rochester community schools summer school

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday. Situated on the banks of the River Medway, Rochester is full of charm and intrigue. The thing I especially liked was the caves because we had skills to learn like we had to work as a team. Where the governing board provides services or activities directly under the supervision or management of school staff, the schools arrangements for child protection will apply and the school should continue to have regard to the statutory guidance on keeping children safe in education. The total cost of running the summer schools programme was 41,000 including all unrecoverable costs. To help us improve GOV.UK, wed like to know more about your visit today. Where services or activities are provided separately by another body, the governing board should seek assurance that the body concerned has: Case study example: delivering a broad curriculum summer school This program is full for summer 2023 Elementary Summer Learning Program 2023 Registration opens up February 6th! Rochester Hills, MI 48306 . Schools can work with other organisations and institutions to run their summer school, including those in the private and voluntary sectors. Staff in one school opted to run their programme at the mid-point during the summer holidays. To help us improve GOV.UK, wed like to know more about your visit today. It supports a range of activities across the arts, museums and libraries, such as: Public Health Englands School Zone resources include recipe idea print-outs, with simple step-by-step recipe ideas to enable pupils to prepare healthy fresh food at school or at home with their parents and carers. The objective was to: Approaches to supporting confidence and wellbeing proven to be effective include: Secondary schools should work closely with their feeder primary schools to identify the pupils most in need, including vulnerable and disadvantaged pupils, including those who are just above the threshold for free school meals as well as those who are eligible for pupil premium. It's a time to hunt for insects, master handstands, practice swimming strokes, conquer trees, explore our natural surroundings, and make new friends. Elementary and Secondary Summer Learning Programs, Summer Musical Theater, and Project Graduation. Clubs, Field Trips, Parking Passes, Yearbooks, District AP Testing, and R.A.C.E. Schools should confirm their arrangements and secure their funding for their summer school by completing the confirmation form by 30 June. The main drawback was the reliance on so much different expertise, which made it logistically challenging to organise and run. High School Sports Pay-to-Participate, Middle School Sports Pay-to-Participate, etc. classes resume. We consider participation in clubs and activities an integral part of the Kings experience. The school should ensure that: Although it is good practice to pay staff relative to their career stage, schools are free to pay staff in a way that works best for them and their staff. School leaders may wish to discuss summer school staffing with their counterparts at feeder primary schools, with a view to seeking input from their year 6 teachers in particular. There was more of a sense that they [the pupils] were starting something new it was more like the start of secondary school. The summer schools programme is open to secondary schools. Secondary school staff felt that the break in learning of 4 or 5 weeks after the end of the summer school was not ideal. Where a school runs a summer school for its incoming year 7, those pupils will have an opportunity to: Teachers with experience of running a transition summer school for incoming year 7 pupils report that take-up can be high. The aim of the programme is to deliver a short summer school with a blend of academic education and enrichment activities. Whilst we may be the second oldest school in the world, our vision is modern and resolutely forward-looking. We will review the published information on selected schools websites to ensure it meets the conditions and requirements of summer school funding. Steeped in history and surrounded by breath-taking heritage, Kings School Rochester has moved with the times for over 1400 years. There are over 18,100 students in the district, more than 80 spoken languages, and approximately 85% of our students . Find out about the Energy Bills Support Scheme, Education, universities and childcare during COVID-19, Annex A: benefits and drawbacks of approaches to timing, Annex B: conditions of funding for schools and local authorities,, protective measures for holiday and after-school clubs, and other out-of-school settings during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, Crown Commercial Service agency supply deal, guidance relevant to Initial Teacher Training, school teachers pay and conditions document, mental health and behaviour in schools guidance, physical and mental wellbeing (key stage 3 and 4), summer schools evidence summary and resources, running a summer school guide for teachers, contact the Department for Education (DfE), year 3 to 9 were on average around 1.6 to 2 months behind on their reading, year 3 to 7 were around 3.2 months behind on their maths, schools with high numbers of pupils eligible for free school meals were on average further behind those in schools with low free school meals eligibility, 2 months additional progress (compared with pupils who do not attend), up to 4 months additional progress if the summer school offers small group tuition led by highly-trained and experienced teaching staff, build a community with their fellow pupils, familiarise themselves with their new school environment, state-funded secondary and special schools, the number of places they intend to offer, and for which parental agreement is in place, over how many days, that the school will offer a mix of academic and enrichment activities according to the needs of their pupils, confirm that the summer school took place, set out the total number of pupil days offered, confirm the total number of pupil days attended, the number of pupils for whom confirmed places were made available, working with a neighbouring secondary school, primary school or further education college to pool resources or funding to run a summer school, hiring outside premises for the purposes of the summer school, working with the local authority to access facilities, familiarisation with a new school in out-of-term activities, having clear aims and objectives, so that there is a shared understanding about what the school wants to achieve, having a dual focus on supporting pupils academic progress and their social and