santhome church address

Email. A sun-dial from the old Cathedral is placed on the rear side of the Sacristy. This sparkling white Church was built in the year 1842, and has an Anglican background. For each day spent at the shrine of Loreto, pilgrims believed they were granted a reduction of punishment for their sins. [21] The stones considered by researchers to be authentic are still visibly marked with Roman numerals, by scratching or with coal, which suggests that the three walls were carefully taken apart with the intention to faithfully reassemble them at another location, which actually happened. 1522 They started building Santhome Church. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. [citation needed], The Hall of the Treasury dates from the beginning of the 17th century. The annual feast of saint Thomas, patron saint of the Catholic diocese of Madras-Mylapore is to be celebrated from June 29 to July 8, with novenas and Mass every evening at the St Thomas Cathedral, San Thome. [22], Archaeological excavations were carried out between 1962 and 1965. The statue was stolen by Napoleonic troops in 1797 and taken to Paris. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. On Maundy Thursday, the English service is at 5;30 pm and the Thamizh at 7 p.m [22] Through his mother, Guy was related to the Byzantine families of the Komnenos and Doukas, Emperors of Constantinople and Epirus. In 1893 His Excellency, Dom Henry Joseph Reed Da Silva, Bishop of Mylapore demolished the old cathedral and laid the foundation for the new Basilica, to commemorate the Golden Jubilee Day of the Episcopal Consecration of His Holiness Pope Leo XIII. Basilica of Santhome Cathedral A legend attributes the original statue of olive wood to Saint Luke, but the style suggests it was created in the 15th century. The other twos are: Saint Peter's Basilica over the tomb of st. Peter Rome and Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela built over the tomb of st. James in Spain. Santhome Basillica Chennai, India (, 4. Registers mention that St. Francis Xavier lived in the presbytery of the old church in 1545. During her pilgrimage to the Holy Land in 336, the Empress Helen had a large basilica built over it. The interior of the church has mosaics by Domenichino and Guido Reni and other works of art, including statues by Raffaello da Montelupo. During the absence of the original statue from the Holy House, a copy made of poplar wood was placed in the niche and remains the only copy to have been venerated in the Holy House. On either side was something like a handle. [27][28] He later approved the extension of the Jubilee Year of Loreto to 2021. It where designed in Neo-Gothic style, by British architects. Thus, it was the copy that was destroyed by fire. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. 2006 Santhome Church was declared as National Shrine of India by CCBI. As the works drew to their conclusion, then, it wasCarlo Madernowho created the fountain in the Piazza del Santuario (1600), while the feat of the bell tower on the Basilicas left side is attributed toLuigi Vanvitelli(1700). Your email address will not be published. Society of Saint Vincent de Paul. No.38, San Thome High Road, San Thome, Chennai 600 004 Tel : 044 - 24 98 54 55, 24 95 07 58, 24 98 12 68, 24 98 19 11 Website : Sunday Mass Timings & Language : 6.00 am, 8.15 am & 6.00 pm - Tamil 7.15 am, 9.30 am & 12.00 noon - English 10.30 am - Malayalam Daily Mass : 6.00 am - English & 11.00 am & 6.00 pm - Tamil It has been wonderfully renovated to have two chapels. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. The Holy House of Our Lady of Loreto is a rest for the soul, a place to meet God, and sometimes the inspiring reason and source of strength for new enterprises. Other than San Thome Basilica, the other 2 such Basilicas are the Basilica in Rome built over the tomb of St.Peter and the Cathedral in Spain built over the tomb of St. James. Message sent. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. The opera was realized under the direction of Andrea Sansovino (1513-27), Ranieri Nerucci, and Antonio da Sangallo il Giovane. St. Francis Xavier's Pilgrim Church Sampaloor, Kadukutty Auroville, India 680315, 15. It made designed in Neo-Gothic style, by British architects. There are only two other Basilicas in the world other than Santhome Cathedral that have been built over the tomb of an apostle. The shrine of Loreto also attracted pilgrims because of the many stories of miraculous healing that occurred over the centuries. Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich (17741824) explicitly claims that the house was transported by angels, even to her own near-disbelief: I have often in vision witnessed the transporting of the Holy House to Loretto. 55, Santhome High Road, Santhome, Chennai 600 004, India. This article is about a church in Loreto, Italy. See Reviews, Articles & Photos before Visiting. The outside of this 300-year old farmhouse is protected and was therefore left in its original state. Santhome Church is a Catholic Church, located at: Chennai, India. Father Penteado from Portugal was the first Parish Priest. [6] It is a plain stone structure, with a door on the north side and a window on the west. Saint Thomas was killed by enemiesat Saint Thomas Mount. Thomas-by-the-Sea. Most likely the same fate happened to the beautiful icon of the Holy House. In this Church, the statue of our Lady of Mylapore is enthroned, before which St Francis Xavier prayed intensely for several days while he stayed in Mylapore. He was cremated at San Thome Basilica near Marina Beach in Chennai, the capital of Tamilnadu [], [] VelankanniOur Lady of Good Health Churchis built in the 16th Century on account of 3miracleshappening there. Other noteworthy collection exhibited in the museum includes great apostles fingerprint, an Episcopal chair, two postage stamps, inscriptions of his deeds on stones, the remains of his bones and wall paintings portraying St. Thomass life and death. At the beginning of the sixteenth century the icon was replaced by a softly painted wooden spruce statue. 