portland, maine buddhist center

Nagaloka is a non-profit Maine Corporation that is supported solely by individual contributions. Since that time our spiritual community, Nagaloka Buddhist Center, has grown enough to provide our own meeting place currently 1,200 sq ft space located at 54 York Street. Frome Meditation and Buddhism Group Open Heart Sangha is a community of practitioners of the Buddhadharma who come together to strengthen and support our individual practice through meditation, Dharma study, and Dharma discussion. We will update this list as we learn of more resources. Local cities we serve Learn Transcendental Meditation in Greater Portland Maine The TM technique is an essential tool for inner peace and wellness, and it lasts a lifetime. Triratna Belgium/Holland, Boeddhistisch Centrum Arnhem thebuddhistcentre.com, Auckland Buddhist Centre Supporter: $30 monthly / $90 quarterly / $360 annually, Benefactor: $50 monthly / $150 quarterly / $600 annually, Patron: $100 monthly / $300 quarterly / $1,200 annually. If you prefer to pay monthly or quarterly, we can accept automatic payments through PayPal. Triratna News, Melbourne Buddhist Centre (Wildmind: Buddhist meditation), ? Triratna Buddhist Community Page Taraloka Retreat Centre on thebuddhistcentre.com Breathing Space (Mindfulness for Health) It was led by Manapa, a member of the Triratna Buddhist Community. Exeter Triratna Group Portsmouth Buddhist Center on thebuddhistcenter.com, ?? Buddhism Today Young Buddhists Everywhere! Portland Buddhist Center: Aryadrishti: Portland: OR: Portland Buddhist Peace Fellowship. You do not need to be a student of Buddhism in order to join. NNBY (National Network of Buddhist Youth), Aryaloka Computer Education Worcester Buddhist Centre on thebuddhistcentre.com, Aryaloka Buddhist Centre loving-kindness meditation, chanting, open-hearted engagement with moral precepts, and the academic study of Buddhist sutras and other spiritual texts all undertaken in a spirit of playfulness, curiosity, respect, and intimacy. East Anglian Sangha on thebuddhistcentre.com By joining or donating to VVP, you are contributing to a unique resource in the Portland community for the study and practice of the authentic teachings of the Kagyu lineage. Claim this business. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. Wildmind (Online Meditation Teaching), Buddhism Today Young Buddhists Everywhere! Triratna News on Google +, Ask a Buddhist Over 200 customers use Cause IQ to grow, maintain, and serve their nonprofit clients. If membership interests you, any monthly contribution that you can manage comfortably would be welcome. The Buddhist Centre Page If you meet these requirements, please contact Kay at kay.sullivan@maine.edu. Earth Cafe Triratna Dsseldorf, Triratna-Gruppe Arnsberg Leon Kackman: Portland: OR: Portland Community of Mindful Living, Thursday Night Sangha: There are 7 ordained members of the Order of Interbeing in this group: Portland: OR: Portland Friends of the Dhamma: Sakula . Mahasiddha Kadampa Buddhist Center 9498 SW Barbur Blvd #101 Portland, OR 97219. Halmstad Buddhist Group VideoSangha (Triratna Dharma Talks on Video), Clear Vision Education for Schools YouTube (The Buddhist Centre), Clear Vision on YouTube (Triratna Video Archive) You could be the first review for Nagaloka Buddhist Center. (Triratna Buddhist Community) Issuu (eBooks, Essays, and Articles) Supporting membership is $30 per month. Main menu. She's offering outdoor "pop-up meditations" in Portland, Maine. Were told staffing issues were a big part of the decision to move on. We come from many different backgrounds, spiritual traditions, and beliefs. Treetop Zen Center provides a friendly, relaxed place to wake up to this world through the 2,500-year-old tradition of Soto Zen Buddhism. Triratna Barcelona thebuddhistcentre.com, Centre Bouddhiste Triratna de Paris sur thebuddhistcentre.com, Dharmachakra Popular Biddeford religious retreat center closes its doors Friday. Visit www.portlandmainebuddism.org. The