An important role of the ITUC will be the coordination of global campaigns throughout the biggest global corporations and their supply chains and production networks together with the global unions. Bringing together the power of the global unions, the ITUC will play a coordinating and supporting role in mobilizing the relevant global unions and national centres in joint campaigns. The ITUC General Secretary, Luca Visentini, is detained for a corruption scandal. is the General Secretary of ITUC, which is Head Quartered in Brussels. Got a confidential news tip? Melbourne, Victoria Joined October 2012. Sharan Burrow is the General Secretary of the International Trade Union Confederation, representing 200 million workers in 163 countries and territories with 332 national affiliates. The Commission found no evidence of donations from either Qatar or Morocco influencing the ITUCs policies or programmes. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Huge opportunities are available for increasing power and coordination between the ITUC and the Global Union Federations and TUAC. The Council of Global Unions will be strengthened, and genuine joint action built across several areas of work. ITUC will be at the center of the international industrial policy debate. Find here the list of all the sessions presented by this speaker in order not to miss any of it. Legislation is moving in response to public demand for due diligence for multinational companies and their supply chains. The ITUC will continue to take this opportunity to put unions at the centre of a new system of global industrial relations and cross-border social dialogue that responds to the conceptof human rights due diligence throughout companies ownoperations and supply chains. All leading policy-makers have repeated platitudes about the need to Build Back Better. She was the first woman to become General Secretary of the ITUC since its foundation in 2006, and was the second woman to become President of the ACTU. Fighting for Rights Strong and Efficient Advocacy, Building Union Power Growth of our Movement. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. BREAKING NEWS: Luca Visentini has won the vote to be the new ITUC General Secretary at #ITUC22. Struggle for Democracy and Fundamental Rights. Luca Visentini's Tweets. International Trade Union Confederation. 21-11-2022 A New Social Contract for Recovery and Resilience 5 th ITUC World Congress Luca Visentini has been elected as the new General Secretary of the ITUC. This led to international recognition and agreement at COP26 in Glasgow with the Just Energy Transition Partnership and the declaration to support the conditions for just transition. 181. Each regional organization of the ITUC is a strong and important component of the whole. Global Business and Financial News, Stock Quotes, and Market Data and Analysis. To shift policy direction toward a strong agenda for the realization of workers rights globally requires both negotiating and campaigning at a high quality and intensity. Strong public statements are not enough. A grand transformation is happening. Esther Lynch The ITUC will be a strong campaigner to lead, coordinate and support campaigns of rights, political themes and corporates in a way to be able to act as a strong negotiator to turn potential power into results. 2023 CNBC LLC. He served the ILO Bureau for Workers Activities (ACTRAV) in Geneva, Switzerland, as a Workers Education Expert between 1991 and 1994 and was posted to the International Training Centre of the ILO in Turin, Italy, as a Programme Officer from 1994 to 1997. Data is a real-time snapshot *Data is delayed at least 15 minutes. In December Belgian police seized more than 1.5 million euros in cash during raids around Brussels and arrested six suspects, including Panzeri and then-parliamentary vice president Eva Kaili. I know the taste and smell of tear gas. I know how it feels to be hit with water cannons. In the interim, political leadership will be exercised by the ITUC President and Deputy Presidents, and daily management by Deputy General Secretary Owen Tudor in close cooperation with them.. My trade union career is long and I was fortunate to spend time working at all levels in unions in Turkey. "I was not bribed in any way when I received a donation and I didn't keep any money for myself but put it all at disposal of the trade union movement.". A New Global Industrial Relations Landscape Focused on Supply Chains. Published on: Click to Follow ituc. The Public Prosecutors Office does not explicitly mention Qatar, but several sources cited by Le Soir and Knack claim that Doha is at the center of the investigation.. The content you requested does not exist or is not available anymore. We need a true Just Transition. Be the first to know sign up to our breaking news email alerts, A New Social Contract for Recovery and Resilience, Climate- and Employment-Proof Our Work with Just Transition, ITUC Frontline Campaigns and Four Pillars for Action 2022. adopted a resolution opposing attempts by the extreme right to subvert trade unions, reiterated the importance of vaccination, and stated that the intimidation of