Since they were twins born to a Vampire Hunter family, Zero and Ichiru were the cursed twins. Yuuki takes forever to move on from her toxic/weird relationship and build something normal with Zero (Who was a saint for staying by her so long like he did in the spin-off). I mean she could have brought him as his pureblood self without sacrificing herself like it happened with Rido Kuran. How to style a graph of isotope decay data automatically so that vertices and edges correspond to half-lives and decay probabilities? Yuki and Zero suppress the part of their hearts that want to tell the other their real feelings. The opening theme of the second season is "Rinne Rondo" (--) by On/Off, and the ending theme is "Suna no Oshiro" () by Kanon Wakeshima. She leaves a message for Kaname, which says she wishes his thirst will finally be quenched once and for all. Zero allows his twin brother. Whenever Zero and Ichiru's parents were away hunting vampires Toga was responsible for taking care of the twins in their stead. (me: Ur so kool!!!) Because Kaname and Yuuki are siblings, they are both pureblood vampires. Kaname interrupts the scene, but after a brief altercation he leaves Yuki and Zero alone to say goodbye. It is completely necessary, however, as those "elites" are actually vampires. Arriving at the scene, Kaname approaches Zero, but Yuki collapses when she tries to calm him down, due to the lack of blood. could die later on, but he doesn't die in the anime either. The episodes were aired at later dates on TV Aichi, TV Hokkaido, TV Osaka, TV Setchi, and TVQ Kyushu Broadcasting Co. Anime boys come in all sorts of different hair colors; each one with their own charm and set of cliches/tropes. Despite all of this, he still shows some reservation on revealing his true feelings to Yuki, something that seems to be a mutual issue. Zero tormented by his loss of humanity leads Kaito to advise him to take a few days off and to visit Ichiru's grave. Was there no purpose to it previously? but i want to know about how Zero REALLY feels about Yuki leaving. He hates the very thing he is becoming. 8 Personality - Kaname Zero's tsundere and belligerent nature prevents him from making friends, so Yuuki is the only one close to him. Zero turns the Bloody Rose towards Kaname, but he does not kill him when he senses Yuki nearby. During a confrontation with Shizuka, she begins to taunt him about being his master. However, Yuki arrives just in time to stop him. No not so far the manga are still currently coming out so anyone She visits his grave, but he has turned to dust, which indicates he was not a pureblood vampire. Even after learning Yuki is a vampire, Yori still accepts Yuki as her best friend. Though Zero sees Yuki at the party and she acknowledges him, he remains unresponsive. Zero's arm starts reacting and he smells blood, finding the scene of the dead hunter. As for legacy, Kaname is the better choice as well. Yuuki seems much more comfortable around Zero than Kaname. Yuki is herding Day Class students wandering about after hours, are found by Kain and Aido. However, his innate nature is to protect humans, and his cold attitude towards those he loves is likely to push them away and keep everyone at a distance. When she collapses from these images, she is taken to the infirmary, where Ichiru attempts to give her a vial of blood, and he is stopped by Hanabusa, who takes the vial. In the anime's final episode, Zero lets her drink his blood, allowing Yuki to see how he feels about her. In both the manga and anime, Zero had used Bloody Rose to kill Rido. This man, who is Senri's father, awakens and asks Senri to lend him his power. Kaien gives Yuki a protection bracelet which would stop Zero if he attempts to bite her again. Cookie Kaname is more calm and diplomatic, and Yuuki has always held a high respect for him. When she drinks, she spies a strange scene of a graveyard, with many tombstones, a vine wrapped around a coffin with a tree sitting on top, Kaname as the wolf and Yuki as a human also appear and tell Yuki that the fragments are protecting Zero's memories. Vampire Knight Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. Or did it have a different purpose? Yagari jumps in between Ichiro's sword as it comes down and his former pupil, resulting in Yagari being stabbed in the shoulder. 20 Hot Anime Guys That Will Make You Sweat, Top 20 Super Bishie Anime Boys With White Hair, About Due to his childhood, he builds barriers around himself, and does not let these barriers down all the way, even for Yuki. Yuki can trust Zero more than she can trust Kaname. Can someone answer please? The Pureblood, Shizuka, became Zero's master after she bit him the night of the attack on his family. (manhwa/manhua is okay too!) Zero was often busy during Ren's childhood, so he was grateful for Ai taking care of her in his and Yuki's absence. This is evident from a fan poll in the January 2008 issue ofLaLamagazine. Despite this, he has a kind heart which longs to protect humans,and hewill never betray the ones he holds dear. He tells Zero to secure Kaname Kuran's blood as the blood of the Kurans is strong enough to act as an effective delay. Yuuki and Zero act as guardians, protecting the secrets of the Night Class and the safety of their ignorant morning counterparts. In the end of Chapter 34 Kaname will turn . After gaining back his memories, he no longer feels hatred towards vampires like he once did and is seen to be standing next to Kaname in92nd NightZero told Kaname to fight alongside with him and face his feelings and not make Yuki cry anymore. He asks her if the human Yuki he once knew is still inside her and after she replied that she was, he gives her a kiss goodbye. In 82nd Night, the beast form is released in a new attack from Bloody Rose when Zero fights Kaname shortly after drinking Sara Shirabuki's blood. Zero immediately recognized her as a vampire and warned Ichiru to stay away. After class one day, Yuki attempted to visit Kaname, and saw him drinking the blood of a female Night Class student named, Kaname refuses to leave his room, a decision worries most of the Night Class students. Hanabusa has Yuki rest in the room where Shizuka had stayed, in which she dreams of Shizuka expressing her love for Ichiru. He tries to help Yuki resolve her own problems and then impresses upon her that its alright for her to burden and use him because she owns him. Ichijo kills him instead by breaking his neck, disgusted by his behaviour. Kaien arrives and convinces Yagari to leave. Terms Since the beginning of the series, Yuki longed for answers about her past and her family, and Kaman withheld that information from her for years. As he leaves the building, Ichijo is confronted by Takuma, who uses his own anti-vampire sword to fight him and indicates he intends for both of them to die fighting each other as atonement for betraying his best friend. This time, let's focus our attention on white haired anime boys who tend to be a little bishi-er than most. is a property of MyAnimeList Co.,Ltd. As Kaien meets with. Both Zero and Yuki have a past with vampires making them both understand each other a little more than the other Day Class students. Kaname replies he fears he would lose Yuki's affection if he did so. - Answers 0 Does zero die in vampire knight? Yuki and Zero are both Day Class students. This amazes the Night Class students as a Pureblood should not be able to wield an anti-vampire weapon. What is the word that goes with a public officer of a town or township responsible for keeping the peace? It's obvious how much Kaito cares about Zero the few moments he is shown, injuring himself even to protect his partner when they're guarding the Kuran Mansion. She claims she did it because Zero reminded her of her former lover, a level E vampire that his parents killed. He puts her full trust in Yuuki as well, as she helps control his bloodlust. Ichiru returns to the school and later that night, Zero goes with Yuki for moral support. He has a close relationship with White Lily, one of the horses in the Cross Academy stables. Get entertainment recommendations for your unique personality and find out which of 5,500+ RELATED: 10 Vampire Anime & Manga You Need In Your Life. Its Zero and Yukis job to make sure no one gets hurt in the meantime. Hes grown up with the shadow of this trauma. Yuki later leaves with Kaname to the Kuran Mansion, and in a later chapter, she is seen telling Kaname that half of her heart belongs to Zero, showing that her thirst cannot be quenched by Kaname's blood alone. Zero's classification as a vampire is up to debate. Although Yuuki seems to trust both vampires, and she knows when she is being tricked with hallucinations and illusions. Due to the attack . After Yuki says goodbye to Kaien, she and Kaname leave the academy, along with Akatsuki, Seiren, Hanabusa and Ruka. But if somehow you manage to get close to him, its plain that hes standoffish to protect himself, and that he actually cares deeply about the welfare of the people around him. Shizuka goes to Kaname's old room, and he pierces her heart with his hand. His acceptance of Ai and his unwavering love and loyalty towards Yuki signifies that, unlike in the past, his fierce hatred for Purebloods has subsided greatly. Zero's beast form made its first appearance in 40th Night after he drank Ichiru's blood and its shadow was seen on the wall. they are both products of the Vampire Hunters thus they bare their symbol. Zero is the older twin brother of Ichiru Kiryu, Yuki Kuran's partner, and the biological father of Ren