last stop librarian trophy

During this chapter, you also want to complete, You will unlock this as part of completing the second chapter of Donna's story. Librarian: Playing as Meena, you will visit your Father to find his place trashed. You will have a regular conversation with the Stranger in which your choices don't matter until he says "What do you want to know?". When she arrives home, she talks to her husband Dan and her son Dylan, then heads to bed. Last Stop Trophies. Subsequent chapters are only available after playing a chapter from each of the three stories. Choose "cotton balls" and the trophy will unlock at the end of the conversation. During this chapter, you also want to complete, You will unlock this as part of completing the first chapter of John's story. Finish the scene at the table and the trophy will unlock. In order to prove that you're really John's nephew, she'll ask you a series of questions, one of which about John's biggest phobia. In this chapter, you will begin John's story. To escape, there will be a minigame for you to play. You're looking for file folders, laptops, tablets, and eventually you'll find a password and key to get into the office. After this, John goes to work, gets his boss fired, then heads home. Here you will talk to Shazia. In this chapter, Meena breaks into Amy's home to gather evidence of Amy stalking her. After going home again and another night of keeping an eye on him, Donna's sister's fiancee, Aisling, finds the Stranger and Donna. After dropping Molly off at school in your new body, you'll be interrogated by Shazia. Select the green bottle with. You need to sign in or create an account to do that. 1 4 11 20 2.98 2,997 1,970 (66%) 6-8h 2,997 gamers are tracking their Last Stop trophies. You can choose any option of dialogue until Vivek says, "Donna. It takes between 6 and 8 hours to complete the trophies in Last Stop. It takes between 6 and 8 hours to complete the achievements in Last Stop. To unlock Librarian, you must correctly place all the books on the shelves they belong. He then goes to Jack's workplace only to be fired due to his bad behaviour. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Guide not helping? John, who magically becomes trapped in a younger body. Easy (3/10). Part-way through the chapter you'll visit Meena's dadwhere a break-in has taken place. Subsequent chapters are only available after playing a chapter from each of the three stories. Secrets and Lies will unlock after Meena returns home from the park in chapter three of Domestic Affairs. Below you will find all the trophies and video guides for Last Stop. She had been given the task to bring back Sam. PS4. How many hidden trophies are there in Last Stop? If it doesn't, replay the chapter and choose every snippy response to Becky that you can find. The next day, she goes to work and talks to Peter. This takes place in Chapter 2 of Stranger Danger, where you play as Donna. To unlock Everyone Needs a Name, make sure you choose What do I call you? when Donna tries to get to know the Stranger a bit more. Approach them, and you will be given a choice as to which bottles she pours. For the trophy, your choices, In "Stranger Danger Chapter 5", as soon as you arrive at the abandoned building with your sister, Emily, she will handcuff you to some bars. From the top line the buttons are: , , , and . In this chapter, John meets with Amy and goes for a run with her. Donna and the Stranger are on a train in Coldharbour, getting annoyed by a local passenger. After Molly's dialogue, you then choose "Dime a Dozen". This takes place in Chapter 1 of Paper Dolls, where you play as John. She and Becky then go shopping for supplies and when they get back, Donna decides to keep an eye on the Stranger, who eventually talks to her. At the beginning of "Domestic Affairs Chapter 6", Meena will break into Amy's home. To unlock Baller, you must hit all eight objectsthey will be highlighted in yellow when you look at themwith a single bottle each. Do you have a question about this achievement? Choosing this option will cause Meena to sing her husbands praises, and Dan Hannold will unlock. How many secret achievements are there in Last Stop? Yes, Last Stop is currently available on PlayStation Plus Extra, and higher tiers. Imposter Syndrome will unlock when Jack and John reveal their respective bad news situations to each other at the end of chapter 3 of Paper Dolls. You're allowed to take any evidence you find, which corresponds with. As Meena, collect every scrap of evidence when looking for clues. After this, she goes to see her Dad only to find his home broken into. You will control Donna, a teenager who managed to get herself wrapped up in kidnapping but not all is as it seems. In this chapter, Donna