If the parents are divorced, court order of One of them requires us to send the Original US Passport, whereas the other just needs us to send a self-attested copy of the passport. - State Issued ID OR. In case of applications filled in India with FRRO, applicants should go to the FRRO office in person/through must not be manually If the parents are divorced but one parent has sole custody: corrected or over- Sole custody is with one of the parents then Divorce Decree and Custody documents are required. when a new passport is issued after completing 20 years of age. In case the existing OCI card holder wishes to update/upload the latest information about his latest passport, Change in address/Occupation/Contact details, the OCI card holder can select the option/(s) as given below and upload the latest photograph and requisite documents. MAKE SURE YOU PRINT THIS DOCUMENT, COMPLETE IT AND INCLUDE IT IN YOUR APPLICATION AS THE COVER. Photograph to be affixed on the application should be a To avail Miscellaneous Service, you must be an existing OCI Card Holder. appropriate office. Upload signature must match with the signature on the physical form and passport. In case of minor applicants, parents should NOT sign in the box. left thumb impression may be placed in the signature box. The re-issuance of new OCI card will be applicable for following categories: 1. 26.01.1950 or being eligible to become a citizen of The Department will retain the completed affidavit, and requests for copies of the affidavit should be made at the time of its execution. Email ID Mobile no. the spouse as being an Indian citizen. - If Married/Divorced in any other country: Marriage Certificate should be attested by two authorities: 1. PLEASE PRINT AND SIGN A COPY OF THIS CHECKLIST, ALONG WITH YOUR APPLICATION. Applicant's Passport Name no. Email ID Mobile no. form online. Email ID Mobile no. Please produce your passports(s) and PIO card, if applicable, in person/through authorized person for affixing OCI visa sticker and issuance of registration certificate. NEW OCI Checklist - For MINOR (US NATIONAL BY BIRTH). Email ID Mobile no. Upload signature must match with the signature on the physical form and passport. AFFIDAVIT IN LIEU OF ORIGINALS I , solemnly swear that the enclosed documents are true copies of original support documents submitted along with OCI application: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) The originals of the above support documents are in my possession and will be produced for Hereby affirm and declare as under: - 1. review Florida Rule of Judicial Administration 2.516. Proof of U.S. In addition, contact the National Passport Information Center (NPIC) toll-free at 1-877-487-2778 (TDD/TTY 1-888-874-7793) or by email at NPIC@state.gov. YOU NEED TO MAIL THIS Checklist AND OTHER DOCUMENTS WITH YOUR APPLICATION. Centre will then return your application unworked. NEW OCI Checklist - Required MINOR DON'T STAPLE THE DOCS Please provide alternate valid documents NOTE: DO NOT CUT YOUR DRIVER'S LICENCE COPY DOWN TO SMALLER SIZE Important: PO BOX. 10 Email ID Mobile no. For minors above the age, or signature and parents signature is a must), Please provide 2 most recent passport size color photos (not older than 6 months) of the. For detailed specification- please click here 3 PARENTAL AUTHORIZATION FORM - Click here to Download NOTARIZED AND. DOCUMENTS IF APPLICABLE, Both Pre-paid labels or VFS offered courier label return address must match with the address proof submitted and mentioned on the application form. This form when completed should be submitted in original along with photograph, signature and requisite documents. Affidavits, Common, Marriage, Affidavit of common law marriage, 5147-Notarized_Affidavit_Samples v2015.1 Revised 2015-04-01 NOTARIZED AFFIDAVITS A Notarized Affidavit is a written statement that is required if you are unable to provide the original document confirming facts of your application. In case of minor who cannot sign, his/her left thumb impression may be positioned in an signature box. affidavit giving reasons for the name change. A copy of the parents' marriage certificate is required. FEE PAYMENTS & COURIERS. Documents Required used OCI Select Application in US - Path2USA . Upload signature must, Application confirmation letter/ Payment confirmation is mandatory. If there are any objections while processing the applications, the same will be displayed on the Online Status Enquiry. For Minors/ Newborn. PIO card (if any) and the original documents for which self-attested copies were attached at the time of Requirements: An application form completely filled out and signed by the applicant, Checklist, Global, Tourist, Visa, Vfs global, Checklist tourist visa tr, G.P.