Popeye colour file is not endorsed, sponsored or licensed by Bally, Williams or any other associated companies and is a fan project for personal use only. I think it was one of my two least favorite games that I designed, the other being BAD CATS." Their selection is limited, but they have good coverage for the most common virtual cab parts. Jump to content. Always know what you are downloading and from where you are downloading from. "I yam armed and ready to save the planek! It was also was Python Anghelos last mass produced pinball machine. If youd like to send me a donation for a beer clickhttps://paypal.me/SimoneMalpassi?locale.x=it_IT. It therefore falls on Popeye to rescue the endangered animals, find Swee'Pea, defeat the Sea Hag, and demolish Bluto's cartel of corrupt companies. The people that create the content for this hobby post only on the following sites. Capture a web page as it appears now for use as a trusted citation in the future. Other files you may be interested in .. Popeye Saves The Earth is a 1994 widebody pinball game designed by Python Anghelo and Barry Oursler and released by WMS Industries under the Bally label. Pouvez vous juste me dire ou doit on installer ce fichier ? Popeye Saves the Earth is a 1994 "widebody" pinball machine designed by Python Angelo and Barry Oursler of Midway Games (released under the Bally brand name), based on Popeye under license from King Features Syndicate.. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Trivia/PopeyeSavesTheEarth. 10. Hi, can't get this to work, it starts and shows the table and backglass but not the dmd, it then seems to be waiting for something, like when the rom is incorrect, I have the correct rom, worked in vp, I can escape back to the programme etc so not hanging or crashed, all my other table work perfectly on my cabinet but this one has me stumped, many thanks for your help if you can. We will keep fighting for all libraries - stand with us! web pages Bonjour. Support those people who create the content and download ONLY from the following sites. All displays support six different rendering modes including high-resolution upscaling to fill the space between the dots. It is based on the Popeye comic / cartoon characters licensed from King Features Syndicate . The first sub-Wizard Mode is Sea Hag Multiball, and is enabled by collecting four Items Can Opener, Baby Bottle, Ketchup, and a Flower. The second sub-Wizard Mode is Bluto Multiball, enabled by locking three balls in the Lockjaw under his chin. Looks and plays great! View File Popeye Saves the Earth (Bally 1994) Popeye Saves the Earth (Bally 1994) total rebuild New Hi Rez Scan Submitter Wildman Submitted 05/06/2013 Category B2S Backglasses. If you are caught; your membership on VPUniverse.com will be banned without refund. Great to see you're enjoying Pinside! There are currently no ads for this game on the Marketplace. Thank you! Released under the Bally name, Popeye Saves the Earth was the last of the highly successful WPC DSD Superpin line of games produced by WMS Inc. from 1993 to 1994. Is there a way to make the ball less reflective? Popeye Saves the Earth is a 1994 "widebody" pinball machine designed by Python Angelo and Barry Oursler of Midway Games (released under the Bally brand name), based on Popeye under license from King Features Syndicate. To collect the Jackpot, collect five Spinach Cans and shoot the lock beneath Bluto's jaw to Save Olive. Thanls to Rob Ross for helping me with the FastFlips, Big Thanks to JP Salas for his Led's Script, Big thanks to Team Pincab Passion's members for testing !! Talented people still update the \"open source\" creator/editor regularly even to this day!Original pinball