By a decree dated 30 November 1938, the State Minister of the Interior introduced these awards into the Ostmark (the name of Austria after it was annexed by Nazi Germany). Queen Victoria It was, and still is, awarded for most conspicuous bravery, or some daring or Perhaps she could split the money amongst the grand children? The ribbon of the Honour Cross for next-of-kin had these colours in a different order, having white edge stripes, with two black stripes, white stripes on either side of a red stripe in the middle. pounder cannons Highland Division). Losing their Accreditation status not only exempts them from receiving any financial assistance from bodies such as the Heritage Lottery Fund, but will also prevent other museums loaning, donating, and disposing of items to them. : Lieutenant A Martin-Leake and Captain N G Chavasse, MC. Great Savings & Free Delivery / Collection on many items. Awarded not only to British combatants but as well to those from the dominions of Canada, Australia, Newfoundland, New Zealand and those from the Empire of India. Awards and citations listed in The London Gazette are available to view at the National Archives. dailyinfo[19]=' 3497 Private Bertie SMITH 2nd/6th Bn. one to the present day. When Bury Metropolitan Borough Council sold of its art work to make up a shortfall in the council budget - they effectively excommunicated themselves from the Museums world. Don't believe everything you hear about regimental museums, and anyway items can be donated on loan. I would be interested to hear of any instances of this happening recently, especially by a Regimental Museum. They see the contents of the museum as the 'regiments' and thus they can do with it as they wish. He then personally attempted to enter the tower and bomb the enemy, and was severely wounded. Distinguished Service Order and is entitled to use the letters D.S.O. The D.S.O. Musuems simply don't have the space to display everything they have and 'just another' MC is unlikely to have them making space. in the field. details at their own expense. personally a good MC group Id sell at an auction house depending on their charges of course - at the end of the day its how much you get in your hand at the end if selling that counts, certainly think yellows price is a good "dealer" price. Additional awards of the Navy Cross are denoted by gold stars five-sixteenths of an inch in diameter. Since the rescue and rehousing of the Medal Index Cards in the early years of 2000, the entire collection of several million cards has been The Royal Warrant for the Victoria Cross was issued on 29th January 1856. I hope you do realise that if this lady does donate the medal to the museum, the museum is well with in their rights to sell the medals on. The citation is as follows: " For exceptional good service during the attack on Burns House near Poelcappelle on 9th Ocober 1917. On the reverse of the medal is inscribed For Bravery in the Field. Post it Special insured delivery quoting a value above what you sold it for (standard practice for insurance as it can be more expensive to replace such an item watch the antique roadshow, they almost double the value for insurance purposes). Australian Infantry, A.I.F. However, there is an elderly lady who lives nearby who might be tempted to sell her father's Military Cross. WWI German Military Medal IRON CROSS 1813 - 1914 for Army Uniform WW1 Prussia Repro Military full size Great War. An outer light brown box with an address label glued to it and its postage area marked "OFFICIAL BUSINESS, Penalty for private use $300" contained an inner white box stamped with the bars the serviceman was supposed to receive on his medal. He led his platoon with great courage and determination, capturing a concrete emplacement which was held by two German machine guns, and later assisted in the capture of a strong redoubt by working round its right flank. It was also made available for officers at the equivalent rank in the Royal Navy and, from 1st April 1918, Originally the M.S.M. If further awards were issued to that same individual then additional miniature crosses would be The Defensive Sector Clasp was also authorized for Navy personnel who had participated in naval combat but were not authorized a particular battle clasp. A plain silver cross, 1.75 inches in width. The inner white box contained the medal, which was wrapped in tissue paper. and Commonwealth Forces. wreath. For the next-of-kin (widows and parents) of those who died in battle or as a result of wounds received in battle, or having died in captivity or missing in action. If its an MC on its own, unnamed and actually, despite paperwork, really unnattributable.remember is easier to add a medal to paperwork than original paperwork to medal. On the obverse, each arm of the cross is an Imperial Crown and in the centre of the cross is the Imperial and Royal Cypher of the reigning sovereign (GV, GVI, or EIIR). public at the National Archives in Kew. granted to an individual. The London Gazette, together with the Edinburgh and Belfast Gazettes, is the official paper of the goverment Buy Ww1 Military Cross and get the best deals at the lowest prices on eBay! Gazette. In order of seniority, the devices authorized to the World War I Victory Medal were as follows: The Citation Star to the World War I Victory Medal was authorized by the United States Congress on February 4, 1919. was very interested in the medal, especially as it was to be named after her. Which makes them as far as I am concerned a unique case and not like an art museum. Arthur Morrell PRATT Army Chaplains Department who died 29/06/1917 ST. two Russian cannons captured in the Crimea. Recipients of the medal are entitled to use the letters D.S.M. Royal Sussex Regiment who died 30/06/1916 LOOS MEMORIAL France ' Although this was or their next-of-kin after the First World War. I think he served throughout and I do know there are other medals that accompany them. [1], The World War I Victory Button on a narrow circular band of blue enamel, containing the words American Legion in gold letters, forms the central element of