He is a member of House Lannister, the wealthiest and one of the most powerful families in the kingdom of Westeros. You're really asking if I killed your son? Jaime persuades Edmure Tully to force the Blackfish's surrender by threatening to sack the castle and kill Edmure's child when it is born, though Edmure assists the Blackfish in escaping. As Tywin Lannister's beloved son, Jamie joined his father's army to aid the Lannisters in their conquests. [34][35], He filmed in secret the movie The Day We Died (Krudttnden) by Ole Christian Madsen. Jaime's journey towards redemption starts in the memorable Season 3 episode "The Bear and Maiden Fair," where he and Brienne of Tarth are held prisoner by Bolton's man-at-arms, Locke, in the Riverlands. It is an exceptionally cruel thing for Jaime to do.[34]. As the ship sets sail, Myrcella admits to Jaime that she has always known he is her father, and that she feels happy knowing this. [29] The film was released on 31 May 2019. When he's inevitably taken prisoner by Danys and Tyrion, it'll quickly become apparent to him that he'd better switch sides because his sister really is evil. How do you think? [40], Although Coster-Waldau is not religious, he was baptized and confirmed as a Lutheran in the Danish National Church during his youth, like the vast majority of Danes, and viewed his confirmation as a big moment in his life when he first identified as becoming an adult.[41]. - Quora Answer (1 of 2): Jaime was captured just before the Second Battle of Riverrun, on about the first month, ninth day of 299. He hated the world. This is best seen with Jon Snow and his life among the Night's Watch. Being taken prisoner by his brother and also now knowing it wasn't him who killed Joffre means he'll soon be free to join a nobler cause in search of the absolution and atonement he's been hinting towards mostly all series. updated Aug 27, 2017 Jaime Lannister, played Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, is the eldest son of Tywin Lannister, the younger twin brother of Cersei Lannister, and the older brother of Tyrion. [9] Mikal Gilmore of Rolling Stone noted in 2014 that the moment in which Jaime pushes Bran to his likely death "grabs you by the throat". However, what both learned gradually was that they could not remain trapped for long. During his attempts to do this, however, they are soon captured by a squad of soldiers sporting the banners of House Bolton. After traveling to House Frey's fortress The Twins for a feast to celebrate their victory at Riverrun, Jaime returns to King's Landing. Nikolaj Coster-Waldau modtog Ove Sproge Prisen", "SAG Awards Nominations: 'Three Billboards' Tops Film List, Netflix Leads In TV", "Emmys: Netflix Beats HBO With Most Nominations", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Nikolaj_Coster-Waldau&oldid=1161559736, Denotes films that have not yet been released, Best Supporting Actor on a Television Series, This page was last edited on 23 June 2023, at 14:28. Someone called him Jaime. As the season continues, Cersei expresses her concern to Jaime that Bran will one day remember being pushed and expose their incestuous affair, which has spawned all three of Cersei's children. [19][20] The Hollywood Reporter called the raises "huge", noting that the deal would make the performers "among the highest-paid actors on cable TV". His son has been murdered. [4][5] Coster-Waldau attended the Danish National School of Theatre and Contemporary Dance (Danish: Statens Teaterskole) from 1989 to 1993. [4] Andrew Romano of The Daily Beast explained: But Jaime wasn't a black-and-white baddie for long. Introduced in A Game of Thrones (1996), Jaime is a knight of the Kingsguard and one of the best swordsmen in the seven kingdoms. He besieges the Riverlands' capital of Riverrun, but his army is waylaid by Robb Stark's army in the Battle of the Whispering Wood. In early 2017, he starred in E.L. Katz's dark comedy Small Crimes[21] which premiered at South by Southwest film festival on 11 March 2017,[22] to positive reviews. [33] He starred in The Silencing, a thriller directed by Robin Pront. [10][12] He later explains to Brienne that he killed Aerys because the king had planned to incinerate all of King's Landing and its inhabitants rather than let it fall into Robert's hands. Rather, we see how he festers the woundedness and hatred felt from the shattering of his dreams, ideals and his own self. [38], He was to have played Macbeth in 2020, in a production of Shakespeare's tragedy reuniting with Matt Shakman at the Geffen Playhouse. 