emotional needs which enables pupils to enjoy new experiences, build confidence, reinforce learning and develop positive patterns of behaviour, ending the scheme on a high note, such as a celebration event involving parents and carers, using interactive forms of instruction, such as immersion and experiential learning, to help keep pupils engaged, involving pupils and their parents or carers in the design of the activities and in the recruitment and awareness-raising process, so that they can take ownership of the programme, for those pupils transitioning to year 7, building good relationships and having early contact with feeder primaries ensures timely access to complete data about pupils eligible for the programme - this can also help to identify disadvantaged pupils and ensure the programme meets their needs, engaging pupils and their families is important in securing take up and maintaining attendance - a written invitation, follow up phone calls or face-to-face meetings with parents or carers to build a relationship and shared commitment to providing a beneficial experience for their child could be helpful, giving a deadline for parents or carers to confirm their childs attendance and investigating the reasons why disadvantaged pupils do not take up the offer, using more targeted measures, such as using multi-lingual teachers or volunteers to engage parents or carers for whom English is an additional language can be effective, using a celebration event as a positive means of recognising pupils success and engaging parents or carers - other ways of engaging with parents or carers include family activities, such as cookery workshops, considering what barriers pupils may face in relation to food or travel which prevent them from attending summer school and clearly communicating what assistance is available, carefully considering the summer schools location - hosting the summer school in the school itself can decrease costs, provide easy access and, for those pupils transitioning to year 7, can support familiarisation with the building, having a clear structure for each day of the programme with built in breaks of organised activities (rather than dead time), perhaps using the schools sports or arts facilities, starting each day with some kind of assembly to bring everyone together and build a shared purpose and identity (as well as making sure everyone knows what is happening that day), aligning staff skills to the summer schools particular aims, for example, curriculum sessions are effective where subject specialists lead on the planning and delivery of the content supported by non-specialists or non-teaching staff, having staff from the pastoral and special educational needs and disability teams to support vulnerable pupils pastorally, recruiting staff from a combination of participating and non-participating schools as well as non-school staff, such as higher education lecturers, youth workers and staff from local businesses, to form an effective team with a broad range of skills and expertise, for those pupils transitioning to year 7, including members of staff from the year 7 team helps to provide continuity for pupils ahead of the start of term. The mission of the Rochester Pre-K Programs is to provide a secure and caring environment which encourages children to grow in independence, curiosity, self-confidence, and social skills, as they begin their journey of lifelong learning. If schools are arranging transport for summer schools, they may find it useful to refer to the system of controls within the guidance on transport to schools and colleges. Please enable Javascript to use all the features of this site. Payment for teachers who agree to participate in the summer school should be made at a daily or hourly rate calculated by reference to the teachers actual salary on their respective pay range. The summer schools programme fund is to be used to deliver face-to-face summer schools during the 2021 school summer holidays to pupils identified by the school as being most in need of educational recovery or wellbeing support. We expect, however, that most will want to focus this provision primarily on pupils making the transition into year 7. Added specific conditions for new free schools to annex B. A close working relationship between schools and partners is essential to provide a cohesive programme. 4-, 6-, and 12-Week Classes.; Build Number: 2023.6.26.4 . We encourage our pupils to be as confident, courageous and creative as possible. Each workshop included a fun element, with some kind of link to arts or sport, and making the best possible use of the sports centre facilities. Thousands of pupils have passed through the School over the centuries, leaving their mark and creating a tangible sense of history. Public Health Englands School Zone provides curriculum-linked teaching resources to support pupils health and wellbeing, including dedicated healthy eating, being active and mental wellbeing sections. It is especially important to re-engage the most vulnerable pupils who can be severely affected by time out of school. The school will be able to claim 41,000 (40,596 by per pupil day place attended plus 404 in additional unrecoverable costs). All performances will be held at the Stoney Creek High School Performing Arts Center, 6755 Sheldon Road, Rochester Hills, MI. If a school cancels the summer school for any reason other than coronavirus (COVID-19) or fails to complete the final claim form, we will not release funding. Summer school provision with an academic focus has the potential to support attending pupils to make up for some of their missed education. We are able to provide funding to each eligible school based on up to 50% of their year 7 (or other relevant) cohort being offered a place on a 2-week programme, or 100% of the cohort being offered a week-long programme. Where schools choose to reduce the scale of their summer school provision (in whole or in part), they would be eligible to claim only a portion of the funding available to them in line with: Schools must try to maximise attendance at summer school for those pupils who are due to attend, in order to achieve the best value for money. The summer schools programme is open to secondary schools. Add to this the rolling countryside hills in one direction and the beautiful seaside in the other, our pupils have a wealth of bustling culture on their doorstep, combined with the peace of living in a picturesque country town. Students can also choose to take classes online using E2020 learning system. All Rochester School District students in grades K-5 were given logs to track their reading progress throughout the summer, and were asked to bring the