The other one, here we are. Our how-to videos have helped repair over 100 million vehicles. The next thing that I would want to do is make sure that I get it down to a reputable alignment shop. Now, that we have the nut off of there, we need to separate the idler arm from the bracket assembly itself. Break the lug nuts loose on the wheel where the control arm is to be replaced. Subscribe. It's good.Now we need to take these three bolts out. How To Change and Check Replace An Idler Arm . To get this out of here, we're gonna use a 21-millimeter right there, and then we'll use a 21-millimeter wrench on the nut side.Let's put a nice piece of wood in between the frame and this bar right here, just to make it so this bar can't go up too far while we hammer on this right there. Exceeding customers' expectations, our team of passionate auto enthusiasts are here to help. Idler arm will require tie rod seperator. This video shows you how to install a new pitman arm on your 1999-2007 Chevy Silverado 2500HD. All right, I'm gonna take the last one out. But I'll still show you how to get it apart anyways just in case you're doing only one piece.Now, to remove this, I like to have it nice and level on the ground, and I'll put my foot on it. Now, let's go ahead and torque these down to 73 foot-pounds.Torqued. Exceeding customers' expectations, our team of passionate auto enthusiasts are here to help. No information contained in this video shall create any expressed or implied warranty or guarantee of any particular result. Let's get this into its bracket. It's better to tighten it than loosen it. Need your part faster? If you have a crows foot, that would work a little better. Pull that bolt out. Snug it up, torque this to 46 foot-pounds. One "special tool" that you will need is a ball joint separator to separate the ball joint on the idler arm from the steering. Need your part faster? Specify your vehicle's year, make and model to guarantee fit. This video shows you how to install a new idler arm on your 1994-2004 Chevy S-10. All right, that's popped off. That's lined up. Take our brand new nut. Let's get this nut on there. If you have the regular style clamp, just use some pliers. All do-it-yourself projects entail some risk. You wanna grab onto this boot, take a look underneath there, make sure there's plenty of grease, go ahead and push it down, that feels great. Ron Z. I'm going to line up those holes. Now, let's snug these up. Free 60-Day Returns. Torque this to 46 foot-pounds. All right, tighten these lug nuts down. Watch this video to learn how to install a new idler arm assembly in your 2000-06 GMC Yukon. I have a 2018 GMC 2500 and ordered the moog sever duty pitman arm from dmax store. 140 foot pounds on the wheels.I am no longer allowed to add notes to the yt format, so it doesnt say anymore Parts found here: Moog Pitman arm K6536 Idler Arm K6534 Idler arm bracket K6723\u0026keywords=Moog+Idler+arm+bracket+K6723\u0026qid=1646410680\u0026sprefix=moog+idler+arm+bracket+k6723+%2Caps%2C204\u0026sr=8-3\u0026linkCode=ll1\u0026tag=2004047-20\u0026linkId=dae39a1af52888e8f5634712300840ed\u0026language=en_US\u0026ref_=as_li_ss_tlPitman arm puller\u0026keywords=Pitman+arm+puller\u0026qid=1646410779\u0026sprefix=pitman+arm+puller%2Caps%2C115\u0026sr=8-5\u0026linkCode=ll1\u0026tag=2004047-20\u0026linkId=99a3e676711dbe9acd8156d03ac72ab8\u0026language=en_US\u0026ref_=as_li_ss_tlSupport my Channel here! Choose expedited shipping at checkout. Need your part faster? This out of here. (96 Nm). 25,910 satisfied customers. This part that . Take your pry bar, try to get in between that groove right there. You can get it started while you're underneath. Just use some side cutters. I'm gonna turn the wheel back and forth about 20 times. So every place I have looked up parts online has both a 3 and 4 groove pitman arm part listed as fitting my truck. The part # for the Idler arm is 19178433 (4 groove) and 19153392 (3 groove). I would strongly suggest a wheel alignment after you replace any steering component or the steering wheel will be off and you could wear tires. And tighten thee bolts down.Now let's reconnect the battery. Go ahead and remove all 15-millimeter bolts that hold it in. This video shows you how to install a new idler arm on your 1994-2004 Chevy S-10. New Idler Arm from If your steering is feeling clunky, but you checked your tie rods and other outer components, consider the idler arm! I haven't started the vehicle yet. So as you can see, it's spinning the stud. Show example Chevrolet Silverado 2500 HD Pitman Arm Replacement prices What is the Pitman Arm all about? 