pixxaro herbicide label

3. Always read the label and product information before use. Winter Cereals (including undersown with grass) PixxaroEC post emergence herbicide is based on the innovative active ingredient Arylex active, plus the tried and tested active ingredient in Starane Hi-Load. Works good on small and big weeds. Follow label statements concerning rates and application timing. Pixxaro EC is based on the innovative active ingredient Arylex Active (halauxifen-methyl) and fluroxypyr, the tried and trusted active substance in Starane. All products and prices are subject to change at any time and without notice. PIXXARO is a trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (Dow) or an affiliated company of Dow. Arylex is highly effective in cold, wet conditions encountered in late autumn or early spring. Use PIXXARO EC only once per crop season. is a post-emergent herbicide which controls a broad spectrum of broadleaf weeds in wheat (spring, durum and winter), barley, triticale, timothy, and certain minor use crops. On later applications where the crop is dense, the spray volume should be increased to 200-400 litres water per hectare. Fallow: Annual ground cherry, Bathurst burr, deadnettle, Mexican poppy, milk thistle, noogoora burr, red pigweed, rhynchosia and small-flowered mallow. Tank mix with spring applied ALS graminicide, Robust & complimentary weed control: cleavers, poppy & cranesbill, Tank mix with T0 or T1 fungicide programme, Robust weed control irrespective of temperature & weed growth, Apply at T0, creates tank mix flexibility at T1, Compatible in multiway mixes with fungicides/PGRs/trace elements/herbicides, Tank mix with rate SU or dicamba product, Apply mid to late tillering of the cereal crop, Extensive BLW control offering control of the most economically damaging and competitive weeds, Flexibility of tank mix partners including graminicides, PGRs & fungicides. The 100 ml/ha rate will provide rapid burndown of label weeds but should not be relied upon for residual control of broadleaf weeds. AGRICULTURAL Do not over rely on a single herbicide mode of action. UPL Europe Ltd (Warrington) Engine Rooms, Birchwood Park, Warrington, Cheshire, WA3 6YN, United Kingdom In case of a crop failure after a spring application of PIXXARO EC at 0.5 L/ha: 1 month after application with no cultivation: Spring wheat, Spring barley, Spring oats, and Ryegrass may be sown. Arylex active Label. Commodity trading involves substantial risk of loss and may not be suitable for everyone. Regardless of weather conditions, Pixxaro EC provides robust control of competitive weeds such as cranesbill, poppy, fumitory, fat hen, cleavers and chickweed. Vigorous crop competition enhances control of difficult to control weeds. Ploughing is recommended prior to drilling Lucerne, Field bean, Soybean, Clover, Maize and Broad Bean. Do not apply to crops undersown with any legume crop (clover etc.). PIXXARO EC is mainly absorbed through the foliage of the target weeds. The sprout logo, "Farmers Business Network," "FBN,", "Farmers First", "FBN Direct," "F2F Genetics Network", "Pro Ag", and "Professional Ag Distributors" are trademarks or registered trademarks of Farmer's Business Network, Inc. or its affiliates. Pixxaro herbicide, with Arylex active, offers superior annual broadleaf weed control and the ability to spray when you want, in the conditions you've got with confidence. Find supplemental labels for this product The spray mix must be agitated continuously during mixing and until application is complete. Pixxaro EC is not registered for sale or use in all states. Unlike phenoxy herbicides, Arylex can be applied to a diverse selection of winter and spring cereals between early leaf development through boot growth stages, offering a wide spray window and flexibility to farmers. Emulsifiable Concentrate (liquid), Maximum Individual Dose: To learn more, please visitwww.corteva.ca/privacy. After an application of Pixxaro EC at 0.5 L pr/ha up to BBCH 45, the following crops may be sown in the spring of the year after the cereal harvest: Spring wheat, Spring barley, Spring oats, Ryegrass, Maize, Sorghum, Spring oilseed rape, Sugar beet, Potato, Field bean, Tomato, Sunflower, Soybean, Onion, Clover, Pea, Chickpea and Lucerne. Rinse the tank with clean water and flush through the boom and hoses using at least one tenth of the spray tank volume. With Arylex active, weeds are controlled to the 8-leaf stage or larger. Add any required adjuvant or surfactants. Copyright #year Corteva. Wheat, Durum Wheat, Spring, Cleavers, cranebill, fumitory, mayweed, dead nettles, fat hen, volunteer beans, ALS resistant chickweed, ALS resistant poppy. In-crop: Bedstraw, burr medic, climbing buckwheat, deadnettle, flax-leaf fleabane, fumitory, Mexican poppy, milk thistle, poppy, prickly lettuce, small-flowered mallow and subclover. Using this product in a manner that is inconsistent with the label may be an offence. 