I had it all figured out right here on this notepad. "Phineas and Ferb", Candace Gertrude's quote: "You guys are so busted." Ferb? It wasn't just me. [hangs up] It's a go boys! Waiter: Well, gentlemen, what's your fancy? Dr. Doofenshmirtz: It's gonna work. Phineas: Well, no sense waiting till the last minute. But this isn't a sit-com, Parry the Platypus. Candace: Phineas! Hey, aren't you two a little young to be receiving a seasoned grill, 300 pounds of coffee, 200 pounds of fatback, four tons of lumber and assorted wheat, rye and pumpernickel breads? Mom: Your father wants me to listen to one of his "soundscapes," so I figured I'd strap on the headphones and finally get those flowers planted in the backyard. Care to make a wager? There's a never-ending, icy-cold, soul-sucking darkness of space? Iggy: I'll admit, I have never really studied the platypus, but I am absolutely shocked that this one somehow followed you all the way to Africa. Didn't you read the sign? So, we all have to find a good way to spend it. Candace: Actually, Phineas, I-I changed my mind. I read Ferb's blog. But I recovered - and you can, too. It's perfect the way it is. Come to think of it, I don't know why we called him that. Isabella: [on the vid-phone] You need another jump start? Candace: Because of a little thing called parallel parking! Well, a brother is a brother. I found it stuck in the mouth of a fiberglass dinosaur. Suteishi no tomodachidesu! Faster! I'm calling mom. Candace: [to Mom, gesturing to the where the haunted house was] See, absolute terror! Your muffled emotions woke us up. It's not like I yelled. Phineas: They're impossible to find. [being hit repeatedly with a ball] Clearly I was- clearly I was wrong, that was an excellent way to block a shot! [shows her yelling in slow-motion] And your little brother's gonna be a on TV. You're not gonna play? I guess you were right. Grandma: Oh come on, honey. Phineas: I'd like to think the real question is - why WOULDN'T we? We have to go. Dr. Doofenshmirtz: I don't know how I didn't see it before. Dr. Doofenshmirtz: [boasting of his latest evil scheme] Soon, there will be nothing that can withstand the wrath of Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz! [between a chorus of Canaces singing "I gave up!"]. Phineas: Ferb? Ferb is known for not speaking much on the tv show, Phineas and Ferb. Well, at least there's hunky guys in skirts. Join; . Candace: [laughing to the kids] I sure got you guys! Phineas: Nice try, Ferb, but you can't psyche ME out with your dead-on celebrity impressions. Ferb: Actually, lads, I'm not a Brit or a Yank, I'm just Ferb. I mean, we don't want to blow the whole budget on this one scheme, do we? Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz: [to Perry] I just love giving people nicknames. I'll go with Belchman. Dad: Breaker, breaker, one-nine. Phineas: Come on, gang! Lawrence Fletcher: Well, why don't you just build a new skateboard? End of story. Ferb: [after Perry accidentally hits a button on the Rainbowinator, causing it to explode] You know, in retrospect, I question the inclusion of a self-destruct button in the first place. Agent Double-00: I'm Agent Double-00, of Her Majesty's secret service. Baljeet: Not me. Dr. Doofenshmirtz: So just because I miss a few payments, you're selling my building? Phineas: [after explaining the route for the race] Any questions? Answer (1 of 8): "Perry the Platypus, your timing is uncanny.and by "uncanny" I mean. Baljeet: [on contractions] You are amputating two perfectly good words and stitching them together. Try not to freak out on your brothers while I'm gone. But if you're askin' for specifics, well, this isn't hieroglyphics. Candace: What? I'm off to work. And it totally worked. We've got one last day of summer, one more day before school has begun. Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz: Of course not, you glorified waffle iron! Isabella: [to there troop] Our friends need our help! door. Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz: [typing] "OMG! Phineas: Goodbye, Dad. Phineas: I don't know, Baljeet. Baljeet: It is ALL of Candace's anxieties. How unexpected for you to burst in my nefarious" Nefarious? Phineas: We could call you Control Freak! "Phineas and Ferb", Candace Gertrude's quote: "You've got to see what Phineas and Ferb are doing! Don't you feel sorry for me? That was fast. Candace: [Seeing her split personality] Mom! Soccer Player #1: It's not whether you score the goal, it's how good you look while kicking the ball. But I couldn't have asked for a better one than Ferb. Dr. Doofenshmirtz: You know, you could have waited till I put my pants on. So what is it you wanted to show me? Linda Flynn-Fletcher, 13. Phineas: [after reciting an incantation and the mummy deflates] There's nothing down here but fakey promotional lobby junk. Phineas: [about his favorite kiddie ride] You know, in retrospect I may have over-romanticized those memories. Museum Guard: Well, it's nice to see young people taking an interest in history. Because kids widely watch the show, it explores adventures that can broaden their imaginations. I'm just rippling. Major Monogram: Agent P, there's, uh, something we've been meaning to discuss with you for awhile and, well You see, Perry, some job-performance issues have come up, but Now, don't get me wrong. I'm a shark! I mean where are we suppose to find electricity in dinosaur land? Make my father love me? Stacy: Yeah, I guess if you're gonna have an unhealthy mind frame, it might as well benefit me. Candace: And I learned how to parallel park! They were evil goals, but they were goals. Phineas: We're entering the Swamp Oil 500 today. Phineas and ferb is an american animated television series that centers on two stepbrothers and their adventures in their backyard during summer vacation. This fossil is my favorite in the museum. It never mentioned an intern. Sales Clerk: One Genghis Khan costume. Phineas Flynn: Gone, like, driving-car-to-school gone? NEXT: 10 Animated TV Shows To Look Forward To In 2022, Colin Rhoades is a Southeast Student Emmy-winning writer, composer. Dr. Doofenshmirtz: You may have escaped my TV trap, Perry the Platypus, but I'm still going to change your channel! Phineas: [as The Lady of the Puddle leaves with a dousing splash] Wow. The day may come when we'll give up on fruitless searches after a mere eleven minutes, but that day is not today! Just put these back on. There's a perfectly good explanation, though. Irving: I would like to visit with my friends, Phineas and Ferb. Candace: [after bouncing around in the a/c duct, coming back out, and still chased by the giant gum-ball globe] Oh, give me a break! Phineas: [about Perry's collar] Well, I think it's cool! Baljeet: Hey, Buford. It's not inherently evil. Dad: [opening the window after hearing an engine and a loud horn] Oh, hey boys. You don't even have a monster. The state-of-the-matter transfer device! Phineas: [to the robots] Please take a blueprint and report to the backyard immediately! [tries to pull Perry out of the door] You know, you're really trapped here just just like I planned! What? Isabella Garcia-Shapiro, Phineas Flynn: We could have been together, all you had to say was when. See more ideas about words, pretty words, quotes. You're a lean, mean singing machine. Stacey: I Think your brothers are too, across the street. I heard all these great masters at a young age.There was a great genius in my town, Phineas . Jeremy: [to Candace as they leave] Hey, Candace. What do you want me do next? Phineas: Well, he is a platypus; they don't do much. This isn't your mother's sensory deprivation tank. [Perry emerges from the hole in the ground in a green glass tube] But it's gonna look great on the Christmas party gag reel! [a man hits a gong and many girls run out of Bachan's restaurant]. Dr. Doofenshmirtz: I was crowned King Pretty Pretty Princess. Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz: Ah, Perry the Platypus. Tech Support: Never look a gift bantha in the oral cavity. I shouldn't fantasize on an empty stomach. However, her life changes when her doctor accidentally artificially inseminates her during a checkup. I'm just making conversation. Phineas: I know what we're gonna do today. Entire Lower Half Of Amazing Super Hero Here. You guys are good with wires and gadgets and stuff. Well, who's your little friend here? Buford: Your dad's really great at tricks. Can we jump him and wrestle it out of his hands? Because I've tied up the conductor, and taken control of the train using my remote control Train-Operator-inator! Read these 48 Stanley Hudson quotes. We're doing something and it's gonna be big. Or, my HDVR [ahh] -inator. Candace: Oh, just a little summer mini-series called evidence! Don't go in there! [repeated line] Phineas: Phineas: Wait a minute. Vanessa Doofenshmirtz: Dad, what are you doing here? Hey, mom, can I get a pink streak in my hair? Candace: No, no! Candace: You guys are gonna be soo busted when I show mom what you did to those kiddie rides! Alive! Ahhhhh! Phineas: Herb, I knoweth what we're going to doeth today. Ferb's response is said with such dry humor that the viewer is stunned such a response even came out of his mouth. 