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-, Verified Petition for Order of Discovery - Supreme Court Rule 224 -, Wrongful-Death Information and Document Checklist, 60-Day Sub-Subcontractor's Lien Notice for Owner-Occupied Single-Family Residence -, 90-Day Notice of Claim for Sub-Subcontractor's Lien -, Affidavit as to Unknown Owners, Unknown Parties, and Non-Record Claimants (Mechanics Lien) -, Affidavit for Publication (Mechanics Lien) -, Affidavit To Support Request for Certified Copy of Miller Act Bond -, Complaint for Declaratory Judgment Initiated by a Property Owner -, Defendant's Request for Production of Documents, Plaintiff's Request for Production of Documents, Agreement of Partnership of ABC Partnership, an Illinois General Partnership, Agreement of Partnership of ABC, LLP, an Illinois Limited Liability Partnership, Checklist for Defendants at the Hearing and Beyond, Checklist for Defendants When Preparing the Pleadings, Checklist for Plaintiffs at the Hearing and Beyond, Checklist for Plaintiffs When Preparing the Pleadings, Checklist of Client Issues in Drafting Limited Liability Company Documents, Checklist of General Temporary Restraining Order and Preliminary Injunction Considerations for Both Parties, Checklist of Provisions for Operating Agreement, Complaint by Corporation for Accounting Against Agent, Conflict of Interest - Annual Disclosure Statement, Emergency Motion for Temporary Restraining Order and Preliminary Injunction -, Limited Liability Company Operating Agreement Simple Form, Member-Managed, Limited Liability Company Organization Checklist, LLC Operating Agreement Fiduciary Duty Modification Options When State Statutes Are Modeled on the ULLCA, Manager-Managed Operating Agreement (Single-Member) -, Motion To Dissolve Temporary Restraining Order or Preliminary Injunction -, Obligation To Preserve Files and Records Sample Letter, Operating Agreement Simple Form, Single Member, Order for Temporary Restraining Order with Notice, Order for Temporary Restraining Order Without Notice, Plan of Distribution: Members Entitled To Vote, Plan of Distribution: No Members Entitled To Vote, Sample Emergency Motion for Temporary Restraining Order and Preliminary Injunction, Stock Purchase Agreement Drafting Checklist, Authorization to Obtain or Release Information -, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Waiver, Invocation of Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Amendment Rights, Letter to Client Regarding Disposition of Charge and Conditions of Supervision, Motion for Attachment of Indirect Criminal Contempt, Motion for Behavioral Clinical Examination for Fitness -, Motion for Discovery in Misdemeanor Cases, Motion for Dismissal of Charge and Discharge of Defendant for Speedy-Trial Violation, Motion for Extension of Time To File the Brief -, Motion for Extension of Time To File the Record -, Motion for Hearing to Determine Fitness -, Motion for Production of Discovery Concerning Blood or Other Bodily Substance Sample -, Motion for Production of Discovery Concerning Breath Test -, Motion for Production of Discovery Concerning Urine Sample -, Motion for Production of Felony Review Materials -, Motion for Production Regarding Portable Breath Testing Device -, Motion for Severance of Defendants (with Alternative Allegations), Motion for the Sequestration Preservation and Production of Police Recordings -, Motion In Limine To Exclude From Trial Any References to Defendant's Prior Criminal Record -, Motion in Limine To Strike Prior Conviction, Motion to Bar Evidence Due to the Prosecutor's Failure to Comply With Discovery -, Motion to Compel Production of Exculpatory Material -, Motion to Exclude Defendant's Statements and Any Use of or Reference to Field Tests or Alleged Intoxication -, Motion To File a Brief in Excess of the Page Limitation -, Motion To Preclude Use of Evidence of Prior Conviction of Defendant for Impeachment Purposes, Motion to Quash Arrest and Suppress Evidence -, Motion To Seal Confidential or Sensitive Documents in the Court File -, Motion To Suppress Evidence for Fourth Amendment Violations, Motion To Suppress Statements Based on Due Process or Miranda Violation -, Notice of Election To File a Brief in the Supreme Court in Addition to the Petition for Leave To Appeal, Notice of Service of Subpoena Duces Tecum, Order of Adjudication for Direct Criminal Contempt, Order of Adjudication for Indirect Criminal Contempt, Order of Adjudication for Recalcitrant Witness for Direct Criminal Contempt, Order of Attachment for Indirect Criminal Contempt, Petition for Adjudication of Indirect Criminal