list of neta certified testing companies

Since JETs inception, we have continually trained and kept current with new technologies, providing our technicians the knowledge to perform testing across a wide variety of power systems. Dry type and liquid filled transformer testing and maintenance is not manufacturer specific. Greg Poole Industrial Tests, Inc. Rocklin, CA, USA Copyright 2019 The Author(s). InterNational Electrical Testing Association, PORTAGE, Mich., July 14, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- via PRWEB - NETA, the InterNational Electrical Testing Association, is pleased to add Halco Testing Services to its community of electrical testing companies committed to meeting the ever-increasing demand for qualified testing firms and personnel. By encouraging self-study and adherence to our professional standards, test center certification is designed to assist test centers in improving testing processes and service to examinees. Industrial Tests, Inc. is a NETA certified company that follows stringent ATS (Acceptance Testing Specification) standards with over 30 years of experience. RESA Power Significantly Expands its NETA-Accredited Electrical Testing Capabilities in Florida and the Southeast Region. We are located in central New Jersey. They have offices in Georgia, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia. The testing organization shall be an independent, third party entity, which can function as an unbiased testing authority, professionally independent of the manufacturers, suppliers, and installers of equipment or systems being evaluated. The collective knowledge and field experience they provide is vital to performing testing according to industry standards in all electrical power system testing and maintenance facets. Home. This ensures that you're getting both a qualified company and qualified technicians to inspect, maintain and test your equipment. The qualifications of each NETA Accredited Company and its technicians are reviewed on a regular basis. Furthermore, NETA-certified technicians, found only in NETA-accredited companies, must meet the nationally-recognized standards for testing personnel contained in the Standard for Certification of Electrical Testing Technicians (NETA ETT). Brad and Jared were immediately involved in several projects that required NETA Certified Technicians and engineers because the complexity of some control systems was beyond the skill level of most electricians living in Hawaii. NETA Accredited Companies play a critical role in securing electrical power system safety and reliability for all, and NETA is a stronger organization due to these companies dedication to our industry., 100 Lenox Dr, Suite 100 ITI's extensive testing program will ensure that potential problems are dealt with before further damage can be done. ANSI/NETA Standards require: The testing organization shall be an independent, third party entity which can function as an unbiased testing authority, professionally independent of the manufacturers, suppliers, and installers of equipment or systems. Electro Test LLC was founded in 2018 when Brad Helminen decided there were enough opportunities and an open market for NETA testing in Oahu and the. Established in 1982, Hood Patterson & Dewar (HP&D) is a leading provider of testing services in critical facilities across the country and around the world. Contrary to popular belief, the maintenance process doesn't begin when the equipment is turned over to the customer; it begins long before that. PowerSouth offers a wide range of electrical testing services including low- and medium- voltage installation and testing services, breakers, switchgear, transformers, infrared inspection, protective relays, commissioning, and emergency services. What Is NETA? Brad holds a Master Electrician License and has been a Level 3 Certified NETA Technician since 2009. . Electro Test now has a permanent home in the center of the Island of Oahu in Wahiawa, Hawaii, that includes a large industrial shop with space to test off-site breakers and electrical devices. Member Location Alabama Jul 14, 2020 #1 I have been considering whether or not I should pursue NETA certifications. NETA offers recognition of four levels of competency within the electrical testing industry in accordance with ANSI/NETA ETT Standard for Certification of Electrical Testing Technicians. This isn't true. JET Electrical Testings team of project managers, engineers, support staff, and field technicians form a cohesive team clients rely on year after year. AllMore Industrial Tests, Inc RESA Power Service is a NETA certified industry leader in power system testing and diagnostics services. Registration opens March 27. In order to get the most from the NETA standards, you need to use a company that has the qualifications to get the job done. Sign up today for your free Reader Account. Feel free to contact me at 281.692.8400 (Mobile) and by email at 2500 36th Avenue 2. Most of our transforemrs are all dry-type and therefore do not need oil sampling. third-party testing companies, certifying test technicians, and promoting the professional services of its members. Our testing program guards against malfunctioning equipment, guarantees that equipment is up to manufacturers recommendations, and makes certain that equipment and systems are installed in accordance with design specifications. Electrical safety and testing standards in