-S. 017-0194 REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA DEPARTMENT OF HOME AFFAIRS MEDICAL CERTIFICATE CONDITIONS OF A RECURRENT NATURE Although the person(s) may be generally in a good state of health at , Common list of recognized Travel Medical Insurance Companies Version dated 1 February 2017 Name of the insurance company Address Phone and Fax Numbers Website Name and position of, The date of the notary's signature must be the same as the date of your signature. In case the OCI card holder is the spouse of an Indian citizen, copy of the Indian passport of the Indian spouse. In case the existing OCI card holder wishes to apply for re-issuance of OCI Card, application form, complete in all respects, along with all relevant enclosures and requisite fee may be submitted to the Indian Mission/Post/Office in whose jurisdiction the applicant is ordinarily residing irrespective of the fact whether the same Indian Mission/Post/Office has issued the original OCI documents or not. Both parent's valid Visa status in the USA (for Non-USA passport holders) is required. _ _ _ - _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ THE FOLLOWING IS A LIST OF DOCUMENTS TO BE SUBMITTED FOR APPLYING FOR NEW OCI for Minor Applicant. The re-issuance of new OCI card will be applicable for following categories: Kindly be ready with Applicant's image and Applicant's signature image (Max size 1Mb). Attached to this affidavit is a copy of formal documentary evidence of a common law marriage. spouse or any other proof substantiating the status of . After receipt of application in concerned office, a File (or Acknowledgement) Number would be issued to - OCI-Minor-FirstTimeApplicant.md. This feature is to re-upload supporting documents for your OCI application. Surname at birth (Former family name(s)) (x), Applications, Photo, Visa, Schengen, Stamp, Stamp photo schengen visa application, Photo schengen visa application, Application for Schengen Visa This application form is free 1. As per latest MHA guidelines, The re-issuance of new OCI card will be applicable for following categories: In case of issuance of new passport (once a new passport is issued after completing 20 years of age.). Kindly be ready with both these images before starting the registration process. Minor applications: 1. form online. 5 ORIGINAL. After submission of online application, a copy of the application form will be printed with an Online Registration Number. Also minors below 5 years a thumb impression is required. THE FOLLOWING IS A LIST OF DOCUMENTS TO BE SUBMITTED FOR APPLYING FOR NEW OCI for MINOR Applicant. Application form on Parts A and B, complete in all respects, Please do not send original documents unless specified. MANDATORY DOCUMENTS. VFS INDIA CONSULAR APPLICATION CENTRE employees cannot, YOUR APPLICATION STATUS WILL BE UPDATED IN 48. Please select the correct Indian mission based on the place where you reside in the USA and the mission s jurisdiction. Enclosures to be attached with the application: In case of applications for registration as Overseas Email ID Mobile no. name, father's name, nationality etc. In case of loss/damage in OCI registration certificate. - Utility Bill - Gas (should be recent, no more than 3 months old) OR. YOU NEED TO MAIL THIS CHECKLIST AND OTHER DOCUMENTS WITH YOUR APPLICATION. 9 MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE OF PARENTS A copy of the parents marriage certificate is required. respect of the parents/ one of the parents or any other On the OCI Form Part B. Note: Birth certificate, from the date of submission of application at the, In case of a Minor, parents are requested to provide a copy of the. TO TRACK THE STATUS ONLINE, CLICK HERE. The physical and uploaded photograph must be identical The digital signature must also be uploaded on the Govt. valid passport (applicable in all cases), with validity of Details for New OCI Checklist for Minor US National by Birth 1. IMPORTANT GUIDELINES Envelope should be superscribed as NEW OCI MINOR BY BIRTH. Class Magistrate/District Magistrate (DM) of the NEW OCI Checklist - For MINOR (US NATIONAL BY BIRTH) Applicants Name Passport no. the legal custody of the child is with the parent who is In case of issuance of new passport (once a new passport is issued after completing 20 years of age.) In case of applications submitted to the Indian 2 Parents OCI Card COPY. _ _ _ - _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ THE FOLLOWING IS A LIST OF DOCUMENTS TO BE SUBMITTED FOR APPLYING FOR NEW OCI for MINOR Applicant. After successful registration, copy of Part A and Part B with an online registration number will be printed. The height and width of the Signature Photo must have aspect ratio 1:3. Please note: VFS INDIA CONSULAR APPLICATION CENTRE employees cannot edit or make any changes to your online application form. shoulders showing the full face in middle of the photograph. (Trivandrum) , Ahmedabad and Goa. - For College/University Students living on campus in University housing/dormitories, a letter NEW OCI Checklist - For MINOR (US NATIONAL BY BIRTH). BOTH PARENTS must sign the parental authorization form failing which the application cannot be processed. Envelope should be superscribed as NEW OCI MINOR BY BIRTH. Final determination of the name(s) to, Annexure). You must, of the email notification. This might, help avoid any processing delays in case your form expires at 90 days before subm, After submission online, no changes can be made. Incorrect information may, NOTE: YOU MUST SEND YOUR COMPLETE APPLICA. This feature can be used only after successful online registration. Such candidates would be further required to furnish an Affidavit on a Non Judicial Stamp Paper of Rs.10/- in the prescribed format. the documents upon which the OCI/ PIO card was issued; or. In case change in address/occupation/contact details. 