2000 was so 4000 days ago! Bulavolus: She was not a nurturer. Phineas: [in space seeing a satellite] You know, if that thing crashes to Earth, Candace is in charge. [they take off, still making the dance motions with their hands]. Vivian Garcia-Shapiro: [talking normally] Phineas, honey, how are you? I have been practicing! Phineas: We're ridden ponies. Candace: Well, I'll probably try to bust you guys, AGAIN. My own very fortress of eviltude. Vanessa Doofenshmirtz: [hearing machine sounds] Hold on, Lacey. he yelled at her, unaware that she would soon change his perspective on life. Dr. Doofenshmirtz: Perry the Platyous, you are gonna get such a chickening. Isabella: Well, I know a few people who work well together. Major Monogram: Well, let's get down to brass tacks or whatever it is tacks are made of these days. Discover and share Phineas And Ferb Funny Quotes. No, something smaller, not that suckling pig. I am trying to use the phone! Trust me, you don't want that; I've been both. Darthenshmirtz: Now I can live to fight in the sequel. I could learn a thing or two from you about talking less. Dad: [looking at the fossil print with a mud print beside it] Hey, I don't remeber seeing this part. If only fans could know Ferb's personal justification. Tom Sawyer's dislike of Aunt Polly was rivaled only by his hatred of puppies. Fame is fleeting. We'll be stuck here forever, eating rocks and bugs, then I'll have to marry a monkey and have monkey kids and name them Xavier and Amanda! We should've believed you. I am sick of it! So Phineas, where's this rescue party you sent for? Buford: I forgot all about Canadian bacon. You gotta spend hours screaming in a closet to get it like this. Phineas: [as Candace continues] Ferb, are you getting all of this? Phineas: And that, in a nutshell, is the history of Checkers, but it's far from the first board game. Stanley Hudson didn't miss a chance to remind us that he hated his job. What are you going to do tomorrow? Doofus Khan: I know I am, but what are YOU? But it didn't hurt. I can't wait to check 'em out later when I take my break. And when I came home, there was a stunning lack of monkeys., 18. Ferb: And she seems to have acquired an upper class Drusselsteinian speech pattern. But today we'll give a hundred-and-one. In the episode "Vanessessary Roughness," Vanessa first hears his name. Isabella: Have you ever seen senior citizens riot? Phineas: Check it out! As they are on summer vacation, they intend to make the best of it, and their quotes prove just how much they are determined. Candace: [annoyed] No. Isabella: Don't bring that smack-talk around here. Dr. Doofenshmirtz: For generations, philosophers have asked, "If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?" You know, he's fluffy and he looks like he's got pants. [Phineas and Ferb have made Candace a replacement cell phone]. Phineas: We were! Chapter One. Candace: [swating flies] Ohh, pesky bugs! We educate and entertain the audience with memorable phrases and plots. Dr. Doofenshmirtz: Double-00? Memorable Quotes are words spoken by the characters which stand out from most of the dialogue for the humor they possess and the emotional and intuitive backgrounds they bear. Phineas: Each chariot will be pulled by a rocking horse Ferb souped up with a lawn-mower engine. Candace: [also making the motions] I have no idea what just happened. Dr. Doofenshmirtz: In fact, I come from a long line of great meatloaf chefs. It was slow going. Candace: I'm telling Mom, and you're going down! Give up?! Oh! Carl: [singing] I used to put up with too much aggravation, but look at me now. We'll use the Croco-locator. No time for a trap. I love keys! II cant really pull that off, can I?, 25. Candace: I've got a date with destiny, and it ain't gonna end with a kiss. "Phineas and Ferb", "Ferb: "Auld Lang Syne" literally means "old long ago," but I'd rather think of New Year's as an unspoiled universe. Buford: Hey, Isabella, about that "What'cha doin'?" Go Candace! Carl: [back from Dr. Doofenshmirtz' basement] I saw a rat give birth - to a snail. Parlais anglais. CURSE YOU, PERRY THE PLATYPUS! Ferb's Cousin #2: [describing the Emu Curse] If you're holding the ball and a herd of emus carries off your assistant coach, then you're cursed to never be on a winning team again. Now you're no match for me! Candace: I'm double booked! And by unexpected, I really mean unexpected, what are you doing here, this is my week off. I will strive to do better. [than his phone rings] Hello? Dr. Doofenschmirtz: Yeah, speak for yourself! Toodles! You know, I don't think that last one is canon. If you're a fan of the medical comedy-drama "Scrubs," then you're likely familiar with the character of Dr. Perry Cox, played brilliantly by actor John C. McGinley. I only had just the one sister. Dr. Doofenshmirtz: Is that Eb above high C? Mom: [they walk around the corner to see a frozen t-rex] Well you're right, Candace. And you'll have plenty of time to gnaw on that in the state prison. He's going to eat you. What do you say? Oh, really old stale bubble gum! Stubbings: Yes, delightful, Master Charles. This is Cheeky Monkey. Phineas Flynn: Well build the best dang car wash in the whole dang world. You saved us, Perry thecurse you, Perry the Platypus! Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz, 9. I tried to make the most of every day, but now the years just seem misspent What might have been. I'm getting really mad! Phineas and Ferb are making a title sequence! Candace: Seriously, a platypus crosses the Atlantic Ocean, finds you on the vast continent of Africa, and no one feels this is worthy of a longer discussion? spread the word! [throws open the lab door] Ah ha! Isabella: Gretchen, we have a Code Pink! This isn't your weekend. But I couldn't have asked for a better one than Ferb. Thor: A juice in a box? We need to move now! Sort by: best. Bulavolus: Oh, no! Phineas: [seeing his pet] Hey, there you are Perry. Cool! - and how soon can you leave? - The Big-Sad-Eye-inator! Mom: [reading the cover of an 8-track tape] "Truck Drivin' Hits, 1975-1975.". I tried to make a dialogue for it. I'm Perry-free for the rest of the day. Isabella: Oh, no thanks. No! ~Phineas Flynn 2. I've come to set the record straight. Lawn Gnome Beach Party of Terror Jeremy: [after the games] Wow, Candace. Isabella: Hey Phineas, can I ask you something? Candace: [frantic] I can't hear you! You guys are so busted. Candace Gertrude Flynn, 15. Phineas: You know, "willy-nilly barging" IS a plan of sorts. Candace: [as the rocket spotters] Why are we stopping? Could this be one of those things that backfires horribly on me? Right now, we are all headed to my scheme exchange partner's secret fortress. | Source: facebook.com/Phineas-and-Ferb, Phineas Flynn: "Looks like Candace and Stacy did some shopping. I have never been pantsed by a continent before. Phineas: [mumbles with his face into the window] A little more warning would be nice. Isabella: So which side has the restroom? I read it online somewhere. Vanessa: [penetrating her father's obvious disguise] Hey there, strange-man-I've-never-met. Not until the last second, thank you very much. Grandma: [unzipping the Bigfoot costume, laughing] Did you see the look on their faces? I have your alimony check. You know, this is a lot harder without Ferb around. Put on your glad rags and pack a lunch bag. Dr. Doofenshmirtz: It's your jetpack! Would you look at that? We're saved! After all, home is where the prisons are. Phineas: (To Perry) So, not only have you been leading a double life this whole time, but you sat there and let us help an evil scientist open an evil portal into an evil dimension. You did it! Being a platypus is so gross! [propelled into warp-like speed w/ the shot showing Ferb with the remote connected to a powerful battery] Oh yeah! To make it easier for you to get in, we had one of our operatives install a Central Access Threshold, or C.A.T. I'm gonna tell mom. Phineas: Well, we do have a signature look. Candace: Don't you have a catch phrase to say or something? Phineas: Really? I wanna stay here. Meap: Well, my little friend, it looks like we're about to meet our untimely demise. It's so acute Phineas: Wow. Have a good time evolving past the need for physical existence! Greg LeMond: I know things are tough, and there's that little voice telling you to quit Baljeet: [angered] But I do not WANT to quit! I'll see you la-la-later. It's your former wife, Charlene Doofenshmitz. Sadly, he was just captured in the midst of his latest plan to set fire to the sun! Phineas Flynn, "Major Monogram: Ahh, Agent P. Sorry about the tight fit but they're on the metric system." Buford: Sure. Candace: [talking on her phone about England] Man, Stacey. Down, down, down! Candace: [takes the picture back] Uh, what do you mean?
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