how was the yukon river formed

On the Lower Yukon River, the A.R.R. People In 1901 the first census for which data on the Yukon is available the population of the territory was 27,219. Well-formed crystals of the gemstone occur in only a few places in the world. Glenn Shale is predominantly grayish-black carbonaceous shale. It is the only semi-precious gemstone found in any quantity in the territory. The lure of mineral wealth has been the main attraction of the region, and mining has maintained several of the settlements. Citation. Population (2006): 31,200. Each branch flows into the Bering Sea, but the coastline is invisible in this image. Away from the delta (right side of the image) the vegetation is shrub-tussock tundra. This late summertime shot captures sea ice and land ice in Russias northernmost territory. In 1914, White Pass took over the Northern Navigation Co., which was the biggest operator on the lower Yukon River (Dawson CityTananaSt. The territorys name probably comes from the word Yu-kun-ah meaning great river. In 1846, chief trader John Bell of the Hudsons Bay Company canoed down the Porcupine River to where it meets the Yukon River. As such, in an effort to maintain the water quality of the region and the resources that it provides a cooperative of 70 First Nations and tribes from both Canada and Alaska have formed with the goal of making the Yukon and its tributaries a safe source of drinking water, known as the Yukon River Inter-Tribal Watershed Council (YRITWC) (Duffy et al., 2018). [1], In 1900, the White Pass & Yukon Route completed its railroad line between Skagway, Alaska and Whitehorse, Yukon. As a result of the rich gold deposits of the region, the area amongst the Yukon is still highly coveted today by larger mining operations that seek to collect the gold, which was not accessible during the initial gold rush, with modern mining technologies. The Yukon River flows through the Yukon territory in Canada and the U.S. state of Alaska. The population of the territory declined further to 4,157 by 1921 and would not experience significant growth until after the Second World War . Ice Jam on the Yukon River Floods Galena, Alaska, NASA Goddard Space The vivid landscape is captured in these images acquired with the Operational Land Imager (OLI) on Landsat 8 on May 29, 2021. It starts in British Columbia, continues through the Yukon Territory, and ends in Alaska. The Alaska Railroad discontinued river passenger service at the end of the 1949 season. Its headwaters ar. Is Alaskas YukonKuskokwim Delta Greening or Browning? Image of the Day There were a series of steamers owned by the Alaska Commercial Company: Yukon (screw propeller) of 1869, and St. Michael (stern wheel) of 1879. By 1898-1899, Dawson City, at the junction of the Klondike and Yukon rivers, was home to 40,000 people. McGregor Bluff introduces the traveler to the Woodchopper Volcanics. The trader Robert Campbell, of the Hudsons Bay Company, explored Pelly River, one of the Yukon headwaters, in 1840. NASA's Terra spacecraft shows the Yukon River Delta (along with the Kuskokwim River), one of the largest in the world. From its source in British Columbia, Canada, it flows through Canada's territory of Yukon (itself named after the river). It is a hardy plant and grows along Yukon roadsides, river bars and clearings from mid-July to September. The Yukon River is such a giant; no words can accurately describe the scale of things along its more than 2000-mile length. The Yukon Basin is an extremely vital region for many First Nation communities, sustaining their lifestyle through the provision of water resources and as a source of food, with the many fish species within the river course. The river is silt laden in summer due to glacial runoff, and it is completely clear in winter when glaciers are frozen. But alsoin saying that, were also looking into other options, whether its a bridge, or another ferry, or status quo.. Graceful arches of Tahkandit Limestone flank the Yukon River on both banks just upriver of the mouth of the Nation River. Along the course of the Yukon river there are many key geomorphological landmarks that provide insight into the processes that have occurred within the basin to obtain its current setting. This deposition occurs at the mouth of the Yukon as it enters the Bering Sea, combined with the deposition of materials from the Kuskokwim river, creating the Yukon-Kuskokwim delta. "Can We Do It?" Kids Students Scholars The Yukon River flows through large areas of wilderness on its way to the Bering Sea. One of the worlds largest deltas stands as a remarkable example of how water and ice can shape the land. Improved homework resources designed to support a variety of curriculum subjects and standards. This legacy of pollution remains across the Yukon basin, while governmental organisations including the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) have classified the region as an unimpaired watershed (Duffy et al., 2018). We hope you and your family enjoy the NEW Britannica Kids. On the Tanana River, the A.R.R. Story by Kathryn Hansen. Water Land Snow and Ice. The waters of the Yukon River start in the southern Yukon territory. During this process, water penetrates into vertical fractures and slowly dissolves the bedrock. The Yukon River is situated in an area that has been the location for mining operations throughout the past few hundred years with large gold mining operations found in this region as a result of the setting of this region and how