people who vaccinate is unacceptable; heard an oral report from the International Labour Organization (ILO) about the International Labour Conference and the process to appoint a new ILO Director-General; discussed affiliations to the ITUC, including welcoming the General Federation of Libyan Trade Unions (GFLTU) and welcoming back the Central Nacional de Trabajadores (CNT), Paraguay; and. Workers and their unions cannot leave decisions about the future of our jobs and our planet to multinational companies and market forces. [4] Media. In the interim, political leadership will be exercised by the ITUC President and Deputy Presidents, and daily management by Deputy General Secretary Owen Tudor in close cooperation with them. High-Level Plenary: Thinking beyond COP26: Transforming finance for people and planet, Chairman of China Green Finance Committee, President of Beijing Institute of Finance and Sustainability and Co-chair of the G20 Sustainable Finance Working Group. The International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) has taken the decision to part company with its recently elected general secretary, Luca Visentini, over his involvement in the so-called "Quatargate" scandal, which has seen several members of the European Parliament jailed on suspicion of bribery and corruption. . The Council heard about countries that need particular attention from the ITUC in 2022: The 2021 Dorje Khatri Award for Climate Justice, which recognises outstanding contributions to the fight for sustainability and just transition, was awarded to COSATU, FEDUSA, SAFTU, and NUMSA, all of which participated in the Presidential Climate Commission in South Africa, where just transition was agreed to be the foundation of a social pact. Message: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable, File: /home/itucnac/public_html/application/controllers/Front.php RT @Toastiewiththe: #AngelinaJolie fasdeangelinajolie Angie met with UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon & his wife Yoo Soon-taek, April 20, 2016, in The Hague, Netherlands. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. Line: 350 The Council discussed the first draft of the Congress statement, with a further draft due to be circulated to all affiliates in early 2022, and it approved a list of organisations to be invited to Congress. It does not store any personal data. Likes. affiliates. Effective from 1 April 2017, Shoya Yoshida is the General Secretary of the International Trade Union Confederation - Asia Pacific (ITUC-AP), the regional organisation of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC). Strong campaigns of the ITUC will mean growth. Growth in numbers of members, growth in activism, and growth in commitment to international solidarity. With ITUC strength placed behind national union organizing efforts, we will build a forward momentum in membership numbers everywhere. Developing a winning culture and implementing a winning strategy will be a direction for ITUC. Tweets & replies. The investigators suspect that a Gulf country has attempted to influence the economic and political decisions of the European Parliament, added the prosecutor, explaining that the modalities would consist in the payment of money or important gifts. That Congress will elect a new General Secretary. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. 2023 Copyright France 24 - All rights reserved. The Council also adopted a recommendation from the Special Commission to establish a clear anti-corruption policy and code of conduct. The ITUC-AP, effectively representing over 60 million members of 59 national trade union centres in 34 countries and territories in the Asia Pacific region, strives for economic, social and political justice, in short, Decent Work, through trade union actions. The International Trade Union Confederation is the global voice of working people, representing the rights & interests of 200 million workers in 168 countries. This provides the opportunity to build and strengthen union power in global supply chains, with our own solidarity chains. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. The world needs a new concept of multilateralismthat provides democratic participation of all civil society stakeholders, particularly trade unions, to eliminate inequality and poverty with quality public services, education, healthcare and social protection, and to address and manage the grand transformations taking place in the world. This will include an effective interplay between the ITUC and thedifferent players, such as the national confederations, regional organizations and CGU/global unions that will clearly identify the crucial roles that each has in realizing the vision of a unified global organizing force for workers. 28. Get this delivered to your inbox, and more info about our products and services. Our collective power is enormous. It decided on key steps to be taken through new and reinforced rules and processes. "It is also absolutely clear that the ITUC is not involved in any way in this investigation. Luca Visentini was arrested in December as part of the investigation into suspected corruption among MEPs involving Qatar and Morocco. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. Our youth are motivated to take up the flag of struggle. ITUC will strengthen its work with developing and enabling young union leaders. 2. All the different proud trade union cultures and traditions around the world must be respected and united. NTUC Left and right arrows move across top level links and expand / close menus in sub levels. congresses, a General Council and an Executive Bureau. General Secretary, ITUC Effective from 1 April 2017, Shoya Yoshida is the General Secretary of the International Trade Union Confederation - Asia Pacific (ITUC-AP), the regional organisation of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC). Our commitment for peace and to continue the fight against the far right, fascism, racism, xenophobia and misogyny is vitally important. Unity between the Global South and Global North in the ITUC will become real, through shared and focused commitment and effort. However, it can only be applied effectively if we are united. Sharan Burrow was elected General Secretary of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) at its Second World Congress in Vancouver in June 2010. Brussels (AFP) The general secretary of the international union ITUC has been dismissed from his post over his links to a European Parliament graft scandal implicating Qatar, the confederation said. Function: require_once. "The donation I received was given to the ITUC to help trade unions in need, I believed that this money came from a reliable source. We are determined to protect the ITUC from any form of improper influence, or indeed the appearance of such influence. The ITUC adheres to the principles of trade union Transition must be truly just and point to an optimistic future a future that workers, their families, and the communities that depend on them can support and commit to bringing about. Stonehouse 107/3, Saras Marg Anamnagar , Kathmandu , Nepal, Email: P.O.Box: 9995 Those detained are the former European deputy of the Democratic Party Pier Antonio Panzeri and Luca Visentini, trade unionist Uil, former president of the European trade unions and current secretary of the International Confederation of Trade Unions Ituc, as well as an NGO director and a European parliamentary assistant. The board decided Saturday he "no longer had the confidence of the General Council" and would be removed from his post. DTDA. Those detained are the former European deputy of the Democratic Party Pier Antonio Panzeri and Luca Visentini, trade unionist Uil, former president of the European trade unions and current secretary of the International Confederation of Trade Unions Ituc, as well as an NGO director and a European parliamentary assistant. BRUSSELS, Dec 21 (Reuters) - The International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) suspended its general secretary on Wednesday over links to the criminal investigation into corruption that. Owen Tudor was elected as Deputy General Secretary of the ITUC in December 2018 and re-elected at its Fifth World Congress in Melbourne, Australia, November 2022.. Owen was recruited into the union movement in 1984 off a picket line and worked for the TUC UK, on youth, training, disability and social insurance issues before moving onto health and safety, disability and industrial injury . The ITUC will powerfully negotiate and advocate on behalf of the union agenda with policy makers around the world. This means reinforcing this message inside the international financial institutions, the World Trade Organization, World Economic Forum, different agencies of the United Nations, and of course in the International Labour Organization (ILO). However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. We see governments in so many countries pushing through labour legislation that moves power even further from workers and towards capital. ITUCs participation will always transmit the priorities of workers. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. A Just Transition provides a pathway to a sustainable future, in all aspects of its social, economic, and environmental dimensions. Sharon Burrow, ITUC general-secretary, discusses the cost of living crisis and suggests that there is a job crisis as well. 's Acting Exec Secretary #AntonioPedro at #ARFSD2023. I have had the honor to play a coordinating role in countless campaigns, initiatives, negotiations, ILO activities, and policy work in the international trade union movement. I have been elected three times by the IndustriALL Global Union Congress to serve as Assistant General Secretary for the past decade. Over the past decade there have been important achievements towards business and human rights due diligence. This has formed a foundation for the application of international standards by businesses throughout their operations and supply chains. This is a game changer. Audience ratings certified by ACPM/OJD. Fax: +32 (0)2 201 5815. We want to hear from you. General Secretary ITUC International Trade Union Confederation - Trade Unionist, Poet and Writer. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary".