Prescribers of statins (particularly simvastatin and lovastatin) should take into account the possibility of acute pancreatitis in patients who develop abdominal pain within the first weeks of treatment with these drugs, they warned. My belief is that it is not only what you put into your body that can have health consequences but what you do NOT put into your body that determines your health. I went to a doctor a few years ago and after a routine check up my cholesterol was 110, he wanted to get me started on statins right away. At 74 and 86 we are still enjoying life in good health! Nothing to worry about, Now my new doctor of 4 years has decided I should be on a statin although having previously agreed with my earlier doctor. No unpleasant smell of garlic on your breath. atorvastatin)? I stopped taking it and noticed the pain starting to go away in less than a week. If you really want to prove that the more you lower the LDL level, the greater the protection, then you must use the same drug. HHS Vulnerability Disclosure, Help Cholesterol is a major component of the brain, much of it in the myelin sheaths that insulate nerve cells and in the synapses that transmit nerve impulses. i was on Simvastatin for yrs. There is not enough data about Atorvastatin during pregnancy in humans. Dolichols also play a role of immense importance. I contacted the food and drug administration and filed a report . One doctor ignored me and the second switched me to Crestor and told me to take CoQ-10 I told her no I would not and she asked why. level is?????? Most statins, even Crestor now are available generically, and if the generic has been out for a while it is inexpensive. Those receiving Lipitor achieved much lower LDL-cholesterol levels and a reversal in the progression of coronary plaque aggregation.59 Those who took Lipitor had plaque reduced by 0.4 percent over 18 months, based on intravascular ultrasound (not the more accurate tool of electron beam tomography). He fell in the bathroom and had trouble getting up. Loss of balance followed and the beginning of what Doug calls the statin shufflea slow, wobbly walk across the room. Clipboard, Search History, and several other advanced features are temporarily unavailable. BTW Atherosclerosis is an Inflammatory disease. And if money is spent to give statin treatment to all healthy people, what will remain for the care of those who really need it? According to the research of Dr. Golomb, nerve problems are a common side effect from statin use; patients who use statins for two or more years are at a4- to 14-fold increased risk of developing idiopathic polyneuropathy compared to controls.12 She reports that in many cases, patients told her they had complained to their doctors about neurological problems, only to be assured that their symptoms could not be related to cholesterol-lowering medications. Enas E.A., Salim Yusuf Mehta J.L. The strange symptoms are very real. One group of subjects used the drug aggressively (more than 80 mg per day) while the balance of the subjects took less than 80 mg per day. -, Grundy S.M. One woman reported dizziness one half hour after taking Pravachol.18 When she stopped taking it, the dizziness cleared up. Yet at least four studies have shown no benefit. No thanks. I see that our library has several books on statins. I had not been cardio person in life but considered i was fit otherwise. Atherosclerosis begins with the growth of smooth muscle cells inside artery walls and thromboxane is necessary for blood clotting. The local medical profession seems to deny that my symptoms/side effects are related to the statins but in conversation with others suffering similar problems there is a common thread. CRP C-Reactive proteins and Homocysteine are ACTUAL Biomarkers for heart disease, vs. cholesterol levels. With that said, I believe everything you said. I defied him, and instead took Policosanol. It works by slowing the production of cholesterol in the body to decrease the amount of cholesterol that may build up on the walls of the arteries and block blood flow to the heart, brain, and other parts of the body. Uses Warnings Before taking Side effects Interactions Dosage FAQ What is Lipitor? Its just what they have been taught and most do not have the time or the interest to investigate the claims themselves. Also she was having panic attacks regularly. You are a wealth of knowledge that has been hard-earned, I realize. Thanks so much for this article! Close, but not quite. I would like to know what you are eating. Report / Delete Reply jude65855 Leajayse Less than 40 mg/dL (1.0 mmol/L) 60 mg/dL (1.6 mmol/L) or above: Women: . Results: The pain dr. asked if I would like to see a surgeon, and I said yes. How does any Doctor really know what your cholesterol I feel sick every single day. mmm. As this study presently stands, because they used different drugs, anyone can make the case that the benefits seen