So, one of the things that we looked at back in the 2020 election was not so much the specific claims or the specific elements of myths or disinformation, but it was more the thematics that were emerging, so not pinning it to a single individual, instead, looking at, hey, these are some of the claims we were seeing and here are the security controls or preventions in place that would actually not allow that to happen in an election. I dont get that. But today, she tells Kara that there are a few things she doesn't find funny anymore - including Donald Trump. Apple C.E.O. So, I think they don't -- there's just so much of it, and it floods the zone so much, and they make money from it, but they don't want to -- they don't want the responsibility for it, even though it's on their platforms, and they should have the responsibility. Robert Mueller and his team of prosecutors laid out over several hundred pages, detailed evidence of all the multiple times they believed President Trump committed crimes by obstructing justice while he was in office. You got to be thinking about where abuses could happen. Well, now, this federal judge has actually seen what happened behind the scenes. You dont know. influencer. Its gotten worse. Sorry, Donald. Visit, Donald Trump signed the Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency into existence in 2018 with the mandate to protect Americas infrastructure from threats digital and physical. Thats a huge opportunity. Republicans appeared to be horrified by his testimony, by the idea that the Justice Department will try to fully fund its work on civil rights and violence against women and domestic terrorism and extremism, which of course the FBI says is predominantly a white supremacist threat. Im aware of the sort of stakes here but not the nuance and you have helped with that a lot. This decision is meaningless. Were @karaswisher and @nayeemaraza on Instagram. And I think that's more the problem is Washington moves at a glacial pace around these things. Youre like, What? Because they taste good, as opposed to the shitty strawberries we all have to eat. Federal Judge Amy Berman Jackson ruling today that this supposed advice that William Barr got from the Justice Department that supposedly led him to conclude that these weren't crimes and therefore Trump shouldn't be criminally charged, she ruled today that that advice to William Barr has to be released to the public. I was like, I could be a frigging waitress, Ill be just fine. You know what I mean? He said that the people had spoken in Latin. Kara Swisher. So, it has to fit the Senate rules about what kind of legislation you can pass by those means. And the business community, the leaders that have signed on to this effort through our Fair Elections Texas are making a simple point and a recognition, one, giving people more access to our democracy, empowering more people to vote. MARGARET BRENNAN: We could keep talking about this. In the case of Twitter, it was a permanent ban, because Jack Dorsey did what it took and made the difficult decision to take him off. So, new president, new attorney general, a Justice Department very much and very obviously under new management. I never went in the office. So, I think their lack of care is really disappointing. I did say guys before when I was talking about-. First published on October 23, 2022 / 12:35 PM. Democrats can move on now. 21 days ago On with Kara Swisher Jeremy Strong, Alexander Skasgard and Succession Spin-Off Theories (Spoiler Alert) 25 days ago On with Kara Swisher Ukraine's Tech Advantage a month ago On with Kara Swisher A.I. She co-founded her own conference and media company, first within the Wall Street Journal and then independent independently. That's the story they told the public. And Twitter also, who this is a big communications platform, even though it's a terrible business. I hate the office. KARA SWISHER: Sort of. ALISON BEARD: And do you think that those people are moving the industry in a better direction, a more positive direction? And when the whole FTX debacle was unwinding, the markets were actually up. Theyve helped us a lot of ways, but theyve also problem created some big problems. But the attorney general did not share it with anyone else. Actually, one of the things I remember was Mike Isaac, I think, or one of my employees, and theyre like, I didnt want to tell you I was he was going to the New York Times. The Justice Department had demurred, had said, no, we're not going to release that document, that's real legal advice, and we don't release those things to the public. I dont care if theyre trains or planes or automobiles, its the same thing with tech companies. Walter Isaacson: And I'm like, "Okay. And unfortunately, I am concerned that it results in violence. KARA SWISHER: Well, I have a new thing where I call it staff zero, where I dont want to have anybody as my staff. I like Andy Jassy of Amazon. Kara, welcome. Republicans in Virginia are meeting to nominate their candidates for Virginia elections. ALISON BEARD: As I just said, you have been covering the tech industry since close to the beginning. I spent the last day of my Code Conference talking about climate change tech. You're embarrassing yourself with your slavishness. Doomsday with Tristan Harris a month ago On with Kara Swisher Lilly Singh on Making It on Social Media and Hollywood a month ago Kara talks to Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI and the man who's led the launches of Chat. But Scott's 100% right. Hes spending all his time on climate change tech. Now, when Mueller finished this report, you might remember that Trump's attorney general bill Barr told the public that he, William