(APPENDIX). 202Director: Cheryl Meyers Email: cmeyers@ironboundcc.org Website: www.ironboundcc.orgUnity Family Success Center50 Union Avenue, Suite 403Irvington, NJ 07111973-372-4353Director: Marielle NateraEmail: mnatera@pmch.org Website: https://www.partnershipmch.org/programs/fsc/LaCasas 1 Family Success Center28 BroadwayNewark, NJ 07104973-483-2703 ext. Center For Family Services offers a comprehensive continuum of care and a broad range of services to best meet the current and changing needs across the New Jersey community: Your recovery is possible. FARC also recognizes and seeks to address the needs of those transitioning from homelessness, our veterans, the elderly, the disabled, and families in need. DONATE VOLUNTEER With Accessibility Features. A devoted husband and father, beloved son, cherished friend, and physician on the cusp of a . Freehold, NJ 07728. Text STOP to opt-out. Networks may be city, county, or regionally-based. New Jersey Covers All Kids - All children can apply for NJ FamilyCare, regardless of their immigration status.Download English PDFDownload Spanish PDF, DCF Hotlines and Helplines 2-1-1 NJ Resource Net LGBTQI+ Resources, Sponsor Programs for Children and Families, Children's InterAgency Coordinating Council Dashboard, Electronic Service of DCF Legal Documents, Child Protection and PermanencyLocal Offices, Child Protection and PermanencyArea Offices. Retrieved from http://www.state.nj.us/dcf/providers/notices/Exhibit-D_NJ.FSC.Practice.Profile.pptx Fourth national incidence study of child abuse and neglect (NIS 4). Keansburg. Division of Child Protection and Permanency (DCP&P), Victims of Crime Compensation Office (VCCO), Local Police Departments assist with criminal investigations and filing for restraining orders, South Jersey Legal Services provide lawyers to offer legal assistance with family law matters, New Jersey Crime Victims Law Center provide lawyers to offer legal assistance with family law matters, American Friends Services Committee Assistance with immigration matters, Prosecutors Office investigate and prosecute the offender. The New Community Family Resource Success Center takes a strengths-based, holistic approach to service delivery by linking those seeking assistance with information, referral resources and educational opportunities designed to empower and improve the quality of their lives. Make a donation or lead a collection of brand-new, high-quality overnight duffle bags. We will be offering $1,000 scholarships to New Jersey high school seniors through our 2023 scholarship programs. Follow the link below and return your application via email to [emailprotected]. The Family Resource Network is a comprehensive family-focused umbrella organization designed to meet the growing need for community-based programs and services to individuals and families with a variety of disabilities through our its affiliate organizations: Autism Family Services of New Jersey, Caregivers of New Jersey, Epilepsy Foundation of New Jersey and the Family Support Center of New Jersey. Our legal partners can provide pro bono legal representation in family law matters and immigration. FRCs also are designed to help stabilize families before a crisis reaches a level requiring CPS intervention, or a childs placement in out-of-home care. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. All FRCs have reported positive outputs and to some degree, positive outcomes as a result of their family and community strengthening programs. Rowan University is subject to the residency requirements of the NJ First Act (N.J.S.A. Family resource centers (FRCs) also referred to as family centers, family success centers, family support centers, parent-child resource centers, or parent education centers are community-based resource hubs where families can access formal and informal supports to promote their health and well-being. Upstream investment in children and families pays off. Welfare reforms, family resources, and child maltreatment. There's a new Duckling on the pond in Anaheim, and his name is Leo Carlsson. Learn how three jurisdictions are leveraging the Family First Prevention Services Act to serve families through community pathways. It provides links for tax assistance, energy assistance, child care, health programs, re-entry programs, employment and job search. Services include financial literacy, SNAP (food stamps), energy assistance, homelessness