Buddhist Centre on Voicethread (Resources for Online Dharma Courses) Our practice is Jodo Shinshu, an inclusive orientation to Buddhist practice. Brighton Buddhist Centre on thebuddhistcentre.com Lamas Pyjamas Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche; Visiting Teachers; . Search reviews. Issuu (eBooks, Essays, and Articles) Letchworth Triratna Group Tumblr (Three Jewels in the World) Free Buddhist Audio Soundcloud (The Buddhist Centre, sounds from around Triratna) Stay afterward for tea and conversation. Home; About; Teacher. Western Buddhist Review on thebuddhistcentre.com bottom of . The school was closed in the mid-1970s and in 1978, it became Marie Joseph Spiritual Center. Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche; Visiting Teachers; Practice & Study. "Give what you can and take what you need." Lulu (Triratna Print On-demand Books) Your qualities of the glorious and excellent dharma increase to fill space. or call 207.774.6986. On Friday mornings @ 8:10 AM, we offer a group for practitioners of the Karma Kagyu ngondro. The Buddhist Centre Social Network, Audioboo (Triratna Podcast) Northern Light Zen Center is a buddhist nonprofit organization in Topsham, ME that was founded in 2002. Tashi Gatsel Ling Buddhist Center is a buddhist nonprofit organization in Gray, ME that was founded in 2019. Come and go at any time. Email- 24anewday@gmail.comWebsite(s)- https://recoverydharmapdx.org/, University of Southern Maine Free Buddhist Audio Page Main menu. Hospizdienst Mandala Newcastle Buddhist Centre Vajra Vidya Portland Maine. Good. Windhorse Publications (Triratna Books), Triratna News (Main Site) South Bristol Buddhist Meditation San Francisco Buddhist Center Dharmabytes from Free Buddhist Audio (iTunes) We suggest $5 for meditation sessions and $5-$10 for Friends evening. Individuals are welcome to contact Donna (see below) with requests for prayers and/or dedications that will be read before our practice sessions. East Surrey Buddhism and Meditation Group The Buddhist Centre (includes Hangouts for meditation online) Buddhism in Great Yarmouth, Gorleston and Lowestoft on thebuddhistcentre.com Oxford Buddhist Group Membership dues and donations keep our center alive and flourishing, and this enables us to offer the Dharma to everyone. A Tibetan Buddhist meditation center under the direction of Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche. The school was closed in the mid-1970s and in 1978, it became Marie Joseph Spiritual Center. There's a whole lot more to Cause IQ than what you see here. London Buddhist Centre on thebuddhistcentre.com 9498 SW Barbur Blvd #101, Portland, OR 97219. Padmaloka Mens Retreat Centre Sheffield Buddhist Centre A popular religious retreat center in Biddeford will close its doors Friday. Triratna Bouddha Mahasangha, Nagpur (South-west) thebuddhistcentre.com GoingOnRetreat.com Job trends for Portland, ME buddhist organizations, Sizes of buddhist organizations in Portland, Directory of buddhist organizations in Portland, Civil rights and social justice organizations, Business and community development organizations, Public sector, public co-ops, and veteran organizations, Organizations with less than $1 million in revenue account for. It was led by Manapa, a member of the Triratna Buddhist Community. Buddhist Images Additional filters, personnel information, peer benchmarking, Salesforce integration, vendor lists, etc. Nagaloka Buddhist Center on thebuddhistcenter.com May it defeat the enemy, wrong-doing. Leicester Triratna group Brighton Buddhist Centre Tashi Gatsel Ling Buddhist Center is a buddhist nonprofit organization in Gray, ME that was founded in 2019. [], Please join us online by Zoom, Wednesday evenings, 6:45-8:30pm. North London Buddhist Centre 66 Falmouth St. Portland, Maine 04103 Stay afterward for tea and conversation. Generated by Wordfence at Sat, 1 Jul 2023 12:18:22 GMT.Your computer's time: document.write(new Date().toUTCString());. Meeting Id: 764 286 0460 Vajrasana (LBC retreat