We serve a population of 655,000 across rural and urban communities in Lanarkshire. To find health services near you, visit theNational Services Directory on the NHS inform website. Donate and support our work. Bothwell Contact your main host/health board if you need to make changes to your personal information. He has a strong conviction on the considerable benefits of integrated services and that the best solutions are developed with those most affected. A site to help anyone submit a Freedom of Information request. 3rd Floor Judith was appointed as Deputy Director of Acute Services in April 2018. It will take only 2 minutes to complete. In May 2017 he retired from the position of Chief Officer for Inverclyde Health and Social Care Partnership. HS1 2PS. The Scottish Government is committed to publishing all information released in response to Freedom of Information requests. Dingwall Do not give any personal information because we cannot reply to you directly. From both these roles he brings a strong interest in public health and a passion for data driven and digitally enabled transformation. This might include your name or address, for example. He is a member of the Chartered Institute of Public Relations. Contacts to amend your ophthalmic listing, ophthalmic.contract@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk. Cameron House Some features on this site will not work. Stirling [ Placeholder content for popup link ] Judith completed her Kings Fund Top Manager Programme in January 2019. and a limited company (03277032). As a result, NHS Digital no longer supports any version of Internet Explorer for our web-based products, as it involves considerable extra effort and expense, which cannot be justified from public funds. Kind regards Rick 2 people think this response is helpful By continuing to use our website, you are consenting to the use of our cookies. SocietyWorks Ltd Centre Ground Floor North doe@lanarkshire.scot.nhs.uk). Lanarkshire NHS Board, Lawlor, Michelle, The 111 service isnt suitable for medical emergencies. Local support Lanarkshire Staff Care and Wellbeing Service Available to: all NHS Lanarkshire staff Tel: 01698 752000 (24 hour helpline) Email:staffcare@lanarkshire.scot.nhs.uk Twitter: @StaffCareNHSL One-to-one support; critical incident support for individuals and teams; peer support; Schwartz Rounds; Values based Reflective Practice (VBRP). By continuing to use our website, you are consenting to the use of our cookies. Email paul.cannon@lanarkshire.scot.nhs.uk; Board Papers 2023. Latest participants of Project Search celebrate their graduation. Support and advice during the cost of living crisisIf youre worried about money and paying bills, its important to seek advice quickly. View all FOI responses at http://www.gov.scot/foi-responses. Linda Brownlie| Lead Freedom of Information Officer | NHS Lanarkshire | : 01698 752634 | : http://www.nhslanarkshire.scot.nhs.uk/. If you have received The Board will meet at Law House, 4 Airdrie Road, Carluke, ML5 5EP and via Microsoft Teams. Lerwick 1. The request was refused by Lanarkshire NHS Board. Colin was educated at Kelso High School, then gained a BSc in Astronomy & Astrophysics from St Andrews University and subsequently an MSc in Industrial Relations from Stirling University. Bothwell, United Kingdom. NHS Fife vaccination website fife.immunisationqueries@nhs.scot 01383 565456 (Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm). Major step forward in creating a truly digital NHS through worlds largest email migration to the cloud, NHSmail use by NHS Digital: GDPR information. jdoe@lanarkshire.scot.nhs.uk) and [last] (ex. Examples include: Please find the appropriate contact details below: Ophthalmic Listing Team, Thank you. You can change your cookie settings at any time. Through FOI request, please can I have a database, preferably in Excel format, of GP practices in NHS Lanarkshire with their email addresses (e.g. Our Health Together Living our best lives in Lanarkshire, I am coming for an out patient appointment, Support and advice during the cost of living crisis, https://www.nhslanarkshire.scot.nhs.uk/data-protection-notice/, Browse our vast range of documents such as reports, strategies and policies. Iain Crosby, HR Assistant 01698 754353. Our Services | NHS Lanarkshire Our Services For information about individual services, please visit our main A-Z of Services or contact our General Enquiry Line on 0300 3030 243. The email migration from the NHSmail platform (@nhs.net) to the NHS Scotland Office 365 platform (@nhs.scot) began in June 2020 and completed in December 2020. NHS inform is Scotlands national health information service helping the people in Scotland to make informed decisions about their own health and the people they care for. He previously held the post of chief of medicine for the north sector in Glasgow between 2015 and 2019, where he provided leadership across a broad spectrum of clinical specialties and, prior to that, clinical