Kiryu. Process of transferring data to a storage medium? Say it to me.. Senri goes to see his great uncle, who takes him to a man immersed in a tub of blood. When Yuki remembers her time with Zero, she says he ultimately made her happy. Relationship Status single. Zero confesses to Kaito about his hungers and desires to hunt vampires, Kaito offers to take Yuki's place to kill Zero should he turn dangerous. Thanks! Wiki User 2010-11-20 00:48:04 This answer is: Add a Comment Study guides Add your answer: Earn + 20 pts Q: Does ichiru die in. Anime & Manga TV Vampire Knight Love Character. When not about his duties or in class, he can frequently be found in the Cross Academy stables with the fiery horse, White Lily, with whom he seems to share a special affinity. Upon the slaughter of Zeros family it seemed as though the two (Zero and Kaito) were separated after Yagari-sensei left Zero in the care of Kaien Cross to go and investigate the murders of Zeros parents and twin brother (who was later found to be alive and well, allied with Shizuka-Hio). Everything We Know About Studio Ghibli's How Do You Live? Following his revelation towards the end of Vampire Knight and the aftermath of Kaname's sacrifice, Zero is shown to have matured in his perspective on vampires and Purebloods alike. Futatsu no Kodou to Akai Tsumi (Anime opening), Kirie Toroimen no Shirabe (Musical theme), Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, Zero's given name () is usually read in Japanese as. They are directed by Kiyoko Sayama, and produced by Studio Deen and Nihon Ad Systems. Yuki interrupts them and asks Zero to let Sara go, touching his arm. Zero failed to reveal that he was going to turn into a vampire after Yuki said she was afraid of all other vampires. Ichiru threatens to kill Yuki, and Zero points Bloody Rose at Ichiru's head in response. 2023 All Rights Reserved. The primary purpose of such a tattoo is for the taming ceremony. [6], Four pieces of theme music are used for the episodes: two opening themes and two closing themes. Advertising The tattoo is linked via a matching piece of jewellery with a crest of the same symbol on it. They share the mutual thirst as well, which is a clear indicator ofgenuine love. Shortly afterwards, Takuma reveals his grandfather, Zero dreams about being cradled in Shizuka's arms. Was the phrase "The world is yours" used as an actual Pan American advertisement? Kaname dies, but Yuki has Kaname's child because she got pregnant before he died. During an attempt to find out why Kaname is hiding Yuki's past from her, Kaname convinces Zero to drink his blood. Where is the tallest General Electric Building located? FAQ Because of all this, Zero can be very closed off, as well as being difficult to understand or get close to, especially since he has a habit of not expressing his true feelings. After the Night Class students receive all their presents, Zero gives Yuki's present to Kaname, who takes her present after discarding all the other gifts he received. Zero continued to suffer from his bloodlust and discovers the new student is actually the Pureblood he has been hunting, Shizuka Hio. The president of the Hunter's Association goes to Ichijo and asks for his blood to maintain his beauty as his face begins to crack and disintegrate. The first season premiered on TV Tokyo in Japan on April 7, 2008, and ran for thirteen episodes until the season's conclusion on June 30, 2008. Though Zero regained his sanity, the Hunters Association have him locked up, arrested by Yagari. 5 The Warmth of the Princess of My Memories, 7 The Box in the Depths of One's Soul That Must Not Be Opened, Bonus: A Vampire Who Claims That Friendship Is the Source of Life, 19 My Little Sister Is The Cutest Vampire in The World, Bonus: Memories Carved into the Immovable Body, Bonus: Memories of the Maiden Vampire Ruka, Futatsu no Kodou to Akai Tsumi (Anime opening), Kirie Toroimen no Shirabe (Musical theme), Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Can we see pic of female inserting a tampon? Meanwhile, Kaname goes to where Rido's original body is kept, and asks Ichiru to open his casket. Zero watched his twin in devastation as Ichiru ordered Shizuka to murder their parents and leave him to live. Yuki continues to hallucinate her surroundings drenched in blood, and she is determined to ask Kaname about her past. However, Ichiru's feelings of jealousy and despair continued to grow until Shizuka appeared and offered him a means to escape his fate. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. Zero prevented Yuki from becoming a vampire when attempting to trade for Shizuka's blood that would have saved Zero. Kaname tells Zero that after he devours Ichiru's blood, he would become the world's strongest hunter. Shizuka meets Zero again four years later at Cross Academy while hiding in her hostess body,Maria Kurenai. Zero and Kaito have been friends for a long time. Now Yuki, along with her partner, Zero, is a Guardian at Cross Academy, where two groups of students, the Day Class and the Night Class, coexist in relative . He notices her tears, which it is unheard of to him for seeing Pureblood vampires cry, but she views only being allowed to cry in her own heart would be a punishment. Yuki allows Zero to feed on her blood while mulling on Maria's deal. When Yuki says she intends to investigate, Zero harshly rebukes her for her naiveness. View history Tools First volume of Vampire Knight, released in Japan by Hakusensha on July 5, 2005 This is a list of volumes and chapters for the manga series Vampire Knight by Matsuri Hino. See answer (1) Best Answer Copy Yes, he is devoured by Zero. Yuuki has a bubbly and bright personality, so she can overlook his rudeness. His memories of past Yuki fill him and he is unable to pull the trigger, yelling that it would have been ok if she had killed him instead. Before leaving, Yagari reveals this to be his motive all along and encourages Zero to struggle with all his life. Yuki sees the sun for the first time as a vampire and returns to her room with Hanabusa. She actually somewhat returns to her old self in the process and seems to really become happy. She then visits Kaname's body and awakens him as a human. He also showed a willingness to train Ren in how to use a gun as she had always shown an interest. Zero possesses the standard abilities to sense vampires from a far distance, accelerated healing and in spite of being a vampire, is also able to wield anti-vampire weapons. It often involves two non-human guys fighting over a human girl. But did she really have to do that? Kaien is confronted by the president of the Hunter's Association, who demands Kaien surrender Zero to him. The bracelet looks as if it has the same symbol on it as Zero's tattoo. Zero was quite different from how he is now back then, being quiet and keeping to himself. Comparatively, Zero seems happier when he is with Yuuki. Yagari was Zero's mentor. DO NOT ask where to read/download this chapter or give links to copyrighted, non-fair use material. Zero appears bothered by Yuki's comings and goings, but he ends up helping her regardless. He also wearsfive silver earrings; three onhis left ear cartilage (top) and two on his right (bottom). He does not trust Kaname's intentions with regards to his peace negotiations, but decides to stay his hand because someone needs to control the vampires. Is there a way to use DNS to block access to my domain? Zero kept his vampire secret from Yuki until bloodlust overwhelmed him and he bit Yuki. Zero kept his vampire secret from Yuki until bloodlust overwhelmed him and he bit Yuki. At the ending of 91st NightZero drinks Yuki's blood and regains his memories of her. While separating the Day Class students from the Night Class students to allow them to go to class, The students of Cross Academy go on break. The tattoo can be on various parts of the body, most likely to be at the point where the human was bitten, as this is where Zero has his.The tattoo hurt him because of the vampire who bit Zero. Yuki chases Zero when she thinks he is running away, but finds Zero has been sent on his first vampire hunter assignment. After that, Kaname "dies" and Yuki runs out to stop the fight between vampires and vampire hunters (only to have Artemis break before she's able to use it) Zero then appears and the two are shown somehow ending the feud once and for all. Notice at Collection Despite concealing her presence, Zero recognizes her. Yagari arrives and asks Kaname why he has not killed Zero. Anime & Manga Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for anime and manga fans. After Zero leaves, Yuki notices he had a blood tablet with him, confusing her. What years of time was the separate but equal doctrine the law of the land in the US? Buffy, Angel, and Spike. What is the term for a thing instantiated by saying it? In the middle of protecting the Day School and dealing with villainous vampires in the Night School,our heroine must decide between Zero or Kaname. Zero tells Ichiru the smell of blood is strong. but i wont tell you. Kaien invites Ichiru to dinner with Zero, but Yuki brings up she saw Ichiru in the infirmary and thought he was Zero. Neither Vampire Hunter trust the truth regarding the hunter's death. Then Yuki decides to bring back Kaname as a . [7], The Region 2 DVD compilations of the Vampire Knight episodes are released in Japan by Aniplex and Sony Pictures. It also differs depending on whether you're talking about the anime or the manga. Are you allowed to carry food into indira gandhi stadium? Information