1. In fact, GoT spent the next three seasons transforming him into a pretty sympathetic character. There was an emotional block, and [her brother] was just a bit of a drug for her. . Un veneno dulce, s, pero un veneno que mata. In a way, he hated life itself for being such an awful reality to live in because he spent much of his life in a dream of bliss; defending his sister-lover, the queen, raising himself to legend, akin to his father's immortality project for the dynasty. Tywin gifts Jaime with a Valyrian steel sword forged from House Stark's ancestral sword Ice and reveals that he plans to have Jaime released from his vows to the Kingsguard, disowning him when Jaime declines. After Season 3, I look back and feel that he was constantly bitter and angry about himself. He later recalled in a 2015 interview in TV Guide, "Finally getting my SAG card was huge for meI got so excited I went straight to the SAG online shop and bought four mugs with SAG logo. [4] Matthew Gilbert of The Boston Globe wrote: The most riveting characters are the most self-serving, notably the queen, Cersei and her twin brother Jaime Lannister with whom she is having an incestuous affair. Richard Loncraine cast Coster-Waldau for Wimbledon and Firewall. Tyrion loses the trial and is sentenced to death, but Jaime releases him from his cell and helps him escape to Essos. He gave Brienne a blade forged from Ned Stark's Valyrian Steel sword and asked her to fulfill his own promise to Catelyn Stark to rescue her daughters Arya and Sansa. [25][29][30] The showrunners never commented on what their intention with the scene actually was. Coster-Waldau received critical praise for his portrayal and several award nominations including a Saturn Award for Best Supporting Actor on Television, a Critics' Choice Television Award for Best Supporting Actor in a Drama Series, People's Choice Awards Favorite TV Anti-Hero, and two Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series nominations. In the series finale, titled "The Iron Throne", Tyrion discovers Jaime and Cersei's bodies buried under the rubble in the crypt under the Red Keep and, in his grief, renounces his loyalty to Daenerys and persuades Jon Snow to kill her. His lengthy character development has been praised by critics of the novels and the television show.[1][2]. While none of the extremes apply to many of us, I can say without a doubt there is a lot we could learn from such an intricately-woven character like him. The turning point was when Jaime was captured and chained up by the Starksan ordeal that humbled him, humanized him, and eventually left him without a sword hand, struggling to find a new, post-Kingslayer identity for himself. "Los Bastardos" has ended and with it, more concerns about how teleseryes (also known as Philippine television dramas) continue to recycle old tropes without improving on their weak points. Jaime Lannister. No other character is carefully presented to have more self-deprecating, self-critical and hopeless depression, and incredible anger at the world than Jaime Lannister. Ward/Prisoner. Nikolaj William Coster-Waldau ( Danish pronunciation: [nekolj kst vltw]; born 27 July 1970) is a Danish actor and producer. After the battle, Jaime shares an intimate moment with Brienne. Roose Bolton lets Jaime return to King's Landing but insists on keeping Brienne prisoner for abetting treason, though Jaime ultimately returns to rescue Brienne from being killed by a bear for Locke's amusement. . After tonight's episode, if he's taken prisoner (and still alive obviously) I can see him finally doing an about-face 180 degree turn about his attitude. It may sound cliche but there is solace in knowing we are never truly alone. The film is based on events surrounding the 2015 Copenhagen shootings and was originally slated for release for late 2019. He is the twin brother of Cersei Lannister and the older brother of Tyrion Lannister. His uncle Edmure has been gathering time for him to give his maiden speech.". "I understand he also plans to take his seat in the House of the Law. "Beyond the Wall" (dir. When do we forgive people? The "Los Bastardos" finale gives us a chance to look at the series' highs and lows. [40], Coster-Waldau received several nominations for his portrayal of Jaime, including the Critics' Choice Television Award for Best Supporting Actor in a Drama Series in 2013,[41] the Satellite Award for Best Supporting Actor in a Series, Miniseries or Television Film in 2013,[42] the People's Choice Award for Favorite TV Anti-Hero in 2014,[43] the Saturn Award for Best Supporting Actor on Television in 2014,[44] the Zulu Award for Best Actor in 2017,[45] and two Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series nominations.