Our of the 30 unknown Union dead. This collection consists of an explanation of the records (which is listed as an index) and 429 volumes of Confederate Prisoners of War records. 17 No. deliveries to and from Fort Delaware, admissions to the Fort Delaware 1865 134 A.R. 5; Register of Confederate and Federal 1 Soldiers and Civilians Sentenced, 1862-65 A.R. The Muster-In Rolls, 5th Regiment Delaware Infantry Volunteers, Company K, October 30, 1862 Muster and Descriptive Rolls, 1st Regiment Delaware Veteran Infantry Volunteers, Company F, June 3, 1865 [10], Construction of a deep foundation was necessary since the island's soils were of "a compressible mud often forty feet deep; the level where sand was finally reached". 1864, [ digital copy ] Reel 0019 Consolidated Morning Reports of Prisoners:39- 179 June 1864-June 1865 40 -190 Morning Reports of Patients and Attendants in the Prison Hospital, June-July 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0020 41 187 Guardhouse Reports, Register of Passes, Requisitions for Clothing and Supplies, and List of Sentenced Prisoners, 1862 42 A.R. Battery Hentig had two 3-inch M1903 guns and entered service in 1901. The fort and the island currently belong to the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control and encompasses a living history museum, located in Fort Delaware State . 9 No. These soldiers were stationed on the island during the summer of 1898. Following a period of caretaking status, the fort was garrisoned for a brief time during World War I. [58] The three-gun battery, later named Battery Torbert after Maj. Gen. Alfred Torbert, is one of two three-story Endicott batteries in the United States, the other being Battery Potter, with unique gun-lift carriages, at Fort Hancock, New Jersey. [51] The fort was also used to organize and muster troops from Delaware. 1865 126 A.R. In a Newark Post article, he recalls his orders were to bury everything with explicit orders not to throw anything in the river or remove articles from the island. 1 1865 340 3 Register of Prisoners, July 1864- June 1865 341 A.R. 2 Petty Cash Account Book, May-July 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0109 Department of the Ohio 348 6 Register of Prisoners in the Custody of Provost Marshals, Mar.-Dec. 1864 Register of Permits Granted to Sutlers for Bringing Supplies, Feb.-Mar. 21 reviews. 64 Jan.-June 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0060 206 A.R. Park staff and volunteers interpret the roles of people who were at the fort during the Civil War. Some notable Civil War soldiers were imprisoned at Fort Delaware, including Jefferson Davis's personal secretary Burton H. Harrison and esteemed Confederate General James F. Archer. annual issue of the, http://www.archives.gov/genealogy/military/civil-war/index.html. Construction languished until the end of the Civil War; the garrison's focus was centered on mounting cannon inside the fort. The conditions were relatively decent, but about 2,500 prisoners died on Pea Patch Island. 1865 Registers of Dispositions of Prisoners: 365 5 1863-65, [ digital copy ] Reel 0122 Registers of Dispositions of Prisoners: 366 6 1863-65, [ digital copy ] Reel 0123 Registers of Dispositions of Prisoners: 36? -May 1865 Accounts of Money and Effects of Prisoners: 285 A.R. 8, 9,10 Jan. 1864-June 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0093 Rolls of Confederate Deserters Received, Apr. Civil War, Confederate prisoners of war at Fort Delaware, May 1864. Catts, Coleman and Custer, p. 27, from "Substance of the Argument of John Clayton, of Delaware, for the United States in the matter of Pea Patch Island." Preferred citation: [Title and Date, Local Identifier], Delaware Historical Society Photograph Collection, Delaware Historical Society, Wilmington, Delaware. In one occurrence an entire section of 43,000 bricks had to be taken down, cleaned, and reworked due to massive cracking. our daily work load (staffing the Sutler's Shop, query correspondence, available to genealogy researchers are helpful, but often do not include During the Civil War, Fort Delaware went from protector to prison; a prisoner-of-war camp was established to house captured Confederates, convicted federal soldiers, and local political prisoners as well as privateers. Basil W. Duke, and Lt. J.A. 13;62 Aug. 1862 204 A.R. The attack on Fort Mifflin during the Revolutionary War proved that a fort was needed further away from Philadelphia in order to delay possible invaders. Helping you find your way to Genealogy information. We are interested in 1865 125 A.R. 1-3 and Civilian Prisoners, Dec. 1862 74 56; CC 23 Roll Call Book for Prisons Nos. 1863-July 1865 315 A.R. CMSR obtained from NARA. good use. 14 Oct. 1863-May 1865 304 A.R. l863-May 1865 63 21 May-June 1865 64 A.R. By 1900, the fort was part of a three fort concept, the first forts of the Coast Defenses of the Delaware, working closely with Fort Mott in Pennsville, New Jersey, and Fort DuPont in Delaware City, Delaware. 1863-Dec. 1864, [ digital copy ] Reel 0094 Rolls of Confederate Deserters Received, Apr. We have been living upon hams, turkeys, chickens, tongues, jellies, pickles, butter, cheese, canned fruits, and jellies of various kinds, with all else that could be desired for comfortable and healthy diet," wrote Reverend Handy in 1864. Hugh Simmons. 1;460* General Register of Prisoners, Aug. 1861-Dec. 1865 List of Substitute Brokers and Bounty Jumpers Released, Mar. Sandstone remnants of star fort recovered by Corps of Engineers during modern seawall repair. Maj. Pierce, the post commander, was granted orders to use the federal arsenal in New Castle, Del. A 600-bed hospital was also built around the same time and was designed by architect John McArthur Jr. of Philadelphia. reproductions, or digital images, 5 x 7 inches in size are perfect. Gen. Joseph Gardner Swift, Chief Engineer to John C. Calhoun. These files can be viewed on Fold3, but there may be a fee for using this service. Plan showing position of barbette guns in 1858. 1864 288 A,R. The Heronry Pea Patch Island is a summer home to nine different species of herons, egrets, and ibis. A total of 123 heavy cannon could be mounted on the seacoast fronts, with 15 more in the bastions. During the SpanishAmerican War, the fort was garrisoned by artillery soldiers of the 4th U.S. 1864- June 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0129 387 240 List of Letters Received Containing Money for Prisoners, Sept. 1864-May 1865 List of Pass Books Issued to Confederate Officer Prisoners In Hammond General Hospital, May 1865 Registers of Clothing Issued to: 388 250 Prison Divisions Nos. Captain Richard Delafield, Babcock's replacement, asked for $10,000 to tear down the remaining structure the following year. Used to respond to queries from state pension boards for Roughly 1,700 piles were subsequently spliced and re-driven an additional 10 to 20 feet. Restored mess hall that was used by Union soldiers and Confederate POWs inside the fort. All rights reserved. 4 Register of Officer Prisoners, Apr, 1863-Aug. 1864, [ digital copy ] Reel 0045 Register of Prisoners in Prison Division: 117 A.R. 8;472 Apr.-July 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0106 General Registers of Prisoners:338 G.R. James C. Davis, a Fort DuPont soldier who worked on the detail. [9] The five-pointed star design is viewed as "transitional" between the second and third systems of US fortifications. What is in This Collection? Once we contemporary photograph, or war time letters and Photograph by Frank C. Warner, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. From time to time photos of the prisoners 20, July 1863-Apr. 10 and 11 and to Paroled Prisoners, ca. Photographs And Letters of Prisoners & Garrison Members. Website. is done by Society volunteers, so please allow We only get two light meals a day. The British series Most Haunted also did an investigation of the fort in their 11th series of the show. The Diamond State Base Ball Club is a non-profit amateur organization created for the purposes of providing physical fitness to its members, educating the public on the history of baseball and local history, and serving as a point of public pride. [3] The parade ground was excavated and thousands of piles were steam driven, to support a foundation for a concrete three-gun battery as a way to modernize the defenses protecting ports along the Delaware River. 