how to get first press albums

album, CD, disc, duplication, manufacturing, pressing, release. The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) reported. "Touring Band To Play Birmingham" is boring. If you're one of the majority of bands who can not afford, or can not pique the interest of, a Radio Agent, getting your music considered by radio stations depends on you. Here's a fly-on-the-wall video demo: 1) Send it to a lacquer-cutting specialist (who will then send it on to the manufacturing plant for production).2) Have the manufacturing plant you're using cut the lacquer. They're quieter, have some surface noise, and often some stereo recordings don't translate all that well. This "per unit" cost is useful because it allows you to gauge what your profit margin will be when you actually sell a CD. (Yes, of course you can just use the digital master for your vinyl but vinyl manufacturing introduces a different set Yet, one has a yellow strip across the top edge with "stereo" printed in the middle, and the other two are plain white top edges. Audio File Formats: You should save your final mixes as high-quality (24 bit is standard) stereo WAV or AIFF files write your Bio exactly the way you want your audience to read it. Ask a friend who knows your music to help! For the first batch of the 74000 series, the short history is this: light tan/gold/almost silverish, flat labels are first pressings; dark brown or deep tan, 2nd pressings; red label, third pressing, and all have a large Elektra logo. It's a new service and I don't know their success rate, but I've worked with some of their team before and I would definitely recommend giving Songtradr a shot. They're experts at applying complimentary levels of EQ and Compression, helping each element of your music sound clearer and smoother (they use the kind of Hi-Fi equipment most of us can only dream of putting Privacy Policy. A number of the big digital streaming/monetization platforms allow you to independently register and customize your Artist profile, which you should definitely do! But unlicensed samples are always a gamble when having your music manufactured, so consider yourself warned! (Using the BCC field on an email addressed to yourself is recommended for bulk email send-outs. hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(245581, 'aa0c9304-e358-40e2-8fbf-e760bbd91dec', {"useNewLoader":"true","region":"na1"}); The Ultimate Guide to Pressing Physical Copies of Your Album: Vinyl, CDs, Cassettes, and More, Blurry photo used with permission (because I took it), taken from the. If you make 1000 CDs at a cost of $900 and you manage to sell all 1000 CDs at $10 a pop (that's $10,000! The engineer you choose to mix your recording is also integral, as seasoned ones will be privy to de-essing software and other techniques that reduce or cut sibilant frequencies. If you love pressed flowers, or have some lying around. Make sure you let the record or songs play all the way through before stopping. That doesnt always take into account other factors like if youre sticking to a flat black variant or going with a special colored variant or etching, labels, and sleeves. In the "About" sections of your Facebook and Twitter accounts, link to your Website, SoundCloud, Bandcamp, webstore and YouTube pages -- and vice versa! youre not graphically inclined, and they offer mastering the crucial final step of any serious release. When considering a plant to go with, think about their typical capacity first. You can use your Digitally Mastered files for cassette manufacturing, though some people recommend a Mastering treatment closer to what you'd get Mastering for Vinyl to make the best-sounding tapes. CDC vaccine advisers' vote sets stage for first RSV shot for older adults this fall By Jen Christensen , CNN Published 7:24 PM EDT, Wed June 21, 2023 In general, your Bio should be a paragraph or two that quickly covers who you are, where youre from, any pertinent accolades or press quotes youve received and then your best attempt at making the record youre promoting sound, in words, like something someone would want to take time out of their life to listen to. Sign up for our newsletters to get GMA delivered to your inbox every morning! , If there are specific stations you want to follow up with - in particular your local and/or favorite station(s) - check into the Station Manager's office hours (Station Manager office hours are usually listed on the station's website) or call in and talk to one of the DJ's you like. you want your music added to the database, which supplies the bio, image and metadata for sites like Spotify [*2021 update: you can actually do this digitally now, by following the instructions under the "My music is a digital release, not a physical product. our mixes through!) Discussion in 'Music Corner' started by Henry J, Oct 30, 2020. . Step 1: Check The Sleeve to see if the RECORD IS AN ORIGINAL PRESSING Many original pressing of a classic record has probably been frequently used. They come in the same sizes as vinyl: 7, 10, and 12. If you want a shirt with my name on it, and a retired logo from 5 albums ago, email me with your size. 1000 CDs in jewel cases with full color cover = $990 ($0.99 per 6. [Overview | Mastering | Manufacturing | Samples | Distro], Sure, if: As with selling CDs and Vinyl, your most dependable options for selling Cassettes are from your merch table at shows, from your local