement and Statement of Beliefs, Notice of Nondiscriminatory Policy as to Students, St. Thomas More School Non-Discrimination Policy, Calendar - 2022-2023 School Year Overview, Calendar - 2023-2024 School Year Overview. St Thomas More School N/A 4 reviews Grades PK-8 Students 293 Type Private 3515 South 48th Avenue Omaha, NE 68106 (402) 551-9504 Community Reviews Read what parents are saying about St Thomas More School Great environment, teachers, and principal. Teachers who taught at least 1/4 time but less than 1/2 time. St Thomas More School can be contacted via phone at (402) 551-9504 for pricing, hours and directions. All approvals for financial aide must be approved by the Pastor. The aid application is then processed and a recommendation is provided by late May or early June to the parish. Above, you will see a list of 132 homes that are currently for sale near St Thomas More School, including open house listings. Handbook/Laptop Acceptance, Formulario para usar el autobs Ohio determines need using the Federal Poverty Guidelines. FACTS Management monthly contracts will be processed and any financial aid decision rendered will be posted as a credit prior to the first payment in July. Compare St. Thomas More School to Other Schools. A FACTS Management financial aid application must be completed and submitted by April 30 (Archdiocese grant deadline is February 3) as directed with a copy of the family's federal income tax return. Inspiring Minds. Contact UsIf you have any questions or concerns. All rights reserved. Student/teacher ratio is calculated by dividing the total number of students by the total number of full-time equivalent teachers. Redfin Nebraska Douglas County Omaha St Thomas More School More to explore in St Thomas More School Featured Price St. Cecilia Cathedral School - Omaha. With such high demand, wants to make it easy for you to buy the exact home you want as soon as it hits the market. very good for school 3Grad Classrom 12 very very good ms kimsey meda mucha alegria por tener en esa escuela porque les ensean la fe catolica y es muy hermoso x que desde pequeo aprenden maslode la fe catolica gracias y bendiciones, (Translated by Google) very good for school 3Grad Classrom 12 very very good ms kimsey I am very happy to have in that school because they teach them the Catholic faith and it is very beautiful x that since childhood they learn more than the Catholic faith thanks and blessings. (414) 481-8370 x102 |. 8 myths about renting you should stop believing immediately, 6 ways home buyers mess up getting a mortgage, 6 reasons you should never buy or sell a home without an agent, Difference between agent, broker & REALTOR, Real estate agents reveal the toughest home buyers they've ever met, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Welcome to St. Thomas More in Omaha, NE. Formulario de intersvoluntario de padres Student / Parent Handbook. 651-224-4836. A St Thomas More School has a 4.6 Star Rating from 9 reviewers. St Thomas More School is a private school (Regular elementary or secondary) located in Omaha, Nebraska. Be sure to check back often for updated listings or feel free to expand your search to include homes in the entire ZIP code or properties near a similar school district. Calendar Important Dates Full Calendar REFUNDS - Tuition deposits are not refundable except as previously noted. Registration will not be completed until all financial arrangements have been made. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. St. Thomas More School is a private, Catholic school located in OMAHA, NE. Families may elect to make a down payment on the total tuition amount due and finance the balance. Checks are payable to St. Thomas More. Discover the holistic approach to education, its impact on students and society, and the enduring legacy of Waldorf Education. There will be a perennial flower garden surrounding this statue, and will run along a path where teachers and their students will have the opportunity to visit stations displaying the Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary. Families that physically move out of the area and change their address will receive a full refund upon verification. Families will be invoiced through FACTS Management for the tuition. 1. plus a tuition deposit of $125due at time of registration, plus a tuition deposit of $250 due at time of registration, plus a tuition deposit of $375 due at time of registration, plus a tuition deposit of $500 due at time of registration, plus a tuition deposit of $125 per studentdue at time of registration, plus family tuition deposit of $75 due at time of registration. Compare St. Thomas More School to Other Schools School Details Grades PK, K-8 Students 228 Student-Teacher Ratio 14:1 National Students' families who are physically relocated out of the area served by the parish may request a refund according to the following schedule: Before December 1 50% Refund of total due, if paid, Before February 1 25% Refund of total due, if paid. In-Parish is defined as a registered family of St. Thomas More Parish who regularly attends Sunday Mass at our parish as measured by the use of Sunday envelopes dropped in the collection basket. Top Rankings There will also be many hands-on opportunities to engage children both mentally and physically. Families will be invoiced through, Option B - Payment Over 10 Months - Families may elect to pay the tuition due over a period of ten months for an additional 5% charge as well as a $48 set up fee. We serve students in pre-school through eighth grade and our curriculum includes fine arts, technology, physical education and language programs that challenge students and prepares them for high school success and life-long learning. V. J. and Angela Skutt Catholic High School. For more information about how the Department of Education defines ethnicity, see, Student/Teacher Ratio St Thomas More School. Families that physically move out of the area and change their address will receive a full refund upon verification.
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