1865 118 A.R. The Sci Fi Channel investigation series Ghost Hunters Academy recorded an episode, which aired June 23, 2010. Four of the sides were seacoast fronts, with three tiers of cannon on each, two casemated tiers in the fort and one barbette tier on the roof. If you have made a request, and have not heard These records list Confederate prisoners-of-war received at Fort Delaware during 1863. "The bunks were arranged in tiers of three, and into one of these I crawled. Help for civilians and veterans seeking information and military records, past and present. 19;420 No. The military was determined to get the island, so they appealed to the state of Delaware, which claimed ownership of the entire Delaware River and all islands therein within a twelve mile circle around New Castle's Court House. 17-19, 1864-65 Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, and North Carolina Organizations in Various Prison Divis Ions:154 A.R. These records are available at the National Archives at Washington, DC Textual Reference (RDT1). Jamison, Jocelyn P., 1997., referencing House Report No. Civil War veterans, these were microfilmed and made available to the Additionally do you have information if he survived the war or not? 6, July 1863-Apr. you are researching, let us know what those might be. off to a Society member with the expertise to help, and this can take a 378 Register of Officer Prisoners in Various Prison Divisions, 1864 160 A.R. 3 Apr.-May 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0042 Registers of Prisoners Compiled by the Office of the Commissary General of Prisoners: 110 OCGP 2 1863-64, [ digital copy ] Reel 0043 Registers of Prisoners Compiled by the Office of the Commissary General of Prisoners: 111 OCGP 3 1864-65 112 OCGP 4 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0044 Registers of Prisoners Compiled by the Office of the Commissary General of Prisoners: 113 A.R. This casemate was built semi-underground and then covered with dirt for concealment. 28;402 No. 1860's. Tours and special programs are available to visitors. 18 No. Many years ago, the [15] It appears no further work was done on this fort. noted that these 500 additional Confederate names have yet to be the names of 2,926 Confederate prisoners of war, 39 civilian detainees, 6 No. 1863-May 1865 319 G.R. 12 Mar. 1862 Lists of Prisoners Released: 62 A.R. 'Good-bye! Thompson, Col. R.C. Names of soldiers from the 14th P.V.I. Artillery and volunteers from Company I of the 14th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry Regiment. 7;220* Miscellaneous Orders and Reports,1863-64 List of Daily Rations, [n.d.] List of Men Transferred to the U.S. Navy and Quartered at McLean Barracks, [n.d.] 316 A.R. [33] During the war, 109 Union soldiers and about 40 civilians died on the island as well. special information, or analysis and interpretation, are often handed Copy of original photograph of Confederate prisoners of war at Fort Delaware; group of 15 officers posed in fort, all are identified. Camp Dennison, Ohio Gratiot Street Prison, St. Louis, Mo. Our Battery Hentig was named for Edmund C. Hentig, a cavalry officer killed fighting Native Americans at Cibiou Creek, Arizona in 1881.[61]. Delaware Historical Society, 505 N. Market St., Wilmington, DE 19801 302-655-7161 www.dehistory.org 22;59 1865 214 A.R. In 1862 and 1863, two separate phases of construction took place, building a "barracks for enlisted prisoners of war" that was known as the "bull pen," said Pvt. Confederate pension applications are housed in the state archives (the 1865 94 18; CC l4l Mar.-Apr. The site last updated Gen. M. Jeff Thompson photographed while a prisoner at Fort Delaware in 1864. some of the details (footnotes, etc) needed for a proper interpretation We do not have copies of any Compiled Military Service Records, He was captured at Winchester, Va. on March 23, 1862, dying on April 9. organized by the surname of the soldier or civilian who was here in the [62] In March 1919, soldiers began the process of mothballing the old fort, removing everything except items pertaining to the three 12-inch guns of Battery Torbert, according to Pvt. 2) L-Z, 1863-65, [ digital copy ] Reel 0114 General Registers of Prisoners: 356 G.R.2(Pt. 1863-Jan. 1864, [ digital copy ] Reel 0090 Louisville, Ky., Military Prison General Registers of Prisoners:295 G.R. and photographs presented on this website are the property of the Fort In 1794, the French military engineer Pierre Charles LEnfant was surveying for defensive sites. 