Hawaii have lagged behind mainland standards for decades, notes Brad Helminen. A NETA Technician's work experience, education, and training keeps them current with new technologies and provides them the knowledge to perform testing across a wide variety of power systems. NETA is an association of leading electrical testing companies comprised of visionaries committed to advancing the industry standards for power system installation and maintenance to ensure the highest level of reliability and safety. For more information about Saber's capabilities email us at, or visit our website at six-month internship in May 2021. NETA Accredited Companies earn their accreditation through a rigorous application process conducted by the NETA Association. I purposely don't use Square D Services whenever humanly possible simply because I resent the fact that a vendor is also a competitor. The largest team of certified NETA Technicians in the MI/OH area. PORTAGE, Mich., May 20, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- NETA the InterNational Electrical Testing Association is pleased to announce Hood Patterson & Dewar, Inc., Capitol Area Testing, Inc., and PowerSouth Testing, Inc. as the newest NETA Accredited Companies. NETA-certified technicians must be able to recommend further tests and repairs that may be needed to ensure the safe operation of your equipment; they can't do this if they. 1502 W. Broadway Suite 102, Madison, WI 53713, Conference Hotel Block Closes last day for reduced rates, Conference Regular Registration Closes (on-site registration only after this date), Front Range Community College - Larimer Campus, Pikes Peak Community College - Centennial Campus, Pikes Peak Community College - Downtown Studio Campus, Pikes Peak Community College - Rampart Range Campus, Florida State College at Jacksonville-Deerwood Center, College of Central Florida - Citrus Campus, Florida International University -Biscayne Bay, Florida Southwestern State College - Thomas Edison Site, Seminole State College of Florida - SC239, Miami Dade College-InterAmerican Campus (Padron ? Our technicians are NETA Certified at Level 2 and Level 3. InterNational Electrical Testing Association (NETA). They must be properly installed and properly maintained if you're going to get the many years of safe, reliable and efficient service that you've paid good money for. Jesse, Jared, and Brad Helminen and Clifford Fa. You need to know that your equipment has been properly acceptance tested when it was received from the manufacturer or supplier and that it was properly commissioned. Why is this important? An organization having a designation of "NETA Accredited Company" issued by NETA meets these criteria explicitly. Staff may have been competent and efficient at one time but sometimes those employees leave or are laid off eventually being replaced with someone less experienced and if training is poor than the general quality of work becomes poor. Industrial Tests, Inc. is a NETA certified company that follows stringent ATS (Acceptance Testing Specification) standards with over 30 years of experience. Although there is no set PM in place for the testing of these devices I did find that the most recent time any of this testing was done was back in 2005. This button displays the currently selected search type. ANSI/NETA Standards require: the on-site crew leader shall hold a current certification, Level III or higher, in electrical testing. Halco maintains a full staff of experienced personnel, including project managers, engineers, and technicians, who promote a team concept to ensure operative, on-time completion of all work. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. This isn't true. Safety Compliant means to uphold the highest standards in the industry: standards put forth by OSHA, ASTM, NFPA, IEEE, The National Safety Council, CSA, NEMA, and others. Our knowledgeable staff will find a solution for your testing needs. NETA Certified Testing Power Solutions Group LLC. An organization having a designation of "NETA Accredited Company" issued by NETA meets these criteria explicitly. IMO, NETA test requirements are nothing more than a dog and pony show, (and yes we have the book) we usualy exclude these requirements in our scope letter. You are using an out of date browser. X . The collective knowledge and field experience they provide is vital to performing testing according to industry standards in all electrical power system testing and maintenance facets. Since JETs inception, we have continually trained and kept current with new technologies, providing our technicians the knowledge to perform testing across a wide variety of power systems. NETA provides accreditation for third-party electrical testing firms, certification for testing technicians, and more. JET specializes in commissioning, preventative maintenance, equipment repair, apparatus testing, and emergency response and troubleshooting in compliance with NETA standards. These testing procedures are meant specifically for most industrial and larger commercial systems. Copyright 2023 NCTA. The testing organization shall use technicians who are regularly employed for testing services. ANSI/NETA Standards Require: The testing organization shall have a designated safety representative to supervise operations with respect to safety. Cleaning bus bars and insulators is not manufacturer specific. Their goal is to ensure the highest