100-400 Litres water/ha. Pixxaro EC provides robust control on key driver weeds such as cleavers, poppy, fumitory, fat hen, cranesbill, and chickweed with greater flexibility on timing. Looking for similar or complementary products? PIXXARO EC Herbicide uroxypyr-meptyl 4 (Previously Group O) Herbicide halauxifen-methyl 4 (Previously Group O) PIXXARO EC contains the active ingredients halauxifen-methyl (an arylpicolinate herbicide) and uroxypyr-meptyl, both of which are members of the pyridine-carboxylic acid family of synthetic Pixxaro covers a lot of different situations and gets the job done. Pixxaro EC is a new herbicide for the control of broad-leaved weeds in winter cereals (wheat, durum wheat, spelt, barley, rye and triticale, and spring cereals (wheat, durum wheat, barley and rye).Pixxaro EC is a non-ALS, spring-applied, wide spectrum broad-leaved weed herbicide containing ARYLEXTMActive. Active Ingredients. Pixxaro EC herbicide with Arylex active takes broadleaf weed control to the next level for wheat growers. The total amount of halauxifen-methyl applied to a winter cereal must not exceed 13.5 g a.e/ha per season: 7.5 g a.e/ha in the autumn followed by 6 g a.e/ha in the spring, with a minimal interval of 3 months between both applications of products which contain halauxifen-methyl. This information will be used by Production Agriscience Canada Company, Pioneer and Dow AgroSciences, businesses of Corteva Agriscience, its affiliates, partners, and selected third parties in other countries to provide you with the product or service information requested. Regardless of weather conditions, Pixxaro EC provides robust control of competitive weeds such as cranesbill, poppy, fumitory, fat hen, cleavers and chickweed. After an application of Pixxaro EC at 0.5 L/ha up to BBCH 45, the following crops may be sown in the summer/autumn of the same year after the cereal harvest: White mustard, Pea, Winter oilseed rape, Phacelia, Ryegrass, Winter wheat and Winter barley. PIXXARO EC can be used on cereals grown for seed and malting barley. Every year can pose different problems. Why use Pixxaro EC? Visit the, Pixxaro Herbicide Features and Benefits - East. Fluroxypyr, 1-methylheptyl ester (250 g/L); Halauxifen-methyl . 6. 1. Rates as low as 6 grams of active ingredient per hectare can effectively control many common and invasive broadleaf weeds, including ALS resistant chickweed and poppy. REACH Registration Number Concentration Component Classification: REGULATION (EC) No 1272/2008 CASRN 81406-37-3 EC-No. PIXXARO EC can be used on a variety of winter cereals (wheat, durum wheat, spelt, barley, rye and triticale) and spring cereals (wheat, durum wheat, barley and rye) for the control of broad leaf weed species. PixxaroEC is aherbicide for the control of broad-leaved weeds in winter and spring cereals, based on innovative chemistry. Pixxaro EC herbicide is the latest addition to the already comprehensive Corteva Agriscience wheat herbicide portfolio. Each Arylex active product has its own fit depending on weed spectrum, desired re-cropping interval, mixing partners and application technique. Pixxaro EC is aherbicide for the control of broad-leaved weeds in winter and spring cereals, based on innovative chemistry. All goods supplied by us are of high grade and we believe them to be suitable but, as we cannot exercise control over their storage, handling, mixing or use, or the weather conditions before, during or after application which may affect the performance of the goods, all conditions and warranties, statutory or otherwise, as to the quality or fitness for any purpose of our goods are excluded. Welcome to the Corteva Demo Site. Application rates and timing for spring applications to winter cereals: Weed species Rate L/ha Maximum growth stage controlled Susceptibility   The environmental profile of Arylex stands out among other synthetic auxin herbicides due to the low dose rate and superior efficacy. 