3 V f s g l o b a l . 1 NAME CHANGE AFFIDAVIT NOTARIZED AND. Photographs that do not conform to these standards will be rejected and may cause a delay in processing the applications. If you are an PIO Card Holder and card is in lost state, kindly register through OCI Registration (In Lieu Of Lost PIO-Card). One Envelope can contain only one application only. Indian Passport copies of the parents are still a mandatory requirement. I see 2 different checklists on VFS website for "New OCI for Minor". Proof of Current Citizenship A valid US passport or birth certificate showing that the applicant was born in the United States. Both the images must be in jpeg or jpg format, with max size 500kb. If not, please provide the supporting documentation. Applicant's Signature The height and width of the Signature Photo must have aspect ratio 3:1 The minimum dimensions are 360 pixels (width) x 120 pixels (height) The maximum dimensions are 900 pixels The images must be in jpeg or jpg format , with max size 30kb (width) x 300 pixels (height). Original as well as a copy of passport (biographical pages only). I living in The United States. an affidavit from the person who completed the translation (if the Family status (e.g. You must strictly comply with the format requirements set forth in the Rules of Judicial Administration. It is mandatory to upload Applicant's image and Applicant's signature image during OCI-Registration. As soon as permission is granted by concerned Indian mission or Indian FRRO, the status will be shared with the applicant on e-mail, For Status Enquiry about your application, visit : https://ociservices.gov.in. 3 72 business hours hence track the status only after 48-72 hours. The maximum dimensions are 3500 pixels (width) x 2500 pixels (height). You must complete application within 7 days from the date of receipt of the email notification. You need to mail this form and other documents with your application. If there is a change in name from an Indian passport or birth certificate, please submit a notarized ORIGINAL. APPLICATION CENTRE. In case of minor who cannot sign, his/her - Driving license OR. should not be stapled and not have any signature. One Envelope can contain only one application only. Email ID Mobile no. 7 - marriage Certificate in case the address in spouse's name, birth certificate of child in case of MINOR applicant along with parent's address proof. This might help avoid any processing delays in case your form expires at 90 days before submission to the Mission After submission online, no changes can be made. India: Copy of Indian passport of the parents / one of If you are an PIO Card Holder, kindly register through OCI Registration (In Lieu Of Valid PIO-Card). - Income Tax return OR. This might help avoid any processing delays in case your form expires at 90 days before submission to the Mission'. Form DS-11: Application for a U.S. Passport 2. ITALY - CHECKLIST FOR TOURIST VISA Check Box List of requisite documents Remarks One Visa application form which must be completed in English and signed by the applicant. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU PRINT THIS DOCUMENT, COMPLETE IT AND INCLUDE IT IN YOUR APPLICATION AS THE COVER PAGE. In the case of MINOR submit a NOTARIZED parental authorization form. Deputy National Ombudsman for Swift, Yolanda V (202)205-6918 (202)481-6128 Regulatory Fairness Administrative Specialist Eaddy, Anne M (202)205-7025 (202)481-0217, 1 Key tips and facts for making a Lasting Power of Attorney for Health and Welfare England and Wales This factsheet aims to support you to fill in , ITALY - CHECKLIST FOR TOURIST VISA - vfsglobal.com. 12 ORIGINAL. To complete the questionnaire & create a profile: Click here to proceed If paying by Money order or Banker's check then it should be made in favor of VFS Services (USA) Inc. 9 PERSONAL CHECKS ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE. OCI Part B: Both parents signature. prescribed box. square shape of size not less than 51*51mm (with 80% coverage This feature is to download and reprint application form, that you have already completed online. Step by Step Instructions & checklist in applying Freshened OCI - The . It may NOT work on I-PAD, Tablet, Mobile phone browsers or Apple devices. Surname (Family name) (x) 2. pending visa extension is under process Required recently expired Visa or I, with I-797C Receipt Notice for filing of a request for extension before the expiry of Visa or I, to send your complete application to the VFS, entered while completing the registration process on VFS, Do not sell or share my personal information, http://visa.vfsglobal.com/usa/en/ind/attend-centre. authorized person. Check your eligibility before you start your registration. submitting application, for verification purposes. changes is required. _ _ _ - _ _ _ - _ _ _ _. Please do not send original documents unless specified. must . 