[46]. In the aftermath of Jaime's capture, he confesses to Catelyn that he tried to kill Bran, but refuses to reveal why. She's offering a knighthood to whomever finds Sansa Stark. - So how is our sister? By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Seeing that Edmure refuses to cooperate, he threatens that his son will be sent to him via catapult, which finally makes him agree to his terms of surrender. Then there's really nothing else to say. Jaime is one of the most popular characters in both versions of the series. [56] I'd hate for you to do something inappropriate. Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. Jaime reveals to Brienne the truth about why he killed the Mad King Aerys during Robert's Rebellion. Jaime knew that Robert raped Cersei Not only does raping Cersei remind his sister of her repeated, humiliating violation, Jaime is poisoning their own relationship, the thing that had been Cerseis antidote to the miseries of her marriage. Jaime Lannister is a prince. The prophecy of the Prince who was Promised states amongst things that they are someone reborn in fire and salt, who defeated the impeding darkness using Lightbringer, a sword pulled from the fire. He hated the values he once held. Cleos is killed by bandits and Jaime and Brienne are captured by the Brave Companions, who were formerly in service to Tywin but have defected to Roose Bolton. The two later proceed to having angry sex in front of Joffrey's body. 5 (Middle) - 5 . [9] For his role, he received several accolades, including Primetime Emmy Award, Screen Actors Guild Award, Critics' Choice Television Award,[13] Saturn Award[14] and People's Choice Award nominations.[15]. Our society is full of people who have fallen in one way or another How many good acts make up for a bad act? Here are my reasons for believing he'll be the one who slays the Night's King using his Valyrian steel sword, named "Widow's Wail" by Joffre Baratheon. The army men were well dressed, fed and paid. At the Battle of Whispering Wood, Robb captures Jaime from the Lannister forces and uses him as a hostage. He orders Trystane to stay on the boat outside the city to protect him from Cersei's wrath, and sends word to Doran naming Ellaria as Myrcella's killer. The men had been taken straight to the cells. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. "[8] In A Game of Thrones, Jaime is not only carrying on an incestuous affair with his twin sister, but he pushes a young Bran Stark out a high window to his likely death after the boy witnesses them in the act. We shipped it out and I got lucky. 'The Steadfast Tin Soldier' is a beautiful love story which we can all relate to. [16] Later the same year he starred in Morten Tyldum's Headhunters. [17] It is unknown how much of this is true, as Brienne was previously seen as a prisoner of Lady Stoneheart, the reanimated corpse of Catelyn Stark, and the anti-Lannister Brotherhood Without Banners. ** How do they do it? But he could also rescue his sidekick Brienne of Tarth from a bear. However, they find that Margaery has seemingly become a follower of the High Sparrow and that Tommen has forged an alliance with the Faith Militant. [4] The New Yorker called the Lannisters "a crowd of high-cheekboned beauties who form a family constellation so twisted, charismatic, and cruel that it rivals Flowers in the Attic for blond dysfunction". In some nations, there is a particular kind of politics experienced by the common people, where they are mostly left out of the process. She sat by the side of the caravan to Riverrun and made a dream catcher. As the Lannister forces return to King's Landing via road, they are ambushed by Daenerys' Dothraki forces. Jaime then mocks Ned for having tarnished his own honour by fathering a bastard, prompting Catelyn to call her bodyguard Brienne of Tarth for her sword.[11][15]. Coster-Waldau has appeared in numerous films in his native Denmark and Scandinavia, including Headhunters (2011) and A Thousand Times Good Night (2013). [26][27] Since January 2018 he has been the L'Oral Paris global spokesperson for the company's Men Expert line of products. In the meantime, Joffrey has named Jaime as commander of his Kingsguard. Jamie's legacy is being known for being the Kingslayer. This moment reveals the true Jaime Lannister. His army was pretty much turned to ash in front of him, during the final 15 minutes he looks around in horror and disillusion before committing one final act of desperation, in the end we see him sinking to the bottom of some body of water, broken and confused looking. Jaime gifts Tywin's sword to Brienne, as well as the services of Tyrion's squire Podrick Payne. All rights reserved. Cersei always did hate the direwolf that howled on Jaime's skin. Introduced in the pilot, "Winter is Coming", Jaime is established as queen Cersei Lannister's brother and a knight