machine \"Popeye Saves the Earth\" by Bally 1994.https://www.ipdb.org/machine.cgi?id=1851Want to learn more about VPX? Pinball Life is a parts supplier for real pinball owners, which makes them a great place to find authentic cabinet parts. As is evident from the title, this is a game based on the long-running Popeye comic strip. Popeye saves the Earth (Bally 1994) - VPForums.org VPForums.org Downloads Visual Pinball X VPX Recreations Popeye saves the Earth (Bally 1994) With a production run of over 21,000 games, Bally's 'The Addams Family' most produced game ever. All content is provided on this site for free to all registered members. This is a three-ball multiball, and the objective is to repeatedly shoot the left ramp to collect the Jackpot, then shoot the Lockjaw to relight it. Popeye's ship as seen on the pinball's decorations bears the name Popeye's Ark. RE Download file. The people that create the content for this hobby post only on the following sites. DPNetwork is a network of sites that are fully supported by the Virtual Pinball Community. 247 Pinsiders have this game on their wishlist. This topic is now archived and is closed to further replies. Manufacturer: Midway Manufacturing Company, a subsidiary of WMS Industries, Incorporated, There were also behind the scenes issues as the game required customized tooling which raised its price, and Williams' use of minimum orders incited a distributor backlash and threats of lawsuits resulting in the pin becoming kind of infamous as a result. References Support those people who create the content and download ONLY from the following sites. Szeretnm. Scan the QR code on the left to jump to the URL this document was printed from. Did you know Pinside is able to run without any 3rd-party banners or ads, thanks to the support from our visitors? Black Hole (Gottlieb 1981) vpx 1.0-[D_N][FSS][SS].zip (View Contents) 17-Sep-2020 12:44: 89.2M: . Internet Pinball Machine Database: Midway 'Popeye Saves the Earth' Popeye Saves the Earth / IPD No. I am happy to present my first colorization. With the help of Real Life celebrities such as Al Gore, Ross Perot, and Carl . It is part of WMS' SuperPin line of widebody games. 1851 / February, 1994 / 4 Players [ Submit Changes ] Average Fun Rating: 7.4 /10 ( 92 ratings/73 comments ) [ Add Your Rating! ] Popeye Saves the Earth Visual Pinball VPX - Virtual Pinball #popeye #virtualpinball #pinball #vpx #arcade #gameroom #gameroomofthrones #gaming #emulation obrigado a todos da comunidade VPX sem vcs seria impossivel.Nova mesa adicionada emhttps://vpinball.com/VPBdownloads/popeye-saves-the-earth-bally-1994/Popeye. 70 public locations to play this machine. I reluctantly agreed, due to pressure from "above". Here are the components on our cabinet:- Addressable LED strips on each side of the playfield- Addressable LED ring inside the speaker grill- 10 contactors- Gear Motor- Blower Fan- Stern Shaker motor- 5 LED flash bar- 2 Strobes- Addressable LED DOT matrix -------------------------------------------------------------Virtual Pinball KIT: https://www.mameinabox.com/store/virtual-pinball-kit-------------------------------------------------------------Building a Virtual Pinball system is something you can accomplish. VPUniverse is a site dedicated to digital pinball simulations and anything pinball in general. "Not really. Join the VPX communityhttps://www.vpforums.org/https://vpinball.com/forums/http://vpuniverse.com/forums/ Big thanks to all of pincab's authors for all what they've done till today !!! As is evident from the title, this is a game based on the long-running Popeye comic strip. purpose of these video's are to inform people, who love pinball but don't know VPX, . IGN.com: Breaking into the Industry: Tim Kitzrow, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Popeye_Saves_the_Earth&oldid=1152752567, This page was last edited on 2 May 2023, at 02:33. ** VP9 to VPX conversion v1.0 by JPJ \u0026 Team PP (VP9 by Mfuegemann) ** purpose of these video's are to inform people, who love pinball but don't know VPX, and let them see how beautiful the tables are thanks to the talents of all the (re)-creators using this incredible \"freeware\" tool, started by Randy Davis in 2000 (Visual Pinball). I don't get these names, is there a changelog? It was released by Williams Electronics under the "Bally" label in 1994. Crez un compte en quelques clics ou connectez-vous pour continuer. It's easy! Thanks to Dark for his fantastic bluto's 3d mesh !! Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Log in to manage your collection and wishlist. Ball slowdown when it turn and go back to the flipps. While fan reception to the game itself is mixed. 276 Pinsiders have this game in their collections. 7.050 Capture a web page as it appears now for use as a trusted citation in the future. While fan reception to the game itself is mixed, Popeye was eventually disliked by Williams/Bally/Midway themselves, according to Steve Ritchie's post on rec.games.pinball. Looks great thanks a lot, always happy to see updates for dmd colorizations! Popeye saves the earth (VPX) Major Frenchy 7.49K subscribers Subscribe 787 views 3 years ago Testing Popeye Saves the earth (VPX) https://vpinball.com/VPBdownloads/pop. Popeye Saves the Earth (Bally 1994)v1.0R2.5 [FSS][DMD][FF][CCX+PGI][SHD].vpx: 1996-12-24 23:32: 103817216; Popeye Saves the Earth (Bally 1994)v1.0[FSS][DMD][FF] 16.9.xml: 1996-12-24 23:32: 1093; Popeye Saves the Earth Shadows Day Clipboard-2.jpg: 1996-12-24 23:32: 518638; Popeye Saves the Earth Shadows Mid Clipboard-2.jpg: 1996-12-24 23:32: . Save Page Now. Vous souhaitez ragir ce message ? Donations are welcome but not required. Popeye saves the Earth Pinball VPX - YouTube 0:00 / 4:51 Popeye saves the Earth Pinball VPX Csepregi Ivan 1.63K subscribers 1.4K views 4 years ago dvzlk minden ide ltogatt! B2S New Releases; Forums; Downloads . http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Pinball/PopeyeSavesTheEarth. Cool j'adore les color dmd merci beaucoup !!! May 6, 2013 in B2S New Releases, Popeye Saves the Earth (Bally 1994)total rebuild New Hi Rez Scan, Adjusted the flashers other ones sucked this technique much better? Testing Popeye Saves the earth (VPX)https://vpinball.com/VPBdownloads/popeye-saves-the-earth-bally-1994/You can view all the details and links to download this table on our Website.https://www.mameinabox.com/gameplay/popeye-saves-the-earth-vpx-We are testing Virtual Pinball tables on a Virtual Pinball cabinet. This page is not available in other languages. Because our community members upload this content for free use; does not give ANYONE permission to re-host files, re-distribute, package, or sell any cabinets or drives with community created content. Jan 20, 2019 Like Dislike Share Save World of Virtual Pinball 2.9K subscribers Popeye Saves the Earth is a pinball machine from February 1994, manufactured by Bally Manufacturing Co.. TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. It is part of WMS' SuperPin line of widebody games. Our primary focus is on Digital Pinball formats including Visual Pinball, Future Pinball, and many more pinball simulators. Any site not listed here; is NOT a vetted site. Popeye Saves The Earth Red & Ted's Roadshow Safe Cracker Scared Stiff Slugfest Star Trek The Next Generation Tales of the Arabian Nights Terminator 2 Judgement Day The Addams FamilyThe Champion Pub The Flintstones The