Contempt, Petition To Rescind Statutory Summary Suspension, Petition to Rescind Summary Suspension (Cannabis) -, Request for Hearing To Rescind Summary Suspension (Alcohol) -, Request for Zero-Tolerance Alcohol/Drug Education and Awareness Program, Request to Court Reporters To Prepare Transcripts, Request to the Circuit Clerk To Prepare the Entire Record, Sample Cover Page and Points and Authorities of Appellants Brief, Subpoena Duces Tecum for Breathalyzer Information -, Certification of Compliance with Truth in Taxation Law, Form of Notice of Charges and Dismissal Under Article 24A, Notice of Charges and Dismissal When Causes Are Considered Irremediable, Notice of Charges and Dismissal When Remediable Causes Were Not Remedied, Release of Information for Supporter Involvement (Non-School Related Support), Release of Information for Supporter Involvement (School Related Support), Resolution Approving Tentative Budget and Directing Publication of Its Availability, Resolution Authorizing and Directing Certain Special-Purpose Tax Levies, Resolution Authorizing and Directing Tax Levy, Resolution Authorizing Notice of Charges and Dismissal, Resolution Authorizing Notice of Nonrenewal, Resolution Authorizing Notice of Reasons and Dismissal, Resolution Directing Preparation of the Tentative Budget, Resolution Under Article 24A Authorizing Notice of Charges and Dismissal, Sample Bond Issue Notification Act Proceedings, Sample Minutes Showing Conduct of Public Hearing, Agents Certification and Acceptance of Authority Form -, Appointment of Agent to Control Disposition of Remains -, Appointment of Short-Term Guardian of an Adult with a Disability -, Order of Adjudication of Disability and Appointing Guardian -, Petition for Adjudication of Disability and Appointment of Guardian -, Petition for Authority to List and Sell Ward's Real Estate -, Petition for Authority to Make Expenditures -, Petition for Grandparent and Great-Grandparent Visitation Rights -, Petition for Temporary and Plenary Guardian -, Successor Agents Certification and Acceptance of Authority Form -, Checklist for Initial Client Consultation, Checklist of Employer Obligations and Employee Rights, Checklist of Subjects to be Covered by Defendant During Discovery, Checklist of Subjects to be Covered by Plaintiff During Discovery, Contract for Legal Services Agency Representation, Contract for Legal Services Alternative Litigation, Contract for Legal Services Alternative Litigation (Blended Fee), Defendants First Request for Production of Documents to Plaintiff, Electronic Evidence Preservation Letter to Employer, Employment and Employee Benefits Due-Diligence Checklist, Equal Employment Opportunity and Voluntary Affirmative Action Policy, Factors Checklist: Analyzing Potential Bargaining Order Cases, Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 Checklist for Employers, Introduction to Affirmative Action Program, List of Material Terms Found in Employment Agreements, List of Rights and Obligations upon Termination, New Client Duties Letter for Potential Plaintiff, Notice to Each Affected Nonunion Employee, Notice to Government Entities (State, Local) (Long Form), Notice to Government Entities (State, Local) (Optional Short Form), Plaintiffs First Request To Produce to Defendant, Plaintiffs First Set of Interrogatories to Defendant, Plaintiffs Request for Production of Documents, Pre-Litigation Settlement Agreement (Resignation Agreement) -, Respondents Request for Admissions of Fact, Respondents Request for Production of Documents, State Court Complaint Seeking Relief Under Illinois Human Rights Act -, State Court Mass/Violent Picketing Injunction Checklist, Affidavit for Search of Safe-Deposit Box for Will -, Affidavit of Compliance with Sections 18-3 and 18-12 of Probate Act -, Affidavit To Obtain Property of Nonresident Decedent -, Appointment of Agent for Safe-Deposit Box Access or Sale of Personal Property -, Assignment of Partnership Interest to Trust -, Authorization for Use and Release of Medical Information -, Certification of Trust (Revocable Grantor Trust) -, Co-Agents Certification and Acceptance of Authority, Deed in Trust (Funding Revocable Grantor Trust) -, Disclaimer by Spouse To Fund Bypass Trust -, Disclaimer of Beneficial Interests in Trust -, Disposition of Remains and Memorial Directions -, Emergency Petition To Invalidate Powers of Attorney, Emergency Petition To Suspend or Revoke Powers of Attorney, Letter to Financial Institution To Move Decedent IRA -, Letter to Insurance Company Requesting IRS Form 712 -, Nondeductible Expenses in Estate Administration Matter, Order for