centre), Buddhafield Cafe Triratna Highlands on thebuddhistcentre.com Please contact our membership coordinator at kay.sullivan@maine.edu with any questions about membership, including opportunities to give your time and energy to VVP. You will then receive an email that helps you regain access. Breathworks Manchester Peace Buddhist Center is a buddhist nonprofit organization in S Portland, ME that was founded in 2017. Manchester Buddhist Centre Local community service organizations Southern Maine: To help organize support for someone in need: Sweetser Community Mental Health Services. Nagaloka Buddhist Center is a buddhist nonprofit organization in Portland, ME that was founded in 2006. We welcome all people of every age, ethnicity, cultural heritage, religious background, socio-economic group, ability, sexual orientation and gender identity. Nagarjuna Training Institute (Nagaloka) Triratna Development Team on thebuddhistcentre.com Brixton Triratna Centre on thebuddhistcentre.com By this merit, may all attain omniscience. Breathworks Milton Keynes on thebuddhistcentre.com ?, Bodh Gaya Triratna group From the stormy waves of birth, old age, sickness, and death, SI PAY TSO LE DRO WA DRL WAR SHOK. All rights reserved. We welcome all people of every cultural and religious background, sexual orientation, gender identity, color, age and physical ability. Triratna-Gruppe Wiesbaden. National network Of Buddhist Youth thebuddhistcentre.com Norwich Buddhist Centre on thebuddhistcentre.com Arts District, Old Port. Flickr (The Buddhist Centre extended image galleries) Bridport Triratna Group Stromsund Buddhist Group, Dharmagiri Retreatcenter thebuddhistcentre.com Reflection Weekly, Meeting URL: http://maine.zoom.us/my/jamesduffey Search reviews. Eastbourne Triratna group Vajra Vidya Portland is a Tibetan Buddhist meditation center in Portland, Maine, offering programs for beginning meditators as well as continuing practitioners. Barry Meditation Centre It was led by Manapa, a member of the Triratna Buddhist Community. Donations are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law. Triratna Dharma Training Course for Mitras, Buddhist Recovery Address: 159 State St., 2nd Floor, Portland, ME 04101. (Triratna Buddhist Community), ?? Perth Buddhist Group Manchester Buddhist Centre on thebuddhistcentre.com . The first hour of our practice [], With a great deal of excitement, Nagaloka Buddhist Center is overjoyed to announce the addition of a Monday evening in-person session, beginning Monday, January 30th. Nagaloka is a Triratna Buddhist Community center. Edinburgh Buddhist Centre Eco-Dharma Retreat Centre Search. Where one can learn and practice meditation to develop a way of being that is both wise and spontaneously compassionate. PEL ZHING ZHAB PE TAK TEN SHAY DRUP KYI. Peaceful Harbor Sangha is a community of experienced and beginner Buddhist practitioners in the Portland, Maine, area. Llangollen Triratna Buddhist Centre Triratna-Gruppe Dortmund London Buddhist Centre (LBC) Breathworks Schmerzmanagement-Kurse Members can provide help finding services in the community as well as grocery shopping, providing meals, rides to appointments and other needs. Glasgow Buddhist Centre ? Triratna Barcelona, Free Buddhist Audio Espana Dhanakosa Retreat Centre Lights in The Sky Buddhist film-makers windhorse:evolution wholesale, Birmingham Buddhist Centre on thebuddhistcentre.com 2023 Nonprofit Metrics LLCTerms of Service and Privacy Policy. Since that time our spiritual community, Nagaloka Buddhist Center, has grown enough to provide our own meeting place currently 1,200 sq ft space located at 54 . Engaged Zen Foundation is a buddhist nonprofit organization in Surry, ME that was founded in 1995. Contact Kay at kay.sullivan@maine.edu for more information. Totnes Triratna group Buddhafield North "Give what you can and take what you need. Membership dues and donations keep our center alive and flourishing, and this enables us to offer the Dharma to everyone. Coyoacn Buddhist Center The meditation