Getaway: High Speed II The Machine: Bride Of Pin-Bot The Shadow Theatre of Magic Ticket Tac Toe Twilight Zone White Water WHO . Reproductions and original Bluto heads are highly sought after by owners today. The final Wizard Mode is Olive Multiball, a six-ball multiball mode. Or better yet, subscribe to Pinside+! By downloading from this site; you agree to not re-host community content, package or re-distribute in any form the content from this site. All content is provided on this site for free to all registered members. Great, I missed the original update - thank you ! Thanks for you effort; looks amazing . . Popeye Saves the Earth (Bally 1994)v1.0R2.5 [FSS][DMD][FF][CCX+PGI][SHD].zip (View Contents) 17-Sep-2020 12:41: 84.0M: QBert_s Quest (Gottlieb . File Size: 3.23MB Views: 12630 Downloads: 6,530 Manufacturer: Bally Year: 1994 IPDB Link: Download Popeye Saves The Earth (L-5) - ROM - pop_lx5.zip 13 Votes Popeye Pop Eye pop_lx5.zip Saves Earth 0 pop_lx5.zip TouchMaster97 Aug 10 2019 06:41 PM L-5? Sign up for a new account in our community. Portrait's Pov : Jens Leiensetter or Chucky. I not sure which setting (and I have tried a few) can reduce the light reflections on this table/ball. VPUniverse is a site dedicated to digital pinball simulations and anything pinball in general. I wasn't too happy with the theme or the drawings that he had created. Released in February 1994, and co-designed with Barry Oursler, Popey managed to sell 4,217 units. and currently has a rating of Chucky, Aetios. You can find the Youtube series here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yvS6slWbBh4You can view the guides on our website for free. Popeye Saves the Earth is a Physical Pinball Table designed by Barry Oursler and themed and illustrated by Python Anghelo, with additional artwork by John Youssi and Pat McMahon. Popeye the Sailorpedia is a FANDOM Comics Community. Popeye Saves the Earth Description (Bally 1975)v1.03-[D_N][FSS][EM].zip, World Poker Tour (Stern 2006)v1.1R2.5-[D_N][FSS][DMD][FF][CCX+PGI][SHD].zip, X-Files (Sega 1997) v1.6-[D_N][FSS][DMD].zip, Xenon (Bally 1980) v1.2.0 - [D_N][FSS][SS].zip. Thank you in advance! Popeye Saves The Earth About VPUniverse. Released in February 1994, and co-designed with Barry Oursler, Popey managed to sell 4,217 units. And big thanks for letting me translate it in VPX. ** VP9 to VPX conversion v1.0 by JPJ & Team PP (VP9 by Mfuegemann) **. VPX Tables All VPinMAME Recreations VPX- - /VPinMAME - MOD Tables VPX Recreations VPX Originals Media Packs ROMs VR Frontend Media & Backglass . Top flippers dont work, any way to adjust? During this mode, return the Items to their owners to collect the jackpot. They have some nice bundle kits that are good deals and can save you a lot of time figuring out which parts you need. Home LCD Displays Sort by: LCD Displays The original ColorDMD LCD display uses a high-resolution, low-voltage, LCD screen to provide a full color replacement for the game's original screen. Subscriptions are available that allow additional perks; such as reduced download timers and increased download speeds. VPUniverse.com a Roadfire Production https://pinside.com/pinball/machine/popeye-saves-the-earth. You need to be a member in order to leave a review. I havn't played it in real life so thank you! Released under the Bally name, Popeye Saves the Earth was the last of the highly successful WPC DSD Superpin line of games produced by WMS Inc. from 1993 to 1994. toot, toot! The game has an environmental theme, with objectives related to saving endangered animals (hence, "Saves the Earth"). This game ranks #246 in the Pinside Pinball Top 100. You can see a small video of the colorization below. Did you know