Photo by Dawne Olson Exploring the river by canoe or kayak is a great way to see the park and what Lewis and Clark may have experienced during their 1804 and 1806 travels. The Upper Missouri River, Wild & Scenic Section, winds its way through Montana. While theres water everywhere, you need a solid filtration system in order to drink the murky water of the Missouri River. I cooked the boys a feast as I do many paddlers who often depart on a long journey. She packed hundreds of pounds of supplies, planned her route, and took an emergency rescue course before setting out. It gave me an opportunity to paddle with new friends and provide a celebratory meal for them. Most notably, the cross continental journey of Lewis & Clark. Fort Benton, Montana: River accesses are at the Chouteau County Fairgrounds Canoe Launch and Campground, which is designated as River Mile 0 and at the Fort Benton Boat Launch (River Mile 1.4). She chose the 380x Explorer Kayak because, Other Sea Eagles were too big or were geared to having a motor, she said. In this three-day section, youll find developed boat camps with vault toilets, fire grills, and great hikingif youre so disposed. document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); And here I stood contemplating that in just two generations weve gone from riverboat explorers on the Missouri River, to high-speed internet. Be prepared for thunderstorms at any time and winds upriver in the afternoons. sincerely, David the Rivergumby, Hi David, Thanks for your post! Since no one knew my whereabouts, I stepped carefully among the prickly pear cactus and rocks. By now we were pretty efficient at packing and realized we needed to get the hell off the river before we really had to hike out and leave everything. It blew until about an hour before we got up in the morning. Then Beatrice tapped people in high places for advice. Part of the cliff had collapsed into the river and created the only white water I encountered on the trip with a quarter mile of class I-II- waves and whirlpools. The major put-in and take-out points are Fort Benton, Coal Banks Landing, Judith Landing, and James Kipp Park. The river flow is about 3mph, faster and higher in the spring, slower and lower in autumn. What is Adventure Bound Canoeing? It is indeed forgiving and does not require paddling experience. The sunlight painted colorful pictures on the nearby hillsides and I could almost see the shadowy silhouette of Chief Joe and his proud people. It was very beautiful, quiet, and relaxing. Excellent river maps from the BLM for under $10 each. If we are able to pull this off, it probably wont be until late spring. I will look for your blog in a few months. Go in November or earlier. His photographs are extensively published and have been the subject of five books including Treasured Lands (winner of twelve national and international book awards), many newspaper and magazine feature articles, solo gallery and museum exhibits across the U.S. and abroad. Whats off in the future? Upstream travel restrictions are in effect fromJune 15 through September 15annually. $('.ml-subscribe-form-4352337 .row-success').show(); Much of the animosity dates back to when President Clinton signed the monument into effect as one of the last items he accomplished in office. . Expect to see deer, foxes, coyotes, eagles, pelicans, falcons, hawks, cottontail rabbits and assorted other wildlife. The remnants of the dam are to be demolished, but NPPD will retain the water rights to the river. The river gauge at 525 South indicated a depth of 2.5', and the river moves slow. Part 3: The Loup River. That night high winds, massive lightning shows, and solid rain came down. "); July 29-30 August 19-20 September 9-10 Book Now 3 Day Missouri River White Cliffs June 23-25 June 29-July 1 (Full) July 20-22 August 11-13 (Private trip) August 26-28 Book Now 4 Day Missouri River White Cliffs June 20-23 (Private trip) June 22-25 June 27-30 (Full) The White Cliffs are magnificent, but we promise, it only gets better. I was happy, somewhat warm in my Zero degree Marmot bag and needing to pee badly -having held this bodily function for the last 6-hours due to my lack of desire to get out of my warm confines. I closed my eyes and let my kayak spin down the river. It begins at Fort Benton and ends at the James Kipp State Park, some 150 miles in length. After all, my predecessors who hiked through here 160 years ago didnt even have neoprene, sunscreen or bent-shaft paddles. I'm sure the "liquid-boyscout" (i.e Coleman fuel) helped a great deal at getting a fire going. Fort Benton is a microcosm of Montana towns, where traditional activities like ranching and farming stand right next to new-age yoga retreats and tourism-based businesses. The upper Missouri is a muddy, slow moving (typically 1-3 mph) river. 