goes home for the night and heads back in the morning to keep an eye on the Stranger. Donna and the Stranger go to the Stranger's home and she finds out he has a portal in the floor. Does Last Stop have missable trophies? As soon as you gain control of Meena in Amys apartment, turn and enter the first door on the left to enter. Samir will tell Meena that the bottom shelf is for Travel, the middle shelf is for Politics and History, and the top is for Art and Entertainment. As Donna, successfully smash a bottle against every target, using only one bottle per target, As Donna, give Becky a hard time when chatting to her, As Donna, come up with a creative name when invited to, As Donna, choose to be honest when your friend asks a difficult question, As Donna, break free of your restraints the first chance you get, As Meena, pick water as your beverage of choice, As Meena, place every book on the correct shelf when helping your Dad, As Meena, sing your husband's praises when given the chance, As Meena, block an annoying instant messenger chat, As Meena, leave no traces when breaking and entering, As Meena, collect every scrap of evidence when looking for clues, As John, slip into conversation that you're a member of a gym, As John, admit to an unusual phobia when asked, As John, be a good manager and remember everybody's tasks, As John, don't play a bad note when demonstrating your piano skills. PlayStation Trophies is not affiliated with Sony or PlayStation, it is owned and run by Resero Network Ltd. All other registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. In Domestic Affairs - Chapter 5, after speaking with Felix's daughter about the note left at your front door, Meena will pay a visit to her dad's apartment. There are 20 hidden trophies in Last Stop. You must hit all three circles on the first try for the trophy to unlock. During this chapter, you also want to complete, You will unlock this as part of completing the fifth chapter of Donna's story. When Meenas husband says shes the best, you will have the option to reply with He was the best. Subsequent chapters are only available after playing a chapter from each of the three stories. For the trophy, you will have to select the right option with. To unlock Cant Keep a Secret, choose to Tell Her when Becky asks you about it. The. When she sits down at the kitchen counter, you will be able to choose what drink she has. In this chapter, Meena suspects who she thinks sent her the mysterious note. Subsequent chapters are only available after playing a chapter from each of the three stories. The prologue is a concise intro sequence with a small number of interactions. Use the book titles to determine which book goes where so if a book is about visiting a place, put it on the bottom shelf, countries or events with specific dates go in the middle, and anything to do with art or photographs goes up top. You okay staying here while we're gone?" Subsequent chapters are only available after playing a chapter from each of the three stories. This is the longest chapter in the game and at the end, you'll be tasked with making a series of decisions that will affect your ending butfor the purpose of thistrophy,your decisions won't matter. This takes place in Chapter 5 of Stranger Danger, where you play as Donna. Your dialogue choices don't matter until Dylan says "You were the best as well". Friend or Foe will unlock after Donna and Vivek chat in chapter three of Stranger Danger. Maestro. Donna will be handcuffed to a railing outside of the building shes been keeping the Stranger tied up. Do you have a question about this achievement? Does Last Stop have difficulty-specific trophies? Roast Becky is a Bronze trophy in Last Stop. View 1 more guide for this achievement. However, you can avoid using it all together if you follow the guide below, so youre prepared for each of the chapter-specific trophies. Once you head up stairs, advance through some dialogue and offer to help him tidy up the place. When talking to her Dad, choose the option "Let's tidy this place". In this chapter, John gets his old job back. He then will ask "Why do you assume I have a name?". Here is the full list of all 36 Last Stop trophies - there are 20 bronze, 11 silver, 4 gold and 1 platinum. Have you got any tips or tricks to unlock this achievement?Add a guide to share them with the community. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. As Donna, give Becky a hard time when chatting to her. While walking Molly to school, she will mention that you need some cooler friends. Have you got any tips or tricks to unlock this achievement?Add a guide to share them with the community. In this chapter, you will begin Meena's story. Please post it in the, As Meena, leave no traces when breaking and entering, 2023 TrueGaming Network Ltd, All Rights Reserved. In this chapter, Meena visits her father and goes to feed pigeons in the park with him. Donna and Becky walk to Vivek's home, only for Donna to see him and the Stranger enter the Stranger's home. During this chapter, you'll also want to complete, You will unlock this as part of completing the fourth chapter of Donna's story. Does Last Stop have online trophies? During this chapter, you also want to complete, You will unlock this as part of completing the third chapter of John's story. After arriving at the abandoned building, you'll be restrained with handcuffs. Donna explores the basement and then heads home, only to get an alarming phone call. Eventually, Donna can ask the Stranger three questions. Have you got any tips or tricks to unlock this achievement?Add a guide to share them with the community. After arriving home for dinner, you'll have a conversation with Meena's family. During this chapter, you also want to complete, You will unlock this as part of completing the sixth chapter of Meena's story. Choose "Dime a dozen" and the trophy will unlock soon after. Open up the bottom drawer and the, Next, walk to the end of the hall. Towards the end of the chapter, you and Jack will head to the pub, where you'll eventually start playing the piano. Last Stop Trophy Guide General Info FAQ How long does it take to beat Last Stop and unlock all trophies? After meeting with Spider, Meena will return home and have dinner with her husband and child. Last Stop is a narrative-driven game featuring three unique protagonists dealing with their own family lives and problems. Video from users online shows police stations, cranes, and allegedly a city hall in Bordeaux, France being set ablaze. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. When she gets home, she has an argument with Dan. This game has a total of 36 trophies, including a platinum trophy. PSNProfiles PSN Trophy Tracking, Stats, Guides & Leaderboards The button will appear in the bottom right with a small circle above it and a small line orbiting the . In "Stranger Danger Chapter 1", the option for this trophy will pop after the cutscene where you meet with Becky & Vivek up some stairs. Shazia will ask Jack who he is, and you can choose to tell her youre Johns nephew. This item will only be visible to you, admins, and anyone marked as a creator. For this dialogue, choose "Be Fierce". As Donna, give Becky a hard time when chatting to her, As Donna, come up with a creative name when invited to, As Donna, successfully smash a bottle against every target, using only one bottle per target, As Donna, choose to be honest when your friend asks a difficult question, As Donna, break free of your restraints the first chance you get, As Meena, pick water as your beverage of choice, As Meena, place every book on the correct shelf when helping your Dad, As Meena, sing your husband's praises when given the chance, As Meena, block an annoying instant messenger chat, As Meena, leave no traces when breaking and entering, As Meena, collect every scrap of evidence when looking for clues, As John, slip into conversation that you're a member of a gym, As John, admit to an unusual phobia when asked, As John, be a good manager and remember everybody's tasks, As John, don't play a bad note when demonstrating your piano skills. As Donna, break free of your restraints the first chance you get. 2023 TrueGaming Network Ltd, All Rights Reserved. Commuter Rage will unlock after John returns home and rests his eyes for five minutes in chapter one of Paper Dolls. Last Stop Trophy Guide. Sign in or sign up to start making your own lists. As Meena, collect every scrap of evidence when looking for clues. After taking Molly to school, John heads to work but not before him and Jack encounter a mysterious man in the London Underground. Subsequent chapters are only available after playing a chapter from each of the three stories. The Prisoner will unlock after Donna returns to the old building and learns more about what she saw in Chapter 1. To unlock Maestro, you will have to hit the button prompts that appear on-screen when they enter their respective sweet spots. They have conversations throughout the night. Choose this for the trophy. In Last Stop, you will have to play through chapter 1 of each of the three stories before you can play chapter 2. During this chapter, you also want to complete. Here is the full list of all 35 Last Stop achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore. The very first trophy you will earn will be 'Prologue' (Finish the opening chapter). In this chapter, after a short call with Felix, Meena takes Dylan to school. 