279-752-9 Index-No. Pixxaro ECis aspring applied wide spectrum broad-leaved weedherbicide, givingreliable control across a range of weather conditions. Particular care should be taken to avoid spray drift onto susceptible crops e.g. Learn More Pixxaro controls your toughest annual broadleaf weeds in wheat and barley. Registered for use in the prairie provinces and the interior of British Columbia and in Eastern Canada. Always read and follow label directions. No responsibility will be accepted by us or re-sellers for any failure in performance, damage or injury whatsoever arising from their storage, handling, application or use. Add any tank-mix partners that are a dry formulation. FBN Crop Marketing Canada Inc. does not guarantee any specific benefits or value from participating in FBN Crop Marketing Advisory; results will vary. Pixxaro EC contains 20% more fluroxypyr than other Corteva Agriscience products along with Arylex active. primarily refer to the product label attached to or accompanying the product container. Use rate to maximise control of high risk/difficult to control weed species. Barley-Spring, Barley-Winter, Rye-Winter, Triticale 12 g/litre Arylex + 280 g/litre fluroxypyr, Formulation: All rights reserved. Pixxaro EC provides robust control on key driver weeds such as cleavers, poppy, fumitory, fat hen, cranesbill and chickweed with greater flexibility on timing. 12 g/litre Arylex + 280 g/litre fluroxypyr, Formulation: Continue agitation throughout the mixing and spraying procedure. Pixxaro EC provides robust control on key driver weeds such as cleavers, poppy, fumitory, fat hen, cranesbill and chickweed with greater flexibility on timing. Terms and conditions apply. Continue agitation throughout the mixing and spraying procedure. Pixxaro EC is a non-ALS,spring-applied, wide spectrum broad-leaved weed herbicide containing ARYLEXTMActive. Just GO. Need more? Winter Cereals (not oats) 1. Effective control Effective control of wild oats, Persian darnel, barnyard grass, and green/yellow foxtail in wheat and barley. 2023 Corteva. PIXXARO EC is a post-emergence herbicide for the control of the following broad-leaved weeds in winter and spring cereals. ArylexTM is an arylpicolinate and fluroxypyrmeptyl is a pyridine carboxylic acid. Trademarks of Corteva Agriscience and its affiliated companies. 3. Pixxaro EC is a spring applied wide spectrum broad-leaved weed herbicide, giving reliable control across a range of weather conditions. . Complete filling the sprayer tank with water. Livestock may be grazed on treated crops 21 days following application. Copyright 2015 - 2023 Farmer's Business Network Canada, Inc. All rights reserved. Every year can pose different problems. Add any tank-mix partners that are a dry formulation. Trademarks of Corteva Agriscience and its affiliated companies. Stress can be caused by many factors including frost, drought, water logging, trace element deficiency, disease and pest attack etc. HURRICANE is a selective herbicide for use pre- or post-emergence up to BBCH 31 in winter wheat, spring wheat, durum wheat, winter barley, spring barley, oats, rye and triticale. Pixxaro EC provides robust control on key driver weeds such as cleavers, poppy, fumitory, fat hen, cranesbill and chickweed with greater flexibility on timing. Pixxaro controls your toughest annual broadleaf weeds in wheat and barley. Trademarks of Corteva Agriscience and its affiliated companies. New! Trademarks of Corteva Agriscience and its affiliated companies. With the TruChoice Offer, you can save at the time of purchase on 100+ leading crop protection products like this one. Note: Do not mix undiluted herbicides in the chem-handler. Download for on the go support, wherever you are. PHI Do not harvest the treated crop within 60 days after application. With two leading active ingredients wheat growers can expect exceptional control of tough weeds, including kochia and marestail. When mixing you will use step 5 or step 8 but not both. GS13 to GS45 Just GO. All other brand names are trademarks of other manufacturers for which proprietary rights may exist. For more info call ourTechnical hotline:0800 689 8899or e-mail:ukhotline@corteva.com, Active Ingredient: Pixxaro Herbicide SDS. 2. Fill the spray tank with to of the required amount of water. With two leading active ingredients wheat growers can expect exceptional control of tough weeds, including kochia and marestail. Fluroxypyr, 1-methylheptyl ester (250 g/L); Halauxifen-methyl (16.25 g/L). PIXXARO EC can be applied from February 1st when the crop is at least BBCH 13 (three leaves unfolded) up to BBCH 45 (flag leaf sheath swollen). Pixxaro A Herbicide. Copyright #year Corteva. Pixxaro Arylex active herbicide is a new herbicide for the control of broadleaf weeds in wheat, barley, oats and triticale as well as knockdown control of broadleaf weeds, when mixed with glyphosate, in fallow situations. GS13 to GS45, Spray Quality: Product users and applicators should primarily referto the product label attached to or accompanying the product container. Pixxaro . Pixxaro Herbicide SDS Add the appropriate amount of PIXXARO EC to clean water in a half-filled sprayer tank, mix thoroughly and add the remainder of the water. 2023 Corteva. In the event of a human or animal exposure, spill, fire, accident or another emergency, immediately call 1.613.996.6666, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Use plant protection products safely. Flat Fan, Variable Pressure Flat Fan, Pre-Orifice, Air Inclusion, Airtec, Trademarks of Corteva Agriscience and its affiliated companies. Emulsifiable Concentrate (liquid), Maximum Individual Dose: Your comments and questions are important to us. Fill the spray tank with to of the required amount of water. For over than 35 years, Greenbook has been the trusted, go-to crop inputs reference guide for farmers, ranchers, agronomists, retailers and crop advisers alike. Pixxaro comes in flexible packaging, including bulk pallet packs that treat 1280 acres, resulting in less packaging and handling for greater convenience. Pixxaro controls your toughest broadleaf weeds, including kochia (Group 2 and Group 9 resistant), cleavers, chickweed and hemp-nettle. PixxaroArylex active herbicide is a new herbicide for the control of broadleaf weeds in wheat, barley, oats and triticale as well as knockdown control of broadleaf weeds, when mixed with glyphosate, in fallow situations. Do not harvest treated crop for grain within 60 days after application. Northern Australia for the black soils of the Northern NSW and Qld cropping zones. Were here to provide you with a reliable source of plant protection chemical label data so that you can find the information you need for managing weeds, pests and diseases in a safe and effective way. Pixxaro EC provides robust control on key driver weeds such as cleavers, poppy, fumitory, fat hen, cranesbill, and chickweed with greater flexibility on timing. Pixxaro EC is not registered for sale or use in all states. If using an oil dispersible grassy weed tank-mix partner (such as Simplicity) add now. 2023 Corteva. GS13 to GS45. View a comprehensive listing of information on Corteva Agriscience products available in Western Canada. MEDIUM as defined by BCPC, Recommended Adjuvants: Your personal information (name, email, phone number and other contact data) will be stored in chosen customer systems primarily hosted in the United States. This has no impact on yield and grain quality. Do not spray onto sensitive crop or land intended for cropping with sensitive crop. Refer to the plant-back interval table on this label and also refer to the appropriate companion product label, in case a longer re-cropping Recommended Adjuvants: Trademarks of Corteva Agriscience and its affiliated companies. vines, orchards, sunflower, legumes, vegetable crops, ornamentals, flax, sugar beet, potatoes etc. Add the required amount of grassy weed tank-mix partner if not using an oil dispersible formulation. Drain tank completely. Prices you submit will never be exposed to other farmers. / Index-No. FOLLOW THE CODE OF PRACTICE FOR USING PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCTS. 2019 East Field Guide Wide window of application Apply on your crop from the 2 leaf stage right up to flag leaf! Discover Pixxaro Arylex active and learn about its weed spectrum, cereal selectivity, re-cropping intervals and more. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product. Find supplemental labels for this product, Arylex active, an active ingredient developed by Corteva Agriscience, combined with our trusted molecule, fluroxpyr, delivers outstanding control of wild buckwheat, kochia, marestail, redroot pigweed, henbit, chickweed and common lambsquarter, Pixxaro EC herbicide brings an elevated fluroxypyr load for tough weeds. No products with same active, same concentration, No products with same active, different concentration. It provides an economical post-patent alternative. 10. For more information please review ourprivacy policyor you may also contact us directly via postal mail at Suite 2400, 215-2nd Street SW, Calgary, AB, T2P 1M4 or via our toll-free number 1.800.667.3852. The minimum recommended pressure is 2 to 3 bars. GHS label elements Hazard pictograms Signal word Hazard statements Precautionary statements : Sub-category 1B : Category 3 (Respiratory system) : : Danger : H317 May cause an allergic skin reaction. To avoid subsequent injury to crops other than cereals, all spraying equipment must be thoroughly cleaned both inside and out using a proprietary spray tank cleaner or bleach containing 5 % hypochlorite as follows. Excellent control of a wide range of broad leaved weeds in winter and spring cereals superior activity compared to sulfonyl-urea products on: Cleavers, dead nettles, fumitory, fat hen, volunteer beans, ALS resistant chickweed and poppy, Non ALS chemistry = no restrictions = flexibility, Excellent crop selectivity in winter and spring cereals, No rotational restrictions No cultivations required before sowing most crops, No restrictions on straw use or management, Excellent multiway compatibility including: ACCase graminicides, ALS graminicides, PGRs, fungicides and trace elements. built-in crop safener with Accent IS. The Pixxarolabel has been extended to allow use on winter oats and cereals under sown with grass. Pixxaro EC is a spring applied wide spectrum broad-leaved weed herbicide, giving reliable control across a range of weather conditions. SECTION 1: IDENTIFICATION: PRODUCT IDENTIFIER AND CHEMICAL IDENTITY Product name: Pixxaro Herbicide Recommended use of the chemical and restrictions on use Identified uses: End use herbicide product COMPANY IDENTIFICATION CORTEVA AGRISCIENCE AUSTRALIA PTY LTD Talinor Herbicide. Calgary, AB T2C 3G3 NET CONTENTS: . This product delivers effective weed control against the following: Refer to the Product Label for complete product efficacy information. Always read the label and product information before use. Agworld and Greenbook Data Solutions does not provide any guarantee or assurance that the information obtained through this service is accurate, current or correct, and is therefore not liable for any loss resulting, directly or indirectly, from reliance upon this service. For grass and broadleaf weed control, tank mix with any grass herbicide registered for use in wheat or barley. Batch: XXXX . Add the required amount of grassy weed tank-mix partner if not using an oil dispersible formulation. Watch the video below to learn more about Pixxaro EC from Corteva Agriscience Market Development Specialist Bridgette Readel. Non-ionic wetters and methylated seed oils, Nozzles: Benefits Top Reasons to use Galaxy Broad spectrum broad-leaved weed control in Spring Cereals Enhanced polygonums spectrum, mayweeds and thistles Contains two Non-ALS actives Controls ALS resistant chickweed & mayweeds Offers rotational flexibility without the need to cultivate Can also be used in Winter Cereals Crops Winter and spring wheat Flush the boom and hoses and drain tank completely. All rights reserved. Get the latest news, events and insights from Corteva. 0.25 L/ha from 1st February, Maximum Total Dose: Prominex Herbicide Label Prominex Herbicide SDS Prominex Herbicide Features and Benefits - Western Canada INCONSISTENT WITH THE LABEL MAY BE AN OFFENCE. PIXXARO EC is rainfast one hour after application. THE LABEL AND BOOKLET BEFORE USING. Apply Rezuvant to spring wheat, winter wheat and barley from 2-leaf to flag leaf emergence. 1 x (9.45L + 4.9L) (14.35) case, and 1 x 75.1L + 2 x (2 x 9.8L) palletpack. Nothing contained on this page, including the prices listed should be construed as an offer for sale, or a sale of products. 1 x (9.45L + 4.9L) (14.35) case, and 1 x 75.1L + 2 x (2 x 9.8L) pallet-pack. Non-ionic wetters and methylated seed oils, Nozzles: Follow the code of practice for using plant protection products. PIXXARO EC can be applied from March 1st when the crop is at least BBCH 13 (three leaves unfolded) up to BBCH 45 (flag leaf sheath swollen. Become a Member to See What Other Farmers Are Paying for Inputs. This SDS provides users withinformation relating to the protection of human health and safety at the workplace, protection of theenvironment and supports emergency response. 