it was formed. Melting snow and ice cause the rivers to spill over their banks and by late May, many of the marshes are filled with floodwater, which appears as dark-brown ponds. NASA by Caltech. The sudden increase in population during the Klondike Gold Rush prompted the federal government to exert stronger control in Yukon. These images show the deltas northern lobe, where the Yukon River spills into the Bering Sea along the west coast of Alaska. The Yukon River is the third-longest river in the United States and a major river in the northwestern part of North America. These beige to very pale orange ridges form the north flank of the Michigan Creek Anticline. Scientifica, 2018, pp.112. Yukon River, River system, northwestern North America. However, the Klondike is still a major tourist attraction in Yukon. The flags proportions are two by length and one by width. The Yukon River is a river in northwestern North America. He said sometimes he waits up to an hour to make the five-minute ferrycrossing. The mouth of the Yukon River is far to the west at St. Michael and a journey from Seattle or San Francisco covered some 4,000 miles (6,400km). Enter your suggested edit(s) to this article in the form field below. Many of the inhabitants of the Yukon Basin, spanning Canada and Alaska, belong to First Nation communities with multiple nations including the Dene, Tlingit, Inuit and Mtis nations occupying the region including as many as 9000 people before the European settlement of the region. In 1897 there were 7 steamers operating in the Yukon, by 1899 there were 30. There have been over 150 species of birds identified within the Yukon basin including many migratory species including an estimated 1.5 million ducks that migrate to the region to breed annually. Flight Center. Earth Surface Mineral Dust Source Investigation (EMIT) Mission. However, most of the gold seekers did not stay. Gold brought people to Fairbanks and Dawson; when the gold was depleted, Fairbanks continued to grow as it took on administrative and transportation . Radio Canada International does not endorse any of the views posted. In Yukon, lazulite is found in the . With the formal introduction of party politics in 1978, the elected leader of the majority party in the legislature became known as the Government Leader. The first steamers on the lower Yukon River were work boats for the Collins Overland Telegraph in 1866 or 1867, with a small steamer called Wilder. . It is a very intelligent bird and an opportunistic feeder, feasting on everything from carrion to groceries left in the back of pick-up trucks. The Yukon River begins to flow westward where north of Whitehorse, the capital and only city within the Yukon, the rivers course begins to widen at this point incorporating the many of the Lakes of the interconnected Yukon fluvial system including Lake Bamberge. Channel Network Control on Seasonal Lake Area Dynamics in Arctic Deltas. A major recreational area is YukonCharley Rivers National Preserve in Alaska, which stretches westward for some 130 miles (210 km) of the Yukons course from the Canadian border and encompasses the small Charley River basin south of the Yukon. Like a winter-bare tree, a network of roots, or the veins, arteries, and capillaries that enclose an organ, the Yukon River branches across the snowy Yukon Delta to the Bering Sea. Remote Sensing. The tree usually grows at higher elevations, and its short, stiff branches slope downward, allowing it to withstand heavy loads of snow and ice in the high country. More information about ASTER is available at Should a bridge be built over the Yukon River connecting the historic town site to West Dawson, Sunnydale, and the Top of the World Highway? In turn, the river is central to Indigenous cultural landscapes. Floods Image of the Day The Tozitna slough is a nifty short cut. Yukon 'looking into other options' for river crossing at Dawson City, as ferry ages But he doesnt think a bigger ferry is the solution, either. The fish species within the Yukon basin include: Salmon - home to the largest salmon run in the world. Four miles downriver from the mouth of the Kandik River, Biederman Bluff rises 1,000 feet. Language is central to Yukon First Nation heritage. Fossils indicate marine origin for the Kathul Graywacke (Cretaceous). Yukon River . Its length, measured from the headwaters of the McNeil River in south-central Yukon, Can., is 1,980 mi (3,190 km), making it the third longest river and fourth longest river system in North America. We are used to thinking about relatively ancient landscapes, but modern river deltas have only formed in the last 10,000 to 8,000 years since global sea level has stabilized., The delta could quite possibly look different in the future. In general, the green areas across the delta are tall willow shrublands. The generally accepted source of the Yukon River is the Llewellyn Glacier, at the south end of Atlin Lake. Image of the Day Knock on wood as Im knocking on my table right now well get ten to fifteen years with the ferry, Regimbal said. The flag is made up of three vertical panels. He also said times have changed and the government should consider thatwhen thinking about new river crossing options. Recently, the department of Highways and Public Works held apublic information session soDawson residents couldshare their opinion on what is working with the current river crossing options, and what isnt. Available at: There, he met natives who told him that the name of the big river was the