Pinside is able to run without any 3rd-party banners or ads, thanks to the support from our visitors? By This pinball article is a stub. DPNetwork is a network of sites that are fully supported by the Virtual Pinball Community. Our primary focus is on Digital Pinball formats including Visual Pinball, Future Pinball, and many more pinball simulators. All of the content on this site is created by our community members. Please consider a donation to Pinside and get anext to your username to show for it! Flip's physic change to a better access to the center of the playfield. Powered by Invision Community, https://paypal.me/SimoneMalpassi?locale.x=it_IT. Some machines received a large 3D Bluto head in the center of the playfield, which was replaced with a smaller flat version, due to early complaints. To reach it, the player must rescue all five animals, complete the Sea Hag and Bluto multiball modes, Find Swee'pea, and defeat Bluto's four companies. Character art features Popeye, Wimpy, Olive (in a bikini), Swee'Pea, Eugene the Jeep and Bluto, whose head is also made into a large plastic playfield element. Always know what you are downloading and from where you are downloading from. (Williams 1987) v2.0R2.6-[D_N][FSS][FF][SS][CCX-PGI][SHD][10.6].zip, Fireball II (Bally 1981)_1.3 - [D_N][FSS][SS].zip, Firepower (Williams 1980)v1.0 R2.6[D_N][FSS][SS][FF][CCX+PGI][SHD][UFL][10.6].zip, Firepower II (Williams 1983)v1.1 - [D_N][FSS][SS].zip, Fish Tales (Williams 1992) v1.0R2-[D_N][FSS][DMD][TOP][CCX][SHD].zip, Flash Gordon (Bally 1981) v1.0R2.6 -[D&N][FSS][SS][FF][CCX+PGI][SHD][UFL][10.6].zip, Flight 2000 (Stern 1980).v2.0R2.6-[D_N][FSS][SS][CCX+PGI][SHD][10.6].zip, Four Million BC (Bally 1971) v1.0R2.6-[D_N][FSS][EM][CCX+PGI][SHD][UFL][10.6].zip, Funhouse (Williams 1990)_1.1R2.6 - [D_N][FS.DT.FSS][SS][TOP][CCX+PGI][SHD][10.6].zip, Future Spa (Bally 1979).v1.0.0R2.6-[D_N][FSS][SS][CCX][SHD][10.6].zip, Galaxy (Stern 1980).v1.0R2.6 [D_N][FSS][SS][CCX+PGI][SHD][10.6].zip, Genesis-Gottlieb-1986-1.1R2.6-DNFSSSSCCX-PGISHD10.6.zip, Genie (Gottlieb 1979) PhyMod R2.6- [D_N][FS.DT.FSS][SS][FF][CCX+PGI][SHD][10.6].zip, Getaway, The - High Speed II(Williams 1992) v1.05R2.6-[D&N][FSS][DMD][FF][CCX+PGI][SHD][AUTO][10.6].zip, Gilligans Island (Bally 1991)ModFlashR2.6-[D_N][FSS][DMD][ETOP][CCX+PGI][SHD][10.6].zip, Gorgar (Williams 1979)v1.3.1[D_N][FSS][SS].zip, Harlem Globetrotters (Bally 1978)v1.2.0-[D_N][FSS][SS].zip, Haunted House (Gottlieb 1982) v1.0b.R2.6[D_N][FSS][SS][CCX+PGI][SHD][10.6].zip, Hawkman (Taito do Brasil 1983)-[D_N][FSS][SS].zip, High Speed (Williams 1986)v1.1R2.6[D_N][FSS][SS][FF][CCX+PGI][SHD][10.6].zip, Hook (Data East 1992)v1.00R2.6-[D_N][FSS][DMD][CCX+PGI][SHD][10.6].zip, Humpty Dumpty (Gottlieb 1947)v3.0-[D_N][FSS][NA].zip, Hyperball (Williams 1981) v1.0a - [D_N][FSS][SS].zip, Indiana Jones (Williams 1993).v1.0R2.6-[D_N][FSS][DMD][ATOP][FF][CCX+PGI][SHD][AUTO][10.6].zip, Indianapolis 500 (Bally 1995) v1.0[D_N][FSS][DMD].zip, Iron Maiden (Stern 1982).v1.0R2.6 -[D&N][FSS][SS][CCX-PGI][SHD][10.6].zip, Jive Time (Williams 1970)v1.0-[FSS][EM].zip, Johnny Mnemonic (Williams 1995).v1.3R2.6[D_N][FSS][DMD][CCX+PGI][SHD][AUTO][10.6].zip, Joker Poker (Gottlieb 1978) - [D_N][FS.DT.FSS][EM-SS].zip, Judge Dredd (Bally 1993)RTM-R2[D_N][FSS][DMD][TOP][CCX].zip, Junk Yard (Williams 1996).v1.3R2.6 -[D_N][FSS][DMD][CCX+PGI][SHD][10.6].zip, Jurassic Park (Data East 1993).v1.0R2-[FSS][D_N][DMD][TOP][CCX][SHD].zip, Lethal Weapon 3 (Data East 1992)v1.0R2-[D_N][FSS][DMD][CCX].zip, Lord of the Rings (Stern 2003)v1.6R2.5-[D_N][FSS][DMD][CCX+PGI][SHD].zip, Machine, The - Bride Of Pinbot (Williams 1991)v2.0R2.5-[D_N][FSS][FF][SS][CCX+PGI][SHD].zip, Magic Circle (Bally 1965) v1.0.R2.6 [D_N][FSS][EM][CCX+PGI][SHD][UFL][10.6].zip, Mata Hari (Bally 1977) v1.0R2.5 - [D_N][FS.DT.FSS][SS][FF][CCX+PGI][SHD].zip, Medieval Madness (Williams 1997)v1.1-[D_N][FSS][DMD].zip, Medusa (Bally 1981) v1.0.2 - [D_N][FSS][SS].zip, Memory Lane (Stern 1978) .09AR2.5 - [D_N][FSS][SS][CCX+PGI][SHD].zip, Metallica (Stern 2013)-[D_N][FSS][DMD].zip, Monster Bash (Williams 1998)v1.3R2 - [D_N][FSS][DMD][TOP][CCX][SHD].zip, Mr. & Mrs. PAC-MAN (Bally 1982) v1.1-[D_N][FSS][SS].zip, Mustang (Stern 2014).1.1-[D_N][FSS][DMD].zip, NBA-Fastbreak (Bally 1997)-[D_N][FSS][DMD].zip, Nascar (Stern 2005) v0.8 -[D_N][FSS][DMD].zip, Nine Ball (Stern 1980)-v1.0R2.5[D_N][FSS][SS][CCX+PGI][SHD].zip, No Fear Dangerous Sports (Williams 1995).v1.0R2[D_N][FSS][DMD][CCX].zip, Old Coney Island (Game Plan, 1979) v1.2.0-[D_N][FSS][SS].zip, Panthera (Gottlieb 1982) v1.0.1R2.5[D_N][FSS][SS][FF][CCX+PGI][SHD].zip, Paragon (Bally 1978)R2.5-[D_N][FSS][SS][FF][CCX+PGI][SHD].zip, Party Zone (Bally 1991)v1.0.4R2.5[D_N][FSS][DMD][CCX+PGI][SHD].zip, Paul Bunyan (Gottlieb 1968)v1.0R2.6[D&N][FSS][EM][CCX+PGI][SHD][UFL][10.6].zip, Penthouse (Pinball Dreams ).v1.2-[D_N][FSS][SS].zip, Pharaoh (Williams 1981)-[D_N][FSS][SS].zip, Pinball Magic (Capcom 1995)v1.3.1-[D_N][FSS][DMD].zip, Pinball Pool (Gottlieb 1979)v1.0R2.5-[D_N][FSS][SS][FF][CCX+PGI][SHD].zip, Pinbot (Williams 1986)v1.0 R2.6[D_N][FSS][SS][FF][CCX+PGI][SHD][KPFC].zip, Playboy (Bally 1978)1.3-[D_N][FSS][SS].zip, Popeye Saves the Earth (Bally 1994)v1.0R2.5 [FSS][DMD][FF][CCX+PGI][SHD].zip, QBert_s Quest (Gottlieb 1983)[D_N][FSS][SS].zip, Rapid Fire (Bally 1982)v1.0-[D_N][FSS][SS].zip, Red and Ted's Road Show (Williams 1994)R2.5-[D_N][FSS][DMD][ATOP][CCX+PGI][SHD].zip, Robo War (Gottlieb 1988) RTM-[D_N][FSS][SS].zip, Robocop (Data East 1989)v1.4-[D_N][FSS][SS].zip, Rocky & Bullwinkle (DataEast 1993)v0.96-[D_N][FSS][DMD].zip, Roller Disco (Gottlieb 1980)v1.0R2.5-[D_N]FSS][SS][FF][ATOP][CCX+PGI][SHD].zip, Safe Cracker (Bally 1996)v1.0.1R2.5-[D_N][FSS][ATOP][DMD][CCX+PGI][SHD].zip, Scared Stiff (Bally 1996)v1.24 R2.6-[D_N][FSS][DMD][FF][CCX+PGI][SHD].zip, Sexy Girl (Arkon 1980)-[D_N][FSS][SS].zip, SilverBall Mania (Bally 1978) v2.0 R2.5-[D_N][FSS][SS][FF][CCX+PGI][SHD][UFL].zip, Simpsons Pinball Party, The (Stern 2003).v0.8.0R2.5-[D_N][FSS][DMD][FF][CCX+PGI][SHD].zip, Sinbad (Gottlieb 1978)v1.0.0R2.5-[D_N][FSS][SS][CCX+PGI][SHD].zip, South Park (Sega 1999)v1.2R2.5 -[D_N][FSS][DMD][TOP][CCX+PGI][SHD].zip, Space Invaders (Bally 1979)[D_N][FSS][SS].v1.03.zip, Space Station (Williams 1987) - [D_N][FSS][SS].zip, Spectrum (Bally 1981) v1.0R2.5- [D_N][FSS][SS][FF][CCX+PGI][SHD].zip, Spider-Man (Stern 2007)v2.1-[D_N][FSS][DMD].zip, Spy Hunter (Bally 1984).v1.0R2-[D_N][FSS][SS][CCX].zip, Star Trek (Bally 1979) v1.4-[FSS][SS].zip, Star Trek - The Next Generation (Williams 1993) 1.2R2.5-[D_N][FSS][DMD][TOP][CCX+PGI][SHD].zip, Star Trek Enterprise Limited Edition (Stern 2012)v1.0R2.5[D_N][FSS][DMD][FF][TOP][CCX+PGI][SHD].zip, Star Trek Pro (Stern 2013)-[D_N][FSS][DMD].zip, Star Wars (Data-East 1992)v1.5.1R2.5[D_N][FSS][DMD][FF][CCX+PGI][SHD].zip, Striker (Gottlieb 1982) v1.1R2.5-[D_N][FSS][SS][CCX+PGI][SHD].zip, Super Mario Bros (Gottlieb 1992)v1.3-[D_N][FSS][DMD].zip, TOTAN (Williams 1996) v1.1.R2.6[D&N][FSS][DMD][FF][CCX+PGI][SHD][10.6+].zip, TRON Classic (Gottlieb 1982)v1.0R2-[D_N][FSS][SS][CCX][SHD].zip, Tales from the Crypt (Data East 1993)v072515R2-[D_N][FSS][DMD][CCX].zip, Taxi (Williams 1988) R2- [D_N][FSS][SS][TOP][CC].zip, Tee'd Off (Gottlieb 1993) 1.0.1R2.5-[D_N][FSS][DMD][FF][CCX+PGI][SHD].zip, Terminator 2 - Judgment Day (Williams 1991) Chrome MOD-v2.5R2.5[D_N][FSS][DMD][TOP][CCX+PGI][SHD].zip, The Flintstones (Williams 1994) v1.25 