2023 The Outbound Collective - Terms of Use - Privacy Policy. It was one of the two main emigrant routes to the American West in the 19th century, the other being the southerly Santa Fe Trail from Independence to Santa Fe (now in New Mexico). Start at Coal Banks Landing and float beneath beautiful sandstone cliffs and white stone spires that the explorers compared to Europe's finest cathedrals. The current averages between 3-5 miles per hour with a flow that can range between 30,000 -100,000 cubic feet per second. Hint: Go during the middle of the week when there are fewer visitors on the river and enjoy! The tall white cliffs looked like castles and poet towers, the sun periodically shinning down as if spotlighted just for our benefit. Large chunks of ice floated by having broken off from the nearby shore. Best times to go are end of May through to September. It inspired me as well but time is the problem! I didnt use dry bags, nor did I find it necessary to wrap my backpacks into waterproof plastic bags. Paddlers should keep alert and avoid logs, wing dams and other structures in the river, including navigation buoys. The area is rich in history from the days of Lewis and Clark to the present. My Chota Mukluks have had a leak since day one. We are talking about getting out into the wild and having an adventure that happens to be in a canoe. I had a book on their explorations with me and I made stops where they did. A lot of information available there. No one can discount the value of polar fleece in these conditions for maintaining body warmth. I did this 2000-mile trip solo in 1998..about two months totally self supported. Be aware that much of the upper area between Ft. Benton and Coal Springs Landing is private land. }, fetch(""). The Gasconade forms in the Ozarks of Wright County, then flows northeast . I wanted something safe and stable so I could go without being afraid., Because of everything I saw on your site, she said, I thought Sea Eagle would be cool. I dont see much difference in the two other than the keel (could I buy a keel and glue it on? Canoeing the Upper Missouri River is like floating through history. A vital resource for a successful trip on the Upper Missouri River. I think she is doing the South American continent at this time. Hat Creek headwaters are located north of Harrison, Nebraska, and are fed by numerous streams out of Pine Ridge. I was thinking that the best fish and chips are at a little place in Astoria, OR. To get to the Neat Coulee, you'll need to do a river trip. Learn how your comment data is processed. area) seems to have much muddier banks then the first half of the trip. When I replied in the affirmative they said they had checked the two campsites at the 20 and 40 mile points the night before, and having not found me, had thought I had had an accident. We felt honored. The White River headwaters are located southeast of Harrison, Nebraska. With my contrived, two-whitewater-boat floating platform, I drifted a bit slower than my companions in their flat-water kayaks. There are two U.S. Bureau of Reclamation projects in the Niobrara River drainage. Most river trips take place from mid-June to early September, and during that period campgrounds can be busy. If you are planning a big NWT trip I recommend the Athabasca, Slave and Mackenzie rivers to Tuktoyaktuk. At about400,000 acres, the Upper Missouri River Breaks National Monument was on the list, and locals were furiouson both sides of the debate. by We ended up seeing 6 Bald Eagles, 2 large turtles, musk rats, and even a deer cooling off in the river. Beatrice. Being a little biased, I would submit that the Platte River system is the crown of the state, and that the Niobrara River is the crown jewel. Camping is very primitive, and once you leave Fort Benton, you will be floating through isolated land. A self-supported trip created by guest-paddler Trip Overview Lewis& Clark Section of Upper Missouri - Ft. Benton to Judith Landing I arrived in Great Falls, MT from Central California on June 2 in a raging rainstorm which dropped 5" of rain in 24 hours. Features the famed Badlands section. There was evidence of beavers, but alas we never spied one. I wish you well with your future adventures and soon Im sure I will have a smile as big as yours. The smaller tent we took to fit in the kayak worked for this, but it was too hot, and too confining during the afternoon. pageTracker._trackPageview(); QT Luong's updates and thoughts on photography, travel and nature, Posted on October 22, 2020, 11:30 am, by QT Luong, under, upper missouri river breaks national monument, Crossing the Missouri River by ferry in the middle of nowhere, Treasured Lands wins Two Photography Awards, Reducing depth of field by focus stacking in Almaden Quicksilver, Sony A7R5 vs A7R4: technical review from a landscape photographers perspective, Visiting the National Park of American Samoa: Tuitula, Lower Courthouse Wash: Out of the Beaten Path in Arches National Park, Our National Monuments wins a National Outdoor Book Award, Visiting Americas National Monuments, the Parks Less Traveled. (Eventually, Zinke and Trump capitulated and didnt remove or reduce the