youcon. Many of the lakes and streams in this region, including the Yukon River, experience an annual freezing event during the Winter months from october to march, providing an intermittent flow for the Yukon itself. Climate change is a major threat to the Yukon region with changes in climate patterns leading to an increase in the temperature of the region threatening the river system fed by meltwater as well as leading to the permafrost of the region melting releasing further greenhouse gasses into the environment. He said the survey can also be found online. Gold brought people to Fairbanks and Dawson; when the gold was depleted, Fairbanks continued to grow as it took on administrative and transportation functions for east-central Alaska, but the population of Dawson declined to only a tiny fraction of its size in the heyday of the gold rush. Your comments will be pre-moderated and published if they meet netiquette guidelines. The light-brown areas are primarily moist sedge meadows; they appear brown because much of it is the dead remains of last years growth. From the early 1970s to the late 1990s, copper and base metals were mined at Faro, on the Pelly River west of the Mackenzie Mountains, and ore concentrates were transported by truck to Whitehorse. The Islands themselves are a matrix of fluvial deposits that have been uplifted as a result of tectonic processes. Today, the delta has one of the highest moose densities in the state of Alaska., The delta did not always look this way. Blocky outcrops between grassy slopes and the crest of the mountain are chiefly conglomerate and sandstone. A new, third level of content, designed specially to meet the advanced needs of the sophisticated scholar. The White Pass discontinued regular service on the Lower Yukon River and Tanana River at the end of the 1941 season. Water. . Snow and Ice. The Yukon-Kuskokwim delta spans an area of 129,500 km and is one of the largest deltas in the world. Its also one of the first plants to appear after a forest fire. Well-formed crystals of the gemstone occur in only a few places in the world. The Yukon river has a long standing history of pollution from mining, military installations, dumps and wastewater discharge within the basin. Tagish Lake flows into, Atlin Provincial Park and Recreation Area#Conservation, Center for Bibliographic Studies and Research, University of California, Riverside, White Pass & Yukon Route / BYN British Yukon Navigation Steamboats,, Knutson, Arthur E. (1990). He said residents also have until the end of the month to submit commentsand suggestions via a survey that was mailed out to every resident. At 3,185 km (1,149 km of which lie in Canada), the Yukon River is among the longest rivers in the country (see also Longest Rivers in Canada). This sediment is also instrumental to the formation of tall levees on the sides of the channels, deposited there when floodwaters spill over their banks. History In Canada, the Yukon River and its headwaters traverse the territories of the Tr'ondk Hwch'in, Tutchone, Tagish and Tlingit. It empties into the Bering Sea. In the lower course of the Yukon basin the river begins to lose much of its energy leading to the deposition of much of the material that the river has transported along its course. From 1896 to 1903, thousands of people traveled the river during the Klondike Gold Rush. Section of white-water rapids on the Charley River, a tributary of the Yukon River, YukonCharley Rivers National Preserve, east-central Alaska, U.S. This formation produces prominent bluffs along the river for the next 20 miles. The combined delta has about 25,000 Alaska Native residents. While pack ice gets jostled by winds and currents in the open ocean, fast ice usually clings to land masses in shallow areas. Another potential threat to the Yukon river basin is sea-level rise, with most of the Yukon-Kuskokwim delta being situated at less than 30m above sea level, the low lying coastal region that many migratory birds and waterfowl use to support themselves has the potential to be inundated by the Bering Sea leading to environmental loss across the region (Duffy et al., 2018). As the Yukon enters the middle course of the river one of the most notable landforms is present, the Five Finger Rapids. Beginning in 1901, the White Pass was almost the exclusive operator on the Upper Yukon River (WhitehorseDawson City). In 1851 Campbell explored the Yukon downstream to the junction of the Porcupine River, where Fort Yukon had been built in 1847. April 20, 2023 Dawson, on the bank of the Yukon River in the Yukon territory. NASA Earth Observatory images by Joshua Stevens, using Landsat data from the U.S. Geological Survey. Snow and Ice. The raven is called crow by Yukon First Nations people and is the subject of many stories passed from generation to generation. Studies have shown that the modern Yukon Delta is just a few thousand years old. The source of the Yukon is located in Atlin Lake, Canada, this lake is maintained by the Llewellyn glacier, the second largest glacier of the Juneau Icefield that is currently undergoing rapid retreat. The gold deposits throughout the basin with some lying 5-10 m beneath riverbeds along the bedrock while other gold can be found along ancient riverbeds, with deposits found along hilltops. Agriculture is a minor activity. By 1838 Russian fur traders had explored the river as far inland as Nulato (Alaska), where they established a post near the junction of Koyukuk River. The image was acquired May 10, 2017, covers