assistance, substance abuse services, health care, employment, rental assistance, prescription medications, prenatal programs, senior resources and tax assistance (Earned Income Tax Credit). * Privacy Terms and Conditions of Texting 898211 - Standard message and data rates may apply. Diabetes supplies for those without medical coverage, Harmony House (transitional housing for families), Family Service Bureau (individual, family group counseling), New Community Career & Technical Institute, Not-for-profit agencies throughout Essex County, Supportive Assistance to Individuals and Families (SAIF), Supportive Assistance for Individuals and Families (SAIF). Department of Human Services - Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired | Vocational Rehabilitation (state.nj.us) Family Success Center. Morris. It is a statewide non-profit organization dedicated to developing programs such as respite care, after school and recreation programs. You can be the one to provide help and change a life. Services can also be provided at an offsite location for. (2014). Center for Family Resources. Our hearts are aching at the sudden and tragic loss of our dear friend and colleague, Brad Middleton, MD. Despite the challenge this creates for documenting and evaluating FRCs within and across networks and jurisdictions, this variability is essential for responding to the unique needs of specific communities. Click the careers link below to browse employment opportunities and find where you fit in, and apply today. If you'd like to receive alerts about new resources and announcements, please subscribe to our email lists. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 2018 report, 1 in every 34 people in New Jersey have an autism diagnosis compared to the national average of 1 in 59 people. Mentors are matched with mentees based on common interests and work together to set and reach goals. Family Success Centers are community-based, family-centered, neighborhood gathering places where any community resident can go for family support, information, and services. We strive to provide survivors and their families with the most optimal and coordinated services possible through our partnerships with: The FJC is located in the Monmouth County Superior Court in the lower level room L-49. The AFCARS Report: Preliminary FY 2016 Estimates as of Oct 20, 2017 (No. Call us at 201-336-7150 or email ofc@co.bergen.nj.us. In Alabama, an analysis of short- and long-term impacts shows that for every $1 invested in the Alabama Network of Family Resource Centers, the State of Alabama receives $4.70 of immediate and long-term financial benefits. Given that FRCs are community-driven, they naturally differ in terms of services, interventions, populations, and target outcome measures. Thank You! For all public notices pertaining to the Department of Children and Families click HERE. Need help? Shelter Homes parents do extraordinary things. Directions. It was just so welcoming. June 27th, 2023. 15 Community Services Analysis Company LLC. Explore how Safe & Sound operates a family resource center in San Francisco to stabilize families and prevent child abuse and neglect. Our statewide service is free, confidential, multilingual and always open. Appointments are not necessary but recommended, and children are welcome. Policies; Child Care Professionals. Survivors and their families are provided with resources, crisis support, legal assistance, immigration assistance, case management, and counseling services all in one place through referrals to our partner organizations and supporting agencies for employment/financial services, food assistance, childcare, housing, and pro bono legal services. The Economics of Child Abuse: A Study of San Francisco. By using this website, you are agreeing to ourWebsite Standard Terms & Conditions. Box 729 Trenton, NJ 08625-0729 Phone: 1-855-INFO-DCF (1-855-463-6323) What are some ways San Franciscos Family Resource Centers strengthen families and protect children? Welcome to the NJ FamilyCare website. Family Health Services. The center provides vital services including assessment, case management, goal setting, benefit coordination, support services, linkage and follow-up. The help was quick. Hancock County Family Resource Centers offers a range of medical, nursing and health care services. Donate, volunteer or become a sponsor and help us continue providing much needed services to New Jersey