size of the Upper Missouri River Breaks National Monument.). Plus, as a journalist and filmmaker, I take my own sweet time to stop and capture the images for work. I went from Coal Banks Landing to Kipp Recreation Area in the Upper Missouri River Breaks National Monument,she told us. The headwaters of the Niobrara are near Manville, Wyoming. No fees or permits, but you must sign in at the Put-in points. We were camped on a large island downstream from Coalbanks landing. @Beatrice, we rented an RV in Vancouver and drove north to Whiehorse, every night we setup beside water. You should plan ahead and have your gear lined out. On the other hand, it is not great for motorized travel. Most boaters prefer canoes for carrying large items such as coolers to make camping more pleasant. The shoulder seasons extending a month on either side of the main floating season offer far greater solitude, but the weather is more dynamic and temperatures could drop down to near freezing two pluses as far as I am concerned. We use it tandem. First, I want to do the Northern Territories. I love to sit lower, it feels like a hard hull kayak, yet super comfy and safe. No regret. Can you tell me why you chose the Explorer over the Fasttrack? The only difficulty I found was that some landing spots were very muddy. The Lewis and Clark Expedition came right through this spot in Fort Benton, where they landed and spent time exploring a nearby fork of the Marias River to investigate whether the Marias was, indeed, the northwest passage. From there they would be most likely eating mac & cheese type meals. Fifty years after Lewis and Clark had made their way upstream through here in their pirogues, a lively paddlewheel steamship business began operating on the Missouri River all the way from St. Louis to Fort Benton, Montana, where the pioneers disembarked and began settling the upper West. Leaving Ft. Benton on the 2nd of December in a blinding snowstorm prompted the local newspaper to take our photos. MoRP - Home The Missouri River Paddlers WeProviding the most comprehensive information on planning a descent down the Missouri River. Hi Beatrice, This access point is not maintained and is narrow and steep and is not publicly advertised. The box canyons that rise out of the river beckon you to get out of your boat and go explore. Ft. Benton is north of Great Falls about 1/2 an hour. The river was solid ice about 20-feet out. We saw some wild goats, heard Coyotes in the night and saw lots of bird life. I feel like we just kind of raced through some of the best parts. Cheers, Mark. From the Headwaters in Three Forks, the fast moving current quickly takes you through some of the most scenic landscapes in the state. I am going to contact you, Besides the usual camping preparations, you need to bring your own water. : "http://www. It was practically the only sound in the still dawn silence except for my paddling partners cries for "hot coffee.". Whether you prefer kayaking or canoeing, paddling the Missouri River in South Dakota also known as The Mighty Mo' deserves a spot on your bucket list. The North Shore Rivers Edge Trail East is a moderate trail that has been created mostly by the local biking associations. There might just be a Sea Eagle FastTrack in Beatrices future. I found Sea Eagles site, read your blog, and watched all the videos on your site. Wildlife on this undeveloped river was amazing. I was prepared, Beatrice said. As we all know, Lewis and Clark relied heavily on Sacagawea. July and August are very hot on the river. I started boating back in the early 1980s, when kayaking wasnt really a thing; back when if you saw a kayak on the top of a car you pretty much knew whom it belonged to. I have blog posting on here as well, it was done a couple of years ago. I did meet two guys on the river last year who were doing the whole Missouri. I paddled the length of the Missouri River solo in 1995 and that upper section is stunning. The Wild & Scenic is broke down into three major sections. The White River ends at the confluence with the Missouri River south of Chamberlain, South Dakota. And she was. Launches: The major put-in and take-out points are Fort Benton, Coal Banks Landing, Judith Landing, and James Kipp Park. Morning broke with clear blue sky that Montana is known for. May 29, 2023 MEN'S JOURNAL: OUR BEST WORKOUTS Adventure Destination: Central Montana's Upper Missouri River Exploring Lewis and Clark's historic territory on the Wild and Scenic Upper. Nothing unusual I suppose since the air temperatures dropped to around -minus 10F; and I believe water freezes at around 32F. Part 1: The Big Blue, Little Blue and Nemaha Rivers. The Spencer Dam and hydro-powerplant is located on the river southeast of Spencer, Nebraska, and was operated by Nebraska Public Power District (NPPD). Actually it was not my idea at all. I would totally go for it! Not really a big deal, after all this is Montana and it could easily be 35`F the following day. They can provide guided or