an area of 60 by 60 km, and is located at 62.9 degrees north, 164.3 degrees east. Note: By submitting your comments, you acknowledge that Radio Canada International has the right to reproduce, broadcast and publicize those comments or any part thereof in any manner whatsoever. There are a mixture of both large and small mammalian species situated within the basin with a total of 40 species identified within the basin. These images show the delta's northern lobe, where the Yukon River spills into the Bering Sea along the west coast of Alaska. As such below the key landforms along the course will be identified providing an understanding of the evolution of the river basin throughout time. Right now, there are periods when its not possible to easily cross the river,when ferry is out of the water for the season, and the ice-road crossing is not yet open. Land Cancel. The riverboats ceased to operate on the Canadian part of the river in the 1950s, being replaced by road and air transport to Dawson and other small towns. As a result of the climatic setting of the Yukon basin, the deltaic region is classified as an Arctic Tundra with as many as 25,000 inhabitants, mostly of First Nations people. The bluff is composed of Biederman Argillite (Cretaceous), which exhibits rhythmic bedding of argillite, siltstone, and sandstone. Dawson was chosen as the new territorys capital city. Most of the precipitation occurs in the summer when evaporation levels are higher, allowing for more moisture in the air, while during the winter months the region is frozen. The last commercial steamboat to operate under its own power on the Yukon River was the Keno, from Whitehorse to Dawson City on August 2629, 1960. The Yukon provides habitats for a vast array of species including birds, mammals, fish, invertebrates as well as a single amphibian species, these species are situated in a region that consists of thousands of lakes, ponds, rivers and wetlands. This page was last changed on 15 February 2018, at 04:11. Todays story is the answer to the June puzzler. The Yukon River basin has remained sparsely populated in the nearly two centuries since it was first settled by Europeans. Key Tributaries: Teslin River, Pelly River, White River & Stewart River. The Yukon River became known to the world following the rich gold strikes in 1896 on the Klondike River in Canada and the subsequent Klondike gold rush. Mines were always marginal economic operations in the Yukon River basin because the area is far from world markets and had only a few land-transport routes. [Miles Canyon history], available through Alaska State Museum, Knutson, Arthur E. (1979) Sternwheels on the Yukon, available through Alaska State Museum, This page was last edited on 4 November 2022, at 00:37. The flag was designed by Lynn Lambert, a student from Haines Junction, Yukon, who won the territorial design competition during Canadas centennial year. Over 65 per cent of the territory is drained by the Yukon River system, including the Porcupine River basin north of the Ogilvie Mountains. The average annual precipitation across the entire basin is approximately 480 mm with the types of precipitation ranging from rainfall to snow and snowfall. The Terra mission is part of NASA's Science Mission Directorate, Washington. The two major exceptions are the Peel River, . The last steamboat in regular service on the Upper Yukon River was Klondike (Klondike II), which made her last run on July 4, 1955. Keno, the second Klondike, and Nenana survive as museums. Strid believes a bridge is the best solution, as it would mean that people living on the west side of the river would have year-round access to emergency services. A rare and beautiful phosphorous-based mineral, it was proclaimed as Yukons official gemstone in 1976. The Yukon region is also known for the rich gold deposits that are found in the region with mining occurring since the american gold rush, with larger industrial efforts continuing to this date. The wood frog has unique adaptations that allow them to survive through the harsh winters of the basin, this is as a result of the glucose within its cells that act as a natural antifreeze meaning that the frog freezes during the winter and then naturally defrosts and comes back to life during the spring. Following on from Atlin lake the water of the Yukon flows to two more lakes Tagish Lake and Marsh lake respectively, it is within Marsh Lake that the course of the Yukon River itself begins. Bridge is solution, says West Dawson resident. Shallow-draft steamers had been operating on the river in Alaska after 1866, and the first riverboat reached the Yukon territory a few years later. The bird species within the basin include a mixture of game birds and waterfowl such as: There is only one species of amphibian that is able to survive within the ecosystem of the Yukon basin, the Wood frog. "Hell, We Gotta!" The images are composites, blending natural-color imagery of water with a false-color image of the land. Stream gauges and satellite images suggest that the bulk of the flooding had already subsided. Climate stations in this region are few and far between therefore exact climatic values that reflect the entirety of the basin are hard to comeby. Only one former White Pass boat remains operational, the diesel-powered Yukon Rose. When the trading post at Fort Selkirk was burned by hostile Indians in 1852, however, Europeans withdrew from the upper Yukon basin for two decades.

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