Though its debatable as to whether or not *was never proven only that he had gotten over his hatred towards Purebloods & vampires* Zero forgives Kaname for causing the deaths of his parents and twin brother, and also for allowing him to become turned into a vampire. DO NOT troll/bait/harass/abuse other users for liking or disliking the series/characters. Electrical box extension on a box on top of a wall only to satisfy box fill volume requirements. Privacy Settings If you want to discuss future events, please use separate threads. Zero was born to a Vampire Hunter's family. Why does the present continuous form of "mimic" become "mimicking"? Although she sacrifices her own life in the process, giving him her heart and the children to look after. She gets flustered around Kaname, whereas with Zero, she feels like she can be herself. Not wanting to turn him into a vampire, she tells him about her past. Kaname takes Ichiru's sword and stabs his hand to give Rido the necessary blood to revive. Letting her go to off to be with Kaname, he told her that when the next time they meet, he will kill her. Even for a Pureblood, her fellow vampires felt uneasy around her and referred to her as the "Flowers-blooming-out-of-season princess" or "Kuruizaki-hime." Shizuka is a very beautiful and tall woman (compared to most of the other female characters) with long silver-white hair and eyes that were an unusual shade . ", Official website for the anime (Archived), Living with his adoptive family, Kaien and Yuki Cross. Privacy Yuki and Zero are assigned to inspect the dorms for any banned items. When doing so, she remembers when Zero told her he could tell she loved Kaname by her blood, learning Zero had fallen in love with her. As Yagari prepares to kill Zero, Yuki shields him, which confuses Yagari, who believed Zero was a Level E vampire. Do they have to give members warning before they bar you? When Kaien brought Zero into the household, he explained to Yuki his entire family had been killed by a vampire. Zero is shot by his twin brother and finally completed the Twin Hunter fragment after he is convinced to "eat" the dying Ichiru. Kaien is the headmaster of a private school, and Zero and Yuki live with him and attend the school. This left me wondering: What is the main purpose behind it? Both of the vampires are dispatched by Zero and Kaname, who reveals they are Level E vampires, degenerate vampires consumed by their thirst for blood. Zero is deeply in love with Yuki, but chooses to hide it; his feelings left him temporarily confused after Yuki was revealed to be a Pureblood vampire, but Zero continued to love her. As Zero has always been shown to have a paternal nature, he naturally bonds well with Ai and becomes a father figure in her life. Vampire Knight is a dark fantasy shoujo manga by Matsuri Hino, which ran in LaLa from 2004 to 2013. The opening theme for the first season is "Futatsu no Kod to Akai Tsumi" () by On/Off, and the closing theme is "Still Doll" by Kanon Wakeshima. Kaname tends to the bite marks Zero gave her, and Kaien later explains Zero's family was attacked by a Pureblood vampire named. Before asking Zero to consume him, Ichiru reveals he was injured while attempting to kill Rido for Shizuka's sake because Rido was the one who put Shizuka's lover on the vampire execution list. As children, Yuki was able to calm him down when he had nightmares. Zero's body rejected the blood tablets used to sate a vampire's thirst, thus Yuki convinced Zero to . Kaname gives Yuki a ball gown, and they dance on the terrace during the ball. AC stops blowing air after a period of time. Zero reveals his romantic feelings towards Yuki in 46th Night and even tells her that he only desires her blood. Zero is able to transform his gun, Bloody Rose, into its evolved state after consuming his twin brother, Ichiru. Following Zero, Yuki encounters a young boy who leads her deeper into the town. He reveals Zero has been strengthened by drinking the blood of the three Pureblood vampires and is the stronger twin child of a vampire hunter. In Vampire Knight, how/when did Zero die? Duh, even the 10th season that only I know about!!! I've watched the Vampire Knight anime and noticed that Zero has this tattoo on his neck. Kaname goes to the meeting place of the Vampire Council and kills all of them except Ichijo, who manages to escape. Kaname, after throwing his heart into the furnace, embraces Yuki and Zero and tells them he wants the two childhood friends to become a couple. After Yuki collapses, Ichiru warns Zero to stay away from her. [3] The first DVD compilation for the second season was released by Aniplex on January 28, 2009,[4] and the second compilation was released on February 25, 2009. It only takes a minute to sign up. Because of Bloody Rose draining