1-3, 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0029 73 15; CC 15 Roll Call Book for Prisons Nos. special information, or analysis and interpretation, are often handed 61 July-Aug. 1862 203 A.R. 3, July 1863-Apr. 1864-June 1865 List of Refugees, Deserters, and Other Persons Received, Aug. 1863-June 1864 373 248 List of Prisoners Released for Employment on Public Works, [n.d.], [ digital copy ] Reel 0125 374 10 Register of Prisoners Enlisting in the U.S. Army and Navy and of Valuables and Money Belonging to Prisoners, 1864-65 375 252 Lists of Prisoners Transferred to Hammond General Hospital and of Prisoners Who Enlisted in the United States Service, 1863-64 List of Prisoners Money Received by Mail, Aug.-Sept. 1863 List of Permanent Passes Issued to Civilians, [n.d.], [ digital copy ] Reel 0126 376 260 List of Money and Valuables Taken From Prisoners on Arrival, Oct. 1864-Apr. 2, Jan. 16, 1863 78 35 Roll Call Book for Prison No. with surviving military records. 3, ca. Philadelphia: J and G.S. In 1864, the War Department ordered the rations to be cut in retaliation for the treatment of Northern soldiers in southern POW camps. For an enlisted soldier, it will contain the name, rank, and organization. Reproduction flush toilets inside privy at Fort Delaware. Washington: Gales and Seaton, 1834. A three-gun concrete battery of 12-inch guns, later named Battery Torbert, was designed by Maj. Charles W. Raymond and built inside the fort in the 1890s. Gen. MJ. 26, 1865 139 A.R. A hiking trail and its observation platform provide opportunities for photography and nature study. State archives frequently have copies of the 8;146; 464 Register of Express Packages Re- Ceived for Prisoners and Examined, 1865 280 Unidentified Name Index, [n.d.J, [ digital copy ] Reel 0084 Khoxville, Term. In the center of this wall was the sally port, the only entrance to or exit from the fort. The records are of Confederate prisoners of war and political prisoners confined in Union prisons. Best of luck with your research! We also publish selected 1864 Little Rock, Ark., Military Prison 289 G.R. Maxwell, James., Letter to the Asst. Delaware Society unless otherwise noted. Click links here to see 18, July 1863-Apr. 1863-May 1865 320 G.R. Those pictured are: Lt. H.H. "[38], "There are several large ditches running across the island which are filled daily by the bay water and which furnish the water for washing," wrote Capt. prisoners, both civilian and military, or members of the garrison. [10] Babcock supervised the work from about August 1819 until August 20, 1824. Today, Fort Delaware State Park encompasses all of Pea Patch Island, including the Fort. These are hand written documents andunfortunately there is not a singlecomprehensive index. If you have encountered any common misspellings of the surname 6, 7 Jan. 1864-Jan. 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0092 Louisville, Ky., Military Prison General Registers of Prisoners:297 G.R. 6 Register of Prisoners Confined Under Sentence, 1863-65 A.R. 1862 44 191 Ledger of Prisoners Accounts, June-Aug. 1862 45 192 Register of Money Sent to Prisoner?-. Park Service: the soldier's name was found) were then collected and sorted or compiled Masonry arches and vaults were used throughout the entire fort to equally distribute weight and to provide stability. - Military Records Forum - Military Records - History Hub 3 replies 5 subscribers Thread Options RSS Tags Any records of confederate prisoners at Fort Delaware? 1864- May 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0110 Old Capitol Prison, Washington, D.C. 2 Sept. 1862-Aug. 1864 102 G.R. Details. After conflicting opinions from two different circuit courts, President James K. Polk suggested an arbitrator resolve the disagreement, and Secretary of War William Marcy and Humphrey agreed. 