phoenix city council political party

.contact_office { font-size: 0.8 em; margin-top: 0.6em; margin-bottom: 0em;margin-right: 0.5em;} Website: .votebox { Gallego assumed office in 2019. .key-messages li {margin-bottom: 10px;} She has also served as the president, treasurer, and vice president of legislative affairs for the Arizona chapter of the American Planning Association, as a member of the Governor's Growing Smarter Oversight Council and the Maricopa County Trial Court Selection Commission, and on the boards of directors of Valley Partnership, the Arizona chapter of the Urban Land Institute, and the Southwest Clinic for HIV/AIDS. font-weight: bold; Above all, it's why I'm running to represent you on the Phoenix City Council. font-weight: bold; .census-table-section-header { Robinson's victory as a political independent further shrinks the Republican minority on the City Council from three to two and is a win for Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego, who not only endorsed Robinson but called on him to run in the first place. $('.collapse').collapse('show'); .votebox-scroll-container { # . } The Phoenix City Council is made up of a mayor and eight councilmembers, elected by the people on a non-partisan ballot for four-year terms. top: 0px; Gallego was reelected to represent District 8 in 2017 after running unopposed, but she quickly vacated the seat to run for mayor in 2018, after Greg Stanton resigned from the post to run for Congress. No one challenged the three incumbents up for reelection in Buckeye, the city approaching100,000 residents southwest of Phoenix. More details on the candidates: The Republic asked candidates to answer five questions on some of the most pressing issues in Carefree. margin: 8px auto; I often say that the elections that impact our lives the most are the ones that seem the smallest. } ul.key-messages {list-style-type: none; margin-left:10px; } position: absolute; Debra Stark is a moderate Democrat elected in 2017 and reelected in 2021. Such laws may be enacted at the state, county, or city level. There will be one new member as Bryan Kilgore faced term limits and could not run again. color: white; Contact our sales team. Candidates are asked three required questions for this survey, but they may answer additional optional questions as well. Texas Education Group Banned Phoenix City Council Candidate Over Behavior. Here's how they responded. margin-top: 0px; } I believe it takes a combined effort of the school district, parents and the community to attain this goal. Find information on this page to help you get in touch with your councilmember. .votebox-results-cell--number { .widget-row.value-only.white { I'll work with my Council colleagues to carefully consider the businesses that come to North Phoenix and grow here, building strong partnerships. background-color: red; ASU instructor Kevin Robinson has served Phoenix since he joined the city's police department in 1980. The COVID-19 pandemic and racial justice protests that began sweeping the city and nation this spring have given candidates plenty to talk about as they try to sway voters with what they see as. max-width: 500px; Debra Stark is a member of the Phoenix City Council in Arizona, representing District 3. The filing deadline for this election was July 6, 2020. I started as a volunteer: coaching softball, substitute teaching, and serving as President of the Stetson Hills PTSA. Kevin began his career as a patrol officer in Arcadia in 1980 and worked his way up the ranks. $('.hideResponses').show(); } The town of some 270,000 residents southeast of Phoenix expects to hit population buildout in the coming years, which means leaders will steer the community through infrastructure, growth and quality-of-life issues. As a resident of Phoenix, I care about the businesses, schools, and families here. font-size: 12px; .survey-result {padding:10px;} .non_result_row div { CouncilmemberChris Judd is running uncontested in District 6 andCouncilmemberJack Hastings is unopposed in District 5 after his initial challenger was booted from the ballotfor not having enough valid nomination signatures. overflow: hidden; [4], O'Brien received an endorsement from former governing board member Rob Edmund.[5]. .image-candidate-thumbnail-wrapper .image-candidate-thumbnail { font-size: 16px; .votebox-results-cell--check { .votebox_bp_logo { .election_results_text { font-size: 12px;

