There were more than 400 calls that year. Amazing places deserve to be shared with others - why not Write a Review! Emerald Cruises Celebrates Canada Day With Bonus Credit & Free Drinks, AmaWaterways to Expand to Colombia for 2024. (Anne Raup / ADN) A rockslide early Thursday closed the cruise ship dock in Skagway, prompting one vessel to skip that port . Brienz was evacuated on May 12 after geologists warned that the Alpine rock looming over the village could break loose. If you've ever taken a cruise to Alaska, you might have stopped in Skagway, Alaska for some sight seeing and more. . Check it out: New First Person Podcast episode \" When What Matters Most Is Going On A Cruise \" , featuring me, is now LIVE. No one was injured since the village was evacuated on May 12. Click here to reload the page in order to enable certain features. On Friday night, a large part of the rock masses fell towards the village. Explore the latest travel news, advice, updates, upcoming exclusive deals and more. It has be be stable before they let people under it and this does not look like an easy slide to stabilize. If we can get that contractor on early, you know, there are certain components of the project that maybe they can start that dont really rely so much on the permitting: staging equipment, establishing access, maybe doing some work to prep the upslope disposal site for the rock, he said. General view of part of the village of Brienz-Brinzauls below the rockfall Brienzer Rutsch, in Switzerland, Friday, June 16, 2023. (Shannon & Wilson) SKAGWAY, Alaska Two rockslides in a three-day period last week have led to the full closure of the White Pass & Yukon dock at the Port of Skagway, and the dock is expected to remain closed for the remainder of the 2022 sailing season. An active rockslide area is located adjacent to the dock, originating on municipally owned land, and terminating on the land and dock owned by Pacific & Arctic Railway & Navigation Company (White Pass), legally described as Alaska Tidelands Survey (ATS) No. Why Alaska uses ranked choice voting and what we know about how it affects elections, Report highlights Southeast Alaskas soaring economy but warns of housing crunch and loss of state jobs, Anchorages main electric utility is proposing to raise base rates for the first time in 3 years, Anchorages less-than-sunny summer is likely to continue through July, Popular Anchorage dog park remains closed after oil spill. The forward berth on the Railroad Dock in Skagway, one of the busiest cruise ports in Alaska, has been closed because of a rockslide risk, forcing cruise lines that . It added that there was no damage to the village and the rockslide stopped just short of it, leaving a meters-high deposit in front of the school building. Some Skagway residents are calling on the city and the private company that owns the dock to take action. 19952023, The Independent Traveler, Inc. Another Rockslide in Skagway June 23,2022, Q&A: Cruise Insurance with Steve Dasseos of the - Summer Session '23, ANNOUNCEMENT: Regent Seven Seas Cruises 2025-2026 Voyage Collection Debut. ANCHORAGE, Alaska (KTUU) - Rockslides this summer are costing Skagway money, and creating a safety hazard for workers and passengers exiting cruise ships. Just Don Related\u0026t=9sFor those of you who are wondering, yes I am a Travel Agent and I work with anyone in Canada and the United States :) Need to contact me with questions or to book a cruise? Without those, permits cant be applied for, grant proposals cant be made and a contractor cant be hired. The rock masses just missed the village and left behind a meter-high deposit on the main road near the school building. According to Skagway Mayor Andrew Cremata, rocks have covered the pier owned by White Pass. The people of Brienz will still have to be a bit patient before they can move back, Albertin said. But even if those plans are ready by mid-September, its not likely that permits would be approved before mid-winter. KHNS is our partner station in Haines. That may include improving road access to Lower Dewey Lake to get large excavators and dump trucks to the construction site. ASLS 2007-36 is located east of the Railroad Dock in the Port of Skagway (Attachment A). Earlier this week, Princess Cruises announced a number of adjustments to scheduled Alaska itineraries because of the closure. A train is being recovered from an Austrian tunnel where it got stuck when a fire broke out, forcing rescuers to evacuate the 151 people on board. A rockslide at the historic White Pass Railroad Dock in Skagway, Alaska, damaged the dock and caused minor damage to Discovery Princess on Thursday, June 23, 2022. Skagway rock slide - YouTube 0:00 / 0:44 Skagway rock slide 6,126 views Aug 3, 2022 21 Dislike Share Save Must Read Alaska 3.23K subscribers A second rock slide near the Skagway dock in. In 2019, about a million visitors came to Skagway, the vast majority arriving by cruise ship. SKAGWAY, Alaska One berth at the White Pass & Yukon Railway's cruise-ship dock in Skagway has been closed because of concerns over rockslide risk, forcing Princess Cruises to change plans for some scheduled visits by its ships. Those concerns involve Port Skagway - a popular destination for major cruise shipping companies that operate in Alaska. No one was injured since the village was evacuated on May 12. You can unsubscribe anytime.