perform care bergen county nj

Coronavirus update: The best way to apply for eligibility for intellectual and developmental disability (I/DD) services through CSOC is through our online Family Portal. Team members work together to put the plan into action, monitor how well it's working, and make changes as needed. Learn more about each of these categories. Your privacy and confidentiality will be protected at all times. Referrals are based on evaluations and information provided to Perform Care's Care Coordinators on the call. The Behavioral Health Home (BHH) provides our children and families with integrated care oftheir chronic behavioral and medical health needs. Bergen's Promise, the designated Care Management Organization (CMO) for Bergen County NJ, is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to meeting the complex mental health and wellness needs of children up to age21 with identified emotional and behavioral challenges, substance use issues, and intellectual and developmental disabilities. This process is called transition. The Care Manager will request copies of the student's current Individualized Education Plan, report cards, 504 plan, behavior plans - all information regarding the student's history and current status as applicable. Pinterest; YouTube; Vimeo; Twitter; Flickr; Linkedin; . Please contact Daria Tabbacchino, Education Collaboration Manager. Person-centered language is used in the Wraparound Approach as our choice of wordsmatter in creating a stigma-free environment for youth and families, take one minute to click and complete the eligibility form, Bergen's Promise Celebrates 2023 Feed Your Soul, Celebrating our CMO Family Event "Health Bodies, Health Minds", Kendra Scott Grand Opening Event Supporting Bergen's Promise, Retains a primary care provider and attend regular well-child visits, Receives early periodic screening, diagnosis and treatment for chronic conditions, Assists youth/family with hospitalization and follow-up post discharge, Obtains appropriate metabolic monitoring for psychotropic medications, Receives coordination of services between medical and behavioral health providers. The Federal rules restrict any use of the information to criminally investigate or prosecute any alcohol or drug abuse patient. Guides and Brochures from PerformCare. Cooperative Counseling Services' In-Home Team provides: Individual and Family Mental Health Therapy Behavioral Assistance & Behavior Modification Biopsychosocial (BPS) Strength & Needs Assessments Substance Use Evaluations The goal is to stabilize behavior and keep your child at home. If you are a licensed Medicaid Provider that embraces the strength-based Wraparound Approach, uses person-centered language, and want to play an impactful role as part of a Child & Family Team, please contact us to request to attend an upcoming Meet & Greet. COVID-19 Information & Links (Executive Orders) 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline Through the Wraparound approach, the youth and team can promote long term recovery by developing sustainable resources and strategies that can be used when there are stressors in the environment. You applied before for developmental disability services through the NJ Childrens System of Care (PerformCare) and were notified by PerformCare that you were eligible. Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with these three critical steps for getting assistance for your child and family. The New Jersey Department of Human Services has put out a comprehensive list of services available for those who may be struggling with healthcare, food access, mental health support, and other basic needs. Youth may learn coping skills, self expression and more positive, alternative ways to get needs met without becoming explosive in behavior. Bergen's Promise, Inc., as the Care Management Organization of Bergen County, works through the Children's System of Care (CSOC) under the New Jersey Department of Children and Families (DCF). Please review the current Clinical Criteria for each of these service lines issued by the Division of Children's System of Care (CSOC) and utilized by PerformCare (the Contracted System Administrator for the NJ Children's System of Care). New Spanish-language mini-site integrated on the PerformCare website, available at Environmental Modifications (e.g., handicapped accessible bathroom, adaptations for vehicles, etc). Bergen's Promise is able to provide a copy of the youth's HIPAA release if needed. This information may be shared with families as a resource for in-home services upon leaving Early Intervention. This information may also be shared with families as a resource for in-home services upon leaving Early Intervention. See the FAQs for youth and families about all these services on the PerformCare website. When a Care Manager is invited to attend an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) meeting, they are guests at the meeting and will only offer valuable insights, updates, and information regarding the relevant in-home services and supports offered by the NJ Childrens System of Care. 2NDFLOOR is a confidential helpline for New Jersey's youth that helps find solutions to problems they face at home, at school, or at play. All rights reserved. PerformCare, the Contracted Systems Administrator for the Children's System of Care, is the single point of access to CSOC's wide array of behavioral health, substance use, and intellectual and developmental disability services for youth and families throughout New Jersey. Ask your Care Manager about adding a Parent Partner from the. Bergen's Promise is mandated to report all child abuse and neglect. Watch the short video on the right and download the guide below to learn more about how the wraparound