factors influencing healthy ageing

One of the limitations stems from the point of the original studies definitions and categorisation. These areas have highly variable topography and unevenly distributed sunshine resources. 2). Bama, a multi-ethnic village in Guangxi, China, is very famous for the longevity of its local population. Robleda et al. Kanfi Y, Naiman S, Amir G, Peshti V, Zinman G, Nahum L, et al. 2) [1417, 20, 21]. In Bama, however, the relationships among telomere, telomerase, and longevity are unclear. Estruch R, Ros E, Salas-Salvado J, Covas MI, Corella D, Aros F, et al. Previous reviews in this field have provided valuable information on internal and external factors that promote healthy ageing in older age, as well as better engagement in healthier and active lifestyles [4, 5]. Barbagallo M, Veronese N, Dominguez LJ (2021). In contrast, the characteristic of dietary patterns in developed areas is typically "high oil and high salt". This is particularly important to evaluate whether all determinants have the same weighting towards defining healthy ageing and how it may vary with age, gender, race/ethnicity, and socioeconomic factors. This includes their homes, communities, and socioeconomic status. Diet and Leukocyte Telomere Length in a Population with Extended Longevity: The Costa Rican Longevity and Healthy Aging Study (CRELES). Liu Y, Li Y, Jiang Y, Li H, Wang W, Yang L (2013). (2017). (2019). Wang P, Yu X, Guan PP, Guo JW, Wang Y, Zhang Y, et al. The residents of Bama enjoy leisurely, peaceful lives with less mental anxiety and stress. Shang X, Pan H, Li M, Miao X, Ding H (2011). (2021). Montesanto A, Passarino G, Senatore A, Carotenuto L, De Benedictis G (2008). The latter is the basis of precision medicine [168]. government site. Sonchus oleraceus L. contains abundant antioxidants, -3 FA, phenols, and flavonoids [104]. According to the hypermethylation suppressing gene expression theory [53, 54], H19 and fructose-6-phospho-2-kinase/fructose-2,6-bisphosphatase (PFKFB4) were downregulated in the people of Bama with a family history of longevity (Fig. Continuity and change in the social stratification of aging and health over the life course: evidence from a nationally representative longitudinal study from 1986 to 2001/2002 (Americans' Changing Lives Study). Geographical distinctions of longevity indicators and their correlation with climatic factors in the area where most Chinese Yao are distributed. Zheng PF, Yin RX, Guan YZ, Wei BL, Liu CX, Deng GX (2020). Change in peripheral blood leukocyte telomere length and mortality in breast cancer survivors. The COVID-19 pandemic has disproportionately affected people over 65years of age, who had previously been in good health [2]. Some literatures have suggested that change in leukocyte telomere length may be a more relevant metric than static levels [94, 95]. A recent gene-based association study of blood lipid levels in > 170,000 individuals with multiple ancestries and in different regions revealed rare coding variants in 35 genes including CD36, CETP, SCARB1, LDLR, and APOC3 related to circulating lipid levels [39]. Gradually, their deterioration leads to lower physical mobility, mental capacity, greater risk of disease, and eventually, death. The titles and abstracts were screened by two independent reviewers (GK, TA) with conflicts resolved by discussion or a third reviewer (PKM). Actually, income has a complex impact on human life expectancy, while Bama is a rural area with a relatively low economic status. Two conserved epigenetic regulators prevent healthy ageing. The number of older adults living alone in China is rising sharply. Lopez-Otin C, Blasco MA, Partridge L, Serrano M, Kroemer G (2013). This was particularly explored by Hui Chian Teh et al. Below is the link to the electronic supplementary material. Correlation between Changes in Local Earth's Magnetic Field and Cases of Acute Myocardial Infarction. The present review summarizes the characteristics of longevity in the elderly population in Bama, China, where the proportion of centenarians is 5.7-fold greater than the international standard. Triglyceride-Rich Lipoprotein Cholesterol, Small Dense LDL Cholesterol, and Incident Cardiovascular Disease. Of 3329 identified records, nine studies met oureligibility criteria and were included. A meta-analysis of Caucasians, Chinese, and Koreans disclosed that ACE D alleles and DD genotypes moderately but significantly increase longevity [40]. These learnings may facilitate the development and implementation of measures preventing unhealthy aging, establish a suitable living