The Sleeping Habits of Each Zodiac Sign, According to an Astrologer. His work pieces are one of the best on our site and will definitely make you come back for more! She said: Youre the most connected of the zodiac signs, which means youre always putting others ahead of your needs. Contact Kyle Thomas here. - Zodiac Fire Annoying Habits Of The Zodiac Signs Leaving the lid off the toothpaste or the toilet seat up or down - often it's the little things that can really put the strain on a relationship. 11 Sleeping Tips That'll Help You Get To Sleep Faster, What Your Bedroom Says About Your Relationship, Top 5 Podcasts to Listen to Before Bedtime, The relationship between blue light and sleep. Jemma said: The mysterious world of horoscopes has been used to categorise our love languages, understand our signature personality traits and even help identify the type of sleeper we are.. An Astrologer Weighs In, you could fall asleep in under five minutes, your tendencies may be impacted by the zodiac, Yin Yoga Can Help You Recover From Hard Workouts, Stress, and Just About Everything Else, Known for their deep and hypnotic emotional energy. Whatever it be, they dont look at sleep as much of a priority as some of the other signs, but may pay the price in the morning when they are still sleepy and reach to grab their favorite choice of caffeine. They should avoid attending phone calls, getting into arguments before sleep. Scorpios sleep is regulated according to their mood. "But the unusual combination [] demonstrates that the sleeper is a person of unique tastes and quirky standards. If youre struggling to understand the best sleep habits for your unique situation, find out some helpful tips based on your zodiac sign below. They don't look at sleep as much of a priority as some of the other signs, but may pay the price in the morning when they're still sleepy and reach to grab their favorite choice of caffeine. The recommended amount of sleep for a healthy adult is at least seven hours. If you have a disturbed sleeping pattern, it can be corrected. by Gabriella Ferlita Always a perfectionist, Virgos are the most prone to insomnia because they have such a habit of over-thinking and analyzing every single detail. So, keep stress at bay and you'll be sure to snooze soundly if you're a a Cancer. "Ruled by Mars, planet of action, Aries always have an abundance of energy and love to go, go, go," Kyle Thomas, Resident Astrologer at Love by Luna, tells POPSUGAR. However, when necessary, theyll be the first to try out an herbal supplement or natural remedy to try to release their stress enough to calm down and get some much needed sleep. Aries doesnt need many hours of sleep to get in the mood! Cancerians love being cosy at home, and a perfect sleep environment is what makes them tick. For a Libran, good ambience and energy is everything. "Ruled by Jupiter, planet of luck, expansion, and . "Ruled by mental Mercury, Virgos often spend most of their time breaking down every little piece of information and can have difficulty slowing their roll down enough to relax," Thomas added. Obsessive about their always-shifting emotions, Cancer's sleep will be directly connected to how peaceful they truly feel within. Leos have very desirable sleep habits. Limit yourself to a half hour nap to avoid cutting into your regular sleep schedule. We all know we need it, but why and how it works remains a bit A good night's sleep is crucial for feeling alert and energized during the day. Only way for them to sleep well is by switching off all gadgets, practicing yoga and meditation during nights. It is therefore crucial for you to distract and detach yourself from other people's emotional problems. It's pretty important to follow, as lack of sleep can damage your health long-term. Star sign sleep habits: Leos sleep like lions, just don't wake them! Being consistent reinforces your body's sleep-wake cycle. Star sign sleep habits: Libras love crystals, but they are too distracting, The star signs most likely to cheat on their partner, Star sign sleep habits: Sagittarius needs to put their phone down before bed. But, when you do, you sleep with . (Speak with a physician to make sure this is OK first.). The fiery lion, Leo, enjoys a long, leisurely nap or extended night of sleep. Also if they sleep early, they will look fresh next day. Isn't it? Taurus tends to sleep well, but sometimes will be kept up by arguments or discussions. Or until youve won, of course. "With so much activity going on inside of them, they focus less on the pleasure of sleep and see it more for its purpose." Although, if you tried meditating before and after you sleep, you might