levels of electrical reliability and safety. Overview What is A NETA Accredited Company? ITI is able to perform effective testing of equipment because we follow the recommendations contained in the manufacturers published data for each piece of equipment that we test. In order to make testing efficient for your facility, ITIs wide spectrum of knowledge concerning proper testing procedures enables us to make necessary adjustments concerning a particular system and how it should be tested. The Association also collects and disseminates information and data of value to the . They don't have any obligations to the equipment manufacturers, suppliers or installers. The InterNational Testing Association (NETA) is an association of electrical testing companies. NETA Accredited Testing Recycled/Refurbished Switchgear Arc Flash Analysis Power Quality Analysis Arc Flash Mitigation NETA Accreditation All Locations HQ - Tipp City, OH Columbus, OH Liberty, SC Nashville, TN Denver, CO Houston, TX Careers News Notifications NETA Accredited Testing ITIs extensive testing program will ensure that potential problems are dealt with before further damage can be done. 4021 Alvis Court Clickherefor more information. With a NETA-accredited company you get the standards, the qualifications, the know-how to ensure that you identify potential problems before they become major headaches and that emergent problems get repaired quickly. Indeed, new McKinsey research finds that most higher education students want to continue to incorporate at least some aspects of online learning into their education. Dedicated to safety, quality, reliability, and continuous improvement, JET recognizes that upholding the industrys highest standards is crucial to our operation. Failure to do either can cause tremendous headaches down the road. You want to know that you're getting the tests and inspections that you need in order to keep your equipment running properly, minimize your downtime and maximize your equipment's life expectancy. This certification shall be in accordance with ANSI/NETA ETT-2010, Standard for Certification of Electrical Testing Technicians. JET Electrical Testing LLC is proud to announce we are now a NETA Accredited Company after meeting the industry-leading crucial requirements to become a full member. NETA-member companies are your complete testing and maintenance package. This is like saying that an automotive repair department at car dealerships is not trustworthy when making recommendations but a backyard mechanic with a certificate is. Fax 916-632-0300 Click here to view the list by Certification Date. Many non-NETA companies will tell you that NETA techs only perform testing and can't perform maintenance and repairs. Electrical systems require a great deal of time and expense to design them properly and keep them running efficiently. NETA welcomes Electro Test LLC as a NETA Accredited Company, says Eric Beckman, PE, President of National Field Services Inc. Fax: (309) 764-2162. We also provide preventative maintenance programs specifically designed for your facility's needs and budget to ensure that your electrical systems are operating efficiently and effectively. and current NETA President. For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit, InterNational Electrical Testing Association, NETA Accredited Companies are third-party, independent electrical testing firms involved in full-service testing, analysis, and maintenance of electrical power systems. JET Electrical Testing's team of project managers, engineers, support staff, and field technicians form a cohesive team clients rely . The NETA Standard for Electrical Commissioning Specifications for Electrical Power Equipment and Systems (NETA ECS) defines commissioning as The systematic process of documenting and placing into service newly-installed or retrofitted electrical power equipment and systems. So we can see in these two definitions the need to ensure that new electrical equipment is both suitable to be energized and them placed into service in an orderly fashion. "Quality depends on commitment, integrity, accuracy, knowledge, and consistency", Website Midwest Engineering Consultants, Comprehensive reporting and documentation. NETA welcomes Electro Test LLC as a NETA Accredited Company, says Eric Beckman, PE, President of National Field Services Inc. and current NETA President. Like the ECS and ATS, the MTS will help you keep your equipment up and running while protecting you from costly outages and accidents. The majority of the guidelines for an effective testing procedure can be found from the manufacturers published data. June 22, 2023 6:36 PM PT. Author(s)Greg Poole ABSTRACT By combing the mass energy equivalence formula,E=mc2, with the By: Greg Poole* Industrial Tests, Inc. Rocklin, CA, USA *Corresponding author: Greg Poole, Indu Is the Speed of Light a 3rd Harmonic Wave? As I understand it, almost no repair technician employed by a manufacturer can be NETA certified. ITI offers a wide scope of tests for industrial and commercial systems that range from low voltage circuit breaker testing to 230kV yard overhauls and everywhere in between. The Army Corps added Electro Test to a list of approved vendors, and all of the military installations began communicating with Electro Test when they had testing or troubleshooting needs. This means that the test equipment being used meets nationally-recognized standards for