environment, and promote a healthful lifestyle. Our results illustrated that many of the determinants of physical, mental/cognitive, and social well-being are interrelated. Blood lipid profiles differ among ethnic groups [25-27]. Careers. Social isolation and loneliness are important, yet neglected, social determinants of the health of older people. who focused on Chinese immigrants living in Australia [20]. Rather than one single causative factor, a range of environmental, demographic, biological, behavioral and social factors . According to the 32 provinces and 4 municipalities directly under the Central Government of China, 3-5 counties or districts were randomly selected in each . This review gains its strengths from the combination of rigorous search and extraction methods and the underlying theoretical framework which guided the synthesis. Independence as a determinant was explored in six studies and itis present across all three domains [13, 14, 1720]. Conclusions According to the results, depression is the factor with the greatest influence on healthy aging. (4) The long-lived population of Bama is characterized by familial aggregation. Here we review a series of relevant studies on Bama phenomenon, analyze the demographic data about long-lived population using geographic information system (GIS), and further discuss the multiple-dimensional factors including genetic factors, diet, natural environment, social factors, and so on, in order to obtain beneficial lessons from the longevity village of Bama and provide novel insights into healthy aging. surveys) [13, 17, 18]. Genetic and environmental factors affect telomere length [77]. Key leaders in the field of ageing, such as Rowe and Kahn, defined successful ageing as the absence of physical impairment and chronic diseases, as well as optimal social participation and mental well-being [3]. Older people can also make important contributions to their families and communities, bringing important insights from living through change. They used the long-lived population as the research model, summarized their characteristics, explored the potential mechanisms of longevity, and endeavored to elucidate the healthy aging process. Adequate soil Mg may be conducive to long lifespans while excess soil and drinking water Na and hair Mg, Mn, and Na may shorten lifespans [130]. (2021). The study of relation between blood pressure and apolipoprotein E genotypes in long-lived elderly in Bama area of Guangxi, Chinese Journal of Geriatric Heart Brain and Vessel Diseases. Conclusions We identified ten determinants of healthy ageing proposed by the contemporary evidence base. Chesney J, Clark J, Klarer AC, Imbert-Fernandez Y, Lane AN, Telang S (2014). Anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effects of Sonchus oleraceus in rats. The characteristics of sunshine duration in Bama are partially consistent with the geographic distributions of the long-lived people there. those with MS differed from those without. Evolution in health and medicine Sackler colloquium: Genetic variation in human telomerase is associated with telomere length in Ashkenazi centenarians. In fact, combining sociological and scientific methods have been used to reduce the error of age statistics in many longevity studies of Bama, including evaluating the bone age, checking registered residence, genealogy, and investigating social relations [23, 155]. Response by Giuliani et al to Letter Regarding Article, "Genetics of Human Longevity Within an Eco-Evolutionary Nature-Nurture Framework". A subsequent analysis revealed that the genes associated with these differential methylation regions (DMRs) were significantly enriched in aging-related diseases including CVD, T2DM, stroke, and Alzheimer's disease. Olivas-Aguirre FJ, Rodrigo-Garcia J, Martinez-Ruiz ND, Cardenas-Robles AI, Mendoza-Diaz SO, Alvarez-Parrilla E, et al. The medicinal value of herbs needs to be further explored by more studies in the future, providing novel insights into the regulation of lifespan. Method: We sourced participants, older than 55 years with MS for more than 20 years, from a database of MS clinic and outpatient rehabilitation visits. Cheng F, Carroll L, Joglekar MV, Januszewski AS, Wong KK, Hardikar AA, et al. Metagenomic and metabolomic remodeling in nonagenarians and centenarians and its association with genetic and socioeconomic factors. official website and that any information you provide is encrypted The idea that to age healthily one must be free of disease or impairment is something that hasbeen carried throughout the years, but in more contemporary times this has been disputed and modified. If people can live more healthy years, it can improve quality of life for entire families. Li C, Nong Q, Guan B, He H, Zhang Z (2021). Zhang C, Wu LL, Yang N, Lan CL, Deng SL (2014). The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s40520-021-02049-w. Worldwide, the population aged over 65 is increasing at a faster pace than all other age groups [1]. The inter-relation of determinants establishes the idea that healthy ageing cannot be segmented into isolated factors but is an inter-dependent measure. Giuliani C, Garagnani P, Franceschi C (2018). Sex- and age-dependent genetics of longevity in a heterogeneous mouse population. (2014). Hence, conducting in-depth investigations on telomeres and human longevity using the longevity resources of Bama combined with various methods to measure telomere length [96, 97] may provide strategies for the treatment of aging and aging-related diseases and the prognostication of advanced cancers. SIRT6 Is Responsible for More Efficient DNA Double-Strand Break Repair in Long-Lived Species. Hemp seeds grow naturally in the limestone rocky mountain area of Bama and the hemp plants are free of pesticides and fertilizers. Following that, full-text screening was conducted on all retrieved studies by two independent reviewers, with conflicts similarly resolved by discussion or a third reviewer (PKM). Association of FOXO3A variation with human longevity confirmed in German centenarians. Menichetti J, Cipresso P, Bussolin D, et al. An official website of the United States government. Lu et al., a review comparing methods used to assess healthy ageing, evaluated the common terms used in ageing studies (e.g. FOXO3A genotype is strongly associated with human longevity. TA and GK were involved in data curation, formal analysis, investigation, methodology, visualisation, and writingoriginal draft. Ethnobotany, phytochemistry and pharmacology of Uncaria (Rubiaceae). By contrast, the health impact of multiple foods and nutrients in a complete diet merits serious consideration. Tang X, Wei Y, Wang J, Chen S, Cai J, Tang J, et al. (age, sex, spouse), enabling (education level), and need (subjective health status) factors for health literacy. Often, studies investigating healthy ageing focus on the biological factors (e.g. These studies emphasised the need to maintain a good level of physical capability to enhance successful healthy ageing. The 64% and 76% levels would be: 64% level: 170 x 0.64 = 109 bpm, and. Bitter vegetables such as Sonchus oleraceus L. are widely distributed in Bama. 2022 May;11(5):2008-2013. doi: 10.4103/jfmpc.jfmpc_1824_21. Additionally, going forward we suggest using the terms determinants rather than factors as it encompasses the direct effect that the determinants have on healthy ageing. There is a clear seasonal imbalance in the daily real illumination hours in Bama County. Would you like email updates of new search results? Traditional usages, botany, phytochemistry, pharmacology and toxicology of Polygonum multiflorum Thunb. government site. found that participants reported that as you age it becomes more difficult to look forward to the future and immersing oneself in faith gave their life a higher sense of purpose [18]. An association study of FOXO3 variant and longevity. Maternal intake of methyl-group donors affects DNA methylation of metabolic genes in infants. 1Department of Human Anatomy, Institute of Neuroscience and Guangxi Key Laboratory of Brain Science, Guangxi Health Commission Key Laboratory of Basic Research on Brain Function and Disease, School of Basic Medical Sciences, Guangxi Medical University, Nanning, Guangxi, China. This article is made available via the PMC Open Access Subset for unrestricted research re-use and secondary analysis in any form or by any means with acknowledgement of the original source. (2010). Magnesium ion influx reduces neuroinflammation in Abeta precursor protein/Presenilin 1 transgenic mice by suppressing the expression of interleukin-1beta, Dietary Magnesium Intake and Hyperuricemia among US Adults, Dietary magnesium supplementation improves lifespan in a mouse model of progeria, The Essential Element Manganese, Oxidative Stress, and Metabolic Diseases: Links and Interactions. The determinant of outlook/attitude, found in seven studies, ties into self-awareness [1521]. Distribution patterns of the centenarians in Bama, China. Factors influencing healthy aging with multiple sclerosis: a qualitative study. Huang XF, Zhou Q, H., Wang JH, Lin CW, Huang CS, Wei RY (2013). and transmitted securely. Zhang QH, Yin RX, Gao H, Huang F, Wu JZ, Pan SL, et al. Qiu L, Yin RX, Khounphinith E, Zhang FH, Yang DZ, Pan SL (2018). This makes our proposed determinants more widely applicable to groups that do not have access to clinical diagnostic measures (e.g. Every person - in every country in the world - should have the opportunity to live a long and healthy life. The Nicoya region of Costa Rica: a high longevity island for elderly males. (2011). Change in Leukocyte Telomere Length Predicts Mortality in Patients with Stable Coronary Heart Disease from the Heart and Soul Study. 