in the patients on atorvastatin [Lipitor] had nothing to do with greater LDL lowering; they were purely due to the direct drug effects of atorvastatin. Kendrick notes that the carefully constructed J-LIT study, publishedtwo years earlier, found no correlation whatsoever between the amount of LDL lowering and the death rate. The site is secure. One thing that was not mentioned was the benefits of ahving a good HDL level as that IS beneficial. I was taking 20 mg daily, but had a massive heart attack on 30 Oct. 2013 ( I arrested at least 6 times from all accounts ) and as a result my kidneys had shut down or nearly so. I took a copy of this report to show her what i had learned. I believe the statins did something to my colon. If you are concerned about your cholesterol, a statin drug will relieve you of your worries. Im glad I never took it. Her father died of heart attack at 35 with evidence of previous attacks on his heart. Of course they say it had nothing to do with the Thus, the earlier that patients start to have lower cholesterol concentrations, the greater the risk of death. I had a coronary triple bypass in 2003, and was placed on these meds. I also woulg like to know more about Co-Q10 and where it could be obtained. Keeps arteries healthy, elastic. Learn about dosing, and what to do if you take too much or miss your dose. The heart is especially susceptible because it uses so much energy.15, Co-Q10 depletion becomes more and more of a problem as the pharmaceutical industry encourages doctors to lower cholesterol levels in their patients by greater and greater amounts. She was. However, in the fine print we learn that Lipitor has not been shown to prevent heart disease or heart attacks! My lipidologist will be checking carotid plaque build up every 2-3 years because statistically cannot see changes over time measured closer together than that. Registered number: 10004395 Registered office: Fulford Grange, Micklefield Lane, Rawdon, Leeds, LS19 6BA. Note the largest class action lawsuit ever paid by a company was against Pfizer! In a study carried out in Austria, only six out of 22 athletes with familial hypercholesterolemia were able to endure statin treatment.9 The others discontinued treatment because of muscle pain. I still had not made the connection until a few weeks later < When your on statins you will miss the obvious answer to your problems. This fact explains many of aspirins side effects, including gastrointestinal bleeding and increased risk of macular degeneration and cataract formation. Ive heard about policosanol, an alcohol based substance made from sugar cane. People with poor liver health, liver disease, or who have records of recent stroke should not take Atorvastatin.,,,,,,,, Avoid trans fats, known to contribute to inflammation, Avoid refined sugars, especially fructose, known to stimulate clumping of the blood platelets, Take cod liver oil, an excellent dietary source of anti-inflammatory vitamin A, vitamin D and EPA, Eat plenty of saturated fats, which encourage the production of anti-inflammatory prostaglandins, Take evening primrose, borage or black currant oil, sources of GLA which the body uses to make anti-inflammatory prostaglandins, Eat foods high in copper, especially liver; copper deficiency is associatied with clot formation and inflammation in the arteries, Eat coconut oil and coconut products; coconut oil protects against bacteria and viruses that can lead to inflammation in the artery wall, Avoid reduced-fat milks and powdered milk products (such as powdered whey); they contain oxidized cholesterol, shown to cause irritation of the artery wall. The German private company which actually produced it had links to concentration camp exterminations .. it's really worth a read if you can get hold of it. I my inflammation number in my body was almost 800 and my Dr took me off the cholesterol mess last yr. my body hurts so bad, hurts to walk, I have muscle cramps all over my body all the time, my arms and shoulders are so painful. I have lost 2 Drs this year one of them asked me to leave because I wont take unnessicary drugs. I finally quit statins against the advice of the doctors. I read your article and ceased taking statins about 4 months ago and can now move so much better and have little trouble climbing stairs and ladders. Several months ago I found myself standing in the street at 3am. Of course that site was removed less than a year later. I will go to the appointment but if they offer a statin I will refuse! hi lynne, im 51, also had a heart attack 3 weeks ago and had a stent put in one of my arteries. JAMA 2002;288:2998-3007. Take your unwanted meds back to the pharmacy for proper disposal. I finally put 2 and 2 together and stopped the med. After reading your study, I wonder how they could be so unconcerned about the problems caused by this drug on an unsuspecting public they are supposed to be helping. Email communication, Joel