2020-21 Certificated Salary Schedule. If you believe you have been subjected to discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or bullying you should immediately contact the school site principal and/or their supervisor. ), To include: Construction Project/Services, Custodial, Nutrition Services, Maintenance Planner, Payroll, Plant (site), Security, 2023-2024 Administrative Salary Schedule (Effective July 1, 2023) Board Approved March 9, 2023. For classified employees, CSEA represents clerical, instructional aide, technical, business professional, and HR positions and SEIU represents maintenance . 2023-24 Classified Salary Schedule.pdf 288.45 KB (Last Modified on March 10, 2023) Comments (-1) April 12, 2023 from 6:00 to 8:00 pm. If you are interested in joining our team, visit ourJob Openingspage to view the current employment opportunities. The Alhambra Elementary School District No. 1044 or Sara Sargent at 916 375-7604 ext. Last updated: November 15, 2022 at 16:57 pm. Certificated Staff. Our website, in addition to up-to-date information, includes archived documents that may contain information that is no longer accurate. 2019 Certificated Salary Schedules. 220 Days. The Yucaipa-Calimesa Joint Unified School District prohibits unlawful discrimination, including discriminatory harassment, intimidation, and bullying targeted at any student based on the student's actual or perceived race, color, ancestry, national origin, nationality, ethnicity, ethnic group identification, age, religion, marital or parental status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or gender expression; or association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics. Classified Employment. 2019-20 Certificated Salary Schedule. Certificated Salary Schedule Certificated Employment If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document. Paper applications will not be accepted. 949-497-6021. Sup ervisor Salary Schedule - 20 22/23. 4510 N. 37th Avenue. Employee Health Benefits. Human Resources4850 Pedley RoadJurupa Valley, CA 92509Phone:951-360-4124Fax: 951-360-4127, Welcome to the Jurupa Unified School District's Human Resources Department. CERTIFICATED EMPLOYMENT INSTRUCTIONS: All certificated employment opportunities with the District will be posted on EDJOIN . 1601 East Chestnut Avenue. Last Modified on July 20, 2022 Certificated Management: Classified: Classified Management: Confidential: 5. Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. Aug 22. To skip between groups, use Ctrl+LEFT or Ctrl+RIGHT. . For Uniform and Title IX Complaints, please call (510) 723-3857 ext 34102 or 34201 or email us at uc.titleix@husd.k12.ca.us. Get Directions. All interested parties are encouraged to attend this meeting. Santa Ana, CA 92701-6322. Submit your online Ed-Join application here: "Openings at EDJOIN" Forms and Information Name and Address Change Form Resource List for Required Certificates 1457. Stay Connected. CSEA 2022-2025 Contract Classified Salary Schedule With Classifications F: Email Us. The process is inquiry and data driven and supports the goal of producing high quality facilities for higher quality education. To navigate through the Ribbon, use standard browser navigation keys. Salary Schedules 2022-2023 . Box 650, Miranda, CA 95553, Aeries Student, Parent and Teacher Portal. Certificated . HOME OUR DISTRICT BUSINESS SERVICES Fiscal Services Payroll. 2. 5050 Barranca Parkway Salary Schedules; Staff. 550 Blumont St. Laguna Beach, CA 92651. Sep 4. . Board Approved 11/15/22 A public hearing and disclosure of the proposed CBA major provisions is scheduled for: 4:00 P.M. June 29th, 2023 Redway Elementary School-Gymnasium 344 Humboldt Ave, Redway, CA, 95560. CERTIFICATED SALARY SCHEDULE Effective 7/1/22 (4% increase) 186 days 1 Fully credentialed employees ONLY. Interns, Variable Waivers, PIPs, STSPs, etc., are placed at Class A. certificated salary schedule and/or additional days at the individual's daily rate: Psychologist factor 1.19; Comprehensive High School Counselor factor 1.06 plus 10 days; Jr. High and Continuation High School Counselor factor 1.06 plus 5 days; Speech Language Pathologist, Occupational Therapist and Nurse factor 1.08 for UUSD years 1 to 6; . Speech, Language, Hearing, Visual Impairment Specialists, Orientation Mobility, Nurses, Assistive Technology, CDCC Teacher Annual Permit Salary Schedule 186 Days, CDCC Head Teacher Annual Permit Salary Schedule 186 Days, CDCC Teacher Annual Permit Salary Schedule - 225 days, CDCC Head Teacher Annual Permit Salary Schedule 225 Days, Summer School Salary School - Speech/Language/Hearing/Visual Impairment Specialists, Orientation Mobility, Nurses, Assistive Technology, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). Copies of the Education Protection Account (EPA) may be inspected at the District Office (during normal business hours) or on the District website 72 hours prior to the hearing. These employees work from our 24 sites and district office to serve our student enrollment of over 18,000.. Phone: 951-416-1593. To jump to the first Ribbon tab use Ctrl+[. Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). Administrative Salary Schedule 2021-22. Jurupa Unified School District BASIC CERTIFICATED SALARY SCHEDULE 101 (4.0%) Salary below reflects years of service within Jurupa Unified School District only Effective 7/1/21 to 6/30/22 (184 contract days) (7.5 hrs/day) Author: Shannon Nelson Classified Salary Schedule - 202 2/23. If you are interested in joining our team, visit our. When the unit member provides the District with documentation showing that a preliminary credential has been obtained, the employee's salary placement will be revised to give full credit for accepted years of experience and units of professional growth. LUSD Management/Supervisory Salary Schedule. Certificated Substitute Rates (2022-2023) Confidential Salary Schedule (2022-2023) CSEA 2023 Salary Schedule (May 2023) Classified Sub Rates (January 2023) DTA Salary Schedule (2022-2023) Transportation, Warehouse, Agreement Between IUSD and The Irvine Supervisory Association, Other Classified - 2022/23Board Approved 11/15/22, Administrative Assistant to the Principal, Confidential, Executive Assistant, Principals/Assistant Principals, Directors, Copies of the LCAP and Budget may be inspected at the District Office (during normal business hours) or on the district website 72 hours prior to the hearing. Salary Schedules. JUty 2021 2021-2022 Calendar August 2021 19 26 19 26 Bi-Weekty pay Dote Monthly Pay Date JISD Holiday Vertex42 LLC September 2021 su 15 22 29 Adult Ed Hourly Teacher Salary Schedule 2022-23. 8022 or classified HR at 310-886-1600, ext. Yucaipa-Calimesa Joint Unified School District. Secondary teachers teaching a six period day will paid at an index of 1.20 of the be salary schedule. Employees entering the District shall be given maximum credit for eleven (11) years teaching experience in public or private accredited schools or school districts; exchange teaching; and in schools on U.S. military bases. Approximately 1020 certificated staff are employed by the district, along with approximately 1190 classified employees plus approximately 640 substitutes, the district employs over 3,000 people. 1919 B Street . U.S Holiday (observed): Labor Day . Washington Unified School District (WUSD) Certificated Staff is primarily made up of classroom teachers. 2022 Irvine Unified School District. PPS (Special Education, Home Hospital, Records), Parenting, Media, and Everything In Between, Retention, Grading, and Graduation Policy Updates, Facilitated Online Learning | Distance Learning, Employee & Education Partner Nomination Form, If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may, The District prohibits discrimination, harassment, intimidation and bullying based on actual or perceived race or ethnicity, gender/sex (including gender identity, gender expression, pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding, and pregnancy-related medical conditions) sexual orientation, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, physical or mental status, marital status, registered domestic partner status, age, genetic information, political belief or affiliation, a person's association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics, or any other basis protected by federal, state or local law, ordinance, or regulation in any program or activity it conducts or to which it provides significant assistance. 