2020 Oct 1;17(19):7196. doi: 10.3390/ijerph17197196. Demographics show that there are approximately 56 persons over 90 years of age per 10,000 in the ten towns of the county situated in the limestone rocky mountain belt (Fig. Ejima K, Li P, Smith DL Jr, Nagy TR, Kadish I, van Groen T, et al. Thus, it's hard to discuss the direct relationship between school education and longevity in Bama. Maciag D, Dobrowolska E, Sharafan M, Ekiert H, Tomczyk M, Szopa A (2021). The natural environment of Bama has high biodiversity and abundant plant resources with potential medicinal value. An updated role of astragaloside IV in heart failure. Essential trace elements work synergistically in the human body and their levels were in proper balance in the long-lived population. Although some factors influencing healthy aging are genetic, most are a result of peoples environments. People everywhere are living longer lives. The water and soil of Bama abound in trace elements [130], the geomagnetic field has an appropriate "power window" [131], and the sunshine duration is appropriate [132]. All the authors contributed to writingreview and editing. FOIA Left panel, proportion of the centenarians by ethnic group; right panel, data analysis of the normalized longevity index for centenarians. Such SNPs were identified by analyzing blood samples drawn from people in Bama at the core of the Hongshui River Basin [23, 24]. Using some candidate longevity genes screened from Bama longevity population to explore these genes and the molecular mechanisms of aging can provide novel insights into aging interventions. A growing aging population is associated with increasing incidences of aging-related diseases and socioeconomic burdens. Genes associated with disease occurrence may also be epigenetically modified and implicated in the health promotion and longevity phenotypes [52]. The PubMed wordmark and PubMed logo are registered trademarks of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). When autocomplete results are available use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. Barres R, Yan J, Egan B, Treebak JT, Rasmussen M, Fritz T, et al. Do leukocyte telomere length dynamics depend on baseline telomere length? Five main haplotypes constructed from these SNPs were found in Bama population; two haplotypes of them, AG and TTTGTC, were found to be strongly linked to exceptional longevity phenomena of Bama [24]. Additionally, often, having a strong sense of faith aids an individual to find a greater sense of purpose. Future investigations are necessary to establish genetic resource samples, biological, and environmental specimen banks for the long-lived population cohort in Bama to provide standardized biological materials and data for longevity and aging-related research. Atzmon G, Cho M, Cawthon RM, Budagov T, Katz M, Yang X, et al. Liu B, He Y, Wang Y, Song H, Zhou ZH, Feigon J (2022). Coppe JP, Desprez PY, Krtolica A, Campisi J (2010). The number of people over 80 is expected to triple between now and 2050, reaching almost half a million. Wallack et al. Some 80-year-olds have levels of physical and mental capacity that compare favourably with 30-year-olds. The heterogeneous health latent classes of elderly people and their socio-demographic characteristics in Taiwan. The extent to which each determinant contributes to healthy ageing requires further evaluation. We proposed that the phenomenon of longevity in this region is of high value for future investigations in healthy aging and aging-related disease and may provide guidance for fostering the establishment and maintenance of a healthy aging society. (2018). 