\r\rTo access the Travel and Cruise Industry News podcast; or go to\r\rFly For Free\rSave On Airfare\r\rTo subscribe:\r\rAs always, I appreciate super chats or any other donation to support my channel. Some 1.9 million cubic meters (67 million cubic feet) of rock had been deemed at risk of breaking away and potentially of destroying the village of Brienz, in the southeastern Graubuenden region of Switzerland. All rights reserved. Thats resulted in the loss of about 125,000 passengers this season. KTOO collaborates with partners across the state to cover important news and to share stories with our audiences. Tune in every day to get your fix of the the best Rock and Alternative on the radio. A small-but-noisy rockslide occurred on Railroad Dock in Skagway on Wednesday at about 5 pm. Copyright 19952023 The Independent Traveler, Inc. Amazing, Funny & Totally Awesome Cruise Photos. Cremata told News of the North that he doesn't expect a suspension of cruise ship service to Skagway because of the slide." Skagway is a small borough in Alaska with a population in the 2020 census of 1,240 people. (Michael Buholzer/Keystone via AP), The church tower of the village Brienz-Brinzauls can be seen in front of the rockfall Brienzer Rutsch, in Switzerland, Friday, June 16, 2023. Last month a mountain above Skagway's dock was at risk that could cause a "catastrophic" impact. However, officials couldnt yet say when they might be able to end the evacuation although they said the chances of a permanent return are very high. (Photo by Claire Stremple/KTOO) 00:00 00:00 Skagway Mayor Andrew Cremata calls the most visible boulder above the rockslide path the "Death Rock of Doom." It's about the size of a. He says its going very quickly but that everyone who was booked on the 8am train was moved to the noon one since tendering didn't start until 8am. We also had to tender. #3. Brennan says there are two problems. Ships being reaccommodated are: Carnival Miracle, after dock, tendering passengers to the Small Boat Harbor; Ruby Princess, Broadway Dock, Norwegian Jewel, Ore Dock. You can email me at or check out my website at dterris.travelonly.comcheck out another video here: I assume that at the least they will add some concrete blocks to the dock like they did for the slide a few years back. (Michael Buholzer/Keystone via AP), General view of the village of Brienz-Brinzauls below the rockfall Brienzer Rutsch, in Switzerland, Friday, June 16, 2023. On Thursday night, a large part of the rock masses fell towards the village. It is in an area that we were lined up for the White Pass excursion last month. "The health and safety of our guests and crew are always our top priority and we appreciate and support this decision," Princess said in a statement. The busy cruise ship town of Skagway is looking for a solution to the rockslides that continue topepper its largest cruise ship dock. The most recent calculations say that the large rock mass is separating from the mountainside at a rate of 2.5 inches per year, up from between 1 and 1.5 inches just a few years ago. There is some not safe for work language, as you can imagine, seeing people in harms way during this rockslide. Alaska Public Media 2023. For your convenience, please visit:\r\rChillie's Cruise Schedule:\r\rFor your special needs, contact me or Scootaround,, 1.888.441.7575. Posted 57 minutes ago. Must Read Alaska (@MustReadAlaska) August 4, 2022 The slide is located at what is called the north slide area, the same area where a slide occurred June 23. The Municipality of Skagway (MOS) is requesting proposals to conduct an assessment including recommendations for mitigation to protect the Port of Skagway from the rockslide adjacent to the Port of Skagway, above the Railroad Dock on Alaska State Land Survey (ASLS) 2007-36 according to Plat 2017-6. Win A Pair Of Tickets To See Fall Out Boy In CLT! A local paper there said they would have engineers out tomorrow. It was the second slide event in less than two weeks and caused a pair of cruise ships to divert to other ports. Tha. On Thursday night, a large part of the rock masses fell towards the village. Only two people per household were allowed in for 90-minute visits. Want to know more about Woody and Wilcox? All Rights Reserved. [Sign up for Alaska Public Medias daily newsletter to get our top stories delivered to your inbox.]. National geotechnical engineering firm Shannon and Wilson made its initial pitch toaddress the slidesat the Skagway Borough Assemblys Sept. 1 meeting. We will know Monday. Youre saying we cant really do any excavation until sometime in the winter. the flagship NYT show with a massive audience. There are a bunch of pictures on another site that show the damage. Anchorage-based geotechnical engineer Kyle Brennanstone was hopeful but realistic. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. (City of Skagway) He says there will be time and space to figure out a long term plan after the tourist traffic clears out . In recent days, local officials said rock movements on the slope were accelerating. You will be able to leave a comment after signing in. About two-thirds of the rock at an initial estimate, somewhere between 1.2 and 1.5 million cubic meters (42.4 and 53 million cubic feet) appears to have come down the slope on Thursday night, geologist Stefan Schneider said at a news conference. Top Alaska stories delivered to your inbox every week. Much of the rock mass tumbled toward Brienz between 11 p.m. and midnight on Thursday night, the local council said. On Thursday night, a large part of the rock masses fell towards the village. It went well going ashore but I heard there was a backup in the line coming back to the ship, particularly when the train came back. There were no injuries reported. Another Rockslide Impacts Skagway Cruise Dock is number one story on Travel and Cruise Industry News August 5, 2022 with Chillie Falls. Other earlier Celebrity itineraries appear to have dropped Skagway as well. The rock masses just missed the village and left behind a meter-high deposit on the main road near the school building. Brennan said his firm will have preliminary design plans for mitigation completed by Sept. 16. Win A Pair Of Tickets To See The Struts in CLT! Quantum was supposed to be there today but headed to Dawes Glacier instead based on the live report. I had the opportunity to speak to the Mayor of Skagway at the Royal Block Party. Box 415 Does not look good for upcoming sailings. Officials said at the time of the evacuation that residents would be able to return from time to time, depending on the risk level, but not stay overnight. On Thursday night, a large part of the rock masses fell towards the village. Video of rockslide at Skagway, Alaska cruise ship dock on Aug. 5, 2022. Another slide has damaged the dock in Skagway this morning. Over time the area has seen large rockslides, necessitating development of a rock fall protection program conducted by contractors of the dock owner, White Pass, in 2018. By No one was injured since the village was evacuated on May 12. The Star Princess now is docked in Haines, which was expecting no ships today. World powers evacuated more people from Sudan on Wednesday in complex international operations prompted by an eruption of fighting that has sent thousands of foreigners and many more Sudanese people fleeing for safety. For now, the company is only focusing on the north slide area above the railroad dock. Copyright 2023 The Associated Press. Another Rockslide Impacts Skagway Cruise Dock is number one story on Travel and Cruise Industry News August 5, 2022 with Chillie Falls. Authorities stepped the alert level up another notch after the rockslide as a precaution because they couldnt immediately assess in the darkness what was happening, closing more local roads and a railway line and evacuating three houses in a neighboring village. We have to carry out further evaluations before we can give them enough security to be able to move back to their village and continue living or working there.. We have to mobilize well before that if we have any chance of pulling this off before next year, Hanson said. Aug. 3, 2022. (Michael Buholzer/Keystone via AP), General view of the village of Brienz-Brinzauls below the rockfall Brienzer Rutsch, in Switzerland, Friday, June 16, 2023. The forward berth at the Railroad Dock is owned by White Pass Rail Road, which made the decision to close. HARARE, Zimbabwe (AP) Pauline Hungwe huddled in the bathroom of her apartment in Sudan, terrified and only peeking out of a window for a second to see the walls of nearby buildings disintegrate as they were hit by artillery fire. This is very good news, because the danger to the village has become much smaller, he added. P.O. After geotechnical engineer assesses the situation, White Pass will decide whether to proceed with ship dockings Wednesday. Add Cruise Critic's Community Forums to your iPhone's Home Screen! It would be a pain, but they could tender the passenger around the damage to the small boat harbor. Well recently there have been some serious rock slides and they've set up a certain container like protection device. Cremata told News of the North that he doesnt expect a suspension of cruise ship service to Skagway because of the slide.". From my limited experience with slides, the problem is not the debris or the dock damage, it's the slide itself. What were trying to do is twofold. ASLS 2007-36 is located east of the Railroad . Borough Manager Brad Ryan says the cruise. The other rockfall took place Aug. 26. One is the ongoing smaller rockslides, of which there have been several over the past few weeks. Late last month, TPG first reported on steps Skagway officials were taking to redirect passenger foot traffic after a report revealed a mountain right above a busy