22.8K subscribers. Is the nut all the way down? Just get a straight-blade screwdriver and just push it up. Relay rod to the idler arm ball stud and make sure the seal is on the stud. Copyright 1999-2023 - 1A Auto Parts, All Rights Reserved. There we are. So now we're going to use a hex bit, and you want to use an 8-millimeter. How to Replace Idler Arm 1999-2007 Chevy Silverado. 1500: 1999 Dodge 1500 4x4 5.9 Need labor time to change. Let's grab the washers and the nuts for the other side. I'm going to have it so it's facing down towards the left, so when I remove this and it tries to spin, it can't go anywhere. Remove the wheel.I'm gonna take this panel off, use a 15-millimeter socket, take these bolts out. Spray bottle with water Mechanic's stethoscope OBD-II code reader Small funnel GM 8902-1185 power steering fluid Plastic auto panel pry tools Squeak reduction tape Mechanic's gloves Step 1 - Engine noise: drive belts The most frequent and common engine noise comes from drive belts. Relay rod to the vehicle. Copyright 1999-2023 - 1A Auto Parts, All Rights Reserved.\u0026cmd=_xclick\u0026currency_code=USD\u0026amount=5\u0026item_name=Channel Donation SupportThis video shows the process of replacing the pitman, idler, and idler bracket arms on a 2000 Chevy silverado. Thousands of how-to auto repair videos to guide you step-by-step through your repair. Now, if you have the ability to use a torque wrench, you can torque this nut, or the lower nut, on the steering box, to 20 foot-pounds. Get this out of here. I was under the truck over the weekend and could not see how to get a puller on it. banks hotside, DRP trans lines, DDP 4" intake, PPE trans cooler, mishimoto rad hoses, Rare HD tierods/pitman/idler arm/idler assembly, AirLift 5100, 6" Zone lift, Eagle Alloy 054s wrapped in 275/65 . Let's get this shield back up on here on, I'm gonna line up those holes. Now put this nut on. Our how-to videos have helped repair over 100 million vehicles. Just be super careful. Behind those lines, hopefully. Copyright 1999-2023 - 1A Auto Parts, All Rights Reserved. Let's put a nice piece of wood in between the frame and this bar right here just to make it so this bar can't go up too far while we hammer on this right there. Copyright 1999-2023 - 1A Auto Parts, All Rights Reserved. Move this around a little bit and get one of these bolts started. How to Replace Idler Arm 1994-2004 Chevy S-10. Get Yours Today! Choose expedited shipping at checkout. Remove the cotter pin from the end at the center link, use the tie rod seperator to seperate the joint there. Pitman arm puller used. Let's get this into its bracket. And slide the box in position. How to remove pitman and idler arm for silverado 2001-2007 .more . About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright . If your bolts look like ours do, and you think that they're gonna be an issue, I would just skip right past that and we'll come right up here and we'll remove the whole idler unit right here. Now, remove this nut. But just do the best you can.So, our line is rusted at the top of the steering box and it's not breaking free. Apr 7, 2008 It turns out I need to replace my Ider arm and pitman arm. The other one. And trim the excess.So, you just wanna make sure that the steering box, the wheels are straight just like it was when you took this shaft off. And just get this lined up. You know, if you were able to not have to have the hose connected, then you don't have to do this part. Choose expedited shipping at checkout. So, install this the same way that the old one came off. Just get that out of the way so we can put our tool on and put the pitman-arm remover on. You wanna get the pitman arm through that steering barjust like that. That's good.Now install this hose. Exceeding customers' expectations, our team of passionate auto enthusiasts are here to help. Installation Instructions. Our how-to