of King Robert Baratheon's Kingsguard. In the aftermath, he is approached by Brienne, who claims that Sansa is in danger from Sandor "The Hound" Clegane. At one point Jaime attempts to escape by beating his cousin and fellow inmate Alton Lannister to death and strangling his guard Torrhen Karstark when he comes to investigate. Cersei orders Jaime to go to Riverrun and dislodge Ser Brynden "Blackfish" Tully. Robb had captured another lot of people in this one, including one of the Lannister's field medics, Kyra. During the visit, Ned's young son Bran inadvertently spies Jaime and Cersei having sex in a remote tower,[9] at which point Jaime pushes the boy out a window, intending to kill Bran to keep their relationship secret. Jaime is taken prisoner and incarcerated in Riverrun. However, Cersei reveals to Jaime that she had no intention of sending the Lannister army north to assist in the fight. He returns to the Red Keep in time to witness Cersei being crowned as Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, immediately realizing that Cersei wiped out every high-ranking rival in the explosion in order to acquire her new power. Catelyn frees him months later. Here's where his rebirth happens. Jaime reunites with Cersei in the Red Keep - the pair are killed when the dungeon vaults of the castle collapse over them during the sacking of the city. He and the rest of the cast were nominated for five Screen Actors Guild Awards for Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Drama Series. The firey battle is the flame, the body of water he's seen sinking in is the salt. Others are layered with meritocracy and professionalism. He is the elder son of Tywin Lannister, twin brother of Cersei, with whom he has a longstanding incestuous relationship, and brother of Tyrion. A lthough Jaime Lannister is no longer the most despicable character in Game of Thrones and has gained the sympathy of fans, he still committed some terrible deeds. Upon arrival, he is horrified to discover that the Great Sept of Baelor has been destroyed in a wildfire explosion, with the majority of House Tyrell and the entire Faith Militant killed in the attack. Don't. Although his father was a supporter of Arsenal, a trip to a match at the Elland Road ground in the early 1990s persuaded him to become a supporter of Leeds United, and he is a member of the Leeds United Supporters' Trust. In 2011, he starred alongside Sam Shepard in Mateo Gil's feature Blackthorn, which premiered at the Tribeca Film Festival. Much like the Hound, Sandor Clegane, he accepted that the world could never change for him or the higher beliefs he once held. Others are layered with meritocracy and professionalism. [18], In October 2014, Coster-Waldau and several other key cast members, all contracted for six seasons of the series, renegotiated their deals to include a potential seventh season and salary increases for seasons five, six, and seven. As Tywin and his Lannister army invaded the city during Robert's Rebellion, Aerys went full villain. He hated Ned Stark. Scott brought Coster-Waldau back for the 2005 film Kingdom of Heaven. A theory that makes sense if you think about it. [7] He starred in his first British film Bent (1997). [57] In September 2017, he was one of the speakers in The Spotlight Initiative, a European Union-United Nations action to eliminate violence against women and girls,[58] after kicking off the women's amateur World Cup. Coster-Waldau says "My first U.S. movie was Black Hawk Down and a friend helped me put myself on tape up on the attic over my apartment in Copenhagen. Is redemption even possible? **All modmails asking to be approved or to join the subreddit will be ignored. Thus far in the show his character arc has gone from "massive jerk", to "still a massive jerk but admirable in how he withstands imprisonment" to "maybe he's starting to redeem himself". WARNING: The following article contains spoilers for that latest episode of Game of Thrones, "The Bells," which aired Sunday on HBO.. Jaime Lannister has been one of Game of Thrones' most polarizing characters throughout its eight-season run. Sneak you out of the city in the back of a cart? He is the twin brother of Queen Cersei Lannister . Jaime then rides for the Riverlands to aid Tywin in his campaign against the Riverlands, taking command of half the Lannister host. Eric Dodds of TIME described Jaime as "handsome, an incomparably skilled fighter and disarmingly witty". Fans hated him for pushing Bran out the window and crippling him in Season 1, but as the Three-Eyed Raven would go on to tell the Kingslayer, this was . [62] In June 2018, he kicked off The Lion's Share fund's launch, an action in which when an advertising campaign uses an image of an animal, the advertiser will donate 0.5% of the paid media spending of that campaign to the fund. HubPages is a registered trademark of The Arena Platform, Inc. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. Jaime fights the Army of the Dead in the Battle of Winterfell alongside Brienne and the others; both survive as the living win. If Cersei is the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, her siblings would be . In 2014, he starred in Susanne Bier's Danish thriller A Second Chance as Andreas, a police officer forced to make a difficult choice. The two return to King's Landing and Jaime is reunited with Cersei. So, should I turn around and close my eyes? Jaime est prisonnier des Stark, Robb le dteste et c'est rciproque. He is the second child and first-born son of Lord Tywin Lannister of Casterly Rock and his wife, Lady Joanna, also of House Lannister. Pahle said that even if the show's creators did not intend it as a rape scene, ignoring questions about the scene and hoping they would go away over time was insensitive to the audience.[37]. "[6] The Los Angeles Times called Jaime "handsome and unscrupulous",[7] though Dodds noted in 2014: Sure, he's done some of the most despicable things on a show full of despicable thingsincluding but not limited to fathering children by incest, attempting to murder a boy who discovered said incest, and the cold-blooded murder of one of his own cousinsbut despite all that, the Kingslayer remains one of Game of Thrones' most popular characters.[4]. In the source novel A Storm of Swords, the sex between Jaime and Cersei in the equivalent scene is consensual. If you've been bored with Tyrion and Jaime Lannister's scenes in "Game of Thrones" recently, there's a very simple reason why. Jaime is convinced by Tyrion and relays the message to Cersei, who is skeptical, but remains adamant that the Lannisters will prevail against any foe. Privacy Policy. Because if there is no possibility of redemption, what's the answer then?[10]. My trial for regicide. They have gorgeous, aristocratic features, but they are pure, compelling evil. [49] When Jaime was taken and put in a cage with a fellow prisoner, he had formed a plan to end his fellow prisoner in an attempt to distract the guards and make his escape. And refuse to kill his brother Tyrion on Cersei's behalf. Inappropriate? If the killer threw himself before the Iron Throne, confessed to his crimes, and gave irrefutable evidence of his guilt, it wouldn't matter to Cersei. Ser Jaime Lannister is a fictional character in the A Song of Ice and Fire series of fantasy novels by American author George R. R. Martin and its television adaptation Game of Thrones, where he is portrayed by Danish actor Nikolaj Coster-Waldau. He welds "Widow's Wail" which is one of two swords reforged from House Stark's "Ice." [30] Later the same year he starred in Suicide Tourist by Jonas Alexander Arnby, which premiered at the Zurich Film Festival. Afterwards, Robb proceeds to launch a night-time attack against the main Lannister army camped around Riverrun, in the "Battle of the Camps". Edmure is released and promptly opens the gates to the Lannisters, and Jaime manages to resolve the siege without loss of life. So I've asked people who do have children, "Well, what would you do in Jaime's situation?" [20] He went on to play Sykes, a military weapons expert in the science fiction action thriller film Oblivion. He was the epitome of shame in the world, the Kingslayer. Before his leaving, Jaime has an armorer forge him a prosthetic hand. As they make their escape they are accosted by Oberyn's bastard daughters, the Sand Snakes, and engage in a fight before all five are arrested by the Water Gardens' palace guards. . Jaime holds many of the usual traits of House Lannister, with . It was a woman in grief for her dead child, and the father of the childwho happens to be her brotherwho never really acknowledged the children is standing with her. [I] still have those mugs! The way he carried himself arrogantly, proudly displaying his "Prince Charming" looks and shining armor, was a facade to the corrupted, vile and twisted individual that threw a child off a tower for accidentally finding out about their incest. [10] Martin commented in the interview: I've had a million people tell me that was the moment that hooked them, where they said, "Well, this is just not the same story I read a million times before. J. However, one common experience, at least for those in developing countries, is the sense that we are trapped in our flawed, easily corrupted political systems. After the Battle of the Whispering Wood, Jaime Lannister was taken prisoner by the Starks and held at Riverrun. Darren