dock was at risk for a rock slide that could have a "catastrophic" impact. Part of the dock was damaged during the slide just. Brienz was evacuated on May 12 after geology experts warned that Alpine rock looming over the village could break loose. Box 415 | Skagway, AK 99840, Closed - no longer accepting bids and proposals. The rockslide came a bit over a week after residents of Brienz were allowed to make their first visits back to the village since the evacuation to retrieve essential items from their houses. Skagway's busiest cruise ship dock at risk of catastrophic rockslide, study says - Alaska Public Media Skagway's busiest cruise ship dock at risk of catastrophic rockslide, study says By. Saw that on our roll call. You may login with either your assigned username or your e-mail address. Skagway, AK 99840, 700 Spring Street | P.O. Can they safely open it for foot traffic? The municipality hired a geotechnical and environmental consulting firm to assess the risk, following a rockslide in June. Any suggestion of a helicopter getting a 70,000-(pound) excavator up that mountain seems completely impossible to me, Hanson said. It added that the "consequences of such failure will be catastrophic in nature with significant risks to life and property.". The slide occurred about 3 a.m., according to a statement from White Pass and Yukon Route Railroad. One, remove this very large hazard. Cruise News 2022 - Rockslide in Skagway Alaska damaging dock and causing minor damage to Discovery Princess, and Quantum of the Seas forced to ship port. Skagway rockslide takes out cruise ship dock - Must Read Alaska. Scary stuff as the railroad dock (Specifically, the White Road Railroad dock) will be closed for the rest of the season because of these dangerous rockslides. From those photos it looks like they could clean up the debris fairly quickly. A new rockslide has caused damage to the popular White Pass Railroad Dock in Skagway, Alaska. Enter here for your chance to win a pair of tickets to see JellyRoll in Greensboro! No one was injured since the village was evacuated on May 12. The report assessed a "significant risk associated with complete failure" for the North Slide of the railroad dock in Skagway. Another rockslide adjacent to the popular White Pass Railroad Dock in Skagway, Alaska, has caused damage and led to the full closure of the dock, which is expected to remain closed for the rest. Posted June 24. The municipality hired a geotechnical and environmental consulting firm to assess the risk, following a rockslide in June. Two of them, the Star Princess and . BERLIN (AP) Residents of a Swiss village under threat from a massive rockslide were allowed back Wednesday for the first time since. In an effort to reduce the hazard from rockslides that barraged Skagway's busiest cruise ship dock during the 2022 cruise season, the city has contracted with a design firm to develop mitigation. No one was injured since the village was evacuated on May 12. The local council . In recent days, local officials have been warning that rock movements on the slope are accelerating. The berth is the primary location for its Royal-class ships in the Alaskan port. More than half the worlds population sees AP journalism every day. We are on an Ovation stop in Skagway in a few weeks so hoping they are able to work something out. No one was injured since the village was evacuated on May 12. Last summer, rockslides from the hill above the railroad dock in Skagway caused cruise lines to cancel some dockings there through the end of the season. (Photo by Anne Raup/ADN) A rockslide early Thursday closed the cruise ship dock in Skagway, prompting one vessel to skip that port altogether. The town has been operating only three out of four berths ever since. These Are the Most Popular Searched for City Destinations Right Now, Kirk Talks Travel with Air Canada's New Managing Director of Sales, North America, Vincent Gauthier-Dore, Copyright 2023 Northstar Travel Media, LLC. The forward berth of the towns largest cruise ship dock was shut down earlier this summer, about a week before a large slide hit the area. the scar of one of these events can be seen in the image above. But also, by doing so, we should greatly reduce the amount of rock fall thats produced along the slope because we no longer have that moving rock mass, Brennan said. It is the only dock that Ovation and Quantum can use, so time will tell On Monday the President's cruise is scheduled to be there with a Block Party in Skagway. According to Skagway Mayor Andrew Cremata, rocks have covered the pier owned by White Pass. The wait for the mountain was long. The Associated Press is an independent global news organization dedicated to factual reporting. The Coral Princess cruise ship was docked in Skagway on August 23, 2015. . A hole in the Skagway railroad dock left by a rockslide on June 23, 2022. \r\rThanks for visiting my channel.NYTimes The Daily podcast. We can say that today is one of the best days since the evacuation, said Daniel Albertin, the head of the local council. Project cost