unguided trips, canoes, and shuttle service on the Upper Missouri out of Ft. Benton. All our rivers, streams, creeks and riparian areas across the state provide a multitude of resources, including clean water for domestic and livestock use, irrigation for crops and food, recreation, aesthetic opportunities, wildlife habitat and fauna. I kayak solo because nothing else matters when Im on the water and Im completely connected to my surroundings. I pulled it over gravel, paddled through heavy current, mud, went through 2 storms, and rapids. It amazes me how many people we met prior who said we would never get a fire built after the previous week of rain and snow. This gives the Missouri River immense power. You can base out of Three Forks where there are motels and camping. ~ 96.6 miles. Long Pine SRA is located on Long Pine Creek, and Keller Park SRA is located on Bone Creek, both near Ainsworth, Nebraska. It is indeed forgiving and does not require paddling experience. Guided trips are available during the summer. So, with all of this background on the politics of the Missouri, I set out to discover the heart of the upper Missouri. And she told us why she prefers to kayak by herself. Everything I read was really good. Motorboats are strictly restricted and the riverbed is so shallow that youd want a jetboat. Those social standards, traditions and cultures sometimes clash, and when the Upper Missouri River Breaks National Monument became a political issue with President Trump and Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke, Fort Benton residents quickly took sides. We passed many bald eagles, osprey, great blue heron, golden eagles, Canada geese, and pelicans. BLM supplied river maps (Cost was $8.00 for the pair of very good quality water resistant maps), by I already bought the Explorer and am only going to be doing flatwater. I used a postage cart to haul the first boat around while the dam worker was kind enough to haul the other two boats around the 1/4 portage in the back of his pickup truck. We descended a nearby high hilltop for a spectacular view and sunset of the surrounding area. We used sit-on-top style kayaks made by "Ocean Kayak" The models were "Scupper Pro". That would be an awesome trip. Before You Go The Missouri is a big and demanding river. A group of six canoes arrived at about 2:00pm just as the weather set in. The sound was rather uncomfortable and I hunkered down deeper into my bag to avoid the sound of the wind and tent. var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? Please explore responsibly! We stopped to eat and to swim once. Chilkoot Lake near Haines Alaska, long and narrow, surrounded by mountains, salmon jumping and the fish weir on the outlet river is the best place to see brown bears that we have been to in the north. We were both glad nothing was destroyed and surprised by the addition of another inch of snow. Paddle the upper Missouri River and experience Montana's 'Big Sky' country much as Lewis and Clark did 200 years ago. Once below the dams at Great Falls, the river runs free for the next two hundred miles before spilling into Fort Peck Lake and is where most multiday float trips occur. The final entry of a six-part series on the major rivers and their respective drainages found in Nebraska, with some geography and history about Nebraskas rivers. Safe and respectful use of this essential resource is incumbent on all of us. Just below Citidel Rock which looms over the river like an ancient monolith made famous by the 1830 paintings by Carl Bodmer, we paddled into Hole-in-the Rock camp. So the inflatable was perfect for us. Absolutely beautiful highly remote photos QT. These shelters are ideal since you can set up your tent inside them to avoid anything mother nature dishes out. Water color was muddy and flow rate was 8mph. The second half of the run (Judith landing to James Kipp rec. These two were from Minnesota and were paddling all the way to the Gulf of Mexico--about 5 months of paddling. Conveniently, you pick up your boat at the departure point and leave it at the take out point. I lingered as long as I could before I returned down the trail in this peaceful environment to my kayak(s). For years we thought Hyder Alaska was pretty good but after Haines there is no going back to Hyder. Within an hour it had nearly reached hurricane force. I was losing the pleasure of being in Nature because I had to think about falling out. This is where Chief Joseph crossed., (Editors note: As above, Beatrice named her kayak Meriweather after Meriweather Lewis of Lewis and Clark fame. He received the Ansel Adams Award for Photography from the Sierra Club, the Robin W. Winks Award for Enhancing Public Understanding of National Parks from the National Parks Conservation Association, and was featured in the film The National Parks: America's Best Idea. Aside from cattle ranching on the upper reaches near Fort Benton, the upper Missouri River is remote, silent and pristine. Nearing Judith Landing I saw