be able to improve your sleep quality and quantity. An Aries doesn't need much sleep (those lucky ones), but they do need inspiration in order to feel focused, energized, and alert for the day ahead, MacGuire said. Affable Sagittarians feed off the energy of others. It is important that you sleep early if you want a fresh early morning start the next day. Always moving a mile-a-minute, this chatty and impulsive zodiac sign is prone to sleeping patterns that may be irregular. (It's sad but true.) We asked expert astrologist Inbaal Honigman about how our birth date impacts us under the sheets, and which are the best sleeping positions for each sign. When they travel or take on new occupations, they frequently modify their sleep routines; perhaps this explains why their sleep habits are frequently nonexistent. NY 10036. "Social Libra is closely associated with pleasure because Venus, planet of love and harmony, rules them. No matter which category you fall into, your tendencies may be impacted by the zodiac. Leo. Zodiac Signs And Their Sleep Habits Nice and Early: Libra, Aquarius, Pisces Scrolling until 3 am: Leo, Capricorn, Scorpio Are they ever even actually awake? Youre the life of any party if youre Cancer. Ruled by Jupiter, planet of luck, expansion . Sleeping habits of the signs. Your sleep quality is directly impacted by how peaceful you feel within, so watch out for lingering stress that may enter your thoughts before bed.. They'll also be the first to try out an herbal supplement or natural remedy to try to release their stress to get some much needed sleep. This means that they have a sensitive and emotional personality, and like the ever-changing tides, Cancer may have fluctuating sleep patterns that ebb and flow. 171-145 Grant Ave SLEEPING HABITS BASED ON YOUR ZODIAC SIGN. Although Aries is "fiery and extroverted" while Scorpio is "watery and shy," the two signs are always "on the go" when awakewhich is why the soldier position comes in handy when trying to fully recharge their inner batteries. More info. Sagittarius (November 22 . Please Click Here to subscribe other newsletters that may interest you, and you'll always find stories you want to read in your inbox. Unlike others, Leo has a habit of sleeping during the day to enjoy the evening. They should avoid attending phone calls, getting into arguments before sleep. Of all the signs, this one is the least likely to be a morning person. These habits may make it hard for Scorpios to keep up with a regular sleep schedule. What's my Midheaven sign? All content cited is derived from their respective sources. This can, however, take a toll on their physical and mental well-being. Ruled by mental Mercury, Virgo often spend most of their time breaking down every little piece of information and can have difficulty slowing their roll down enough to relax. This may mean that they actually dont have a regular sleep pattern, particularly because theyre prone to late-at-night text and e-mail conversations. Lets take a closer look at those habits shall we? This makes them prone to 'checking out' and indulging in some much-needed R&R whenever possible," Thomas said. "This means they can sometimes become anxious at night, but if they feel grounded, expect them to adhere to a very strict sleep routine.". They should sleep whenever their body or mind demands. Ah! As an air sign, a Gemini needs more sleep than other zodiac signs, so be sure you're going to bed early, especially during the workweek. You Might Have a Social Hangover, Revenge Bedtime Procrastination Can Actually Be a Sign of Burnout Here's What to Know, The Most Intense Mercury Retrograde of the Year Is Coming. Youre flying by the seat of your pants, and its all going to catch up with you soon, Scorpio. If they feel they're missing out on something or are being deprived of important information, they're sure to get restless and will face difficulty in sleeping. Jemma advises drinking some herbal teas before you get into bed to calm your mind and prevent overthinking. So, if you're a Cancer, keep stress at bay, and you'll be sure to snooze soundly. They must avoid addictions like alchohol before hitting bed. USA TODAY. Libras maintain a balanced sleep schedule, whereas a Scorpio is too unpredictable to keep track of. They must stop worrying about future or past and just sleep. The significant rains and does not wet the zodiac! 