estimates and funding options were not discussed in detail. Assemblymember Orion Hanson suggested progress needs to start on those developments immediately. Lingit Aani Kaa Kei Haa Yoo Xatangi. The rock masses just missed the village and left behind a meter-high deposit on the main road near the school building. On Friday night, a large part of the rock masses fell towards the village. (Bruce Parkinson), Last updated: 3:07 AM ET, Wed July 27, 2022. Cruise lines are scrambling to make adjustments to some scheduled Alaska itineraries after a busy berthing dock in Skagway was closed due to the threat of a potentially catastrophic rockslide. That's encouraging it went so well, we won't mind the tendering. I did not shoot this video, but we were scheduled to visit there later, and were forc. (Michael Buholzer/Keystone via AP). Blizzard54, June 23, 2022 in Royal Caribbean International. Authorities say a huge mass of rock slid down a mountainside above a Swiss village that was evacuated last month, stopping just short of the settlement. There have been several reviews of the Quantum lately but its been very quiet regarding the Ovation- so I'm especially thankful for your post. 4, Lot 1 according to Plat 64-8. All Rights Reserved. According to a press release from White Pass, crews are assessing the dock currently. Royal Caribbean makes itinerary changes on five ships. And without helicopter-assisted access, road work would need to begin before the winter freeze. Thankful it wasnt worse, and no one was injured. 700 Spring St. Get notifications about news related to the topics you care about. Powered by Invision Community. A new rockslide has c. 1065 The End is powered by iHeartRadio. The line says it will continue to work with officials from Skagway and the White Pass Rail Road to determine when scheduled calls can return. One of the recent rockslides was caught on camera by a tourist who was on a cruise ship while the rockslide happened. The origin point for the rockslide area appears to be located on a bench at the top of a steep slope above the Railroad Dock and port. Kentucky. SKAGWAY, Alaska (KTUU) - A small landslide has closed the White Pass Railroad Dock to vehicular and pedestrian traffic in Skagway. Since then, there have been two additional slides one last Wednesday and the most recent on Friday. (Michael Buholzer/Keystone via AP), A view shows parts of the rockfall Brienzer Rutsch above the village Brienz-Brinzauls in Switzerland, Friday, June 16, 2023. A full report offered today.\r\rAlso this morning: Cruises Cancelled Due To Carnival Paradise Drydock;Virgin Upgrading WiFi Connectivity Across Its Fleet; Impact On Travel From Monkey Pox; And much more, LIVE at 11 AM EDT. The rock masses just missed the village and left behind a meter-high deposit on the main road near the school building. And as winter approaches, the window to execute a workable solution gets smaller and smaller. In June 2022 a further rockslide occurred, causing a cruise ship to divert. Update the categories youd like to receive notifications about. 1065 The End is Charlottes Rock and Alternative, featuring The Woody & Wilcox Show weekday mornings! August 3, 2022 23 A small-but-noisy rockslide occurred on Railroad Dock in Skagway on Wednesday at about 5 pm. But now the mountain has come down as we envisioned, and a great deal has come down, but nothing is damaged in the village and no inhabitants were harmed.. 00:00 00:00 a remarkable video (54) Rattlesnake Ridge: a large . Early Tuesday morning, a rockslide crashed into Skagway's largest cruise ship dock. The small Southeast community issued an emergency declaration after a rockslide hit the White Pass Railroad Dock. The port authority is the White Pass and Yukon Railroad. The process would involve mechanically removing the rock, lifting it up over the top of the hillside and depositing the material out of the way of the view shed of Lower Dewey Lake, then repeating the process down the slope until it is completed. The question would be how much the dock is damaged. You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. When will the Quantum of the Seas be fixedInstagram : Tik Tok : #cruisingwithdon #cruisenews #donsfamilyvacationsMy Mailing Address is : Don's Family Vacations PMB #471 900 Greenbank road Nepean Ontario K2J 4P6Caribbean Princess Canada cruise Sept 19th 2023 dterris@travelonly.comHolland America Oct 15th 2022 transatlantic dterris@travelonly.comCheck out My Two other channels here and maybe subscribe for some laughs. ". This is the second slide near the railroad dock in just a couple weeks. The Municipality of Skagway (MOS) is requesting proposals to conduct an assessment including recommendations for mitigation to protect the Port of Skagway from the rockslide adjacent to the Port of Skagway, above the Railroad Dock on Alaska State Land Survey (ASLS) 2007-36 according to Plat 2017-6. But they reversed that on Friday lunchtime. TravelPulse Canada has been voted #1 by Travel Advisors in Canada year after year.. 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