3.Santhome Cathedral Basilica. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. 2nd Sunday 10.45 am Malayalam Approximately half of the pilgrims originate from the Region of The Marches itself the rest arrive in Macerata from all over Italy and various parts of Europe (particularly Belgium, Spain, Portugal, the republics of the former Yugoslavia, as well as Albania, Switzerland, and Germany). The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". On December 10, there is a festival celebrating the arrival of the Holy House in Loreto. Basilica of Our Lady of Graces, Sardhana, Uttar Pradesh, India, Basilica of Our Lady of the Mount, Bandra, Mumbai, India. It is a holy place defined by Pope John Paul II as the true Marian heart of Christianity.. Indeed, one document dating back to 1294, testifies that Niceforo Angeli, despot of Epirus, in offering his daughter Ithamars hand in marriage to Philip of Taranto (son of the King of Naples, Charles II of Anjou), gave the Prince a dowry that included such treasures as the holy stones taken from the Home of our Lady the Virgin Mother of God.. He was cremated at San Thome Basilica near Marina Beach in Chennai, the capital of Tamilnadu [], [] of India, as he travelled and established churches in Kerala and Tamilnadu. The main chapel is above the ground and the tomb chapel is built under the ground. During the feast days, at 11 a.m., Mass will also be celebrated in the crypt chapel in this campus. The doors and hanging lamps are by the same artists.[5]. 55, Santhome High Road, Santhome, St.Thomas Church, Ssvp Santhome. 1517 Portuguese missionaries arrived to Mylapore. St Antony's Church, Tuticorin Tuticorin(Thoothukudi), India. Little Mount 2. A meditation chapel adjoining the main church provides perfectly for those soulful, silent moments with the Eucharistic God. The Sanctuary of the Holy House of Loreto, Italy / Our Lady of Loreto & The Holy House of Loreto Basilica della Santa Casa is a Catholic place of pilgrimage in Loreto, Italy, containing the house in which the Virgin Mary lived. Copyright 2023. The house was composed of one room in masonry, with three walls in stone placed so as to enclose a rock cavern. Saint Thomas is believed to have landed at Kodungallur in Kerala state, India in A.D 52. Santhome Church in Chennai also known as Santhome Cathedral Basilica and International. It has oldest Cross of 7th-8th centuries and Inscription. The original nucleus of the Holy House of Our Lady of Loreto consists of three walls only in Nazareth, the original fourth wall was simply the side opened towards the entrance of the grotto. The house that gave rise to the title Our Lady of Loreto, applied to the Virgin. CSI St. Thomas Tamil Church, Santhome Chennai, India, 6. A great video to illustrate Santhome Cathedral Basilica Church which is located in Chennai. A car procession, starting from the St Lazarus Church zone to the cathedral will be held on July 7 evening and the celebration comes to a close with the lowering of the flag on Sunday evening. Julius introduces the clause "ut pie creditur et fama est", "as is piously believed and reported to be". History [ edit] The word Santhome or San Thome is derived from Saint Thomas. Timing: Sunday Mass - Timings : 6:30 am, 9 am and 5 pm - Tamil Daily Mass- Timings: 6.00 am - English / 11.00 am & 6.00 pm - Tamil Eucharistic Chapel Timings: 6.00 am to 7.00 pm - Daily: Eucharistic Chapel Timings: 5.45 am to 5.30 pm, Rev.Feather.Please can you post me your e-mail.Thank you.Grard, Monday to Saturday05.45 A.M. Adoration, Rosary and Mass in English11.00 A.M. Mass in Tamil ( Underground Tomb Chapel)05.30 P.M. Benediction05.45 P.M. Rosary, Mass in Tamil,, This Cathedral Basilica is a matter of pride to the nation and to all of us, because it is built over the tomb of St. Thomas. 7.15 am, 9.30 am & 12.00 noon English At the behest of Pope Pius XI, a new image similar to the original was immediately carved, using the wood of a cedar of Lebanon from the Vatican Gardens. Finally, worth noting is theMacerata-Loreto Pilgrimage, in existence since 1978 (when John Paul II became Pope): on this route thousands of pilgrims travel onfoot every year, from Macerata to Loretos Sanctuary. The inside however, was completely redone to state-of-the-art contemporary minimalism interiors, flooded with light, and decorated in neutral . The sanctuary (Santuario della Santa Casa) consists of the basilica of Saint Maria, beneath the dome of which is situated the Santa Casa, the Holy House of the Virgin, encased within a structure designed by Bramante in 1509. [17], Thurston suggests that a miracle-working statue or picture of the Madonna was brought from Tersatto in Illyria (more precisely: Dalmatia) to Loreto by some pious Christians and was then confounded with the ancient rustic chapel in which it was harboured, the veneration formerly given to the statue afterwards passing to the building.[17].

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