process works to help plan and implement services and supports for your child or youth and family. know there is hope and, if you decide to work with us, we will wrap around your family to help you put a plan in place to maximize your child's and your families strengths while addressing your unique needs. Also included are handouts describing Bergen's Promise care management services, our Wraparound Child Family Team approach and flyers about the BergenResourceNet. This additional coverage will have no effect on your private insurance or other services that you are receiving. A family member or other interested person can assist an individual in completing DDD's Application for Eligibility, but cannot apply on the individual's behalf. (available in Spanish, Mandarin, Korean and Portuguese). medical and behavioral health care needs. Youth authorized for a BioPsychoSocial (BPS assessment) through PerformCare are also able to receive a substance use screening as part of the assessment, when indicated. See alsoNJ Children's System of Care Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Services handout. Children's Mobile Response Stabilization Services (MRSS), many guides and brochures available in multiple languages, 3 minute video available with Spanish subtitles. I further acknowledge my responsibility to protect the privacy of and to guard against inappropriate use or disclosure of this PHI by logging in as a CYBER User. There is a new Spanish-language mini-site integrated on the PerformCare website, available at Palisades Medical Center (AES) 7600 River Rd N. Bergen 07047 201 -854 -5760 Jenny Lozano-Rivera 201 -295 -4824 ; ; Hudson ; When a Child-Family team is considering OOH treatment as an intervention, the school will receive a formal letter from the Care Manager informing of this option, and inviting school staff to participate in the discussion regarding this strategy. Your Care Manager will work with your Child and Family Team to maximize the use of low cost, in-network and free sustainable resources. Catastrophic Illness in Children Relief Fund (CICRF), Commission for the Blind & Visually Impaired (CBVI), Division of the Deaf & Hard of Hearing (DDHH), Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD), Division of Medical Assistance & Health Services (DMAHS), Division of Mental Health and Addiction Services (DMHAS), Office for Prevention of Developmental Disabilities, Office of Program Integrity & Accountability, Public Advisory Boards, Commissions & Councils, Office of Education of Self-Directed Services, FULL Application for Determination of Eligibility, Short Application - Chinese (Traditional), Language Assistance Services for Individuals with Limited English Proficiency. as part of an Autism Seminar Series was recorded in partnership with the Korean Community Center and Bergen County Special Child Health Services. Call PerformCare at 1-877-652-7624 for more information on accessing CMO services. View additional details about how these services are covered for families. It is reviewed and updated as needed each year. Each Child and Family team is comprised of people genuinely care about your childs success. When a child is two years old, transition information will be offered to the parents to begin planning for services and supports that might be needed when the child turns three. Bergen's Promise provides exceptional Wraparound Care Management services to keep youth and families physically and emotionally safe. This site contains links to other Internet sites. CMOs serving residents within their counties in New Jersey are located in Burlington, Camden, Cape Atlantic, Essex, Hudson, Mercer, Middlesex, Monmouth, Morris/Sussex, Ocean, Passaic, TriCounty (Hunterdon Somerset Warren) and Union to serve the residents within their counties. Upon enrollment, a member of the BHH team will contact the school nurse to establish a collaborative relationship. Executive Director: Alan DeStefano, Here are useful COVID-19 education materials for families regarding the Vaccine (English) (Spanish). Often they are held at the school. Similarly, if your youth is already receiving support from Bergen's Promise, and you now suspect may be misusing substances, we encourage you to bring this to the attention of your Care Manager. (available in Spanish, Mandarin, Korean and Portuguese). The My Health Passport is available in English, Spanish and Chinese from the FCIC website. Notify your Care Manager if your child is hospitalized for mental health reasons and allow your Care Manager to speak to the hospital regarding smooth (If your child requires immediate assistance to de-escalate challenging behaviors, your Care Coordinator may dispatch Children's Mobile Response and Stabilization Services.). The New Jersey Statewide Respite Care Program gives a short-term or periodic break to family (or other caregivers) from the demands of daily care for functionally impaired persons, including the frail elderly. Review this presentation to better understand this process. PerformCare is the contracted administrator for the services and supports offered through the NJ Children's System of Care partners, like Bergen's Promise. Students that are DD-eligible with IIH-Clinical therapists may also have Individual Support Services (ISS) put in place as well for behavior and activity of daily living (ADL) skill training. Families may call our Access Center at 908-731-7099 x504 to inquire about rates and catchment area. First, you will speak with a Member Services Specialist who will register the youth. These services may include: care management, mobile response and stabilization services, a more extensive needs assessment, outpatient services, among other options.

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