1. (A) Spatial distribution of the centenarians in Bama. Heitzman ME, Neto CC, Winiarz E, Vaisberg AJ, Hammond GB (2005). What is functional ability and how does it relate to healthy ageing? Moreover, the studies included were cross sectional in nature, and therefore did not allow for investigation of causality between determinants and reports of healthy ageing. Being able to live in environments that support and maintain ones intrinsic capacity and functional ability is key to healthy ageing. Ruiz-Narvaez EA, Baylin A, Azofeifa J, Leal A, Rosero-Bixby L (2021). Acute exercise remodels promoter methylation in human skeletal muscle. Environments are highly influential on our behaviour, our exposure to health risks (for example, air pollution or violence), our access to quality health and social care and the opportunities that ageing brings. : ethnopharmacology, phytochemistry and pharmacology of an important traditional Chinese medicine. Thus, further research requires more strict screening population mechanism [35]. Meanwhile, the minor allelic frequencies (MAFs) of rs2764264, rs9400239, rs13217795, rs2802288, and rs2802292 SNPs of exceptional longevity group were significantly higher than that of control group, showing that these five SNPs are related to exceptional longevity phenomena in Bama (Fig. Dendrobium officinale Kimura et Migo: A Review on Its Ethnopharmacology, Phytochemistry, Pharmacology, and Industrialization. The low economic level is often accompanied by the lack of education [156]. The latter emphasizes the intake of vegetables, grains, and vegetable oil but only small quantities of meat. Robleda S, Pachana N. Quality of life in Australian adults aged 50 years and over: data using the schedule for the evaluation of individual quality of life (SEIQOL-DW). Ageing as a concept has been vastly explored, a particularly important aspect being how to define what it means to age well. Covidence (online). These factors were able to explain 51.9%. Geriatr . (2019). (2017). In turn, populations of older people are growing compared to younger people as fertility rates fall. (2021). Relationship between unmet needs for assistance and healthy aging among disabled older adults in China. The following exclusion criteria were applied: (1) Retrospective studies, (2) Studies that did not report a framework of healthy ageing, and (3) Studies with a focus on clinical diagnostic measures (e.g. Others like exercise, a healthy diet, going to the doctor regularly, and taking care of our mental health are within our reach. Yet, the environments in which we live can favour health or be harmful to it. The Alzheimer's Disease Amyloid-Beta Hypothesis in Cardiovascular Aging and Disease: JACC Focus Seminar, Find drugs that delay many diseases of old age, How the ageing microenvironment influences tumour progression. Careers, Unable to load your collection due to an error. Yet, the environments in which we live can favour health or be harmful to it. Thus, a total of 152 studies were retrieved in full and screened against the inclusion and exclusion criteria by two reviewers independently (GK, TA) to determine their eligibility; 143 studies were excluded, as they did not report a framework for healthy ageing. 3Collaborative Innovation Centre of Regenerative Medicine and Medical BioResource Development and Application Co-constructed by the Province and Ministry, Guangxi Key Laboratory of Regenerative Medicine, Nanning, Guangxi, China. Background Access to healthcare and service utilization are both considered essential factors for improving the general health and wellbeing of older people, especially at the time of COVID-19 pandemic. Ahamed F, Rehman T, Krishnamoorthy Y, Kaur A, Debnath A, Ghosh T. J Family Med Prim Care. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)). Tian X, Firsanov D, Zhang Z, Cheng Y, Luo L, Tombline G, et al. Of note, the population density of centenarians per 100,000 people in Bama was twice as high as it was in Shanghai according to 2020 census data, despite the socioeconomic level of Bama is far lower and its medical resources is fewer than that of Shanghai. There was a contrast in terms of physical activity depending on the targeted group of participants, e.g. (2010). Positive association of familial longevity with the moderate-high HDL-C concentration in Bama Aging Study. Christensen K, Johnson TE, Vaupel JW (2006). This pattern is roughly consistent with the spatial distribution of the long-lived population in Bama [131]. (2006). the contents by NLM or the National Institutes of Health. 