accuracy. ), Miami Dade College-Carrie P. Meek Entrepreneurial Center, Valencia College - East Campus Assessment Center, Valencia College - Lake Nona Testing and Assessment Center, Valencia College - Osceola Testing and Assessment Center, Valencia College - Poinciana Testing and Assessment Center, Valencia College - West Campus Assessment Center, Valencia College - Winter Park Testing and Assessment Center, Florida SouthWestern State College - Collier, Florida SouthWestern State College - Henry Glades, Seminole State College of Florida - Sanford/Lake Mary A176, Palm Beach State College Loxahatchee Groves, Seminole State College of Florida - Oviedo, Florida SouthWestern State College - Charlotte, Coastal Pines Technical College - Golden Isles, Coastal Pines Technical College - Waycross, Idaho State University Counseling & Testing Services - Pocatello, College of DuPage - Westmont Learning Commons, Waubonsee Community College - Aurora Fox Valley, Ivy Tech Community College - Lawrenceburg, Ivy Tech Community College-Central Indiana (academic NMC 1st testing center), College of Southern Maryland - La Plata Campus, Missouri University of Science and Technology, Ozarks Technical Community College - Springfield, St. Louis Community College - Florissant Valley, Oklahoma State University - Oklahoma City, Tulsa Community College - Northeast Campus, Tulsa Community College - Southeast Campus, Oklahoma State University - Institute of Technology, Bloomsburg University of PA - BU Testing Center, Pellissippi State Technical Community College - Blount County, Pellissippi State Technical Community College - Division Street, Pellissippi State Technical Community College - Harden Valley, Pellissippi State Technical Community College - Magnolia Avenue, Pellissippi State Technical Community College - Strawberry Plains, University of Tennessee - Office of Disability Services Testing Center, University of Houston - Clear Lake Houston, Cardinal Institute for Health Careers & Cardinal Testing Center, Madison Area Technical College-Traux Campus, Madison Area Technical College - Goodman South, Fox Valley Technical College - Assessment for Business, Laramie County Community College: Cheyenne Site. July 14, 2016 07:05 ET "A business hires an outside auditor to get a true assessment of their financials. Accreditation also requires that member companies be regularly engaged in electrical testing and continue to meet accreditation standards. 5. The NETA Standard for Acceptance Testing Specifications for Electrical Power Equipment and Systems (NETA ATS) defines acceptance testing as "The suggested field tests and inspections that are available to assess the suitability for initial energization of electrical power equipment and systems". Portage, Michigan (PRWEB) July 14, 2016 NETA, the InterNational Electrical Testing Association, is pleased to add Halco Testing Services to its community of electrical testing companies committed to meeting the ever-increasing demand for qualified testing firms and personnel. It may not display this or other websites correctly. I am going to have all relays secondary current injected tested. The InterNational Electrical Testing Association (NETA) is a group of leading electrical testing companies, working to advance the industry's standards for power system installation and maintenance to guarantee the highest level of safety and reliability. NETA Accredited Companies are third-party, independent electrical testing and engineering service businesses providing full-service testing, analysis, and maintenance of electrical power systems. Moline, IL 61265, Phone: (309) 764-1561 NETA Accredited Company (NAC) membership is tailored for third-party, independent firms involved in full-service testing, analysis, and maintenance of electrical power systems. NETA World Staff November 1, 2022 NETA News, Winter 2022 NETA News. While I've seen NETA certifications and testing standards referenced, I've only met one NETA certified individual. The testing organization shall submit appropriate documentation to demonstrate that it satisfactorily complies with these requirements. JavaScript is disabled. Are there any electrical tests that should routinely be perfromed on transformers (1000-1500kVA) and if so how often? NETA Accreditation is not easy to attain. This article was originally distributed on PRWeb. This approach works toward establishing a solid program that allows clients seeking testing services to feel confident about both the qualifications of the company as well as the credentials of the individual technician. This unique combination ensures qualified personnel are . Recognized for their professional services, commitment to safety, and qualifications of their certified field service technicians.. We provide ATS (acceptance testing) and MTS (maintenance testing)on equipment with voltages ranging from 480V to 345KV. We are confident that Electro Tests presence in Hawaii will help these industries keep pace with the modern world in the years to come.. As third-party auditors, they provide unbiased electrical testing results while ensuring accurate testing and reporting; never influenced by conflicting factors involved with budgeting, installation, or product manufacturing. Timely Innovative Solutions to Create Safe High-Powered Electrical Systems. Clifford Fa, a former car mechanic who worked with mechanical and electrical systems, was brought on board in October 2020 for