the American Legion emblem. dailyinfo[21]=' Lieutenant Colonel Henry Monteith HANNAN Territorial Decoration 8th Bn. It consisted of several million cards in many metal filing cabinets. First World War did not come from these two original cannons, but from other Chinese guns captured in the act or acts of valour, courage or devotion to duty whilst flying though not in active operations In some cases for which no citation has been found, it is possible that the Military Cross was awarded during service before the Great War, This list comprises those recipients of the medal who had no other connection with Jersey other than having attended Victoria College or another island boarding school, Please support Jerripedia with a donation to our hosting costs, Simon Knapp, born Jersey of Irish mother and French father, Chaplain with Irish Guards,, Search this site with GOOGLE - (Type a space and your search word(s) after in the Google input box), Geoffrey de Gruchy Barkas, son of Albert Atkin Barkas and Anna Julia, ne de Gruchy, Captain, London Regiment, wounded, no MC citation found. PHILIP AND JAMES) CHURCHYARD United Kingdom ' after his name. about the design and the metal it could be made of. You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. If another relative does show an interest then can then at least produce this document and the museum in question has no option but to show the item(s) donated. Stock photos, 360 images, vectors and videos. The Museums Association (MA) Code of Ethics can be read online: Cyril Elcomb Brockhurst, Jersey resident 1901-1911, Captain, London Regiment. First instituted as a Royal Navy medal in 1855 and then fully instituted on 7th July 1874. To denote battle participation and campaign credit, the World War I Victory Medal was authorized with a large variety of devices to denote specific accomplishments. There are a number of awards which an individual might receive for a conspicuous and gallant act of valour, The D.S.O. It really depends if the other service medals are with it and the amount of paper work present. The Navy Cross is worn after the Medal of Honor and before all other decorations. act of bravery. received at the time by officers who were in the field. The Navy Commendation Star to the World War I Victory Medal was authorized to any person who had been commended by the Secretary of the Navy for performance of duty during the First World War. eligible for the award. The Army started issuing Victory Medals on June 21, 1920, not April 1921 as listed above. I MUST STRESSI have had no conference what so ever with the regimental museum to which you refer. Make sure you keep that document in a safe place. Another thing for her to consider is that the medal may go into storage and may never be seen again. To be Mentioned in Despatches is when an individual is mentioned [a], World War I Victory Medal (United States). The D.C.M. I also sometimes get commissions for purchases made through links in the posts. Dealers will pay about half the value , if your into internet auction sites it will in general get is true market value. medal is reproduced on this page courtesy of Robert Prummel and would be awarded. 10th Gurkha Rifles who died 28/06/1915 HELIOPOLIS (PORT TEWFIK) MEMORIAL Egypt ' having carried out an noteworthy act of gallantry or service. issued and could be worn on the ribbon of the British Victory Medal. [1] This was Germany's first official service medal for soldiers of Imperial Germany who had taken part in the war, and where they had since died it was also awarded to their surviving next-of-kin. The M.S.M. The phrase Mentioned in Despatches was used for the first The award was ranked above other service and occupation medals, but below other awarded combat medals.[5]. Recipients of the medal are During the late part of the First World War the Army Medal Office began a system of making out an index The medal was issued without the name of the recipient being engraved on it, but some medals do bear the name of The MC is granted in recognition of an act or acts of exemplary gallantry during active operations against the enemy on land to all members, of any rank in Our Armed Forces. And recompense can be claimed if the item is "inadvertantly" sold. was originally instituted as an award for officers of the British Army and Commonwealth Forces, Queen Victoria did not like the original copper cross which was submitted for approval. Incidentally, the MC is in pristine condition in its box. Imperial Service Medal, Ministry of Defence (i.e. Military Cross citation: 'For gallantry and devotion to duty on 19 February 1920, at Makin, when he conducted a skilful attack on a tower. var day=mydate.getDay() Awarded to other ranks of the Royal Air Force for an act or acts of valour, courage or devotion to duty dailyinfo[1]=' 4484 Rifleman David ROGERS 4th Bn. Victoria involved herself by making suggestions [1][5], The following battle clasps, inscribed with a battle's name, were worn on the medal to denote participation in major ground conflicts.[1]. As with the Victoria Cross, this commendation for an act of gallantry could be made posthumously. Recipients in the Royal Navy who had already eligible for the award. dailyinfo[6]=' Sister Maggie Louisa GASKELL 2nd Western General Hospital Territorial Force Nursing Service who died 06/07/1919 MACCLESFIELD CEMETERY United Kingdom ' Always looking for ANY medals to the Coldstream Guards not just WW1. There was a slight variation of the criteria dates for the Navy battle clasps, as listed below.[1]. For safety if your not into the internet auctions, consider an auction house, if its a good group prehaps Spinks or Bonhams. to used the letters C.G.M. Well you can draw whatever conclusions you like from the excuse above but I know what I think. The Victoria Cross can also be awarded to civilians if they were under military command at the time of the The top of the staff has a round ball on top and is winged on the side. by the fact that they were eligible to receive a WW1 medal, can be considered to have participated
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