3, ca. 1; 218 1862 50 326* 1862-63 51 306 Register of Prisoners Confined, of Prisoners Sent to Vicksburg, Miss., for Exchange, and of Prisoners Captured in Jan. 1863, 1862-63 52 219 Descriptive List of Prisoners, 1862-63, [ digital copy ] Reel 0022 Camp Chase, Ohio, Military Prison Registers of Prisoners: 53 OCGP 1; G.R. The efficient man's name, rank, and unit plus state to which his service was credited. have confirmed that your ancestor was here, we would like to receive a, Photographs And Letters of Prisoners & Garrison Members, The Trinity Chapel was built outside of the fort by POWs in 1863. Five prisoners drowned, and seven died from gunshot wounds. postal address, and 186*4- 383 256 Apr.-July 1864 38*4- 262 [n.d.] 385 261 Register of Prisoners Money, Aug. l86*4Apr. Brogden, Col. Joseph T. Tucker, Lt. L.H. off to a Society member with the expertise to help, and this can take a That year, a letter documenting a lost mail shipment was written by him as post commander. If it is believed that he filed a pension, these files would be located at the Georgia Department of Archives and History. was near completion, and with 12-inch guns on long-range carriages reduced the three upriver forts to secondary lines of defense. 1865 343 469 Hospital Register, Aug. 1864- May 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0107 Newport News, Va., Military Prison 344 347 Register of Prisoners, 1865 Ledgers of Prisoners Accounts: 345 A.R. Chief Engineer Joseph Gardner Swift mentions a fort on the "Pea Patch in Delaware River" among forts that are progressing nicely.[7]. 1863-May 1864 Rf Testers of Prisoners, Compiled by the Office of the Commissary General of Prisoners: 299 OCGP 2 Dec. 1863-June 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0095 Rolls of Confederate Deserters Received, Apr. [23] In 1852, Major Sanders reported the gneiss was too hard for his stone masons and cutters to shape, slowing the progress of construction. Artillery. Photo by J.L. 1862, [ digital copy ] Reel 0099 Camp Morton, Ind., Military Prison Letters Sent Relating to Prisoners;323 124 Dec. 1863-Dec. 1864 324 125 Dec. 1864-Sept. 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0100 Letters Sent Relating to Prisoners; 325 G.R. The 4.7-inch guns of Battery Dodd were sent to San Francisco for use on Army troop transports; they were returned to Fort Delaware in 1919 but were soon removed from service and used as war memorials. Fort Delaware was declared as a surplus site by the federal government at the end of the war. National Archives and Records Administration, Philadelphia Branch. 3-35, 1865 159 A.R. Society purchased microfilmed copies of all Civil War records pertaining Instead, you may view these records online at one of NARAs facilities for free via a NARA PC. 14 Lists of Prisoners Received, Transferred, Paroled, Released, and Deceased, 1862-64 35 A.R. 8; R-Z, 1862 A.R. is done by Society volunteers, so please allow. reproductions, or digital images, 5 x 7 inches in size are perfect. Our room had conveniences for washing [], and there was plenty of water of a poor quality," said Dawson. These guns, mounted in 1900, had a range of approximately 10miles. There is no known evidence that any progress was made on the actual fortification by war's end. Letters Sent Relating to Prisoners: 335 A.R. 13 No. [56][57][61], Battery Allen was named for Robert Allen, Jr., a cavalry officer who died at Gaines Mill in the Civil War. Prisoner rations and living conditions (outside the fort), Prisoner rations and living conditions (inside the fort), The references used may be made clearer with a different or consistent style of. have confirmed that your ancestor was here, we would like to receive a Registers of Prisoners: 281 A.R. 1-9, [n.d.] 389 249 Prison Divisions Nos. As part of this program, Fort Delaware was supplemented by Fort DuPont on the river's west bank and Fort Mott on the east bank; these were the first forts of the Coast Defenses of the Delaware. Mackie, Brendan., Peter K. Morrill, Laura M. Lee. -Aug. 1864, [ digital copy ] Reel 0087 Invoice of Money and Effects of Prisoners, Apr. W A N T E D war. For questions regarding use and reproduction, please contact research@dehistory.org. "[37], "The mess-room is next to [Division] 22 and near the rear. This was exceedingly light diet," wrote Lt. Francis Dawson. 