1-800-541-2023. NEVER ROMNEY | How Could Trump POSSIBLY Choose Romney After This Video? The saga began in 2009, when Patrick Rodgers first wrote to Wells Fargo, requesting itemized information about the mortgage on his home in Philadelphia. administrator. Here you can find 12 years worth of articles on everything from how to avoid dodgy scams to writing an effective complaint letter. 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New York CNN Federal regulators fined Wells Fargo a record $1.7 billion on Tuesday for " widespread mismanagement " over multiple years that harmed over 16 million consumer accounts. Wells Fargo (WFC, Fortune 500) is the latest bank to acknowledge problems in its foreclosure processes. See Joel Stein uncovering foreclosures in Vegas, 13-Year-Old Girl Finds Porn On New Cell Phone, These Are North Koreas 28 State-Approved Hairstyles, Mountain Dews Dub the Dew Online Poll Goes Horribly Wrong, Swiss Jeweler Unveils Worlds First All-Diamond Ring. I have no legal training. Malloy Does Not Propose Tax On Legal Services, Cash Assistance And Prison Liens On CT Personal Injury Cases, Medicaid Liens on CT Personal Injury Cases, Fee Agreements In CT Personal Injury Cases, 8 Things To Give To Your CT Personal Injury Attorney, Medicare Liens On CT Personal Injury Cases. "They've just been nonresponsive.". No attorney felt it was worth their time or mine because Wells Fargo wasnt foreclosing on me, so I decided to represent myself and take them to Small Claims Court. Any grammatical mistakes are mine. Bedford Town Council on Tuesday approved a conditional use permit allowing the storage units at the site. In 2016, he was honored by the CT Personal Injury Hall of Fame for securing one of the highest settlements in the state. ABA 100. I was interviewed on CNN and FOX and countless local channels, USA Today and others picked up my story, and it went viral online. This meant nothing inside the building could leave the premises, and it set the stage for a Sheriffs Sale, a public auction where the debtors property is sold to take care of the judgment. Spitting over 200 years of knowledge at Wells Fargo. Part of HuffPost Business. The bank paid up in January, but still had not responded to his letters, so he started a foreclosure sale on the Wells Fargo office. Here's the most recent story if you haven't seen it: Original Update: See this story from Crooks & Liars, Video - How to beat your bank and stop foreclosure - Feb. 21, 2011. Although the lender may check the credit score, credit history, and proof of finances of those looking to obtain a home loan, the unexpected can happen and the homeowner may be unable to pay his or her monthly mortgage payments anymore. Etienne Syldor of Orlando, Florida was never late with paying his mortgage and even sent his bank more money than he owed every month. Under the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA), the Truth In Lending Act (TILA), Regulation X, and the Gramm Leach Belley Act, the lender must acknowledge the receipt of the letter within 20 days, and must correct or provide clarification regarding the disputed debt, within 60 days of receiving the letter from the consumer. The St. Louis-based brokerage unit of Wells Fargo & Co. sold the properties at 2601 Market St. for $5.75 million to Clayton-based Green Street, known for its urban renewal projects in Midtown and . If you click around enough you'll see that I've tried a lot of different ideas on this site over the years. Image: (cc) by Flickr user MoneyBlogNewz. After Patrick Rodgers got no reply to three letters asking why he was being forced to pay a home insurance premium for a $1 million house when he bought his 3-story Victorian home for $180,000, he decided to force his mortgage company to pay attention, ABC News reported. Nothing I wrote should be taken as legal advice, (and you shouldnt send a letter like this unless you feel you really have a case). ABC News. or subsidiaries are strictly prohibited from directly or indirectly purchasing any property owned or managed by Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. 1) Where is the original promissory note or mortgage I signed located? Please describe its physical location and anyone holding this note as a custodian or trustee if applicable. Unfortunately, they failed to pay the $84.00 or $50.00 fees from the Sheriffs Office, which I was entitled to recover from them. Mayor Tim Black said the storage units also could be useful as more people move into the town, referencing apartments in upper levels of downtown buildings and planned apartments at the former Bedford Middle School on Longwood Avenue. That's what this is. As such, please send to me, at the address above, copies of the documents requested below as soon as possible. Please provide me copies of: Further, in order to conduct the audit and review of my account, and to determine all proper amounts due, I need the following answers to questions concerning the servicing and accounting of my mortgage account