2022-2023 Certificated Salary Schedule + 15% (Effective July 1, 2022) Board Approved November 10, 2022.pdf; 2023/2024 Certificated Salary Schedules. Salary Schedules. Certificated Staff Development Day. HB Pupil Services Association 2022-23. The final LCAP and Budget adoption will then take place at a Special Meeting scheduled on June 30, 2023. See the links below for more information on complaint management, Title IX, and Uniform Complaint Procedures and forms. For further information on current job openings, contact: Certificated Human Resources (909) 357-5000, extension 29035 9680 Citrus Avenue, Fontana, California, Building #4 LUSD Classified Salary Schedule. Contact Us. 2019-2020 Salary Schedules. The District will take steps to assure that the lack of English will not be a barrier to admission and participation in district programs. BP 4119.11/4219.11/4319.11 -Sexual Harassment, AR 4119.11/4219.11/4319.11 - Sexual Harassment, BP 4030 - Non Discrimination in Employment, AR 4030 - Non Discrimination in Employment. Glendale Unified School District does not certify its accuracy. 2017-18 Certificated Salary Schedule. Title IX Compliance Officers: For Employees: Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources 1212 Valencia Dr. Colton, CA 92324 909-580-6691 For Students: Director of Student Services 325 N. Hermosa Ave Colton, CA 92324 909-580-6521, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). 2015-16 Certificated Salary Schedule. The Board is excited that the Facilities Master Plan (FMP) will provide a global and current view of the Districts facilities and assets and wishes to encourage the community and staff members to join in on this process. Certificated Salary Schedule 2019 - 2020 Classified Salary Schedule 2019 - 2020 Confidential and Purchasing Supervisor Salary Schedule 2019 - 2020 Management Salary Schedule 2019 - 2020. At the February 16, 2023 Board Meeting, the Board of Trustees approved moving forward with a new Facilities Master Plan (FMP). Board Approved 11/15/22 Non-credentialed Employees (clerical, maintenance, food services, etc.) * Eligibility for these steps is based on years of service in Fontana Unified School District Certificated Bargaining Unit. See the links below for more information on complaint management, Title IX, and Uniform Complaint Procedures and forms. HEA Appendix A - Compensation for Extra Work Load (PDF). JUSD's Vision for the Future; Business Services. P: 602-336-2920. The Board is excited that the Facilities Master Plan (FMP) will provide a global and current view of the District's facilities and assets and wishes to encourage the community . Winters Community Library The Board shall promote programs which ensure that unlawful discriminatory practices are eliminated in all district activities. ETA Salary Schedule. Hayward Unified School District (HUSD) is committed to equal opportunity for all individuals in education. For Uniform and Title IX Complaints, please call (510) 723-3857 ext 34102 or 34201 or email us at, Uniform Complaint Administrative Regulations. Comments (-1) Classified . Though no longer used to determine summer school pay rate, this schedule is still used to determine the compensation rates for various certificated assignments. Classified Substitutes shall be placed on the salary schedule in the correct column with years of experience. Certificated Salary Schedule . Location: Winters Community Library Margaret Parsons Room 708 Railroad Ave Winters, CA 95694. Agricultural teachers will be paid an index of 1.2 to fulfill their extendedyear - responsibilities. Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. 1042. (clerical, maintenance, food services, etc. 4. Congratulations to Johnna Emery, Marie Etherton, and Margaret (Marnie) Minarcin!! Phoenix, AZ 85019. Site Map; Non-Discrimination Statement. Our most current salary schedules are below. The Human ResourcesDepartment is here to serve the community, the parents, the students, and staff of Jurupa Unified. Make changes to the header and footer on the "Edit Header and Footer" tab on the left. 2014-15 Certificated Salary Schedule. April 11, 2023 from 6:00 to 8:00 pm. Board Meeting Agendas Prior to October 2021, Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP), Education Protection Account (EPA) Report, SHUSD Learning Continuity & Attendance Plan 2020/2021, Expanded Learning Opportunities Program (ELO-P), Coaching Listings and Athletic Volunteers, Notice of Public Hearing June 29, 2023: Education Protection Account, Notice of Public Hearing June 29th, 2023 AB1200 Disclosure of Proposed Collective Bargaining Agreement Major Provisions with CSEA Chapter 177, Notice of Public Hearing June 29th, 2023 AB1200 Disclosure of Proposed Collective Bargaining Agreement Major Provisions with SHTA, Notice of Public Hearing June 29, 2023 Local Control Accountability Plan and Southern Humboldt JUSD Budget for 2023-24, 110 School Road P.O. are available, free of charge, upon request. LCTA (Certificated) ROP/Vocational Hourly Salary Schedule 2022-23Appendix F2 of the Certificated Bargaining Agreement. page to view the current employment opportunities. 