videos have helped repair over 100 million vehicles. And then use a funnel, and check your owners manual, put in the appropriate fluid.All right, so, I over filled this a little bit, which is okay. If you enjoyed this video and wish to donate $5 to support my channel, please visit the following link! Now, when you're replacing your idler arm bracket assembly here, you're gonna have to remove it from the idler arm. Just loosen those so they're loose like that. If your bolts look like ours do, and you think that they're going to be an issue, I would just skip right past that, and we'll come right up here, and we'll remove the whole idler unit right here. Lifetime Replacement Guarantee. Do you have to take the steering box off the frame rail in order to remove the pitman arm? This part that connects the steering shaft to the steering linkages can wear out and get loose or clunky too! Equip cars, trucks & SUVs with 2004 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 Idler Arm, Pitman Arm and Center Link from AutoZone. New Idler Arm from 1A Auto shows you how to repair, install, fix, change or replace failing, rusted, rotted, or damaged idler arm. I'm trying to save quite a chunk of change by replacing idler, pitman and tie rods myself. Set it right down on there. I'm just gonna use this pickle fork right here, put it right in between the joint, and then give it a couple of loving bonks with my hammer. Maybe time to get our unit back up inside the vehicle here. And then do the best you can, put this in a vise and then torque this nut to 180 foot-pounds.And then slide this dust boot back down. Snug it up. Thousands of how-to auto repair videos to guide you step-by-step through your repair. And you can try to get the other one started as well. How to Replace Idler Arm 1999-2007 Chevy Silverado, 2007 - 2007 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 Classic, Chevrolet GMC Cadillac Front 8 Piece Steering & Suspension Kit TRQ PSA59425, Chevrolet GMC Cadillac Front 11 Piece Steering & Suspension Kit TRQ PSA59535, Chevrolet GMC Front Driver & Passenger Side 12 Piece Steering & Suspension Kit TRQ PSA58613, Chevrolet GMC Cadillac Front 20 Piece Steering, Suspension, & Brake Kit TRQ PSA64825, Chevrolet GMC Cadillac Front 10 Piece Steering & Suspension Kit TRQ PSA85926, Chevrolet GMC Cadillac Front Driver & Passenger Side 6 Piece Steering Kit TRQ PSA63553, Chevrolet GMC Cadillac Idler Arm TRQ PSA67568, How to Replace Idler Arm 2002-06 Chevy Avalanche 1500. Sep 14, 2020. It goes to the cooler. And do the best you can with torquing this, it might be a little bit better to torque this from underneath. Buy Now!New Idler Arm from Auto shows you how to repair, install, fix, change or replace failing, rusted, rotted, or damaged idler arm. That feels great. Get that in the center link. Buy Now!New Idler Arm from your steering is feeling clunky, but you checked your tie rods and other outer components, consider the idler arm! It's tough to go to the auto store with no steering! And if you didn't take it off here, connect that hose down below.All right, now snug this up. All do-it-yourself projects entail some risk. This video shows you how to install a new idler arm on your 1994-2004 Chevy S-10. Check here for more videos on the 1994-2004 Chevy S-10 process should be similar on the following vehicles:1994 Chevrolet S101995 Chevrolet S101996 Chevrolet S101997 Chevrolet S101998 Chevrolet S101999 Chevrolet S102000 Chevrolet S102001 Chevrolet S102002 Chevrolet S102003 Chevrolet S102004 Chevrolet S10Tools you will need: Torque Wrench Gloves Safety Glasses Floor Jack Hammer Wheel ChocksSubscribe: out our playlist:Chevy S-10 2nd Generation 1994-2004: DISCLAIMER:While TRQ strives to make the information provided in this video as accurate as possible, it makes no claims, promises, or guarantees about the accuracy, completeness or applicability of the content. This video shows you how to install a new idler arm on your 1999-2007 Chevy Silverado. Check here for more videos on the 1999-2007 Chevy Silverado: process should be similar on the following vehicles:1999 Chevrolet Silverado 15002000 Chevrolet Silverado 15002001 Chevrolet Silverado 15002002 Chevrolet Silverado 15002003 Chevrolet Silverado 15002004 Chevrolet