Uncontested Petition for Deviation from Intestacy -, Petition for Attorneys Fees (Person with a Disability) -, Petition for Authority To Pledge Personal Property -, Petition for Authority To Sell Personal Property -, Petition for Authority To Sell Real Property -, Petition for Leave To Create an OBRA 93 Special-Needs Trust, Petition for Leave To Create an OBRA 93 Special-Needs Trust -, Petition for Leave To Hire Estate Planning Counsel -, Petition for Leave To Hire Heir Searcher -, Petition for Probate of Will and Letters Testamentary -, Petition To Contest Validity of Decedent's Alleged Will, Petition to Engage in Estate Planning (Minor) -, Petition to Engage in Estate Planning (Person with a Disability) -, Physicians Order for Life-Sustaining Treatment (POLST) Form, Receipt on Distribution and Refunding Agreement -, Release and Disclaimer by Trustee of Revocable Trust -, Release of Estate's Interest in Real Estate -, Release of Trustee for Holding Business Interest -, Request for Attorney's Fee in Representative's Prayer for Relief -, Revocable Trust - Outright Gifts at Death -, Revocable Trust - Provisions for Minor Children -, Revocable Trust: Two-Trust Plan; Bequest to QTIP Trust -, Simple Will (Outright Gifts; No Minor Children) -, Spousal Consent and Waiver Election of QJSA -, Statement of Election Under Internal Revenue Code Section 1042 -, Statement of Purchase Under Internal Revenue Code Section 1042 -, Stock Assignment Separate from Certificate -, Engagement Letter for Working with Trial Consultants -, General Long-Form Engagement Letter, Joint Representation, Affidavit in Support of Petition for Temporary Restraining Order or Preliminary Injunction -, Affidavit with Respect to Disclosure of Address -, Birth Parent Rights and Responsibilities - Private Form -, Consent to Adoption (Child Age 14 or Older) -, Consent to Adoption Under Indian Child Welfare Act -, Default Order for Adoption (Non-Related, Private Placement; Birth Parents Alleged Unfit) -, Default Order for Adoption (Non-Related, Private Placement; Birth Parents Consenting; One of Birth Parents Alleged Unfit) -, Default Order for Adoption (Related Adoption by Birth Mother and New Spouse; Birth Father Alleged Unfit) -, Designation of Standby Guardian for Minor -, Final and Irrevocable Consent to Adoption -, Final and Irrevocable Consent to Adoption by Specified Person or Persons; DCFS Case -, Final and Irrevocable Consent to Adoption by Specified Person or Persons; Non-DCFS Case -, Final and Irrevocable Consent to Standby Adoption -, Final and Irrevocable Designated Surrender for Purposes of Adoption -, Final and Irrevocable Waiver of Parental Rights of Putative or Legal Father -, Interim Order for Adoption (Adoption from Foreign Country; No Adoption Finalized in Foreign Country) -, Interim Order for Adoption (Adoption of an Adult) -, Interim Order for Adoption (Agency Adoption; Birth Mother Surrenders to Agency; Birth Father Alleged Unfit) -, Interim Order for Adoption (Agency Adoption; Both Birth Parents Surrender to Agency) -, Interim Order for Adoption (Confirm Adoption that Took Place in Foreign Country) -, Interim Order for Adoption (DCFS Adoption; Rights of Biological Parents Terminated in Juvenile Court Pursuant to JCA) -, Interim Order for Adoption (Non-Related, Private Placement; Birth Parents Alleged Unfit) -, Interim Order for Adoption (Non-Related, Private Placement; Birth Parents Consenting; One of Birth Parents Alleged Unfit) -, Interim Order for Adoption (Related Adoption by Birth Mother and New Spouse; Birth Father Alleged Unfit) -, Interim Order for Adoption (Related Adoption by Birth Mother and New Spouse; Birth Father Consenting) -, Judgment Order for Adoption (Adoption from Foreign Country; No Adoption is Finalized in Foreign Country) -, Judgment Order for Adoption (Adoption of an Adult) -, Judgment Order for Adoption (Agency Adoption; Birth Mother Surrenders to Agency; Birth Father Alleged Unfit) -, Judgment Order for Adoption (Agency Adoption; Both Birth Parents Surrender to Agency) -, Judgment Order for Adoption (Confirm Adoption that Took Place in Foreign Country) -, Judgment Order for Adoption (DCFS Adoption; Rights of Biological Parents Terminated in Juvenile Court Pursuant to JCA) -, Judgment Order for Adoption (Non-Related, Private Placement, Birth Parents Consenting; One of Birth Parents Alleged Unfit) -, Judgment Order for Adoption (Non-Related, Private Placement; Birth Parents Alleged Unfit) -, Judgment Order for Adoption (Related Adoption by Birth Mother and New Spouse; Birth Father Alleged Unfit) -, Judgment Order for Adoption (Related Adoption by Birth Mother