2023 Corteva. By providing your personal information, you agree to the terms and conditions of this Privacy Statement. Composition: 667 g/l prosulfocarb 14 g/l diflufenican Activity Group: Group HRAC F1 Group HRAC N Formulation: EC (Emulsifiable Concentrate) Product Overview Application Advice Emergency Links and downloads Product overview PURELO contains prosulfocarb and diflufenican for the control of annual weeds in winter cereals Application Advice Emergency Latest calendar date for application is 30th June. Copyright #year Corteva. Net Contents: 10 L e . Arylex breaks down quickly in soil, which means crop restrictions in the following season are minimal. The most important thing is that it works., Easy to use. 3 months after application: Sorghum may be sown. Trademarks of Corteva Agriscience and its affiliated companies. Pixxaro herbicide, with Arylex active, delivers superior annual broadleaf weed control and the ability to spray when you want, in the conditions youve got early or late, on big or small weeds, in hot or cool conditions. The most important thing is that it works., Easy to use. Title: GB-BOUDHA-200G-LABEL+LEAFLET-20201221.cdr Author: Alisa Zhou Created Date: 12/21/2020 10:16:37 AM 1stMarch to 30th June Drain tank completely. 5. 3. Benefits. Unlike most growth regulator herbicides, the activity of Arylex on target weeds is not significantly influenced by temperature, so control can be achieved under cold (inactive periods of weed growth) and under warm conditions (with active growth). GENERAL INFORMATION Pixxaro A is a selective postemergence herbicide for the control of hard-to-kill annual broadleaved weeds such as chickweed, cleavers, hemp-nettle, kochia, lamb's-quarters, redroot pigweed and wild buckwheat in spring wheat (including durum), winter wheat, and spring barley, not underseeded with legumes. Get outstanding grass weed control in corn. 16.4 fl oz/A. Just GO. Don't have to wait for a perfect day to spray. Users of this database must read and follow the actual product label affixed to the container before use of the product. Fill tank with clean water (minimum 10% of tank capacity) and add tank cleaner at the recommended rate and agitate for 15 minutes. The latest calendar date for application is 30th June. H318 Causes serious eye damage. Bayer CropScience Inc. Suite 200, 160 Quarry Park Blvd. View the product label for Pixxaro EC from Corteva Agriscience. The ideal timing for application is when the weeds are small and actively growing. Note: Do not mix undiluted herbicides in the chem-handler. Immediately after spraying thoroughly and completely rinse all internal surfaces. 2019 Guide De Champ Est. Trademarks and service marks of Dow AgroSciences, DuPont or Pioneer, and their affiliated companies or their respective owners. Provides robust weed control irrespective of the weather or weed growth pattern if you can travel it will work ; No cultivations required before sowing most crops; No restrictions on straw / manure use or management; Excellent multiway compatibility including: ACCase graminicides, ALS graminicides, PGRs Fungicides and Trace elements. Application Rate. With Arylex active, weeds are controlled to the 8-leaf stage or larger. Both actives have a, Group O, HRAC classification. Product Information: 1-888-283-6847 . Do not spray in windy weather. The use of low drift nozzles is recommended. Please note fields with * are required in the form. From the 2-leaf crop growth stage up to flag leaf emergence. 3. If water conditioner is required, add now. Pixxaro herbicide, with Arylex active, delivers superior annual broadleaf weed control and the ability to spray when you want, in the conditions you've got - early or late, on big or small weeds, in hot or cool conditions. Always read and follow label directions. PIXXARO EC can sometimes induce slight and transient (2-3 weeks) crop yellowing or growth inhibition. Before use and for complete product information, please read and follow label directions. 1st February to 30th June Trademarks of Corteva Agriscience and its affiliated companies.

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