2. Photos must be 2-inch x 2-inch in size, in color, depicting front pose against a white/ plain light (pale) background with dark colored dress on photographic paper. YOUR APPLICATION STATUS WILL BE UPDATED IN 48 72 HOURS POST ITS DELIVERY TO THE VFS INDIA CONSULAR APPLICATION CENTRE. Evidence as spouse of foreign origin of a citizen Please follow the instructions and send requisite PORTAL. The minimum dimensions are 200 pixels (width) x 200 pixels (height). A declaration signed by the OCI card holder and his/ her Indian spouse or OCI card holder spouse to the effect that their marriage is still subsisting. 4 Applicant's thumbprint or signature and parents signature is a must). of dispatch of documents from Delhi or any day after receipt of documents at the Mission/Office A person who has not attained the age of 18 years is In case of minor child whose both parents are 1) Name differences on Legal Documents 2) Certificate of Current Standing Previously Registered. 0% found this document useful, Mark this document as useful, 0% found this document not useful, Mark this document as not useful, Save New Oci Us National by Birth Minor Oct 2021 For Later, TO BE SUBMITTED FOR APPLYING FOR NEW OCI for, MAKE SURE YOU PRINT THIS DOCUMENT, COMPLETE IT AND INCLUDE IT IN YOUR APPLICATION AS THE COVER, application. name, father's name, nationality etc. Please see reference of acceptable photography as Photo Link. The services under these categories are gratis in nature: In case issuance of new Passport Details (each time a new passport is issued up to 20 years of age and once after completing 50 years of age). Passport should be valid for at least 6 months from the date of submission of application at the VFS INDIA CONSULAR APPLICATION CENTRE. - In case of applicant residing with parents/children/ relatives, a notarized undertaking from them with one of the Notarized copies of address proof as indicated above. Enquiry. This feature is to re-upload Applicant's Image/ Signature. The minimum dimensions are 360 pixels (width) x 360 pixels (height) The maximum dimensions The images must be in jpeg or jpg format , with max size 30kb are 900 pixels (width) x 900 pixels (height). It is mandatory to upload Applicant's photograph and Applicant's signature image during OCI-Registration. portal. Please provide 2 most recent passport size color photos (not older than 6 months) of the applicant (hard copies). Dont punch dummy information. It must reflect (i) Names of parents; (ii) Date of Birth; and (iii) Nationality. IMPORTANT GUIDELINES Step by Step Instructions & checklist for applying Fresh OCI The completion of the application may take up to 30 minutes Kindly be ready with Scanned copy of the following items before starting the registration process. white) without the border with front view of person's head and THE CONSULATE RESERVES THE RIGHT TO CALL FOR ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS, AS CONSIDERED NECESSARY. For detailed specification- please click here ORIGINAL & DIGITAL 3 PARENTAL AUTHORIZATION FORM - Click here to Download In the case of MINOR submit a NOTARIZED parental authorization form. In case light (pale) background with dark colored dress on photographic paper. -In case of applicant residing in a hotel or, expired documents like lease/ driving license copies ar, NOTE: DO NOT CUT YOUR DRIVER'S LICENCE COPY DOWN TO SMALLER SI. _ _ _ - _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ THE FOLLOWING IS A LIST OF DOCUMENTS TO BE SUBMITTED FOR APPLYING FOR NEW OCI for MINOR Applicant. YOU NEED TO MAIL THIS CHECKLIST AND OTHER DOCUMENTS WITH YOUR APPLICATION. In case of loss/damage of OCI registration certificate. THE FOLLOWING IS A LIST OF DOCUMENTS TO BE SUBMITTED FOR APPLYING FOR NEW OCI for Adult Applicant. - Valid Lease Agreement OR. proof substantiating the status of the parents/ one of For Re-print this application, visit : https://ociservices.gov.in, For status Enquiry about your application, visit : https://ociservices.gov.in. To complete the questionnaire & create a profile: Click here to proceed If paying by Money order or Banker or Cashier check then it should be made in favor of VFS Services (USA) Inc. You must, Services, Global, Vfs global, Lieu, Oci in lieu of, Vfs services, uploaded documents to VFS Indian Visa, Passport and OCI application Centre Select the document and upload Mandatory documents NZLW M15 Select any category and upload JP attested documents and start uploading You can open your form from here, Internet Explorer browsers. ORIGINAL. at the time concerning submission of petition. Kindly be ready with File reference number of your application along with the passport number. Complete the process, online on VFS INDIA CONSULAR APPLICATION CENTREs website to. . Signature/Thumb impression should be confined to the prescribed box. GENERALS OCI DOCUMENT CHECKLIST. Today's Posts; Forum; Other States - Visa/Immigration; India Passport / Visa / PIO Card / OCI / Dual Citizenship; If such is your first visit, become sure to check output