his blood, Zero once again feeds from Yuki, then kisses her, revealing to her that he loves her. (More like she was pre-pureblood) anyway. As Yuki leaves the Academy, she sees Zero one last time, carrying Ichiru's body. Kaname orders some of the Night Class students to guard Yuki after she has agreed to become his lover. How could submarines be put underneath very thick glaciers with (relatively) low technology? When Sara goes to "help" Yori, he grabs the Pureblood's arm away. Living with his adoptive family, Kaien and Yuki Cross. Please enable Javascript and hit the button below! you'll notice that the tattoo is on the same side of the neck Zero was clawing at when he was first brought to the Cross Residence as a child after his family was killed. Yuuki had once been a pureblood vampire, but their mother made her human to protect her. Yuki later accuses Kaname of treating her like a child, and Kaname claims he simply wishes to protect her. What are the white formations? Bella, Edward, and Jacob. Along with all the other hunters, Zero attends the negotiations. Ichiru was the weaker twin, and should have been consumed by Zero; however, Zero did not, just a sign of how kind he can be. There are 20 of them here and they're as hot as ever! He has a tattoo on his neck that allows him to be restrained by a charm that temporarily immobilizes him and allows him to enter the Hunters' Association's headquarters. It's this paternal nature that eventually leads to his demise. The hunter tattoo has multiple purposes. Yagari confronts the vampire hunters sent to take Zero and demands the president of the Hunter's Association to come himself. Does a constant Radon-Nikodym derivative imply the measures are multiples of each other? Zero is a tsundere character; he sports a scary aura that makes most of the Day Class students wary of him. Even though fans still argue, the majority prefers Yuuki and Zero as oppose to Yuuki and Kaname. Because knowing you, youre still blaming yourself anyway. DO NOT troll/bait/harass/abuse other users for liking or disliking the series/characters. While that may not seem like an especially difficult task, the Day Class is unaware of the truth behind the Night Classtheir . this is also the same place Shizuka Hio bit him (the reason why he was clawing at his neck), The Wikia page on the tattoo also goes into depth about it. He warns her he may soon acquire a taste for her blood, but Yuki dismisses the warning. Kaien officially makes Yuki and Zero the members of the Disciplinary Committee. By doing this, Yuuki gives him the chance to experience happiness as a human. Restriction of a fibration to an open subset with diffeomorphic fibers. Does the debt snowball outperform avalanche if you put the freed cash flow towards debt? . Zero is a casual dresser and is usually wearing his school uniform incorrectly, with the vest and red tie exposed from under his black jacket. She continues to call him "Kaname-senpai," even when he insists to just call him Kaname. The Guardians primary duty is keeping the Day Class from finding out that the Night Class are vampires. Because Yuki's heart is inside Kaname, Yuki exists within him, so they are forever a part of each other. Zero Favorite Food: Ramen with Salt Broth. What is the chronological timeline from Yuuki's birth to when Kaname saves her from a vampire in the snow? For their safety, all the Day Class students are held in the auditorium, and Yori continues to worry about Yuki. She wants to do what is best for Zero, and at the time that means she must run from him so that his has someone to chase after in order to live. In spite of this, his sense of duty overrides his issues, ensuring his reliability and trustworthiness. -Welcome to the Hero/Protagonist wiki! Yagari'sfiance, who was a doctor at Zero's school, was bitten by a Pureblood vampire and escaped custody. Kaien asks Yuki to guide a transfer student to the Night Class named, Ichiru reveals he felt inferior and worthless in comparison to Zero, and this led to him to become Shizuka's ally. Yes, yess, yes!! The story begins with a young girl waking up in the middle of a snowstorm. Yuki begins to have nightmares and continues to see images of blood on everything she sees and touches. [1][2] As of December 2008, five DVD compilations of the first season have been released by Aniplex and Sony Pictures between July 23, 2008 and November 26, 2008. Yuki tells Maria to drink her blood in exchange for saving Zero, but Yuki is caught off guard when Shizuka transfers her soul from Maria back to her original body. Shizuka escapes, but Zero is prevented from chasing her by a distraught Yuki, who'd previously realized that Zero had planned to sacrifice his life in order to kill Shizuka.
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