portion of each session includes chanting and shamatha and tonglen meditation, followed by a discussion of the reading. The Buddhist Centre on YouTube, Shantikula, Johannesburg on thebuddhistcentre.com, Gothenburg Buddhist group Our Monday night group studies Hinayana and Mahayana teachings. West Kent Buddhist Group Cause IQ is a website that helps companies grow, maintain, and serve their nonprofit clients, and helps nonprofits find additional foundation funding. Triratna Adelaide thebuddhistcentre.com, Boeddhistisch Centrum Gent S NAM DI YI TAM CHAY ZIK PA NYI. Hudiksvall Buddhist Group This group is open to those who have taken our introductory meditation class. Inverness Triratna Buddhist group Buddhafield on thebuddhistcentre.com PO Box 7793, Portland, ME 04112. Contact Ted at, Inspired by Thrangu Rinpoches encouragement that practicing Medicine Buddha sadhana during the pandemic would be especially beneficial for all beings, we have been practicing twice/month on Zoom. And may your Buddha activity of teaching and practice blaze victoriously in all directions. Glastonbury Buddhist Group on thebuddhistcentre.com Lokhitay Sanstha (Institute) thebuddhistcentre.com . Portsmouth Buddhist Center Sheffield Buddhist Centre on thebuddhistcentre.com CHO PEL ZAN PO YN TEN KHA CHAP TU. Triratna-Gruppe Freiburg Buddhism in Great Yarmouth, Gorleston and Lowestoft on thebuddhistcentre.com Amitavati Note: For more information on our meeting policy in response to COVID, please see our schedule. Who We Are. Dhammaduta Publications thebuddhistcentre.com The Sisters purchased what was the Ocean View Hotel in 1948 and opened a young women's boarding school. Vajra Vidya Portland is a buddhist nonprofit organization in Portland, ME that was founded in 2013. Joining at the Benefactor or Patron level provides even greater benefit to VVP. Please take advantage of the practice of giving by adding something to our dana bowl. Contact Ted at ted.mayer1@gmail.com for more information. Triratna New York, Wildmind Meditation Supplies Cause IQ is a website that helps companies grow, maintain, and serve their nonprofit clients, and helps nonprofits find additional foundation funding. Southend Buddhist Group All are welcome. Diamond Way Buddhism . The Portland Buddhist Center is a place and a community that teaches and supports Buddhist ideals and practices. Pinterest (Cool Buddhist Stuff) * Catholic Charities of Maine - Ph 207-781-8550 * Opportunity Alliance - Ph 207-523-5049 Buddhafield East Lewes Meditation on thebuddhistcentre.com Since that time our spiritual community, Nagaloka Buddhist Center, has grown enough to provide our own meeting place currently 1,200 sq ft space located at 54 . From the ocean of samsara may all beings be . 168 ELM STREET SOUTH PORTLAND, ME 04106 Cumberland, South Portland Company agents HOA THAT TON (1 companies) 168 ELM STREET SOUTH PORTLAND, ME 04106. 137 were here. In April of 2002 a small group of individuals gathered here in Portland, Maine, for an introductory class on Buddhism. Triratna Buddhist Community Videos, The Buddhist Centre Online (Triratnas main website) Practices include zazen (seated silent meditation), working with fully transmitted teachers, koan introspection (wrestling with perplexing questions), loving-kindness meditation, chanting, open-hearted engagement with moral precepts, and the academic study of Buddhist sutras and other spiritual texts all undertaken in a spirit of playfulness, curiosity, respect, and intimacy. Dhammakranti outreach project Our mitra community continues to grow and after Aug 12th we will have 13 mitras. Bodywise Natural Health Centre do evolution Ipswich Buddhist Centre on thebuddhistcentre.com Dhamma Yatra Pilgrimages, Aryaloka Education thebuddhistcentre.com Shetland Buddhist Group Also offers regular daylong retreats, courses, and workshops. Triratna Articles (Archive) Scribd (eBooks, Essays, and Articles) Address: 159 State St., 2nd Floor, Portland, ME 04101. CHE GA NA CHI BA LAP TRUK PA YI. Want to add filters to this list, or drill down on results in detail? Nottingham Buddhist Centre 101. More. Ipswich Buddhist Centre on thebuddhistcentre.com We value Sangha (spiritual community) and the opportunity to be together. Our program includes weekly meditaiton sessions, Wednesday Friends' Night along with regular day retreats and events. Mexico City Buddhist Centre, Boeddhistisch Centrum Amsterdam Triratna Institute, India thebuddhistcentre.com. Sydney Buddhist Centre Special Friends Night Sangha Pot Luck Happenings at Nagaloka ~ past, present and future. The Sisters say the high cost of maintaining the 120-year-old building, as well as finding contractors to make needed repairs was overwhelming. The Sisters say the center has offered spiritual nurturance to people from across the country and world through programs, days of recollection, and retreats. Prayer Flags at Maine Retreat. Scribd (eBooks, Essays, and Articles) The Marie Joseph Spiritual Center has been part of the community for more than four decades. Worthing Triratna group, Bodymind Edit business info. Buddhistisches Zentrum Hamburg If you are a WordPress user with administrative privileges on this site, please enter your email address in the box below and click "Send". Google + (The Buddhist Centre, includes Hangouts for meditation online) North London Buddhist Centre on thebuddhistcentre.com Path of Sincerity Sangha. Notes: Led by a former monk, explores how to cultivate love, wisdom, and inner freedom through meditation & Buddhist teachings. You do not need to be a student of Buddhism in order to join. Additional filters, personnel information, peer benchmarking, Salesforce integration, vendor lists, etc. 2 reviews that are not currently recommended. Access all the information your company needs in one place, already collected. Join us for an open sitting on Sunday mornings from 9-10 AM. (207) 767-1888. Portland | Mahasiddha Kadampa Buddhist Center. Padmaloka Retreat Centre on thebuddhistcentre.com Triratna Facebook Group, Free Buddhist Audio on Google+ 3720 SE 34th Ave, Portland, OR 97202, USA 2018 BY OREGON BUDDHIST TEMPLE. Tipus Chai Sangharakshita The meditation portion of each session includes chanting and shamatha and tonglen meditation, followed by a discussion of the reading. Treetop Zen Center provides a friendly, relaxed place to wake up to this world through the 2,500-year-old tradition of Soto Zen Buddhism. Rivendell Retreat Centre on thebuddhistcentre.com Maine Portland Portland, ME buddhist organizations Portland, ME buddhist organizations There are 6buddhist nonprofit organizations in the greater PortlandMaine metro area, including the cities of Portland and South Portland. Buddhistisches Tor Berlin thebuddhistcentre.com, Tallinna Budakoda (Tallinn Buddhist Centre), Centro Budista de Valencia Dhanakosa Retreat Centre on thebuddhistcentre.com Email- james.duffey@maine.eduWebsite(s)- https://recoverydharmapdx.org/, Holy Sit @ The Abhayaratna Trust on thebuddhistcentre.com Logistics: Every morning 8am virtual meditation and discussion; TU evening courses in NE Portland. Boeddhistisch Centrum Arnhem Your access to this service has been limited. Vajra Vidya Portland Tibetan Buddhist Meditation Center. Croydon Buddhist Centre Urthona on thebuddhistcentre.com Meditation for Everyone (Meditation DVD), Greengate Wills Holy Sit @ PRCC 102 Bishop St. Portland, ME 04103 Contact: Email- 24anewday@gmail.com Website (s)- https://recoverydharmapdx.org/ Locate meeting on map: Print/download PDF: Recovery Dharma: University of Southern Maine Day/time: Friday 2:00pm ET Hybrid (In-Person & Online) 66 Falmouth St. Portland, Portland, ME Other info: Rivendell Retreat Centre Buddhistisches Zentrum Essen Worcester Buddhist Centre, Aberdeen Buddhist Group Norwich Buddhist Centre Urthona Extended Essays 2023 Nonprofit Metrics LLCTerms of Service and Privacy Policy. Newcastle Buddhist Centre on thebuddhistcentre.com Clear Vision: Audiovisual Buddhist Resources Dharmabytes from Free Buddhist Audio (iTunes), Free Buddhist Audio on thebuddhistcentre.com, Western Buddhist Review on thebuddhistcentre.com, Windhorse Publications on thebuddhistcentre.com, Flickr (The Buddhist Centre extended image galleries), Google + (The Buddhist Centre, includes Hangouts for meditation online), Instagram (The Buddhist Centre Picture Blog), Soundcloud (The Buddhist Centre, sounds from around Triratna), Clear Vision on YouTube (Triratna Video Archive), Dharmagiri Retreatcenter thebuddhistcentre.com, Stockholms Buddhistcenter on thebuddhistcentre.com, East Surrey Buddhism and Meditation Group, Stornoway, Isle of Lewis Triratna Buddhist Group, Birmingham Buddhist Centre on thebuddhistcentre.com, Brighton Buddhist Centre on thebuddhistcentre.com, Bristol Buddhist Centre on thebuddhistcentre.com, Brixton Triratna Centre on thebuddhistcentre.com, Buddhism in Great Yarmouth, Gorleston and Lowestoft on thebuddhistcentre.com, Cambridge Buddhist Centre on thebuddhistcentre.com, Chesterfield Buddhist Group thebuddhistcentre.com, Colchester Buddhist Centre on thebuddhistcentre.com, Croydon Buddhist Centre on thebuddhistcentre.com, Dhanakosa Retreat Centre on thebuddhistcentre.com, East Anglian Sangha on thebuddhistcentre.com, East Surrey Buddhism and Meditation on thebuddhistcentre.com, Glasgow Buddhist Centre on thebuddhistcentre.com, Glastonbury Buddhist Group on thebuddhistcentre.com, Ipswich Buddhist Centre on thebuddhistcentre.com, Leeds Buddhist Centre on thebuddhistcentre.com, Lewes Meditation on thebuddhistcentre.com, Liverpool Buddhist Centre on thebuddhistcentre.com, London Buddhist Centre on thebuddhistcentre.com, Manchester Buddhist Centre on thebuddhistcentre.com, Newcastle Buddhist Centre on thebuddhistcentre.com, North London Buddhist Centre on thebuddhistcentre.com, Norwich Buddhist Centre on thebuddhistcentre.com, Oxford Buddhist Group on thebuddhistcentre.com, Padmaloka Retreat Centre on thebuddhistcentre.com, Rivendell Retreat Centre on thebuddhistcentre.com, Sheffield Buddhist Centre on thebuddhistcentre.com, Taraloka Retreat Centre on thebuddhistcentre.com, Triratna Highlands on thebuddhistcentre.com, Vajraloka Meditation Retreat Centre on thebuddhistcentre.com, Windhorse:Evolution on thebuddhistcentre.com, Worcester Buddhist Centre on thebuddhistcentre.com, Nagaloka Buddhist Center (Portland, Maine), The Buddhist Center (Triratnas Presence Online), Aryaloka Buddhist Center on thebuddhistcenter.com, Nagaloka Buddhist Center on thebuddhistcenter.com, Portsmouth Buddhist Center on thebuddhistcenter.com, ?? All are welcome. Meditation and Buddhism in Portland, Maine. Mindfulness Works, Clear Vision Trust East Kent Buddhist Group Over 200 customers use Cause IQ to grow, maintain, and serve their nonprofit clients. Batcombe meditation group Sullivan Gym 2nd Floor ROCC (Recovery Oriented Comm Ctr) Shrewsbury Buddhism and Meditation group Leeds Buddhist Centre on thebuddhistcentre.com Wordfence is a security plugin installed on over 4 million WordPress sites. Please join us any Monday from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. at the First Universalist Church in Yarmouth, Maine. Wildmind Meditation Supplies, Aryaloka Buddhist Center on thebuddhistcenter.com Get directions. Liverpool Buddhist Centre ? Triratna News on Google+ Access all the information your company needs in one place, already collected. Triratna Cornwall All practitioner levels are welcome. Triratna-Gruppe Stuttgart The College of Public Preceptors Brixton Buddhist Centre Dharma Life Practices include zazen (seated silent meditation), working with fully transmitted teachers, koan introspection (wrestling with perplexing questions), loving-kindness meditation, chanting, open-hearted engagement with moral precepts, and the academic study . Eugene . Mindfulness in Action Windhorse Publications on thebuddhistcentre.com Please email Kay (kay.sullivan@maine.edu) for more information. The Oregon Buddhist Temple is the oldest Buddhist organization in Oregon, founded in 1904. Dedication of Merit. Scotland Triratna centres and groups Company filings . Large organizations like Engaged Zen Foundation, Vajra Vidya Portland, Nagaloka Buddhist Center, Peace Buddhist Center, and Miao Fa Temple earn the majority of revenues among nonprofits in Maine buddhist organizations. ? (Buddhist activities in Moscow), NNBY (National Network of Buddhist Youth), Aryaloka Education thebuddhistcentre.com, Dhammaduta Publications thebuddhistcentre.com, Lokhitay Sanstha (Institute) thebuddhistcentre.com, National network Of Buddhist Youth thebuddhistcentre.com, People to People, India thebuddhistcentre.com, Triratna Bouddha Mahasangha, Nagpur (North) thebuddhistcentre.com, Triratna Bouddha Mahasangha, Nagpur (South-west) thebuddhistcentre.com, Triratna Institute, India thebuddhistcentre.com, Sunday Morning Meditation at Nagaloka 8:30AM-10AM June 25, 2023, Monday Evenings In Person - June 26, 2023 - 6:30pm - 8:00pm, Wednesday Friends Night - June 28, 2023 at 6:45-8:30PM, Sunday Morning Meditation at Nagaloka 8:30AM-10AM July 2, 2023, Monday Evenings In Person - July 3, 2023 - 6:30pm - 8:00pm, Wednesday Friends Night - July 5, 2023 at 6:45-8:30PM, Sunday Morning Meditation at Nagaloka 8:30AM-10AM July 9, 2023, Monday Evenings In Person - July 10, 2023 - 6:30pm - 8:00pm, Wednesday Friends Night - July 12, 2023 at 6:45-8:30PM, Sunday Morning Meditation at Nagaloka 8:30AM-10AM July 16, 2023, Monday Evenings In Person - July 17, 2023 - 6:30pm - 8:00pm, Wednesday Friends Night - July 19, 2023 at 6:45-8:30PM, Sunday Morning Meditation at Nagaloka 8:30AM-10AM July 23, 2023, Monday Evenings In Person - July 24, 2023 - 6:30pm - 8:00pm, Wednesday Friends Night - July 26, 2023 at 6:45-8:30PM, Sunday Morning Meditation at Nagaloka 8:30AM-10AM July 30, 2023, Monday Evenings In Person - July 31, 2023 - 6:30pm - 8:00pm, Wednesday Friends Night - August 2, 2023 at 6:45-8:30PM. Bristol Buddhist Centre on thebuddhistcentre.com Portland Dharma House offers a place to live, practice, and connect with community in Portland, Maine. Come and go at any time. Come and go at any time. Below youll find a comprehensive list of links connecting you with the wonderful work done in many different countries. Wildmind on-line meditation teaching, Jai Bhim International Triratna Australasia portal, Adelaide Triratna Buddhist Group West London Buddhist Centre Triratna News on Tumblr, Free Buddhist Audio on thebuddhistcentre.com Directions. Windhorse:Evolution on thebuddhistcentre.com Hey there trendsetter! Triratna Buddhist Community on thebuddhistcentre.com Jnkping Buddhist group The Sisters say the high cost of maintaining the 120-year-old building, as well as finding contractors to make needed repairs was overwhelming.The Sisters purchased what was the Ocean View Hotel in 1948 and opened a young women's boarding school. Seattle Buddhist Center We are under the direction of the Venerable Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche, an eminent meditation master and scholar in the Karma Kagyu lineage of Tibetan Buddhism. Buddhist Audio Books The Best 4th of July Mattress Sales 2023 to Shop This Holiday Weekend, Saatvas 4th of July Sale Includes Up to $500 Off GH Institute Experts' Top-Tested Mattresses, Lululemon's Sale Section Has up to 61% Off Its Bestselling Products for 4th of July, Lowe's Fourth of July Sale for 2023 Includes Major Discounts on Appliances. Guhyaloka Retreat Centre, Akashavana Womens Buddhist Retreat Centre on thebuddhistcentre.com Vajraloka Meditation Centre For reference, below is a partial list of community resources. There's a whole lot more to Cause IQ than what you see here. Holy Sit @ ", Sunday morning meditation will be at 8:30-10AM, in-person at the Nagaloka Buddhist Center at 1 Forest Avenue in Portland. Our principle teacher and spiritual guide is the . Hornchurch Buddhist Group Peterborough Triratna Group Northern Light Zen Center is a buddhist nonprofit organization in Topsham, ME that was founded in 2002. PRCC 102 Bishop St. Portland, ME 04103, Contact:

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