Silverado 15002005 Chevrolet Silverado 15002006 Chevrolet Silverado 1500Tools you will need: 21mm wrench 15mm Socket 21mm Socket Ratchet Socket Driver Socket Extensions Torque Wrench Block of Wood Center Punch Floor Jack Hammer Jack Stands Vise Wheel ChocksSubscribe: out our playlist:Chevy Silverado 1999-2007 1st Gen: DISCLAIMER:While TRQ strives to make the information provided in this video as accurate as possible, it makes no claims, promises, or guarantees about the accuracy, completeness or applicability of the content. Choose expedited shipping at checkout. On average, the cost for a Chevrolet Silverado 2500 HD Pitman Arm Replacement is $298 with $146 for parts and $152 for labor. Thousands of how-to auto repair videos to guide you step-by-step through your repair. s10 truck Chevy Chevrolet Impala Monte Carlo SS LS Camaro Gta Thirdgen . What is the difficulty level on doing this myself? So, now you can try to use different types of tools to separate this. In which case I would just replace the both as a pair, that's much easier that way as you can tell. You wanna keep in mind, when you're doing this job, after you're done, you're gonna wanna go to a local garage and have the vehicle aligned so you don't have premature tire wear.Disconnect the battery. 65K views 2 years ago Chevy Silverado 1999-2007 1st Gen. Buy Now! Now, that that's out of the way, let's come right over here to where the idler arm comes down through this arm right here, remove the 21-millimeter nut.Now, the next thing we would need to do to get this arm out of here, is of course try to drop this sway bar out of the way. Buy Now! Twist it sideways so we still have that line connected. Take these out. 214K views 7 years ago. Highest quality, direct fit replacement auto parts enforced to the strictest product standards. Thousands of how-to auto repair videos to guide you step-by-step through your repair. read more. Tools needed Torque Wrench Hammer Safety Glasses 21mm Socket Pickle Fork Side Cutters 15/16 Inch Wrench 21mm wrench Gloves 8mm Allen Wrench Wheel Chocks Floor Jack 22mm Socket (2) Front Sway Bar Links (2) Front Lower Ball Joints We wanna remove the hubcap. So, now we're gonna use a hex bit and you wanna use an 8-millimeter. Watch this video to learn how to install a new idler arm on your 2000-06 GMC Yukon. Come right inside there. Highest quality, direct fit replacement auto parts enforced to the strictest product standards. Looks good.Now I'm gonna send the hose up first. For the Pitman arm, the part# is 19168944 (4 groove) and 19168473 (3 groove). 2004.5 Duramax LLY CC SB Flo-Pro 4-inch turboback exhaust - EFI LIVE w . - Dodge Tech -. Use a 7-millimeter socket. And then, on the top of the steering box, we need to take the linkage that connects this to the lower steering column. That way, it'll keep the steering wheel from turning.All right, take the wheel off. New pitman arm prevailing torque nut. Get the best deals on an aftermarket 2004 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 Idler Arm. Put the lock washer on, put the nut on, and tighten this up. There's four bolts. F150 ., I am an amazon affiliate and may receive a commission for providing the link, but the price is the same for you. Just like that. Tools needed Torque Wrench Hammer 15mm Socket Jack Stands 21mm Socket Pickle Fork 15/16 Inch Wrench 21mm wrench Socket Driver 8mm Socket Wheel Chocks Straight Cutters Ratchet Floor Jack Choose expedited shipping at checkout. Use a 22-millimeter socket, take the lug nuts off. 155K subscribers. Relay rod to the pitman arm ball stud. Let's see if we can get this to come out.Okay. Make sure that's lined up first. I'm just gonna use a puller. This part that connects the steering shaft to the steering linkages can wear out and get loose or clunky too! Created on: 2021-03-04. I would have the braces put on to help save the pitman and idler arms 02 GMC ccsb I'm gonna have to rotate this a little bit.Now I'm gonna torque these bolts to 110 foot-pounds. Specify your vehicle's year, make and model to guarantee fit. Disconnect that, just slide it out of the way.You wanna make sure the steering wheel is centered, and you want to lock the steering wheel somehow.
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