my first Peregrine Falcon in action as he dove down to catch a fish. This 40-50 mile ride, whether you chose to make it a loop by riding back on a main road, or make it an out-and-back ride on the inner roads has nice roads and great views. I am hoping we will venture into some water trails and I am even thinking, after reading your story, that I might try some solo exploring. Americas Most Important Paddling Rivers, And Why They Matter, Fathers Day Paddling Gift Ideas And Ways To Celebrate. Need to carry water containers on some stretches of the trip or a water filter. Despite the occasional rain we were able to build a nice fire to warm our bones in the 50 degree temps. Thank you Mark. You have successfully joined our subscriber list. The Upper Missouri River Breaks National Monument encompasses 149 rives miles, yet, arguably the most renown and visited section is the 46 miles stretch referred to as "The White Cliffs." . The trail follows the bluffs on the edge of the river with plenty of twists and turns to keep it interesting. I had deliberately stayed away from the cliff side of the river with this type of difficulty in mind so the run was easy even though the canoe was loaded with gear and I didn't have a spray cover. Standard USGS Topographical Maps for Missouri River and campsite map distributed by Bureau of Land Management, Montana, by To see the Niobrara River and White River drainages, click on either river near their respective confluence with the Missouri River. Hello Cindy, If you plan on doing more whitewater than flatwater the Explorer is the better choice. I got Sea Eagles free information packet with a sample of hull material and saw it was good quality. Floating the Niobrara River should be on everyones list. For a look at a woman who did a longer solo trip, check out my new book: Fearless: One Woman, One Kayak, One Continent. 16' Navarro Loon Canoe make of cedar cross beams, fiberglass exterior, wood gunwales and cane seats. Before we left her, we asked Beatrice if she had advice for anyone else interested in her kind of adventuring in a Sea Eagle boat. Seems he has wanted to do this for years. To start, park at the South Shore Trail Trailhead (click the Get Directions link above). Cloud rapids, as my Acadienne ancestors probably did in the 18th century on the way down to New Orleans (most of em were killed on the way back north by natives). guest-paddler, A self-supported trip created by Copyright 2023 VerticalScope Inc. All rights reserved. Fort Benton lies 45 miles northeast of Great Falls. We both have the utmost respect for mother nature and at any time had we felt seriously disrespectful or under her wrath we would have hiked out leaving the canoe and gear till spring. Spent the rest of the day hiking the area and drying out clothing. Combined, these districts irrigate approximately 8,450 acres of alfalfa, small grains and pasture. Cattle grazed the shoreline and splashed in the shallows to keep cool. This remote dirt road is basically the only such road of any type to access the entire route save but few old homestead access places. The Wild and Scenic portion of the upper Missouri River isnon-motorizedJune 15 through September 15, so we had no company of outboard motors. This river is becoming one of the hottest areas to visit. We stopped briefly at Eagle Creek where Lewis and Clark camped. The lakes are so clear, if you suffer from a fear of heights it can be interesting. The Outbound works best with JavaScript enabled. Lewis & Clark camped here in 1805 and the islands were named after Clarks slave York who accompanied them on their historic journey. If youd rather go on your own, Missouri River Outfitters in Fort Benton offers canoe and kayak rentals. Fish and Wildlife Service manages the portion of the river that flows through the Fort Niobrara Refuge, and the National Park Service manages the remaining 67 miles of the river. Many thanks go to Adventure Bound in Ft. Benton for their knowledge of the river and getting my truck to the take out spot two days before I was suppose to be there. Paddle the Wild & Scenic Upper Missouri and uncover the layers of history. With over one million acres of wildfires raging around Montana and a 250,000-acre fire to the southeast of us last summer, plus 90-degree heat, our crew was a bit hesitant about even making the trip. By the time we reached our first camp just downstream from the Marias River, we had acquired nearly two inches of snow on top of the canoe. I could almost envision herds of buffalo foraging for grass while Sioux Indians pondered the potential food-bank. Outfitters Missouri River Outfitters Upper Missouri River Canoe Guides The river put-in is located directly across from Old Fort Benton. The math boggled my mind. The river offers natural settings from the gigantic cottonwoods along the river, to the beautiful White Cliffs section, where the rock formations dazzle you. In the upper right corner of the page, click Trace Upstream. Zoom in and find the point