director for renal services and the centre for integrative care from 2009 to 2015. Phone System provides a way for organisations to configure telephony services and allows users to make external calls through their existing Teams client. NHS Lanarkshire partners with schools to support pupils to live healthier lives. PARTNERS. jane.doe@lanarkshire.scot.nhs.uk), which is being used by 76.0% of NHS Lanarkshire work email addresses. Access training and guidance materials for NHSmail. NHSmail Guide Support Chatbot - Start Using it Today. The following is a list of relevant health board contacts, if changes to personal or listing details are required. He went on to study journalism and worked as a reporter in England and Scotland before moving into public relations with South Lanarkshire Council. Ross-shire And Director of Acute Services in November 2020. Lesley is the former Solicitor General for Scotland. Westholme Contact your GP. d-j@nhslanarkshire.co.uk) has the highest usage frequency - 48% of the time. Starting her career as a clinical pharmacist in Hairmyres Hospital, Jann has gone on to hold a number of professional and senior leadership roles within clinical, operations, strategy and transformation, always with a patient centred innovation focus. NHS24 - 111 Service for urgent health advice out of hours NHS Inform - Scotland's health information service LANARKSHIRE SERVICES Your feedback helps us to improve this website. Bellshill Social Work Locality Sir John Mann. Find out more on theNHSmail support pages. He has particular expertise in the healthcare sector and in strategic business planning and reorganisation management for large technology organisations. Before that, Jann was Deputy Chief Executive and Chief Operating Officer in NHS Fife. Primary Care Department The majority of interactions patients make with the health service are made through GP practices. He has a keen interest in research and innovation utilising digital to help transform the delivery of health and care services. G71 8BB, Email: lavinia.langan@lanarkshire.scot.nhs.uk, Primary Care Contractor His management and leadership roleshave provided considerable experience of organisational change,community engagement,service developments and improvement, partnership working and making best use of available resources. We provide commercial For account unlocking and password resets please use Helpdesk Self Service (HSS or alternatively contact your organisations Local Administrator (LA) for further support. Try for free at rocketreach.co Contact details . Who is the Director of Information and Digital Technology of NHS Lanarkshire? He is adept at developing critical solutions while standardising and improving current practises and procedures while also having a strong background in process and operations improvements and strategy and business planning. The health board is currently being assisted by 32 military personnel who will be. NHSmail is the national secure collaboration service for health and social care in England. Your donations keep this site and others like it running. For a full list of Community Hospitals within NHS Lanarkshire please visit the health boards website. checked on my return. Kirkwall If you're unable to resolve an NHSmail issue with your local IT Team, you can contact the national helpdesk 24 hours a day, 365 days a year: There is currently a problem with the NHSmail Portal. If you re looking for advice on treating common health problems why not consult self-help guide? Covid-19 Information & SupportStaff Coronavirus (COVID-19) Hub, Find out about the personal information we use and your rights visit https://www.nhslanarkshire.scot.nhs.uk/data-protection-notice/, For out-of-hours urgent medical care call NHS24 on 111, For health information, call NHS inform on 0800 22 44 88, [ Placeholder content for popup link ] Maureen went on to lead the developing community service and for the past ten years has been Head of Service for the Lanarkshire Dietetic Service which includes Acute and Primary Care Services. Find us View map Last Updated: 30/11/2022 Report this listing. 15 Strand Street practice managers). This may not be your host board. Alastair Boyle MBE has been involved in protecting the public for all of his career. You can use the NHS Directory to search for the details (email, telephone number, pager,organisation details) of other colleagues who use NHSmail. Scottish Ambulance Service Board National Headquarters 1 South Gyle . Training and guidance material is available on a range of topics including: NHS Digital has successfully completed the worlds largest ever enterprise email migration after moving 2.1m NHSmail mailboxes over to Microsofts Exchange Online platform. Click People Finder in the navigation bar at the top of the screen, 2. and (iii) do not copy the email or disclose its contents to anyone. Kilmarnock National Services Directory on the NHS inform website, accessing medicines self-help guide on the NHS inform website, NHS