his skills with everything mechanical. NETA maintains a two-fold accreditation process that accredits the company and certifies its individual technicians. InterNational Electrical Testing Association Testing Technician VI at Specialty Engineering INC. Establishing the right type of maintenance program is also important. By encouraging self-study and adherence to our professional standards, test center certification is designed to assist test centers in improving testing processes and service to . "Halco is proud to become a NETA Accredited organization and looks forward to being an integral part of the NETA organization," says Halco President Don Genutis. For the same reason, electrical testing must be performed by a third-party, independent company." Managing Partner and Recruiter @ Power Careers #I'mHiring. The NETA Standard for Maintenance Testing Specifications for Electrical Power Systems and Equipment (NETA MTS) covers the suggested field tests and inspections that are available to assess the suitability for continued service and reliability of electrical power distribution equipment and systems. Typical customers cover a wide range of businesses, from commercial high-rise office facilities, hotels, and movie studios to power plants, hospitals, renewable power facilities, consulting engineers, and electrical contractors. That is correct, it has always been that way. OceanGate's Titan submersible went . Our technicians are NETA Certified at Level 2 and Level 3. August 15-18, 2023 at the Tropicana Las Vegas Hotel by Bally's. Is it common in some industries and not in others? An integral part of NCTA's mission is to promote professionalism and quality in the administration of testing services and programs. If you need to do this testing to meet a requirement from your insurance company be sure to read the requirements carefully, most require the testing to be done by a NETA. They must be divested of competing service or manufacturing interests. Whereas the mechanical technical commissioning specialist presents a wide range of qualifying certification options - NEBB, ACG, ICB/TABB, AEE, University of Wisconsin-Madison, ASHRAE, or BCA - the electrical technical commissioning specialist presents a singular certification qualifier -NETA. . Suite 1 List of Certified Centers by State An integral part of NCTA's mission is to promote professionalism and quality in the administration of testing services and programs. Architects, Engineers & Contractors - Always require the project to include the requirements of ANCI/NETA standards, and list the recommended NETA-accredited companies in bid specifications. Electro Test LLC was founded in 2018 when Brad Helminen decided there were enough opportunities and an open market for NETA testing in Oahu and the surrounding Hawaiian Islands. NETA World Staff February 23, 2021 NETA News, Spring 2021 NETA News, Trending News. When expanded it provides a list of search options that will switch the search inputs to match the current selection. Energy Electromagnetic Force Equivalence, E = Fe x r, Ensures that mechanical operation of equipment is aligned with manufacturers standard, Prevents injury hazards to personnel working near/around energized equipment, Detect possible areas where arc faults can occur and identify appropriate approach boundaries. Levels 2, 3, and 4 are attained through certification exams administered by Pearson VUE. The company serves Southern California out of its original Los Angeles location. Our services includeMore ITI's full service transformer testing services include on site inspection,More ITI testing equipment spans 120,000 volts and 40,000 amps. Located in Cedartown, Georgia, PowerSouth Testing, Inc. offers services in the southeastern United States., 2023 International Electric Testing Association | All Rights Reserved |, JET Electrical Testing Recognized as New NETA Accredited Company. NETA is an association of leading electrical testing companies; visionaries committed to advancing the industry's standards for power system installation and maintenance to ensure the highest level of reliability and safety. About. NETA is a good program but it should not be the primary consideration. This two-fold process accredits the company and certifies the company's individual technicians. Equipment can pass calibration once a year even if it is fifty years old but in the field the reliability of that equipment is a factor. Is that because I'm just not talking to the right people? We are located in central New Jersey. All testing equipment is calibrated and traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). A NETA Accredited Company recognizes the Safety Program is paramount to making sure all other operational goals are met. NETA covers maintenance testing and inspections, too. UIS is an SEL Protection and Communication Expert able to service and program all SEL products. UIS spends an average 5% of sales on training and new equipment. Click here to view the list Alphabetically. The InterNational Electrical Testing Association (NETA) is an organization established in 1972 and is the worldwide leader in providing accreditation to power system testing companies and technician electrical testing certifications for electrical power systems testing.NETA's commitment to excellence ensures that every level of electrical testing meets international standards.

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