R2.6-[D&N][FSS][DMD][CCX-PGI][SHD][10.6+].zip, Theatre of magic (bally 1995) 1.0 - [D_N][FS.DT.FSS][DMD].zip, Time Fantasy (Williams 1983) [D_N][FSS][SS]1.0.zip, Tommy (Data East 1994)v1.1-[D_N][FSS][SS].zip, Tri Zone (Williams 1979) v1.0.0R2.5 - [D_N][FSS][SS][CCX+PGI][SHD].zip, Tron Legacy (Stern 2011)-R2[D_N][FSS][DMD][TOP][CCX].zip, Twilight-Zone-Bally-1993v2.1R2.51-DNFSSDMDTOPFFCCXPGISHD.zip, Victory (Gottlieb 1987) 1.0.1-[D_N][FSS][SS].zip, Viper (Stern 1981) 1.0.0R2.5-[D_N][FSS][SS][CCX+PGI][SHD].zip, Voltan Escapes Cosmic Doom (Bally 1978) 2.0 R2.5[FSS][SS][CCX+PGI][SHD][UFL].zip, Walking Dead_LE, The (Stern 2014)-R2.51[D_N][FSS][DMD][FF][TOP][CCX+PGI][SHD].zip, Whirlwind (Williams 1990)v1.4R2.5-[D_N][FSS][SS][FF][CCX+PGI][SHD].zip, Whitewater (Williams 1993).v1.0R2.5[D_N][FSS][DMD][CCX+PGI][SHD].zip, Who Dunnit (Bally 1995) v1.0R2[D_N][FSS][DMD][CCX].zip, Who's, The - Tommy (Data East 1994)v1.1-[D_N][FSS][SS].zip, Whoa-Nellie (wizbang 2011) v2.0-[D_N][FSS][EM].zip, Wizard! What Could Have Been: Python Anghelo's original proposal for Popeye Saves the Earth is even more outrageous than what appeared in the final game. This game has received 168 approved Pinsider ratings Because our community members upload this content for free use; does not give ANYONE permission to re-host files, re-distribute, package, or sell any cabinets or drives with community created content. All content is provided on this site for free to all registered members. AC-DC (Stern 2012) Back In Black LE-1.2-[D_N][FSS][DMD].zip, Addams Family, The (Bally 1992) v1.4.1 R2.5- [D_N][FSS][DMD][ATOP][CCX][SHD].zip, Amazing Spider-Man (Gottlieb 1980)v1.0 - [FSS][SS].zip, Amazon Hunt (Gottlieb 1983).v1.0[D_N][FSS][SS].zip, Attack and Revenge From Mars (bally 1999) 1.2.0 - [D_N][FS.DT.FSS][DMD].zip, Attack from Mars (Bally 1995) v1.1R2.6[D_N][FSS][DMD][FF][CCX+PGI][SHD][AUTO][10.6].zip, Austin Powers (Stern 2001).v1.0R2-[D_N][FSS][DMD][CCX].zip, Back To The Future (Data East 1990) v1.0R2.6 [D_N][FSS][SS][TOP][CCX+PGI][SHD][10.6].zip, Bad Cats (Williams, 1989).v1.2R2.6 - [D_N][FS.DT.FSS][SS][TOP][FF][CCX+PGI][SHD][10.6].zip, Banzai Run (Williams 1988)v1.0.R2.6-[D_N][FSS][SS][TOP][FF][CCX+PGI][SHD][10.6].zip, Batman (Data East 1990)v1.2R2.6-[D_N][FSS][DMD][CCX+PGI][SHD][10.6].zip, Batman Dark Knight (Stern 2008)v1.0R2.6-[D_N][FSS][DMD][FF][CCX+PGI][SHD][10.6].zip, Battlestar Galactica (Williams 1980) SndMod.v1.02fR2[D_N][FSS][SS][CCX][SHD].zip, Big Bang Bar (Capcom 1996)-R2.6 [D_N][FS.DT.FSS][DMD][TOP][CCX+PGI][SHD][10.6].zip, Big Buck Hunter Pro (Stern 2009) -[D_N][FSS][DMD].zip, Big Guns (Williams 1987) - [D_N][FS.DT.FSS][SS].zip, Black Hole (Gottlieb 1981) vpx 1.0-[D_N][FSS][SS].zip, Black Knight (Williams 1980)v1.0.2R2.6-[D_N][FSS][SS][FF][CCX+PGI][SHD][10.6].zip, Black Knight 2000 (Williams 1989) -v1.1R2.6-DNFSSSSCCX-PGISHD10.6.zip, Black Rose (Bally 1992).v0.1.0R2.6-[D_N][FSS][DMD][CCX+PGI][SHD][10.6].zip, Bobby Orr's Power Play (Bally 1977)v1.0R2.6-[D_N][FSS][SS][FF][CCX+PGI][SHD][10.6].zip, Buck Rogers (Gottlieb 1980) SndMOD v1.11aR2.6-[D_N][FSS][SS][FF][CCX+PGI][SHD][10.6].zip, Bugs Bunny's Birthday Ball (Bally 1991)v2.1R2.6-[D_N][FSS][FF][SS][CCX+PGI][SHD][10.6].zip, CARtoons (HF Prod 2017)[D_N][FSS][ANI][EM].v1.0.zip, Cactus Canyon (Bally 1998) 1.2R2.6-[D_N][FSS][DMD][CCX-PGI][SHD][10.6].zip, Catacomb (Stern 1981)v0.9 R2.6[D_N][FSS][SS][CCX+PGI][SHD][10.6].zip, Cirqus_Voltaire (Bally 1997)-R2.5[D_N][FSS][DMD][TOP][CCX+PGI][SHD].zip, Class of 1812 (Gottlieb 1991).v1.0[D_N][FSS][SS].zip, Comet (Williams 1985)v1.01R2.6-[D_N][FSS][SS][CCX+PGI][SHD][10.6].zip, Congo (Williams 1995) R2.6-[D_N][FSS][DMD][CCX-PGI][SHD][10.6].zip, Creature From The Black Lagoon (Bally 1992).v1.1R2.6--[D_N][FSS][DMD][TOP][FF][CCX+PGI][SHD][10.6].zip, Cyclone (Williams 1988).v1.3R2.6[D_N][FSS][SS][CCX+PGI][SHD][10.6].zip, Demolition Man (Williams1994)v1.2R2.6-[D_N][FSS][DMD][TOP][CCX+PGI][SHD][AUTO][10.6].zip, Devil's Dare (Gottlieb 1982)-[D_N][FSS][SS].zip, Diner (Williams 1990) 1.1R2.6 - [D_N][FSS][SS][FF][CCX-PGI][SHD][10.6].zip, Doctor Who (Bally 1992) v1.2.2R2.6[D_N][FSS][DMD][CCX+PGI][SHD][AUTO][10.6].zip, Dr Dude (Bally 1990)v2.2R2.6-[D_N][FSS][FF][SS][CCX+PGI][SHD][KPFC][10.6].zip, Eight Ball Deluxe (Bally 1980)-[D_N][FSS][SS].zip, Elvira and the Party Monsters (Bally 1989)-[D_N][FSS][SS].zip, Embryon(Bally 1980)VPXv1.4 - [D_N][FS.DT.FSS][SS].zip, Evel Knievel (Bally 1977)v4.0[D_N][FSS][SS].zip, F-14 Tomcat (Williams 1987) 1.0R2.6-[D_N][FSS][SS][ATOP][CCX+PGI][SHD][10.6].zip, Faeton (Juegos Populares 1985) 1.0.1R2.6[D_N][FSS][SS][CCX+PGI][SHD][10.6].zip, Family Guy (Stern 2007)1.1R2.6-[D_N][FSS][DMD][FF][CCX+PGI][SHD][10.6].zip, Fast Draw (Gottlieb 1975)v1.4-[D_N][FSS][EM].zip, Fathom (Bally 1981) Vintage v1.2 R2.6-[D_N][FSS][SS][FF][CCX+PGI][SHD][10.6].zip, Fire Queen (Gottlieb 1977)v1.0R2.6[D_N][FSS][EM][CCX+PGI][SHD][UFL][10.6].zip, Fire! This game has been listed a total number of 144 times on the Pinside Marketplace, most recently on 2023-04-02. The game has an environmental theme, with objectives related to saving endangered animals (hence, "Saves the Earth"). Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from thestaff@tvtropes.org. If you are caught; your membership on VPUniverse.com will be banned without refund. Popeye Saves The Earth is a 1994 widebody pinball game designed by Python Anghelo and Barry Oursler and released by WMS Industries under the Bally label. Any site not listed here; is NOT a vetted site. Fantastic job, the colors look great. VPUniverse.com a Roadfire Production Popeyes theme is primarily based upon the 125 classic Popeye the Sailor animated shorts made between 1933 to 1957 by Fleischer Studios/Paramount Famous Studios, which Python was a huge fan of. Subscriptions are available that allow additional perks; such as reduced download timers and increased download speeds. Popeye's long-time nemesis Bluto is now a planet-polluting profiteer; his companies' toxic activities have endangered five species of wildlife, while Bluto himself has kidnapped Olive Oyl, and Swee'pea has gotten lost in a maze of corridors. Please do not share or post these colour files anywhere else as this was a very time consuming project! It was another scenario where the artwork was done first. Search the history of over 821 billion Powered by Invision Community, [New B2S Alert] Popeye Saves the Earth (Bally 1994). You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. This page was printed from https://pinside.com/pinball/machine/popeye-saves-the-earth and we tried optimising it for printing. Popeye Saves the Earth has gotten mixed reviews, while some love it for its surprisingly deep rule set and gameplay, the theme and detailed playfield with lots of toys, others criticize it for its Anvilicious Green Aesop and odd use of the Popeye license and the obstructive upper-playfield with its needlessly difficult shots. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from thestaff@tvtropes.org. Thanks to Mfuegemann for his vp9's version. TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Popeye Saves the Earth is a Physical Pinball Table designed by Barry Oursler and themed and illustrated by Python Anghelo, with additional artwork by John Youssi and Pat McMahon. P-3? They sell a . . Download Popeye Saves the Earth (Bally) 2 Votes Popeye Saves the . Wildman Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place!
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