1. Dietary Habits, Anthropometric Features and Daily Performance in Two Independent Long-Lived Populations from Nicoya peninsula (Costa Rica) and Ogliastra (Sardinia). Data were drawn from five waves (carried out in 1993, 1996, 1999, 2003 and 2007) of the Taiwan Longitudinal Study on Aging to examine the changes in health heterogeneity in a nationally representative oldest-old cohort of Taiwanese. To be eligible for this systematic review, studies were required to meet the following criteria: (1) Studies published in English, (2) Articles published between January 2010 and November 2020 (to capture contemporary evidence), and (3) Studies that were conducted in humans. Hence, the effects of a mixed diet rather than single food items or nutrients on health and longevity should be investigated. Basso J, Suzuki W. The effects of acute exercise on mood, cognition, neurophysiology, and neurochemical pathways: a review. Thus, it was more appropriate to categorise it into an overlapping determinant included across all three domains. 8600 Rockville Pike This finding was consistent with the observation in European longevity regions [31, 32]. Every person in every country in the world should have the opportunity to live a long and healthy life. Fu J, Zhang Y, Hu Y, Zhao G, Tang Y, Zou L (2020). The site is secure. the contents by NLM or the National Institutes of Health. Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. Description of Lifestyle, Including Social Life, Diet and Physical Activity, of People >/=90 years Living in Ikaria, a Longevity Blue Zone. The Mitochondrial Acylome Emerges: Proteomics, Regulation by Sirtuins, and Metabolic and Disease Implications. Gao R, Li D, Xun J, Zhou W, Li J, Wang J, et al. Additionally, Robleda et al. Genetic variants linked to education predict longevity, The cultural interpretation of Bama longevity phenomenon. Being informed and intentional about diet, activity, sleep, or smoking can reduce your health risks and potentially add years to your life. Heritability of cardiovascular and personality traits in 6,148 Sardinians. Effects of soil trace elements on longevity population in China. As a neighboring county with resembling GDP to that of Bama, Nandan County has a centenarian population density of 8/100,000, which is much lower than Bama, 43/100,000. Approach F-1: Identify and understand environmental, social, cultural, behavioral, and biological factors that create and sustain health disparities among older adults. Akebia quinata and Akebia trifoliata - a review of phytochemical composition, ethnopharmacological approaches and biological studies. (2021). The latter may be a protective factor in the elderly population of Bama. A grounded theory of successful aging among select incarcerated older Filipino women. The factors influencing healthy aging are different for us all. Healthy ageing appears to be the result of all these determinants being optimised. (2022). Joubert BR, Felix JF, Yousefi P, Bakulski KM, Just AC, Breton C, et al. (2018). Xu J, Liu K, Chen T, Zhan T, Ouyang Z, Wang Y, et al. The sex with the reduced sex chromosome dies earlier: a comparison across the tree of life, Sex differences in telomeres and lifespan, Ni XL, Zhang L, Wang ZP, Su HB, Pang GF, Lyu Y, et al. As medical technology advances, most of the elderly choose to live longer in sound health. The sirtuin SIRT6 regulates lifespan in male mice. The Mediterranean diet consists of olive oil, vegetables, fruits, beans, nuts, seeds, fish, and seafood [98]. 2) [23]. The WHOs definition also highlights the three main domains of health: physical, mental, and social well-being [8]. This article looks at six lifestyle factors that are backed by the best evidence when it comes to your health over the long run. 3). However, Mn ore mining and processing might cause manganese pollution in the air and water, and factory workers and people living adjacent to the mines and smelters may be exposed to excessively high Mn levels. Due to the lack of a chronic disease, when independence was mentioned in these studies, it was not solely focused on the individuals physical independence. Network pharmacology and experimental investigation of Rhizoma polygonati extract targeted kinase with herbzyme activity for potent drug delivery. The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the Moreover, future studies should have an agreed terminology on how to better define determinants, which will be crucial for cross-cultural comparisons. Duran EK, Aday AW, Cook NR, Buring JE, Ridker PM, Pradhan AD (2020). The index is defined as the ratio of the proportion of long-lived persons the indicated group to the proportion of this group in the total population. Before Data analysis shows that Yao minority appears to have highest normalized longevity index of the centenarians among the different ethnic groups, implying a positive link between the genetic background of Yao and longevity in Bama. An ethics statement was not required for this study type, no human or animal subjects or materials were used.

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