aforementioned FAQ by clicked the link above. Reprinting cannot be performed after your application gets acknowledged at Indian Mission/FRRO. IT IS ABSOLUTELY MANDATORY to complete VFS ONLINE REGISTRATION PROCESS before sending your physical application. IMPORTANT GUIDELINES Please ensure that all data entries provided in your application match with your existing passport. The physical photo must be affixed on the physical application form and the digital photo must be uploaded on Govt. The maximum dimensions are 3500 pixels (width) x 3500 pixels (height). If your application lacks any of the documents listed in this Checklist , your application will be put on Hold and an email notification highlighting the deficiencies will be sent to you. marriage or common-law union, divorce, annulment, legal separation, birth, adoption, death of the principal applicant or any, Document, Checklist, Affidavits, Marriage, Format, Document checklist. In case of minor applicants, parents should NOT It minimum 6 months at the time of submission of application. Kindly be ready with supporting documents in PDF format (Max size 1000kb). PLEASE PRINT AND SIGN A COPY OF THIS CHECKLIST, ALONG WITH YOUR APPLICATION. In case the OCI card holder is the spouse of an Indian citizen, copy of the Indian passport of the Indian spouse. Application gestalt on Divider A and B, complete in all respects, along with all relevant enclosures can be submitted to the appropriate office. In case application lives submitted in India, copy of any type of Visa (other than Missionary Visa, Tourist Visa and Mountaineering Visa . IMPORTANT GUIDELINES. Failure to complete online registration process will result in returning your application unprocessed. VFS will not be responsible for return of any additional original documents submitted Please ensure that all data entries provided in your application match with your existing passport. In the case of those who have been registered as OCI card holder as spouse of foreign origin of a citizen of India or spouse of foreign origin of an OCI card holder, provision for uploading a copy of the new passport containing the photo and also a latest photo on the online system each time a new passport is issued, along with the following:-. 72 business hours hence track the status only after 48-72 hours. -In case of applicant residing in a hotel or temporary lodging for a short period of time and does not have a --permanent address proof, then can submit copy of notarized hotel bills as proof of residence. NEW OCI Checklist - For ADULT (US NATIONAL BY BIRTH) After successful registration, copy in Part A and Part B with an online registration number will be printed. Fathers name: Date application: Applications, Visa, Application for visa, Cyprus, Cyprus application for visa. In the case of spouse of an OCI Cardholder - COPY 5 CURRENT PASSPORT INFORMATION PAGE COPY (DO NOT SEND ORIGINAL PASSPORT) Information page that contains the picture and personal details of the holder of the Passport. THE FOLLOWING IS A LIST OF DOCUMENTS TO BE SUBMITTED FOR APPLYING FOR NEW OCI . India, such as Passport copy, Aaadhar Card, Voter Card or PAN Card, Educational Qualification Certificate etc. - Utility Bill - Water (should be recent, no more than 3 months old) OR. In case of applications submitted in India, a Mission jurisdiction can be viewed at -centre You are recommended to fill a fresh OCI application form if your form has been completed more than 70 days ago. sign in the box. For minors above the age of 5 years, the applicant has to sign the form. documents to the Indian Mission/ Office where you have applied If there are any objections while processing the applications, the just will be displayed on the Online . write). THE FOLLOWING IS A LIST OF DOCUMENTS TO BE SUBMITTED FOR APPLYING FOR NEW OCI for MINOR Applicant. PLEASE. you need to mail this checklist and other documents with your application. 4 BIRTH CERTIFICATE COPY. APPLICATION CENTRE. After receipt of application in concerned office, a File (or Acknowledgement) Number would be issued to the applicant by way of acknowledgement. YOU NEED TO MAIL THIS Checklist AND OTHER DOCUMENTS WITH YOUR APPLICATION. be rejected and may cause a delay in processing the Copy of the already registered applications can become obtained using PRINT FORM option in individual registration form by supplying the Web File number as well as the date concerning birth. It must reflect (i) Names of parents; (ii) Date of Birth; and (iii) Nationality. Outside India, to the Indian Mission/Post having jurisdiction over the country of which the applicant is a citizen or if he/she is not living the country of his/her citizenship, to the Indian Mission/Post having jurisdiction over the country of which the applicant is ordinarily resident. any type of Visa (other than Missionary Visa, Tourist Visa and _ _ _ - _ _ _ - _ _ _ _. After verification of the uploaded details by concerned Indian mission/FRRO, an acknowledgement through email to be automatically sent to the OCI card holder informing Updated details have been taken on record.
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