1:37. Although counterintuitive, Julie notes that the position protects against shoulder, neck, and lower back pains. Ruled by Uranus, planet of innovation and change, Aquarius often have a great deal of internal chaos going on. Anything that disturbs a sleeping Leo can cause you to react aggressively and put you in a grumpy mood that may cause a restless night.. . Traits of an Aquarius: Which famous people are Aquarius? They are spontaneous and fun, usually with a lot of friends, and are perhaps the best conversationalists in the zodiac (maybe tied with Gemini). You believe that your sleep is affected by the moon and rarely take the practical steps to give it to yourself. But it's worth mentioning, "Part of their power, however, is their ability to regenerate themselves, which they can do in part by sleep," he said. So, don't be surprised if that's why it's so hard not to hit snooze in the morning. "The position isn't for everyone," says Honigman. Aries is the first sign in the zodiac, which is why they are so active, competitive and have an innate need to win or come first. Ruled by Uranus, planet of innovation and change, Aquarius' often have a great deal of internal chaos going on. After you've finished learning about how understanding your star sign could help you sleep better, you might also want to take a look at our guide to the best pillows for every sleeping position. Taurus, Cancer, Sagittarius . Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter and hence, . Jemma said: If your bedroom environment or any space in your house is not up to scratch, youre unlikely to fall asleep. Aries and Scorpio both share the same preferred sleeping position, according to Honigman. Given your adventurous personality, you like to see new things in life - even if it is just a virtual tour. Woman & Home is part of Future plc, an international media group and leading digital publisher. READ FULL ARTICLE . The surprisingly confident Royal Family member helping 'awkward' Queen Camilla to relax, Dame Helen Mirren is renting her favorite red carpet dresses out at dirt cheap prices for important reason, zodiac signs say a lot about our spending habits, Delve into real women's inspiring stories, Look great and feel fabulous with our expert advice, Issues delivered straight to your door or device. You dont want to be around another Aries who hasnt had a restful nights sleep.You're barely functional and a little bit short-tempered. The fetal position should be the go-to for both Cancerians and Pisceans, says Honigman. Instead, sleeping is what gives them a lot of anxiety as they feel they wasted a lot of their productive time. According to Honigman, Virgo is actually the most sensible sign, choosing "the wholesome option every time". Scorpions can spend entire night either working, reading, chatting or browsing and still remain uneffected next morning. Also, Libras are natural cuddlers and always sleep better with someone else rather than alone, as they're the sign most associated with partnership. Youre prone to stress, so by keeping your body topped up with rest can help sustain your energetic self. Cut out your all-nighters and try to fall asleep before midnight, Scorpio. And, get this: too much sleep and it'll backfire, MacGuire said. Find out about the latest Lifestyle, Fashion & Beauty trends, Relationship tips & the buzz on Health & Food. Good thing they can get by on only a few! "Ruled by mental Mercury, Virgos often spend most of their time breaking down every little piece of information and can have difficulty slowing their roll down enough to relax," Thomas adds. Youre the first one in bed and enjoy great quality sleep, but only if your sleep environment is up to scratch with your lavish tastes. "With so much activity going on inside of them, they focus less on the pleasure of sleep and see it more for its purpose." Ruled by Mercury, planet of communication, Gemini find it hard to shut their minds off.. That said, it is important that for you to know about the way you sleep, how well you sleep and the duration of your sleep hours. They can have vivid dreams related to their thoughts, events in their present life during times of depression or tensions. 3 weeks ago, These Are the Sleeping Habits You Might Have Based on Your Zodiac Sign, Scheduling Too Many Things in the Diary? Guilty of endless scrolling on social media at night, the best way for Sagittarians to get some shut-eye is to get off Instagram. They expend so much energy throughout the day that they should really give themselves a good amount of rest," MacGuire said. Always moving a mile a minute, this chatty and impulsive zodiac sign is prone to sleeping patterns that may be irregular. "An intellectual air sign, they focus their minds on their vision for the future and what they believe is intrinsically 'right,'" Thomas explained. Youre constantly thinking up new ideas, how to make things better and spend more time worrying