Kauffman, April 15, 2004. Derosa G, Maffioli P, Reiner , Simental-Menda LE, Sahebkar A. I am taking a statin and will discuss necessity with doctor. Yes it can. Now I learn Im not taking the best coq 10, so I have ordered the best one. Also, your health care professional may be able to tell you about ways to prevent or reduce some of these side effects. Why would you be trying to lower your cholesterol at all. All of my issues are usually due to herredity but no one in my family tree ever had any of these conditions, and I know they are my real family due to a DNA test?! Please enable it to take advantage of the complete set of features! Review and research data show that additionally, Atorvastatin is safe. The follow up period was 6 months. Todays food is seriously lacking in nutrition and no matter how well you try to eat, you do not give your body the ammunition to heal itself. It hinders the body from having the ability to produce its own Vitamin D and CO-Q10, which of course we can now prescribe supplements for and make even more money. The olive oil group fared little betteronly 57 percent were alive after two years. er hab doesnt help. I am 75 and have cholesterol readings of 156 (Im vegan), but my doctor wants to put me on statins, which at this reading I think is criminal. I am only in my early 50s. When I got home I looked at the sheets that came with my prescriptions and decided to stop the Lipitor on my own just in case. When I told him I wanted to quit statins, he told me to take Lovastatin. We, as a team strongly recommend you to talk to your doctor who prescribed or will be prescribe the medicine. After a battery of blood tests, my doctor said stop taking Atorvastatin. Tonight is will be the first night without taking it. My last cholesterol test was total, 257, ldl 109, hdl 139. And 2 years later he mentally just did not want to go on. Go to find Linus Paulings therapy protocol. Some very helpful information, which is very much appreciated. No doctor is going to destroy my body so he can drive a Mercedes! I informed my cardiologist that I would not be taking a statin and of course he became very bitchy about my choice. I cholesterol levels has been as low as 117 total. Nobody knows our bodies better than we do. I am suspicious of the drug industry, having read about the corruption and misleading data that is out there (I am also a pharmacist). He risked his career and ultimately his medical licensure because he wrote a book called The Cure for Heart Disease.. The most striking findings were related to changes in cholesterol between examination three (1971-74) and examination four (1991-93). My question is concerning the elevated lipoprotein a. I try to eat fresh good food, eggs, salads,lean meats,lots of fish,lots of water,nuts, But hey I still enjoy a beer and pizza to.I feel you need to enjoy life but stay informed as to what your body needs and I think exercise is the key. checkup and telling the Dr. what happened he was prescribed Crestor and the same thing Some time later, I had a 100% rupture of the bicep tendon and a trigger thumb in the same arm. Some studies are very positive on 20 mg a day with no side effects. Im 62 & have suffered from cronic polymyositis with cardio myositis for the last 3 years. No way will I be taking these evil drugs! She was unable to talk, could not use her arms or hands, had trouble standing and walking. That is why Im a firm believer in high quality supplementation. This goes against everything in the Hippocratic oath. Thank you for your information. Epub 2014 Apr 2. The follow up period was 6 months. Statins for life. We have been trying to encourage him to use only Co-Q-10 but he insisted on the lipitor. I think you might find this most recent study very interesting. Dont tell the doctor, of course. HDL is very good. Am J Cardiol. But there were eight deaths from heart disease among Prudent Dieter group, and none among those who ate meat three times a day (JAMA 1966 Nov 7;198(6):597-604; Bulletin NY Academy of Medicine 1968). My HDLs seen consistently low (28-35) over 8 years. Then I was sent to an orthopedist who tried Lyrica and other meds, which didnt help either. There just hasn't been as much research published regarding how other types of citrus (apart from grapefruit) interact with statins. Dr. Ravnskovs 1992 meta-analysis of 26 controlled cholesterol-lowering trials found an equal number of cardiovascular deaths in the treatment and control groups and a greater number of total deaths in the treatment groups.34 An analysis of all the big controlled trials reported before 2000 found that long-term use of statins for primary prevention of heart disase produced a 1 percent greater risk of death over 10 years compared to a placebo.35. I forgot to mention my cholesterol levels are excellent and always have been. I am not sure if I took all my evening meds including Elequis 5 mg, mag oxide 400mg, Acyclovir 