from its inception to the present date. Accordingly, please provide me, in writing, detailed answers to the questions listed below. No response. But by learning my rights, and continually pushing forward and pressing my advantage within the law, I got satisfaction. (personal information redacted), Patrick Rodgers Please submit all offers to the listing broker/agent. After a homeowner misses a certain number of mortgage payments (typically three) Wells Fargo will file a Notice of Default. When they didnt take his questions, he took them to court, winning a $1,173 settlement against their failure to respond, under the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act, which mandates mortgage companies to respond to letters within 20 days. A Philadelphia homeowner named Patrick Rodgers, who mortgage banks with Wells Fargo, was told by Wells that he needed to take out a $1 million homeowner's policy on his. If I did it, chances are, you can too. ", Rodgers, who said he has paid his mortgage every month, said he still hopes someone from Wells Fargo will respond to his questions. Tweet. Solar History, PUT DOWN THE FLAME: Gen. Petraeus Speaks Out On Quran Burning: Freedom Of Speech Vs. Troop Safety, S&P Downgrades Irish Debt On Concern Over Cost Of Bank Bailouts, Outlook Negative, The Founding Fathers: Smugglers, Tax Evaders And Traitors, Protesters Set Fire To KFC & Hardees In Tripoli (PHOTOS), Fiscal Cliff Threatens 277,000 Federal Jobs (14% Of Total). However, Wells Fargo still owes him court costs and attorneys fees from the lawsuit, which occurred last fall. '", "Then I had a sheriff's levy and they wouldn't respond, and then a sheriff's sale," said Rodgers. Then 2008 hit.! 123 Any Street Rodgers owns a svelte Victorian house in West Philadelphia, which he bought for a paltry $180,000, thanks to the downtrodden housing market. When wealthy adventurers take huge risks, who should foot the bill for rescue attempts? Paige defrauded Muff out of $770,000 by having checks sent to Paige from Muffs IRA and corporate accounts. All rights reserved. "I live in a lovely house that is 100 years old and the craftsmanship is absolutely beautiful.". That's what Rogers calls foreclosing on his bank. By that point they're supposed to have investigated your issue, issued a written response, and shared the name and number of a human at the . SAINT LOUIS, MO , 63103. Enjoy unlimited articles at one of our lowest prices ever. or its asset management unit, Premiere . (More on TIME.com: See Joel Stein uncovering foreclosures in Vegas). Once the home belongs to the bank, the Wells Fargo foreclosure department will keep an updated list of foreclosure homes that the bank currently has in their inventory. A man barricaded himself inside a Wells Fargo bank in St. Petersburg for about an hour on Friday afternoon before he was taken into custody, police said. Rodgers did some research and learned that the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act, or RESPA, passed in 1974, requires that a mortgage company acknowledge written requests within 20 business days, or face damages or penalties. Notify me of follow-up comments via email. The man carried a handgun when he exited the building, but Knight said police have not determined if the gun is real or fake. Bad press alone must be costing them a - Moneyman/TX on 2/17/11 8:50pm BRANNAN v. WELLS FARGO - Is Fraud and Forgery Destructive To The Federal Bankruptcy Process? Over the next year he sent at least four letters to Wells Fargo from June to September and got exactly no replies. Thanks to Matt Weidner for flagging this one down, and. Property Address: 123 Any Street, Philadelphia PA 19555 You can contact ryan at 860 471 8333 or email him ryan@cttrialfirm.com. PREVIOUSLY You're An RCNCustomer. Id find myself being taken on a tour of Virginia Grahams house, when she wasnt home; sixty or seventy rooms of furniture with plastic on them like nobody lived there and nobody did. The mans estate lacked standing to bring two of its conversion claims and a third claim was barred by the statute of limitations, the appeals court said. The man was not being foreclosed on himself, but getting the s Man forecloses on Wells Fargo: Feelgood story! The Gores of Senator the Elders fame were next door to my best friend. Cheers to you. There are a myriad of web resources to help get you started Update now included in the story. I spent many hours drafting my one-page Statement of Claim, but actually filing my claim for the $1,000 only set me back $78 in fees, and an hour and a half of my time. Wells Fargo Foreclosures. In a twist that will warm the hearts of millions with underwater loans, he moved to foreclose on Wells Fargo's local office. All loan servicing transaction records, ledgers, registers and similar items detailing how my loan has been serviced from the from the inception of my loan until present date. The bank, he said, insisted on what's known as forced-place home insurance, which cost $2,400 a year. document.write('