henry stafford, henry viii

Lady Margaret Beaufort (usually pronounced: / bofrt / BOH-frt or / bjufrt / BEW-frt; 31 May 1443 - 29 June 1509) was a major figure in the Wars of the Roses of the late fifteenth century, and mother of King Henry VII of England, the first Tudor monarch. Henry Stafford. St Peter Churchyard, Britford, Wiltshire, England. [34] Indeed, in his biography of Richard III, historian Paul Murray Kendall describes Beaufort as the "Athena of the rebellion". Years later, she enumerated a set of proper procedures concerning the delivery of potential heirs, perhaps informed by the difficulty of her own experience. Hereinafter cited as The Complete Peerage. Arms of Henry Stafford, 1st Earl of Wiltshire, KG. March 2010]document.write(printCitationDate()). Erasmus, in writing about his friend the Bishop, Saint John Fisher, praised Margaret's support of religious institutions and the Bishop,[33] further attesting the simultaneously pragmatic and charitable nature testified in the funerary sermon dedicated by the Bishop himself, as laid out in a following section. In Shakespeare's play Henry VIII, the king said of Buckingham, "He hath into monstrous habits put the graces that were once his, and is become as black as if besmear'd in hell." They are extant in Lord Bagot's collection, which also contains a Registrum factum memorandorum de rebus gestis, compiled by his son Edward (ib.). Mem. In response to her betrayal, Richard passed an act of Parliament stripping Margaret of all her titles and estates, declaring her guilty of the following: "Forasmoch as Margaret Countesse of Richmond, Mother to the Kyngs greate Rebell and Traytour, Herry Erle of Richemond, hath of late conspired, consedered, and comitted high Treason ayenst oure Soveraigne Lorde the King Richard the Third, in dyvers and sundry wyses, and in especiall in sendyng messages, writyngs and tokens to the said Henry Also the said Countesse made chevisancez of greate somes of Money and also the said Countesse conspired, consedered, and imagyned the destruction of oure said Soveraign Lorde[36], Richard did, however, stop short of a full attainder by transferring Margaret's property to her husband, Lord Stanley. [17] Cecily Bonville was some nineteen years older than Stafford, and had seven sons and seven daughters by her first marriage. Brecknock Castle, Brecknockshire, Wales (United Kingdom), Brecknock Castle, Brecon, Breconshire, Wales, To enable the proper functioning and security of the website, we collect information via cookies as specified in our, Historic Buildings of Brecknockshire, Wales, Lady Margaret Darell, Countess of Stafford, Katherine Wydeville, Duchess of Buckingham, Birth of Henry Stafford, 2nd Duke of Buckingham, Birth of Edward Stafford, 3rd Duke of Buckingham, Birth of Henry Stafford, 1st Earl of Wiltshire, Birth of Elizabeth Radcliffe, Countess of Sussex. 1. Following her death in 1509, Wimborne Grammar School came into existence, to become Queen Elizabeth's School, Wimborne Minster. It was thus perhaps for financial reasons that Stafford became one of his brother's retained councillors and assisted with the management of the extensive Stafford estates. The Countess moved away from her husband and lived alone at Collyweston, Northamptonshire (near Stamford). 5. [S37]. Although there were many innocent victims during the War of the Roses (and also during Richard III's tyranny), it is difficult to argue that Buckingham was not a man brought down by his own ambitions and greed. Connect to the World Family Tree to find out, William Sherlock. On this day in Tudor history, 6 th April 1523, in the reign of King Henry VIII, nobleman and courtier Henry Stafford, Earl of Wiltshire, died at the age of about 44. Capitalising on the political upheaval of the period, she actively manoeuvred to secure the crown for her son. Margaret was the daughter and heir of John Beaufort, 1st Duke of Somerset, and great-granddaughter of John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster (a son of King Edward III). [16] Her son's birth may have done permanent physical injury to Margaret; despite two later marriages, she never had another child. This was likely to strengthen Edmund's claim to the throne should Henry be forced to designate Edmund his heir; the king was then without child or legitimate siblings. After Jasper Tudor's death on 21 December 1495, Catherine Woodville married Sir Richard Wingfield (d. 22 July 1525). Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). Another theory is that Buckingham was pressing his own claim to the throne. Beaufort used this opportunity to attempt to negotiate with Clarence, hoping to regain custody of her son and his holdings. [82], One variant of the portrait by Meynnart Wewyck in 1510 by Rowland Lockey from the late 1590s shows her at prayer in her richly furnished private closet behind her chamber. Hereinafter cited as. The latter honour he declined, preferring to pay a fine of 20l. His widow, Catherine Woodville was later married to Henry Tudor's uncle, Jasper Tudor. [11], Even before the annulment of her first marriage, Henry VI chose Margaret as a bride for his half-brother, Edmund Tudor, 1st Earl of Richmond. They hoped this proposal would attract both Yorkist and Lancastrian support. Besides the works mentioned above, Stafford translated from the French of Treherne a work on forests, which is extant in Stowe MS. 414, ff. Her son's first Parliament reversed the attainder against her and declared her a feme sole. https://www.britannica.com/biography/Margaret-Beaufort, The Catholic Encyclopedia - Biography of Lady Margaret Beaufort. m.2 (1509) George Hastings, 1st Earl of Huntingdon (1488 - 24 Mar 1544) She was found to be one of Henry VIII's mistresses around 1510, and served in the household of Princess Mary, the future Mary I. [10] Dockray notes that Wiltshire's expenditure at court in the early years of the reign of Henry VIII must have been considerable, as by 1521 he owed the crown 4407 4s. All known portraits, however, are in essentially the same format, depicting her in her later years, wearing a long, peaked, white headdress and in a pose of religious contemplation. In May 1516 Wolsey advised Buckingham to bring Stafford to court, and, in accordance with the cardinal's suggestion, he married, apparently on 16 Feb. 151819, Ursula, daughter of Margaret Pole, countess of Salisbury [q. v.], and sister of Reginald Pole [q. v.] (Letters and Papers of Henry VIII, ed. When his sister, the Duchess of Norfolk [see Howard, Thomas II, (14731554)], quarrelled with her husband, Stafford refused to allow her to reside in his house. [29] Before Jones and Underwood, there was no consensus within the scholarly community regarding Margaret's role or character: historiographical opinions ranged from celebrating her to demonizing her.[30]. [S11568] The Complete Peerage of England, Scotland, Ireland, Great Britain, and the United Kingdom, by George Edward Cokayne, Vol. After all, he was directly descended from two of Edward III's sons, giving him a stronger claim then Tudor, the future Henry VII. [57] Both women also conspired to prevent Elizabeth and Henry's daughter Margaret from being married to the Scottish king at too young an age; in this matter, Gristwood writes, Beaufort was undoubtedly resolved that her granddaughter "should not share her fate". 3. Bedford) Married: Margaret GREY ABT 1502 Poet Bernard Andre seems to corroborate this, writing of Tudor's miraculous escape from the clutches of Edward's envoys, allegedly warned of the deception by none other than his mother.[25]. [http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/26204, accessed 29 [S16] Douglas Richardson, Magna Carta Ancestry, 2nd Edition, Vol. This page is not available in other languages. Although she was her father's only legitimate child, Margaret had two maternal half-brothers and three maternal half-sisters from her mother's first marriage whom she supported after her son's accession to the throne. Via Wikimedia https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Henry_Stafford.jpg Public Domain, Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom, Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire, England (United Kingdom), To enable the proper functioning and security of the website, we collect information via cookies as specified in our, Katherine Wydeville, Duchess of Buckingham, Sir Francis Hastings, K.G. Margaret's mother was pregnant at the time of Somerset's death, but the child did not survive and Margaret remained the sole