record store, and from your online storefront, website, Distributor and/or Bandcamp. You've successfully delivered your album to Radio. ), Congratulations - you've sent out your first Press Release! In full disclosure, I stopped using Discmakers after they sent me 100 copies of one of my albums, with completely warped artwork printed on the discs. Oh, the album title reveal. Releasing Music; Music Promotion; Music Rights; Music Career; News; . Put the title in the subject line of your initial email. There are a number of other Vinyl Manufacturers both in the U.S. and abroad. Also consider what youll want to put on your center label (make sure you include the UPC), if youre including any insert art, or, if youre feeling particularly fancy, if its going to be a gatefold or not. Before we start the grand production, we will press a few copies of your record in order . Remember those subscription services mentioned before? you plan to do a big publicity and/or college radio push and want to mail out CDs for consideration If youre fortunate enough to get any press, theyll want a high-res (300 dpi at a standard photo size like 4x6 or 5x7) publicity photo or two, so try to be prepared. Without a Distribution Deal, your best bets for selling vinyl are: How to Research Copyright Ownership. My label friend Tyler of Pocket Cat! For more information, please see our Here is a bare bones strategy for optimizing your searchability (for more elaborate ideas, check out Dan Shure's fantastic "Music SEO - 7 Lessons in Brand Optimization for 2015" article): Having your own Website, dedicated to your music, full of all of your keywords that the bots can crawl and index, is the fundamental way you can create and control your presence on the web. If CDs are costing you $1/unit to produce, but you're selling them at your merch table for $10 each, you're profiting $9 on each CD. 1000 up-to-60-minute tapes + printing and packaging = $1450 ($1.45 per unit), From Rainbo Records: I have the original receipts but they're faded. Here is an example. Theres often blurriness and distortion when blowing the art up, so its recommended to have your images at 300 dpi (dots per inch) or more to ensure clarity for the front and back covers. It was repressed by Apple in 1971, so those reissues have the Apple label. Its mainly a matter of knowing when the time is right for you as an artist to press to vinyl, so think about these factors before really making a decision. DIGITAL DELIVERY: "Your Album Title" by Your Band Name out Your Release Date. Typical Radio campaigns are a few thousand dollars (sometimes less, depending on duration and whether or not you're sending out physical copies). UPC and ISRC codes: To sell your music on iTunes or any of the other major services, you will need to go through a Digital Distributor and they will provide you with both a UPC code for your album The re-releases don't include those. Your Release Date (on Your Release Format(s)) on Your Record Label/Imprint/or "Self Released", Stream "Your Album Title/Song Title": your stream link hereDownload "Your Album Title/Song Title": your download link here (optional), Your Website/Social Media Link 1Your Website/Social Media Link 2 (optional) By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Have a look on Amazon or e-bay for one. 3. How To Get An Album Pressed To CD By Chris Lambert | March 31, 2018 So you've spent time learning to play an instrument, sing, write songs, record them, mix them, and put them online - but now you want to put out an album. In promoting your music, you should use any and all Social Media services that speak to you -- there are no rules! Vinyl is the only format thats fully analog and doesnt require any digital conversion or reading to be played back (that said, with the way vinyl is made now, some form of digital files may be involved, especially if youre working with a mastering studio or pressing plant that isnt local to you). Targeting just one blog and offering them an exclusive (in the case of a single or video premiere) or sending an informal email to a few folks whove favorably reviewed your music in the past might be all it takes. What does first press mean? . The most important thing is that theyre communicative and easy to get a hold of. Be honest. After you have your Mastered files there is a second step involved in creating a vinyl master, known as cutting lacquer. The plastic used is soft enough to cut directly into, but tough enough to withstand a lot of plays. The "Search Engine Optimization for Music" theory is that your music is not something people discover on the web through random searches ("indie rock", "chill electronica") - rather, that people discover your music first (through friends, playlists, shows, blogs etc) and then take to search engines to search specifically for you. There's a decent chance you won't make that $75 back from it, but it will definitely offer you a glimpse into online revenue streams and put your music out there for licensing opportunities. [Overview | EPK | Publicity | Radio | SEO & Social Media]. Other places may not offer bundle deals, wherein the individual pricing can definitely stack up. Is it worth getting 2nd press? Everyone wants vinyl. You'll need to be prepared to pay for Mastering, lacquer-cutting, test presses, album-jacket printing and shipping along with the vinyl manufacturing costs. Affiliate programs and To have your final mixes professionally Mastered you will need to have a starting budget of roughly $40 per song and should plan on waiting 4-8 weeks from the day you submit your files to the day you download your finished masters. Download cards may seem like a silly idea, but its good for people who dont like buying things with a creditcardbecause you can sell them for cash. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Washington President Biden is addressing the nation Friday afternoon after the Supreme Court struck down his student loan relief program in a 6-3 decision that upended a key campaign . And if they've never heard of you, and you have no inside connections, they probably won't be interested. I live in Maine and like peanut butter chocolate chip cookies, a little too much. Ballpark "indie" rates range from $1000-$4000 for a publicity campaign and $1000-$3000 for a radio campaign. If you start with a few of these in advance of your next album, you might just have a whole new audience primed for your new music when its ready for release! This is a popular option, because its quick, easy, and doesnt cost much. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. If youve had little to no interaction with a vinyl record before, you may be wondering what the big to-do is. However, it seems that Musicol is the cheapest pricing for such things, and I know of other people who trust it. (Paul Gold) ($100/song), Golden Mastering Compose a paragraph or two announcing, describing and tastefully hyping your Album (can be the same as your Press Release). Add Google's Music Actions to your site, enabling your music to be played directly from a Google search Isn't there a way to determine which is the oldest by looking at the etched writing on the vinyl disc next to the disc label? For smaller runs, you can either go through a Duplicator, or CD Baby and Amazon CreateSpace have options to duplicate-as-needed. Lathe-cut records. Other deals are possible to work out, as well. Thanks for any help. If you've set up your profile on Bandcamp, they will host a free merch-store for you (they take a 10% commission on all merch sales), from which you can price, sell and link-to your CDs. Your fans will be psyched, and that means a blog or print publication stands to gain new readers when they announce the exciting news about your recording project. Heres a secret: whatever you write in your Bio and/or Press Release will be used, oftentimes verbatim, in any review or publicity you receive. If you have an old MySpace account that keeps popping up in your searches - and you're not actively using it - do us all a favor and send it packing! Log In Business. However, everyone thinks differently on this. Oasis CD Manufacturing have been a little more professional than Discmakers, in myexperience, and they offer many of the same great services. 20 7" records in blank jackets = $285 ($14.25 per unit) Peppers as an example, for a US release with SMAS 2653 as the catalog number, the first press will have the black Capitol label with the rainbow perimeter. Essentially, download cards are cardboard, paper, or plastic cards that have a code on them that allows someone to download a record. There are two tiers: a free "Standard" option, and a "Premium" tier that starts at $1 per credit (a credit allows you to send one song to one blog in the network and ensures that you will, at the very least, receive listening notes back from them). ): From United Record Pressing: There are other Capitol reissues, one with a green label, one with a purple label, etc. Quick. In order to avoid copyright lawsuits, manufacturing companies make sure to clear themselves of liability in the paperwork they have you sign as well as protect themselves by running every project through sample detecting software before going to press. the majority of your focus is online/digital Forum Policies, Rules, and Terms of Service. 1. Something went wrong. Lets explore how analog-to-digital conversion has completely redefined our approach to music in the modern era. Provide the blog or website with the embed code for an unlisted video on YouTube or Vimeo (or give them the video file if they request it). Test it by sending it to yourself. Video. *Note: 500 is the standard Things to tell the press: Who you're working with (engineer, producer, guest musicians, etc.) Ill call it Lamberts Law: If you dont have something to sell, people will probably want to buy it from you. and our Putting together an album package can be stressful work, and you dont want to get 1000 CDs delivered to your house, only to find that they were printed upside down or with the songs out of order. Create your own vinyl record ! like this but imagine the A 2mm up l l A. i can assist if necessary, i somewhat regard myself as an expert in Beatles UK pressings up unto around 1980, just drop me a line ! Since most people dont listen to music on CD anyway, theyll likely just rip it into their media player of choice and lose the CD somewhere, so its practical and economical. The Essential . "Your Album Title's" Tracklist:1. One of the easiest ways to tell if a record is a first pressing is by looking at the vinyl itself. you have a good relationship with your local record store and enough of a local presence that you can most likely move some product unit) affiliations include, but are not limited to, the eBay Partner Network, and

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