Barr, had consulted with Justice Department attorneys, and decided on their advice that despite these 10-plus detailed instances of alleged criminal obstruction of justice by President Trump laid out Mueller report, Bill Barr consulting with Justice Department attorneys had determined that despite all of that nothing Trump did was really a crime. Before this, we had seen American Airlines and Dell Computer that had spoken out about the restrictive voting proposals in Texas. He doesnt care. I agree with Scott, someone's going to jail. Nearly all were based overseas, had financial motives and displays a clear rightward bent. It always works out because if you stay at the fair too long, you just become stale and youre just phoning it in. KARA SWISHER: I think we have to fix the internet. Theyre not interested in anything but making money. After president Trump used Facebook and other social media to incite the January 6th attack, Facebook finally banned him from their site, saying it was too dangerous to allow him to continue to post there. Huge news if the Democrats can make it happen. But Im sorry, you asked about climate change. The exchange took place on the Thursday edition of On . I mean, I dont find that weird. If you can stop the dumb, pointless process of talking to Republicans about what they want, given that they won't vote for anything, you can actually make plans to move forward on something that can pass through the Senate, through the budget reconciliation process. I dont work for other people. We have an upcoming episode where Kara and Nayeema tackle your Qs about career, love, or life in general. They just decided, in her words as a given, from the outset, that Trump wouldn't be charged with anything, no matter what. Hannah Bates is our audio production assistant, and Ian Fox is our audio product manager. Facebook faces choice over reinstating former President Trumps account amid pushback from conservatives. Listen and follow The Weeds: I just think its better. Whats your view on diversity in tech? I have to say its a really nice an ability to be an entrepreneur and make things that then have impact on wide range of people, whether its your customers or your employees is really kind of cool. Im always like, You can do what you want. But today, she tells Kara that there are a few things she doesn't find funny anymore - including Donald Trump. I dont try to immediately pick fights, but I will push back and say, Think harder. Has it gotten better? Somehow you will overcome the odds. Twice a week, Kara Swisher and her executive producer Nayeema Raza invite a guest to be "On with Kara Swisher." So why do newsmakers show up? Learn more about your ad choices. The attorney general's four-page letter says the attorney general did not draw a conclusion, one way or the other, as to whether the examined conduct constituted obstruction of justice. I think it's slightly dangerous. I just think we have to really bring our greatest minds together. A lot of companies are taken care of, and I think Facebook was one of them, or Meta was doing that so they'll try to figure it out. ALISON BEARD: You cant just mute the comments or whatever, because-. I was like, If thats not going to work, then this isnt going to work. MARGARET BRENNAN: Scott, there are also layoffs, not just at Twitter, but we saw some at Facebook, we saw job cuts at Amazon. JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: All transgender Americans watching at home, especially young people, youre so great. And so they were just starting to come up with ideas between the SEC and the CFTC of how to regulate all this stuff. If this falls away, then you need this. So, I spent a lot of time thinking about that. The judge continues, quote, What remains at issue today is a memo to the attorney general dated March 24th, 2019, that specifically addresses the subject matter of the letter transmitted to Congress. Big Fortune 500 companies spoke out about how that bill would hurt not just transgender people in Texas but it would also hurt the state. 30 year old billionaire Sam Bankman-Fried, top Democratic donor, he's known in this town. October 23, 2022 / 12:35 PM Right now, this new thing, I left the New York Times, people were like, What? But again, Margaret, I think this is more noise than news because 99.99% of the people on the planet would pray to be recently laid off person from Meta or Google. I didnt want to take orders, really, and I didnt believe in some of the orders I was taking. She says the Justice Department, quote, strongly resisted, allowing her -- even her, the judge, to see the document they had been trying to keep secret but she did see it, and when she did see it, she finally understood why they had been trying to keep it under wraps. So, yeah, no. Theres all kinds of really new materials, and obviously you have to get to peoples use. Or is this just a gimmick by Elon Musk for PR? And so I think it's not gonna matter to most people. Theres some people in strong positions of authority. She says, in fact, William Barr decided from the outset that President Trump wouldn't be charged with any crimes, and what he had the justice cook up for him was an after the fact rationalization of that decision that he had already made. Stop it, media. MADDOW: Is the oversight board making this decision about Trump based on an assessment of whether or not he has held to Facebook's rules, or are they making a decision on the basis of some sort of understanding of some greater good? Remember, Barr said that they didn't rely on this prohibition on a president being prosecuted while he's sitting in office. Im talking about civilly disagree. At a certain point, I think we do ourselves the favor