families living with developmental disabilities and chronic illness. (2018.) To view services in detail, please click on the links below Family Support Services on the left. Privacy Policy | The Resource Center will host continual sign up for NJ Family Care and Health Care Education. FARC needs your financial assistance to help meet those needs. For more information on the MAP Team, contact Jane Voorhees Sharp at the Education Information and Resource Center (EIRC), 606 Delsea Drive in Sewell, NJ 08080; (856) 582-7000 ext. LifeTies Mentors are currently needed to support youth aged 10-21 on the path to a safe and healthy future. Find training sessions thatprovide professionals with tools for planning and promoting events. Washington, DC: US Department of Health and Human Services. Many of the programs reporting data do not use a comparison group, a longitudinal approach, or randomized control group design, making it unclear whether families not served by the FRCs could also achieve the same results. How are states building community-based pathways to prevention services through Family First? Available anytime and everywhere in New Jersey. Postpartum Depression. Family Success Centers offers services to any children, youth, families, individuals, and communities. All services are continuing under the Center For Family Services umbrella. (n.d.). Early Intervenion - Mid-Jersey CARES for Special Children Collaborative The Mid-Jersey CARES (Collaboration, Advocacy, Resources, Education and Services) for Special . Get news delivered right to your inbox. . Income, family structure, and child maltreatment risk. You can provide the support a young person needs. Greater investments in rigorous evaluation studies are needed. UEM Faculty and Staff is organizing this fundraiser. Apply to be a mentorIf you are ready to apply to be a mentor, please click the link below. 9 Child Welfare Information Gateway. With more than 50 programs and services available for New Jersey residents living with epilepsy, autism, developmental disabilities and chronic illness, FRN and its affiliates have been affecting lives of thousands of families across New Jersey since 1970. Telling me about programs, getting me signed up for free I dont know where Id be without this place, in terms of being a parent and how I treat my son, his mother, and even myself. How did New Hampshire create and distribute a resource guide to support child and family well-being during the COVID-19 emergency? FRCs can be located in apartment complexes, schools, health centers, libraries, community centers, storefronts, or churches. Family Success Centers offers services to any children, youth, families, individuals, and communities. Donate, volunteer or become a sponsor and help us continue providing much needed services to New Jersey families living with developmental disabilities and chronic illness. Funerals & Memorials. Additional visits may be scheduled once your needs are assessed and a plan for your services is developed. 1 Sedlak, A.J., Mettenburg, J., Basena, M., Petta, I., McPherson, K., Greene, A., and Li, S. (2010). Dover, NJ 07801. Everything I listed that I needed they started making phone calls, making it happen right away. The on-line database is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Your donation of a new duffle bag will ease a child's transition from emergency housing to a long-term home. 8 Farrell, C., Fleegler, E., Monuteaux, M., Wilson, C., Christian, C., & Lee, L. (2017). Your online monetary donation is the best and most effective way for you to get holiday gifts for a child in need. Parking is available in the Superior Courts main parking lot. Long Branch. ESNJs Paint the Pony Purple is held every year at The Stone Pony in Asbury Park New Jersey to raise awareness for Epilepsy and provide a safe and fun concert for individuals with Epilepsy and their families. 300 North Ave ECranfordNJ07016. 584 Benson Street. Pediatrics, E20161616-1616v1. The Office for Children is staffed Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Privacy Policy | Client Rights & Responsibilities | Satisfaction Survey | Request for Proposals |Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Statement |Staff Portal. Schedule a consultation. Seize the Wave Surfing Instruction Event July 25th. On December 1, 2022, LifeTies, Inc. merged into Center For Family Services. NJHMFA is expanding its Foreclosure Mediation Assistance Program (FMAP) to include renter and pre-foreclosure counseling by utilizing a network of participating housing counselors in each county. Prenatal Health. Community Poverty and Child Abuse Fatalities in the United States. For more info contact:Volunteer Manager, Del-Charrese DensleyPhone: 856.651.7553 x40200 (office) or 856.993.9932 (mobile)Email: [emailprotected], Volunteer Specialist, Mayank SinghEmail:[emailprotected]. What are the defining characteristics of a family resource center? (2019). 