about the future than being in the moment. For them sleeping is something that makes them lazy and they choose to stay up for as long as they're body allows. Get rid of these distractions and start implementing sleep hygiene habits which dont only involve crystals. Who doesn't love to take a nap, snore, drool on the pillow, wrap their ears, leave their feet inside the sheet, cover their entire face? You love to socialize and be surrounded with friends and family. This practicality means that if they could lose sleep altogether and keep running, they probably would. Try getting to bed earlier in fresh sleep with no technology beside you, and make sure youre exercising enough and eating a substantial diet. And if they are sad, snoring is their haven. You find it hard to switch off your mind before bed, but when you do, its lights out, until the morning. Also, spending time in a space that feels "rich" is yet another habit of this zodiac sign, so expect to see a romantic and sensual ambiance in their home, especially when it comes to their personal space and bedroom. Gemini is another busy and active sign, so settling down for bed can be tricky for them. Too little and they'll just be unproductive. Cancer traits. You can unsubscribe at any time. The sign of laziness: no matter how much Taurus sleep, they wont want another 5 minutes but another 8 hours of sleep. Also, spending time in a space that feels "rich" is yet another habit of this zodiac sign, so expect to see a romantic and sensual ambiance in their home, especially when it comes to their personal space and bedroom. Their sleep is serious business. If you share a bed with a Scorpio, beware. . And then theres your annoying habit of smoothing your sheets and making your blankets nice and neat. Sure, it'd be pretty awesome if you could fall asleep in under five minutes every night and stay asleep until your alarm goes off (I don't know how some people do this! No matter which category you fall into, your tendencies may be impacted by the zodiac. Sagittarius. He has a secret Peleton, Oval Office TV, love of Gatorade, a cat who . Zodiac Signs And Their Sleeping Habits Sleeps all night, sleeps all day: Gemini, Taurus, Capricorn Awake all day, awake all night: Aquarius, Virgo, Cancer. Read Your Weekly Horoscope: June 11, 2023 to June 17, 2023. Star sign sleep habits: Your star sign determines how you sleep, Star sign sleep habits: Aries need to treat sleep as fuel, Horoscope: Horoscopes for this week by Russell Grant, Star sign sleep habits: Taurus needs to learn to leave arguments for the morning. "This means that they have a sensitive and emotional personality, and like the ever-changing tides, Cancers may have fluctuating sleep patterns that ebb and flow," Thomas says. Your zodiac moon sign, planets influencing 12th house, moon and its conjunctions, Saturn in Horoscope determines sleeping pattern, habits in bed, dreams etc. ), Of course, you're better off listening to your body and the stars here even if that means hitting the hay earlier than you'd like in order to secure those extra minutes as you might find yourself getting more sick, tired, or hostile if you're skimping on those zzz's. What Does Your Zodiac Sign Say About Your Sleeping Habits? Have you ever wondered why your sleeping habits are vastly different from those of your friends or why you need less or more sleep than they do?While genetics and lifestyle will, of course, play a part in your sleeping habits, your zodiac sign just might, too.If youre struggling to understand the best sleep habits for your unique situation, find out some helpful tips based on your zodiac sign below.Taurus, you better get to bed before we even begin. At bedtime, it seems that there is a wind current stirring it from side to side. Ruled by Uranus, planet of innovation and change, Aquariuses often have a great deal of internal chaos going on. Leos have the potential to sleep for the longest of times, but they are light sleepers, who will be disturbed at the squeak of an ant. 9 hours ago, by Emily Weaver Sleeping Habits As Per Your Zodiac Sign . The Libra is the doll of the zodiac post. Some people might call Libras lazy, but they just really really like their sleep.And if they dont get enough of it, they arent all that pleasant to be around. Jemma said: Your fear of missing out is a Gemini sleep sapper of note. Meditation at nights can help them. And, as typical night owls, they often miss out on the sleep they needed, getting too few hours, MacGuire said. They may even explore other outlets for their energy, such as meditation. even before hitting your bed. When someone tells a Taurus that theyre going to get eight hours of sleep, you can expect them to negotiate that up to 10.Taurus love to sleep, and thats an understatement.Although, they are also hard workers, which is why they need all that sleep. 