"Later came along a wretch called Verana. One of her first acts is to attempt the disruption of the ritual in front of the Portal to the Firelands that would lead to the infiltration into the Firelands by the druids loyal . "Just so you know, I am staying on a planet shielded by the System.". There's no way he hasn't had some unique encounters," Leyara said. "Billy has to go to Southern Mountain. Then again, he knew nothing about real Titans. ", "I was leading the incursion placed next to him. Oh yeah. The minstrel who sought to lift an ancient curse through Creation, the flickering flame who wished to become a sun, and the warrior who wanted dominion over Even then, Prettys aura wasnt quite as condensed as Leyaras, even if it wasnt that far off. Zac waited for another couple minutes until the next burst of inspiration pushed his insights further. Zac had expected as much from the lack of Monarchs, but it was still a kick to the groin that the Void Priestess or someone like the Starfall Monarch simply couldnt swing by and solve this mess. Hurl them across half the domain? War will always have sacrifices, Pretty shrugged. Conversely, Earth didn't have much to offer someone like him, and Zac wasn't sure a brutal war was the best place for Billy to grow. "Well, isn't that nice," Ogras said with a roll of his eyes. The taint was far more concentrated this close to the source, and he wouldn't last much longer without [Void Zone]. She will root you, after which the Arch Druid shows up and she kills him. Royal Road is the home of web novels and fan fictions! Should he go back and discuss it with the others? Whats going on? The array flashed to life a moment later, and the two stepped through. (0/1) (0/178). She threw her lot in with Zac upon witnessing his strength, realizing the potential for profits. "Don't look at me," Ogras said when Zac glanced in his direction. Whats so funny?. Im sorry about dropping in like this. The corruption of the Lost Plane wanted to reform him into an image of itself, both in spirit and flesh. This was all ancient history. At least the Golem wanted him to assist Iz in seizing the inheritance rather than outright killing him, which wasn't too bad. When you struggle to keep a door open, you often close another one," the demon said as he turned to Iz with a smile. Chapter 929, It was estimated the Void Gate had around ten Monarchs, with the Void Priestess being by far the far strongest (Chapter 861). Gemmy did space magic and made bad guys appear inside Billys dungeon instead of the edge of the world.. What if the connection remains?. But what if that wasnt it? Leyara's brows rose with surprise, but before she could speak, another presence appeared right in front of them. A little bit of suffering in return for clarity, for power. However, he was surprisingly ambivalent about there being quite a few statues of him erected across the planet, including one in Port Atwood. Y-Youre really the Deviant Asura? Vai hesitantly asked, her face full of confusion and loss. Atwood Piker, Vai stammered, her eyes wide as saucers. And you even have a ghost guide to help us out, Zac shrugged. Soon, they reached the craters edge, and Zac could finally see what was hidden inside - a massive array. Billy got the array to save Gemmy, but Billy has to join Southern Mountain.". What stayed constant were the dense scripts that covered the crystal pillars, scripts that followed the unfamiliar ruleset of the Qriz'Ul. ", "That's fine," Zac nodded. Zac couldn't tell if this thing was something the Ra'Lashar had created or if it had formed naturally. The fights: The story has three main modes: fighting, upgrades, upgrades while fighting. "She didn't just have one or two suitors who had timed their climb to be here at the same time as her. One pulse after another cleansed his body of the corruption, but even more kept pouring in. Ogras said. But just as Zac thought the mission a success and planned to deal with the fallout, a powerful consciousness descend on the area. Eventually, we both proved ourselves to each other," Ogras said. So Zac steadied his mind as he went through the procedure Leyara had imparted. With Vai safely returned to the Void Gate, he also completed his bodyguard quest. The KanTanu infiltrators are extracting too much energy from these ruins you mentioned, Leyara said. "Focus on cultivation until you've grown up.". Space twisted, but the confusing blur was nothing to the confusion already raging in Zac's mind. Zac didn't even have time to react before a huge runic hand emerged from the remaining half of the sphere. The Qriz'Ul relaxed and returned to their spread-out form before drifting away in the waters. Chapter 865, A central part of their heritage. ", "Can't Billy just drag them out too?" This way, they wouldnt be as reliant on Leyaras