logs back to school with . June 13, 2023 at 8:58 PM Share News reporting The Rochester Police Department hosted Safe City Nights at George W. Gibbs Elementary School on Tuesday, June 13, 2023, in Rochester. The school received positive feedback from parents or carers who were grateful for additional support with their child during the summer. This can be invaluable in securing an attractive enrichment element to the programme and providing activities that might normally be beyond the pupils experiences. Schools could speak to their school catering team or provider about the best arrangements for providing school meals for those pupils in school. Currently, registration for the school-age care TEAMS program (grades 6-8) will NOT be available for 2023-24. updated: 06/28/23 Before and after school child care Rochester Public Schools offers high-quality, enriching before and after school child care options for both preschool and school age children. This publication is licensed under the terms of the Open Government Licence v3.0 except where otherwise stated. Kings benefits from excellent transport links to London and beyond, perfect for international pupils. The Rochester School district is excited to offer additional FREE learning opportunities to all interested students this summer. M-F Days . You can change your cookie settings at any time. We have also added the conditions of funding for schools and local authorities. Pupils may not have heard as many words as they do on a normal day or read the books or been to the different places they might have otherwise. We believe that building a love of learning and developing independent thinking skills are just as important as achieving the best grades, and so our teachers help each pupil to realise their own potential. Schools can request a STEM ambassador to help with summer schools and classroom enrichment, free of charge and either face-to-face or virtually. We use some essential cookies to make this website work. Our motto is a simple one, Work hard, play hard and look after each other no matter what age you are. Eligible secondary schools can access the funding allocations to view the maximum available funding for their school. Schools should take steps to limit the use of single-use plastic water bottles. Our priority is ensuring that happy children perform to . Offering strong enrichment activities alongside academic content would create a more attractive event for pupils. Throughout the 1960s, an increase in . Logistical approaches proven to be effective include: There are differing arguments on the best timing for a summer school. Ages 13 -17 Whats Included | Life on Campus | Available Courses | Programme Highlights | Academic Approach | Support & Welfare | Accommodation | Dates & Prices | FAQs | Book Now Rochester Independent College Summer School Please enable Javascript to use all the features of this site. They are expected to spend the grant for the purpose it was provided to run a summer school, during the school summer holidays, with a mix of academic and enrichment activity. These term-time transition activities may be useful to schools in identifying pupils who would benefit from more intensive support in the summer. Funding . The daily rate for a pupil place is 59.70. To support schools over the summer holidays and for summer schools, Sport England and the Youth Sport Trust have launched an active recovery hub. We are one school, where a happy learning environment is underpinned by a strong sense of care, kindness, moral values, self-discipline and emotional intelligence. This funding equates to 597 per 2-week place (1791 per place for pupils in special schools, special units within mainstream schools and alternative provision). You can change your cookie settings at any time. It is for schools to determine which pupils, from any year group, would most benefit from a summer school. Staff tested individual pupils and set a baseline for sentence structure, punctuation, vocabulary, purpose, audience and form, with progress measured on a daily basis during the summer school. Tickets are available online for purchase at We know that many schools already have successful transitional support in place but, for those that would like more information, this section sets out what has been found to work well on: Engagement with school, physical and mental health and wellbeing all affect effective academic progress. Summer Music Theater Pit Orchestra Director Adams High School 3200 W. Tienken Road, Rochester Hills, MI 48306 June 14, 2023 - July 23, 2023 Salary Step 1 $1,280 Step 2 $1,440 Step 3 $1,600. It will also be made available to alternative provision for any pupils whose education was funded by the local authority outside of state place funded schools, including independent schools and other providers. A teacher noted that: It took longer for pupils to pick up the pace. When seeking additional external capacity, schools could consider sourcing staff through temporary direct hire, their local authority or trust, or recruitment and employment agencies. To help identify the best value, we recommend that, where schools are using recruitment and employment agencies, they consider using the Crown Commercial Service agency supply deal when hiring agency workers. Dont include personal or financial information like your National Insurance number or credit card details. This transition is known to be a challenging one for some pupils, and the impacts of the pandemic have increased this challenge. Two schools also opted to end their programme with a residential experience, so that pupils confidence was at its highest immediately prior to starting the new term. We use some essential cookies to make this website work. 2023-24 School-Age Care.REGISTRATION is officially CLOSED (Program is FULL). Any overpayment shall be recovered against GAG funding by ESFA on behalf of the Secretary of State. On Wednesday 21st June, 12 culture-hungry Roffensians sought out Glyndebourne Opera House in Sussex. It is not to be counted for the purpose of calculating the minimum funding guarantee for schools or the special schools protection (also referred to as the minimum funding guarantee). The broad curriculum theme brought the subject teachers together with the sports centre staff and external specialists. For waitlist inquiries, please call (248-726-3023). We will be carrying out assurance checks on a sample of the claims. They include videos, lessons and activities on: Schools can work with their usual wraparound or holiday provider to ensure they can collaboratively create a broad and interesting programme for the pupils involved.

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