Lanarkshire Video Call Access to Services, Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service, WordPress Download Manager - Best Download Management Plugin. If your GP cannot help, email dg.vaccinationenquiries@nhs.scot or phone 01387 403 090 (Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm). NHS Lanarkshire, 61K Download NHS Lanarkshire moved to the "highest risk level" in October as its three hospitals were at maximum capacity. During her time as a Procurator Fiscal she worked in many locations across Scotland and prior to being appointed Solicitor General in 2011 was the Area Procurator Fiscal for Glasgow. Teams within North Partnership take part in iMatter. Soumen Sengupta is the Director of Health and Social Care for South Lanarkshire. Martin Hill is a retired health service senior manager and former trust chief executive, having most recently served as vice-chair of Lothian NHS Board and a member of Edinburgh and West Lothian Integration Joint Boards and, before that, as a non-executive member of NHS 24. Website Visit website Address Monkscourt Avenue Monklands Airdrie ML6 0JS . 2-4 Waterloo Place Find Info NHS Lanarkshire Questions Is NHS Lanarkshire growing? We use cookies to collect anonymous data to help us improve your site browsing Originally from Chennai, India, Josephine began her career in the UK in 1995 in the specialty of obstetrics & gynaecology before moving to pursue her ambition to work in public health. If you have a general question about NHS Lanarkshire or any of its services, visit our Contact Us page for more information. To search for an entry within the NHS Directory: Microsoft 365 Alert Service Degradation Microsoft 365 Defender Users encounter slow loading webpages in third-party web browsers if utilizing the web content filtering feature NEW, Microsoft 365 Alert Service Degradation Exchange Online Recently migrated on-premises users may be unable to send email NEW, INC36714677 New account creation issue UNDER MONITORING. Judith Park has held a variety of senior managerial positions in NHS Lanarkshire including Divisional General Manager for Surgery & Critical Care, Divisional General Manager for Womens Services, Cancer & Diagnostics and Site General Manager (Wishaw General). MFA helps protect users by making it harder for someone else to sign in to your NHSmail account. Use 'My Identity Portal' to pre-register and link your NHS accounts to be ready for this new feature. Jann had been Chief Executive of NHS Golden Jubilee since January 2019 and was responsible for the establishment of the Centre for Sustainable Delivery (CfSD) and the NHS Scotland Academy. The most common NHS Lanarkshire email format is [first]. Brian has had a 39 year local authority career with considerable experience of social care and social work services as a practitioner and senior manager. For out-of-hours urgent medical care call NHS24 on 111. Click 'Accept all cookies' to agree to all cookies that collect anonymous data. Donald was educated at Edinburgh Napier University where he gained a BSc in Information Systems and later an MBA. Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service, WordPress Download Manager - Best Download Management Plugin. Paul joined NHS Lanarkshire in September 2017, having spent 2 years previously as Deputy Head of . WordPress Download Manager - Best Download Management Plugin. Highlights included command of the Scottish Transport Regiment and the award of an MBE for leadership in national logistic planning for operations in Afghanistan and Iraq. Siobhan is also a Chartered Public Finance Accountant, a previous Non-Executive Director of West of Scotland Housing Association/Chair of their Audit Committee, the previous Chair of the Audit & Governance Panel at South Ayrshire Council, a past national examiner for CIPFA/ACCA, and current Non-Executive Board Member for the Scottish Housing Regulator and Chair of their Audit & Risk Assurance Committee. Lothian NHS Board Waverleygate 2-4 Waterloo Place Edinburgh EH1 3EG Main Switchboard: 0131 242 1000 YOUR RIGHTS. Regent Road For all other NHSmail queries, the national NHSmail helpdesk is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year on 0333 200 1133, or via email at helpdesk@nhs.net. Aberdeen North & West Operational Unit University Hospital Hairmyres Call 01355 585 000 University Hospital Monklands Call 01236 748 748 University Hospital Wishaw Call 01698 361 100 Ally is a Trustee of Blood Cancer UK and a volunteer for Cancer Research UK where he co-chairs a Patient and Public Involvement panel and represents the patient voice on research funding committees. AB15 6LS, Primary Care Support We use this information to make the website work as well as possible and improve our services. The 111 service isnt suitable for medical emergencies. Edinburgh NHS 24 provides comprehensive health information and self care advice to the people of Scotland. KY8 5RG, Primary Care Isle of Lewis Gillian.swinburne@lanarkshire.scot.nhs.uk. Team (PCCT) 3. Find out more below: For an A to Z listing of health and health-related services provided by NHS Lanarkshire, For advice and guidance on the most appropriate healthcare help from local healthcare professionals, For information about NHS Lanarkshires three university hospitals and community hospitals, If you think that someones life is at risk you should call 999 immediately, The Scottish Ambulance Service and Accident and Emergency departments provide care for people with. Colin then worked in a variety of management roles in NHS Lothian, NHS Greater Glasgow and the Scottish Government before joining NHS Lanarkshires planning directorate in 2009. 