28,613 Views. You don't have any friends". In "Stranger Danger Chapter 3", there will be a new area that you will enter with the Stranger. For this, reply with "Starey McStareFace". It takes around 6-8 hours to unlock all of the achievements on Xbox One. When talking to her Dad, choose the option "Let's tidy this place". Meena has an odd interview at her workplace and meets a new colleague named Amy. Last Stop 1,540 1,000 35 3.45 42,611 8,524 (20%) 6-8h Last Stop Achievements Here is the full list of all 35 Last Stop achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore. This item will only be visible in searches to you, your friends, and admins. This takes place in Chapter 1 of Stranger Danger, where you play as Donna. Revelations will unlock as Meena embarks on a new mission in chapter six of Domestic Affairs. Subsequent chapters are only available after playing a chapter from each of the three stories. A Fools Errand will unlock as Jack and John settle down in chapter four of Paper Dolls after the days events. When you reply, choose What about Shazia followed by Dime a dozen, and Shots Fired will unlock. You will get to choose this response shortly after returning from a trip on the bus. Again. Confessions of a Kidnapper will unlock after Emma leaves Donna outside the building where the Stranger is being held hostage in chapter five of Stranger Danger. ", then Molly will say you need friends that jog. Order (PSN) Alphabetical; Grade; PSN; Rarity PSN; . Subsequent chapters are only available after playing a chapter from each of the three stories. Librarian As Meena, place every book on the correct shelf when helping your Dad Dan Honnold As Meena, sing your husband's praises when given the chance Blocker As Meena, block an annoying instant messenger chat You were never here As Meena, leave no traces when breaking and entering True detective It is only visible to you. They follow the Stranger into an abandoned building a few streets from Vivek's home and encounter a strange phenomenon he creates. Choose to tell her the truth for the trophy. Welcome to MetaGame's Last Stop PS4 Trophy Guide and Walkthrough! Sign in or sign up to start making your own lists. The rioting did not stop at the school and library. While you're walking Molly to school, she will ask you about being friends with Jack and she'll say that you don't have any friends. Librarian. The books are categorized between Arts and Entertainment, Politics and History, and Travel. After using the computer, if you found everything, the trophy will unlock. During this chapter, you also want to complete, You will unlock this as part of completing the second chapter of Meena's story. You can find a full guide to unlocking all of the achievements in the. Turn around, move towards the bed, then go to the drawer on the right side of the bed next to the desk. What are achievement flags? No, Last Stop is not currently available on either Xbox Game Pass or PC Game Pass. You may see links to NordVPN products and services on our site. You will meet his daughter Molly and a fitness guru named Jack who gets mistaken for John through their mail and vice versa. Last Stop Achievement Guide. Finally, in this phase of our Last Stop Trophy Guide, you will mop up any missed trophies using the chapter select feature, which becomes available once you have seen the story through for the first time. Make sure you carefully search each room, opening every closet and cupboard. The silver trophy 'Maestro' is the trophy that could be difficult (As John, don't play a bad note when demonstrating your piano skills). Librarian achievement in Last Stop Last Stop Achievements Librarian achievement Last Stop 1,539 1,000 35 3.45 42,701 8,532 (20%) 6-8h 42,701 gamers are tracking their Last Stop. During this chapter, you also want to complete. The next day, she goes to the park with Dylan, however, it was cut short due to her having to go back to work. You get an achievement for every chapter you complete, the following are unlocked through story progression: Thanks a lot bro, I really appreciate you taking the time to make this guide for us. As Donna, choose to be honest when your friend asks a difficult question. Subsequent chapters are only available after playing a chapter from each of the three stories. Reach the credits then the trophy will unlock. Somehow I had problems getting this one, so I made a 100% douche run through the chapter, this might help you too. When he heads home, he finds out Jack also lost his job for the same reason. When you get to the park, Molly will say "Why don't you and Josh be friends? As Donna, successfully smash a bottle against every target, using only one bottle per target. This takes place in Chapter 3 of Stranger Danger, where you play as Donna. No. This is a silver trophy. 