01 /13 Your sleeping habit, as per your zodiac sign Depending on the kind of person you are and the astrological sign you belong to, you can find out a lot about the way you sleep and the sleep pattern you follow. They tend to develop dark circles quickly when suffering from insomnia. Turn off tech, meditate, and make your bedroom a place of rest and peace to help you drift off to sleep. These Are the Sleeping Habits You Might Have Based on Your Zodiac Sign. "Known for their deep and hypnotic emotional energy, Scorpios are connected to the underworld and the hidden realms of consciousness," says Thomas. Sagittarius: Sweep you off your feet. Capricorns are serious workaholics for whom meeting their deadlines for work is of utmost importance. Aries: Needs at least 3/4 of the bed Taurus: Cuddles with a lot of pillows Gemini: Moves often Cancer: Curls up in fetus position Leo: On their back, looks like Sleeping Beauty Virgo: Simply can't get comfortable Libra: Needs someone to spoon with, if no one's available, they will pretend to spoon Here's How to Prepare, Your April 2023 Horoscope Says Its Time to Roll Up Your Sleeves and Take Action, Calling All Night Owls! Never try to tip-toe past a Sagittarius in slumber, as they will always hear you. ", Always a perfectionist, Virgos are the most prone to insomnia because they have such a habit of overthinking and analyzing every single detail. Always moving a mile-a-minute, this chatty and impulsive zodiac sign is prone to sleeping patterns that may be irregular. Taurus, the mighty bull, is known for its love of luxury and pleasure. Virgo, you aren't one to mess with your health. "Capricorn are notoriously stubborn and can become obsessive about things they cannot control, particularly in their relationships and careers," says Thomas. "Because they desire so much stimulation, this may actually mean they're up late into the night checking out memes, chuckling watching videos, or gossiping about something new." Sleeping Habits As Per Your Zodiac Sign. Also, spending time in a space that feels rich is yet another habit of this zodiac sign, so expect to see a romantic and sensual ambiance in their home, especially when it comes to their personal space and bedroom. If youre a Gemini, you likely feel a lot of stress. You can function on minimal sleep during the weekdays. Taking this to bed with you means youre unlikely to get the 8-10 hours you need to recharge fully.Geminis, you need to disconnect from technology and the world for the best chance of quality sleep.Put the phone down, spend some time meditating, and drift off to sleep. Geminis are curious souls, who like to know about every little thing happening in and around their little world. It's the starfish for Leo and Sagittarius, who, according to Inbal, "need to know what goes on in every corner over the bed and have limbs in different postcodes." Of all the signs, this one is the least likely to be a morning person.. It can sometimes be a harsh awakening for them when they arise to a world that seems a lot bleaker than the one they just left. With over a decade of professional experience and clients all over the world, he currently resides in Los Angeles where he works as a professional astrologer, celebrity life coach, and author. The zodiac sign most closely connected to domesticity and the home, Cancer are ruled by the Moon. It's unlikely this sign will be waking up in the middle of the night, or exasperated by nightmares Honigman suggests that both Aquarians and Geminis sleep in the yearner position, which calls for laying on your side with arms outstretched. Gemini: Scrolling through social media instead of going to bed on time. Restless sleeping patterns can happen often for this fiery sign if they don't channel their energy productively, letting it fester within and keep them up at night. No doubt podcasts are a great way to stay informed and entertained. They should leave everything that happened during daytime outside their bedroom and try to sleep on their back. In fact, the fetal positionwhich is one of the most common ways to sleepit's like a full-body cuddle. Taking a cold shower, using a bedroom fan and putting your sheets in the freezer for a little bit before bed can all help. They are lazy even to sleep and can get to a better sleep only when relaxed and feel secured. "If they have something to attack in the morning, they can survive on very little," he added. You need to get all of your tasks done ahead