you want to trace the river/stream upstream. Im a dirtbag whitewater kayaker from Missoula, Montana. And since I had sold my raft, I loaded up not one, but two, of my whitewater boats, lashed them together and in the spirit of pioneers I set off down the Mighty Mo. Some people do the trip in 3 days, but most chose 4 days, and I even met a party who took 7 days. I actually had a set of 1894 river maps as well as some BLM maps of the river. Another warm fire, a few more gills of Jamesons, more funny stories of the past and a realization that we were on our last night out on the river made for a final peaceful ending to our journey. Under me, I could feel the pulse of this high-desert landscape. The water in the last twenty miles is very slow and we were glad that it had warmed up otherwise the river most likely would have been frozen completely across. I was surprised they made it at all. I hiked a deer trail up to the head of a cirque and stopped at the base of an 800-foot pillar to rest. Paul. Along the banks I spotted a six point buck, several does, a multitude of pelicans, and a pair of eagles protecting a large nest in a dead fir tree. Judith Landing - James Kipp Recreation Area, River Mile 88.5 - 149.5. Americas Most Important Paddling Rivers, And Why They Matter, Fathers Day Paddling Gift Ideas And Ways To Celebrate. What are access points? Talked to my brother, he is all for it. It's about a 40 mile drive. Mile after mile went by until late afternoon we managed to paddle once again OUT of the snow and into warmer temps. The BLM provides an excellent 65-page meadow lark? With a focus on industry applications and research, the online program is designed with maximum flexibility for today's working professionals. The river is the heartbeat and pulse of the town and its a reference point locals make in their daily conversations. This section is controlled by the Bureau of Land Management, Department of Interior. The new three sided lean-too with cinder brick floors held up well. I tried kayaking with groups, and enjoyed it, but people talk too much.. Day time temperature was in 70's. Do have any more tips? The next day we made good time on the water. Copyright 2023 VerticalScope Inc. All rights reserved. After talking to Adventure Bound, the company which was going to shuttle my truck downriver, I decided to wait an extra day to start and to shorten the trip to the first 100 miles along the White Cliffs and Hole in the Wall and exclude the second 100 miles to Ft. Peck Lake. A lot of wind and current on the way but well prepared and with plenty of time, all is possible! Coal Banks Landing Recreation Area (River Mile 41.5)is best accessed via Gardiner Road, east of US Highway 87 N at mile marker 66.7. The Upper Missouri River is meant to be paddled like Lewis and Clark did. Camping is open on all BLM or government land so it is easy to just pick a spot along the stands of Cottonwoods that show up along the river and not have anyone around for miles. There are many outfitters in Fort Benton like that provide rental, guide, and shuttle services. The hot coffee every morning and limitless amounts of firewood played a huge factor in our attitude. You'll experience the same beauty and tranquility. Since I was within an hour of the Hole in the Wall Shelters I thanked them and headed out. We floated about 65 miles from Coal Banks to Judith Landing, which included the scenic White Cliffs area. I never go beyond my capabilities, and this boat is really, really safe. At times these rivers flood, creating devastation. Most of the people we saw floating used canoes and loaded them heavily with gearand water. I used a Sevylor (I dont know if the Sea Eagle existed back then). The Upper Missouri River Breaks National Monument contains a spectacular array of biological, geological, and historical objects of interest. I think they sell them). 3 day/2 night minimum in order to take advantage of the great hiking opportunities as well as make time to relax after paddling and exploring. I wouldnt trade my Explorer for anything! After having kids in the 1990s, I transitioned to rafting so I could pack along their creature comforts. First day had strong head winds, but other days were very mild. The total combined area is 14,179 square miles. I could carry two people but, honestly, I prefer to be on my own. I live just south of Spokane and have a Paddleski. The no-see-ums were so bad that we cut the trip short and paddled extra miles to do it in 2 days, instead of the planned three. After you have researched the river's rules and regulations you need to plan your river route. At times these rivers flood, creating devastation. The trail goes east following the bluff Ride Your Bike Near the Highwood Mountains, Neat Coulee on The Upper Missouri River Breaks, Hike or Bike the South Shore River's Edge Trail. The developed campsites where I stayed had vault toilets and fire rings, and sometimes 3-walled shelters.
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