180 Turning Lives Around will provide safety planning, access to community resources and emotional support. For free, confidential child care information and referrals: Search our online database. Retrieved from https://www.acf.hhs.gov/sites/default/files/documents/opre/nis4_report_congress_full_pdf_jan2010.pdf How did New York Citys Community Partnerships and Family Enrichment Centers respond to families during a time of crisis? All Rights Reserved. 2-1-1 will help identify with you the best local resources to fit your individual needs during times of distress or for lifes everyday situations. (2017). For-Sale. Help is available. Contact Information: Monmouth County Family Justice Center at the. Given the findings from the few existing studies, however, there is reason to believe that FRCs have been, and can be, instrumental in increasing protective factors and supporting childrens safety through family support and strengthening. All individuals seeking services will be screened by security personnel before entry to ensure safety. Centers are designed to enrich the lives of children by strengthening families and neighborhoods; provide integrated, locally based services; reduce isolation and promote connections among family and community. Expandable, collapsable duffle bags work best, because they are stackable and can be easily stored until needed. The Family of Bradley Middleton. 180 staff will provide services such as counseling, access to emergency shelter, assistance at Family Court and the Amandas Easel Creative Arts Therapy Program for children. Email: fjc@180nj.org. For more information about the info sessions and to register to attend, please email Mayank. The Family Resource Network is a statewide organization with offices located in Brick, Parsippany, Trenton and Barrington. The FRC model seeks to provide multiple services to both children and families, increase parenting skills and protective factors, and reduce the likelihood of formal involvement with child protective services. These coordinated services are proven to save lives, can be offered in a variety of languages through the use of our language line, and are free of charge. Contact the ACCESS line at 877.922.2377 for more information, to find services to meet your needs, or to make a referral. The Traumatic Loss Coalitions for Youth provides support to communities following a traumatic event. 114Director: Ana Chavarria Email: amchavarria@focus411.orgWebsite: https://focus411.org Ironbound Community Corporation Family Success Center - Cortland Street29-31 Cortland StreetNewark, NJ 07105973-344-5949 ext. * Privacy Terms and Conditions for our website can be found here. 973-648-3660. Advertisement. Alabama Network of Family Resource Centers: Social Return on Investment Analysis. Fourth National Incidence Study of Child Abuse and Neglect (NIS4): Report to Congress. 50 Millstone Road, Three easy ways to reach us: Dial 2-1-1; text your zip code to 898-211; or chat with us online. On January 1, 2023, FGCWC, Inc. merged into Center For Family Services. Keep up to date on news, events, service opportunities and more! Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families. Results include: A few studies have found significant return on investment for FRCs: The decentralized and malleable nature of FRCs enables them to adjust to the needs of specific communities and evolve as families and communities change. Center For Family Services is pleased to announce 2 recent mergers. Retrieved https://safeandsound.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/2018_Economics_Infographic_SF.pdf Community Resources Centers. 2011, Chapter 70). 