2018-19 Certificated Salary Schedule. Certificated Teacher, Counselor, Librarian & ECE Teacher Salary Schedules, Extra Curricular Activity Stipends Salary Schedules, Address 150 District Center Dr, Palm Springs, CA 92264. LT Sub after 20 consecutive days in same class $130 LUSD Charter Salary Schedule. . Appendix F - 2019 Permit Teachers. Agreement Between IUSD and CSEA. Please turn on JavaScript and try again. A copy of the HUSD Uniform Complaint Board Policyalong with theUniform Complaint Administrative Regulationsand theHUSD non-discrimination policyare available, free of charge, upon request. Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID), Secondary Curriculum and Instruction 6-12, PBIS: Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support, Certificated Teacher, Counselor, Librarian & ECE Teacher. Comments (-1) Subscribe to RSS Feed - Certificated Salary Schedules . Salary Schedules are effective starting on July 1, 2021. Print out copy of our Certificated Salary Schedules for: 186 Days 191 Days 193 Days 203 Days Grandfathered Preschool New Preschool More information on substitute teaching. 22-23 Payroll Dates SALARY SCHEDULES 22-23 SALARY SCHEDULES 23-24 . 2021-22 Bell Schedules; Calendars; Schools . CERTIFICATED EMPLOYEES. If you have any questions about the accuracy and validity currently for any information you find on our web page, please call the appropriate department or our receptionist to be guided to the most current information. Explore Our Schools Kindergarten Programs, Alhambra ESD Plan for Reopening of Schools, Alhambra Foundation for the Future Information and Application, Speech Pathologist's & Occupational Therapist Salary Schedule. (909) 790-6115. Certificated Salary and Work Schedules. (909) 797-0174. If you have questions regarding your retirement please go to the, 2022-2023 Classified Personnel Begin/End dates, Board Meeting Agenda- Online Archive after 3/9/2021, Board Meeting Agenda - Online Archive up to 3/9/2021, Parent Resources for Social Emotional Wellness at Home, Step-by-step instructions on how to renew your credential, 2022-2023 Student Calendar (Teacher Calendar), 2022-2023 Student Calendar (Teacher Calendar) spanish, Click on the "EDUCATOR PAGE" button (Link located in yellow box). Jurupa Valley, CA 92509. Certificated Salary Schedule Certificated Rates of Pay for Extra Hours Speech Language Salary Schedule Substitute Salaries and Alt Workers Schedule Certificated Benefits Extra Duty Salary Schedule Classified Salary Schedules are current, pending ongoing negotiations. If you have any questions, please contact Maria Soria at 916-375-7604 ext. 2023-2024 Certificated Salary Schedule (Effective July 1, 2023) Board Approved March 9, 2023. Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. 2018-2019 Salary Schedules. Visit Us. 2023 Local Control Accountability Plan and Southern Humboldt JUSD Budget for 2023-24. Payroll Department. Employee Forms; Employee Portal; Volunteer Information; Search Search. Coordinators, Managers, Psychologists, Program Administrators, Program Specialists, Assistant Superintendents, Irvine Unified School District Payroll. Facilities Master Plan Community Meetings, 2022-2023 Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP), California Public Records Act Request Information. IUSD Health & Welfare Benefitsfor Eligible Employees, HS Counselors/HS Library Media Specialist/Nurses2022/23, MS Counselors/Elem & MS Library Media Specialist 2022/23 Jurupa School Facilities Corporation Agendas/Minutes, Jurupa School Facilities Corporation Archives, By-Trustee Area Transition for November 2022 Election, Citizens Oversight Committee Measure-EE Bond, How to get to College - California State University, Communications and Leadership Development, The Human ResourcesDepartment is here to serve the community, the parents, the students, and staff of Jurupa Unified. If you believe you have been subjected to discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or bullying you should immediately contact the school site principal and/or their supervisor. Classified Contract Position Relationships 22-23. A Superintendents Advisory Facilities Master Plan Committee is being formed, it will be comprised of classified staff, certificated staff, parent teacher organizations, athletic groups, City of Winters representative and other community partners and organizations. It looks like your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. Counselors, Nurses, Speech, Language, Hearing Teachers and Orientation and Mobility Teachers: (Appendix A - Emergency Permits, Waivers, Intern Credentials), Work-Year Calendar, Salary Placement Ranges and Salary Schedules for Certificated Management. Contact/Email. 