by no longer going through the motions and talking about the Republican Party like they are part of the game, here. And they don't fall into the same scrutiny including a 30-year-old MIT graduate, who we're all hoping is kind of the next Jesus and doesn't need a board of directors or doesn't need any sort of regulatory scrutiny. Im not unfair, right? I mean, it's almost kind of amazing, Chris, that- that there isn't more scrutiny. Twitter has become a playground for bad actors and fake bots. And so, he does a lot of -- you know, obviously, with transportation, that's another area that's important to look at and who owns it. You think right now is the end of my career? I say that to young kids, including my sons, my older sons. CHRIS HAYES, MSNBC HOST, "ALL IN": That is "ALL IN" on this Tuesday night. So, it's all performative. So, the climate, if we dont have the planet, it really hardly matters if youre on a dating service if the oceans cover the land, right? But, the beltway presses all head up today about the prospect that Republican Congresswoman Liz Cheney is about to be kicked out of her leadership role in the Republican Party in Congress over her ongoing criticism of the former president that may yet happen. I cant even begin to understand. The same thing on the American families plan, and honestly, zero Republicans are going to vote for any Democratic proposals on immigration as well. Hollywood actors could soon go on strike as contract deadline looms, Supreme Court sides with designer who declines to make same-sex wedding websites, Hundreds arrested as France rocked by new protests over police killing, United CEO admits to taking private jet amid U.S. flight woes, As student debt relief fails, some point to "hypocrisy" of PPP loans, Why Elon Musk reinstated Trump's Twitter account, Barr: "I don't like the idea of a former president serving time" in prison, Full transcript of "Face the Nation," May 28, 2023, Transcript: Dr. Scott Gottlieb on "Face the Nation", Transcript: Former New Jersey Gov. You know, I mean, I think the issue is- is he- he already does a lot of defense work and a lot with the rockets and everything else. Theyd resist it, and Im like, Its good for me. ALISON BEARD: But whose leadership do you think merits the most respect? But TikTok represents a specific risk. For an optimal experience visit our site on another browser. Recycling as a good business, try to figure out how to make recycling an actual business, food. KARA SWISHER: I started writing about it very early, is the social media misinformation. And then, according to the judge, they lied to a federal judge about what they had done. Think about that. If everything was delivered, there was a company ever that would be created, and Amazon just didnt exist at this point, or maybe just did and was just selling books. That story in detail is next. This is how "The Washington Post" described what went down. It just gets in the way of their vibe. November 20, 2022 / 1:18 PM It was like meeting Thomas Edison when he invented the light bulb kind of thing. He was kicked off of Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, after January 6. Even if youre right, its not going to end well. So, I think about, he gave a great speech at Stanford that I read every month or so, which I referenced in my last Code, which is if he had too many days in a row where he said he wasnt happy, he stopped and he changed. Very legendary venture capitalist. She says they told her say goodbye, you will never see your son again. It took a long time and a lot of violations. That feels really great. I really do appreciate entrepreneurship quite a bit. And in the US, we've decided to worship tech billionaires. 36 min MAY 28, 2023 "With Open Eyes" Part 1 (with Jeremy Strong and Alexander Skarsgrd) "With Open Eyes" Part 1 (with Jeremy Strong and Alexander Skarsgrd) Host Kara Swisher unpacks the Succession series finale, "With Open Eyes," in a two-part supersized podcast. SWISHER: Well, they're trying to do a greater good thing. Chaos and discord, it's actually from the Russian playbook. I think if- if Elon is out of the news for more than 48 hours, he'll decide to kick him off again. The following is a transcript of an interview with Kara Swisher and Scott Galloway, co-hosts of the podcast "Pivot," that aired on Sunday, Nov. 20, 2022. ALISON BEARD: You know, as I was researching for this interview and then also thinking about the evolution of the tech industry, I realized that you are a lot like many of these leaders that youve covered. I ask this question of men too. I honestly have no idea what they're going to do about it. Dont even listen to these politicians who do this. Think about use of social media and other things, continue to do that. The media mavens early interest in tech, parties with Bill Gates (and the artist formerly known as Puff Daddy), doing Sports Illustrated at age 81, big ideas like KMartha or MarthaAI, and why nothing not prison time nor the idea of aging can stop the constant reinvention of Martha Stewart. I think I unsettle him for some reason, so I cant imagine Im always like, Third times a charm, Mark. You know? What are people working on? We had a really interesting entrepreneur from an Israeli who was putting things on piers with waves. Email us at or find us on social media. Given that they have that guaranteed from Republicans they can move on, knowing that they only need to negotiate now amongst themselves, which is no small thing. MADDOW: So, this isn't my wheel house at all. MARGARET BRENNAN: Welcome back to Face the Nation. Chris Hayes: Kara Swisher is the host of the podcast "On with Kara Swisher" and "Pivot." She is a co-founder of the technology website Recode. I see him as an outlier, and there's not going to be a lot of them. Now today, "The New York Times" is first to report that the Democratic Senate leader, Chuck Schumer, is planning to add a bunch of immigration reform stuff to the infrastructure bill, to try to pass a limited number of immigration reform proposals, as part of that next big piece of legislation the Democrats are going to move. It's gonna matter to the chattering class who enjoys dunking on each other throughout the day, essentially. I mean, there is FCC scrutiny of ownership of news organizations. The Republican-sponsored law would have had the state step in to mandate which bathrooms transgender Texans would be forced to use in public schools and government buildings. The analog tends to win in the end, I would say. And a colleague of mine wrote a paper, Dakota Cary wrote a paper for Cyberscoop, talking about how it's not necessarily the data security challenges, it's that the Chinese Communist Party may have the ability through the parent company of TikTok to actually shape narratives, suppress, lift, shape, what we see on a daily basis, and it doesn't have to be everything you see all the time. 'On With Kara Swisher' on with kara swisher How Diia Is Becoming the Ukrainian Government's Real Everything App Kara Swisher talks to Ukrainian deputy PM Mykhailo Fedorov and Samantha. This ought to be interesting. I mean, I used to at least know two women CEOs or positions of authority. I do believe that's a big deal and it deserves more attention than the beltway press. Thats taking it and putting it in algae or out in space or whatever. Questions? Kara, for- for users at home, what does this actually mean? That insane fantasies also what is animating the anti voting rights rollbacks in Republican controlled states around the country. Kara talks to Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI and the man who's led the launches of ChatGPT and GPT-4. Tell me about the big lessons that you learned launching that with Walt Mossberg. You look around and you create jobs and ideas and things that people use. Btw i don't care that they do, but for those who really abuse these important drugs (and they are possibly life changing for many in clinical settings), it's made most of them meaner, stupider and more certain that they're gods. With all the sections of the judges rulings redacted. ALISON BEARD: And in all of these ventures, youve been the face and the leader. You know, the claims of mules and ballot trafficking, it doesn't happen, particularly in a way that someone like this would- would be able to detect anything. I would like people to move on to greater things and realize greater potential that they have. So, I like people who are ambitious and eventually will leave me. And he made pretty big headlines with his testimony, letting Congress know that the Justice Department under Attorney General Merrick Garland will be seeking considerably more funding to up its capacity specifically on civil rights enforcement and on fighting domestic violent extremism. He was one of the first investors in Amazon and Google in the early days. Kara Swisher is back and so, it seems, is Chris Cuomo. Duration: 4:3 Transcript Amna Nawaz: More than 20 years ago, Kara Swisher decided to leave The Washington Post to cover the Internet full-time. Could the the Higher Education Act lead to loan forgiveness? Published: 2022-10-23 12:35 pm The following is a transcript of an interview with CBS News cybersecurity expert and analyst Chris Krebs and Kara Swisher, tech journalist and host of the podcasts "On with Kara Swisher" and "Pivot," that aired on Sunday, Oct. 23, 2022. Same thing with phones. But I think when you see this sort of wholesale firing and the way in which he's gone about firing, that creates this type of resentment, I easily see the site going down. Its certainly not people of color. KARA SWISHER: Yeah. I mean, is it really that? I think if youre frustrated, you should go. No, I think there's going to be strings attached. You know, DHS launched their disinformation governance board earlier in the year, and that was not actually met with with any kind of fanfare, and they ultimately sort of backed down, even though efforts they were taking through that group have been underway for a decade or more within DHS. Stay with us. It depends on the company. MADDOW: If they do decide to allow him back on to the platform tomorrow, do you think that means he's both back on the platform in the short-term but also essentially indemnified from being kicked off again for the kinds of things that he's been shown to do that they have decided to look away from by putting him back? What exactly happened here? Thanks for listening to the HBR IdeaCast. Thank you, my friend. The idea of a worldwide network of information, think about that. Joining us now live is Ron Kirk. That was last year. ALISON BEARD: Yeah. Here's my contact information. Visit, Wanda Sykes can find the funny in almost anything: lockdown during Covid, vaccine hesitancy, book bans. Stop it. KARA SWISHER, HOST OF "ON WITH KARA SWISHER": Thanks for having us. So yeah, I think- I think Elon is doing this on his own. She had to stay there till eight oclock at night. The Weeds: We Need to Rethink Discipline Inflection AI: Personalized and More "Woke" Than The TruthGPT Elon Might Make. BRYAN CHAVEZ, REUNITED WITH MOTHER: There's no words to describe the happiness that Im feeling right now, and Im grateful with all the people that they did this amazing work to allow my mom to come back. So, I -- honestly, I hate to say this, the tools are available to him, and they do nothing about it.
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