33 Favorites. Jack and John will spend the day figuring out how to correct their problem before retiring to the pub. How long does it take to complete all the achievements in Last Stop? In This All the Way will unlock as Meena arrives home to a rather annoyed Dan in chapter four of Domestic Affairs. She will quickly notice that the bar is quite loose and that she could probably break it. Welcome to MetaGame's Last Stop PS4 Trophy Guide and Walkthrough! As Meena, place every book on the correct shelf when helping your Dad. They descend into the portal as Donna finds all of her friends and family who had disappeared. You will unlock this as part of completing the fifth chapter of John's story. You will then be given a minigame to complete by putting her Dad's books back on his shelves. This will prompt you to organize his book shelf. This takes place in Chapter 6 of Domestic Affairs, where you play as Meena. You will unlock this as part of completing the sixth chapter of John's story. As soon as you walk in, turn left again to the set of drawers and open up the bottom draw. They both go to the abandoned building after Donna confesses to Emma about what she has done and they find that the Stranger is not there. Choose Cotton wool, and Sidonglophobia will unlock. A friend in Need will unlock as John (in Jacks body, of course) goes to the Vape Shop to meet Frank in chapter six of Paper Dolls. Add a guide to share them with the community. Subsequent chapters are only available after playing a chapter from each of the three stories. She then finds a mysterious pouch of powder and questions her dad about it, getting a phone number for someone named Spider. She will then ask for proof by asking him what Johns phobia is. You'll eventually see a dialogue option where you can say that Meena's husband "was the best", which will lead to Meena talking about Dan's history as a rock climber. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. 68.62% Common - 10.0 EXP. I recommend you enjoy the game without worrying about achievements for your first playthrough. Use of this site is subject to express terms of use. After leaving Felix's apartment and getting into a cab, you'll get a text message from him. There are 35 achievements in Last Stop, worth a total of 1,000 Gamerscore. How many achievements are there in Last Stop? At the start of the chapter, Donna will meet up with Becky outside her apartment. To get the trophy, you will need to put each book in the correct order of Genre: In "Domestic Affairs Chapter 2", there will be a scene where Meena, Dan and Dylan have dinner. Unfinished Business will unlock after Meena confronts Spider in chapter five of Domestic Affairs for the second time. In this chapter, you will begin Donna's story. For the trophy, you will have to answer with "Cotton Wool". In the last chapter, the conversation will gravitate towards what Donna and Vivek got up to. The order that I chose was Stranger Danger, Domestic Affairs, and Paper Dolls, and the guide will reflect this. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Your objective here is to find each of the targets scattered around the area (they glow yellow when you highlight them), then use. You can unlock this one in Chapter 6: Revelations. As Meena, pick water as your beverage of choice. . As John, dont play a bad note when demonstrating your piano skills. In this chapter, Meena meets Dan at Dylan's school for parents' evening which was interrupted multiple times. Most of your dialogue options do not matter until Shazia asks "Biggest Phobia?" The, Turn around and walk into the kitchen area. The two will talk about recent events at a party. At the end of the section, Jack will point out the piano. After Vivek talks about his shady neighbor, you will enter a first-person view, and you will have some bottles that you can throw at particular objects. In "Paper Dolls Chapter 4", John and Jack will go to the pub for a drink. It takes around 6-8 hours to. Follow us on Twitter @GetPlat or Instagram @platget for updates on new reviews and guides, as well as small anecdotes about our platinum journeys. A second circle will appear at the bottom left of the , and one last circle will appear at the bottom right. There are no particular actions to take or important decisions except for one last A or B option to determine the ending for each character. They thought they found help with a local hypnotist, only to find out he is not a real hypnotist and hosts a podcast. It is worth 15 points and can be received for: As Donna, give Becky a hard time when chatting to her By TreeTrunk. Human Events. Meena meets a creature who takes her to a town named Coldharbour. This takes place in Chapter 2 of Paper Dolls, where you play as John.

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