210 Days. Salary Schedules. Appendix E - 2019 Psychologists. 2. HB Pupil Services Association 2021-22. Short-term Salary Schedule - 2022 /23. ETA Salary Schedule 2022-23. Irvine, CA 92604(949) 936-5000. Online Re-Enrollment; . 3. Appendix G - 2019 Speech and Language Pathologists. Classified after school tutoring/summer school paraprofessionals shall be paid $15 per hour. Glendale High Cloud Computing & Computer Science Academy, Culturally Relevant & Responsive Education, Education Technology & Information Services (ETIS), Innovation, Instruction, Assessment & Accountability, Planning, Development & Facilities - NOT IN USE, College View Preschool | Special Education, Resources for Undocumented Students and Families, GUSD Graduation Requirements & Articulation, Glendale Unified School District - Glendale, California USA, Classified Opportunities (Including Management Positions), Classified Salary Schedule (Including Management Positions). Teachers, Counselors, Nurses, & Librarians, Board Approved 11/15/22 Citizens' Oversight Committee Measure-EE Bond; . Salary Schedules ACSA (PDF) Adult Education - Hourly (PDF) Child Development (PDF) Counselor/Speech Therapist (PDF) HEA Appendix A - Compensation for Extra Work Load (PDF) School Nurse (PDF) . Review salary schedules for Certificated Staff. 2022 Certificated Salary Schedule Appendix A For Certificated Staff. Margaret Parsons Room LUSD Certificated Salary Schedule. Phone: 714.558.5501 Fax: 714.558.5610. CSEA Salary Schedule . Certified Substitutes shall be paid $110 per day. District programs, activities, and practices shall be free from discrimination and harassment based on race, color, ancestry, national origin, ethnic group identification, immigration status, age, religion, marital or parental status, military or veteran status, pregnancy status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity or expression, or genetic information; the perception of one or more of such characteristics; or association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics. A copy of the District's Uniform Complaint Policy is available by calling (818) 241-3111, ext. Payroll Staff . Home Teacher Hourly Salary 2022-23. Complaints alleging noncompliance with this policy of nondiscrimination should be directed to the following personnel: Title IX Coordinator Dr. Kelly King, 223 North Jackson, (818) 241-3111 ext 1209, titleix@gusd.net Section 504 Coordinator Hagop Eulmessekian, 223 North Jackson, (818) 241-3111 ext 1416, heulmessekian@gusd.net Title II/ADA: Dr. Kelly King, 223 North Jackson, (818) 241-3111 ext 1209, kking@gusd.net DISCLAIMER: The translation feature of this website is an automated literal translation service provided by Google. Program Specialists will be paid based on a day contract at an index of 1.20 of 198 the salary schedule. Certificated 7/1/2022 Certificated Schedule 7/1/2021 CTE Hourly Schedule 7/1/2020 Extra Pay for Extra Duty Schedule 7/1/2022 Supervisor Specialist Schedule 7/1/2022 Counselor Salary Schedule 7/1/2022 Ag Teacher Salary Schedule ITA Contract * Note: Posted salary schedule is based on a full-time annual contract. Extra Duty Salary Schedule 2022-2023. 225 Days . Management and Confidential Salary schedule . The final Education Protection Account (EPA) Projections adoption will then take place at a special meeting of the Board of Trustees scheduled for June 30, 2023. Administrative Salary Schedule 2022-23. 2023-2024 Classified Salary Schedule. Speech, Language, Hearing, Visual Impairment Specialists, Orientation Mobility, Nurses, Assistive Technology(Appendix J), Nurses, SLHVI Specialist (204 days)(Appendix J), CDCC Teacher Annual Permit Salary Schedule 186 Days (Appendix H1), CDCC Head Teacher Annual Permit Salary Schedule 186 Days (Appendix H2), College View Annual Permit Salary Schedule, Summer School Salary Schedule-(Appendix D). Current Job Openings Board Agenda Aeries Directory LCAP Nutrition Google Login Marysville Joint Unified School District (530) 741-6000 (530) 741-6056 (Fax) (530) 741-6000 (Voicemail) Office Hours: 8:00am - 4:00pm. Teacher Salary 2023-23. Our Schools; Enroll. 