0000006551 00000 n Moreover, there is a significant difference in the level of education of respondents concerning all factors of motivation (p<0.05), but no significant difference concerning salary (p=0.148). 0000001803 00000 n jennifer Duru Download Free PDF View PDF FACTORS INFLUENCING EMPLOYEE MOTIVATION AND ITS IMPACT ON EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE: A CASE OF AMREF HEALTH AFRICA IN Mary Elector ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to determine the factors that influence employee motivation in Kenyan Organizations. Herzberg two-factor theory was used as the framework for this study. A survey of ministries of health in many countries showed that low motivation was seen as the second most important health workforce problem after staff shortages. The descriptive data was analyzed using Microsoft Excel and Statistical Package for Social Scientist (SPSS). 0000003514 00000 n We investigated whether a supportive environment is a significant moderator between workload and job satisfaction. 0000003168 00000 n Furthermore, motivation can be looked as the process of stimulating people by arousing, energizing, directing, and sustaining the behavior and performance to achieve a desired need or expectation (8). In the case of Greece, there is not enough research related to the needs of health workers and, consequently, the incentives that can motivate them. So, it is also important for the organizational management to fulfil the training needs of their employees in order to make them more motivated and satisfied with their work. The study aimed to provide an in-depth analysis of the internal and external causes that were influential towards job motivation of the teachers who were selected according to some success. Initially, out of a total of 24 hospitals of the 1st Regional Health & Welfare Service of Attica in Athens, 13 general public hospitals permitted the survey. If the r-value equals 0.50 to 1.00 (positive) or -1.00 to -0.50 (negative), a large correlation between the two independent variables is indicated. Furthermore, job-induced tension in the less experienced nurses was found to be higher than in the experienced ones because less experienced nurses might have the first-line duty and responsibility to provide good quality of bedside care for their patients. Okello DRO, Gilson L. Exploring the influence of trust relationships on motivation in the health sector: a systematic review. Statistical Power Analysis for the Behavioral Sciences. It is important in the work place. Motivation has the role to develop and increase the desire of every employee of the organization to work effectively and efficiently towards achieving the organizational objectives. Gibson J, Ivanevich L, John M, Donnelly JH. The profession by its nature gives them social recognition, as they have a responsibility, sense of control, challenging nature, creativity, and skill exploration that they possess due to their higher academic status. Healthcare employees have different needs that are continuously competing with each other and vary across individuals. His findings suggest that there are two sets of factors in producing motivation (12, 13). In conclusion, our research suggests that in times of crisis (economic, health, etc. HHS Vulnerability Disclosure, Help On the other hand, job rotation and performance appraisal positively influenced perceived organizational support, which mediates the relationship between job rotation, performance appraisal, and reduced organizational cynicism. Health Worker Motivation in Africa: the Role of Non-Financial Incentives and Human Resource Management Tools. Social, cultural and job factors all influence employees behavior (2). Franco et al. In addition, mentoring did not significantly impact perceived organizational support and reduced organizational cynicism. Motivation and Job Performance among Nurses in the Private Hospitals in Malaysia. A Case Study of Banks in Yei Municipality, South Sudan, THE ROLE OF MOTIVATION ON EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE IN THE PUBLIC SECTOR: A CASE STUDY OF THE UNIVERSITY FOR DEVELOPMENT STUDIES- WA CAMPUS, Examining the role of motivation on employeeperformance in the public sector in Ghana, THE ROLE OF MOTIVATION ON EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE IN THE PUBLIC SECTOR: A CASE STUDY OF THE UNIVERSITY FOR DEVELOPMENT STUDIES-WA CAMPUS BY NCHORBUNO DOMINIC ABONAM B.A (Integrated Development Studies, IMPACT OF MOTIVATION ON THE PRODUCTIVITY OF EMPLOYEES AT GTBANK GHANA, A Project on Employee Motivation by Shahid Kv chavakkad, ASSESSMENT OF MOTIVATION AND ITS IMPACT ON EMPLOYEES' PERFORMANCE IN GOAL ATTAINMENT: A CASE OF VODACOM TANZANIA LIMITED, A Study Of The Impact Of Reward Systems On Employee Performance: A Case study of Tesco PLC, UK, The Impact of Motivation on Employee Performance in the Manufacturing Industry in Ghana. After the description of each factor, it is found that a number of organizations have been considerably affected by these four factors. This study concludes that perceived organizational support and job satisfaction have a significant Revista de Psicologa del Trabajo y de las Organizaciones. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (, motivation, public sector, intrinsic factors, extrinsic factors. In Table 3, it was found that a large number of respondents were mostly before March 13, 2020, the period before COVID and employees (2,973, 90.7% of the total) were mainly motivated by extrinsic factors 8.26 (Doctors 8.16, Nurses 8.35, Other health professionals 8.19) in relation to intrinsic factors (Doctors 8.03, Nurses 7.88, Other Health Professionals 7.44). ), organizations should strengthen the conditions that enhance external motivation. %%EOF Fort AL. Learners are, however, quite able to allocate more effort to learning prioritized over unimportant materials (Castel, Benjamin, Craik, & Watkins, 2002). A model of employee motivation should therefore be able to differentiate between different types of workers and treat the wants, expectations and attitudes towards work as culturally determined variables and not psychological constants. Efforts should be made to provide such benefits to health employees as appropriate especially, to those who did not get any such benefits. Data were collected from 100 respondents of permanent employees in a teak furniture manufacturing company in Semarang, Central Java Province, Indonesia. The sample used in the study were 110 respondents. Journal of Public Administration and Governance. <> Mullins LJ. Organizational citizenship behavior has recently received much attention among researchers, given its practical importance and implications for organizations. Even more, with the challenges facing the public health care sector, including technological advancements, the transformation occurring in the demography and diversity of the workforce, the ever changing patient needs, the improvement of the relationships between the members of the healthcare team and patients, the increased cohesion required between employees, and the collaboration needed between the organization and its staff (5). Berdud M, Cabass JM, Nieto J. A survey of selected Nigerian workplace, PERCEIVED FACTORS AFFECTING EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE IN A DEVOLVED HEALTH SECTOR, A CASE OF DOCTORS AT MAMA LUCY KIBAKI HOSPITAL, The Effects of Rewards and Recognition on Employee Performance in Public Educational Institutions: A Case of Kenyatta University, Kenya The Effects of Rewards and Recognition on Employee Performance in Public Educational Institutions: A Case, Effects of Motivation on Productivity: A Case study of First Bank Nig. These motivate individuals to work harder and perform towards higher standards to the job and include achievement, recognition, responsibility for task, advancement to higher level tasks and growth. performance. Literature review showed that hospital performance is largely determined by the engagement of staff, especially regarding the increase of organizational effectiveness of a hospital. Therefore, the motivation-hygiene theory of motivation suggests that certain factors (motivator factors) lead to job satisfaction, whereas others (hygiene factors) prevent dissatisfaction but cannot engender satisfaction. Daniel S. Resurrecting the Motivation-Hygiene Theory: Herzberg and the Positive Psychology Movement. There have been many studies done on motivation and achievement. The impact of Personality traits on the Job performance of employees is absolutely clear and many organizations use this effect on their employees. motivation matters (Pintrich, 2003), though experimental attempts to induce motivation with money yield only modest benefits (Heyer & O'Kelly, 1949). World Health Organization. Additionally, how motivational factors are considered when determining the optimal approach to online learning is not well studied. As result, findings of the analysis regarding the gender of the respondents showed that there is a significant difference with respect to recognition, responsibility, organizational policies, working conditions, interpersonal relationships, salary, and job security (p<0.05), but no significant difference concerning nature of work (p=0.892), growth (p=0.715), advancement (p=0.246), supervision (p=0.054) and achievement (p=0.052). 2. You can download the paper by clicking the button above. Jin MH, Lee MY. Hee OC, Kamaludin NHB. Intrinsic Motivation. Variables were expressed as mean scores (MS) and standard deviations (SD) and qualitative data as absolute and relative frequencies. Further, searching for disparities among age in factors of motivation, we found that employees under 25 years old scored higher for achievements, recognition and job security. New York: John Wiley; 1959. The purpose of this research and study is to identify which elements would impact the motivation and performance of employees within the organization. Nonparametric chi-square, Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis tests were used for score comparisons according to gender, age, education, years spent in the hospital, etc. Business studies courses emphasize the role of staff in overcoming issues like this. This type of motivation originated entirely from within itself hence; there is a natural connection apparent between one and the reason why one is doing something. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/, https://www.who.int/director-general/speeches/detail/who-director-general-s-opening-remarks-at-the-mission-briefing-on-covid-19---13-march-2020, Incentives for additional effort & productivity improvement, Opportunities to take initiatives & exploit resources, Ability to participate in making important decisions, Opportunities to develop new knowledge-skills, Staff training, seminars & training in new systems-technologies, Good supervision & support from senior executives, **. ( A case study of Sainsbury's), FINANCIAL AND NON-FINANCIAL INCENTIVES AND PRODUCTIVITY IN ANAMBRA STATE (A CASE STUDY OF ANAOCHA L.G.A).doc, "Reward-A Factor of High Performance" A Perception of Ravi Autos Employees Author: Ahmar Billah, Non-Monetary Rewards and Motivation in Ideal Mortgage Consultancy Limited Corporation: A PLS Approach, 11.Fostering Employee Performance A Literature Review, EMPLOYEES' PERCEPTION OF MOTIVATIONAL INCENTIVES IN PUBLIC SERVICE IN NIGERIA (A CASE STUDY OF PETROLEUM TRAINING INSTITUTE, EFFURUN DELTA STATE, EMPLOYEE MOTIVATION AND PROFITABILITY OF FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS: A CASE STUDY OF CENTENARY BANK IN MBARARA MUNICIPALITY, Impact on Production based wage and Incentives on Company performances and Industrial relations, Organizational Performance of Financial Institutions in Batticaloa District, THE IMPACT OF MOTIVATION ON EMPLOYEE'S JOB PERFORMANCE IN AN ORGANISATION (A CASE STUDY OF ACCESS BANK PLC ABEOKUTA) NATIONAL OPEN UNIVERSITY OF NIGERIA, LAGOS NIGERIA, Is Performance Appraisal Really Essential? This paper discusses different factors in a student's education that can affect motivation and overall learning. standing teacher motivation and teacher development in context may influence graduate education program strategy, design, marketing, recruiting, and retention in other settings. Empirically, all three of the study's hypotheses were confirmed. Managing for organizational effectiveness in sub-Saharan Africa: a culture-fit model. Teachers biased behavior is the major factor that 55% 20% 11% 9% 5%. 