of time in order to fall asleep quickly and make sure you don't wake up in the middle of the night. Sagittarius should really be able to sleep as late as they want, but there's this thing called work, making them need to get out of bed. When it comes to your sleeping habits, Cancerians, you love yourself with some healthy surroundings. Libras have a quirkier method when it comes to hitting the hay, apparently. Sagittarians are optimistic, lovers of freedom, hilarious, fair-minded, honest and intellectual. "Whenever something feels stable, Geminis are the first to want variety," Thomas continued. Only way they can sleep well is by switching off their computers, cellphones before hitting bed. Also they should avoid thinking of others, collecting all useless information during night time. Sleep together? He is known for his cosmic guidance for celebrities, business executives, and prominent influencers. india. Whether youre an Aquarius or a Leo could determine how much shut-eye you get each night too, apparently. Sagittarius natives are loyal, smart, assertive, and compassionate personality! Taurus: Eat early Ruled by Venus and lovers of fine food and luxurious situations, Taureans tend to like decadent dinners. Aquarius need to get enough sleep to feel balanced, but they prefer to pick their nightly hours based on their own terms and how they're feeling, MacGuire said. Sagittarius. Instead, read a book and allow your eyes to tell you when youre ready to go to sleep. Sleeping. Prone to laziness whenever possible because they work so hard when theyre in the limelight, Leo love their beauty sleep to maintain their glorious exterior. And no matter if you're fighting your sign's natural tendencies or not, there might just be a certain number of hours of nightly shut-eye that can keep your body balanced and well, based on the zodiac. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. These pics prove that Ananya Panday is our favourite girl next door, Kiara Advani's most elegant red carpet looks. Heres how it works. Jemma said: Learn to use sleep as a fuel for your busy mind. Getting a proper nights sleep is fundamental to a functional lifeso how can we maximize our chances of feeling well-rested on a daily basis? "This may mean that they actually don't have a regular sleep pattern, particularly because they're prone to late-at-night text and e-mail conversations." 12 hours ago, by Njera Perkins It's particularly great if you work at a desk all day. Timothy Parkes, one of the top writers and astrologers of First, they love sleeping and they do it in cosy and neat places. Star sign sleep habits: Sagittarius needs to put their phone down before bed (Image: Getty) Scorpio . Until and unless, the people close to you or even the furniture around you are not in sync, there's a high probability that you'll choose not to sleep. "The sensitive and watery sign of Pisces is intrinsically connected to mysticism and dreams," Thomas said. For you, keeping everything neat and tidy is the way to your sleep's heart. Has anyone ever seen a Leo out and about during fall and winter? Some people might call Libras lazy, but they just really really like their sleep. They always worry about what others think, do or what might happen in future. Star sign sleep habits: Capricorn and Virgo should keep work out of the bedroom, Star sign dates: What are the zodiac signs dates for 2020 and 2021. "This may mean that they actually don't have a regular sleep pattern, particularly because they're prone to late-at-night text and email conversations." to the sleep expert Jemma from People Who Sleep to find out how each zodiac sign sleeps. Sagittarius are often dreaming about things just out of reach. Capricorn is the sensible father figure of the zodiac, so people of this sign are most likely to stay up stressing over deadlines, work, and to-do lists. If sleep is not light, it is almost non-existent. "The fiery lion, Leo, enjoys a long, leisurely nap or extended night of sleep," explains Thomas. When it comes to your sleep habits, you're content to share your bed and snuggle up with your significant other. They need to learn how to relax during sleep and be less practical in bed. Until and unless they are at peace with themselves and with the environment around them, it is impossible for them to sleep. This one sleeps because it is a biological necessity. July 25, 2022 Introduction Have you ever wondered why your sleeping habits are vastly different from those of your friends or why you need less or more sleep than they do? Taurus, the mighty bull, is known for its love of luxury and pleasure.
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