generosity when disaster struck. Billy also told him about what had happened since Ogras left, which wasnt much, really. Judging by its proximity, Zac guessed the shielding array had some sort of dampening effects to prevent people from being blinded. Someone has to go there and turn off the faucet, so to speak?, Preferably while conjuring another pillar, if possible, Leyara nodded. How they gained their insights?. They were simple schools that taught anyone willing to listen the basics of cultivation. Iz didn't immediately answer but instead glanced at Zac. It was a cheap method to look for diamonds in the rough, and the Void Gate often recruited from these public schools. Zac could only laugh in response. There are a lot of bad guys out there.". There was a sense of impermeability and stability to his aura, making Zac guess he not only had at least one defensive Dao but also endurance as his main attribute. Billys plan is good, but it can get better., Ill do my best, Zac nodded. Those with powerful fates usually had a few such people hovering around them. Im so happy to see you. Hopefully, he had managed to save a few others, though Zac wasn't too hopeful in that regard. What could he do in this situation? Why wouldnt I know him? Leyara sighed. "I'm sorry, I didn't expect the danger to be that great. You! He was finally going back to Earth. His [Primal Polyglot] wasnt up to deciphering any clues either. But with Senior Lioress and you two here, we finally have the opportunity to strike back.. The stones he managed to buy were unfortunately no larger than fists, but they still contained the equivalent amount of Void Energy to a High-Grade Nexus Crystal. And with a prize like Ultom and the Left Imperial Palace, there would be no shortage of powerful factions willing to buy in. Well, its a better plan than we have, Leyara slowly said. There was no way to tell, but one thing was for certain. And youve even been traveling undercover?, I needed some stuff inside the Void Star, so I came here to get it, Zac sighed. "You are creating your own system. The Deviant Asura? Ogras snickered, his grin almost splitting his face apart. Still, you were just going to let Gemmy throw you into a spatial tear and hope for the best? Zac hesitated, We dont have any other means to reach the eastern reaches in time, and Gemmy can only do so much in her current state, Leyara explained. Technically, the pillars didn't transform or shift about. That realm immediately started releasing its energy, spreading like poison through Gemmys world. Fated and lacking fate. If anything, the infiltrators want us to send Monarchs into the Void Star. Alvod never targeted the Void Gate during his rampage. By briefly deactivating his Bloodline Talent and infusing a tiny hint of Cosmic Energy, the canister started to drag the tainted waters into its subspace. "The day was saved. W-Well, he is a bit greedy, but he helped me a lot! She knew she was sheltered from the world, but she still understood the Multiverse was a cruel place, and the struggles here on the Frontier paled in front of the wars that ravaged the heartlands. (Chapter 605), They seldom invite outsiders, and they dont leave their monasteries very often. We were on the same mission to stabilize a Spatial Nexus, but things took a turn., Gaun Sorom? Leyara blankly said as she looked between Zac and Vai. But what if its still there? That was a headache for the Southern Mountain. We have simply waited since the Templar Hegemons are needed to draw the most complicated pathways. Leandra Atwood Aliases Leandra Kayar-Elu Leandra Piker Alignment Technocrats (former) Relatives Zachary Atwood (Son) MacKenzie Atwood (Daughter) Robert Atwood (Husband [Deceased]) Physical Description Species Human (B Grade) Gender Female Hair color Brown or Purple Eye color Hazel Cultivation Grade Between Autarchy and peak Monarchy "Some things are not for us to alter," Leyara said with a weak smile. Zac said before he remembered their talk before the Mystic Realm started collapsing. Design? Zac said as he looked at Billy curiously. "Nothing to it," Zac smiled, like he hadn't almost gotten himself killed just a couple of hours ago. "What's going on here? She wanted to strike while the iron was hot and the outsiders were still a bit disorganized from the spatial mayhem. Walls were covered with inscriptions, and the air was rife with Spatial Energy. And with the rumors and the bounties, You think too little of the Void Gate if you thought we cared for those rumors or the Tsarun Bounty, Leyara said with a cute pout. As expected, her clan didn't share Iz's apparent indifference to Ultom and his relation to it. It emitted no aura, but Zac felt a pang of extreme danger as it slowly turned its head toward him. "Did you know that guy would be so strong? Apart from