heir. 7. Odds are highly likely that this falling out is the cause for Buckingham's support of Richard, Duke of Gloucester (Edward IV's younger brother), after Edward IV's death and the accession of his young son, Edward V, in 1483. Father of Edward Stafford, 3rd Duke of Buckingham; Henry Stafford, 1st Earl of Wiltshire; Elizabeth Radcliffe, Countess of Sussex; Sir Humphrey Stafford and Anne Stafford, Countess of Huntington In 1513, he accompanied the king on his French campaign and also accompanied him to the 1520 Field of Cloth of Gold meeting with Francis I. Margaret and her husband were given 400 marks' worth of land by Buckingham, but her own estates were still their main source of income. [S16] Douglas Richardson, Magna Carta Ancestry, 2nd Edition, Vol. Dockray states that she had fifteen children by her first marriage. [27], As to the fate of the princes, it is widely held that Richard III ordered the death of his two nephews to secure his own reign. IV, p. 400. [8], According to Dockray, Stafford was thereafter among the King's favoured courtiers, 'sharing his taste for lavish entertainments, tournaments, and hunting'. Manage Settings [17], Shortly after her re-entry into society after the birth, Jasper helped arrange another marriage for her to ensure her son's security. Beaufort is believed to have initiated discussions with Woodville, via mutual physician, Lewis Caerleon, who conveyed secret correspondences between the two women. . By his wife Ursula, who died on 12 Aug. 1570, Stafford had a numerous family; seven children, of whom five were daughters, were born to him before 1529, twelve before 1537, and at least one after (Letters and Papers, XII. Margaret married firstly John de la Pole (marriage dissolved 1453), secondly Edmund Tudor, Earl of Richmond (eldest son of Owen Tudor and Queen Catherine de Valois, widow of Henry V), thirdly Sir Henry Stafford and lastly Thomas Stanley, Earl of Derby. Monday Martyr Robert or Roger Ashton: martyred for a dispensation? The fall of Buckingham left Stafford corrupted in blood until his restoration to the peerage in 5 47. 12. Furthermore, she included the Tudor crown and the caption et mater Henrici septimi regis Angli et Hiberni ("and mother of Henry VII, king of England and Ireland"). (3rd E. Wiltshire) Born: 1479, Brecknock Castle, Brecknockshire, Wales Died: 6 Apr 1523 Notes: Knight of the Garter. Stafford died without issue so his earldom became extinct until 1529 when Thomas Boleyn, father of Anne Boleyn, was made Earl of Wiltshire. [56], Beaufort was also actively involved in the domestic life of the royal family. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. ), a leading supporter, and later opponent, of King Richard III. Margaret translated a number of devotional books and was a patron of the English printers William Caxton and Wynkyn de Worde. At her son's funeral she was given precedence over all the other women of the royal family. They had a multitude of complex motivations and causes - let's find out what these were.Monarch:Date:Rebellion: Henry VII (1485-1509)1486The Stafford-Lovell Rebellion1487The Simnel Rebellion1489The Yorkshire Rebellion1491-1499The Warbeck Rebellion1497The Cornish Uprising1497The Second . [35] Perhaps with duplicitous motives (as he may have been desirous of the crown for himself), Buckingham conspired with Beaufort and Woodville to dethrone Richard. STAFFORD, HENRY, first Baron Stafford (15011563), only son of Edward Stafford, third duke of Buckingham [q. v.], by his wife Alianore, daughter of Henry Percy, fourth earl of Northumberland, was born at Penshurst on 18 Sept. 1501. On 16 th February 1519 Stafford married Ursula Pole, daughter of Margaret Pole, Countess of Salisbury and Sir Richard Pole. This was the day after her grandson Henry VIII's 18th birthday, 5 days after his coronation and just over two months after the death of her son. [11], At nine years old Margaret was required to assent formally to the marriage. He remained heir to the great heritage of his ancestors until his father's trial and execution in 5 21. His chances of inheriting the throne would have seemed remote, but he played the role of a 'kingmaker' for Richard III and, unsuccessfully, Henry VII.

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