400 mg, bit D3 25 mcg, potassium citrate ER 15 new, Clonazepam 1 mg, atorvastatin 20 mg and Fluticasone s read more Leiter LA, Bays H, Conard S, Bird S, Rubino J, Hanson ME, Tomassini JE, Tershakovec AM. Apparently the FDA approved stents that elute statin drugs, so if a patient has side effects from the statins within the stent, they are basically out of luck, or need to have the stents replaced. The result is vibrant health for every age of life, including the next generation. by roaminghermit Sun Jan 28, 2007 5:05 pm . Epub 2017 Jan 19. These meds cause horrible side effects that no on has yet to explain, so should not question when a patient reports experiences when these meds are taken. I took my 94 year old mother to a Functional Medicine Doctor. i was put on statins, rosuvistatin 20 mg. and like you, told i would have to take these for life. Stupid i know but was solo dad for 14 years and had friend help me build house after divorce so didnt want to lose that. I am sick of the Drs looking at me like I am a hypochondriac! Price Foundation (WAPF) is your source for accurate information on nutrition and health, always aiming to provide the scientific validation of traditional foodways. Read our editorial policy. Even had all the muscle aches etc. I saw a noticeable change in his mental will after his wife insisted on the drugs. I find it very disturbing that with all the knowledge and data out there, not only is there not a consensus, there are such diametrically opposite points of view. 2014 Jun 15;113(12):2021-9. doi: 10.1016/j.amjcard.2014.03.045. Move to my chemo, one long round for colon cancer and a new treatment for melanoma that in itself nearly killed me. Some side effects may not be reported. I also developed leg cramps that last time. Some years ago a pill-pushing physicians assistant prescribed a statin, which I then took for a while. The only change was a significant drop in chest pain requiring rehospitalization. I was surprised to find that LOW levels of cholesterol are harmful, not high levels! and transmitted securely. especially a 12 year old? Wow. Ive suffered with osteoarthritis, diabetes, high blood pressure, acid reflux, allergies, chronic pain, and feeling very sad. Do not change your dose or stop taking any of your medications without your doctor's advice. Based on the clinical clinical condition doctors prescribe it as a long-term medication. That started about May 10th. Thanks for the article. This material is provided for educational purposes only and is not intended for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. These studies are old. An interesting question is whetherwidespread statin-induced neuropathy makes our elderly drivers (and even not-so-elderly drivers) more accident prone? Group A consisted patients who received Atorvastatin 40mg daily and Group B Atorvastatin 80mg daily. I noticed my sons hand shook when he held a butter knife, was too weak to assist carrying a piece of sheet rock (Im female). ago. Eat a nutrient dense diet, little to almost no carbs and everything will normalize. I would prefer to use diet, exercise & supplements to keep his inflammation down. The Zocor was changed at one point to Lipitor and the dosage was upped to 80 mg. Gradually over the 10 years before I quit statins I developed persistent joint pain in my neck, hips, knees and ankles, peripheral neuropathy in my legs that caused pain at night, persistent short term memory loss, pancreatitis, blurred vision, shortness of breath, heart arrhythmia and significantly reduced cardio and physical strength. You will receive a new password via e-mail. I believe that future research into the morbidity that these cholesterol lowering drugs have on society is well deserved. Good for you to research, and think for yourself, Frank! For some, however, muscle problems show up shortly after treatment begins. We were told by our doctor that statins would adhere plaque to the artery walls to prevent them from causing a blood clot and heart attack. He stopped taking it on his own and after a couple of weeks felt better. Unpublished letter. Im trying to be patient with the recovery but I am now living in fear there has been permanent damage. I have read a number of books and cannot find any information related to high CAC levels and statins as a means of protection against plaque rupture. Patient compliance was low: the benefit did not seem worth the side effects and the potential for use was very limited. September 2, 1998. Hi Diane, Results: Is taking CO-Q10 supplements helpful. This does not create serious issues in patients, but in some rare cases, it may cause : Please immediately consult your doctor if you experience any of these serious side effects of Atorvastatin 80 mg. Do not waste much time on the internet finding the reason. This site needs JavaScript to work properly. puffiness or swelling of the eyelids or around the eyes, face, lips, or