recuperating, Zac spent most of his time perusing Alpha Vigil's extensive stores and venues. There were also some remnants of structures around the peak, but most of them were being dismantled to give way to the innumerable pathways. This means like 3/4 of the story is just him throwing axes at skills at things. "With the Realm Spirt so exhausted, it's unwise to exhaust it unduly.". The good news was that Teo Kastella had a life tablet, and it was actually still intact. Seeing how he cultivated and made breakthroughs in his sleep, Zac guessed his bloodline was related to dreams or dreamworlds. And with the big guys slumbering nearby, activating it would mean immediately getting exposed. Honestly, Zac wasn't too surprised. Perhaps the KanTanu had already unearthed another set if they were digging into the Lost Plane. You two know each other since before? Leyara asked when she saw how familiar they were. "What?" Once outside the Void Star, he could extract us and send in our armies to deal with any remnant infiltrators., This is not just about us either, Pretty added with determination. Secondly, it had turned squarish with a radiant cut. Most of this realm would collapse while the core region was reforged, Leyara said. People you can trust your back to in thick and thin.". Only one person with loose lips was needed to create a disaster. Even if it hadn't, it would have been a worthwhile sacrifice. They barely know about the purpose of their own tasks, let . In a perfect world, Zac would have secluded himself in this corrupted tunnel, staying years if need be to consume the whole lake. It wasnt exactly what Zac expected from a Titanic bloodline. As for the Gnivelings, they chose to join the Void Gate. The less energy Gemmy was forced to use, the longer they would be able to maintain the shields and work on the array. A universe where an endless number of races and civilizations fought for power and dominion. Iz truly looked at the shade-marked demon for the first time. That will place us in a localized Void of the Void Star, and well teleport out from there., What a shitty escape treasure, Ogras muttered from the side. He had nothing to bargain with when dealing with those kinds of factions. What if the KanTanu were actually aiming for the source the Lost Plane? But soon enough, it was all swallowed up by a greedy [Void Heart], and the cycle started anew. We are essentially prison labor stuck inside this place. Most of them seemed to be in an almost comatose state where they had turned into blobs that drifted along the currents. It has been a bit hard to piece together the events, but it looks like the Realm Spirit swallowed up a dimensional fragment holding something dangerous. "You too," Zac smiled. Vai said with determination. Billy asked. He didnt relish the thought of storming an infiltrator base to blow up a dimensional portal somehow, but it definitely beat their original scheme. It might even swallow the origin of all that tainted energy, which will be disastrous. You did when you broadcasted your desire for young women across the whole sector, Pretty Peak snorted. What is making the world sick? Ogras asked from the side. Finally, the bomb reached the core, and reality buckled as a hole of utmost darkness appeared. Ah, Billy hesitated. Vai told me how you conjured a huge pillar a month ago? Besides, what are we supposed to do? Well, that did happen, Zac coughed before he glared at the demon, who had been laughing for a while now. Perhaps that was an opportunity in itself? Of course, he wasn't too convinced anyone would actually notice it with him being surrounded by the extremely potent water. Well talk later.. With only Earthlings around, and Gemmy who was floating inside a brazier, Zac also told them of what had happened to Earth since they were swallowed by the Dimensional Seed. A thud echoed out from his heart, and he stopped in place with anticipation as [Void Heart] spat out a burst of energy. What are you doing here?" Leyara exclaimed when she saw Zac standing between Billy and Vai, her pristine face scrunching up into a scowl. Vai had long since explained it was a result of two realities with a different number of dimensions sharing the same space. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. We dealt with the incursions together., Ah, Billy misses the Ratlight, Billy sighed. ", "Billy made a promise," Billy said with a grimace. Were her family's precepts wrong? "Alright," Zac eventually nodded. It grasped the black hole and squeezed, like the scene where the mysterious being crushed the Heart of Oblivion. Another reason was the ruins. My identity is a bit complicated, and I have a lot of enemies, Zac said with a wry smile. Theyd be able to solve this issue with a wave of their sleeve.
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