and New Spouse; Birth Father Consenting) -, Motion for Appointment of Special Process Server -, Motion for Physical or Mental Examination, Motion for Temporary Child Support and Maintenance -, Motion Seeking Waiver of Requirement to Disclose Address -, Notice for Affirmative Claim of Dissipation -, Notice of Action to Terminate Parental Rights Under Indian Child Welfare Act -, Order To Pay Living Expenses of Biological Parent(s) (Adoption of an Unborn Child) -, Petition for Abatement or Suspension of Child Support -, Petition for Adoption (Adoption from Foreign Country; No Adoption Finalized in Foreign Country) -, Petition for Adoption (Adoption of an Adult) -, Petition for Adoption (Agency Adoption; Birth Mother Surrenders to Agency; Birth Father Alleged Unfit) -, Petition for Adoption (Agency Adoption; Both Birth Parents Surrender to Agency) -, Petition for Adoption (Confirm Adoption that Took Place in Foreign Country) -, Petition for Adoption (DCFS Adoption; Rights of Biological Parents Terminated in Juvenile Court Pursuant to JCA) -, Petition for Adoption (Non-Related, Private Placement, Birth Parents Consenting; One of Birth Parents Alleged Unfit) -, Petition for Adoption (Non-Related, Private Placement; Birth Parents Alleged Unfit) -, Petition for Adoption (Related Adoption by Birth Mother and New Spouse; Birth Father Alleged Unfit) -, Petition for Adoption (Related Adoption by Birth Mother and New Spouse; Birth Father Consenting) -, Petition for Adoption and To Pay Living Expenses of Biological Parent(s) (Adoption of an Unborn Child) -, Petition for Declaration of Invalidity of Marriage -, Petition for Evaluation Pursuant to 750 ILCS 5/604.10(c) -, Petition for Interim Attorneys' Fees and Costs -, Petition for Legal Fees - Attorney for Guardian -, Petition for Modification of Child Support, Reimbursement for Costs, and Other Relief -, Petition for Relief from Judgment or Other Final Order Under Section 2-1401 -, Petition for Rule - Child-Support Arrearages -, Petition for Rule To Show Cause for Indirect Civil Contempt and for Attorneys' Fees, Petition for Temporary Child Support and Other Relief -, Petition For Temporary Restraining Order Or Preliminary Injunction -, Petition to Authorize Guardian to Establish OBRA Special-Needs Trust for Benefit of Ward -, Petition to Determine Paternity (Other than by Consent) -, Petition to Establish Paternity and Support by Consent -, Petition To Modify and Reopen Order of Protection -, Petition To Reduce Child-Support Arrears to Judgment -, Petition To Vacate Pursuant to Section 2-1401 -, Petition To Vacate, Modify, or Reconsider Order Pursuant to Section 2-1203 -, Prenuptial/Postnuptial Agreement Checklist, Qualified Domestic Relations Order for Defined Benefit Plan -, Qualified Domestic Relations Order for Defined Contribution Plan -, Rider to Subpoena Requesting Documents from Employer -, Surrender of Unborn Child for Purposes of Adoption -, Affidavit in Support of Need for Creation of an OBRA Special-Needs Trust -, Declaration for Mental Health Treatment -, Designation of Standby Guardian of an Adult with a Disability -, Order Establishing a Special-Needs Trust -, Petition to Establish a Special-Needs Trust for a Person with a Disability -, Filing Checklist for Adjustment Applications, Complaint - Negligent Issuance of Life Insurance Policy -, Irrevocable Life Insurance Trust (Generation-Skipping Planning)(Married/Unmarried) -, Irrevocable Life Insurance Trust (Generation-Skipping Planning)(Second-To-Die Policy) -, Irrevocable Life Insurance Trust (Married)(No Generation-Skipping Planning) -, Irrevocable Life Insurance Trust (Unmarried)(No Generation-Skipping Planning) -, Business Considerations in Bringing a Patent Infringement Suit, Categories of Typical Discovery Sought by Alleged Infringer, Categories of Typical Discovery Sought by Patentee, Checklist for Business Method Inventions in the United States, Complaint for Trademark Infringement, False Designation of Origin, Unfair Competition, and Deceptive Trade Practices -, Employee Agreement Regarding Confidentiality and Intellectual Property (Non-Disclosure Agreement) -, Facts To Investigate in Assessing Damages, Hybrid Browsewrap and Clickwrap Agreement for a Streaming Multimedia Service Provider -, Items To Be Included in an Effective Intellectual Property Plan, License Agreement Between Photographer and Studio, Agreement To Defend the Receipt of Land or Money Received as Subdivision Contribution -, Business Licensing and Regulation Ordinance -, Complaint for Declaratory Judgment and Injunction, Disclosure for a Controlled Expert Witness Land Planner (S.Ct.