2018-2019 Salary Schedules. Non-credentialed Employees Address 150 District Center Dr, Palm Springs, CA 92264. ETA Salary Schedule 2021-22. Certificated-Salary Schedule 202 2/23. 68 does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, disability, or sexual orientation, and gender identity or gender expression in its programs and activities. 2016-17 Certificated Salary Schedule. Posted below are several reference items most commonly needed by Certificated Staff. Welcome to the Jurupa Unified School District's Human Resources Department. . 2021-22 Salary Schedules 2020-21 Salary Schedules 2019-20 Salary Schedules 2018-19 Salary Schedules 2016-17 Salary Schedules 2015-16 Salary Schedules 2014-15 Salary Schedules Salary Schedules Certificated 189 Days CE Nurses & Psychologist Certificated Management Other Certificated Management Certificated Management Longevity Classified Confidential . Search. AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT | BULLYING | NONDISCRIMINATION POLICIES|SEXUAL HARASSMENT POLICIES, SUICIDE PREVENTION | TITLE IX | TITLE V CCR | UNIFORMCOMPLAINTS. The Santa Ana Unified School District is committed to providing a working and learning environment . Certificated Salary. Phone: (510) 784-2600. All interested parties are encouraged to attend this meeting. Salary Schedules for Specific Contract Days: STATEMENT OF NON-DISCRIMINATION (Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973): The Board of Education is committed to equal opportunity for all individuals in education. 8051. Step 1: Fill out the application; this will be the only page of the packet available to you at this step. Comments (-1) Paid Coach. Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). All Rights Reserved. The Facility Master Planning process is on an accelerated timeline and to be successful community and staff participation is optimal. TOA 22.23 SLT 22.23 Counselor 22.23 Nurse 22.23 CertificatedMgrs 22.23 2022 - 2023 CERTIFICATED WORK CALENDAR 2022-2023 Student Calendar (Teacher Calendar) 2022-2023 Student Calendar (Teacher Calendar) spanish STA (Snowline Teachers' Association) STA-SJUSD CBA 2022-2023 District programs, activities and services shall be free from unlawful discrimination, harassment (including sexual harassment), intimidation, and/or bullying based on actual or perceived sex, race or ethnicity, color, national origin, nationality, religion, age, sexual orientation, sexual preference, ancestry, ethnic group identification, gender, gender expression, gender identity, physical or mental disability, marital or parental status, or on the basis of a person's association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics, or sexual harassment in any district service, program and/or activity that receives or benefits from state financial assistance. If a complainant is unable to put a complaint in writing due to conditions such as a disability or illiteracy, district staff shall assist him/her in the filing of the complaint. 223 North Jackson Street Glendale, CA 91206. For any questions, please contact certificated HR at 310-886-1600, ext. The FMP, will identify additional state funding sources to augment local facilities funds, updated District demographics and enrollment projections, prioritize facility project lists to address growth, re-construction of existing facilities and address short- and long-term facility needs. Fax: 951-681-0656 . Brandon Dade, Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources | Tricia Garcia, Executive Assistant (909-580-6567) | Dr. Cathy Cervantes, Director of Human Resources | Amber Aguilera, Administrative Assistant I (909-580-6680) | Kameliah Maestas, Leaves Coordinator . Salary Schedule; Substitute Teachers; Volunteering; Web Resources; Work Year Calendars; Pupil Services. 2023 Open Enrollment Notice Adult Ed Hourly Teacher Salary Schedule 2021-22. the salary schedule. Community and staff input is extremely important in the process, there will be two (2) Community Meetings, dates and times listed below and there is a webpage on WJUSD website dedicated to provide information and to hear from the community. Speech Pathologist's & Occupational Therapist Salary Schedule; Administrative Salary Schedule; This page is currently unavailable. First Day of School . 3. Salary Schedules are effective starting on July 1, 2021, 24411 Amador Street, Hayward, CA 94544 Work-Year Calendar, Salary Placement Ranges and Salary Schedules for Certificated Management . 949-497-7700. State Controller's Public Employees Compensation Search.