161. The Protective Factors framework. The FJC was formed with funding from an Impact 100, Jersey Coast grant, and the Monmouth County Government unanimously approved an agreement providing no-cost space for the new center. Population FocusFamily Success Centers offers services to any children, youth, families, individuals, and communities. (2004). The Family Resource Success Center served as a community leader in helping people learn about the Health Insurance Marketplace. Facebook page opens in new window Instagram page opens in new window Twitter page opens in new window. 10 Center for the Study of Social Policy. Seize the Wave is a special surf instruction event brought to you through a collaboration between Epilepsy Services of NJ and Pauls Purple Warriors. Retrieved from http://csaco.org/files/103503730.pdf Immediate openings for a wide range of full-time, part-time, fee-for-service, and bi-lingual positions across the state of New Jersey, including: Mosaic Early Learning Child Development & Preschool. Moreover, if the findings from some of the most promising studies can be replicated, there is no better time than the present to increase the literature on FRCs and make a deep investment in them. Center For Family, Early childhood education is the first and most important step towards a successful, self-, Services to help you overcome family challenges and follow a path to a safe and healthy future, A full continuum of safe housing for children, teens, young adults, moms and their children in, If you or someone you care about has experienced grief, loss, violence, or other traumatic life, Reach your goals with job readiness, job seeking, and job keeping services that can help you in. Monmouth. All rights reserved. Child . Program GoalsFamily Success Centers seek to provide a warm and welcoming home-like environment that provides family friendly activities and resources within communities to strengthen families. Family Resource Simulator Since 2003, the National Center for Children in Poverty (NCCP) has managed and continued to expand the Family Resource Simulator (FRS), a policy simulation tool and benefit calculator, that provides tailored data about benefit cliffs and gaps in economic supports faced by low and middle-income families and individuals. Monmouth County Family Justice Center at the Retrieved from https://safeandsound.org/SF-Cost/ Child Care Resources 3301C Route 66 PO Box 1234 Neptune, NJ 07754-1234 732-918-9901 Fax: 732-918-9902. website: www.ccrnj.org. Retrieved from https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/20e556_7d6b57ed42d34674a87ac78d28f01bc8.pdf Restraining orders can be filed at the Monmouth County Superior Court, where the trials will also be heard 180 Family Court Liaisons are available for assistance. Prospect AvenueNewark, NJ 07104973-481-0415Director: Yessenia Alvarez-Vera Email: yalvarezvera@northwardcenter.orgWebsite: https://www.northwardcenter.org/programs/north-ward-family-success-center/Weequahic Family Success Center 434 Chancellor AvenueNewark, NJ 07112 862-237-7401Director: Trisha JonesEmail:tjones@nesfnj.org Website: nesfnj.org, EvergreenFamily Success Center21 DelawareStreet Woodbury, NJ 08096856-848-7150Director: Lucia Villatoro Email: lvillatoro@hispanicfamilycenter.com Website: https://hispanicfamilycenter.com/MosaicFamily Success Center110 East High StreetGlassboro, NJ 08028856-347-4338Director: Alyssa HarrisEmail:ahharris@acendahealth.orgFSC email: fscgloucester@gmail.com Website: mosaicfsc.org, Liberty Family Success Center341 Kearny AvenueKearny, NJ 07032201-622-2210Director: Shamma DucasseEmail:Sducasse.libertyfsc@preventionlinks.org FSC Email: libertyfamilysc@gmail.com Website: Liberty Family Success Center - Kearny, NJ | Prevention Links Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LibertyFamilySC Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/libertyfamilysc/PalisadesFamily Success Center1408 New YorkAvenueUnion City, NJ 07087201-758-8792 or 201-758-8793Director: Christian Mejia Email: cmejia.palisadesfsc@preventionlinks.org Website: https://preventionlinks.org/family-success/palisades-family-success-center/ Skyway Family Success Center35 Journal Square PlazaJersey City, NJ 07306201-884-2224Director: Fayza MohammadEmail: fmohammad.skywayfsc@preventionlinks.org FSC Email: info.skywayfsc@preventionlinks.orgWebsite: https://preventionlinks.org/family-success/skyway-fsc/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SkywayFamilySuccessCenterInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/skywayfsc/, HarvestFamily Success Center5 East Main StreetFlemington, NJ 08822908-237-0465Director: Meghan MooreEmail: mmoore@njprevent.comWebsite: https://njprevent.com/harvest/, Heritage North Family Success Center1554 Princeton AvenueTrenton, NJ 08638609-393-2980Director: Aniela BrzozaEmail: Abrzoza@chsofnj.org FSC Email:hnfsc@chsofnj.org Website:https://www.chsofnj.org/family-success-centers/heritage-north-family-success-center/ Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/HNFSC Heritage South Family Success Center635 S. Clinton AvenueTrenton, NJ 08611609-695-6274Director: Socorro GarciaEmail:sgarcia@chsofnj.org FSC Email: hsfsc@chsofnj.orgWebsite: https://www.chsofnj.org/family-success-centers/heritage-south-family-success-center/Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/heritagesouthfsc, BaysideFamily Success Center500 Dobranski DrivePerth Amboy, NJ 08861732-638-5063Director: Jenny AlvarezEmail: Jenny.Alvarez@jrfnj.orgFSC Email: Baysidefsc@jrfnj.orgFacebook: https://m.facebook.com/BaysideFamilySuccessCenterWebsite: https://www.jrfnj.org/community_action/community-and-family-services/family-success-center.htmlGreenway Family Success Center537 New Brunswick AvenueFords, NJ 08863732-527-3400Director: Christina ArmstrongEmail: carmstrong.Greenwayfsc@preventionlinks.orgFSC Email: FSC email: greenwayfamilysuccesscenter@gmail.com Website: https://preventionlinks.org/family-success/greenway-fsc/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GreenwayFamilySC @GreenwayFamilySCInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/greenwayfamilysuccess/ @greenwayfamilysuccess) Harmony Family Success Center255 LivingstonAvenueNew Brunswick, NJ 08901732-640-0801, alternate: 732-640-8517Director: Johanna Crespo Email: jcrespo@prab.org FSC Email: harmonyfsc@prab.org Website: https://www.prab.org/programs-services/family-services/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FSCHarmony, Bayshore Family Success CenterHenry Hudson Trail Activity Center945 Route 36Leonardo, NJ 07737 732-497-3811Director: Darcy Hazard Email: DHazard@ymcanj.org FSC Email: familysuccess@ymcanj.orgWebsite address: YMCANJ.org/bfscFacebook.com/BayshoreFSCCoastal Communities Family Success Center300Broadway, Rear EntranceLong Branch, NJ 07740732-571-1670Director: Lisa WilsonEmail: lisa@coastalfsc.org Website: https://www.coastalfsc.org/Oceans Family Success Center1004 Comstock Street, First FloorAsbury Park, NJ 07712732-455-5272Co-Directors: Amy Lockhart & Dennis LoGiudiceEmail: amy@oceansfsc.comEmail: dennis@oceansfsc.comFSC Email: info@OceansFSC.comWebsite: https://www.OceansFSC.com, Excellence Family Success Center73 Basset HighwayDover, NJ 07801973-620-9711Director: Carlos CaprioliEmail: ccaprioli@partnershipmch.orgWebsite: https://www.partnershipmch.org/programs/fsc/, Anchor Family Success Center101 Prosper WayBrick, NJ 08723848-241-9346Director: Catherine Sandoval Website: https://www.chsofnj.org/family-success-centers/anchor-family-success-center-ocean-county/#.YyHuvXbMI2w FSC Email: anchorfsc@chsofnj.org Email: csandoval@chsofnj.org Lakewood Community Services Corporation Family Success Center415 Carey StreetLakewood, NJ 08701732-901-6001Director: Sarah GelbwachsEmail: sgelbwachs@thelcsc.orgWebsite: https://thelcsc.org/family/Oasis Family Success Center399 N. Main St. Manahawkin, NJ 08050609-994-0200Director: Alyssa KertisEmail: akertis@acendahealth.orgWebsite: https://oasisfsc.org/, New DestinyFamily Success Center of Paterson79 Ellison StreetPaterson, NJ 07505973-278-0220Director: Anny Alonzo Email: aalonzo@newdestinyfsc.org Website: https://newdestinyfsc.org/Straight & Narrow Family Success Center101 Cedar StreetPaterson, NJ 07501973-333-6240Director: Berenice LopezEmail:blopez@straightandnarrowinc.orgWebsite: https://ccpaterson.org/fscHighlands Family Success Center1801 Greenwood Lake Tpke.Hewitt, NJ 07421973-506-6575Director: Heather SaraceniEmail: heathers@highlandsfsc.orgWebsite: www.highlandsfsc.org, Birdseye Family Success Center364 South Broadway StreetPennsville, NJ 08070856-517-9100Director: Kate ReadEmail:kread@acendahealth.orgFSC Email: Birdseyefsc@gmail.comWebsite: https://birdseyefsc.org/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BirdsEyeFamilySuccessCenter/Riverview Family Success Center157 West Main StreetPenns Grove, NJ 08069856-517-0029Director: Eros HaroldEmail: eharold@acendahealth.orgFSC Email: riverviewfsc@gmail.com Website: https://riverviewfsc.org/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RiverviewFamilySuccessCenterSalem Family Success Center14 New Market StreetSalem, NJ 08079856-935-8768Director: Sharde Pierce Email:spierce@gatewaycap.org Website: https://www.gatewaycap.org/familysuccess, Pioneer Family Success Center50 Division Street, Suite 303Somerville, NJ 08876908-722-4400Director: Tim WolfEmail:Tim@empowersomerset.com FSC Email: fsc@empowersomerset.com Website: www.pioneerfsc.comFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/PioneerFSC Instagram:www.instagram.com/empowerfsc, Journey Family Success Center at Project Self Sufficiency127 Mill StreetNewton, NJ07860973-940-3500Director: Haley WardEmail: hward@projectselfsufficiency.orgFSC Email: journeyfsc@projectselfsufficiency.orgWebsite: www.journeyfsc.org, Bayway Family Success Center688 Maple AveElizabeth, NJ 07202908-289-0136Director: Kevin Jean Charles Email: Kjeancharles.baywayfsc@preventionlinks.org Website:https://preventionlinks.org/family-success/bayway-fsc/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BaywayfscInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/baywayfsc/Cardinal Family Success Center504 Madison AvePlainfield, NJ 07060908-731-4200Director: Ayesha HowardEmail: azhoward@plainfield.k12.nj.usWebsite: https://plainfieldfamilysuccesscenter.godaddysites.com/Instagram: plainfield_fscThe Village Family Success Center70 W. Grand StreetElizabeth, NJ 07201908-469-9508Director: Jean Robert Benoit Email: jrbenoitjpm@optonline.net Website: www.villagefsc.org, Traditions Family Success Center712 South Main StreetPhillipsburg, NJ 08865908-454-3400Director: Latiesha Carter Email: carterl@norwescap.org FSC Email: Norwescapfsc@gmail.comWebsite: https://norwescap.org/education/traditions-family-success-center/, Child Protection and Permanency Involved Families, Grandparents and Relatives Raising Children, Family and Community Partnerships and Division on Women Community Program Directory, https://www.facebook.com/Oceanside-Family-Success-Center-Uptown-254581241557403, https://www.facebook.com/oceanside2familysuccesscenter, https://www.atlanticare.org/for-our-community/hammonton-family-success-center/, https://www.facebook.com/HammontonFamilySuccess/, https://www.facebook.com/bfcFamilySuccessCenter, https://www.instagram.com/bfcfamilysuccesscenter/, https://bergenfamilycenter.org/SandP_Community-2.html, Generations Family Success Center | Facebook, https://www.legacytreatment.org/locations/generations-family-success-center/, http://hispanicfamilycenter.com/family-strengthening/, https://www.facebook.com/Holly-City-Family-Success-Center, https://www.inspirahealthnetwork.org/locations/inspira-monarch-family-success-center, https://www.inspirahealthnetwork.org/locations/inspira-forest-lakes-family-success-center-port-norris, https://www.partnershipmch.org/programs/fsc/, https://www.facebook.com/LaCasaFamilySuccessCenters/, https://www.instagram.com/lacasafsc/?hl=en, https://www.northwardcenter.org/programs/north-ward-family-success-center/, Liberty Family Success Center - Kearny, NJ | Prevention Links, https://www.instagram.com/libertyfamilysc/, https://preventionlinks.org/family-success/palisades-family-success-center/, https://preventionlinks.org/family-success/skyway-fsc/, https://www.facebook.com/SkywayFamilySuccessCenter, https://www.chsofnj.org/family-success-centers/heritage-north-family-success-center/, https://www.chsofnj.org/family-success-centers/heritage-south-family-success-center/, https://www.facebook.com/heritagesouthfsc, https://m.facebook.com/BaysideFamilySuccessCenter, https://www.jrfnj.org/community_action/community-and-family-services/family-success-center.html, carmstrong.Greenwayfsc@preventionlinks.org, https://preventionlinks.org/family-success/greenway-fsc/, https://www.facebook.com/GreenwayFamilySC, https://www.instagram.com/greenwayfamilysuccess/, https://www.prab.org/programs-services/family-services/, https://www.chsofnj.org/family-success-centers/anchor-family-success-center-ocean-county/#.YyHuvXbMI2w, https://www.facebook.com/BirdsEyeFamilySuccessCenter/, https://www.facebook.com/RiverviewFamilySuccessCenter, Kjeancharles.baywayfsc@preventionlinks.org, https://preventionlinks.org/family-success/bayway-fsc/, https://plainfieldfamilysuccesscenter.godaddysites.com/, https://norwescap.org/education/traditions-family-success-center/, Access to information on child, maternal and family health services, economic self-sufficiency and job readiness, Information andreferral services (connection to off-site public and private resources).
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