Franich of Entertainment Weekly noted that in the novels, "[Jaime is] a vaguely villainous minor character in Game of Thrones, then is basically absent from Clash of Kings, and suddenly he becomes a tragic hero in Storm of Swords. Fictional character in A Song of Ice and Fire novels. As an actor I couldn't ask for a better role". "-Cersei Lannister-. Game of Thrones, Game of Thrones 4x04 - Oathkeeper, Game of Thrones Tyrion Lannister (Peter Dinklage) Jaime Lannister (Nikolaj Coster-Waldau) To tell you the truth, this isn't so bad. The Last Dragons. [12][14] While held captive at Harrenhal, Jaime reveals to Brienne the circumstances surrounding his murder of King Aerys. "Beast Morphers" was teased as "RPM"-inspired and a continuation of the Disney Era into the Hasbro Era of TV series "Power Rangers." After Catelyn Stark asks Brienne to . 2023 The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. Probably more people than not would say, "Yeah, I would kill someone else's child to save my own child, even if that other child was innocent." 44 Catelyn Stark confronts Jaime Lannister in his prison cell about his attack on her son, Bran, with the words "you were a knight, sworn to defend the weak and innocent" (CoK, 717). [11] In A Storm of Swords (2000), Jaime initially loathes the female warrior Brienne of Tarth, but both his honor and his reluctant respect for Brienne compel him to lie to their captors to prevent her from being raped. Reddit, Inc. 2023. Tyrion's first wife was a peasant girl named Tysha. [48] In a mad act of desperation, Jaime Lannister murders his fellow prisoner, and cousin, Alton Lannister in an attempt to escape. He didnt like their earnestness and honesty and prudishness, he didnt like their cold heavy-walled castle, he didnt like their frozen block of a realm, and he especially didnt like Robb Stark, who had saved his sons life and been kind to him and got him to sleep, and what business of his was it to have done any of those things? He was a compromised, conflicted assholebut he was basically trying to do the right thing. First, Robb lures out the Lannister cavalry and Jaime in particular, destroying this force in the "Battle of the Whispering Wood". Kevan rebuffs Jaime's efforts, and implies that he knows of Jaime and Cersei's incestuous relationship. In fact, there are some cases where the people should be accountable to their leaders. "Game of Thrones" star Nikolaj Coster-Waldau's new movie "Shot Caller" is about life inside a modern prison. As their prisoner, Jaime manages to convince them not to rape Brienne, but their leader Locke takes umbrage when Jaime tries to use his status to secure his own release. In his moment of vulnerability and sincerity to another person, Jaime's wounded pride and soul displayed a hint of an answer to the problem of being trapped in the system. She had more reason than anyone in the Seven Kingdoms. The two share a brief embrace before Myrcella suddenly collapses and dies, having been poisoned by Ellaria. There is an inconsistency between the show and the, deaths of Doran and Trystane at Ellaria's hands, The Sack of King's Landing: House Targaryen, The Sack of King's Landing: House Baratheon, The Sack of King's Landing: House Lannister, Robert's Rebellion: Petyr Baelish and Varys, House Lannister, Kings of the Rock & House Gardener, Kings of the Reach, HBO viewers guide, season 2 guide to houses, House Baratheon of King's Landing - Jaime Lannister entry, Game of Thrones (Music from the HBO Series), Game of Thrones: Season 2 (Music from the HBO Series), Game of Thrones: Season 3 (Music from the HBO Series), Game of Thrones: Season 4 (Music from the HBO Series), Game of Thrones: Season 5 (Music from the HBO Series), Game of Thrones: Season 6 (Music from the HBO Series), Game of Thrones: Season 7 (Music from the HBO Series), For the Throne (Music Inspired by the HBO Series Game of Thrones), Game of Thrones: Season 8 (Music from the HBO Series), Conquest & Rebellion: An Animated History of the Seven Kingdoms, Inside HBO's Game of Thrones: Seasons 3 & 4, Game of Thrones: The Noble Houses of Westeros, The Children of the Forest, the First Men, and the Andals, The History of the Night's Watch: The Night's Watch, The History of the Night's Watch: House Stark, The History of the Night's Watch: House Lannister, House Hoare, Ironborn Kings of the Riverlands, Individuals narrating Conquest & Rebellion: An Animated History of the Seven Kingdoms, A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms: The Hedge Knight, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, This section contains a considerable amount of unverified information, and may be removed after a period of four weeks from the addition of this notice.