1Department of Health Economics, Medical School, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens, Greece, 2Department of Business Administration, University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece, 33Department of Economics, University of Piraeus, Piraeus, Greece. WHO Director-Generals Opening Remarks at the Media Briefing on COVID-19-13 March 2020. Abstract . Using the Hayes method, mediation and moderated mediation analysis. Indeed, the pandemic has caused rapid intensifying socio-economic effects. This research used a quantitative approach-oriented research design. Keywords: Motivation, employee work performance, human resources, work environment, incentives. On the other hand, achievements (6.95), working conditions (7.02), and the nature of work (7.54) are ranked lower (see Table 3). Motivational Theories A Critical Analysis. 0000016730 00000 n Research result further revealed that, out of the 7 factors: income and benefit, superior, work result, colleague, work condition, training and promotion, work nature positively and significantly impacts the staffs and workers of the said organization. This finding is inconsistent with previous studies. Chmielewska M, Stokwiszewski J, Filip J, Hermanowski T. Motivation factors affecting the job attitude of medical doctors and the organizational performance of public hospitals in Warsaw, Poland. Cohen (1988) proposed the following interpretation for correlations: if the r-value equals 0.10 to 0.29 (positive) or -0.29 to -0.10 (negative), there is a small correlation between the two independent variables. There are studies supporting the results of this research, which stated appropriate performance management (i.e., promotions, supervisions, continuous education and opportunities of new knowledge-skills) can positively influence the motivation of health employees. WHO. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. A combination of intrinsic and extrinsic motivators has been shown to improve health employee motivation, retention, and performance. Participation can provide individuals with an opportunity to make key managerial decisions that have an impact on other employees, thus increasing motivation, job satisfaction, responsibility, performance, and engagement (22, 23). Berdud et al. About The Motivation: Factors That Influence Employee Motivation In Organizations." I have examined the final paper copy of this dissertation for form and content and recommend that it be accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, with a major in Communication and Information Studies. The study therefore, recommends that management should liaise with GETFUND and other donor agencies such as Habitant International to build residential accommodation for staff and institute end of year awards ceremonies to motivate staff. An Evidence from Apparel Sector in Sri Lanka, EMPLOYEE MOTIVATION AND ITS EFFECTS IN ORGANIZATION PERFORMANCE: A CASE STUDY OF NATIONAL INSURANCE CORPORATION IN IRINGA MUNICIPALITY, Wages and salaries as a motivational tool for enhancing organizational performance. Not to mention, there is a significant difference in economic condition of respondents with respect to all factors of motivation (p<0.05), but no significant difference with respect to organizational policies (p=0.127). 0000001619 00000 n Sheldon KM, Filak V. Manipulating autonomy, competence, and relatedness support in a game-learning context: new evidence that all three needs matter. The practical significance lies in exploring and verifying the effective practices of reducing workplace cynicism in the Chinese context to reduce employees' negative work attitudes and behaviors and ultimately improve individual and organizational performance. Oosthuizen TFJ. This case study on the Banks in Yei Municipality adopted a descriptive research design and a cross sectional analysis. 0000002123 00000 n trailer In psychology, the five personality traits are five broad domains or dimensions of personality. The Impact of Caring Climate, Job Satisfaction, and Organizational Commitment on Job Performance of Employees in a Chinas Insurance Company. Furthermore, each employee would be triggered by different motivator drivers to feel a sense of inspiration within his/her work and achieve tasks effectively. D.K.,V.A. Hence, this may help in promoting the quality of patient care with good interdisciplinary collaboration. Employees with less years of work experience were more satisfied than employees with over 16 years of experience. FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE: MOTIVATION, LEADERSHIP, ENVIRONMENT, CULTURE ORGANIZATION, WORK ACHIEVEMENT, COMPETENCE AND COMPENSATION (A STUDY OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT LITERATURE STUDIES) Phong Thanh Nguyen1, Andri Yandi2, M. Rizky Mahaputra3 Department of Project Management, Ho Chi Minh City Open University, Vietnam. This study showed that there is a statistically significant relationship between socio-demographic variables (gender, age, marital status, level of education, employment status, professional experience, economic situation) and their motivation.