is the air force reserve worth it

I haven't touched my GI Bill yet so it would be nice for that TA to continue without using it yet. MORE: Check your VA home loan eligibility with today's top lenders What The Army Says About Reserve Deployments By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Upon activation, AFRES assumed command of all personnel, equipment and aircraft previously assigned to ConAC. A modified Air Force Reserve C-130 aircraft, assigned to the 910th Airlift Wing, conducts aerial spray operations. Post-traumatic stress disorder is commonly associated with combat-related trauma, but service members may not know that PTSD can also be caused by experiences beyond the battlefield. Now ive been very lucky in my guard career to have very few shitty commanders and the above varies from unit to unit. Reserves worth it? Air Reserve rescue personnel were among the first into Tallil Air Base as Reserve A-10s provided close air support. Pro: There are Reserve education benefits offered via the Montgomery GI Bill Selected Reserve (SR) and there are also options for earning the Post 9/11 GI Bill which can be transferred to spouses and dependents under the right circumstances. Cantwell, Gerald (1987), Citizen Airmen, A History of the Air Force Reserve, 19461994. I currently hold an undergraduate degree and am working on my Masters at the moment. Business, Finance, Taxes, Investments, Cost of Living, etc. [14], Air Force Reserve Command consists of three Numbered Air Forces:[15], Fourth Air Force (4 AF)March Air Reserve Base, California, Tenth Air Force (10 AF)Naval Air Station Fort Worth Joint Reserve Base/Carswell Field, Texas, Twenty-Second Air Force (22 AF)Dobbins Air Reserve Base, Georgia, The Air Force Reserve (AFRES) was created as a separate operating agency (SOA) and replaced a major command Continental Air Command which inactivated in August 1968. Specific examples are the Air Force Reserve 477th Fighter Group associating at Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, Alaska, flying the F-22 Raptor jointly with the PACAF 3d Wing and the active duty associating with the C-40 Clipper-equipped 932d Airlift Wing with the 375th Air Mobility Wing at Scott AFB, Illinois, and the 433d Airlift Wing C-5 Galaxy at Joint Base San Antonio, Texas. [9] The Air Force Reserve Command Associate Program provides trained crews and maintenance personnel for active-duty owned aircraft. Five Reasons why you should attend a FREE AFA Seminar! For more information, please see our by momus April 30th, 2011, 10:41 am, Post Tyler and Ethan, a military couple who have recently moved overseas to Germany, share how they have been able to find community and connection through the USO. Take a look: For days after the initial attacks, reservist F-16 fighter pilots flew air patrols over major U.S. metropolitan areas, while their KC-135 tanker and Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACs) counterparts supported them with the fuel and security necessary to conduct their mission. Special operations, air refueling, weather reconnaissance, and, once again, fighter missions were added to the airlift, rescue, and mission support roles performed by the Air Force Reserve. I admit I don't know much about the Reserves but I have a feeling they can send you where they want at any time. After flying as an active-duty Air Force pilot in World War II, Stewart joined the Air Force Reserve in 1945 and retired as a brigadier general in 1968. I didn't like some of the soldiers though, especially some of the officers and senior NCOs. During the combat phase (19 March-1 May) of OIF, Air Force Reserve aircraft and crews flew nearly 162,000 hours and deployed 70 unit-equipped aircraft in theater while aeromedical personnel provided 45 percent of the Air Force's aeromedical crews that performed 3,108 patient movements. You can be reimbursed up to 100% tuition assistance up to $250 per semester hour, or $166 per quarter hour, not to exceed $4,500 annually per . . Reddit, Inc. 2023. Truth: Sort of. The Air Force Reserve also operates the WC-130 Hurricane Hunter in the weather reconnaissance mission and provides the sole USAF capability for this mission set. Lt. Gen. Valin, Chief of Staff, French Air Force, awards the Croix De Guerre with Palm to Col. Jimmy Stewart for exceptional services in the liberation. This video highlights mission of the Air Force Reserve Command's only F-16 unit in Texas - the 301st FW. 0 Great idea i say go for it. For its eighth year, the St. Lou On any given day, 99 percent of AFRC's aircraft are mission-ready and able to deploy within 72 hours. Meeting the following basic standards is the start: U.S. citizenship or resident alien status required In general be between 17 and 42 years old ( specific requirements will vary by branch) Cyber reserves question. You'll be fine in life without the Air Force, but dig a little deeper and see if it is worth taking some time away from your family to work for the military. You wont give up your retirement and you arent required to serve 24/7. Meaning I would be missing 3,601 pts. AFRC also operates stand-alone C-5, C-17, C-130, C-40, KC-46 and KC-135 units that are operated by the Air Mobility Command (AMC). Air Force Reserve Experience? Operationally, the Air Force Reserve participated in Operation Urgent Fury, the return of American students from Grenada in 1983, performed air refuelings of F-111 bombers during the El Dorado Canyon raid on Libyan-sponsored terrorists in 1986, and acted as a full partner in Operation Just Cause which ousted Panama's General Manuel Noriega in 19891990. It varies from company to company, some will only cover the 2 weeks and ive heard of some that will cover the full five years (which is amazing). AFRC forces are under the administrative control (ADCON) of the Commander, Air Force Reserve Command (AFRC/CC). Sgt. -This story was originally published in 2019. My biggest concern is the time commitment of driving 1.5 hrs to the base for the drill weekend and the 2 weeks of active duty tour. Your options to become a reservist are as diverse as the number of military branches themselves. More than 9,500 reservists, over 15 percent of the force, serve full-time as ARTs. When a recruit is outside of this BMI . Later, some choose to transition to a civilian career. Def a group you have to keep up with if you are trying to get them to do something. Read about what military ranks mean here. Air Force Reservists also contribute about 13 percent of total KC-135 aerial refueling requirements.[8]. There are are pros and cons to this depending on you and your unit. The flight launched from the New Mexico desert, with two Italian Air Force officers and an engineer with the National Research Council of Italy focusing on a series of microgravity experiments . Your recruiter can help you talk to those who have actually had those experiences. In the guard we have something called SAD orders (state active duty) usually to support certain state missions. They also provided B-52 Stratofortress, special operations, aeromedical, security forces, and civil engineering support. [8], Air Force Reservists who become members of the Active Guard and Reserve (AGR) receive full active duty pay and benefits just like active duty members of any branch of the armed forces. I have seen some people ask about living off the GI bill and not working while in the guard. Good afternoon! By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Now, for other Guard/Reserve statuses you can earn more points. of Defense or any governmental entity. Reservists are paid for all time spent drilling and deployed, and they have access to the same professional training as full-time service members. by ErikHeaven April 30th, 2011, 11:44 am, Post If you have a full time job though, why would you be interested in the military? I am concerned about paying for health care in the market. Some companies offer something called "diff pay". The Air Force Reserve Command ( AFRC) is a major command (MAJCOM) of the United States Air Force, with its headquarters at Robins Air Force Base, Georgia. [17], The 1980s saw the modernization and expansion of the Air Force Reserve program. | With the same equipment and budget authority, the Air Force Reserve was held to the same readiness standards and inspections as regular Air Force units. The protections offered to you under federal law including SCRA are not helpful if you arent in good standing with your duty commitment. Active Duty (Full-Time) Reserve Duty (Part-Time) CIVILIAN CAREER. AFRC also provides aerial refueling capability with aircrews operating AMC KC-10 Extenders in associate units and KC-135 Stratotankers in both associate and Air Reserve Component air mobility wings, air refueling wings and air refueling groups. AFRC Recruiting is another field that employs AGR personnel. Air Force Reserve Take part in an array of missions in the air and on the ground while still pursuing a civilian life. The federal government, including military leadership and staff, is barred from accepting voluntary (i.e., uncompensated) services by 31 US Code 1342 (part of the Antideficiency Act, or ADA). After 54 years, the remains of U.S. Air Force pilot Col. Ernest Leo De Soto, who went missing during the Vietnam War, have finally come home. In the reserves you dont have that option since you are in a title 10 status. AGRs also have the option with good performance to serve 20 or more years on active duty and receive a retirement after 20 or more years, just like active members of the Regular Air Force. Reddit, Inc. 2023. I know several people who have done it. [8], A smaller but equally important category of TR is the Individual Mobilization Augmentee (IMA). I would have joined the Air Force instead of the Army, when I was a young man. Alan Greenspan says the Federal Reserve is above the law! and our The biggest challenge for the AD is dealing with those who have been in the guard their whole life. Air Force Reserve Is this your company? If they do ask about it I dont lie I just tell them we have the one weekend a month/2 weeks a year. AFRC also plays an integral role in the day-to-day Air Force mission and is not strictly a force held in reserve for possible war or contingency operations. You have a graduate degree and if you can find a job, you would make some good money. This unique program pairs a Reserve unit with an active-duty unit to share a single set of aircraft and rests on the idea that there are more operational requirements than there are manpower to fulfill them. I say go for it and you might wont to think about going active. If you assume someone is doing something for you (your supervisor/a full timer), and you aren't following up then you aren't paying attention.

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