2023 January 25; 2023 March 29; 2023 May 31; Archived Board Papers Board Papers 2022. Martin has wide ranging experience in strategy development, executive coaching, leadership development and change management. IV15 9UG, Lavinia Langan Brownlie, Linda (SC) - Communications, GP practice contact details and list sizes are widely used by health boards, the Scottish Government, researchers and other organisations. Opening times Normal opening times Monday . When searching the NHS Directory for a contact entry, you will be able to tell that they are a contact and not an NHSmail user as it says (Contact) after their name and there is a contact book icon next to their name as per the screenshot below: Cant find the answer youre looking for? CONTACT NHS LOTHIAN. The partnership has volunteers across Scotland who go to secondary schools to educate young people about stem cell, blood and organ donation and recruit them to the stem cell register. KA1 1HU, Primary Care Development If you wish to attend a Board meeting, please contact Paul Cannon, Board Secretary: The following sets out the up-to-date position with regard to the Declaration of Interests by Board Members and Senior Officers, in accordance with Sections 4 and 5 of the Boards Code of Conduct for Board Members. Fallside Road You should only phone call 111 if youre too ill to wait until your GP practice reopens. Please note that those who join as guests cannot use the camera and microphone functions or participate in the meeting using the chat function. NHS Lanarkshire. School aged children: 01387 246952 dg.schoolvaccinations@nhs.scot. NHS Lothian provides a comprehensive range of primary, community-based and acute hospital services for the populations of Edinburgh, Midlothian, East Lothian and West Lothian. I am looking forward to this new chapter in my ever-evolving career. Please quote the FOI reference We use analytics cookies to collect information about how you use our website. Get quick and convenient assistance with your NHSmail queries through NHSmail Guide. This is important when two users have the same name. Director of Planning, Property and Performance. The Microsoft Cloud Computing Strategy Programme is tasked with implementing a potential 80 million investment with Microsoft, over five years, in a new NHS digital system for Scotland as announced by the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Sport in November 2018. View as HTML. In her role as carer for her father, she has gained first-hand experience of the challenges and opportunities of health and social care integration. Professor Jann Gardner joined NHS Lanarkshire in December 2022 and has more than 30 years of healthcare management experience. Information-Security-PolicyEmail-Acceptable-Usage, NHS Lanarkshire recognises inspirational staff, Teams within South Partnership and vaccination service take part in iMatter, Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service, WordPress Download Manager - Best Download Management Plugin. NHS24 have direct links to the Scottish Ambulance Service, so if you call them and they think that you need an ambulance, they can get you one. Run by Volunteers and powered by Alaveteli. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. KW15 1BH, Primary Care Format: CSV: Language: English: Links: Information on GPs in post and their contact details, NHS Scotland; Graham SHULMAN | Cited by 17 | of NHS Lanarkshire, Bothwell | Read 13 publications | Contact Graham SHULMAN May YANEZA, Consultant | Cited by 214 | of NHS Lanarkshire, Bothwell | Read 22 publications | Contact May YANEZA Latest participants of Project Search celebrate their graduation. Domestic Abuse. She is also actively involved in researching all of the above topics and has presented and published a range of papers in these areas, both in the UK and overseas. I have all round experience in all committees of the Council, and I have many outside interests which give me a broad spectrum on life. Get Verified Emails For NHS Lanarkshire. Emails will be NHS Lanarkshire - improving the health of North and South Lanarkshire. You may find an answer to your question here without having to call. It is very important to consider the implications of choosing settings as 'public' or 'private' in Teams as this setting allows you to manage sharing content with NHSmail users via Teams. NHSmail is our secure email service approved by the Department of Health and Social Care for sharing patient identifiable and sensitive information. For the main switchboard contact 01236 748748. Cameron Bridge Gill Swinburne, HR Advisor 01698 754352. Printed from https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/list_of_gp_practices_in_nhs_lana on July 01, 2023 10:58, Julius Alejandre made this Freedom of Information request to Lanarkshire NHS Board. Contact details . Woodend Hospital You can also search on organisation by selecting Organisation from the first drop down menu and then typing the organisations name (or part of its name) in the next box. He currently serves as a Board member of the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA), with particular interest in climate change and environmental sustainability within health. Chief Officer - Health and Social Care North Lanarkshire. With over 35 years post qualified experience he has wide ranging capital project experience and has provided project management, development monitoring and building surveying services to banks and institutional property funds; commercial property investors; landlords and tenants; owner-occupiers; health trusts and local authorities. In the search box type the first name, last name or the email address you want to search and press the enter key Handy Hint If you need to narrow your search further, use the Advanced Search icon. Primary Care Department Paul joined NHS Lanarkshire in September 2017, having spent 2 years previously as Deputy Head of Administration in NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde, and 4 years as Head of Administration in the Acute Division, also within Greater Glasgow & Clyde. In 2016 she was awarded an honorary doctor of laws by the University of Glasgow. 160+ million . Director of Primary Care for NHS Lanarkshire, providing strategic leadership for pan-Lanarkshire Primary Care services. I attach the response to your recent request for information. New Scapa Road Clepington Road Judith holds a BA (Hons) in Nursing and a post graduate Masters of Business Administration from Glasgow University. Try for free at rocketreach.co Jann Gardner email address & phone number | NHS Lanarkshire Chief Executive contact information - RocketReach Contact details Reception 01355 236 331 Website Visit website . JB Russell House Number of injuries from e-scooter accidents in the NHS Lanarkshire area 2020-2022. Colin spends his Saturday afternoons in the winter refereeing rugby matches. Maureen joined NHS Lanarkshire in 1991 as a part of the dietetic department within Monklands Hospital. If you think that someones life is at risk you should call 999 immediately. Choose the criteria to be used from the drop-down menus, for example, Type and then User. Phone: 0300 244 4000, The Scottish Government Burgh Road He joined NHS Scotland in 1987 through the National Management Training Scheme, and trained in the Borders and Glasgow. All content is available under the Open Government Licence v3.0, except for graphic assets and where otherwise stated, Investment in new NHS digital system - gov.scot (www.gov.scot), NHS Ayrshire & Arran (@aapct.scot.nhs.uk), NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde (@ggc.scot.nhs.uk), NHS Lanarkshire (@lanarkshire.scot.nhs.uk). Emma LIDSTONE | Cited by 150 | of NHS Lanarkshire, Bothwell | Read 6 publications | Contact Emma LIDSTONE . Don't be a stranger - please email corpcomms@nes.scot.nhs.uk and let us know your new email address. Bankend Road Other common NHS Lanarkshire email patterns are [first_initial] [last] (ex. EH1 3DG. Find us View map Last Updated: 30/11/2022 Report this listing. Upper Floor Montfield HQ Please contact the ward before planning your visit. Find your relevant contact below and email us with any queries or questions. Shetland Linda Brownlie Contact information. Recent News. Diabetes. The email migration from the NHSmail platform (@nhs.net) to the NHS Scotland Office 365 platform (@nhs.scot) began in June 2020 and completed in December 2020. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. Promoting openness and accountability - what do you want to know? He has worked within the Third Sector for over 25 years in areas which have included mental health, welfare and debt advice, housing and employment. And we hope you feel the same.Dont be a stranger - please email corpcomms@nes.scot.nhs.uk and let us know your new email address.https://scottish.sharepoint.com/sites/Office365Champions/SitePages/Auto-Forwarding-of-Emails-for-NHS.net-accounts.aspx, https://scottish.sharepoint.com/sites/Office365Champions/SitePages/Auto-Forwarding-of-Emails-for-NHS.net-accounts.aspx. He has been a consultant renal physician since 2000. Gillian MCCOLL | Cited by 141 | of NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, Glasgow (GRI) | Read 9 publications | Contact Gillian MCCOLL
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