clearInterval(nTimer); Stark ran for re-election to the Phoenix City Council to represent District 3 in Arizona. color:white; Goddard served on the Central Arizona Water Conservation District from 2001 . width: 35px !important; | width: 100%; display: table; Here's how they responded. } .inner_percentage.Republican { Her current term ends on April 21, 2025. } The allocations to FiSCs are estimates of the revenues collected from and services provided to central city residents and businesses by these overlying independent governments. Deer Valley Unified School District, At-large, This page was last updated during the official's most recent election or appointment. vertical-align: top; Work on creative ways to maintain and improve our infrastructure. Phoenix, AZ 85003 up for general election on November 4, 2014. For more details on the candidates, click here. O'Brien ran for election to the Phoenix City Council to represent District 1 in Arizona. In some cities, voters elect council members by geographic district to spread representationthroughout the city. } .infobox { } .indicate_scroll { } }) Phoenix maintains an interactive map of the council districts. .widget-row.Libertarian { City-elected leaders serve four-year terms with a few exceptions. Please, Explore Ballotpedia's new State of Election Administration Legislation Report, City elections in Phoenix, Arizona (2020). .widget-row.value-only { .votebox_bp_logo { Ballotpedia does not edit or correct typographical errors unless the candidate's campaign requests it. } $('.showResponses').show(); She also coached softball at the elementary school for four years. U.S. President | Click the meeting link to see more info and the full agenda: Ballotpedia does not cover any additional city officials in Phoenix, Arizona. } Source. .results_row { He lost in the general runoff election on March 14, 2023. } letter-spacing: 0.03em; text-align: center; We just have to look past our differences, listen to each other, and make decisions based on what's best for the people we serve - not our political interests. .mw-body #mw-content-text th.votebox-results-cell--text { At least one new council member is guaranteed as Bridget Binsbacherhad to resign from her seat representing the Mesquite District to run for mayor. background-color: grey; That isn't the only change, as four of six council seats will ultimately be up for grabs. Reporter Taylor Seely will work to get answers. } .votebox { On the campaign trail, Robinson has shied away from offering specific positions on city issues, saying he doesn't want to get ahead of himself and prefers to understand the situation in its entirety first. margin-right: 12px; She was elected to the City Council. My favorite book is "All I Really Need to Know I Learned In Kindergarten" by Robert Fulghum. From investing in public safety, to deciding what kinds of businesses come to our neighborhoods, to building strong partnerships with our school districts, there is a 100 percent chance that your Phoenix City Councilmember has had an impact on your life. It looks like your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. color: white; The council appointed former Planning and Zoning Commissioner Brad Shafer in April to replace Binsbacher. Five candidates, including two incumbents, are running for the three council seats. .mw-body #mw-content-text th.votebox-results-cell--text { Atlanta City Councilman Jason Dozier proposed a bill this year to block new drive-thrus around the Atlanta Beltline, a pedestrian trail along a 22-mile railroad corridor. The savings come from increasing both the age of retirement for new city employees and the amount new employees contribute into the pension system.[17]. letter-spacing: .04em; .inner_percentage.Libertarian { width: 57%; display: inline-block; } A moderate Republican first elected in November 2020, Ann O'Brien is known for her steadfast support for the Phoenix police. .results_row td:first-child { } $(".expand-all").on('click', () => { } The Phoenix City Council currently leans left, with five Democrats, one independent and three Republicans. .indicate_scroll { color: white; It is these foundational lessons from kindergarten that keep me grounded and guide me in how I live my life. Strengthen Our Economy: As our population grows, we must make smart choices to strengthen our economy and attract good, high-paying jobs to our city. She secured her reelection in 2021. All eight candidates for Phoenix City Council District 6 came together in Ahwatukee Sept. 13 to outline their case with voters for representing the community and a few other city neighborhoods when incumbent Sal DiCiccio vacates the seat because of term limits. As of June 2023, 62 mayors in the largest 100 cities by population are affiliated with the Democratic Party, 25 are affiliated with the Republican Party, four are independents, seven identify as nonpartisan or unaffiliated, and two mayors' affiliations are unknown. font-size: 2em; width: 43%; } Ballot measures, Who represents me? } width: 57%; City leaders also play a role in crafting and enforcing standards for how land is developed and how water is managed. display: block; Incumbent Debra Stark and Nicole Garcia advanced to a runoff. School districts | } font-size: 20px; Developing and Implementing Real Solutions. background-color: #f0a236; color: #888; How to vote | The body is made up of eight council members who each represent one district, or a geographic portion, of Phoenix. padding-left: 16px; } background-color: #dac113; Mesa voters will decide on candidates to oversee growth in Arizonas third-largest city. They have until July 11 to turn in petition signatures to appear on the ballot in November. DiCiccio, who's been a council member in Phoenix for about 20 years non-consecutively, was term-limited, and a crowd of candidates flooded the field to replace him. { Anyone seeking a position in public service must be ready to bring people together to solve problems - to find common ground in service of our community. var nTimer = setInterval(function() { I am a long-term Deer Valley Union School District (DVUSD) resident and parent. I led and won the fight to keep homeless sex offenders from being housed in our neighborhoods, successfully advocated for a new fire station in North Phoenix, and work every day to build stronger schools for our kids on the Deer Valley USD School Board. } More details on the candidates: The Republic asked candidates to answer fivequestions on some of the most pressing issues in Chandler. $('.pastResponses').show(); The survey questions appear in bold and are followed by O'Brien's responses. .votebox-results-metadata-p { Please, Explore Ballotpedia's new State of Election Administration Legislation Report, City elections in Phoenix, Arizona (2020). The current Mayor of Phoenix is Kate Gallego. Do you want a spreadsheet of this type of data? The filing deadline for candidates who wished to run in this election was May 31, 2017. for the two open seats. top: -1px; [2], The Phoenix City Council is made up of nine members, including the mayor. 200 W. Washington Street background-color: #db0000; Party Affiliation: Republican. max-width: 75px; background-color: #dac113; | Jeff Barton, a long-time city employee who worked his way up the ranks. Besides five years of substitute teaching and several years of classroom volunteering, I served one year as Vice President and four years as President of the Stetson Hills School PTSA (Parent Teacher Student Association). font-size: .9em; max-width: 600px; } font-size: 12px; width: 100% overflow-x: auto; I was born and raised here in Phoenix. More details on the candidates: The Republic asked candidates to answer five questions on some of the most pressing issues in Cave Creek. Ensure that District 3 gets its fair share of funds from Proposition 104 to improve our roads and public bus system. She has served as vice president and president of the Stetson Hills Elementary PTA, as a member of the Arizona School Boards Association, as a board member for WestEd, and as a member of the Deer Valley Village Planning Committee. If you have questions beyond the candidate Q&A, reach out toreporter Maritza She was formerly a member of the Deer Valley Unified School District governing board and the Arizona School Board Association board of directors.

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