5;77;104 Register of Deaths, Jan. -July 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0059 List of Prisoners Remaining in theHospital, June 20, 1865 Morning Reports of Prisoners:202 A.R. This maybe the other Benjamin F. Ivey that was with the Georgia 48th Regiment that was killed in 1864 https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/129574325/benjamin-f.-ivey. 5 Register of Officer Prisoners, Oct. 1864-Apr. 32;408 No. Henry Robinson Berkeley a Confederate prisoner. Record Group 77: Records of the Office of the Chief of Engineers. The funeral procession was led by fort's commander, Captain Augustus A. Gibson, from the town's lock on Clinton Street, and ended in the cemetery on Jefferson Street. 19, July 1863-Mar. 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0080 Johnsons Island, Ohio, Military Prison 270 A.R. 20 and 45, 1864-65 158 A.R. Battery Dodd was named for Captain Albert Dodd, also killed at Gaines Mill. 78 193 A.R. : 259 105 May 1865 260 109 May 1865 Meridian and Grenada, Miss., and at Mobile, Ala. 261 107 May 1865 262 92 May 1865 263 106 Meridian, Miss., and at Livingston, Ala., May 1865 264 5 Meridian, Miss., and at Selma, Ala., May 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0079 Hart Island, MVY., Prison Camp 265 476 General Orders and Register of Letters and Telegrams Received, With Endorsements Sent, Apr.-June 1865 266 475 Special Orders, May 1865 Registers of Prisoners: 267 337* 1865 268- 1865 Hilton Head, S.C., Prison Camp 269- Receipts for Letters Containing Money Addressed to Prisoners, Nov. 1864-Apr. Military Service Records (CMSR) available from the National Archives 1863-June 1864 312 G.R. 1863-May 1864 Rf Testers of Prisoners, Compiled by the Office of the Commissary General of Prisoners: 300 OCGP 3 1864-65 Registers of Political Prisoners: 301 A.R. 1865 36-Consolidated Morning Reports of Prisoners, Apr.-Oct. 1862 Requests for Funds Sent to the Adjutant General and Receipts for Funds and Equipment, l8oP Consolidated Morning Reports of Prisoners, Oct.-Dec. 1862 List of Effects of Deceased Prisoners, 1862-63 List of Squads, [n.d.] List of Prisoners Under Sentence, 1862-63 List of Civilian Squads, [n.d.] Unidentified List of Names, 1862-63 Consolidated Morning Reports of Prisoners: 37 177 Consolidated Morning Reports of Prisoners, Oct.-Dec. 1862 List of Effects of Deceased Prisoners, 1862-63 List of Squads, [n.d.] List of Prisoners Under Sentence, 1862-63 List of Civilian Squads, [n.d.] Unidentified List of Names, 1862-63, [ digital copy ] Reel 0018 Consolidated Morning Reports of Prisoners: 38 178 Jan. 1863-Mar. The Sci-Fi Channel investigation series Ghost Hunters conducted two cases there including a live televised investigation on Halloween in 2008. files. 6 July-Aug. 1864 223 A.R. 23 Hospital Register, Oct. 1864- June 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0096 Fort McHenry, Md., Military Prison 305 1 Register of Prisoners, 1861-62 List of Approved Provision Returns, Dec. 1862 List of Special Requisitions for Supplies, Dec. 1862 List of Men Confined Under Charges and Sentences, Oct.-Dec. 1862 306 2; 3 Registers of Prisoners, Sept. 1863- Apr. 1863-1865 Role 2-Vol 2. all prisoners. Tomlinson. Thank you for posting your request to History Hub! http://www.itd.nps.gov/cwss/. personal letters, a diary, or official documentation that places him at for learning about these Compiled Military Service Records: National 3 Apr. 1865 133 A.R. 6 Apr. Samuel Babcock. Well looks like I found where he is buried please follow link. prisoners and garrison members as possible. National 3;487 Jan. -Apr. [3] During the American Civil War, the Union used Fort Delaware as a prison for Confederate prisoners of war, political prisoners, federal convicts, and privateer officers. During the war, a total of about a dozen generals were held within the fort as prisoners of war. 1863 Reports of the Number of Prisoners Present, 1862 List of Clothing Issued, 1862 Regulations and Reports, Mar.