tongue, Blistering, peeling, or loosening of the skin, large, hive-like swelling on the face, eyelids, lips, tongue, throat, hands, legs, feet, or sex organs, red skin lesions, often with a purple center sore, sores, ulcers, or white spots in the mouth or on the lips, pain or tenderness around the eyes and cheekbones, continuing ringing or buzzing or other unexplained noise in the ears, increased sensitivity of the eyes to light, menstrual bleeding occurring earlier or lasting longer than usual, swollen or tender lymph glands in the neck, armpit, or groin. Three years ago after the last time I was put on statins I never recovered. . Yes, you can get too much lipitor. And after already trying Lipitor which caused muscle damage and collapse, especially in my legs to the point that I could not walk. high blood sugar - increased thirst, increased urination, dry mouth, fruity breath odor. I have been studying natural health since at least 2000 and this site was one of the first I visited. Co-Q10 is also vital to the formation of elastin and collagen. 80 mg is the highest, and here in this article, Ill show some facts about this 80 mg statins side effects. I walk with a cane. They suggested we move to another pill(s). Last year, I began suffering with increasing muscular pains, joint pains, numbness in my feet, poor sleep,memory lapses, severe attacks of dizziness, extreme tiredness, chest pains and rapid heartbeat. Summary Common side effects of Lipitor include: hemorrhagic stroke, arthralgia, diarrhea, and nasopharyngitis. 2010 Dec;32(14):2337-47. doi: 10.1016/j.clinthera.2010.12.001. I asked her to please not take them until she could research, talk to others, get another medical opinionand not take them if she didnt have to, as I knew that they could cause many health problems- they had for my mother. At 66 no health problems with high blood pressure or over weight. Atorvastatin Induced Adverse Drug Reactions among South Indian Tamils. The last time I had my cholesterol checked in April 2017 my LDL was good and my HDL was better than a check in January 2017. Tell your doctor if you are pregnant. Researchers compared changes in cholesterol concentrations over 20 years with all-cause mortality.36 To quote: Our data accords with previous findings of increased mortality in elderly people with low serum cholesterol, and show that long-term persistence of low cholesterol concentration actually increases risk of death. Add to this a calcium/magnesium supplement and maybe your pains will subside. 2022 Jul 18;2022:3369226. doi: 10.1155/2022/3369226. People seeking health today often condemn certain food groups -- such as grains, dairy foods, meat, salt, fat, sauces, sweets and nightshade vegetables -- but the WAPF diet is inclusive, not exclusive. towards earnings, yet not before long they were our saviours, live and let live and heal Blood pressure lowering has been reported with several statins in published studies. One day all this will be brought to light and humankind will be free and healthy once again. sharing sensitive information, make sure youre on a federal Doctors are human and to give most of them the benefit of the doubt, their training teaches them to trust drug companies and they sometimes don't have time to research every new drug: however, this doesn't excuse their ignorance about statin's negative effects now that so many people have experienced and reported them. Doctors have discovered that injections of a certain substance can reverse heart disease in some patients. I share your concerns!!! Sorry to hear about your husban, but the reality is that statins have no effect on dopamine levels and therefore are not correlated with statin use. Aspirin inhibits the enzyme Delta-6 Desaturase, needed for the production of Gamma-Linoleic Acid (GLA) and important anti-inflammatory prostaglandins. Can they cause chronic idiopathic constipation? Ive completed my MBBS from Shaheed Ziaur Rahman Medical College. Thanks. Nowadays, hyperlipidemia is considered the third highest risk for developing ASCVD. Grapefruit may interact with atorvastatin and cause side effects. I sure would like to get in touch with the authors (Sally Fallon and Mary Enig) to get some of their wisdom. So I complied with him and took the poison pills. Detox happens automatically when you eat a diet rich in nutrient dense foods and very little or almost no carbs. Imaging revealed some degenerative disk disease. But in the early 70s. What side effects did you have from the statins? ago when I as I recall I may have had similar readings.Anyway, thank you for your information. And the study was seriously flawed with what Kendrick calls the two-variables conundrum. It is true that those with the greatest LDL lowering were protected against death. I got told by my GP that my diet was generally healthy and I wouldn't lower my cholesterol by changing it and thus only statins would help. Those whose cholesterol is especially high will most likely start at a dosage of 40 mg. B12 complex vitamins keeps Homocysteine levels down. Ive read articles that indicate those of us who were involved in long distance running, ultras, etc, tend to have higher than normal Calcium scores. . Dont be alarmed thoughjust wait and retest and your numbers will come down. I am still searching to get rid of this meds. Im a 54 year ild Man and is here to report that I have been taking statins and othet heart and cholestorol medications since September of 2004, after having undergone the placement of Stent into one of my heart arteries through a heart catherization procedure. Using electron beam tomography, the researchers measured plaque in all of the subjects before and after a study period of more than one year. I havent read all posts word for word, but I have not seen anyone mention the difference between LDLc and the NMR measurement of LDLp. The two others are ubiquinone and dolichol. I decided that I would go back on them temporarily and do a bit more research before the follow-up. I was told that my profiles looked good and to continue to exercise and eat low carbs. The cardiologist she sees recommends aspirin therapy, fish oil and statins. Or maybe theres an agenda. In 2005, Lipitor generated 40% of Pfizer's profits, and the 2006 numbers will probably be higher. Price Foundation, Spring 2004. By HDL is 46. Trigs were high but its because the labs were non-fasting and I have been off my low carb regimen more due to being at home during COVID. But doctors dont earn money by prescribing or or not prescribing statins! I'm all for quality of life rather than quantity myself. She is the author of Know Your Fats, a primer on the biochemistry of dietary fats as well as of Eat Fat Lose Fat (Penguin, Hudson Street Press, 2004). Cranton, E M, MD, and J P Frackelton, MD. (Their are some ethical Drs., there are, you just have to search for them) Ore problems with kidneys and liver if I keep taking them At wits end at moment so much pain putting weight on as its so difficult .i could walk miles with no problems Im 62 yrs and want to enjoy life not sit in a chair and vegetate ,thank you. This medication may be prescribed for other uses. Interference with production of Co-Q10 by statin drugs is the most likely explanation. Think for yourself. I said, to lay in ER in pain and spasms because you made me take something my body is allergic too. Some patients may need to start at 40 mg per day. I was given Lipitor for four years with extreme side effects of muscle pain and bouts of chills like I was in a deep freeze. Get informed, follow the money and make your own decision. I cant remember the exact timing (a year?) Having trouble lifting your arms, climbing, or standing; An upper stomach ache, fatigue, loss of appetite, dark urine, jaundice. Large quantities of lime or lime peel should be avoided, although small amounts (such as a twist of lime in a drink) are unlikely to cause a significant interaction. So Grateful to Drs who are willing to put themselves out there against the trends and tell us the truth about pharmaceutical products! After numerous medical test failed to diagnose my problems, I did a lot of personal research and read many forums of people who had suffered ill effects from statin use. She is a licensed nutritionist, certified by the Certification Board for Nutrition Specialists; a qualified expert witness; nutrition consultant to individuals, industry and state and federal governments; contributing editor to a number of scientific publications; Fellow of the American College of Nutrition; and President of the Maryland Nutritionists Association. The person asked if i felt pain and i said slight one and the next minute they stopped test and asked me to wait and see cardiologist who then said stents, statins etc was answer. The PubMed wordmark and PubMed logo are registered trademarks of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). I might sound like a bitter old man and at 76 i must admit writing a letter like this would not have been my way earlier in life. I am a retired teacher, 65 years old and I have enough energy to put A 25 year old to shame! Of interest is a recent study indicating that patients with chronic heart failure benefit from having high levels of cholesterol rather than low. Follow your doctor's instructions. My LDL is 92 last tested 1231 2014. Your doctor may occasionally change your dose. But such doctors do not work in a vacuumtheir efforts to convert healthy people into patients are bolstered by the full weight of the US government, the media and the medical establishment, agencies that have worked in concert to disseminate the cholesterol dogma and convince the population that high cholesterol is the forerunner of heart disease and possibly other diseases as well. It is also contraindicated during lactation. Thank you Weston Price. I need someone to help me.