- Apr. John Sergeant was appointed arbitrator, and in late 1847 heard arguments from the United States (represented by Senators John M. Clayton and James A. Bayard Jr.) and Humphrey (represented by former Secretary of War John Eaton and former Secretary of the Treasury George M. Bibb). research, etc.) 15 No. our daily work load (staffing the Sutler's Shop, query correspondence, I am glad of this move as it will be a diversion to the monotonous life led in prison," said Capt. 1 and 2, 1862 List of Prisoners Shoving Discharges and Deaths, [n.d.] Morning Reports, Jan.-July 1863 Lists of Prisoners Assigned to: 71 19 Barracks Nos. using phonetic spellings. Rodney Ivey over 2 years ago Looking for information on Benjamin Franklin Ivy captured at Gettysburg July 2 or 3. The fort was designed in 1815 and construction began within a few years. On July 29, 1858, Major Sanders died on the island due to "complications of carbunculous boils"; Lt. William Craighill replaced him until Maj. John Newton was able to assume the role of supervising engineer. In 1833, Fort Delaware was torn down to make room for a new fortification. [56] The fort was eventually stripped of the most of its electrical wiring, which was re-used at Fort Miles. [10] In 1836, excavation work progressed on the north side of the island. During the course of the war 33,000 Confederates, political prisoners, and Federal convicts were imprisoned at the fort. 1862-Mar. a week During the trial his counsel was George Read Jr. of New Castle, Del.[11]. As of 2018, transportation to Fort Delaware from Delaware City and Fort Mott is provided by a seasonal passenger ferry, the Forts Ferry Crossing. Construction of Battery Dodd in 1898. The Fort Delaware Society maintains the most complete index of these men available. C.H. us copies to supplement our data base. Here are two useful links 1865 List of Prisoners Property, [n.d.] List of Money Returned to Prisoners After Release, June-July 1865 List of Exchanged Prisoners of War Claiming Property, Sept. 1864, [ digital copy ] Reel 0127 Register of Dispositions of Prisoners: 379 237 Register of Money, Express Packages, and Registered Letters Received for Prisoners, Apr.-Aug. 186*4- Name Index to Ledger No. Artillery. These bricks were used in construction of underground cisterns, casemates, powder magazines, soldier barracks, officer quarters, bread ovens and the fort's breast high wall. Gen. R.B. 2 Feb. 1863-July 1865 26 G.R. 16 No. During the American Civil War, the Union used Fort Delaware as a prison for Confederate prisoners of war. 22, 1865 135 A.R. They are, however, bad, hopeless and gloomy enough without any exaggeration," said Pvt. Dr. Edward S. Sharpe, a medical doctor from nearby Salem, New Jersey, Union Garrison - https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/129574325/benjamin-f.-ivey, and another. According to Davis, soldiers buried three pieces of artillery on the island. Bird's eye view of Fort Delaware taken in 2010. traditions can be garbled over the years and many times are at variance 2, Dec. 1864-Mar. appear today, carved on the brick walls inside the fort. Fort Delaware is a former harbor defense facility, designed by chief engineer Joseph Gilbert Totten and located on Pea Patch Island in the Delaware River [3] During the American Civil War, the used Fort Delaware as a prison for Confederate prisoners of war, political prisoners, federal convicts, and privateer officers. The sandstone remnants can still be seen today. 10;66 Memoranda Book, 1862 215 A.R.23;71 Miscellaneous Record Book, 1862: List of Stolen Articles, June 1862 List of Articles Taken From Prisoners in the Search of Their Quarters, June 1862 Letters Received by the Provost Marshals Office, June-Aug. 1862 Lists of Packages Received for and Delivered to Prisoners, July-Sept. 1862 List of Kitchen Equipment, 1862 List of White Oak Guards, 1862 List of Passes Issued, 1862 216 A.R. Beach erosion affecting Pea Patch Island was recognized as a potential threat to the Fort in 1999. 255 94 May 1865 256 96 May 1865 257 95 Jackson, Miss., and at Demopolis, Gainesville, and Selma, Ala., May-June 1865 258 4;90 Jackson, Miss., and at Demopolis, Gainesville, Montgomery, and Selma, Ala., June-July 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0078 Meridian, Miss.
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